samoa agritourism policy setting workshop 2016: kelera cavuilati (spto) - regional perspective on...

Add your title. Add your Subtitle SOUTH PACIFIC TOURISM ORGANISATION SAMOA AGRITOURISM POLICY SETTING FRAMEWORK 13-16 DECEMBER, APIA, SAMOA PANEL 1: POLICY FORUM Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agri-tourism development and investment.

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PANEL 1: POLICY FORUMRegional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to

support Agri-tourism development and investment.

Page 2: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment


• Food and beverages 2nd highest category of expenditure by visitors to PICs, following accommodation

• TV broadcasting of cooking shows key in awareness and appreciation of ‘cuisine experiences’

• Globally, food tourism is a growing market segment; prompts focus on locally sourced produce

• Growing appreciation for high-quality food with unique local ingredients and flavours

• Integration of authentic local cuisine into tour packages attracts tourists with a higher daily expenditure rate

Page 3: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment

• Pacific tourism needs to maintain a higher competitive performance against other regions

• Agri-business is a potential ‘niche’ product and ‘money maker’ for the tourism industry

• Crucial for all players in the value chain to realise the importance of building sustainable farm-to-table relationships

• Pacific destinations need to have the confidence and pride themselves on selling/serving quality, local food to the Tourist

• Complimenting ‘sand, sea, and sun’ with ‘high quality locally grown food/local cuisine’

• Capacity building of Owners and Chefs in the region to become innovative and to use local produce and seafood in their cuisine to promote culture

• Quality standards related to food & beverage needs to be developed for the Pacific before branding the region as a Quality Food Destination!


Page 4: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment

KEY REGIONAL POLICY GOALS• To ensure that the Pacific region becomes recognised for its authentic and high-quality

local foods

On the national level:

necessary to consider the ‘food experience’ in marketing campaigns/branding strategies

focus on higher-value tourism

positioned to better differentiate tourism products in an increasingly competitive environment

• To build greater awareness of/demand for PI ingredients through regional tourism marketing and branding

On the national level:

creates an awareness and appreciation of local food/cuisine

develops a robust food and hospitality sector, and a distinct local offering

develop a strategy that will guarantee sustainable growth in visitor numbers

Page 5: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment


• To develop a regional tourism branding for local ingredients/products/cuisine (accreditation)

On the national level:

strengthens collaboration between NTOs, hotels, restaurants, chef associations, etc

identifies national strategies to promote the benefits of expanding the Pacific region’s cuisine

increases value of distinctive local cuisine as a selling point; additional income-generation for farmers

• To coordinate change through strategic alliances and partnerships

helps strengthen cooperation and exploit synergies (branding and marketing)

input and advice of regional/int’l technical agencies (e.g. CTA, IFAD, FAO, PIPSO) critical

necessary to further develop and promote key tourism niches (e.g. food tourism, eco-tourism, agri-tourism, etc)

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• Provide guidelines, establishes a framework and a sustainable way forward on a national scale to develop linkages between the 2 sectors

• Ensure and strengthen commitment from key players in both sectors (agriculture and tourism) to collaborate

• Require improved coordination of supply to the tourism sector, improved market intelligence and better farm production planning

• Integrate smallholders into the tourism value chain; improved supply and demand

Regional framework will be realistic; takes into consideration national realities, levels of development, priorities and development strategies, etc.

Page 7: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment

• Set up of Culinary Associations in the SPTO member countries and a Regional Culinary Association

• Institutional strengthening and capacity building of the above Culinary Associations

• SPTO to work closely with NTOs and Culinary Associations in conducting trainingactivities based on the different levels of chef’s needs in the region:

• Expat Chefs working in the Pacific- changing their mindset not to depend on imports and use more local resources

• Established Chefs- seeking overseas attachments and letting them attend overseas culinary events to gain international exposure & experience

• Culinary Association Chefs • Chefs who represent MSMEs and do not to belong to Culinary Associations.

These MSMEs need basic cooking skills


Page 8: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment

• Each country to develop and market their Unique Selling Proposition in terms of food cuisine

• Working closely with the media to increase awareness of Pacific Cuisine in the overseas markets and by staging regional food festivals, local cuisine culinary associations etc .

• Develop Pacific Quality Standards that can be adopted by PIC for the entire agri-tourism value food chain.

• Build regional and international collaboration with other agri-tourism & seafood partners to share information, network and complement PIC’s agri tourism & seafood activities

• Develop strong links and networks with the farmers and seafood suppliers to consistently supply quality produce and seafood

• SPTO, NTOs and Culinary Associations to work together to be committed not to use imports but develop as well as promote the region as a quality food destination brand

• Delicious Pacific Brand- The Pacific as a Quality Food Destination


Page 9: Samoa Agritourism Policy Setting Workshop 2016: Kelera Cavuilati (SPTO) -  Regional perspective on opportunities/ experiences to support Agritourism development and investment

• Pacific Agri-tourism and Seafood Strategy- Ensuring there is a strong and sustainable link between Agriculture – Tourism- Seafood sectors

• Pacific Chefs Development Strategy- Chefs in the region to become innovative and use local produce and seafood in their cuisine to promote culture

• Pacific Quality standards related to food & beverage needs to be developed for the Pacific before branding the region as a Quality Food Destination

• Delicious Pacific Brand - Branding the Pacific as a Quality Food Destination


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