prospectus 2016-sainik school kalikiri

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  • 7/24/2019 Prospectus 2016-Sainik School Kalikiri


  • 7/24/2019 Prospectus 2016-Sainik School Kalikiri


    Learn to Lead

    . Prospectus1


    Chittoor Dist, Andhra Pradesh - 517 234.

  • 7/24/2019 Prospectus 2016-Sainik School Kalikiri


    Learn to Lead

    . Prospectus2


    INTRODUCTIONThe Sainik Schools are established by Ministry of Defence, Govt of India. Admission to these

    Schools is through an All India Entrance Examination. The Schools function under Sainik

    Schools Society, Ministry of Defence, having a Board of Governors with Raksha Rajya Mantri

    as the Chairman. The Chief Ministers or Education Ministers of various states where Sainik

    Schools are located are also members of the Board of Governors. The Schools are named

    after the locations in which they are situated. Sainik School Kalikri is the Twenty Fifth School

    established and the second in Andhra Pradesh. At present Admission is offered in Class VIonly. This is a fully residential School for boys only. The School is affiliated to Central Board

    of Secondary Education and also member of Indian Public Schools Conference.

    AIM1. The primary aim of Sainik Schools is to prepare boys academically, physically and mentally

    for entry into the National Defence Academy.

    OBJECTIVE2. The School beside giving the knowledge of the 3Rs lay emphasis on following other

    objectives :-

    (a) To remove regional imbalance in the officer cadre of the Defence Services.

    (b) To develop qualities of body, mind and character enabling the young boys of today to

    become good and useful citizens of tomorrow.

    (c) To bring public school education within the reach of the common man.

    VISION3. Our vision is to build a responsible younger generation with a healthy body and reflective

    mind with good habits to blossom into an integrated personality. The vision of the

    school is to create and nurture a learning culture that believes in and breathes change

    through education.

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    Learn to Lead

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    OUR MOTTO & COLOUR4. The motto of our school isLEARN TO LEAD. The staff and students of the school are

    expected to keep the school motto utmost in their minds and ensure standard of excellence in

    all their day-to-day activities. The school crest embodies Steel Grey and Maroon. Grey signifies

    Grit & Determination; Maroon indicates Sacrifice, Strength and Bravery.

    MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION & CURRICULUM5. The medium of instruction is English. Hindi is a compulsory subject up to Class X and

    Telugu is taught up to Class VIII. The School caters only for the Science Stream with

    Biology/Computer Science as optional subject at +2 level. Sainik Schools prepare boys

    for the following examinations:-

    (a) Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. (i) All India Secondary School Examination (Class X).

    (ii) All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII).

    (b) Union Public Service Commission Examination for admission to National Defence



    6. This Sainik School has a Local Board of Administration which oversees the overall

    administration of the School and ensures implementation of policies laid down by the

    Board of Governors from time to time. General Officer Commanding, Andhra Sub Area,Secunderabad is the Chairman of Local Board of Administration of the School.

    7. The Principal is the administrative, academic and functional head of the institution. He isassisted by Vice-Principal and Administrative Officer. All three are serving officers from

    the Indian Armed Forces. The School also has a well-qualified and experienced team of

    academic and administrative staff.

    ACADEMICS8. Each class has generally 35 to 40 students in each

    section. The student-teacher ratio is kept in mind

    to ensure the development of each student to

    make learning more challenging and meaningful.

    Scholarly pursuits in classes are supported by

    tutorial guidance, laboratory work, field

    excursions, participation in co-curricular andsports activities. The search for individual and

    group excellence are facilitated through participation in Inter-house, Inter-school and

    Zonal activities.

    9. As per the new system of Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) the first term

    will be from 1stApril to 30thSeptember and the second term from 1stOctober to 31st

    March. The vacations are generally from mid of May to mid June and late December to

    early January.

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    10. At Sainik School, students are evaluated on the basis of their willingness to learn and by

    the efforts they put in to achieve their goals. Based on a CCE, evaluation in the school is

    a combined effort on the part of the teachers and the students for better understanding

    through learning experiences for each student. Processes of learning and the relationships

    that students create while learning are accorded high significance. Students are usually

    not compared to each other. Alternatively, they are gently guided to understand the inherent

    strengths, virtues and potential they possess within themselves. The objective is to recognize

    the progress that each child makes in their own learning curve.

    11. Teachers use daily class observations, students creative pursuits, informal assessments,

    group and individual goal settings as indicators of progress and development. Tests areheld regularly and Progress Reports are sent to parents every year as per CCE scheme of

    CBSE up to Class X. Special attention is paid to those boys who are weak in certain

    subjects. Services of teachers are available at the time of supervised studies.


    12. Students participate actively in the management of their Houses, Cadets Mess, Games,

    Sports, Cultural events, Clubs etc. One of the Chief Objectives of the House system is

    to promote sense of belongingness, comradeship and collective spirit in different fields

    of educational activity. The school is divided into

    four different Houses. The suggestions made by

    the students are given due consideration by theSchool authorities. Boys from Senior Classes are

    given School/House Appointments to exercise

    their organizing ability and develop qualities of

    leadership. The Cadet Appointments assist in

    ensuring discipline in the school.


    13. Visualised as a school for learning for children, teachers and parents, the physical space

    of Sainik School reflects beauty, thoughtfulness and interaction with the elements. For

    the child it represents a place where a variety of modes are available for children to weave

    in and out of large and small group and individual places of learning, a space where

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    . Prospectus5

    children feel a sense of belongingness. Classrooms, libraries, laboratories and activity

    rooms are setup to inspire interaction and active participation. Well-ventilated and well lit

    classrooms with windows are designed for comfort in varying weather conditions of

    South India.

    SPORTS14. For true integrated growth to take place, our

    childrens physical strength must be systematically

    developed. Sports facilities at school include

    outdoor & indoor sports. Initially emphasis is

    laid on the development of physical stamina,

    flexibility, balance, strength, overcoming physicalfears and hesitations. Team accomplishments

    complement individual goals for excellence.

    Gradually, skills of play and precision with

    mastery assume greater significance for students

    of the senior classes. Health and Physical

    Education forms an integral part of the training

    schedule of the School. For imparting Physical

    Education effectively, the school has qualified

    Army PT Instructors. The school provides

    facilities for major games like Cricket, Football,

    Volleyball , Basketball , Tennis, Hockey andSwimming. NCC training is also compulsory.

    15. The school will not be liable for any compensation on account of injuries which may be

    sustained by the students at any time during his stay in the school while taking part in

    sports or other co-curricular activities of the school. All expenses that may be incurred,

    on treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parent/guardian.

    FACILITIES16. Sufficient number of Classrooms are equipped with multimedia learning/teaching aids.

    A well-equipped Library with a varied collection of books in English and Hindi, Lab

    facilities including IT Labs, Science Labs, Robotics lab and Hobby clubs including Cycling

    club are also available for the cadets.

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    DORMITORIES17. All boys are accommodated in Houses under

    the supervision of a House Master who keeps

    himself in close touch with the boys. A House

    Master with the help of House Tutors are

    responsible for the care, welfare and discipline

    of the boys in his House. All competitions are held based on house system to promote

    healthy and fair camaraderie and team spirit. Trophies and individual prizes are awarded

    to the Houses and boys for creditable performance in all fields.


    18. The School has a well equipped infirmary. Aqualified and experienced Nursing Assistant is

    present on campus. Serious illness is notified to

    the parents immediately. Cases of minor ailments

    are however not reported. Cases needing the

    attention of specialists are referred to Hospitals

    and all expenses for the purpose are to be met

    by the parents. Medicine will be issued to the

    cadets on payment.


    19. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods areprovided in the Cadets Mess. The boys eat in a

    common dining hall. All teachers dine with the

    boys. A balanced, varied and nourishing diet is

    provided to the boys.

    CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.20. The School caters for harmonious all-round development and growth of students

    personality. Students are encouraged to take part in debates, declamations, quiz

    competitions, dramatics, lecture etc. The School provides ample opportunities and scope

    for the growth of creative faculties like photography, music, art, painting, electronics,

    computers, etc.

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    . Prospectus7


    motivational/educational tours, for thecadets in organised groups at studentsconcessional rail tickets escorted byteacher(s), to places of military,historical and educational interests. The escorting charges and other expenses are dividedamong all boys travelling together. Parents/guardians are notified in advance with regardto the arrangements made and the date and time when the boys will leave for the tour.

