sales insider retail excellence edition

Opportunity for Innovation Insider The Si Retail Excellence Edition

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Page 1: Sales insider retail excellence edition

Opportunity for Innovation Insider The


Retail Excellence Edition

Page 2: Sales insider retail excellence edition

Sales SM


Page 3: Sales insider retail excellence edition

Sales Basics

C1 Sales is offering to exchange an item of value for a different item

Your customers will have different Needs and Wants

However customers have common expectations for your treatment They always expect a level of service that they think is appropriate for their value

&their type of purchase and they always need to feel WELCOME

The original item of value being offered may be either tangible or intangible, the second item is usually money

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Sales Basics

C1 The Effective Communicator

Sales is all about talking to people and getting them

to understand what you are trying to communicate!

Communication is the ability to speak clearly and in a manner that is easy to understand

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Sales Basics

C1 Ability to Listen

Because in doing so they would fail to hear a key element in identifying

what that

Customer's Needs

might be!

Along with speaking, a great salesperson knows when to stop talking and listen

They never cut someone off while they are talking

Listen to them to figure

out what they really want

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Sales Basics

C1 Asks Great Questions

They need to ask questions that will

lead them to the answer

Salespeople are naturally know what the real need or desire is in the buyer

They Naturally Ask A great Questions Because they have a desire to help solve

their problem

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Sales Basics

C1 Problem Solver

Great salespeople are always

solving problems

The ability for solving the customers problems

offering suggestions that will effectively solve the

problem with respect to what products or services you sell

The ability to search on what the buyer's problem is?

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Sales Basics

C1 Well Organized

Sales people have a keen ability to break things down into smaller steps and organize a plan of action

They know how to analyze what their goal is

Sales people have a keen ability to break things down

In what order the steps need

to be in order to reach that


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Sales Basics

C1 Positive Self Image Always think Green

Having the attitude that they can

do just about anything that they

put their mind to is usually very

common among sales people

Having the attitude that they can do just about anything that they put their mind to is usually very common among sales people

“ They rarely allow negatives that are either

spoken to them or about them to effect

what they are trying to accomplish “

They know who they are and

what they are capable of doing

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Sales Basics

C1 Naturally Persuasive& Person of Integrity

Another very common skill with great salespeople is that they are very persuasive or know how to get what they want

They focus on what they want and they are persistent to keep chipping away until they get what they want

They almost never give up or give in

Also a salesperson without

Integrity will have many

struggles which will often include

hopping from job to job

Honesty in sales is so important and it

is almost impossible for this skill to be taught

They almost never Give up or Give in

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call

It's always good to have a plan for your sales visits You can use a checklist before and after each sales call to make sure you cover all the bases

It's always good to have a plan for your sales

Using your Sales checklist may help you to avoid that!

Leaving a sales call and wishing you had remembered to ask a specific question or show the prospect another product idea is a horrible feeling

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call

You can edit your Sales list based on the type of your sales cycle you're involved in

It's always good to have a plan for your sales

Sales Call Checklist

Preparation Before Your Sales Call

CL Step#1

Research the account before starting your call Learn something about your customers and their business Prepare all materials, brochures, contracts, etc..

Answer the three important pre-call questions:

A. What is the target of the call? B. What do I need to find out during the call? C. What's the next step after the call?

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call It's always good to have

a plan for your sales

Most salespeople already think that they are good at this..

But.. Let me ask you a question?

When you last lost a sale, How was your rapport

with the key person who decided against you?

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call It's always good to have

a plan for your sales

You can't afford to look away and ignore people that you don't have

natural rapport with

The Good News is that people like people like

themselves; all you have to do to gain rapport is stretch your

behavior outside or your comfort zone until you

become like another person

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call What is The objection?

Listen to the entire objection, pause for three seconds before responding, remain calm and not defensive, then Meet the objection with a question in order to find out more

Complete the six-step process?

Listen Define

Rephrase Separate

Present Solution Close or Next Step

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call Your Sales Presentation

As a Salesperson you need to prepare your sales presentation every time

Talk about your Product Benefits

Verify Each Need Before Moving On

Prioritize The Prospect's Needs

Link the Benefit to the Prospect's Needs

Present yourself, company& product in a positive light

Re-establish Rapport Keep the presentation focused

on the customer’s needs

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call Have More Fun

Sales is fun when you are in control If you take the control then you can close more deals

Take the pressure off yourself to close and instead focus on qualifying and motivating your prospects

Selling is miserable when you are under pressure to close business

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call Make The Call

Learn who, how, what, when, and where decisions are made from the primary source

This Call is about Two Things

-Our Customers-

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Sales Basics

Your Way to A Successful Sales Call The Closing

Again before you close your call you need to ask yourself some questions!

