salivary glands

Salivary Glands Department of Oral Biology Faculty of oral and dental medicine

Upload: muhammad-awadine

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Salivary Glands

Department of Oral BiologyFaculty of oral and dental medicine

Definition of a gland

an organ in the human that secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings.

Classification and structure of human salivary glands

According to location

According to the size

According to the nature of the secretion



Macro Anatomy of S.Gland

Myo-epithelial Cell

Micro – Anatomy

Lobes & Lobules

Serous Acini

Serous Cell

Mucous Acini

Mucous Cell

Serous Acini

Mucous end pieces with serous (Demilunes)

Mucous end pieces with serous (Demilunes)

Myo-epithelial Cell

Myo-epithelial Cell

Minor salivary glandslabial glands

Palatine glands

They are pure mucous glands consisting of glandular aggregates in the uvula. Their number is (250-100) respectively.

The openings of the ducts on the palatal mucosa are often large and easily recognizable.

Human minor salivary gland composed entirely

of mucous

Lingual glands