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Saint Mary’s College Employee Benefits Advisory Committee (EBAC) March 2017 Meeting # 1 March 1, 2017

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Page 1: Saint Mary’s College...EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017 EBAC Meeting Schedule – Fall 2016 8/30/2016 EBAC Meeting # 1 - initial plan results and renewal discussion, Town Hall planning,

Saint Mary’s College Employee Benefits Advisory Committee


March 2017 Meeting # 1

March 1, 2017

Page 2: Saint Mary’s College...EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017 EBAC Meeting Schedule – Fall 2016 8/30/2016 EBAC Meeting # 1 - initial plan results and renewal discussion, Town Hall planning,

EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Agenda –

1. Introductions and Welcome

2. Legislative/Political Report

3. Review Decisions/Carrier Feedback/Enrollment Trends

4. Tuition Exchange Program update

5. Wellbeing @SMC Update

6. Tentative 2017 Calendar Discussion


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Introductions, Welcome and a few announcements


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Legislative and Political Report - Disclaimer About GSI Benefits: We strive to be apolitical, our focus is on

providing the college with the analysis to understand and implement what applies to your organization. So much of the ACA did not pertain, or only marginally applied to employers here in California. While it can be interesting to focus on the macro implications of Federal level policies, our partners are interested in what change means to their specific situation.

We are not lawyers, nor do we offer legal advice. We do, however,

seek to provide guidance and input into compliance and process implementation.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

“Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated,”

…Trump told a group of Republican governors after meeting with them and insurers — two groups whose cooperation could make or break the attempt to overturn the law some call Obamacare.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Legislative and Political Report –

Trumps appointee of HHS (Rep. Tom Price R, GA) has a 242 page ACA replacement bill that has been passed by the house numerous times

The new head of CMS (Seema Verma) was the architect of Indiana’s (Gov. Pence) Medicaid expansion, incorporating copays and HSA’s.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

An excerpt from President Trumps speech to a joint session of congress FEB 28, 2017:

• Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans:

• First, we should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges.

• Secondly, we should help Americans purchase their own coverage, through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts --- but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by the Government.

• Thirdly, we should give our great State Governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to make sure no one is left out.

• Fourthly, we should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the price of insurance -- and work to bring down the artificially high price of drugs and bring them down immediately.

• Finally, the time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across State lines --- creating a truly competitive national marketplace that will bring cost way down and provide far better care


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Legislative and Political Report –

Major items of the ACA likely to disappear:

Individual Mandate / Tax penalty – and with it many of the reporting requirements and headaches

Minimum Plan requirements

‘Cadillac Tax’ repeal

How will the other stakeholders (carriers, hospitals, providers) react ? Stay tuned…


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Legislative and Political Report –

Other Prospective Changes of interest:

Enhancing HSA options

Block Granting Medicaid

Decreased subsidies in exchanges

Privatizing Medicare

Healthcare reform will remain a key issue going forward, but is one of many priorities on the Trump agenda

Health INSURANCE is regulated at the state level, and California will certainly resist as much rollback of the ACA as they can.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

The Healthy California Act, Senate Bill 562,

co-authored by Sen. Toni Atkins, D-San Diego and Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, was submitted just before the deadline for new legislation. It doesn’t yet offer many specifics other than the lawmakers’ intent: to create a so-called single-payer system that would pay for coverage for everyone.

NOTE: A similar measure was voted NO in Colorado last your, and was abandoned due to cost in Vermont in 2014.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

EBAC Meeting Schedule – Fall 2016

8/30/2016 EBAC Meeting # 1 - initial plan results and renewal discussion, Town Hall planning, marketing

strategy, communications plan

9/13/2016 EBAC #2 - make market, carrier & plan design decisions, show how plan designs have evolved

over the past 10 years

9/21/2016 Community TOWN HALL

9/27/2016 EBAC #3 - carrier and plan decisions made, discuss financials and contribution scenarios

10/6/2016 EBAC #4 - finalize contributions/financials

11/2/2016 Benefits Festival - Theme: Chinese New Year

12/13/2016 EBAC #5 – It’s a brave new world…


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Review Decisions and Open Enrollment Results

Carriers and Plans: Retained Kaiser, terminated UHC. Added Health Net, Delta Dental, VSP

Contributions: Scenario TWO D – Modified 90/70 ; no change in DEN/VIS – Target 3%... Further modified by management to soften the change, net result is a projected cost increase to the college of 3.3%.

Based on actual enrollment results the cost change to the college is 3.1%.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Carrier Feedback:

Initial feedback regarding Health Net has been positive regarding their service level and responsiveness.