    While every effort is made to ensuresafety of boys in transit, the school will

    not be held responsible for anycasualties or mishaps caused to the boysafter they leave school on vacation/educational/motivational tour.

    BOOKS & STATIONERY22. Books and essential stationery will be supplied by the School to every boy, on payment,

    during his stay in the school.

    DAILY ROUTINE23. The daily routine includes morning PT, NCC parade, Morning Assembly, seven periods

    of instruction and compulsory games followed by supervised study period in the evening.


    24. True education seeks a continuum between the efforts made by the child, the parents andthe school. Every time a child discovers a truth about self or when they accomplish amilestone, a foundation is laid for the building of yet another discovery or creation. Thejob of parenting and teaching is to identify these moments and to provide space andencouragement for children to build upon their inherent strengths. Since the experiencesof the school and those shared by Cadets with Parents give an important insight and areequally significant for the development of all Cadets. Sainik School encourages harmoniousinteraction in thinking approach between the Parents and school through conduct ofPTA. Thus, the school continuously works to establish open channels of communicationbetween the parents and the teachers.


    25. Library offer a range of resources to cadets. These resources

    are provided to cater to the specific academic needs of thecadets. The library has a well selected collection of Books,

    Journals, Periodicals, Newspapers and Audio Visual Media.New additions are constantly made in order to keep the libraryabreast of the latest. The Library works on the open accesssystem and the cadets are encouraged to spend as much timeas possible in the library. One period a week is allotted as library period to educate thecadets in the proper use of the Library. Internet facility is also provided to the cadets inthe library under the supervision of the librarian.

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    AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION26. All classrooms are connected on LAN and equipped with smart

    board, green board with latest E-learning software adheringto CBSE syllabus. Selected feature and instructional films arescreened regularly.


    27. Students are not allowed to keep cash / valuables such as gold chains, rings and electronic

    items viz., mobile phone, cameras etc in their possession. Any money intended for the

    school should invariably be remitted to the cadets account. Money orders addressed to

    the student are not accepted. Cash/ valuables brought should be deposited with the

    Housemaster immediately on arrival. Possession or use of mobile phones by cadets is

    strictly prohibited in the school.

    28. Parents and authorized Local Guardians are permitted to visit the boys only on Second

    Sunday (from 0830 hrs to 1700 hrs). Boys are not permitted to go home when the school

    is in session. There are no facilities for overnight stay in the School. Parents, whenever

    they visit the School, are expected to leave the School premises latest by 1730 hrs.

    29. Parents Co-operation. Sainik Schools are meant for preparing Cadets for joining

    the armed forces through NDA entry. The training pattern and the schedule of

    activities are hence with military bias including plethora of indoor and outdoor


    Parents/Guardians are requested to understand the spirit/rationale behind all such activities

    that contribute to overall development of the Cadets. They are expected to voluntarilycome forward to encourage their sons/wards for active participation in all activities and

    avoid giving lame reasons for non-participation.

    30. Parents/Guardians of boys admitted to the School will be deemed to have read, understood

    and agreed to the contents of this Prospectus. They shall abide by the School Rules and

    Regulations, including any amendments from time to time.

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    1. Admission.Admission to Class VI is granted strictly on the basis of an All India Entrance

    Examination which is conducted simultaneously at various centres throughout India in

    the month of January. The Examination Centre mentioned in the Call-up letter will be

    final and no request for change shall be entertained by the school. Syllabus for AISSEE is

    enclosed as Appendix A. The Time Table for written tests of Class VI & IX are as




    03-01-2016 0900 1100hrs Mathematical Knowledge Test 100 Marks

    Language Ability Test 100 Marks

    03-01-2016 1200 1250hrs Intelligence Test 100 Marks

    Total 300 Marks



    03-01-2016 0900 1130hrs Mathematics & Science 200+75 Marks

    03-01-2016 1200 1400hrs English & Social Studies 100+75 Marks

    Total 450 Marks

    2. Application in the prescribed form attached to this prospectus along with the Identification

    certificate and Hall Ticket, completed in all respects, should reach The Principal, SAINIK


    2015. The recent passport size (4cm x 5cm) photograph, with the date of photograph

    taken clearly visible on the photo, of the boy should be neatly affixed in the space on

    the application form and the identification certificate.

    RESERVATION.3. i) 67% of the seats in each Sainik School will be reserved for boys from the state in which

    the Sainik School is located. The Short-fall, if any and the remaining seats will be thrown

    open to boys from other States and Union Territories.

    ii) 15% of the total seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes & 7.5 % Seats for Scheduled


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    iii) 25 % seats for reserved for children of Service Personnel including Ex-Servicemen.An ex-servicemen is a person who has served in any rank (whether combatant or non-

    combatant) in Armed Forces of the Indian Union (excluding Assam Rifles, Defence

    Security Corps, Lok Sahayak Seva, Territorial Army, etc.,) for a continuous period of not

    less than six months after attestation. Personnel discharged at their own request before

    completion of five years of service are not treated in this category. A certificate from

    District Sainik Welfare Officer regarding their eligibility as Ex-servicemen is to be enclosed

    with the application. As regard to reservation for admission of the children of Coast

    Guard Personnel the following conditions will apply:-

    (a) Children of Coast Guard Personnel may be admitted in a Sainik School provided the 25%

    quota reserved for children of service personnel including ex- servicemen is not filled in

    that School. This means that the unfilled vacancies in the 25% quota may be allotted tothe children of Coast Guard Personnel. It is clarified that in a given year, 25% quota

    reserved for service personnel will not be exceeded including the seats allotted to the

    children of Coast Guard Personnel.

    (b) The scholarships for the wards of Coast Guard personnel will be provided by the Coast

    Guard out of its own funds.


    4. Parents/ Guardians of the boys appearing in the Entrance Examination have to furnish

    the following:-

    (a) Along with the Application Form:

    (i) Identification Certificate duly filled up.(ii) Admit Card duly filled up.

    (iii) Proof of Age*.

    [*Boys who have attended School recognised by the State Board of Secondary

    Education/ICSE/CBSE] . Date of birth indicated in the Transfer Certificate issued by

    the previous School duly countersigned by the DEO/Designated Officer of CBSE /

    ICSE affixed with official stamp. School Leaving Certificate should state clearly whether

    the institution in which child studied is recognised or not.


    Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Births & Deaths, Dept of Economics &

    Statistics. An extract from the register maintained by the Municipal Committee/Board/

    Corporation or by the Cantonment Board concerned will be obtained and submitted dulyattested by a Gazetted Officer.


    Boys whose parents are Defence Personnel or Ex-servicemen. Date of birth of the

    boy as entered in the Service documents maintained in the Record Office concerned will be

    certified by the SRO/ RO (PORs or DO Part II orders or similar orders/ reports).

    (i) Attested copy of Domicile Certificate.

    (ii) Attested copy of Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ ST candidates only).

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    (iii) For Defence Category, certificate duly signed by CO in case of serving personnel andattested copy of Discharge Book in case of Ex- servicemen.

    (iv) Six self-addressed slips as provided in the Prospectus.

    (v) Four (04) copies of passport size latest photographs of the boy including those affixed

    in Application Form and Admit Card.

    Note:Applications received without complete documents may be summarily rejected without

    any communication to this effect. Adequate care needs to be taken while furnishing details

    and facts about Date of Birth, and SC/ST/Def certificates.

    (b) At the time of Admission: The following documents in original are required to be


    (i) Birth Certificate/TC in original

    (ii) Domicile Certificate in Original.(iii) Caste Certificate in original (for SC/ST candidates only).

    (iv) Proof of being Defence/Ex-Servicemen (If applicable)

    (v) Income affidavit for the year 20____ - 20____ Appendix D

    (vi) Income Certificate Performa Appendix F

    (vii) Agreement to be executed by parents/guardian of Full Fee paying students with

    Board of Governors at Sainik Schools Appendix H

    (viii) Agreement to be executed by the parents/guardians of Scholarship

    holders from the State Government/ Defence Appendix G

    (ix) Agreement to be executed by parent/guardian of student (if seeking Scholarship)

    with Board Of Governors at Sainik School, KALIKIRI, CHITTOOR (DIST),

    ANDHRA PRADESH Appendix I(x) Indemnity Certificate Appendix K

    Indemnity Certificate Appendix L

    (xi) Indemnity Bond Appendix M

    (xii) Affidavit Regarding Realization of Fee Appendix N

    (xiii) Affidavit by the parent regarding Rules & Regulations of Sainik Schools Society

    Appendix O

    (xiv) Affidavit by the Parent regarding Anti Ragging Appendix P

    (xv) Family details Appendix Q

    (xvi) List of items to be brought by Parents Appendix R

    (xvii)Family photograph(2 Nos).