Get the customer to identify all possible problems that might be solved by my product or service?

Get the customer to identify the value of solving the identified problems?

Get agreement

that the proposed

solution provides

the values


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Sales Excellence

Use a pleasant greeting with a SMILE Be actively engaged in the conversation

Maintain a positive and upbeat tone of voice Use the customers title and Introduce yourself

Ask if there is anything else you can help them with

Appreciate the customer’s problem

How to implement the Sales Excellence in your Store?

Thank the customer for his VISIT

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Sales Excellence

Why Some Sales Don’t Happen

Here are a few avoidable mistakes that

should help you close more deals!

There will be times when you have done everything right and didn’t get the Sale

Failing to identify an objection

Getting there too late Giving the client too many choices

Not getting to the real

decision maker

Not listening carefully enough

Making a tactical or technical mistake

Failing to meet your commitments

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Sales Excellence

Principles for Negotiation

Individuals working in the business environment often use persuasion and negotiating skills to

advance their company's operations and achieve business goals or objectives

Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills of Persuasion

The most important person to know in

a negotiation is YOURSELF

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Sales Excellence

Principles for Negotiation Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills of Persuasion

The More Time you give yourself

The More Information you can gather

about their true needs

Your first offer should never be your final offer

Because everyone has the power to negotiate, So..

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Sales Excellence

The Five Types of Customers Who are our best customers?

In the Retail Industry it seems as though we are constantly trying to find a new Customers

Most of us are obsessed with making sure our advertising, displays, and pricing to attract new Customers

This focus on pursuing new customers is necessary

But.. At the same time it can wind up hurting us, therefore

our focus really should be on the 20% percent of our customers who currently are our best customers

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Sales Excellence

The Five Types of Customers Who are our best customers?

In the Retail Industry it seems as though we are constantly trying to find a new Customers

Most of us are obsessed with making sure our advertising, displays, and pricing to attract new Customers

Loyal Customers They represent no more than

20 percent of our customer base,

but make up more than 50 percent of our sales

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Sales Excellence

The Five Types of Customers Who are our best customers?

They shop our stores frequently, but make their decisions based on the size of our


Discount Customers

They do not have buying a particular item at the top of their “To Do” list, but come

into the store on a while, they will purchase what seems

good at the time

Payments Customers

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Sales Excellence

The Five Types of Customers Who are our best customers?

They have no specific need or desire in mind when they come into

the store

Need-Based Customers They have a specific intention to buy a

particular type of item

Wandering Customers

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Sales Excellence

Customer Handling Techniques The Complaint Is a Gift

Customer Complaints are Inevitable If you run a business that sells to the public no matter how great your

goods or services are the old adage will eventually be proven true

You cannot please 100% of the people 100% of the time

When one of your customers complains, handle it by giving their complaints your full attention so that you can resolve the issue

There is an adage in our Retail called: Because..

The Complaint is a

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Sales Excellence

Customer Handling Techniques The Complaint Is a Gift

How We Can Handle Our Customers?

Listen to determine whether

any of your policies were not applied or if this is

something outside or not contemplated by your SYSTEM?

Whenever you set out to handle a customer complaint

the first thing that you must do is to Listen

Listen to the customer

to figure out why

they are upset?

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Sales Excellence

Customer Handling Techniques The Complaint Is a Gift

How We Can Handle Our Customers?

Until you view the issue from their perspective you cannot

have a complete picture of the reason for the complaint

Put yourself in the shoes of the customer Next Given what you now know try and see their point of view

Why did they come to you?

So always think! If I was in their shoes how would I feel?

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Sales Excellence

Customer Handling Techniques The Complaint Is a Gift

How We Can Handle Our Customers?

If the customer's request can be met, explain the time it takes to process or what it will entail to make it happen

Say what you can do, not what you can’t do

The Resolution could be in the form of a replacement,

refund, store credit or discount on price

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Sales Excellence

Customer Handling Techniques The Complaint Is a Gift

How We Can Handle Our Customers? Say what you can do, not what you can’t do

Insure the

Customer’s Complete


Call the customer to see that if the problem solved or still he have issues

When a date is given to the customer, make sure the date is

kept or the delay is explained by a follow-up call or email

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All the Success MoatazBellah Magdi