Positive feedback on RX process ALL former UHC providers were in Health Net


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Hearing Aide Benefit: An un-anticipated benefit discrepancy between UHC and Health

Net was identified, the UHC plan had a benefit for hearing aides that is not available from Health Net.

Actual number of impacted participants appears low (~3)

Alternative solutions would require costly manual workarounds Decision was made not to make an accommodation at this time.


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017



TOTAL GROUP 2016 2017 Number Percent

Kaiser EE only 214 207 -7 -3.3%

Kaiser EE + Spouse 65 64 -1 -1.5%

Kasier EE + Child(ren) 33 35 2 6.1%

Kaiser EE + Family 96 96 0 0.0%

Kaiser EE + Domestic Partner 3 3 0 0.0%

TOTAL 411 405 -6 -1.5%

UHC Health Net

HMO EE Only 94 90 -4 -4.3%

HMO EE + Spouse 23 23 0 0.0%

HMO EE + Child(ren) 20 17 -3 -15.0%

HMO EE + Family 37 34 -3 -8.1%

TOTAL 174 164 -10 -5.7%

UHC Health Net

PPO EE Only 27 34 7 25.9%

PPO EE + Spouse 3 5 2 66.7%

PPO EE + Child(ren) 3 4 1 33.3%

PPO EE + Family 10 8 -2 -20.0%

TOTAL 43 51 8 18.6%

Grand TOTAL 628 620 -8 -1.3%

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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017



BASED ON 2017 (FEB Census)

Male/Female Average Age % > 50 % w/ DEPS Ave. years of Service

Faculty 239 46% / 54% 52.3 55% 49% 16

Staff 381 41% / 59% 46.6 45% 45% 9.6

Combined 620 43% / 57% 48.8 49% 47% 12.1

Faculty 145 47% / 53% 50.1 43% 53% 14.4

Staff 260 43% / 57% 45.7 42% 47% 9.4

Combined 405 46% / 54% 48.3 43% 49% 11.4

Faculty 94 45% / 55% 55.6 64% 43% 18.5

Staff 121 36% / 64% 48.7 54% 42% 10.2

Combined 215 40% / 60% 51.7 60% 42% 13.8

KAISER Enrolled Population

Health Net Enrolled Population


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Tuition Exchange Update – Internal Applications

Year Faculty Staff Total

2017 - 2018 5 6 11

2016 - 2017 10 10 20

2015 - 2016 6 6 12

2014 - 2015 8 5 12

2013 - 2014 3 8 11

2012 - 2013 8 5 13

2011 - 2012 5 4 9

2010 - 2011 6 8 14

2009 - 2010 6 8 14

2008 - 2009 7 7 14 17

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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Tuition Exchange Update

New Applicant Summary Academic Year 2017-2018

Exports SMC Imports

Applicants 11 44

Awarded 4 TBD Mid March

Accepted TBD TBD May 1st

Schools (# of semesters

remaining/annual tuition)



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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Tuition Exchange Update

Current Awards Academic Year 2016-2017

Exports SMC Imports

Current 6 3

Schools (# of semesters



University of Pacific (1/$38K)

University of Seattle (5/unknown)

Concordia University - CA (5/$32K)

Stevens Institute of Tech (7/$24K)

Becknell University, PA (1/$36K)

USC (7/$41K)

University of San Francisco

Westminster College – UT

Concordia University – Portland, OR


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017


>Wellness Event at the JARC in conjunction with the Campus Recreation, promoting both Wellness and the JARC

> Forming a Wellness working group to plan and coordinate future activities


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

EBAC Meeting Schedule – 2017 Plan Year (tentative)

3/1/2017 EBAC Meeting

Late April EBAC Meeting – Topics TBD

May/June EBAC Meeting – Topics TBD

Mid August Initial renewals due in from carriers

Late August EBAC Meeting - Initial Renewal Discussion

September EBAC Meeting – Renewal Review / Budget / Contributions

(May be 2 meetings as appropriate)

Early October EBAC Meeting – Finalize Renewals and Contributions


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

EBAC Meeting Schedule – 2017 Plan Year (tentative)

10/16 to 11/3 Open Enrollment Perion

10/18 Benefits Festival

Late NOV EBAC Meeting (as necessary)

12/1 Push data to carriers for the new year

12/22 Estimated delivery date of ID Cards

January 1 New plan year starts


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EBAC Meeting # 1 – March 2017

Additional Items and Next Steps – What topics and ideas should the EBAC be

considering in 2017 ?

>EdD Proposal >Tuition Exchange update >Childcare on Campus > Leveraging technology