saint john vianney catholic church

Mass Schedule Monday–Saturday: 8:30am Sat: Vigil 5:00pm Sun: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9am & 11am Masses For Elementary age children, younger children are welcome when accompanied by a parent Holy days 8:30 am, Noon, 7:00pm Reconciliation : Saturdays 4– 4:30 pm 1650 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 939-7911 ~ Fax (925) 939-0450 WELCOME Saint John Vianney Parish is a community of faith, hope and love. We strive to foster our spiritual growth and share the gifts God has given to us all. You are invited to join Saint John Vianney Parish, registration forms are in the back of the church, on our website or stop by the Parish Office. For your convenience you may drop off a completed form in the collection baskets in church. You are invited to share your gifts with our St. John Vianney community. Is God calling you to become a part of this important work of the people of God? Dear Sisters and Brothers, We celebrate today the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi. The Vatican Council documents teach us that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life”. And rightly so. For while all the sacraments make available the grace of God, the Eucharist makes available Christ Himself (St. Thomas Aquinas). While the weekend experience centered around the Eucharist has been focal point of our worship and liturgical celebrations, at least four Eucharistic devotions have gained prominence in our Parish Community just like in the universal Church. They are the following: Devotional visits to the Eucharist reserved in the tabernacle Eucharistic Processions . Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament also known as Adoration Benediction in which a solemn blessing with the Eucharistic Bread is imparted to the faithful. For a couple of years, we here at St. John Vianney have had the Eucharistic Adoration every 1st Saturday in the chapel in the lower Mullen Commons from 9 am to 3.30pm. Several us have been very faithful to this devotional practice. May God bless them! Having gone through this tradition of Eucharistic Adoration in our Parish, the leaders of the Adoration Group have brought it to my attention that exposing the Blessed Sacrament immediately after the 8.30 am mass till noon of the same day would be more beneficial to our Parishioners. They also indicated to me their desire that this be held in the Church. Having thought over this for some time, their suggestion seems to me to be very practical and feasible too. Hence, I’m glad to announce that starting in July 2019, we’ll have the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturdays from 9am and conclude it with the Benediction at noon. The Adoration will be in Church itself. When there’s a funeral scheduled on Saturday (and it’s rarely done in our Parish), the adoration will be in the Chapel of the lower Mullen Commons. Continued on next page Pastor’s Corner Saint John Vianney Catholic Church To know and love Jesus and follow Christ in compassionate service. June 23, 2019, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

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Page 1: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

Mass Schedule Monday–Saturday: 8:30am

Sat: Vigil 5:00pm Sun: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm

Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9am & 11am Masses For Elementary age children, younger children are

welcome when accompanied by a parent

Holy days 8:30 am, Noon, 7:00pm Reconciliation : Saturdays 4– 4:30 pm

1650 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 939-7911 ~ Fax (925) 939-0450

WELCOME Saint John Vianney Parish is a community of faith, hope and love. We strive to foster our spiritual growth and share the gifts God has given to us all.

You are invited to join Saint John Vianney Parish, registration forms are in the back of the church, on our website or stop by the Parish Office. For your convenience you may drop off a completed form in the collection baskets in church.

You are invited to share your gifts with our St. John Vianney community. Is God calling you to become a part of this important work of the people of God?

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We celebrate today the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi. The Vatican Council documents teach us that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life”. And rightly so. For while all the sacraments make available the grace of God, the Eucharist makes available Christ Himself (St. Thomas Aquinas).

While the weekend experience centered around the Eucharist has been focal point of our worship and liturgical celebrations, at least four Eucharistic devotions have gained prominence in our Parish Community just like in the universal Church. They are the following:

Devotional visits to the Eucharist reserved in the tabernacle Eucharistic Processions . Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament also known as Adoration Benediction in which a solemn blessing with the Eucharistic Bread is imparted to the faithful.

For a couple of years, we here at St. John Vianney have had the Eucharistic Adoration every 1st Saturday in the chapel in the lower Mullen Commons from 9 am to 3.30pm. Several us have been very faithful to this devotional practice. May God bless them!

Having gone through this tradition of Eucharistic Adoration in our Parish, the leaders of the Adoration Group have brought it to my attention that exposing the Blessed Sacrament immediately after the 8.30 am mass till noon of the same day would be more beneficial to our Parishioners. They also indicated to me their desire that this be held in the Church. Having thought over this for some time, their suggestion seems to me to be very practical and feasible too.

