sacrifice prices. -...

/. .... ../ QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... SIMMONS' · CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH. aad CtilENT. $2 .• ...... WHITE EN!.EL I BOAT BVILDIN& - VOLU.ld.E LXXlV, r-· · ••e:c-=-=-=-=-=-=-: ·,REDE . CORfIE'. f The Home of the Paint of Quality off a every purpose. Aak your dealer for " MATCHLESS" Flat and Gloss White, 11 GLOS· ' ELASTIC", the Old Time English Enamel, "LUSTRA" 4 Hour Enamel,. 11 LUSTRA" Floor Enamel Paint. Gold, Aluminium and Enamels. 11 IT-ZIT" Varnish Stains, "MATCH· LESS" High Class Varnishes, shellacs, Velvet Wall Finishes etc. etc. We also oUer Marine and Iudustrial all moclerately priced and the b••\ v&iu'9 on the market. THt STANDARD G O. LTD. I ST . JOHN' S. C. CHESLEY BU.TT, Ag ent, .j P, 0 . BOX 12. Harbor Grace. _ a - --- ................................................ I Newfoundland Railway I i Between-piirt Freight Rates Applying Hr. I. ! Grace this Season i Notioe is given that du.Ong the co mio/g sea- I son, between-port Freight rates will a pply from · 1 ! Hr . Gra ce to La brador points and vice versa. i Terminal rates charged i'Ast 'year will be cancelled. ii I It is to be understood that under new arran' gements no facilities such as shed; will t bts available at wharf, and Railway will f not be responsible 'tor g oods before going on i · I steamer at Hr. Grace or after landing from I steamer at that port. ........ •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• •• •• ••••• .dnrH8810n of Patients to Hospital. Nolice ia hereby given to all who may aL any time be COD· cemed that, on and after &fay 1. 1934, arrangementa for admia· ai on of patient• to the General must be made at tbe of· ficee of the Department of Public Health and \Velfne at Sudbury Building, '!It J obn'a. Thia regulation covera both poyiog pa- tienta and thoee wbO!e expenees have to be met out of public charilie<J funds. Offi chll1:1 c. f tho hospital have been ioellucted to enforce it elrictly. The depaitment 6nds it necessary to reiterate warninga pre· -riousJy published that it c..innot recogn ise commilment.e purport- ing to be made on its behalf by persons who C!\nnot pr oduce duo autborleatioo. All eopplies iuued or services performed must be covered by an offi ci al order before tho department au umo any responsibility therefore. 2i . .. .. .. .. ( By order) THE COMMISSIONER, Public Health and Welfare. . .... New Arriv Ripe Tomatoes Jafta Oranges llipe Bananas Grape Fruit Ice Berg Lettuce i Lemons Celeiy I Argentine Black Grapes P !ILS ud · SUPPLIES. BARBOR NFLD., F RIDAY, MAY 4, 1934. NUMBER ·25 J .. SECTION t 1 We have jast received a new shipment of Senior (Pau)-Eliubelb Rorke, ......................... . Winnirrtd Burdm, T M E p. U j lntermedlate(P .. )-Lilli'ao' M ad· rs. Ot e, . dock, Lollile Pi"ke. · I W. & J. Ladiea' and Childr•n' Shoe• Also An AltracUve Line of Wall Pa NOW'S THE Tl to ftetu_re that SUIT and SWBAT:tg\ for your BOY. GROCERIES and tRBSH FRUITS Always ln Stock . · James Burden Carbon ear. Newfowidlander at Winnipeg Celebrates 84tb Birthday. Oar ooogratulatioos are extl'nded to Joseph Jillell, 580 Bereaford Avenue, celebraled bis 84tb Junior (P aa )-Joan Wilcox, Water Street, Eaat, . .Preparitor7 (Pau)r Paulira Mc- CARBONEAR. Gratb, Viola Butter, Oar extended to the ndid:tles and teacher . · GROCERIES and FANCY DRY GODDS. Marpb1. I We Specl&llze in On D pul a Fare- LADIIS' COATS, well Party._ Bl Palrlck'1 BATS and Han for AllM who le learing. 1bo 1 to take a DBISSIS. coune in nanlng·a.\'IJie Notre Dame Bay MemoriaLDOIPlW· Twillingale. Ca 'l and See ., '•· Mita Joan Rusted · •d an appro- 11 priate addreat ,.and her HHHH .................. , with a 'gift of gold,'J.'° which Miu Murp.hy auitably nil'_tied. Dancing when opened pro, ·ed to contain a wu and at 11 o'clock number of Yery useful util\lee, in· aapper wa11 1ened. Our bed wiahee eluding a quantity of Silverware and f or auocea in her cbbsen profe .. -aion linen Mra. Soptor w119 much aur· are Htended to Mw.,Aturphy. prised but lb:inked her friends in --o- well choseu words for their girts and Proteet Your Prooerty- See good wi bhes. A pleuaot time was Soper for Insurance. then epent at C11 rd s otc , supper be- ing served al 1 L. ao. We take this opportunity of ex· tenJing to Mr. and Mrs. S:>per our vory best wish8J for future bappi- nw. Just Arrived . birthday on Tbuzadey. He wu born in C.rboneu, Newfouftd!aod A large Bhi11ment ot --- o- -- and speni bis early life on the sea in L-'DfES' SPl'l! . I CO-'JS uiliog lblps. Hie memory jlOee ll m a back t-> the great in 1866 when , lr You want fire Insurance talk to SOPER. --o-- be "" the old "Oreat East ern" SPEOIAL PRIOIS FOR THE the At101olic cable on thit I M01'TR Si' MAY .. Personal. side of tho waler. Ile came to Moo · let yam before1Htfoo'Jat0. Dr. W. S. Goodwin, of Harbor Grace, Willi again in town on Thurs- day and i"riday on prof en ional buli· neea, allll had his Dental rooms at tho McCarthy Hotel, lo l.i 76 Mr. Jillell married Eliu- ALSO LADIES' and CHILDREN 'S HATS and DRESSES C:ipt 0 ll. Dean anJ crow of the Sehr. Suneel Glo1v, for St John' e Oil ll ooday to join t boir ship for the season's operation!!. belh Coueim•. who died three years ego. ·In 1879 ho came lo Southero M&nitoba , by way of Emerson, , riding in an ox earl. and set· tied on a homestead 1.i miles aou lb of Manitou. Ho ongiiged in ·rarm· ing until 1913, when be retired to ALWAYS IN STOCK.- bis pre!eot homo in Winoipeg. Mr. - Dr. Hogan '""9 in t ownj)n Satur- day visiting his p11 reote, Mr, and re Thomas ffog1 rn . Jille tt was nlivnys oclivo in public ------ ----- \Volrare work and when in mooicipnl offica bad several new road11 graded and the old Rleel bridge erected acr o!!ll tho Pembina River close to llr. A. D. Rowo is nL present in tOITll in the interest of tho Lawrence N'fid C<i Ltd. Mrs H:u old Mnddook and Mrs. MISS UDELL, Carbonear . the site of lhe prese nt gas wells. Bo baa also been quite odtivo in church Closing To urnament at C .. llcmi,;ter 1vent to the city Oil Fri· <lay by llurdeo's Taxi, Mi !s Gertrude H ogan, n-ho has been e1 >endiog a mon ths vacation with her pa rents., Mr. and Atrs \\' illhm Hogan, returned to tho cily ork both in country at1d cit)' and is a member of the seaeioo of R oso· Masonic Hall . dale United Church. He is iotor ee l- ed lo all young people's activities and t1til l enjoys bowling a times every iriol er Tbabday nigh£ tho session and etewarda of Roledale United Church honoured him with an addreea of feli citaUone. The above i. a olippiog from 11 Winnipeg Pap11r jof rocont date and relates to a lorm\ r resident of Cabonear. Mr Jilletl hat1 a number of relatiTes in NewfoU11dland, in- cl uding tbreo nephows, Mesal'I W F. and McNeil HoHll, ol tbia town and Mr . J1o:ies Howell, Orand Falls We alao take this opportunity of also exleodiog onr felioitations to Mr. Jillett and trust th at ho will coptioue lb enjoy good health for ufany year.a lo co me. 1 -o-- f or fire S oper --o--- Music Examin ations. Doring the w months Vard on. Mouday lo res ume her dulie! aL Tournamenta have been held in the tho General Hospital. M uooic Hall bv the Masonic.Cl ub on Mrs Phillip Saunders and Mi ES Wedn esday and Saturday night! and Marie !:)aundera nre al preaenlepend· have been well attended and very ing n vacation in the city. enjo!abl e. On &turdsy night paet Mr. Hayward ;Oamond ltft by lhe Boal tourosment for the season Tueeday'e Expre!e for Corner Brook, was held. wh ere be bas eecu reu a po!ilion. 'fhe alleodaoco woe of tbe Conet, Wi thers went to l,Ae ci ty largest for Ibo ae:iaon a'nd fo llol\ iog on Thursday with n patien< for the the ((lornamenl aopper was eerved Mental Asylum. a fter which abort but very interest· T. C. Dad cock pa id a log speeches wero made by M mre. visit to tho city during thl) w etk. A. K Penoey, W. J. M cCa rthy, F. M rs. Rev. J. R Saint nnd eon Davie, M. Fitipatriclr, G. Hall nnci wh o hno been visiting Mrs. Sitinl'e F. P. Piko. mother, Mri:'. Juli!\ Penney, returned The prli ee fo r tho night's · game lo Amherst, t\, , on Thursday, were then presen ted by the Pru i- M rs. L. C. DufT, who h lls been dent, Mr. Wm Clarke, to t ho win- spending a months vacation wi lb ners, as follows : - her )I' Rev.. Hillier, at let ptiie, Mr. A. .E. Penney, 2nd Umnd Falls, returned homo on Mr S. M. M oores, 8rd. Mr. U Rus- Saturdoy, sell, Booby, Mr. B. Taylor, oft er Mr. W, B'. Badcock was a visitor w\l icb the )fotional Anthem was •lo the ci ty durini; t ho we ek. sung and a very enjoyable eveoiog M esara. fi'. P. Piko and Cl. ll. "-"'" ll,rooghl to R clo!e. , Powell or Saunders, Howe n & Co. Thursday of lae.t week .the · o- Ltd., visited Bny de during Colllljte of Musto f or fire Insurance see Soper tbo week to mnk o or- 11ooe were held at tho PreMnlalloo mnscemeots for the building of a Convent, tho exa,miner being Dr. ' --o-- .Bait Depot, Jas. B. Lyon, and resulttd 88 fol· Girl's Club Holds Concert. Iowa:- Higher Loe.ii, (Paas) -Dorothy Cameron. Announcing Highest Price• Paid lor Codfish OVl810118 Feeu Fl oar Molauea ,, Always in Stock. Importers & Exporters. · - - ____ · l - ALL 6omaining , Goods GOING AT Sacrifice Prices. \ IT WILL PAY l!!U TO COME ALONG. ASH'S, CARBON EAR. . Mr. and Mn. Durden wore I ••o• .. ••• -••-.. •• •-..c>• vi s itors to lbe city during tho \V(l(' k inter l'St of lhoir Wator Stree t Headquarters Mrs O. M. Moores is nt pr esent ' visiting t ho city. for · M e&Srs. W. lJ Finn nod n. Hogan were recent vi11itors to t ho oily. Groceri e s, · Mril. M. La ko nod Mrs. M cCa rth wen t to Ib o ci1y nt Thursday. \\'o underetnnd Mrs. M cCa rthy ho@pi ta l for med ical t'ren tmenl Mrs. Eugena Bu rden nnd \\'inoio Du rd en were visitors to tho city on Tu t'11d 11y. - P rovisions, feeds of all Kind s. Mr. Peller or St. John's is D t nin visitios ea r bone11r in t ho interCl!t or James M oore Radio Station \' ON1''. , Ex-Pi o. Ha rold King, who hns been under going med icnl treatment nl ot John's, retu rned home OD Phone 65. P. O. D,ox 42 Carbonear. Tuesday, and ire or o ple4Sed ¥?hear ••• ... •••• .. ••- ••• .. ••-•is f eeli ng improved. · ---o--- lf Yo u want fire In surance talk to Soper . --o--- Animals Killed by Train. Protect Your . Properly - See Soper for Insu rance. Guardian Fire and Lile !SSUl!NCE CO'Y LlllTED. or LONDON On Thursday night of ls.s t week the U. C Girl a Club held held a ooocert in tho Coll ege Hall, Mrs. (Rev.) Reynolds acted u chair- woman and the programme consisted of t wo amueiog aketches-(a) A Busy Day, and (b) Mr. Ptter Bryce. The openina of our ICE CREAM PARLOUR. Try the . new Dixie Ice Cups. Sc and 1 Oc aize8. On Monday morning a i;i x yeu old bom•, owned by M r. Patrick Cullen, Valley Road, wns · killed by the out-going train, and on Tuesday the in·ooming lniin killed threo young lambs, owned l 1y Mr. Alec Boll, aleo of lbo South Side. L l!rL to mourn lhf ir tu •I loss are lour duughl efll, Mtil J O!eJlli Howell nnd \\',A lh .11\ all, col llOfl too, M 11t<s, 'fh omu Mar lj:I nod Mrs. Uarry Fonte of tbis town. Ono ton, John, mtiding at Bo!tO ll , ol eo one brother, . \Ir Jn mfS Tbis tl t', and two ei ter#, Mi s. Piku. South iJo, and M rs. C11pt11 in C. Horwood, St. John's, to all or whom o•J r deeptosL eympnthy is extended. ---o--- Dellcfons Apples . Carro•'", Parsnips, Sub1crl bed Capllal. .. .c:z.000. 000 •tr ... Totl.l IDYnted Faada I Winesap Apples j Green Cabbage- Sunklst Oranges ii Turnips apward• oc • • •• • •• • 2. 750,000 atr The girls 11.ll took t btlr parl.8 well and received mocb 1pplaoso. lee Cream and candy were on 1ale dur - iog the intern! and helped to aug· meot the amoooL of proceeds, wbiob were qoite up to expectations. See Our Wall Papers Obituaey., Connxsroli :. 'T. C.ubcint- ar, M ay 3rd, HlS4. --..11.l:U... - Aaa111l Income 11p· s: JOSl:PH ROSS wardeof .. ...... .... l56,0001tr LST The Guno1A11 belor a &rat-claa• Bride Given Mi 1celhuieous Special Price• for MAY Shower. Month - 12c, 150, l Sc I I B:arll•h Jaauraace Compao7 offer• all tboee aduotare• mo•t deatnhle On Monda7 niabt putMre. George LORNf HISCOCK, F. B.O.A., F.1.0. fYfSIGHT- SPfCIALIST. Optical Work in all its 197 Water Street St; .Jollll'• lo i11111rera, Tia., aadoobled 1tablll, Soper (nee Min Grace Peach), t7, latorable terma aad prompt aet· wboee merriage t ook plaJMt recentl7, tJemeat oa dalma Jor loea. ''" glnn a Mittellaneoa18hower el The aodenl1{11td hnlac is,e.. ap tbe home uf li re. 8. Mporea pol ated Apata for NeWfoaadlaad bout filt 1 ledl• were prt1en\ end are prepared to lnae b M So .i b acalaet loU bJ ll'lre - w en • re. per eoleraa t e room T. & M. WurH•, St. JohD'•, ill joined lo "For Bhe'e a 0. ID. Sftftno11, Br . Grace. Jol(1 Good 1fttr whlClb 1be Avnw.M'ADDOCS. 811b-1 1 oat, J w11 Jed l&.rr.tablo laden with · _ C&rboaar. m71tufou ICMWDi pacbcte. which and up. ' Alao LADIES' ORBSSBS. rans· Ina from e1 .. 10 ' to98,00; George Forward, caibo.War. MARY ANN Ro11soN. Thero pa.ased petoefully away on Sunday mornihg, April 29th, Mre. ' GE'f' YOUR PRINTING Mary Rumson, nlict of the late A ND DEVELOPING William Rumaon, of this town, at DONE AT the age of 77 yeara. Deceased bed been ill for the past GUY'S r ow months and the end w11s not ' CARBONBAB a oexpected. In former ye:ua !\Ire Rumeop conducted a in WHt End, and was well kD?'IJl ancl highly eeteemed The funeral took pl1ot on TueJd4y ind wae largely attended Interment wu a\ the U. The Latest Br1Uih and American Megazlnu, .. always In stock. 0. Cemetery, Ref. J. L. Reyno!da

