sainik gaurav seva school

SAINIK GAURAV SEVA SCHOOL “SGSS Wishes You Very Healthy, Happy and Enjoyable Vacations Dear Cadets, a) You must get up early in the morning at home and do routine Pranayam every day. b) Maintain physical fitness, go for walk, and do some yoga sans every day. c) You must help your mother in house hold duties by arranging & cleaning your own books, cloths, bed, room etc. d) Try to help your parents in day to day work, whichever you can do. e) Always wish elders with pride and Jai Hind and introduce yourself as Cadet. f) Visit two/three relatives and observe their family members. Make notes of their good habits and try to inculcate them in you. g) Mix up with other children in the neighbourhood, play with them and try to keep surroundings neat & clean. h) Always try to speak and talk with others in English only. i) Eat everything being cooked by your mother. j) Do not waste food. Do not waste water. k) Sleep early and get up early. l) Practice any one school prayer at home. m) Maintain your personal diary regularly. “Wishing you all wonderful days ahead” By - Team SGSS

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Post on 04-Dec-2021




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Dear Cadets,
a) You must get up early in the morning at home and do routine Pranayam every
b) Maintain physical fitness, go for walk, and do some yoga sans every day.
c) You must help your mother in house hold duties by arranging & cleaning your
own books, cloths, bed, room etc.
d) Try to help your parents in day to day work, whichever you can do.
e) Always wish elders with pride and Jai Hind and introduce yourself as Cadet.
f) Visit two/three relatives and observe their family members. Make notes of their
good habits and try to inculcate them in you.
g) Mix up with other children in the neighbourhood, play with them and try to keep
surroundings neat & clean.
h) Always try to speak and talk with others in English only.
i) Eat everything being cooked by your mother.
j) Do not waste food. Do not waste water.
k) Sleep early and get up early.
l) Practice any one school prayer at home.
m) Maintain your personal diary regularly.
“Wishing you all wonderful days ahead”
By - Team SGSS
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Write an application to the principal to give you two days leave as
you fell down and injured your leg.
Write a paragraph on my pet.
Paste 10 pictures of nouns.
Write and learn 10 homonyms of the following- tail, hair, nun,
one, deer ,write, know, new, be.
Write the plural of the given words- army, sheep, loaf, key, baby,
mango, wife, deer, class, child and thief.
Based on the lesson how the dog found himself a new master,
paste pictures of 10 different breed of dogs.
Read English stories.
2) What are dietary fibbers?
3) Name some plants products.
4) Name some animal products
5) Find out the name of plants that grow in water and which are eaten as food.
6) Name 5 objects which can be made from wood.
7) What is balanced diet?
II. Short Questions:-
1) Explain the process of weaving and knitting through an activity.
2) Explain the process of making yarn from fibber.
3) What are transparency objects? Give example
4) What are translucent objects? Give example.
5) Explain why the doctors advise us to drink at least 2 litters of water daily.
6) Why glucose is given to sportsman.
7) Name at least three common spices used in our food. Also mention the plant part from where
the spices are obtained.
III. Long Answer Questions:-
1) What are the properties of materials? Explain with examples.
2) What are synthetic fibers? Paste some of the fabrics made from synthetic fibers and mention
the names.
3) Draw a table and show the deficiency diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamins and
4) Explain the components of food, their role in our body with examples.
5) Make a flow chart on various types of materials, their examples and uses.
Name of Materials Appearance Hard/Soft Soluble/ Insoluble Float/ Sink
Transparency / Translucent/Opaque
6) How will you show, milk you drink contains proteins.(hint:- test for proteins)
7) You are advised not to drink Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc. Find the reason.
1) Prepare a diet chart to provide balance diet to a 12 year old child. The diet chart should
include food items which are not expensive and are commonly available in your areas.
2) Collect different types of fabrics, identify the type of fibers used to make that fabric and also
mention the source of fibers obtained. Paste the different type of fabrics.
Type of Fabrics Type of Fibers Sources Paste Fabrics
3) List the materials in groups which are soft/hard, sink/float in water, dissolve in water /not
dissolve, shine /no shine.
Prepare an innovative material from best out of waste.
Social Science holiday homework
2. How did the people live in Stone Age?
3. What do you mean by “Factory sites” and “Habitation-cum-
4. Discuss “Making store tools” by the people of Stone Age?
5. What is solar system? Describe Sun and its Planets with the help
of a diagram?
6. Differentials between a Planet and Satellite?
7. How is India country of Diversity?
8. Paste the pictures of different festivals celebrated in our country?
1. Write the following decimals in the place value table
a)265.34 b)15.7
(c) Thirteen point six (d) One hundred two point eight.
(e) Six hundred point nine
3. Write each of the following as decimals:
(a) 7
10 +
Physical Education
Holiday Homework
COURT with all its necessary measurements.
2. Project Work
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in the
field of computer science. Search more about AI with help of Internet,
newspaper and computer magazines. Make a file on the topic –
„Development of Artificial Intelligence in Computer.
3. Create a chart on the topic – „Features of Windows 7, Support
each point with examples and pictures.