Hence, I’m glad to announce that starting in July 2019, we’ll have the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturdays from 9am and conclude it with the Benediction at noon. The Adoration will be in Church itself. When there’s a funeral scheduled on Saturday (and it’s rarely done in our Parish), the adoration will be in the Chapel of the lower Mullen Commons. Continued on next page

Pastor’s Corner

Saint John Vianney Catholic Church To know and love Jesus

and follow Christ in compassionate service.

June 23, 2019, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Page 2: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

June 23, 2019 Page 2

Pray, Always pray.

Your prayers are needed. The Rosary is recited daily, Mon-Sat at 8am

in the Church before Mass.

Pray for the Sick

May those who are in need of our prayers, place their trust and faith in the comforting presence of the Lord.

Kathy Alden, Jim Altomare, Larry Balbierz, Kam Baloue, Jim Bargioni, Stan Barnickel, Jeff Barreuther, John Barry,

Rowan Burton, Dan Calloway, Jack & Kay Calloway, Priscilo Castro, Jack & Doris Cherian, Rosemary Click,

Robert Clark, Tom Clennon, CeCe Coulter, Barbara Quevedo Davis, Jennifer Dean, Anna DeLaRosa,

Anita & Bill Dennis, Joyce Fellows, Hugh & Rosemarie Ferguson, Tom Flaherty,

Theresa Flora, Diane Fowlar, Albert Frietzsche, Margaret Glueck, Asha Gorman, Tony Harfouche,

Bill Hendershot, George & Maureen Heuga, Marie Hill, Kevin Hillman, Mat Horrigan, Peg Hughes, Mary Inklis, Norm & Mark Jokerst, Jim Kiss, Candida Rosa Lezama,

Dorothy Lim, Ramon Llenado, Bob Mason, Judy McKenney, Lou Meylan, Emma Mendelssohn, Louise Muscat, Ray Nann, Ann Narloch, Betsy Noga,

Kevin O’Brien, Pete & Daisy Pedersen, Peter Michael Pedersen, Sofia Pella, Fernando Perez,

Roger Peters, Mike Pollard, John Quintanilla, Henry Reynoso, Wendy Rowan, Randy Rudd, Joanne Rupert, Patricia Scott, Helen Smith,

Janette Starke, Terry Tanner, Virginia Taylor, Linda Theuriet, Sharla Vohs, Emily West, Stephanie Ziesel

Pray for the Deceased Let us remember those from our parish family who have died

recently and returned to the Lord. We give thanks for their lives and offer comfort to their families.

Thomas Casebolt, Tammy Juenemann, Jim Muscat, Sophia Wagner

Parish Office & Staff Contact Information

Parish Office: Monday– Friday. 8:30am - 4:30pm Closed 12:00pm -1:00pm

Phone: (925) 939-7911 Fax: (925) 939-0450

Pastor: Rev. William Rosario (Ext. 105) [email protected]

Deacon: Herb Casey (Ext. 0) [email protected]

Pastoral Associate for Administration: Debbie Mellin (Ext. 103) [email protected]

Pastoral Associate for Parish Faith Formation: Liz Rogers (Ext. 125) [email protected]

Pastoral Associate for Family Based Faith Formation Shannon Rogers (Ext. 109) [email protected]

Director of Youth Ministry Marlene Lee (Ext. 108) [email protected]

Director of Sacred Music: Charlene Abellana (Ext. 107) [email protected]

Faith Formation Secretary Jennifer DiSalvo (Ext 124) [email protected]

Parish Secretary Maryanne Richards (Ext 0) [email protected]

Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Indira Pethebridge (Ext 120) [email protected]

[email protected] to reach: Debbie, Jennifer, Maryanne & Indira as a group

Grief Workshops You cannot grieve alone. Grief shared is grief diminished. Come and grieve in a safe environment where people truly understand. Grief Workshops are on the second and fourth Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Mullen Commons Vista. The next grief workshop is Tuesday June 25.

For more information call Eileen at (925) 939-8149.

All are welcome.

Continued from previous page You’re welcome to join your fellow parishioners and spent quiet time in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. Come as friends, couples and families; visit Christ, the great physician who heals your wounds and warms your hearts.

He’s available 24 X 7. No appointment needed.