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Page 1: Sacrifice Prices. -… · SIMMONS' · QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH


.... ../

QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... SIMMONS' · CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH. aad CtilENT. $2 .• pg~-......



r-·· ••e:c-=-=-=-=-=-=-:


• f

The Home of ·~MATCHLE''" the Paint of Quality off er~ a paln~or every purpose.

Aak your dealer for "MATCHLESS" Flat and Gloss White, 11GLOS·

' ELASTIC", the Old Time English Enamel, "LUSTRA" 4 Hour Enamel,. 11LUSTRA" Floor Enamel Paint. Gold, Aluminium and 8lao~ Enamels. 11IT-ZIT" Varnish Stains, "MATCH· LESS" High Class Varnishes, shellacs, Velvet Wall Finishes etc. etc. We also oUer Marine and Iudustrial Pa~ all moclerately priced ~ and the b••\ v&iu'9 on the market. ~


:~. C. CHESLEY BU.TT, Agent, .j P, 0 . BOX 12. Harbor Grace. _ a

~::s:s:!!:l!!:!i!::!!:.ft:ss-®:ii>=•::!!!~=-=--srac·w - ---................................................

I Newfoundland Railway I i Between-piirt Freight Rates Applying Hr. I. ! Grace this Season

i Notioe is g iven that du.Ong the comio/g sea- I ~ son, between-port Freight ra tes will apply from · 1 ! Hr. Grace to La brador points and vice versa. i Terminal rates charged i'Ast 'year will be cancelled.

ii• I It is to be understood that under new arran'gements no facilities such as shed; will

t bts available at wharf, and Railway will f not be responsible 'tor goods before going on i · I steamer at Hr. Grace or after landing from I

steamer at that port. _..~"""' ........ ....,.....,..,...,.......,,_,..,.~~

•••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •• •• •• •••••

.dnrH8810n of Patients to Hospital.

Nolice ia hereby given to all who may aL any time be COD· cemed that, on and after &fay 1. 1934, arrangementa for admia· aion of patient• to the General must be made at tbe of· ficee of the Department of Public Health and \Velfne at Sudbury Building, '!It J obn'a. Thia regulation covera both poyiog pa­tienta and thoee wbO!e expenees have to be met out of public charilie<J funds. Offichll1:1 c.f tho hospital have been ioellucted to enforce it elrictly.

The depaitment 6nds it necessary to reiterate warninga pre· -riousJy published that it c..innot recognise commilment.e purport­ing to be made on its behalf by persons who C!\nnot produce duo autborleatioo. All eopplies iuued or services performed must be covered by an official order before tho department ~'n au umo any responsibility therefore.

2i . .. .. .. .. ( By order)

THE COMMISSIONER, Public Health and Welfare. . ....

New Arriv • Ripe Tomatoes Jafta Oranges llipe Bananas Grape Fruit Ice Berg Lettuce i Lemons Celeiy I Argentine Black Grapes



J .. ~~CARl30NEAR SECTION ~____,...

~ t

1 We have jast received a new shipment of

Senior (Pau)-Eliubelb Rorke, ......................... . Winnirrtd Burdm, T M E p. U j

lntermedlate(P .. )-Lilli'ao' Mad· rs. • Ot e, . dock, Lollile Pi"ke. · I W. & J. Moor~~ .Ltd~

Ladiea' and Childr•n' • Shoe•

Also An AltracUve Line of Wall Pa

NOW'S THE Tl to ftetu_re that SUIT and SWBAT:tg\

for your BOY.

GROCERIES and tRBSH FRUITS Always ln Stock .

·James Burden Carbon ear.

Newfowidlander at Winnipeg Celebrates 84tb Birthday.

Oar ooogratulatioos are extl'nded to Joseph Jillell, 580 Bereaford Avenue, celebraled bis 84tb

Junior (Paa)-Joan Wilcox, Water Street, Eaat, . .Preparitor7 (Pau)r Paulira Mc- CARBONEAR.

Gratb, Viola Butter, Oar congralal~\J01•re extended

to the ucoem~~ ndid:tles and teacher . ·



Marpb1. I We Specl&llze in On Thu~ D pul a Fare- LADIIS' COATS,

well Party._ Bl Palrlck'1 BATS and Han for AllM Murp~. who le learing. 1bo 1 to take a DBISSIS. coune in nanlng·a.\'IJie Notre Dame Bay MemoriaLDOIPlW· Twillingale. Ca 'l and See ., '•· Mita Joan Rusted ·•d an appro- 11 U~ priate addreat ,.and ~preaenled her HHHH .................. , with a 'gift of gold,'J.'° which Miu Murp.hy auitably nil'_tied. Dancing when opened pro,·ed to contain a wu ~enjoyed and at 11 o'clock number of Yery useful util\lee, in· aapper wa11 1ened. Our bed wiahee eluding a quantity of Silverware and for auocea in her cbbsen profe .. -aion linen Mra. Soptor w119 much aur· are Htended to Mw.,Aturphy. prised but lb:inked her friends in

--o- well choseu words for their girts and Proteet Your Prooerty- See good wibhes. A pleuaot time was

Soper for Insurance. then epent at C11rds otc , supper be-ing served al 1 L. ao.

.....,.....,....~ We take this opportunity of ex· tenJing to Mr. and Mrs. S:>per our vory best wish8J for future bappi­nw.

Just Arrived . birthday on Tbuzadey. He wu ~ born in C.rboneu, Newfouftd!aod A large Bhi11ment ot

---o-- -and speni bis early life on the sea in L-'DfES' SPl'l!. I CO-'JS uiliog lblps. Hie memory jlOee ll m a back t-> the great ~ay in 1866 when ,

l r You want fire Insurance talk to SOPER.


be "" the old "Oreat Eastern" SPEOIAL PRIOIS FOR THE ~nd the fi~t At101olic cable on thit I M01'TR Si' MAY ..


side of tho waler. Ile came to Moo·

:::~~o :el~!:i1c ~~:i:es!:e ~Aed let yam before1Htfoo'Jat0. Dr. W. S. Goodwin, of Harbor

Grace, Willi again in town on Thurs­day and i"riday on profenional buli· neea, allll had his Dental rooms at tho McCarthy Hotel,

lo l.i76 Mr. Jillell married Eliu-



C:ipt 0 ll. Dean anJ crow of the Sehr. Suneel Glo1v, Joi~ for St John'e Oil llooday to join tboir ship for the season's operation!!.

belh Coueim•. who died three years ego. ·In 1879 ho came lo Southero M&nitoba, by way of Emerson, ~fan , riding in an ox earl. and set· tied on a homestead 1.i miles aoulb of Manitou. Ho ongiiged in ·rarm· ing until 1913, when be retired to ALWAYS IN STOCK.-bis pre!eot homo in Winoipeg. Mr. -

Dr. Hogan '""9 in townj)n Satur­day visiting his p11reote, Mr, and ~I re Thomas ffog1rn. •

Jillett was nlivnys oclivo in public ----------­\Volrare work and when in mooicipnl offica bad several new road11 graded and the old Rleel bridge erected acro!!ll tho Pembina River close to

llr. A. D. Rowo is nL present in tOITll in the interest of tho Lawrence N'fid C<i Ltd.

Mrs H:uold Mnddook and Mrs. MISS UDELL,

Carbonear. the site of lhe present gas wells. Bo ~~~ baa also been quite odtivo in church Closing Tournament at

C .. llcmi,;ter 1vent to the city Oil Fri· <lay by llurdeo's Taxi,

Mi!s Gertrude Hogan, n-ho has been e1>endiog a months vacation with her parents., Mr. and Atrs \\'illhm Hogan, returned to tho cily

ork both in country at1d cit)' and is a member of the seaeioo of Roso· Masonic Hall. dale United Church. He is iotoreel­ed lo all young people's activities and t1till enjoys bowling a ~w times every irioler •

Tbabday nigh£ tho session and etewarda of Roledale United Church honoured him with an addreea of felicitaUone.

The above i. a olippiog from 11 Winnipeg Pap11rjof rocont date and relates to a lorm\ r resident of Car· bonear. Mr Jilletl hat1 a number of relatiTes in NewfoU11dland, in­cluding tbreo nephows, Mesal'I W F. and McNeil HoHll, ol tbia town and Mr. J1o:ies Howell, Orand Falls We alao take this opportunity of also exleodiog onr felioitations to Mr. J illett and trust that ho will coptioue lb enjoy good health for ufany year.a lo come. 1 -o--f or fire lns.urance...~ee Soper

--o---Music Examinations.

Doring the w months Vard on. Mouday lo resume her dulie! aL Tournamenta have been held in the tho General Hospital. Muooic Hall bv the Masonic.Club on Mrs Phillip Saunders and MiES Wednesday and Saturday night! and Marie !:)aundera nre al preaenlepend· have been well attended and very ing n vacation in the city. enjo!able. On &turdsy night paet Mr. Hayward ;Oamond ltft by lhe Boal tourosment for the season Tueeday'e Expre!e for Corner Brook, was held. where be bas eecureu a po!ilion.