    (xviii) Any other specific documents where needed.(xix) Medical Fitness Certificate from Govt Med Officer - Appendix J

    (xx) Blood Group Certificate

    (xxi) Adop Deed(if applicable)

    (xxii) Demand Draft.

    (c) Non-Judicial stamp papers to be of Andhra Pradesh only. Other StatesNon-Judical stamp

    papers are invalid.

    (d) Principal reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reasons thereof.

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    . Prospectus12

    5. QUALIFYING STANDARDS FOR CLASS VI.(a) For General and Defence candidates, the minimum qualifying marks in the written

    examination are as follows:-

    (i) 25% marks in each paper.

    (ii) 40% marks in aggregate.

    (b) For SC/ST candidates there is no qualifying passing minimum mark. They will be admitted

    on the basis of inter-se merit evidenced at the Entrance Examination/Interview within

    thse categories. Incase SC/ST Candidates comes in the general merit on his own, he

    would be admitted against general seat and will not be adjusted against the reserved share

    of SC/ST

    INTERVIEW AND MEDICAL EXAMINATION.6. After finalisation of written test results, only the short-listed candidates will be called for

    an interview and medical examination during Feb/Mar 2016. The interview is held by a

    Board of Officers to assess the presence of mind, sociability and self-confidence of the

    candidates. Interview will carry 50 marks whereas there is no minimum pass marks.

    Thereafter, they shall be examined by a Medical Board at designated Military Hospitals or

    any other military or civil medical establishment. The decision of the Medical Board will

    be final except where a Review Medical Board may be accepted by the military medical

    authorities on the merit of the rejected cases. A case, in which competent medical opinion

    is produced to counter the findings of the previous Medical Board will normally merit a

    review. If the Review Medical Board finds him fit for admission, the Principal will admit

    him to the school as per the final order of merit list, only if rejection was on account of

    lack of medical fitness. The School will charge a fee of Rs 100/- (Rs 50/- for SC/ST) forholding a Review Medical Board. The boys who qualify in the written exam, interview

    and medical examination are admitted strictly in the order of final merit list, category

    wise, subject to the availability of vacancies in the School. The results of the written

    examination and final merit after interview and medical exam will be published in local

    and leading national dailies. Result will be intimated by post to successful candidates only.

    NOTE:- In case the candidate qualifies but is low in merit in the school of their domicile,

    parents are to give their willingness to admit their sons/wards in any other Sainik School

    as opted as a Full Fee Paying students and that they will not seek Inter School transfer

    later. A choice of one to three Sainik Schools must have been stated in the application

    form in all such cases. On parents request Mark Sheet of the candidate will be supplied

    by the school only after the publication of the final merit list in the newspapers on paymentof Rs. 100/- by crossed postal order (or) Demand Draft drawn in favour of Principal

    Sainik School Kalikiri, payable at SBI Kalikiri (Branch Code 16427) copy of the answer.

    7. Qualifying in the written exam, interview and medical examination does not constitute

    any commitment on the part of the School or Sainik Schools Society to admit the candidate

    in the same school or any other Sainik School.

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    8. To resolve a tie for a vacancy in the final merit list with regard to overall marks, marks forMathematics would be considered, followed by the marks for English for Class IX andIntelligence Test for Class VI, and finally the marks for General Science for Class IX andLanguage for Class VI. Incase the tie is still unresolved, the boy younger in age shall beselected in order to avail more chances to appear for UPSC Examination.

    9. The candidates who are offered admission are required to join on the due date. In case acandidate does not join the school on the day, his candidature may be cancelled and

    vacancy allotted to the next candidate in the waiting list.

    10. Selection for admission to Sainik Schools is purely on Merit basis and hence allparents are advised not to resort to anykind of recommendations and false hopegiven by any individual or organisations including any coaching academy. Sainik

    School does not patronise any coaching institute/academy and the admissionswill be done strictly in accordance with the merit & medical fitness of candidates

    in the Entrance Examination.


    11. The medical examination of the candidates for admission to Sainik School will be carriedout by a Medical Board constituted by designated military hospital or any other military orcivil medical establishment. It is not possible to lay precise standards for height, weightand chest measurement for the candidates at this juncture but the Medical Officers will beguided in their assessment by the physical standards laid down for the candidates foradmission to National Defence Academy. The Medical Standard as laid down for NDA isattached asAppendix B.

    12. If any cadet develops any major illness/disease after the admission, he will be medicallyre-examined by the designated Military Hospital and if found unfit for entry into NDA,the Scholarship granted will be withdrawn at once. However, he may continue to study inthe School on payment of Full Fee from the date he was found medically unfit, providedthe disease is not a health hazard to other boys. If so, he will be withdrawn immediately.


    13. The School authorities will not be liable for any compensation on account of injuries,fatal or otherwise, which may be sustained by a cadet at any time during his stay in theSchool, while taking part in the PT, sports, games, athletics, swimming, NCC, other extra-curricular activities in the school or outside the School or while the cadets participate ineducational tours, excursion, treks, hikes or any other kind of outings organised throughany means of travel.WITHDRAWALS(a) ON PARENTS REQUEST: If a parent wishes to withdraw his son, he must give

    clear two months notice to the school. Failure to give such notice will entail theforfeiture of Caution Money. Parents withdrawing their children after 30thSeptemberof a year should pay fees for that full academic session. Parents of boys who are inreceipt of scholarships can withdraw them only after repayment of the total amountof scholarship enjoyed by the boys.

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    (b) ON POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: Withdrawals on Academic

    Performance will be as stipulated by Sainik Schools Society Rules & Regulations, as

    amended from time to time.

    (c) ON DISCIPLINARY GROUNDS:The Principal may in the interest of the school,

    order withdrawal of a boy from the school, should the boys conduct, behaviour or

    influence in the opinion of the Principal, be detrimental to the general discipline/

    interest of the school. In such a case, refund of scholarship may not be insisted. The

    Principal should, however, report such withdrawals to the Local Board of

    Administration at its next meeting and to the Honorary Secretary immediately who

    on the merits of the case will decide as to whether the scholarship money withdamages, if any, need be recovered from the parent.

    (d) ON MEDICAL GROUNDS: In addition to the medical examination arranged at

    the time of admission, the school will arrange a thorough medical examination of

    boys every year to minimise medical rejection at the Services Selection Boards. Even

    after his admission, if a student is found medically unfit at any stage, and in the

    opinion of the competent medical authority the disability is likely to render him

    unfit, for entry into the regular Armed Forces, the scholarship granted to the student

    will be withdrawn at once. He may, however , be permitted to continue studies in the

    school on payment of full fees from the date he was found medically unfit, provided

    he does not constitute a health hazard to other boys , in which case, he must be

    withdrawn from the school at once. The provision for continuing as full fee paying

    student will not be applicable to boys who may be found to be suffering from

    Hansens disease, as they must be compulsorily withdrawn from the school

    immediately on detection of the disease by a competent medical authority. These

    type of cases must be intimated to the State Government and to the Honorary

    Secretary, Sainik Schools Society.

    (e) ON NON-PAYMENT OF FEES: All fees are payable in advance and can be

    paid for a year or a quarter in advance. It should be paid at least quarterly before the

    beginning of the quarter. If dues are not received by the first day of the month by

    which they are to be paid a reminder will be sent informing the parent /guardian

    that the amount due is to be paid by the 15th of the month and in case of default thestudent will be struck off from the rolls of the school and sent home at the parents

    cost and the expenditure incurred will be deducted from the caution money. The

    school leaving, transfer certificate will, however, not be issued until all dues are

    cleared to the school and the scholarship money, if enjoyed by the student, is refunded.

    In case of repeated defaults of this nature in payment of fees by the parent/guardian

    it will not be obligatory for the school to send a reminder and the last such reminder

    will contain suitable warning to this effect.