With prayers, wishes and blessings,

Fr. William Rosario

Page 3: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

June 23, 2019 Page 3

Monday, June 24, 2019

8:00-8:25 am Rosary Group Church

9:30-11:30am Yoga Vista

1:00-2:00pm Contra Costa Interfaith Coalition Cmns Library

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

8:00-8:25am Rosary Group Church 9:30-10:30am Contemplative Prayer Rectory Parlor

1:00-3:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Cmns Rm. 3

6:00-10:00pm Compassionate Friends Cmns Library

7:30-9:30pm Grief Ministry Vista

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

8:00-8:25am Rosary Group Church 7:00-9:00pm Lectors of the Week Office

Thursday, June 27, 2019

8:00-8:25 am Rosary Group Church

Friday, June 28, 2019 8:00-8:25 am Rosary Group Church

11:30am-1:00pm AA FF Rms. ABC

Saturday, June 29, 2019

8:00-8:25 am Rosary Group Church

4:00-4:30pm Parish Reconciliation Church

4:15-4:55pm Cantor/Choir Rehearsal Church

Sunday June 30, 2019

9:00 & 11:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word Vista Annex

7:00-9:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Cmns Rm. 3

2:00-3:00pm Wedding Church

9:00-10:00am Environment Setup Church

10:15-10:55am Cantor/Choir Rehearsal Church

Mass Schedule

Mon. June 24, 2019 †Nativity of St. John the Baptist †Daily Mass: 8:30am Readings: Is 49:1-6 / Acts 13:22-26 / Lk 1:57-66,80 8:30am In Memory of Taryn Sievers

Tues. June 25, 2019 †Daily Mass: 8:30am Readings: Gn 13:2,5-18 / Mt 7:6,12-14 8:30am In Memory of Mary O. Flaherty & Winnie Campbell

Wed. June 26, 2019 †Daily Mass: 8:30am Readings Gn 15:1-12,17-18 / Mt 7:15-20 8:30: In Memory of Peter Corona

Thurs. June 27, 2019 †St. Cyril of Alexandria †Daily Mass 8:30am Readings: Gn 16:1-12,15-16 / Mt 7:21-29 8:30: In Memory of Dorothy & John Aiello

Fri. June 28, 2019 †The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus †Daily Mass 8:30am Readings: Ez 34:11-16 / Rom 5:5b-11 / Lk 15:3-7 8:30: In Memory of Celsa M. Santiago

Sat. June 29, 2019 †Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles †Daily Mass: 8:30am Readings: Acts 12:1-11 / 2 Tm 4:6-8,17-18 / Mt 16:13-19 8:30 In Memory of Elfrieda Malte

†Sunday Vigil Liturgy: 5:00 5:00 In Memory of Salvatore & Maria Isabella Durante I

Sun. June 30, 2019 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time †Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am and 5:00pm Readings: 1 Kgs 19:16b,19-21 / Gal 5:1,13-18 / Lk 9:51-62 7:30am In Memory of Austin Lemak 9:00am In Memory of Ramona Maclang & Rosa DeLa Fuente 11:00am In Memory of Jaime Yalung

Weekly Meeting Schedule

St. John Vianney Intentional Giving

In today’s Gospel, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd so they might individually seek food and lodging. The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand is Jesus’ powerful reminder that when we share our gifts in His name there is always more than enough.

Collection on June 15 & 16, 2019

Plate Collections including mailed checks $ 9,777.00 Online Donations $ 1,762.00 Total Collections $11,539.00 Weekly Goal $19,608.00 Shortfall $(8,069.00)

Year to date shortfall 2019 $( 8,971.82)

Bereavement Hospitality

B ereavement Hospitality is a very rewarding ministry not only for the people we serve, but for those who serve.

If you have any questions about preparing food or working during a reception and/or would like to join the Bereavement Hospitality Ministry please contact: Haleen Armijo at (925) 945-0637, Rhea Bennett (925) 943-1456 or John Dewes (925) 939-1988

Page 4: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

June 23, 2019 Page 4

San Damiano Upcoming Events

Children’s Summer Book Series Monday mornings July 1 to July 29. Children and adults, please join us for our Children’s Book Series every Monday in July from 10am to

12pm to read a book, share in an activity, do a craft and share a snack. This series is free.

Tai Chi Chih® Series, presented by Sr. Celeste Crine, OSF Thursday evenings 7:30 - 8:30pm, July 18 to August 29. Enjoy movement that helps you calm your mind and spirit.

Summer Jazz and Wine Reception Sunday July 21, 3:30-6pm. Enjoy an afternoon of New Orleans fare, wine and music featuring the CoolTones Big Band

Bluegrass Music followed by Pasta Dinner Sunday August 18, music beginning at 3:00pm followed by dinner at 4:30pm

The Retreat Center is located at 710 Highland Drive in Danville. The phone number for tickets or information is (925) 837-9141.

NorCal Steubenville Youth Conference

S teubenville coming to San Ramon July 26-28. The weekend is a great

way to introduce younger teens to the Gospel message while also offering the opportunity for deeper reflection and fellowship for older teens.