'fhe alleodaoco woe o~o of tbe Conet, Withers went to l,Ae city largest for Ibo ae:iaon a'nd fo llol\ iog on Thursday with n patien< for the the ((lornamenl aopper was eerved Mental Asylum. after which abort but very in terest· ~Ir. T. C. Dadcock paid a bu~ioeas log speeches wero made by Mmre. visit to tho city during thl) wetk. A. K Penoey, W. J . McCarthy, F. Mrs. Rev. J. R Saint nnd eon Davie, M. Fitipatriclr, G. Hall nnci who hno been visiting Mrs. Sitinl'e F. P. Piko. mother, Mri:'. Juli!\ Penney, returned

The prliee fo r tho night's · game lo Amherst, t\, , on Thursday, were then presented by the Pru i- Mrs. L. C. DufT, who hlls been dent, Mr. Wm Clarke, to tho win- spending a months vacation wi lb ners, as follows : - her dau~hter, )I'"· Rev .. Hillier, at

let ptiie, Mr. A..E. Penney, 2nd Umnd Falls, returned homo on Mr S. M. Moores, 8rd. Mr. U Rus- Saturdoy, sell, Booby, Mr. B. Taylor, ofter Mr. W, B'. Badcock was a visitor w\licb the )fotional Anthem was •lo the city durini; tho week. sung and a very enjoyable eveoiog Mesara. fi'. P. Piko and Cl. ll.

"-"'" ll,rooghl to R clo!e. , Powell or Saunders, Howen & Co. 9~ Thursday of lae.t week .the · o- Ltd., visited Bny de V~rd~ during

~nmty Colllljte of Musto Exam1~a- f or fire Insurance see Soper tbo week to mnko preh~mary or-11ooe were held at tho PreMnlalloo mnscemeots for the building of a Convent, tho exa,miner being Dr. ' --o-- .Bait Depot, Jas. B. Lyon, and resultt d 88 fol· Girl's Club Holds Concert. ~,,.--------,===--Iowa:-

Higher Loe.ii, (Paas)-Dorothy Cameron. Announcing

Highest Price• Paid lor Codfish

• • OVl810118

Feeu Fl oar

Molauea,, Always in Stock.

Importers & Exporters. -·-· · - - ____ · l


6omaining , Goods GOING AT

Sacrifice Prices. \



Mr. and Mn. Jot,De~ Durden wore I ••o• .. •••-••-.. •••-..c>• visitors to lbe city during tho \V(l('k k~olr~~ interl'St of lhoir Wator St reet Headquarters

Mrs O. M. Moores is nt present ' visiting tho city. for ·

Me&Srs. W. lJ Finn nod n. Hogan were recent vi11itors to tho oily. Groceries,·

Mril. M. Lako nod Mrs. McCarth went to Ibo ci1y nt Thursday. \\'o underetnnd Mrs. McCarthy wil~enter ho@pital for medical t'rentmenl

Mrs. Eugena Burden nnd ~fas \\'i noio Durden were visitors to tho city on Tut'11d11y.

-Provisions, feeds of all Kinds.

Mr. Peller or St. John's is Dt nin visitios earbone11r in tho interCl!t or James Moore Radio Station \'ON1''. ,

Ex-Pio. Harold King, who hns been undergoing medicnl treatment nl ot John's, retu rned home OD

Phone 65. P. O. D,ox 42

Carbonear. Tuesday, and ire oro ple4Sed ¥?hear ••• ... •••• .. ••-••• .. ••-•• is feeling improved. ·

---o---lf You want fire Insurance

talk to Soper . --o---

Animals Killed by Train.

Protect Your. Properly- See Soper for Insurance.

Guardian Fire and Lile


On Thursday night of week the U. C Girl a Club held held a ooocert in tho College Hall, Mrs. (Rev.) Reynolds acted u chair­woman and the programme consisted of two amueiog aketches-(a) A Busy Day, and (b) Mr. Ptter Bryce.

The openina of our ICE CREAM PARLOUR.

Try the .new Dixie Ice Cups. Sc and 1 Oc aize8.

On Monday morning a i;i x yeu old bom•, owned by Mr. Patrick Cullen, Valley Road, wns ·killed by the out-going train, and on Tuesday the in·ooming lniin ki lled threo young lambs, owned l1y Mr. Alec Boll, aleo of lbo South Side.

ofiiciBl io~ L l!rL to mourn lhfir tu•I loss are lour duughlefll, Mtil JO!eJlli Howell nnd ~Ir:!, \\',A lh.11\ all, col llOfltoo, M11t<s, ~ .rs. 'fhomu Marlj:I nod Mrs. Uarry Fonte of tbis town. Ono ton, John, mtiding at Bo! tOll, oleo one brother, .\Ir JnmfS Tbistlt', and two ei ter#, Mis. Etea~er Piku. South iJo, and Mrs. C11pt11in C. Horwood, St. John's, to all or whom o•J r deeptosL eympnthy is extended.

---o---Dellcfons Apples . Carro•'", Parsnips, Sub1crlbed Capllal. .. .c:z.000.000 •tr ... "° Totl.l IDYnted Faada I Winesap Apples j Green Cabbage-

Sunklst Oranges ii Turnips apward• oc • • • • • • • • 2. 750,000 atr

The girls 11.ll took tbtlr parl.8 well and received mocb 1pplaoso. lee Cream and candy were on 1ale dur­iog the intern! and helped to aug· meot the amoooL of proceeds, wbiob were qoite up to expectations.

See Our

Wall Papers Obituaey., Connxsrolin£:.'T.

C.ubcint-ar, May 3rd, HlS4.

--..11.l:U...- Aaa111l Income 11p· •

s: JOSl:PH ROSS wardeof .. ...... .. .. l56,0001tr LST The Guno1A11 belor a &rat-claa• Bride Given Mi1celhuieous Special Price• for MAY

Shower. Month - 12c, 150, l Sc I • I B:arll•h Jaauraace Compao7 offer•

~-~~;~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~!:;~~ all tboee aduotare• mo•t deatnhle On Monda7 niabt putMre. George


Optical Work in all its B~ 197 Water Street St; .Jollll'•

lo i11111rera, Tia., aadoobled 1tablll , Soper (nee Min Grace Peach), t7, latorable terma aad prompt aet· wboee merriage took plaJMt recentl7, tJemeat oa dalma Jor loea. ''" glnn a Mittellaneoa18hower el

The aodenl1{11td hnlac is,e.. ap tbe home uf l ire. 8. ~. Mporea polated Apata for NeWfoaadlaad bout filt1 ledl• were prt1en\ end are prepared to lnae Pullet~ b M So • .i b acalaet loU bJ ll'lre - w en • re. per eoleraa t e room

T . & M. WurH•, St. JohD'•, ill joined lo •ID&i~ "For Bhe'e a 0 . ID. Sftftno11, Br. Grace. Jol(1 Good r~ 1fttr whlClb 1be Avnw.M'ADDOCS. 811b-11oat, J w11 Jed to~ l&.rr.tablo laden with

· _ C&rboaar. m71tufou ICMWDi pacbcte. which

and up. •

' Alao LADIES' ORBSSBS. rans· Ina from e1 .. 10 'to98,00;

George Forward, caibo.War. ~~

MRs~ MARY ANN Ro11soN. ~m•~m~ Thero pa.ased petoefully away on

Sunday mornihg, April 29th, Mre. ' GE'f' YOUR PRINTING Mary Rumson, nlict of the late AND DEVELOPING William Rumaon, of this town, at DONE AT the age of 77 yeara.

Deceased bed been ill for the past GUY'S row months and the end w11s not ' CARBONBAB a oexpected. In former ye:ua !\Ire Rumeop conducted a bueln~s in th~ WHt End, and was well kD?'IJl ancl highly eeteemed The funeral took pl1ot on TueJd4y ind wae largely attended Interment wu a\ the U.

The Latest Br1Uih and American Megazlnu, ..

always In stock. 0. Cemetery, Ref. J. L. Reyno!da ~Ut~RtRl>'.!l'•a.

Page 2: Sacrifice Prices. -… · SIMMONS' · QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH


·THE ;

91rBuy Advertised· Goods. Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop.~

( ,,___,



. ~

Temptini; breads.for every menu easy to make with I . ' ROYAL YEAST CAKES.I

ROY AL Yeast Cakes always give you full leavening power

-aureJcsults. That's because tLey are individually wrapped io air­tight waxed paper. They reach you in perfect cooditioo-and'Will stay fresh for months. No chance for deterioration. For more than 50 years the standard of fine quality­today Royal Yeast Cakes are vsed in 7 out of every 8 Canadian homes , where dry ydlst ia preferred for



home bakiq.

PllEEI Tbe ao,.l Y- B4h .8ool' fO _....._ ,_ bake •t bom~. lJ ttllUd reels>"! A"*-~ DraDd•, Fna« ""· a Ubtn:r St •• T-to. o.c. A.tic, too, I« l..a.t, ,.rbeltopl Roood fO ._ • ......_ ..

8 WHlT CAN YOUTH DO ? ~ 11C100Qigo.c,1GOQ ~IOOG'l~Y.

would be, for pure bred stock, six months old sows, fourteen dollars, for a pure bred boar of tbe aame age, eight-eea dollan. You would need three 11ow1 aod one male pig


Number 4. Your cost pf feediag will clepcnd Youth :..)ust b.riog their ~rR' very much·oa what you g row oo

PllfSS ~IMMUNIQUE. to tbc qu~ni.Q.n of stock rals10 or the farm . · It is little use thinking 6

breeding io Newfoundland. It · of it, unless you have a grant or Of the Slstecatli Meeting of takts more ioS,elligeoce to ruo a laqd amou::1tlog to tea acres. You Commluloa of Government held stock farm fuccessfully than to will need to grow lbts of macgel.s. la the Coloal•I Building on Satur· work in a facto ry, store, or ~e. sugar beet, and turnips for winter day, April 28th, at 10. 15 a. m: If youUi wishes to face a rcalt;isk. fecdiog. You should store a few His Excellency .the Gonraor then go ahead aod develop the burels of s;ilt herring, wbicb prealded. • couoir1. We must first get a bnlc should be well watered bdort used principle rooted, that is the ele· fo r feeding. A field or peaa will All the Commluioaers were pre· meat of quality io farming. Some make excellent feediog lo the fall seat. one weot th roug h the barns of the after tbe peas are picked off (or It was decided tbal ucept io stock breeders of Prloce EJ warJ winter feed. Turn tbe pigs Into proved cues of absolute deatitu· lslaod, aod expressed bis pleasure the field. · You will want a few tioa, ablc·bodlcd relief will be dia· a t the high st:indard of the stock. barrels of ashes to keep the aal· continued in the different district• Ht said "ilow do you do it ?'" mals healthy duriog the winter. a t various elates bel"weea Juoe 1st The ans"!e r was, "we ship all our A rough shaded' field for aummer and July lat out. -1crub stock lo W~ ladies aod yvbere the pigs can feed tbcmaelvu Dr A. R. Paraoaa was appototed Newfouodlaud." We ~aooot hope and get plenty of exercise, but the Magistrate and Medical Health to succeed oo scrub ' tock. ground must not be too marshy or Officer a t 'Channel.

T ake pigs for iostanGe. the scrub too rocky. Fish food, scraps. Tb • stock in many parts of tbis couo· clover, a meal or oats once lo a e Commisalbacr for Public

. Boanlata and Bay de Verde will be commenced immedlatel7. The Newt\ia.adlaad Railway will ua· dertak& the work of the coaatrac• tloa of tb11e depota aad thr fa. 1tall1tioa of sharp freular plan ta. . Ia accordance with tbe scheme for the reoriraoisatloa and rrgrad· lag of the Ci•il Ser•ice recently adopted, it was decided that the retirement age of Civil Servant• would be sixly·6ve, except lo cases wherein it would be clearl1 lo lbe public Interest to retala their aer· vices for a further period.