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    SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME14. State Govt Scholarship:Govt of Andhra Pradesh offer liberal scholarships to the

    candidates from their states subject to certain conditions as required by them. In addition,

    Government of India, Ministry of Defence also provides some share at varying rates to

    those cadets receiving State Government scholarships.

    15. The Government of Andhra Pradesh grants Merit Scholarships for 50% of boys admitted

    every year on the basis of order of merit in Entrance Examination, irrespective of the

    income of Parent / Guardian. This Scheme is only for Andhra Pradesh Domicile boys.

    16. The Government of Andhra Pradesh grants Scholarships to the Andhra Pradesh Domicile

    boys on the basis of monthly basic pay of the father only (mother, in case of father is not

    alive or guardian, incase of both father and mother are not alive).17. The scholarship scheme of the A.P.Government is as given below :-

    (a) Scholarship of Rs.34,000/- (of which Rs.2,000/- from MoD) plus clothing allowance

    is given to the merit scholarship holders irrespective of parents income. Merit

    scholarship will be continued for the subsequent years subject to securing a minimum

    of 70% marks in aggregate in Annual Examinations. The balance amount of Fees

    and other charges is to be paid by the parents of General, Defence categories and SC

    & ST categories.

    (b) Scholarships are awarded by the Social Welfare / Tribal Welfare Department to the

    SC / ST Boys whose Parents income is less than Rs. 65,000/- / Rs. 2,00,000/- per

    annum respectively under the Bright Boys Scheme - Pre-Matric Scholarships. To

    continue availing Scholarship awarded by Social Welfare / Tribal Welfare Departmentsduring the subsequent years boys should obtain a minimum 60% Marks in aggregate

    in the Annual Examinations.

    (c) Income-based scholarship scheme as given below is available.



    1. Rs. 0 - 8,000 32,000 2,000 34,000 1,000 5,900

    2. Rs. 8,001-10,000 24,000 1,062 25,062 1,000 5,900

    3. Rs. 10,001-12,000 16,000 125 16,125 1,000 5,900

    4. Rs. 12,001 -15,000 8,000 - - 8,000 - - 5,900

    5. Rs. 15,001and above - - - - - - - - - -

    Note: * Scholarship towards clothing will be Rs.500/- only in subsequent years.

    # Diet supplement will be taken into School A/c to provide enriched diet to Cadets.

    (d) In addition to the above Scholarships / Incentive, Ministry of Defence, New

    Delhi Cadets grants the following are granted:-

    (i) To all the cadets of the School @ Rs.14,941/- as per previous years rate.

    (ii) All the cadets joining NDA as well as Technical Entry Scheme of Defence Service shall be reimbursed the actual tuition fee paid for classes XI and XII.

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    . Prospectus16

    (e) Scholarship Continuation / Retention criteria


    STUDENTS: This Scholarship scheme is to provide free education to poor and

    meritorious students whose parental income is below Rs. 2000/- p.m. Out of the available

    money, equal no. of students for each class will be awarded scholarship to provide free

    education (Tuition Fee, Dietary Charges Incidental Charges, part of Pocket Money and

    Text & Note Books only) subject to release of grant from Govt. of A.P. This

    scholarship will be granted afresh on year to year basis based on the Merit in Entrance

    Exam in respect of new admissions and on the Merit in the annual examinations in

    respect of all other classes i.e. 7th to 12th every year.

    DEFENCE SCHOLARSHIP19. Ministry of Defence awards limited number of scholarships to the children of Service

    Personnel including Ex-servicemen who are studying in Sainik Schools. The selection of

    Scholars for grant of defence scholarships will be made by the Ministry of Defence from

    amongst those who have qualified for admission on merit. The Scholarship once awarded

    to pupil will continue to be awarded to him throughout his stay in the school provided.

    (a) Scholarship continuation / Retention criteria


    For Classes VI to VIII Grade Points 33 30

    For Classes IX & X Grade Points 28 25

    For Class XI Subject Minimum 45 % 40%

    Aggregate 55 % 50%

    (b) He is not reported upon adversely regarding discipline.

    (c) He is otherwise eligible for the continuance of scholarship on the basis of rank or

    income of his parent as the case may be.

    20. The Defence Scholarship to the wards of Defence Personnel and Ex-servicemen is as under :

    Type Scholarship Serving Defense Ex-Servicemen Amount Personnel

    Full NCOs and ORs NCOs and ORs Rs. 32.000/-

    Half JCOs JCOs Rs. 16,000/- - Officers Officers Nil

    Note: In case of AP Domiciled boys, Diet Supplement of Rs.5,900/- will be released by the

    Govt. of A.P. in addition to the scholarship by the Ministry of Defence, which will be taken

    into School A/c to provide enriched diet to cadets. In addition to the above Scholarships,

    Incentive from Ministry of Defence, New Delhi will also be granted as mentioned above.

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    1. Maharashtra Satara 23.06.1961

    2. Haryana Kunjpura 03.07.1961

    3. Punjab Kapurthala 08.07.1961

    4. Gujarat Balachadi 08.07.1961

    5. Rajasthan Chittorgarh 07.08.1961

    6. Andhra Pradesh Korukonda 18.01.1962

    7. Kerala Kazhakootam 26.01.1962

    8. West Bengal Purulia 29.01.1962

    9. Orissa Bhubaneshwar 01.02.1962

    10. Tamil Nadu Amaravathinagar 16.07.1962

    11. Madhya Pradesh Rewa 20.07.1962

    12. Jharkhand Tilaiya 16.09.1963

    13. Karnataka Bijapur 16.09.1963

    14. Assam Goalpara 12.11.1964

    15. Uttaranchal Ghorakhal 21.03.1966

    16. Jammu and Kashmir Nagrota 22.08.1970

    17. Manipur Imphal 07.10.1971

    18. Himachal Pradesh SujanpurTira 02.07.1978

    19. Bihar Gopalganj 11.10.2003

    20. Bihar Nalanda 12.10.2003

    21. Nagaland Punglwa 12.05 .200722. Karnataka Kodagu 18.10.2007

    23. Chattisgarh Ambikapur 01.09.2008

    24. Haryana Rewari 01.04.2009

    25. Andhra Pradesh Kalikiri 20.08.2014

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    Principal, Sainik School, Purulia,Distt Purulia,West Bengal, PIN 723 101.

    Principal, Sainik School, ChittorgarhRajasthan, PIN 321 001.

    Principal, Sainik School, TilaiyaPO: Tilaiya DamDistt KodermaJharkhand, PIN825 413.

    Principal, Sainik School, GoalparaPO: RajaparaDistt GoalparaAssam, PIN 783 133.

    Principal, Sainik School, ImphalPost Box No. 21Distt ImphalManipur, PIN 795 001.

    Principal, Sainik School, RewaDistt RewaMadhya Pradesh, PIN 386001

    Principal, Sainik School, KorukondaDistt VizianagramAndhra Pradesh, PIN 531 241

    Principal, Sainik School, NalandaRajgirDistt NalandaBihar, PIN 803 116.

    Principal, Sainik SchoolAmaravathinagarDistt Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, PIN 642102.

    Principal, Sainik School, KazhakootamDistt ThiruvananthapuramKerala, PIN 695585.

    PrincipalSainik School, PO: HathwaDistt GopalganjBihar, PIN 841 436.

    Principal, Sainik School, NagrotaDistt NagrotaJ & K, PIN 181 221.

    Principal, Sainik School, SataraDistt Satara (Maharastra), PIN 451 001.Principal, Sainik School, KunjpuraDistt KarnalHaryana, PIN 132 023.

    Principal, Sainik School, BalachadiDistt JamnagarGujarat, PIN 361 230.

    Principal, Sainik School SujanpurTiraDistt HamirpurHimanchal Pradesh, PIN 176 110.

    Principal, Sainik School, GhorakhalDistt NainitalUttarakhand, PIN 263156

    Principal, Sainik School, AmbikapurBishnupur RoadDist- SurgujaChhatisgarh, PIN497001

    Principal, Sainik School, BhubaneswarDistt. Bhubaneswar (Orissa), PIN 751005.

    Principal, Sainik School, Distt. Kapurthala, PunjabPIN 144 601.

    Principal, Sainik School, Distt. Bijapur, KarnatakaPIN 586 102.

