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safer sustainable communities’ safer sustainable communities’ safer sustainable communities’ safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce Director General, Emergency Management Australia APEC CEO Emergency Management Seminar 2008 Lima – Peru 12 to 14 August 2008

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Page 1: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013

Tony Pearce

Director General, Emergency Management Australia

APEC CEO Emergency Management Seminar 2008 Lima – Peru 12

to 14 August 2008

Page 2: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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• In 2007 and 2008 there have been a number of large-scale disaster events in the region, including earthquakes in Peru, China and Japan, severe cyclone/typhoon damage and devastating flooding in many locations including Australia, United States and China

• Successful CEO Forums conducted in 2007 and 2008

• APEC leaders have stated:

“We agree on the need to further strengthen APEC’s efforts to build community resilience and preparedness for emergencies and natural disasters.”

Page 3: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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• Annual CEO forums from 2009 to 2013 to consolidate and advance the progress made and initiatives arising from the 2007 and 2008 forums

• Development of a forward program of work to be produced by the CEO forum over the five years

• Identification and implementation of a forum hosting process

Page 4: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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Proposed processes

• Forming a CEO’s Steering Group to guide the structure and content of the Forums:

- two TFEP Co-Chair economies

- the previous year’s host

- the current year’s host

- and the incoming host

• Eg. the Steering Committee for 2009 would comprise: Indonesia, Australia, 2008, 2009 and 2010 hosts

Page 5: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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Proposed processes

• CEO Steering Group to develop indicative forum administration and logistics timetable of critical dates and processes to include but not be limited to;

- Confirmation in August each year of the host for the coming year

- Ensuring TFEP issue of formal Invitation to proposed host, if required, on advice from CEO’s Steering Group

- Ensuring that incoming host applies for APEC funding assistance (particularly for APEC travel assistance eligible economies) in October

- Ensure that formal invitations are distributed in February of the host year

Page 6: ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ ‘safer sustainable communities’ Proposal for Sustaining the CEOs’ Forum to 2013 Tony Pearce

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That the CEO Forum seek TFEP endorsement to;-

• conduct an annual CEO Forum from 2009 until 2013

• form a CEOs’ Forum Steering Group that comprises the CEO’s from the TFEP co-chair economies (Australia and Indonesia), previous year host economy, current year host economy and incoming year host economy. The 2009 Steering Group to be tasked with developing a draft 5 year program for CEO approval and an annual calendar of critical dates and processes