Mr. Victor P. Martla was ap­i>olated a Juatice of the Peace for Catalina oo tbe Com minion of the Peace for Trinity.

try will uol give weig ht oo matttr while io summer. Ia the winter Utilities Hoa. Tbotaas Lodge, h II f d ' t 1' b · 1 will proceed to Eoglaad by the Ia order to supplement tbe work

ow we you cc 1 · e sow you w1l need a few bags of oats first direct ateamer to discuss with of the Medical Health Officers re· may give birth to five youog, no or corn. If you can grow a field the Domiaioaa Offiu sundry quca· ~otly ap~iatal, it. waa decided mort: You may sell the 7ouog of oa ts so muc,b the better. lions concerned with development to establlab a Central Medical for two .or three dollars a piec~ 10 Tb is question of espense is more and fioaace . Hoa . MT. Lodge will Clloic lo St. Jobo'a and to engage some one· wbo koows oolh!og difficult tba.l the work or time. return 10 St. Job o's a t the cod of the services of three aur1ce to about breeds. Iostcad of wasting Yet if a person baa a bit of money May ' carr1 out the duties lovolnd. It moocr. food, aod time oo such · b ,_ b d d b · moogrele, buy standard atoclc iu !0 • t e }>an~ or oar e some w ere The sub-committee of Govern· is not the · ioteotloo to pro•ide

;---.....__ White Yorksbiru or lbe Tam· ~~ is ,do.tng httlegood. Io the bank ment dealing wltb unemployment free profeulonal services to those worth. These when Cully gr:iwo you wtl! only get two and a half will pcv~oaally lavcatJrate; on who can aftord to defray the ex·

ill give you fro three lo four dollars totcreat on each hundred. Suad11 next, the proposed alte, at peaaea of treatment, but lt ia c:oa· uadred pouods of meat. If your If, as .ofte.n happeoa a hundred or j Three Poad Bureoa, of the Laotl aidered eueatial that adequate b d b d ·1b mb_rc ts gtven to some fake imper· Settlement Scheme recently di•· nursing attendance should be 11 e 1 are warm enoug an e ial or lnteroatiooal stock on the d available for those wbo arc un· a~ima!s properly fe~. the sow will promise of a high lotereat, the cmst · • able to pay for It Tbls will have give birth to two litters a rear, whole of it is gone. Pir or other A. conference will take place be· the eff~ct of rclinia1r the pressure a?mberlng ar~uod twco ly·five stock farming If quality la ia the tY1eea repreaeatative.1 o_f the L S. on the General Hoapltal as a large pigs. Wbeo sis weeks old f ou breeds, will be perfectly safe Ia· P. U. and the Commttatoo of Gov· number. of cues, which al present can sell them ually for five dollars vestment wbicb will pay you back erumeat on Moocl11 next, with take up the t ime and a ttention or each. Herc you bueooe hundred one bucdrcd per cent, and tbe 6rat regard to tbe labour ... aituatioa llS the Medical ataff of that lostitu· and twenty·fi•c dollars ~rom one upcoditurc lacrea1e1 ia worth u i\ applfea to the loading and dis· tioo wlll be treated at home animal. Last year we imported the year proceeda. It ia said by chargiag o! steamer• la tbe P~rt I throu b the a en of lhls Clinic lato tbla country o•er three thou· tboae who kaow that the fisher· of St John•· 1 g g ~ saadd Pd11

1'1• more thtaa twt efl• thou· mea of tbla country bne a few T!Je conatructloa of the 4 bait The meeting alf&urned at 1 20

ua o ara wen ou o le i I I I · aloae. Onr half a mllli ol n m 11 oa dollan a the HY aga depots u Coache, Jue Batts Arm, p m. went oat of the cou11tr1 or aalt baaka oa which tbe1 are gettlag =====r============~

f I twoaad a half perceat, and which pork, aomc tboaiands 0 reah the Cauadiaa banlra are aai d pork and butcher'• plf•• 1ood 1 • ag an thiar for Commluloa 11c ta and 1rett ag 111: or snea per cent oa h. dlatrlbaton, bat of ao ua to our Newfo:adlaad la getttllf DO ben~ aaemplo1ed people. or the uo· 61• ma Y yoatb are unemployed, try'• r.rcisreu. The duty 00 tbe and hl;!adred1 and thoaaaada of pork •far ltH than tbc du1y oa dollan are •pent Her'/ Jtar for dry 1ood1 or hardware wblcb at food we da rrow oanelYH Do present tbe people : aaaot buy. ~oa ace youth, that If you are to Tbere waa DO duty oa little pi&.• hve at all, the whole economic last year, so from a customs tarill atructure-of Newfoundland baa tv It doesn't amehlat to much al· cb111g~. You moat come forwr.rd though this is the first arg ument aod gel to the . taelr with latelll· raised agaiaat home produclioa. geace and a will to work.

Well what will it cost to start a St. John's baa been the centre pl1 farm? The cost of lbe pigs of the purchasing and diatrlbat·

' 'CROWN'' " I



Frank Howell, Carbonear.


lag. Ia the fatare, you, tbe pro· dacer, muat do your <>•a purcb11 lag, aad diatri.bu1iag if we are to get proaperlty \amoa r tbe people, of Newfouad1¥d· At present '"ery yoatb waata t<> get lolo tbe hictory, or oflic:e, or warehouse of the commluloo .. gea t or tlte dis· trlbutor. 'rbia la not the way to pro1perit7 la a couatr1 of a•lural reaoarcea like Newfoaodlaad.

Tbere are 1outb wbo will turo in dl1gu1t from tbe 1uggcstioa of pig farmi11r. But 1ou abould re· •~bu 1bat Earlaod aod Den· mlrk think tbi1 a joy worth)' of National eJfort, aad ban s~e of tbelr be 1t braiaa WJ1rkio11 oa a aerlea of problem• la cooli~clioa with pi·g farmlag a11d the aatloa'a food Ml ppl1. Wbeir you lookonr the fie'1d where tbe pig• arc roo • lag among tbe stubble, remember tba.\ Mr Stanley Baldwin and Mr. LI pyd Geor1e eajoy looking at tb.elr bertla of plga too

Your lmprellloaa are lllrel1 ob­t.aiaed from mea and womea of tlala gneratioa because wbco tbey weTe 7our 11e the1 aaw moa1rcl ptca aroaad everywhere, pubapa fell onr oae or two la tbe darlr. Tbey CH remember the 6ltb on tht roada. Ttie aa1t1 amell of COf>klDI' pig feed fa the hou11e. Well, pip ban ao rlrht to be oa the bl1hwa7, aad aboald be pro­perly fnced otr. A.p old aton la the bua CH cook eaougb to fill a 11aacbeoa. Tb .. •lloald be doae oace a fortalrbt, aad aot a bit HlfJ d•J oa tbe ldtcbea aton. Tbea plra are aucb dirty crca• tarn, bat pln&J of greea boa1h• cllo'Pped ._ti u4 placed la • war• coraer will be appredated nea by pip, aad will keep tlum deu.

the family coosumptioo, can it be made wor1b while 11 a permaoeot income? It is poulble fo r coop· ers to make spruce barrels for pickle pork trade. Tbe task is to e.xperiment first by curing family pork. The bulletios from the <!e partmeat of agriculturt lo E air· land, U. S. A., or Canada •will gi•e you the iaformatloa. Or you can get it b1 writing the DJaa lo charge of the 'Pig form at St. Ao· thony. Write Mr Milley at the St. Anthony Po1l Office, be will get it for you Tbe next step is to try and secure a small local market fiut, then go furth~r a· field . It ought to be possible for the men and women of Car1D1n· ytlJc aod Dog Bay, 10 11uppl1 the salt pnrk uqulremeata of Change 11l1ad1, Fogo, and L1braCorcrew1

fro111Jbeae places. Tbe people in the bottom of Notre Dame Bay ahoald be able to do the same for Twllllngate. Springdale for Lit· tie Ba1 lalaadt aad the Labrador Scboonere. Klag'a Point for Nip· per'• Barbour, LaScic and otbe~ places. If thc1 will not then some one du aboald get -a grant of land aad show them bow Tbeac placea are too far inlaod for fishing. Logging 11111 oal1 a few mootba, and there la Huie to do the real of the 1ear. There are bandied• of acre• of rood land waiting for the youths who will

T•te ~· '"' m CCII be lift· el o8$1al ctndcery of dw or mm ~e• lato -a , ICludlC ask. I ,.. r ......... ~ - lilt food '*

dig }a. Mucb produce I can be sold to the 6sbcrmea oa tbeae rocky polata where fishing Is the cbi: f work. Such· a n · &r· raaguieat will not take 6sbermeo I •••1 from the fi1ber1. but wlll 1 provide employment for 01ben. I aod !'Ill lead the wa1 for the de· •elopmeot of the country's re· 1ourcea.

Before you start to buy the pigs, 1tud1 about their managemeo t, secure your grant of land, build log sheds for winter keeping, and act out the ploughed land wJtb roots, peas, and clottl' for cheap food.

Iatclligcncc and a will to work are the primary aeeda. Either uae a part of your o~a 1niog1 deposit la the bank, or borrow two baadred dollars on a sound security for oae year.


Newest Giant Diamond.

Oae of tbose rare and dramatic 1ce11ea tbat are enacted la the dia· moad 8elda of South Africa now and qala w11 atared aoiae weelca a10, whea tbe 10a of a poor pros· ptctor, watchlag a aat!Ye wuh a bucket of rra,nl la aeuch of tile predom atoaea, beheld la the bot• tom of the bucket a lopelded ob­ject tbe Aiae of a bea'• etr&'• Not dariag to hope that the thl111 wu a diamond, be aaatched It from. the rn.Yel aad turned it oYer and over la bla haad-aad thea be aad tbe ·aatiYe fell oa their lratea, apeecbleaa wltb escitemenL

'fbtJ aprlated for the qaodeat home of J . J , Jonker, who owned the small diamond field on which

IF' i1 n YOUR HEALTH. n ~ A Department Conducted bJ H. M. Moadell. .111.D. ~ 9=-ec:==F=or.

1t.b1Ci· ;::e=B=ur=e:)a11uco=l=B=ea=-lt.b1c:an=d=P=a•b•lio=~=elt.are:11•===-,Jl •

W by Baby Cries.

" I want what I want WBEN I •aot it" aoswers the question Wh1 D.ln Baby Cry ? Tbe bab1 is a self centered individual, la· tercated 1olel1 la buiog bla nttds attended to, and la recel•la1 the atteatloa be demands.

Well babica cry, and cr7iag doca pot do tbe lcaat bit of barm. Watch the b1b1 sleep and notice bow 1ballow ia b11 ttrcatbiar Watch him wbea he la awake, and you will ace tb•t wbea be cries he fills bl1 luar• witb air, and aaually wane bia arms aad legs IO tbat be eajoy• a regular work· oat.

&me babies cry when the7 are wet, or If tbey ar too warm or too cold. BYer y crlca wbea he la baa1r7, aae huager la not a pleasant 1faaatlo11. Tbere la also tlle CfJ or pala. Nnertbe­leu. aurly all bla cr1lag la tbe baby'• way of uldac for aome­tblal', or of u:preuiar his feel•

babiu cr1 for fear there la 1ome· Uiiog wrour whb tbe cblld. If the baby wakea between feedla11 and crira, bis diaper should be cbaa1ed, a drink si•ea bim, and tbea be abowd be turned oYer and left to sleep •raia.

A1 the baby JtdlraoldtT, unleH be baa beea pr0perly traiaiit, bla crying will become more fr<queat aad proloa1ed; became be fiada that if be lree1>9 on, aooaer or l•ter bla pareata will 1lYe la. ~omctimn the baby will bold bla breath uatil be tarea blue, aad he occa1loaall1 atUfeaa oat ; thla IO alarm• tbe pareata that tbey take him ap at oace. Thia breatb· holding •pell la a teaa"' taatram, like tbe older chlld'a lfl•I oa the Ooor, aad ac:reaaal9 U4 lllclriag •It" hie beea Tb• la aotblac la f1da to be alU1iUi .abottl ; tb• cllUcl aboal4 be Jdt la 1da ~ aa4 ••de. Iii tllls wat, to Jeara tlaa\ be dou DOl cafa lifl ni 'bJ tnl• pertaa~

IDr.blea do not like to be haagry, bat they caa be traiaed to wait aatil the proper time for feeding arrivea WJ'o feed the babJ eYery time be crica i1 to cstabll1h irre­gular b1bit1, and aucb a f.ractice will likely upset tbe d geati•e 1y1tem, to 111 nothing about ea·

be bad worked D?aoy of tbc 62 couragiar the baby to cr1 nery years. of bis life with little pro6~ time be wakens. ~or b11 labor, and thrust the stone / Tbc baby who ia picked up toto the old ?DH'• bao:l. Be every t ime be cries will develop st.ared la uabehef and dropp~d to the habit or crying, every time be b11 knees to mumble bis gratitude wakes, ' uo11l be is picked up. t? heaven. Be knew that be wu Tbia is not only a trial to the rich, immeoacly ri~h1 and that, mother, but it is bad, fo r the baby unless be choose, bed never have The baby abould be taken up and to work. ag~lo aa long as be lived played with occasionally when be

It u aot" u1ptled tbat .babJ uoat4 aeTU cr7 1 Ii• Wiil ai4 be ahoutcl en. &Rime c:mq. la bla oalJ' lDUU of esprenloa; U theo c:rylag la allOdated with reatlaa• ae-. ud tbe lep are palled ap ba the abdomea, thl1 likel7 meaa1 that there is pala in the abdomen. Such cryiur abould not be i1aored; tbe mother will come to reco1ni1e the diflcreace la the tyre of cry· lag.

· Baby must be taught that be caooat rule bis parents by cryiar, for if be does, it is the begloaiag or ao unhealthy mental develop· meat.