    Principal, Sainik School, KodaguPO: KodigeDistt. Kodagu, Karnataka, PIN 571232

    Principal, Sainik School, RewariSector 4RewariHaryana, PIN 123401

    Principal, Sainik School Pungalwa, Medziphema (SO)Nagaland, PIN 797106

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    . Prospectus19

    Appendix A


    MATHEMATICS (ARITHMETIC)Addition, Subtraction Multiplication and Division of numbers, fractions and decimals,

    BODMAS Rule, LCM and HCF, Unitary method, Average, Percentage, Profit and loss, Simple

    Interest, Square root, Area and Perimeter, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry, Triangle, Circle,

    Algebraic expressions.


    Composition / Paragraph Writing, Comprehension Passages, Tenses, Sentences -Negative, Affirmative and Interrogative, Prepositions, Articles, Framing Questions, One Word

    answers/fill in the blanks, Singular & Plural forms, Homonyms, Synonyms & Antonyms,

    Spelling, Make meaningful sentences from jumbled words, Constructing sentences with words.


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    . Prospectus20

    Appendix B

    MEDICAL STANDARDS1. Candidates for admission to Sainik School should conform to the following medical



    (a) Distant Vision Better eye. V-6/6 Worse eye.V-6/9

    (b) Near Vision N-5 Each eye Correctable to 6/6

    (c) Colour Vision CPI (MLT)

    2. Candidates who do not possess the minimum colour perception standard CP-3 (Defective

    safe) defined below be declared unfit:

    CP-3 (Defective safe): Candidates should be able to recognize white signal, green colour

    correctly as shown by Martins lantern at a distance of 15 meters or read the requisite

    plates or Ishiara Book / Tokyo Medical College Book.


    (a) Fundus and Media to be healthy and within normal limits.

    (b) No undue degenerative signs of vitreous or chorioretina to be present suggesting

    progressive myoretina.

    (c) Must possess good binocular vision (fusion faculty and full field of vision in both eyes).

    (d) There should be no organic disease likely to cause exacerbations or deterioration.

    (e) Colour vision: Safe or defective safe.


    3. It should be ensured that sufficient number and sound teeth are present for efficient


    (a) A candidate must have a minimum of 14 dental points to be acceptable. In order to

    assess the dental condition of an individual, points are allotted as under:

    (i) Central incisor, lateral incisor, 1stand 2ndpremolar and underdeveloped 3rd

    molar-one one point each.

    (ii) 1stand 2ndmolar and fully developed third molar- 2 points each. When all 32

    teeth are present, there will be a total count of 22 points.

    (b) The following teeth in good functional apposition must be present in jaw:

    (i) Any four of the six anterior.

    (ii) Any six of the ten posteriors.

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    . Prospectus21

    (c) Candidates suffering from severe pyorrhoea will be rejected. If the state of pyorrhoea in the opinion of the Dental Officer can be cured without extraction of teeth, the

    candidate may be accepted.

    HEARING STANDARDS4. Hearing will be tested by speech test.Wherever required audiometric records will

    also be taken.

    (a) Speech Test.The candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear

    separately at a distance of 610 cm.

    (b) Audiometric Record.The candidate should have no loss of hearing in either ear at

    frequencies 128 to 4.095 cycles/second: Audiometric reading between (-)10 and (+)10.

    GENERAL5. It will be ensured that:

    (a) There is no evidence of week constitution, imperfect development, serious

    malformation or obesity.

    (b) There is no mal development or impairment of function of the bones or joints and

    that no cervical rib detectable on physical examination.

    Note: A Candidate with a rudimentary cervical rib detected incidentally only on skiagram of

    the chest when this is done, and in whom there are no signs or symptoms referable to the

    cervical rib may be considered fit and a note to this effect will be recorded by the Medical

    Officer in the medical board proceedings.

    (c) There is no impediment of speech.

    (d) There is no malformation of the head, deformity from fracture or depression of thebones of the skull.

    (e) There is no impaired hearing, discharge from tympanic membrane, signs of acute or

    chronic disease of either ear, unhealed perforation of the suppurative otitis media or

    evidence of radical or modified radical or mastoid operation.

    Note: A soundly healed perforation without any impairment of the mobility of the

    drum and without impairment of hearing should not be a bar to acceptance of a candidate.

    (f) There is no disease of the bones or cartilage of the nose or nasal polyp or disease of

    nasopharynx and accessory sinuses.

    Note: A small asymptomatic traumatic perforation of the nasal septum will not be a

    cause of outright rejection and such cases would be referred to the adviser in otology.

    (g) There are no enlarged glands due to tuberculosis or other disease in the neck and

    other parts of the body and that the thyroid gland is normal.

    Note: Scars of operation for the removal of tuberculosis glands are not a cause for

    rejection provided there has been no active disease within the preceding five years and the

    chest is clinically and radiologically clear.

    (h) There is no disease of the throat, palate, tonsils or gums or any disease or injury

    affecting the normal function of either mandibular joints.

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    Note: Simple hypertrophy of the tonsils, if there is no history of attacks of tonsillitis isnot a cause for rejection.

    (i) There is no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels.

    (j) There is no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or

    any other chronic disease of the lungs.

    (k) There is no evidence of any disease of the digestive system including any abnormality

    of the live spleen.

    (l) Inguinal hernlia (unoperated) will be a cause of rejection.

    Note:In the case of candidates who have been operated for hernia may be declared fit


    (i) One year has elapsed since the operation. Documentary proof is to be furnished by

    the candidate to this effect.(ii) General Tone of the abdominal musculature is good.

    (iii) There has been no recurrence of the hernia or complication connected with


    (m)There is no hydrocele or definite varicocele or any other disease or defect of the

    genital organs.


    (i) A candidate who has been operated for hydrocele will be accepted if there are no

    abnormalities of the cord and testicles and there is no evidence of filariasis.

    (ii) Undescended intra abdominal testicles on one side should not be bar to acceptance

    of candidate provided the other testicle is normal and there is no untoward physical

    or psychological effect due to the undescended testicle. Undescended testis retainedin the inquinal canal or at external inguinal ring is however, a bar to acceptance unless

    corrected by operation.

    (n) There is no fistula and / or fissure of the anus, or evidence of haemorroids.

    (o) There is no disease of the kidneys. All cases of glycosuria and albuminuria will be


    (p) There is no disease of the skin, unless temporary or trivial scars which by their extent

    or position cause, or are likely to cause, disability or marked disfigurement are a cause

    for rejection.

    (q) There is no active latent or congenital veneral disease.

    (r) There is no history or evidence of mental disease. Candidates suffering from epilepsy,

    incontinence of urine or enuresis will not be accepted.

    (s) There is no squint or morbid condition of the eye, or the lids which is liable to risk of

    aggravation or recurrence.

    (t) There is active trachoma or its complications.

    Note:Remedial operations are to be performed prior to entry. No guarantee is given for

    ultimate acceptance and it should be clearly understood by the candidates that the decision

    whether an operation is desirable or necessary is one to be made by their private medical

    advisor. The School will accept no liability regarding the result of operation and expense


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    . Prospectus23


    6. Method of Examination.

    (a) The candidate will be examined bare footed, standing erect and the presence or absence

    of normal arch of the feet should be noted.

    (b) Candidate should be asked to stand on toes with the feet and heels kept separated and

    the restoration or otherwise of each noted.

    (c) Candidate should be made to skip on forefoot and the suppleness springiness of the

    feet observed. Tarsal joints will be examined for suppleness of movement.

    7. Acceptance for Admission.

    (a) Milder degree of flat foot where the arches of the feet are restored on standing on

    toes, with supple or painless feet should not be a bar to acceptance.

    (b) Severe degree of flatfoot where the arch does not reappear on standing on toes and

    where the feet are rigid SHOULD BE A PERMANENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION.

    (c) Rigidity of the foot whatever be the shape of the feet IS A CAUSE FOR REJECTION.


    8. Method of examination.

    (a) The candidate will be examined standing erect.

    (b) The knee joints will be kept fully extended with the feet parallel and the patellae

    facing directly forwards.

    (c) The distance between medical melleoli will be measured with the medial condylestouching each other.

    (d) Any associated deformity of the feet or hip or genu recurvatum will be looked for the

    same time.