Please see our website for more information or contact Marlene Lee, Director of Youth Ministry [email protected]

You are never alone, because you are Mine

Safe Parking Program

Thank you to those who attended the Safe Parking Program Town Hall Meeting at St John Vianney on June 10th.

There are links on our website showing the powerpoint that was shared at the meeting, client member agreement and link to other Safe Parking Programs currently running in California. Additional information can be found on our website or you may also pick up copies at the Parish Office.

Want to help at Church, but not sure where to start?

Assist with our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) program during the 9am and 11am Masses

As a CLW catechist you will share the Good News with our youngest parishioners. During either the 9 or 11am Masses, you will be part of a team that takes the children over to Mullen Commons to read and unpack the Sunday Scriptures at a child’s level. All resources are provided, and you will be trained by a team of experts. It’s a great way to learn more about the Sunday gospel message and to share it with children. You may even discover that your own experience of Mass will be richer because of it. If interested, please contact Shannon Rogers in the Faith Formation Office, (925) 939-7911 x109

Marriage Encounter Weekend

An unforgettable “break” for your marriage!

Want something more lasting than a weekend vacation in Bahamas, Bermuda or the Mountains? Give your marriage the “best

vacation break” by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend.

The next Marriage Encounter Weekends include: Jun 28-30, 2019 in DANVILLE, CA and Sep 13-15, 2019 in Concord, CA.

For more information and/or to register for a Weekend, visit our website at: or contact Chuck & Annie at [email protected] or 925-849-5466.

Family Life Ministry

Book Club at Senior Social: Upcoming books for the remainder of 2019 are: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd for June; The Paris Wife by Paula McLain for July; The Blazing World by Siri Hustvedt for September; The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay for October and The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah for November.

Senior Social: The next Senior Social will be on July 19. More information will follow.

Page 5: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

June 23, 2019 Page 5

Page 6: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

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Page 8: Saint John Vianney Catholic Church

June 23, 2019 Page 6

Celebrate & Welcome

We joyfully welcome into our Church family those baptized this weekend, June 22 & 23

Carlos Oliver Arellano son of Kirsa & Taryn

Pilar Bongiovanni daughter of Maria & Federico

Raimher Eadric Manarang Dioso son of Mary Grace & Glenn

Bryce William-Imre Galicz son of Regina & Donat

Connor Han Jekarl son of Ji Yun/Stephanie & Kahn

Camilla Catherine Navejas daughter of Tatum & Joe

Brooks Ferer O’Brien son of Annie & Aaron

Sloane Leary Stewart daughter of Meagen & Brett

P lease join us and celebrate with St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa at this free event acknowledging the SVdP

Community in Contra Costa for the work they do to help our neighbors in need! St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers “Vincentians”, are building a more just world through personal relationships and service.

Heavy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. The prestigious Top Hat award will be presented (posthumously) to Ron Weston, St. Joan of Arc, for his many years of service and dedication to SVdP. Attendees will also receive a special gift in gratitude for their ongoing support of SVdP.

Saturday June 29; 5:00pm to 7:00pm at St. Stevens Church, 1101 Keaveny Court, Walnut Creek.

RSVP (925) 439-5060 or email [email protected]. Be sure to include names and number attending.

5th Sunday Collection

Next weekend, June 29 & 30, is our 5th Sunday collection for our St. Vincent de Paul ministry. With your help, one less

family’s pantry will be empty. With your help, another neighbor will be closer to getting back on their feet.

When the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded 186 years ago, we had one goal in mind – to build a more just and compassionate society. Every day since, we have aspired to serve the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. As you know, far too many of our friends and neighbors in Walnut Creek and Concord live at or below the poverty line and children make up a substantial percent of that number. The St. John Vianney Conference provides assistance with food, gas, clothing, medical and dental assistance, and help with utility bills and rent for families in need.

Because of you, we can keep helping our most vulnerable neighbors. Donations from caring people like you help us ensure that every human being has a better chance at achieving their inalienable right to life and the pursuit of happiness. We could not do this without you. We, and those we serve, sincerely thank you for your generosity.

If you are interested in joining this ministry please contact Kathy Dasso at [email protected] for more information

Virtus Online Training Recertification In 2016, volunteers at our parish trained for Safe Environment (Protecting God's Children). That certification was valid for 3 years. As due dates approach this year, some parishioners are receiving e-mails from the Diocese with a link to the refresher course. Please take some time to recertify as soon as you receive it. The Module for refresher course is called: Keeping the Promise Alive. As a side note, if you read your monthly bulletins from VirtusOnline, you are in compliance and will not receive an e-mail to retrain.