Wltb1a a few boure a telegraph Is owakc and ia not cryiag. It is lostrumeot in the town or Pretoria from such simple upcrlencn clicked out aataccato message that tbot be will learn to associate the sped arou?d the world-the fourth pleasure of being picked up with largest d1ampod ever found bad tbt ti.\Dea be does not cry. been picked up on a supposedly Mothers are afraid to let their

Qucatiooa cooceraiug Health problems addressed to the Bureau of Beahb, St. John's, will be an· > swcrcd' promptly. Tbe Bureau in· vites the co-operation of every Newfoundlander in tbe effort to make our owo country a healthier, safer and happier country to live in.

worked-out claim in lbe •lllage of Elaodsfroateio. It waa the size o' a hen'• egr and weighed 726 1

carats-about fitt ounces- and it American Labor Returns. (

alread1 bad been named tbe Jook· era Diamond, It would take its place with the famous Cullioao. tbe Excelsior aod the Great Mogul Just what the atone waa worth could not be stated at the moment, but its nluc was somewhere be· tween $300,000 aad $500,000.

Tbe Amer ican F ederation of L abor estimates that mote tbao 350,000 men and women re turned to work in manufacturing indua· tries durlag February, with the tread toward reemployment coa· tlouiag. The National Industrial

Conference Board placed tbc total incrcuc in j ob11lnce Marcb, 1933, at 4,592.000. This 6gurc includes <(.

some 290.000 worken employed during February through the cf· forts or the public works admloia· tratioo , but does not count emer• geocy jobs created bJ C W A ia lieu of direct relief,

A d11 or two later another mes· eagc went out Crom ·Pretoria. · 11 said that the big atone-pure, white and flawless-bad been ac· quired by Sir Ernest Oppeobelm· er, the eminent diamond mercbaa.t, aod that Mr. Jookcra bad sold tbe gem for '315,000 lo casb.

It waa not until the ntraordln· ary gem bad beco safely traolfcrr· ed· to its bu1~r aod the $315,000 bad been deposl te,d io the baok that Prospector Jonklos bad much to say of his good fortune . Their he related bow, tlJe one oig bt that the diamond was kept lo bis house, be bad wrapped the atone in a cloth which was sccurelr t ied arouotl bis wife's neck. S)rc weot to bed and all the doors 1104' win· dowa of the house were locked and barricaded. J oakera, bis two soos and two trusted friends of theirs armed themselves to tbe tee th aod s tood guard until dawn No: one of them slept a wink.

"I b;ive been a diamond pros· pcctor since 1916,'' s;iid 1bc 62· ycu-old Dutcbmao, " but never bad bad much luck. Io all my years here I have found 0011 three atones that were worth mucb­ooe brouirht about ts.000, another sold for ll ,750 and the tbfrd was a small etooe worth less than $500

••Now that l have all the money that my family aod l ever will aced, t aDJ going to leave tbe dia· mood fields and bu1 a 2,000-acrc farm near Belfast in the Trans· nal. There' I will raise cattle and sheep, aometb iog that I have wanted to do since I was a young man. Job1ane1, tbe laborer who , was with m1 1100 when the big diamond was found, will go- with me. Be won't bue to work bard and be 1b11l never want for any· tblag."

"Hue you uer rldde11 io an airplane?"

"No, I'm afraid of airplane polaoa."

"Wbat'a that ?" ''Oae drop, aad 1ou're dead ''

Srop.s Smu.-Tbe 1poU11yatem li1 at all tlmea

hrimlcal to eflldeaay la 1over11· meat, b,.at it la eapecially costly ab4 clae~ ander present coa· clltlOlla. A Natloa which la aerm· url1 dtdlcated to a "plan.,atd e·

1 c:omoa7" certalal1 caaaot atford ta nlJ Uf08 polltldaaa to aelect

• lta d"1 llPlce on a patronqe bula.-Wlltllqtoa POil. •

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •••• ·' .......... .

* ..


Notice is hereb}'· given to all concerned that as replac;ements are made of stocks, dealers who propose t..o fill relief orders must carry supplies o f flour 'conform· ing to the standard and. re tailing-at the price fixed by the Department of Public Health and Welfare.

Inquiry as to price and q uality should be address· ed to the department which is also prepared to supply samples of flour to those applying therefore.-

This rcg~lation '~ill be strictl~ enforced .as a~d when its ob ervance becomes possible. No bills will be passed for payment that do not s how conformity to the D epariments requirements in this respect

It is suggested that flou r suppliers interested in doing business on relief account make contact with the Department, ascertain definite detai!s of its relief policy and arrange as to the time and other conditions of their · accord therewith. i

By order,

COl4MISSIONER, Public HeaUh and Welfare.

· ·~~·~· ~·~· =·~·=·~·~··~··~·~· ~·~· ~·~·~·~·~·~·=·~·=·~·~· ~··~··~··~

Saunders, Howell ~ Co. ~td~ Dealera ln

Lumber and General Carpentry Saw and Planlna MW.a at Norrq Ann

Office, Factory 1t Lumtier Varda at ~bone~

IN STOCK Doors, Sashes, Stair Finish, Flooring, Ceilings,

Casings. Mantles, Mouldings, etc., etc. ·

Pine, Spruce, BirchJ Juniper, Hard Pine, Whit~wood, in all sizes .



Page 3: Sacrifice Prices. -… · SIMMONS' · QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH





' ' . ,.. . .


$1.00 a year ill advance ; other-wise, $1.50


It cuts through grease~makes · messy 'kitchen

. b ' 30 s easy,,.

D ON'T be a slave to kitchen chorea. Just use a solution

of one teaspoonful of Gillctt's Pure Flake Lye dissolved in a quart of cold• water. It puts 1111,

end to stubborn stains. Lifts1

grease and ~c off like magic!

Gillctt's Lye is indispensable for all your heavy clcanin1 .. , for stopped-up drains • • . for toilet bowls. Order a tin fror;p your grocer today. 8-y ,ood-bye to bard rubbinK and 1Crubbinal

..,.._ d*ol .. l7e ... loot -· 'l1M llCdoa ol l)'e ltMlf IM91a die-. ...


blcms of·b.!fh 8na11cc. However, the truth waa that

Mr. Bu1olti, for' tbal was the gen· tlcmao'a name, concerned himself with low fiaaccc. Very low ia· deed.

Mr. 811zottl bad been forced to abandon bis luggage at bia l'lorlda hotel. e to tbc Iron ia the soul of bla ad-lord be owned aow ooly t e clotbu oo his back and t~irt ·nice ccnt11.

As for the dicmond, Mr. Buzot· ti knew too,'too well that it would ioterest do pawobrokiog coanoi1· seur.

Out JJl.jJlDdy could sec• the Duber made a bit with tbc tall bird io brown, marcbiog closer and closer.

Mr. Buzolli rolled bis cigar af· Cably, flourisblog t~c diamond 'll'a aurc woodcrrul,~ be himself broke the ice, 'bow you Savannah fellers keep the mosquitoes dowo, with all tb~ water aad all.'

A marsh .)lea cackled brl1kl1 somewhere in th~ green flats. The laoky one pridefully acknow· !edged that It was wonderful . 'Reckon you're from New York,' be 111id.

•Yes,' replied Mr. Buzotti, genially offering hi1 0011 other cigar. For who could tell ? More ooe ~bloy coat hid a fat purse.

The tall one accepted the cigar, tbco with considcublc 1wagger : ·I been looking for 1omebod1 to tell me the best New York tbc;syt· ers.'

'Otsi ?' Mr. Buzolli ·was "goo· fusrd. 'Wbaddaya mean beat ?'

'l'be other bll tbc end of bis cigar, fouod a match io bis pocket. 'Well,' be said, 'I mean most ex• pensive. • 'Ah,' said Mr. 8u1<>lti aud his dark eyes gleamed. •J could tskc you to a Jolla swell shows'

'They've fIOlla be swell~ said the Savaua1ao, •if they please me.' He drew oo lbe cigar and booked a muteriul tbumb ht the armhole of bis veal>.

'Yep. I already wrote to that Waldorf house aod tpld 'em to get me a room ready. Aim to have my breakfas t io bed every moro· iog. Aod not a lick before eight thirty."

'Gee I liow long you gonna be ln town?"

•Ob, maybe two, three months" •Say, we'll hue to get to:

get her. l kaow lots of a well girls which would be crazy about you.'

'Gurss "you don't koow I'm a married man.' .

'ls your wife travclllog with ;JOU?'

'No.' 'Ob, well then,' begaa Mr.

Buzottl with a carele11 l1ugb1 but oo a accond glaocc at tbc lean couoteoaocc, brought himself 1b1rply up. 'Surely ahc won't mind If you hue a good time ?" be said.

•You,' 11Jd .the other, 'doa't llaow my wife.' Aad be offered hi1 card to bis lmpru1lvc a~ friend from New York.

Aloaso M. Grilitb, Prealdeat

Sanaaab Brau aad Sllnr Co., Sanaaab. Ga.

'M1 aame,' 11ld Mr. B111~ttl, 'i• Georee Yaa Vleck.'

1Ple11td to meetcba I Tbat mu1t be E1etaliaa.'

Yr. GrHlltb drew a breatb of l11creaal111(, ena 10ariar con& deace, •Yep.' be. uld, 'blrrnt nlgbt clubs, best 1peake11le1.'

•To do all tbat,' aald Mr llua'>lll, probiaglf, 'will take ao awful lot of money.'

'Aod I got It,' was Mr Grlf· litb's firm reply to tbe cballeage. ·Nobody,' be dtcfarcd, 'kaowa

~= bow much money I got.' TRAVELLER'S. CHECK: •Doun't even your wife know?'

'My wife I My wife doeaa't


even know I'm goinr to New By Martha Barnette. York.'

Historically, any conqueror from Mr Buzottl uttered aympatbetic Hamurabi down to H11lcr once ooises. hnlng convinced himself that the 'My wire,' Mr. Griffith weal on, world is bit owa, bas thought 'ia oac 0£. those intelligent wo­next of celebrating. Aad Mr. mco.' Bis tone Implied that a Cyrus AlooZl) Griffith ..... DO dlf· woman needed beauty alone fcreot. ~Now, like when I first weal lo•

He paced the deck of tbc New to the metal polish bpslaets,' be York bouod 11 s. City or Birmiag· said, canting bis derl'>y a quarter· bam, 1uneylng the passcn(ers for loch forward, 'l ~Is invented a a suitable co·cclebraot. F or who soap, that'll wuh a carpet right ever burd or a succeuful sioglc· 1p1og 90.J.b&.Jlgo • bacdcd cclcbratioa ? •Doa~vca have to take it up.

The wlod got iato bis brown Prctty aooo my wife nld we ought clotbu, of a distinctly alack lit, to orgaoizc. So we alartcd out, aad t.illowed U1em as if be were that was twenty years ago, wlth little more thaa a rcirrcrow, Lat me dolag the 1C1lla, while 1bc bfs dl1crlmiaali".R' CJC fiaally lit made our product• accordln' to apoo the fellow 10 the expcnaln the formulaa wbi~b I inentcd.' Jooldag polo coat aod grey pla•· 'Taku brain• to !neat tbiaga,' four1. Tbc cbap •lood grandly Mr. Bu1otti ob•cr•cd Uatteria ... ly, alooc at the Jee rail. •

'About my apced,' tbouirht Mr. picturing a lar1e factory apraar . · ,_ from 1m11l bc1iaalag1o 'See

Griflith, 1q11ar1ag bll lbw 1boald· here, I wouldn't tell tbia to 3·u1t era. '0oc or thole New York millloaalru, • be tboagllt, baalar anybody, but U you're latereated bl• cl111lficatloo upoa the di1moad la plcklar up aome ucra doagb, whose 111• equalled not oaly a pea I rot• bot tip- '

a deal that a Jot of big Waall Street fcllera are putting oo, a pool, ICC, aad if you'd care to hue me get you la oo it--•

'She'd uy to me,' Mr. Griffith was complaluior,aiogle·miudtdly, 'she'd 11y, 'Alonzo, I'm cloiog this for your owa good. "i"ou'd ucver save IUlf tbiog yourself.' That's what she· HJ to me. To me I'

'Caaya beat that 1 Well, here's a ~baoce to abow the little wo~11 who'• the mooey·maker. For example, aay you take thirty thou· sand sbarea--'

'I'd •,_ made a heap more moaey if Hoftenac badu't been a milt· stone arouad my neck. Like aow tbi1 trip to New York. She al· ways 11y1 It'• foolish to •take a yacatioa.'

•-you could just make the cheque out to me and I'd buy i:i for you, la my name. Oo account of tbe big guy1, ICC, want to keep this a clo1ed•90rporllloa. I can give you any references you want a\lout me, that 11.' and here Mr. Buzottl chuckled ple11aatl7, •if you waat 'cm.'

Mr. Griffith ha~sto rd talkier and now lune rr.r. •How much could I m e ?'