    9. Acceptable for admission.(a) Milder degree of knock knee when the distance between melleoli is not more than

    two inches will not be a bar to acceptance, provided there is no other associated

    disability. This will be considered as a minor disability and recorded as such. The

    candidate should be able to stand to attention with shoes or boots without flexing or

    overlapping of either knees.

    (b) Marked degree of knock knee with the distance between the malleoli MORE THAN


    (c) If the candidate is able to stand to attention without flexion of knee irrespective of

    any intermalleolar measurements, such candidates can safely be declared as fit.

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    . Prospectus24

    Appendix C


    05 00 hrs : Reveille

    05 30 hrs : Tea

    05 55 hrs : PT Fall In

    06 00 06 40 hrs : PT

    07 25 07 45 hrs : Breakfast

    08 00 08 20 hrs : Assembly

    08 20 09 00 hrs : 1stPeriod

    09 00 09 40 hrs : 2ndPeriod

    09 40 09 45 hrs : Break

    09 45 10 25 hrs : 3rdPeriod

    10 25 11 05 hrs : 4thPeriod

    11 05 11 20 hrs : Tea

    11 20 12 00 hrs : 5thPeriod

    12 00 12 40 hrs : 6thPeriod

    12 40 12 45 hrs : Break

    12 45 13 25 hrs : 7thPeriod

    13 35 14 05 hrs : Lunch

    14 20 15 00 hrs : Quiet Period

    15 00 15 45 hrs : After-Noon Study/Classes/Quiet Period

    16 00 16 05 hrs : Games Roll Call

    16 05 17 00 hrs : Games

    17 00 18 00 hrs : Tea / Prep Roll Call

    18 00 20 00 hrs : Supervised Prep

    20 00 20 30 hrs : Dinner

    20 30 21 00 hrs : Night Roll Call

    21 00 - 21 30 hrs : Own Time Work 21 30 hrs : Lights off


    1. Wednesday : NCC Parade 06 15 0720 hrs

    2. Saturday : Clubs 16 00 17 00hrs

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    Appendix D

    INCOME AFFIDAVIT FOR THE YEAR 20____ - 20____(To be typed on non-judicial paper worth Rs.20/-)

    1. For the Government Mer i t-Cum-Means Scholarsh ip in respect of Cadet

    __________________ Adm. No._________, Class-_____ Year _________ who is

    my son.

    2. I ___________________________ S/o ____________________________

    permanent resident of village_______________________________________ PO

    ________________________ Teh. _______________ Dist. ____________ hereby

    solemnly declare and affirm as under:(a) That I am working as ____________________. My department is __________. My

    date of increment falls on __________ every year. The details of emoluments are

    Basic Pay/Basic Pension Rs. ________/-, DA/ADA Rs.________/-, House Rent

    Rs.______/-. Other allowances Rs.________/-. Reimbursement of Medical Allowances

    Rs._______/-. Total Rs. _________/- p.m. and Yearly Rs. ______________/-.


    (b) For Businessmen/Self-employed persons:In case of businessmen or self-employed

    persons, income tax return and assessment report should be enclosed. If no income tax

    is paid, clearance certificate from income tax authority stating clearly that annual income

    for the year under reference is below Rs.1, 00, 000/- per annum must be enclosed.

    (OR)(c) For Agriculturist Persons: Certificate should be produced from the SDO (Civil)

    District Revenue Officer/Collector of the area concerned along with the latest Land

    Jamabandi. Agriculture income is Rs.________/- (Copy of certificate to be attached).


    (d) And having following Extra Family Income :

    (i) From wife (details)

    (ii) From unmarried son (details)

    (iii) From any other source (details)

    3. I solemnly declare that:

    (a) The facts and figures mentioned above are correct to the best of my knowledge and

    belief and nothing has been concealed.

    (b) I guarantee that in case my family income is found excess to that stated above, I shall be

    liable to refund to Government the entire amount of scholarship awarded and other

    penalty as may be imposed by the State Government.

    (c) I agree to send my son/ward to NDA and undertake to bear penalty in case of my son/

    ward leaves school midway without legitimate reasons.

    (d) I also know that my son/ward has to appear and qualify in NDA examination, evenafter

    leaving the School, till all the possible chances are availed. In case my son/ward does

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    . Prospectus26

    not take examination after leaving the school, I further undertake to refund fullscholarship amount enjoyed by my son/ward during his stay in the School.

    Station : _______________________ Deponent: ______________________

    Date : _______________________ Address : _______________________

    Signed in my presence


    (1stClass Magistrate / Any Gazetted Officer)

    EXPLANATION FOR FILLING OF INCOME AFFIDAVIT:1. No column of Income Affidavit is to be omitted. If any column is not applicable, a

    NIL word is to be mentioned against it.

    2. Every page of the affidavit is required to be affixed with round stamp of the Court and

    signed by the parent.

    3. Full permanent address of the individual is required to be mentioned at the end of the

    income affidavit wherever deponent is required to sign.

    4. No cutting in the affidavit will be accepted.

    5. The Income Certificate is required to be obtained by the individual according to Proforma

    given below along with Income Affidavit whichever is applicable:

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    Appendix E

    For Businessmen/ Self-employed persons, the Income Certificate is required from

    Income Tax Officer:

    Certified that Shri _________________________ S/o Shri

    _____________________ is permanent resident of village _________________, Post

    ____________ Teh _____________, Distt ______________( ). His annual

    income for the year _______________ from all sources is Rs.______________/- and he is

    not income tax payee according to our records.

    Date: (Income Tax Officer)

    For Agriculturist Persons the Income Certificate is required from SDO/Civil as under:

    Certified that Shri ____________________ S/o Shri _____________________ is a permanent

    resident of village _________________________, Post ______________________ Teh

    ______________, Distt ________________. His annual income from all other sources for

    the year ____________ is Rs.__________as verified by the Tehsildar ______________.

    Date : (Sub Divisional Officer)

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    . Prospectus28

    Appendix F

    INCOME CERTIFICATE PROFORMA1. Certificate from the sources of the parent/guardian of Master

    ___________________________ Adm. No. _________, a candidate of Sainik School Kalikiri,

    Andhra Pradesh.

    2. This is to certify that the monthly income of the family of Shri/Smt ________________

    Father/Mother of the above the above candidate from all sources is as follows:-

    (a) Basic Pay Rs .

    (b) Dearness Allowance Rs .

    (c) House Rent Rs .

    (d) City Compensatory Allowance Rs .(e) Children Education Allowance Rs.

    (f) Interim Relief Rs .

    (g) Pension Rs .

    (h) Agriculture, Land & Property Rs .

    (i) Business and Private Service Rs.

    (j) Hill Compensatory Allowance Rs .

    (k) Any Other Sources Rs .

    Total Rs .

    3. Certified that I am not in receipt of any other allowances and have no other source of

    income except those mentioned above.Date : (Signature of Parent)



    4. To the best of my knowledge and belief the family has no other sources of income.

    Date : ___________

    (Signature, Name and Designation of Gazetted Officer other than DM)

    (With seal)


    Date: Seal (Signature, Name and Designation of the DM/ ADM countersigning)

    Note: This certificate must be countersigned by the District Magistrate/Additional District

    Magistrate of the District to which you belong.

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    . Prospectus29

    Appendix G



    (To be typed on non-judicial paper worth Rs.100/-)

    Be known to all present that we (1) ______________________________ (here give the name

    of the parents/guardian) son of ______________________ resident of Village/ Town

    ___________ House No.__________, Street ______________________ Dist. __________

    (hereinafter called the Principal), (2) ____________________________ resident of Village/

    Town ___________________ House No.___________, Street _________________ Dist

    ______________________________________ (hereinafter called the first surety) and (3)

    ______________________ S/o Shri _____________________ Resident of Village/Town

    ___________ House No._______, Street No ______________ Dist __________ (hereinafter

    called the second surety), do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and

    legal representatives jointly and severally to pay up to the Governors of _______________

    (hereinafter called the Government, which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant

    to the context, include his successors in office and assign) on demand and without demur and

    the sum of Rs.__________/- together with interest thereon from the date of demand at

    Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans.

    Signed and dated this ______ day of ___________ 20___.Signature of the Principal (Sign of Father) _________________

    Signature of the 1stsurety _______________________

    Signature of the 2ndsurety _______________________

    Whereas the above bounden Principal is the parent/guardian of a minor shri

    __________________________________ Adm No. ______________ (hereinafter referred

    to as the student) who has been admitted to the Sainik School, Kalikiri (hereinafter referred to

    as the School) for the purpose of receiving education with the object of joining the Regular

    Armed Forces of India, if considered suitable and selected by the appropriate authority at the

    conclusion of studies in the School.

    And whereas at the request of Principal, the Government has agreed to pay to the

    students for a period of 7 years from ___________________ a yearly scholarship (including

    clothing allowance), if granted such rate as may from time to time be the Government in

    respect of fee and clothing etc, on the condition, inter alia, of the Principal and the sureties

    executing a bond.

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    . Prospectus30

    And whereas the above bonded persons have executed the above written bond:NOW THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN BOND IS THAT IF:

    (i) The student shall regularly and diligently pursue his studies at the School and go on

    taking National Defence Academy Examination so long his age permits him to do so

    according to the rules and regulations for the time being in force for entry to the Regular

    Armed Forces of India till he is selected therein and when selected, the student shall

    proceed to the institution to which he may be directed for being trained for entry into

    Regular Armed Forces.

    (ii) The student shall observe and comply with all the rules and conditions regarding the

    study, discipline and conduct as may be presented by the authorities of the School from

    time to time.(iii) The student shall show diligence in the pursuance of his studies at School and strictly

    conform to rules for the award of scholarship framed by the Government and the

    instructions which may be issued by the Government or by the authorities of the School

    from time to time.

    (iv) The student shall attend the school regularly.

    (v) The above bonded parent shall communicate any change in his income to the Principal

    of the school immediately.

    (vi) The student shall not leave school at any intermediary stage, unless his name is struck

    off by the school registers on account of his failure in pursuing the studies at his own

    cost or on default or breach of any of the above mentioned conditions the above

    bonded persons shall well and truly pay all money paid to the students on account of

    scholarship and clothing allowance if granted with interest thereon from the date of

    demand at Government rates for the time being in force on the Government loan then

    the above written bond or obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in

    full forces and virtue.

    (vii) He will continue to appear for the NDA even after leaving the school till his age permits.

    Provided always that the decision of the Government whether the conditions hereinafter

    recited have been performed and observed shall be final and binding on the parties mentioned


    Provided further that if it comes to the knowledge of the Government that a scholarship

    or part thereof has been obtained on the basis of false information furnished by the Principal,the amount of scholarship so obtained shall become immediately repayable on demand and

    may be recovered by the Government from the Principal and sureties jointly and severally.

    Provided further that the liability of the sureties under this bond shall not be affected

    by the Government giving time or showing any other indulgence to the Principal and that the

    Government may sue the sureties or any of them before suing the Principal. The stamp duty,

    if any, on this document shall be borne by the Government.

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    . Prospectus31

    In Witness whereof the parties hereto have here-unto set their hands the day and year

    first above written.

    In the presence of witnesses

    With full address:

    Witness 1.

    (Signature and Name of Father)

    1. __________________________________________________________

    Certified that the Principal and sureties___________________________are solvent to the extent of the amount____________________________

    mentioned in the Bond.

    Witness 2.

    2. ___________________________





    (1stClass Magistrate)

    Note: Sureties & witnesses should be different persons.

    The same person cant sign as surety and witness.

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    . Prospectus32

    Appendix H




    (To be typed on non-judicial paper worth Rs.100/-)

    THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ____ day of ______ 20___ between

    __________________________of ___________ (hereinafter called the Guarantor which

    expression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include

    his heirs, executors, administrators and Legal representatives) of the one part and the Board

    of Governors, the Sainik Schools (hereinafter called the Governors which expression shallunless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include the Principal of

    Sainik School, Kalikiri) on the other part.

    WHERE AS ___________________ S/o ____________________ (hereafter called

    the student) is son/ward of the guarantor and has at the request of the guarantor been selected

    for admission to the Sainik School, Kalikiri inter alia, on the terms and conditions hereinafter

    appearing for the purpose of receiving education in a Sainik School.

    NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY and between the parties hereto as follows:-

    That in consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to the Sainik

    School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of the guarantor, he, the

    guarantor, covenants with the Governors that the student will attend the Sainik School regularly

    and will observe the comply with all the rules and regulations thereof for the prescribed

    period and that he, the guarantor, shall pay to the Governors regularly and whenever called

    upon to do so all the fees prescribed for education in the Sainik School.

    That the Governors will not be liable for any damages/charges on account of injuries

    which may be sustained by the student any time during his stay in the school while taking part

    in sports or other extra curricular activities of the school or on account of any other reason

    directly or indirectly related to his stay as a student in the school. All expenses that may be

    incurred in the treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parents/guardians as providedin the rules of the said school.

    And that if there is any dispute as to the effect or meaning of these presents or in any

    way touching or arising out of these presents, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration

    of the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools, whose decision shall be final.

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    . Prospectus33

    IN WITNESS WHERE OF _________________________________ has set his

    hand and _______________________________________ by order and direction of the

    Board of Governors has set his hand the day and the year first written above.



    Signed by the parent (FATHER) Signed by Principal

    in the presence (See note (b) below) (for and on behalf of the of Board

    of Governors, Sainik Schools in the presence of)


    (1stClass Magistrate OR any Gazetted Officer)


    (a) The agreement form is to be duly stamped. The necessary stamped paper for Rs.100/- or

    of such value as prescribed for this purpose is to be purchased by the guarantor from the

    Local Revenue Officer.

    (b) Government servant of Gazetted status who should sign together with his seal office in

    token of having witnessed the signature of the guarantor.(c) The space provided for the date in the 1stpara of the Agreement form should not be filled

    in by the guarantor. This will be filled in on the date on which the Agreement will be

    signed by the Principal, Sainik School, Kalikiri.

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    . Prospectus34

    Appendix I




    (To be typed on non-judicial paper worth Rs.100/-)

    THIS AGREEMENT is made this _______ day of _________ 20_____ between

    _________________ of __________________ (hereinafter called the Guarantor, which

    expression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include

    his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives) on the one part and the Board of

    Governors, Sainik School Society (hereinafter called Governors which expression shall unlessexcluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include the Principal of the

    Sainik School Kalikiri) of the other part.

    WHEREAS __________________ son of ___________________ (hereinafter called

    the student) is the son/ward of the guarantor and has at the request of the guarantor been

    selected for admission to the Sainik School Kalikiri inter-alia, on the terms and conditions

    hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receiving education with a view to making the Regular

    Armed Forces, his profession in life, if considered by the appropriate authority to be suitable

    and if there is any vacancy and if he be selected.

    NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND between the parties hereto as follows:

    That in consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to the Sainik

    School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of the guarantor, covenants

    with Governors that the student will attend Sainik School regularly and will observe and

    comply with all the rules and regulations thereof and for the prescribed period or until he is

    declared fit for admission to any institution as may from time to time prescribed by the

    Governors, for training for entry to the Regular Armed Forces and that he, the guarantor shall

    pay to the Governors regularly and promptly and whenever called upon to do so all the fees as

    prescribed, if he is not in receipt of any scholarship.

    That if for any reasons not beyond the control of either the student or the guarantor,

    the student fails to pursue his studies at the said school before appearing for selection for

    entry to any institution as may from time to time be prescribed by the Governors for training

    for entry to the Regular Armed Forces or fails to appear for the said selection or in the event

    of his not succeeding in the said selection, fails to reappear for selection, till such times as hisage permits him to do, according to the rules and regulations.

    For the time being in force or heaving been declared successful at the said selection

    does not proceed to one of the said institution to which he may be directed to proceed for

    being trained for entry into the Regular Armed Forces or having joined the said institution

    fails to complete the training there at for entry into the Regular Armed Forces or fails to join

    the Regular Armed Forces after completing the training at the said institution, then and if any

    such case the guarantor shall forthwith pay to the Governors in cash the sum, the student has

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    . Prospectus35

    received from the School and/or the state Government/Central Government the value of the

    scholarships he has received for the period the student was at the said School.

    That if after admission, any of the following, viz., proof of Domicile, Certificate of

    Age and Statement of Income supplied by the Guarantor, is found to be false in any way or

    not in order, the guarantor shall forthwith pay to the Governors in cash the sum the student

    has received from the School and/or the State Government/Central Government (the value

    of the scholarships he has received) for the student was at the said School.