Mr. Buzottl .careleuly Olclred aeh from bi1 cSlpc. 'Ob, forty -6£ty tbou11alf>

Mr. Griffith a'&tct-tri~ly, 'I 1lrcad1 pat onr q11fte a felf deala she ucver got wind of.' U .

•y eab ?' Mr. Bu1ottl aeemed to uaderataod the hardsbigs of bus· baad1.

'It'• beca twelYC ycau,' COD· fided Mr. GHffitb, 'that she's bcea uylog to me every week •Now here'• five dollad for your \uncb't1 and cxpcoau.

'Teo daya ago I figgcred I'd saved caougb for this New .York trip here, I'd stay at the best hotels and go to tbeayters and paint tile old town red, by gosh. I kept it a secret from Hor tease. She doa' t even know Pm gone.

•If ever she'd fouod out I bad all \bis moue7, 1hc'd bad a fit aure. And wbea ahc fia'ds out, after I've done apcot it all--1'

'Hotteaac, ' continued Mr. Grif­fith with lriupipb, 'always . said if' ever 1 weal to New York tbe gangsters would get me before I got 1cro11 lbc fi~•t atr\ct. Sbc 11y1 I truat folks too much .' Mr. G~iffith laugbed brle8y. 'But ace !I ere.'

He had Ouog open bis brown '«oil and was polotiog to the lo· otr pocket.

Thia aperture was sewed to· getber by stitches of atou.t white thread. 'Like to ace any gang· 1tcr1 get io there I' crowed Mr. Griffith. 'S.Ce, ain't it ? Aod, • be added ia a fervid wblsptr, 'it's all in hundreds !'

'Ceat11rlu l' breathed Mr. B.uzottl like a bouod · wliifliag aau11gc, then provocatively, 'Aw, ye'rc klddln'l Cc~uriea? I doa't believe it.'

'You don't, ch ? And Alonzo whipped out bl1 born clasp·.knife and sawed the slroog threads.

•See,' be wbcued, hoarse with bi1 triumph, rcacbiog lato the pocket.

Mr. Buutti quivered aad licked bit lipa.

Thea he lllW Mr. Griffitb'a race 10 1udJeal1 white. Io Mr. Grif. fitb'1 fiagen limply Outtercd three the dollar b$nk aotu. That's all there was ; tlicrc wasn't any more -inc a pink railroad ticket and a folded ICl'lp or blue Jlacd note· paper.

Mr. Bu1olll read it, too, Dear Husband, - 1 kaow I could

aot live. io the house with you IC you do not go oa tbia trip 10 have aid nothing but•do not believe It

la s carry 1200 around loose, 10 bave put $132 SO lo b"'i-, aame being balance aflJr p~&11e or return ticket on tr. (price $52 50) as do aot think b a t 111fc. Al10 coclond find $15.

rm. aaad board l week J0.-00 other cxpc¥e 5 00 Hue a good time lo New York

aod get back 4a time to oa •omaa's club carpel• acxt Mon· day.

Your loving wire, Hor tease.

"I ace abc's let bcr hair go dark again."

"Yu-off the gold standard."

but a bea~ aad a bu' tu bcaa at ' 'But,' went OD Yr. Grllitb lhat, wblcb Oubcd re1Uu1l7 II . p lalatinly, •BorttttH rot to la~a· tbr. maa'1 haad drummed 1hc rail. I dllar tbe •OMJ nd of It. too

Elatedlf, Mr. Grlllitb au~pectcd I 'Some womeo an aoOcl 1tuk­tht ll1b manifestly rich Reallc·. en. No• tbll tip. In • ~ of ... coacerard himulf wltb pro· mlae~ that'• stttl•t• la oa

·t:::: .. ' \

I f



·I I , Pass it on to your friends awqy from

better still, home, or sent -to have • it

your friend yearly from the Office.


L~cal, $1.00 per year; F: reign $1.50 per year.

1934 MAY 1934 .

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

• LutQr. Ne1t M. 1· 2 3 4 5 6th 13th

6 7 8 9 10 / 11 . 12 >·

13 14 15 16 . 17 18 r\19 . /

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27· 28 29 30 31 let Qlr Full M.

2ht 28th

Will Investigate Fishing Industry.

Ottawa-Plight of the Canadian fiablng industry will be iovesti· gated by tbc Stneaa committee, It wts auaouoced Ja tbc bouae or common• by Premier R. B. Bea· nett, and be pledged the goYera· meat to give favorable <ensidera· tloa to aoy scheme adnoced by provlocial autboritlca to place the laduatry oo ita feet. . A commlnl<'D to invcatiiratc co11dltloo1 amoar aortbera New Brunswick 6'bcrmca wu propoacd by Boo. Peter Vcaiot, former po1tm11tu 1eaeral, promotlog tbe prime mlaiate:11 announce· meat. The maritimer painted a dltmal picture 6f dl11re11 among fi1bcrmca due to low pricu· aad 1torm •amage.

Belgium, Germany and Rusaia, could have been given a house worth $2,500 with $1,000 worth of furolture, oa five acres of land worth $l00 per acre. There would be eoough left, be estimates, to give every city of over 20,000 peo· pie io tbcae countries, a SS,000,000 library and a $1,000,000 univcr· 1lty, aa.d so provide for all time a· lt,000 yearly 11lar7 for each of 125,000 teachers aod 125,000 DUUCI. ,..

Ai the Boaton Globe remarks, all tbcac expenditures would not have been made had there bcco ao World War, bat tbcy could bavc been. Dr. Butler b11 presented the cue in a ,very lmpruslve manner, aod oac •oadera why tbe oatloaa generally caaaot tblak of a more profitable way of spending the people'a moaey.

A woman bad advcrllsed for a The Cos\ of War. maid. Wben tbe firat appllcaat

prucated ber1tU tbe woman aald - to her, "What about your re·

Dr Nlcbola~ Yurra1 Butler baa f~rcacu 7" ,, put tbe coat of war la a nr11tri~· "Rcfereacea ?" repeated the l•r wa1 bJ •••l•r c:ertala cal· girl, with a aal~. · talatloaa•e to tbe Gnat "Yea." aaawend the otbcr ; War. lie ~,. ttaat wltb the "m1• adYerttleaeet ataled, •Ex· '400,000,000,400 •~t 111 tlaat war celleat relereaae. .. " eYUJ fa•ltz=• Ualttd Stale" "Ob," NII tbe girl, tonlai Caa.U. la, B91Jaad, bcr bead, •·1 tlaOlfbt that applied Wata, 1rt1Ua.:&co11ua. P'ruc:e,. to 7011."

Business in Nova Scotia . ts Improved.

Halifax, April 22 -Increased business foor Nova Scotia's coal and steel industries aad the iron m1nes of NewfouodlaJJd was fore­cast b7 Sir Newli>n Moore, presi· deal of the Domioioo S teel aod Coal Corporatioo, before lcuiog fierc for S1dncy.

' 'Coal ab ipmeota from N c.v3 Scotia this year will exceed those of last fear, which were up to 500,000 tons over 1932," be ~oid.

Rcturniog from a three weeks' trip abrpad, Sir Newton believed that be bad brougbl some ~ood busiocss back with him from Eag· laod. Et\Jorta from Sydney of rods, billets aod wire nails would increase and other big n:;lrkcts ia the old cc,untry would be opened up through the assistance o'r Em· pirc trade pacts.

"I met possible buyers or steel aod mzdc certain tentative arrangemcat1 which should Im· prove the operations or the com· pab1 . . We arc cxperieociog diffi· culty la bruklog iolo cew ma~· keta because or iotcnsivt competi· tloo. The Ottawa aJteemcots have helped us la that directioo,"

Il e con tioued . The prcaidcnt of Nova Scoli.i'"

gr ca test ioduslry saw no ill-elJcc t likely ia t ile reduction of subven· lions. These graots b; the federal goveromcot · were meant to equalize tbe price or Ni>n Sce1tia coal and the price of coal import­td from tbe Ooiled St3tcs lti­crcased cost or Nova Scolia co;; I bad malerl :tlly le!~coed th.: am11uot needed fot sub,•eotlooa.

Sir Newton Moore wu mc~ t optimistic over businrncocditior.~ in England, p:ir1icul.ul1 in t h..:-­O~tisb coal and st rel iodustn . Shipping and its allied industrl• 1 were improvinir and E0Rlisbmr11 were bcarteucd by the budR'et 1ur• -plus aod tbc relier elJcrded by t u.: rcduclioo io income tbx.

Improved c0odillocs in Gr r•. mao~, be belie\•ed would ri ault i.1 larger, purchases or \Vabaoa or:·, which would bcorficially nlJtcl bis company aioce t lic Waban" mioes io Ncwrouodl a11d are ownc d by the Domioioo S!cci aod Coal Corporation. ·

' 'Do you mcao to say your buJ­b:iod beat yo,u when rou arriv, d home after mldoigbl ?"

•·Yes - but only by twenty miDutcs I''

TT actaally taltel leq .I. Ilion II 11•orlll of MaalcBUID& Powder to mabac:ab, and 10U can count oatood.-lr.-9"17 tlmel No wonder aa-da'• coo1ter7 aperta 111 lt ~·t ...,. to tate·~ wltb laferlor baldal powdw. Bekewltb M-atc and be tanl


M(X)Nl'AJNSNOALUll. "ftll ... , I ·-~- .. ,_ .__ ... 11811e ...... ............ .._ ..... ..,.....,...,. • •· II

Page 4: Sacrifice Prices. -… · SIMMONS' · QIJjUJY' AND tRICES llGIT .... CHOICE SQOIE Ult UI . SlllN CODFISH



.. ..

' .

THE. H.A.RBOR GRAOE STANDARD _.Buy Advertised Goods.

...... :Ube J)arbot <!litare $tanllarll ENCOURAGEMENT

OF THE FISHERIES. Conception Bay Advertiser

b printed anc\ publi_shocl' e~~ C\'Cnlng, a~ tho STAICDARD Or \ 'I • \Orl!l Strect1 Harbor Gra~, by ~ n ..t Oke, propnt&ora.

8ubecriplloa Rates: -ll'o aubecrlbe1e (old and new) PAYllCO 11' ADVAICCa, Sl.00 per rear; 60 ccnl.e per ball ye11r ; lo the Unit.eel Klngd.n111 or United Statce, 60 cenle addlllooal for poetage. Nol pre· pa.Id, $L60.


FR! DAY, MAY 4, 1934.


A~ preaenl we have nn over abun· d11nce Of dogs which ON! proving to bo a nui!ance aa:.d n menace. Some few years ago our people thoughL fit to secure sufficienL eignaturee. to a petilion with the result thtll the keepir g or doge \\'118 prohiuited Mnrty who wnnted to keep d 1•gs pel8 nvailed tbemaelVflt of the sec· tion of tho act which nllowed th keeping of ttgialered pedigreeJ dogs with the reault th11l eporl!men, wl\o wished lo have apor1iog dogP, nod others, at the expiratiun of lbe nl· lolled pe1iod of ten year11 according to the net, secured nnol her peli~ion which brought back all doga 11gain

Now a eitualfoo hRB ariteo where dogs hnve become n nuiSllncc, eome ownera, who \'alue lbeir animals look afler them properly, but there nre nJsny who do nol bother lhem· eelvea in the lent nod allow '1b doge to roanNl'ilh no reatmint ~hllt· ever, with tho result tbnl theJ' are becoming a pe)t and n public nuis· ance. Sheep anJ lambs have been destroyed Some C!ISea or people being bitlen are known end :oaming dogs. conetituts a menaca to 1111

· especilllly children . lt is time eome nction was taken

to have dogs properly looked nrtet and roaming dogs deat royed. If the situation continues theo il may well be thal petition will be made and the keeping of dogs be again de· barred.


Miss Digby of the Hol'jlce Plunket Foundation Visjt.s Town.

Oo Saturday. Miu Ofgby, tbc rc­pre1cotalite of lbc Horace Pluok6'it Foaodatioo of li:oglaod, who i1 'Yl1itiog Newfouodlaad a( lbc in ataoce of Or. Grenfell, came here and tbat cteoiul( 11ddrc11cd a public meeting at the Towu Ball

·.r1t1 Digby wu lolroduccd by

Io an interview gino by Sir John Bope Simp100 to member• of the ity pceu, the commi11loacr gue

dctall1 o~lbc rogramrne adoi;ted to a11i1t mca pro1ecutlag the 6ebcry tbie ytar.

The ro owing report or tbc later· view le taken lrom the Eteoiag Tcleitram :-

"Sir Job a nld. lbc Govero meat bad arranged to acod 500 to Labrador to engage in tbc 61bery. Thcr would be dCAWO. from all ICCtlODI or the couatr1. ~ lato tea partrc1, ucb party being lo chlrp of ao cxpcrleaccd captain.

S!r Joba did not oamc the cap· taioe. moat.of whom were eelccted. but .Intimated tbat three of them bad been acallag captaina. The men will be aupplied with motor bo:1.t1, trap•. hookl. lioee and occct· eary 1upplica. and they will be re· quired to turo in half their catch, out ol which the. Government bopee to recover part of the co11t of outfit· tioir which will be la the 'icialty of $57,000.

lo addition to the ~ntloacd, it It proposed to lead aid to 1choooer owacu wbo arc unable to 6naoce tbcmttlvca.

Sir John nid the Government alao baa a programme to a11iat Shore 6abermeo with motor boat1, lioce and twioe1, and be ettimated the total outlay will be Ip tbc vlcloily of $HO.OOO ·Lut year a aum or about $300,000 wu upended lo a11l1tlna-111e11 tn proaccute the 6aberJ, but oul of thl1'tbe rel urna were ool more than $80.000 Sir Jobo eaid be an liclpalcd better returoa Jloaer tbe pre.cot acbemc.

Aaked If a.oy bcocJit would accrue lo lbc 61bcrmeo by tbe repeal or tbc Bait Act, Sir Jobo 11ld tbat remained to be 11:eo. Be added tbal the people of Fortune Blly aad other pl11ecibad rcpreaeotcd that wbca lbc Act wu lo force they were prevented from making UICI or bait to forcliro 61b crmco, amouotloR' to about $100,000 per JC'ar. The 6ebcrmeo c.aa aow 1cll without any price regulalloa. Supplie1 will alao be 1old Crom the cold atoragc plant at Burin and poulbly from Ramea. Sir Job a eald the 1tock of bait·at tbc latter plaat bu all beeo •old to the baokere and it ii no• being &lied again.

Tbc Comminioocr poin ted out that lbe Government bad paid lbc 61bcr mco at tbe rate of 40 ecol• per 100 lba. for bait for the frcucr and It bad beep 1old at ~ cent per lb. Ae Ible Wat below the COil of J'rodoctioa when co1t ol freezing aa haodllar etc. were taken Into accl uot, the Govern ment decided to locrcue tbe pr'ice aod tbc bait 11 aow bcioa- aold at J( ceota per lb.

Moe~ EnjoJ&ble Coucert and Soaial.

A concert and •oclal wu held la St. Paol'e Ball on Monday eveninJ:". under the dlrcclloo or St. Paul'e Suoday Scbool. ·

Tbc ucatac'• eatertalomeot open• ed with a coacert, Rev. G. S. Tem· plctoa acting H Cbalrmao, aad the Item• were 11 follow1-0dc. to Newfoundland-St. Paul'

Choir. .


Obaroh of England. BT. PAUl:.'S. .

8 30 a.m , Boly Communion. ll a.m., Roly Communion (Choral) 6.39 p m.~,E•~n•ong ..

CHRIST Csoace. 6.30 p.m .. Eve~aong.

ST. Ptt&a's 3 p. m., Eveatong.

United Obaroh. Plaao Solo-Ml11 Nlaa Slfeppard. Solo1, "Do You Jhcr Sit aad

Dream?" "A Story Ever Swc:et 11 am. aod 6.30 p.m.. Dl•lae aad Tr-.e".:....•1111 Buel Sheppard. • Senlcea.

Soloe, "lillchael'• Flute", "Ja1t a • Wcarylnr for "l\'ou"-Mi11 Su110 SBIPPING NOl'B:S. Garland.

Reclt&lioa, • Barbara Frielcb'le"­MIH Jeooie Stuea100.

80101, '"When Booty Slog• an Old Time Soar." •1Smile Tbroueh Your 1'eare"-Mln Nellie Bray.

Solo, ") Doa't Care U You Do"­LcRoy Janee.

Quartctte. " Sweet aad Low"­Ml11u Iii. Chafe, B. Sheppard, S. Garland, N. Bray.

Plano Solo-Ml11 .Lillian Sbtppard. Solo1, "Daaay Boy.'' "lrl1b Lui·

luby"-MIH Sae Ford. Rccltatloa, "Caribou ~"-Mi11

Fraocee Goodland.,,.-~

Tbe aazlliary Jean Joyce. Barrett m11tcr ol Spa a lard'• Bay which "'" oa dock on Fdday 1 .. t camt off oa Satarday. V

The 1cbr. Ellen Mulaor, Wm. Pomeroy maeter of Brlrae. la at preeeat oa dock.

Tbe acbr. Eaerry. S. Dawe inae­ter came ber 7eaterda7 for docldar.

The wbalcr Cacbelot wblcb waa oa dock for deaalaf •ad palatine and replacemeiat o bar propellor, came off oa Wedaada7,

OORl'BDBiITIOW Lin: Solo1. "Blo(O Farat/' "Yoo Caa't Fool aa Old Bon F17"-L. V. p O Bo ... .._ __ Chafe. • · • z..-. ..--iraa.

Cloalair Cborue, .. yeq__ of Barlecb" A. G. FEAVER, IT • .IOllWI. -The Cbolr. ~.-.. S, lr'tlller * C. ml11 ... .,.._ Mi11 M . Cbafe aod Mr. F. S ~ Fluaom Fortr.DDIJIU A 8nc14LTT.

pard were the 1ccompaal1t1. Do.not wal& util )'ODr eblpmaa& la In 8&. A 1opper daace •ae the.a cal d Joba'e, wrf&eaow&ha&)'OGare.apac&o

when daaot7 111ppere were eencd by I iq ll, aad I will - &la&& 1aa p& la ta the teacher• aad eeaior papile after lheeborta&pomtbletlmea&lo...._ wbicb eamce lacl11dlna- mualcal · -- - · chain, jolly mljler etc. were played llAHD-llB-DOWN'S cadle11 fua rcealtlq. Da~clae fol -Do~d to JOU? penoaal &)>­lowed aod wae lrept ap aatal 1b9rlly pearanoe or flelp aloq JOU? •ell· after mldolgbt . • ' in. d th

Tbe atteodaace waa ezceplloaally reapect!-n.e i.uer O eJ proTe large aad all tboroactit7 ea101cd the ecoaomtcal varlcd proerammc to tbe full. · Betaln thataelf.reapect bJ We&I'·

Celebrates Golden Wedding. ing Cu to~·made Clntbea aa made bJ FRBEllAN, The Tailor.

NOW IN STOCK. A full line of

Men's Work Shirts Work Pant•

and Over a.Ila.


ldr. Claude Watte came. here by Mooda7·1 train to attend the funeral of bl• auat. the late Mn. B. J. Watta. Be returoed to St. John'• by the eveoinc trala. • Amoag1t •l11tor1 from St. John'• to attcad the Cuoeral of the lite Mu. e. J. Watte OD Monday, were Meeue. J . B. Baird, P. Knowling, W, Lawrence.

Mn. E . D. Freeman and Mre. W. B. Kcaoedy motored to St. John'• by Bayce Tad oa Wcdauday, rc­turalog l11t evening

Mr. A. Stoodley, oC the Bank of Non Scotia, who baa been tran1 rerred to tbi1 braocb from Graad Baalr, came here by Tuc1day'1 train.

Mra. Gordoa Bartlett aad baby aoo wa1 aa towo lhl1 week vi1ltiog bcr mother, Ura. J. W. Bray.

Mr. A, R Proudfoot, of Wabana, weat to St. Jobo'e by tad oa Wed­aeada7 retaralaC' to the Ielaad that afteraooa.

Mre. (Rn) IC. M. Blabop aad ber lltUe aqa D"ld, wbo baa beea •l•lt• lar ber pareata e:ir Iaap. aad Mra. Sbeppar«. weat to St. Joba'a b7 Ha1ea Tazl oa Wedaeada7 aad re· turaed to Graad l'alla b.r.J.1aterda7'• ezpreaa .

Mr. Doailaa Dorise of tile lm­ptrl'al aad lateraatioaal Cable Com· pn7, left lalre oa Mo•dar•• es)reaa to apaad Illa bolldaya la Boatoa. 11r. Baris• took Illa btcycla •itb lalm aad la c1cU•r from Kortb 87dae7 to Boatoa.

-.r. aad Mre. R. 8. Muaa aad Min Marie.I Maaa, wbo •put tbe •later moatb1 at Moatreal, arrlnd at St. Joh a'• Iaat . enatar by tbe a. 1 Slhla. aad retaracd home , .. ter day afteraooa by tbe Bayea Tazl.

Mr. R. D. LIUy or the N8d. Whal lo&" Compaay came bere from St. Joba'e on T11ceday while bl• wife arrived by Bayce Tul on Wcdoca­day. It 11 aaderetood tbat Mr aad WrL Liiiy wlll t ake up reeidcacc here 1bortly.

Ml11 ll'loreacc Arcbihal I went to St Joba'1 oo T11eeday oo a few day• • i•IL

Mre. A. R. Proudroot returned to Bell hlaad by the M. S. Meocco lhl• moral or. .

Bia Lordablp the Bl1hop of New fooodlaod will 'fitlt here oo Monday wbeo be will admloi1tcr the aacrcd rite of Coo6rmalloo in St. PaQt•1 Church, at 7 30 p m. Blebop White lupeadiog Suoday at Opper I . Cove. Arraocemcota arc bclair· made to lllumlaate tbe Tower of the Church aod the groaod1 in bl1 hoaor.

E.11: Ia1pector aod Mn. Jo1i111\ Sheppard arc rcccl•lar the coogra· tolatloa1 of their maay friend• on the occa1loa,of thelrgoldco wedding wblcb tbcy were prl•llea-ed to ccle . brate oa Moada1. April 30ab. ,Pre· ecot for lbe occ11loa were tbcir three dauehtcu, Ure. Rev. E. M. Bl1hop of Graad ~ .... Mn. A. R. Proud foot, Bell lalaad. apd Mra. E. L. Okc or tbl1 towa, aad one 100, Mr S L. Sbeppar4. Tbelr other 100 Mr. R. J . Sheppard who reeldee at LoadoD. wa1 aaabl1 to atteod tbc family iatberiar. Mr .. aod Mra. Sbcpparst were tbe recleleala or OUOle{Olll CODfr&tUJatory mcangu and tbe STAWDaa..o oller1 tbem Ila beatt7 'coarratulatloa1.

A~a ~e of , •• Aanaal Meeting Lodga " Harbor Grey fr.Ii.'! annel Pants Jirace," A.!.. & A. •

The annual mecliol.! of Lodire "Barbor Grace," A. F. & A. M., R



Mr. Ra7moad 'Gaebat, LIB., baa beea eac•Ced pro'fl1loaaU7 to ualat tbe Depattmeat of Ja1tlce la tu draftl•r of ·oew lectalaUoa aacl' tlae aeceaaar1 re•l•loa ol man1 ezlathtr etatatea la order to alee U... COD· form to tbe aew of Ad ... la tratloa.

A compnbeaal Dterl°' reportoa tbe Department of Poat• &Dd Tea. rrapla~ •bmltted b7 tlle lleCNtaq Mr. B. O'Balloraa, war ~ aad aad1oru,. will laaae for1b pllt· till&' lato effect of tbe lmprcmmnta UCl nforma tbereia aair••ted.

Followlar tbe pollc7 already adopted of ealaralar lb• powere. datlea aaf reapoaelbllltln of &be

. '


haa atood the test and

proved the BEST.

l~EO. NEAL Ltd., BLJobn'•.


JUST IN. ;ur. B. B Archibald, wbo waa cbairmao, and lo a mo1t maatcrly maaoer 1be 1pokc of tbe value of

r-......___ co operaUoa aad co-op c r a l I v c e If o~ l cillag what beoe6t1

Gad &CC1'Ued through 1ucb effort la

Sar John aaid that bulog tnklcd lbc problem of gelling mea to the fi.eber7. the Commi11loa of Go•cra· ojcol wu aow di1co11ing an 1a-rl· cultural programme .. "

Very »easenabJv. Priced. s .. WU held lut evenlog when the s I\: J, varlou1 report• preeeoted 1bowed

tblll the Lodge wae lo a moll ·

J T ASH. healthy condition. The election of A eale of work WU held lo tla •- • olliccu wu held and rceultcd 11

Sale o1 Work and Danoe. UTTON'S THE BEST IN


A very pretty variety of Pound Bemnan'8. Also Ladles and Clbil· dren's Hosiery. ATVBRYLOW PRIOBB. • maoy coootrlee, 1ucb 11 England,

Germany, fleomarlr, lcdaod. She etreaeed the oecd of organitiog- each and nery lout effort, eucb u aerlcalt11rc, blue berrlee. egg•. etc. aad 1bowed tbc practical rceulte ol each orcaalutioo wbicb were 1tan­dardintloo or prodacte, lacrcaecd marlretlaa- racJlltice aod the power of aacb a monmeot la the amcllor· atlas of dllliC11ltln. Iadl•ldual ef· fort woald pt aowbere la eeelrta1 for adja1tmeata of any lrlad but a co.cened mo•emeat woald aad to aect1re attea1toa and reaa a. •'- Dl1b7 la •l•ltlar m 1

plaaa la tlae l1Iand aa la lb la lier tbree moatba ata7 aad ner7-wlaen will aow tbe Heda of co­operaUft acUoa. Wllh mo meata ailc:b aa ... oatllaed p or-palled ... worldar ta 1 at parta of tH co .. tr, macb coa aad nald be MCOmDllHed to tbe altl­mate ioocl of ,.. coaatry aod tbe people CODeeraed.