    That if after admission, the student is found to be medically unfit in any way at the

    time which might, according to the opinion of the appropriate medical authority, render him

    unfit for his future entry to the Regular Armed Forces, the student will be withdrawn at once,

    but it would be open to the guarantor to retain in him at the School on payment of the full feeprescribed by the Governors from the date student is found medically unfit.

    That the Governors will not be liable for any damage/charges on account of injuries which

    may be sustained by the student at any time during his stay in the school while taking part in

    sports of other extracurricular activities of the School. All expenses that may be incurred in

    treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parent/guardian as provided in the rules of the

    said School.

    And that if there is any dispute as to the effect or meaning of these presents or in any

    way touching or arising out of these present the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration

    of the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools, whose decision shall be final.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF ___________________ has set his hand and

    ____________ by order and direction of the Board of Governors has set his hand the dayand the year first above written.

    _________________________ ___________________________

    Signed by the parent (FATHER) Signed by Principal

    in the presence (See note (b) below) (for and on behalf of the of Board of Governors,

    Sainik Schools in thepresence of)

    Witness 1:_____________________________(Gazetted Officer)

    Witness 2:_____________________________(Gazetted Officer)


    (a) The agreement form is to be fully stamped. The necessary stamp paper for Rs.100/- is tobe purchased by the guarantor from the local Revenue Officer.

    (b) The signature of the guarantor is to be witnessed by any Government servant of Gazetted


    (c) The space provided for the date in the 1stpara of the agreement form should not be filled

    in by the guarantor. This will be filled in on the date on which the agreement will be

    signed by the Principal, Sainik School, Kalikiri.

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    . Prospectus36

    Appendix M


    (To be typed on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/-)

    In consideration of my ward being nominated at my request to undergo any type of training

    like games, swimming ,sports, obstacles etc and also participation in any camp or educational

    tours, I undertake and agree that neither I nor my executor/ administrator will make any claim

    from the Govt of India or against any Officer/ JCO or Civilian MT Driver or against any

    person in the service of Govt of India in respect of any loss or injury to the property or ward

    (including an injury resulting in death), which my ward may suffer while or in consequence of

    any activity being participated and I understand that no compensation will be paid by the

    Govt. of India or any Officer /JCO/ or Civilian, MT Driver and in respect of any such lossor injury. I agree to bind myself, executors and administrators to indemnity to Govt of India,

    Officers, JCOs/or Civilians, MT Drivers in the service of Govt of India against any claim

    which may be made by the third party against them or any of them arising out of any act of

    default on any ward part during or in connection with said training and injury.


    (Signature of the Parent)

    Name: ..


    Vill: ......... ............. ............. .....

    Post..................................... Teh: ................... ............ .......Dist:....................................

    State: ....................................Pin:.....................................

    Witness 1: _____________________ Witness 2: _____________________

    (Signature) (Signature)

    Name: ________________________

    Name:________________________ House No. _____________________

    House No. _____________________

    Vill:___________________________ Vill:___________________________

    Post:__________________________ Post:__________________________

    Teh: __________________________ Teh: __________________________Dist:__________________________ Dist:__________________________

    State:_________________________ State:_________________________

    Pin:__________________________ Pin:__________________________


    (1STClass Magistrate)

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    . Prospectus37

    Appendix J


    It is hereby certified that ___________________________________ son of

    Shri _______________________ resident of _____________________ who has been

    selected by the Sainik School, Kalikiri to the best of my knowledge and belief has not

    suffered from any infectious diseases during the preceding month, nor is suffering from

    any infectious disease as on date.

    It is also hereby certified that two doses of anti-typhoid vaccine have been

    administered to the above candidate on ________________ and _______________ at

    the requisite intervals.

    Office Seal


    Name, Designation/Rubber Stamp

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    . Prospectus38

    Appendix K


    In consideration of my son/ward Entrance Exam / Roll No.______________

    Name _________________________________________ being allowed at his/my requestfor the travel during winter/midterm & summer vacation or during organised Educational

    Tours and when called at my request on emergency with or without escort, I undertake andagree that neither I nor my executor nor administrator will make any claim against the

    Government of India or against any Officer, Instructor or any person in the service ofSainik School, Kalikiri or the Sainik Schools Society in respect of any loss or injury including

    the death which he may suffer during the travel during winter/midterm & summer vacationsor during any organised trips like educational tours and when called at my request on

    emergency with or without escort, I understand that no compensation will be paid by theGovernment of India for any loss or injury including death and I agree so as to bind

    himself, executors and administrators to indemnify the Government of India or any Officer/Instructor of Sainik School, Kalikiri against any claim.

    Signature of Parent/Guardian

    Address:Signed by Parent/Guardian in my presence:


    (1)_______________________ Date:________________________________

    Name: _______________________________




    (2) ________________________ Date : ________________________

    Name: _______________________________




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    . Prospectus39

    Appendix L


    In consideration of my son /ward, Exam Roll No.________________________

    Name __________________________________________ being allowed at his/my

    request to swim in the School Swimming Pool, to participate in shooting and horse riding

    activities, I undertake and agree that neither I nor my executor nor administrator will make

    any claim against the Government of India or against any officer, Instructor or any personin the service of Sainik School, Kalikiri or the Sainik Schools Society in respect of any loss

    or injury including death which he may suffer during the above training/swimming and I

    understand that no compensation will be paid by the Government of India for any loss or

    injury including death and I agree so as to bind myself, executors and administrators to

    indemnify the Government of India or any officer/Instructor of Sainik School, Kalikiri

    against any claim.

    Signature of the Parent/GuardianAddress:

    Signed by Parent/Guardian in my presence


    (1)_______________________ Date:________________________________

    Name: _______________________________




    (2) ________________________ Date : ________________________

    Name: _______________________________




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    . Prospectus40

    Appendix M


    (To be typed on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs.10/-)

    In consideration of my ward being nominated at my request to undergo any type of training

    like games, swimming ,sports, obstacles etc and also participation in any camp or educational

    tours, I undertake and agree that neither I nor my executor/ administrator will make any claim

    from the Govt of India or against any Officer/ JCO or Civilian MT Driver or against any

    person in the service of Govt of India in respect of any loss or injury to the property or ward

    (including an injury resulting in death), which my ward may suffer while or in consequence of

    any activity being participated and I understand that no compensation will be paid by the

    Govt. of India or any Officer /JCO/ or Civilian. MT Driver and in respect of any such loss

    or injury. I agree to bind myself, executors and administrators to indemnify to Govt of India,

    Officers, JCOs/or Civilian, MT Drivers in the service of Govt of India against any claim

    which may be made by the third party against them or any of them arising out of any act of

    default on any ward part during or in connection with said training and injury.


    (Signature of the Parent)

    Name: ..


    Vill: ......... ............. ............. .....

    Post..................................... Teh: ................... ............ .......Dist:....................................

    State: ....................................Pin:.....................................

    Witness 1: _____________________ Witness 2: _____________________

    (Signature) (Signature)

    Name: ________________________

    Name:________________________ House No. _____________________

    House No. _____________________

    Vill:___________________________ Vill:___________________________

    Post:__________________________ Post:__________________________

    Teh: __________________________ Teh: __________________________Dist:__________________________ Dist:__________________________

    State:_________________________ State:_________________________

    Pin:__________________________ Pin:__________________________


    (1STClass Magistrate)

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    . Prospectus41

    Appendix N


    (To be typed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 10/-)

    I, ____________________________ S/o Shri ____________________ Resident

    of Village _________________ Post______________________ Dist_______________

    Father/guardian of Cadet ________________Adm No. ________ Class ______ admitted in

    Sainik School Kalikiri during the session _______________ hereby solemnly declare and

    undertake as under that:-

    (a) I am prepared to pay the increase in the fee from time to time in respect of my son/

    ward admitted in the School.

    (b) I further undertake that I will continue to pay the increase in the fee if any in future,

    i.e. till the stay of the boy in the school.

    (Signature of Father)

    Name: ___________________________

    Complete Address:

    Vill: _____________________________

    Post: ____________________________

    Teh: _____________________________



    Pin: _____________________________


    (1stClass Magistrate)

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    . Prospectus42

    Appendix O