Land Settlement Plan.

la coaaectloa .itb land eettlcmeat plaa receatly formalated aadcr the deputmeat pf Nataral Reeoarcc1 at St: Joba"e. alae mea left there oa Moaday tor tla1 Collaet Road wber! they wlll be eatabllebed oa farm1 aader arraa11meat with cltlaeae aad the Comml11loa of Gonrameol·

:rbe ae• Htllemeat will be kaowa u •·Warlrlaad" aad the 6rtt ect­tlea;cat 11 l" mllee from WbltbolU'ac oa lbe CoUaet Road. ll:ach .maa will be located oa 10 acret wllb a re. ""e of an 1ddltloa1120 acrea. Tbe7 will live ander caavae aotll they erect tbeir bou1ca wbea they wlll be joaaed b7 their femihcr. l(r. Chafe. maaafer of Mr. ll'ruer Boad'a farm, will rave any aeedcd a11i1t1occ.

lnoreued Activity ai Bell laland.

Shippiag operation• at Bell I1laad will abortl1 opea for the Hf.•Oa aad eome three ore carrlere are daa to load carroe1 for G"rmany. lome 800,000 toa11 will be 1blpped c1arla1 tbl1 MllOD m'oet Of wblcb .!II p to Earopeaa nnrkcte wllU. abl,..ata will aleo be made lo SydMy, wltlcli b11 aot takea aay 111ppll11 darta1 tbe p11t two 7eau.

Captain Kean llooored bJ Board of TrJde.

' Io coooectioo with the 1borc 6ab-crie1 a chld loepector aad ela-ht io-1pectora hue bcell 1ppolatcd to 111penlee tbe whole 1chemc of 1up. plyiaa-. corlar aod making returoe a t the cad of the •07age. They are P. T . Fadce. cblef la1pector and tbe other eleht comprlee Wilfred Caaalog, C. I. Ludlow, W. Bampb rlea. Daincaa Colllae, 3ifaz Cbamtere. Jolla W., Currie. Gcoree A. Cbaff'c7, and Rowland Keaa.


Maa. ll'AtOrT WATTS.

Ac1dem7 Ball oa Taiclday afternoon I follow1- • oader the aueplcee of the Children .:-=====:!:=======:-.I . A L. Rog:eu, R. W,M.; P. B ig of Mary lo aid of tbe Prueotatloo 1 • I g1a1, S.M.; L. V. Chafe. W S. w.; Coanat. · There •ere table• for 1 R L. Tapp, W.J. W.; T . G Ford. plala aad faDCJ work, candy, no.el- PM .. Sec1. : R. S. Muon, Trcua ; llee aad refreabmeate wbere meal Rev. R. Vatcber, Chaplain; C. D teae were 1ened aod all received Garland, BB. ; E. Yetman, S.O; F rood patroaqe. P. Ray, J. 0 ; 0 E. Grimm, 0 of C :

la tbe eftalaa- a daaee wae held L. A. Whhmao, P .M, Orgaol1t ; R ~blcb wa1 well attended and t.hor- A. Tapp, S.S.; W. a. Pike.JS; F. oacbly eiijo7ed. Tbe ma1lc w11 Sheppard, I G.; R. French. P.M, IDPpllcd b1 lb• 1'. T. Orcbulrt. Tyler. Prlaea for aa ellmlaatloo daace were Oommen• - on It I• u:pectcd tbal tbe w G.M .. woa by Win R. Archibald ead Mr. - Boti. Sir Tukcr Cook. and officer. R B()J'&a. Tbc proceed• of the IOIO•J IAJ Jth of Oiatrict Graad Lodge. will •i1it whole affair amounted to 1omc $145 " 1 the Lodge early lo June for the pur-

4 poec o( loatalllag the officere. Balldlng New Store. Tbera pa1eed peacefully away at

the reeldeace of Iler eoa Joba, at Mr. Joba T. Aib, wbo bae beco Bay Roberta, early oa Saaday mora· dolor baelaee• \a tbe reoeral gro lar. Mre. P'aaa7 Watte, widow o cery. pro•l1loa1 a~d dry irooda llace, Mr. Horatio Jolla Wat ta, la ber 74tb, OD BarffJ st. la Hlar a new Store year. erected OD tale laa oa Noad Street

Mra. Watla apeat ber early da71 Tbe aew etore will be ~S feet In la Barbor Grace belar tbe daarbter 'froatare with 2S-feet depth nd will of the late Jobo Stratble. Follow· coaelet of ehop and wareroom aad lac her marriage 1be re~ond wltb will be completed ehortlr· Wbca her baebaod to St. Joba • wbereebe completed Mr. Aeb wll operate reelded until eome 1iz yeare aa-o both pl1ce1 the old etaad for dry wbea 1bc c1mc here with her eoa (oodl and •Ide llaee and lbe acw and oa bl• moving to Bay Roberta etorc fora-roceriee aad provieione.

we wlll open after tea at

· 8.30 o'clock.

C. E. I . Social.

Tbc mcmben of the C. E. I. held a mott hjoyable card party.~pper and dance lo their Club £oodi on Tueaday al,bt wbicb wu well at· tended. There were 12 tablea lo ute Tor the card gamea, tbe r.rize1 lor which were woo b1 M 11 Jeanie Steveoeoo aod Mr. Bert Tarreat Supper• were aentd after which dancing wat kept up uatll an early hour. The affair wu la the nature ot a ecod off to many of the ir mem­ber• who will ebortly leJve here to proeccutc tbe 61bcry, 11od wu eo­jo1cd to the foll.

two yeare aeo accompanied him .there. •

Early tbi1 year MrL Walle be· came lll aod rcccotly vltlted St. Jobo'• for treat meat returolor to her home but t wo wecke before her death.

Poueucd or a charitable aad amiable di1po1ltloo, Mre. Watte• ea· dcarlair charm made for her aumer. 001 frlcoda. la tbe deep trial• oc· culoocd lo the dcatbe of two daog~teu and her haebaad 1be met her ordeal• with lorlit11de and re 1l1natloo aad to the ead ~talaed bcr cheerfal maaacr. A (oalf motber apd a eiaccre frlcad 1bc m de life 1wceter for her fa611eoce a la ber p111lag a noble ch acter mourned b7 a wide cir~ L

Left to mourn are oae daarhler, Kr• Alez Ledlagbam, of Coracr Brook, who au recd ber lo her lllae.., aad oae 100 Job a to whom tbe ST.Alf DUD eJttead1 It• deep 1ympatb7.

The faaeral wu held OD Moad1y aftetaooa oa tbe arrinl ()(the train aad latermcat wu mede la tbe faml,Jy plot la the United Church Cemetery, the Rua. R. B•cc• aad R. Vatcber olliclatlna-. ·

Doable Deaths at St John's.


Tbe dredce Prltetmaa bast been pueed over by the De,_rtmclat of Public Workl to tbe Rallway\dc­partmeat which will operate 'l e 1teamer for dredrtog pperalloae tbe fatarc. .

Newe of tbe death of Michael Coaaolly, wblcb occurred at 801ton, wae received at Bell leJad oa Satar· da7 Tbe decnaed waa a formu "realc1eJt of aar1re .. Beacb bat bad beea llriar la Boetoa for aome time. Bia widow wae a daa,bter of tba late .Jam•• Kuaaerb o Bell l1laad. latermeat·wae made at Boetoa.

Due In a Few Days A Small S~ok of



I~ ............................. ~

. . DICK STEEi .£

The Shop with the Cop and l&uoer '"8D,

oarriee a complete line of


The 1. 1. Ranger arrived at St John'• on Saturday afternoon Int haY<ioR' rt.ea up the •oyagc. She belled for 12.000 1eala.

.1t1etc (di1charccd) ..... .. 25.295 Nepluac (dlacbfrgtd) . •• • 18 489 Imoicae (dlecbarrcd) . ••• 52 030 Tbetl• (dl1cbarged) ...... 5.258 Uo1ava (dlacbarged) .... 41.000 Beotblc (di1cbarged) .. .. 48.701 Terra Non (lo port) ..... ZZ.000 Raarer (la porl) .. ... ... 12,000


New Local Appointmeint.

The poeltloa or Goalcr and Keep er of tbe Coan Boaee, made vacaat by lb• peula1 of lbe l•te Mr. G. T. GordOll. baa beea llled by the •P· polatmnt of Mr. W. w. Jl'reacb, J. P., 10D of Mr, Robert J.l'reacb of till• towa.

Oa Tanday morala1 at St. Joba'a, At• m,.etlar of tla1 Nurfoaadland Mr. Joba llllllott p11M4 awa7 aad·

Board of Trade at St. Joba'• oa deal7 aad bl• •If• Oftt'COma wltla Tlllada7, Boll. Capt. Abram XeH, Vlef la7 dowa aad paaaed away alz ,... praeated •ltlll a •••late" 111 ltoara latar. Tba late llr. Slllott ud a model of t ..._a. •· 'l'etta l'on, I wu 74 7eara of •ie aad laad aot bela ftlclt ... , .. comauded for lfteea la 1ood laceltla hcinU7 wlaU. Ida ---recopltfoa of bl& record wife waa 'n A aoa, Jflla. waa Of tlD-fOll Oftl' oaa millwa ls111ed •llm•ltla tlae Royal 9fl _I la ...... of ....,.. 1'1wfoud -•· wltlll IOu

1 ...... lll fliil IOC'l7 ·~· )eara. cla•1llta. ltt Ul1llf ,._.._

Obfna. a1aia. ouUerJ. Aiumlnlm and bamelled Ware. 8'o.

~·Lie& ·

=.=r Prompl .....

Addrw: 19JW~ BL Jon'

..../,,-- opp. Oomt

Tbe 11 a 1pect&catloa or the•· a. Beotlalc'• ... na1 car10 ;-4L16u;:s llarDa,• 4 JOOlll boode, 60Ql ..,., "1553 old llarpa. 2 oM llooda, ,,....., a tot.I of 48.701 Mala. Oroea Yll• of caip, '69.· 2t7.36 ; •t ftlllli ... 508 36 ; l'fOH

t. 1,123 to ... ia cwt., 3 qr• .. : • ~ 1,on toar., 1

:.=J lqi' .. .Jt lbli. TM~itof-.-allaredSlOl 04

tlela. 1119a9'i"•....,.t of 7oaq ...,,. ....... 1 ..........

EE D in bulk and packtigee 1L •

McMURDO'S C'.onvinciog proof Of lhO 8U•

premacy of Sutton's Seeds -At tho foor greal Hor ticul·

tural Exhibitions of the year 1938 -The R. H.S. Chelsea Show -Tbe R H.S. Greil Autumn

Show -Shrewsbury Floral Show -Soulhporl Flower Show

Tb'e Supreme Honours were awarded Sutton & Soos fnr their magnificent displaye or Vegetablea and Flowers.

Do ae the world doee-sow


Let us supply your wonts in sprays, insecticides, elc , Sem8!!an-Paris Greeo-Anenate pf Lel\d-Bordeau Mix lur e­Nicoline Sulphate alwnya p Block,

Catnlog or seeds, etc , on re· queeL.

T. MGMurdo & Co. LIMITED

Dependable Dmggiits Since 1823

Water Street, St. John's.

W.S. Goodwin, D.O.S Gradaate of P,blladelphla Deatal

Colleire and Bo1pltal of Oral Sorcery.

Teeth extracted abeolately •Ith· out pala bJ aee or •ltallMd llr or perfect aaaeatbetlc. .

DalTAJ, OnJca : Victoria 61., aest door to tl1e BT.1.110.1.aD Olllca.

MELLIE POTTLE, Water Street West.

• ·STAMPS. . Used Stamps of Newfoundland

• Wllnted, larg& quantities bought of 1 nil Kinds .

P. 0. Box 47, Station N., my4,3i · ~ontreal, Canada.

"' , , ~l.V¢ "'!\.°¥'\gs

to ~a.ul"" I WOQ OS.

Use Lon& l)isl-ante


I ~ &:(IOCJIJ(CJClUI l:.J.n:!llUOUI iiliJC

Canadian Butter (Island's Best)

Whole Wheat flour (14lb Bags)

LJles Belden SJrup Ila-Ora Orange 11d Lem._

lqmh 8rape fruit llltist Ora11i1 · fru• 111111111 -·· .....

•' ' ) I ' ~ ~ .• • ~· ' l .... • "'\

. . ,....~,., . -~·~-:._: · ~::.•_1 -c_!..,..._ '--~

