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RU10 Features – RNC Solution

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Table of Contents:

1 Welcome ........................................................................................................... 4 2 RNC2600........................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Feature Description 1/2 .............................................................................. 5 2.2 Feature Description 2/2 .............................................................................. 6 2.3 Dependency Table ..................................................................................... 7 2.4 Exercise ..................................................................................................... 8

3 IP Interface Upgrade for RNC ............................................................................ 9 3.1 Feature Description 1/2 .............................................................................. 9 3.2 Feature Description 2/2 ............................................................................ 10 3.3 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 11 3.4 Exercise ................................................................................................... 12

4 HSPA Peak Rate Upgrade in RNC196 and RNC450 ....................................... 13 4.1 Feature Description 1/2 ............................................................................ 13 4.2 Feature Description 2/2 ............................................................................ 14 4.3 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 15 4.4 Exercise ................................................................................................... 16

5 RNC450 to RNC2600 Upgrade ........................................................................ 17 5.1 Feature Description .................................................................................. 17 5.2 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 18

6 SW License Key Controlled RNC Capacity ...................................................... 19 6.1 Feature Description 1/2 ............................................................................ 19 6.2 Feature Description 2/2 ............................................................................ 20 6.3 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 22 6.4 Exercise ................................................................................................... 22

7 A2EA Digit Analysis Based on the Longest Possible Match ............................. 23 7.1 Feature Description .................................................................................. 23 7.2 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 24

8 Common Iub .................................................................................................... 25 8.1 Feature Description .................................................................................. 25 8.2 Dependency Table ................................................................................... 26

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1 Welcome

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2 RNC2600

2.1 Feature Description 1/2

This feature introduces a new RNC product, RNC2600. This high-capacity RNC provides the following capacity enhancements over the RNC450:

five times PS data throughput

two and a half times voice traffic capacity

approximately three times cell connectivity

The capacity of the RNC2600 can be increased in three capacity steps. Each step requires additional hardware resources.

The smallest configuration step, RNC2600/step 1, includes the first cabinet with all the plug-in units installed in all the sub racks. The Iub throughput in downlink is 900 Mbps. The AMR capacity is 8000 Erlangs. The total number of cells supported is 1440.

The configuration extension to RNC2600/step 2 is obtained by adding a second cabinet, adding all the plug-in units to sub racks 1 and 2 of the second cabinet and connecting the internal cabling between the cabinets. The Iub throughput in downlink is 1450 Mbps. The AMR capacity is 14000 Erlangs. The total number of cells supported is 2100.

The configuration extension to RNC2600/step 3 is obtained by adding all the plug-in units into sub racks 3 and 4 of the second cabinet. This is the highest RNC2600 capacity possible. The Iub throughput in downlink is 2000 Mbps. The AMR capacity is 20000 Erlangs. The total number of cells supported is 2800.

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2.2 Feature Description 2/2

The capacity enhancement in the RNC2600 is possible due to the new plug-in units. These high-performance units are upgraded variants of the units used in the RNC450. The new plug-in units are:

switching fabric units of type SF20H

multiplexing units of type MX1G6

network interface units of type NP8S1 and NP2GE

signal processing units of type CDSP-DH.

The following functional units used in the RNC450 are not needed in the RNC2600:

GTP tunnelling unit (GTPU)

AAL2 switching unit (A2SU)

radio resource management unit (RRMU)

The new plug-in units take care of the functionality provided by the above mentioned functional units.

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The RNC2600 provides high capacity already in the single-cabinet configuration. This results in OPEX and CAPEX savings.

2.3 Dependency Table

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2.4 Exercise

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3 IP Interface Upgrade for RNC

3.1 Feature Description 1/2

An RNC is connected to a BTS, MGW, and SGSN though the Iub, Iu-CS, and Iu-PS interfaces, respectively.

In RNC196 and RNC450, before RU10, these interfaces are based on ATM technology. The following network interface units are used in RNC196 and RNC450:

NIP1 for PDH networks

NIS1 for SDH networks

NIS1P for SDH networks with protected interface

ATM networks have high maintenance and upgrade cost. On the other hand, Ethernet provides a cost effective alternative.

RU10 introduces IP-over-Ethernet interfaces for RNC196 and RNC450. The IP interface upgrade is achieved via:

a new interface unit, NPGE

switching fabric unit upgrade to SF10E.

The new network interface unit also handles the GTP protocol, therefore separate GTP units are no longer required after the upgrade.

The IP support in the RNC results in OPEX savings. This is due to the low maintenance and operational cost of Ethernet equipment.

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3.2 Feature Description 2/2

The network interface unit NPGE is available as a plug-in unit of type NP2GE-B and contains two Ethernet interfaces. Therefore this unit can provide one 2N redundant or two non-redundant IP interfaces. A maximum of eight NP2GE units can be installed in the RNC196 or RNC450.

In the RNC196, eight slots are either currently reserved for ATM network interface units or are empty. In the RU10 IP interface upgrade, these slots can be used for NP2GE units.

In RNC196 capacity steps 1 to 5, cabinet A has two slots reserved for NIS1 or NIS1P units and two slots reserved for NIP1 units. Cabinet B has four slots reserved for NIP1 units.

In RNC196 capacity steps 6 and 7, cabinet A has one slot reserved for an NIP1 unit and one empty slot. Cabinet B has two slots reserved for NIS1 or NIS1P units and four empty slots.

As far as the RNC450 is concerned, also here eight slots are available for NP2GE units. Four of the slots are available in cabinet A, and four empty slots are available in cabinet B.

Furthermore, in cabinet B there are also four double slots available for two-slot-wide NPS1 or NPS1P units, if ATM interfacing capacity is required.

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3.3 Dependency Table

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3.4 Exercise

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4 HSPA Peak Rate Upgrade in RNC196 and RNC450

4.1 Feature Description 1/2

This feature introduces a hardware upgrade to the RNC196 or RNC450 to increase the HSPA peak data rates. In the RAS06 release, the peak data rates supported are:

10 Mbps per user for HSDPA

2 Mbps per user for HSUPA

The upgrade results in the following enhancements:

The HSDPA peak data rate per user increases to 14 Mbps

The hardware supports an HSUPA peak data rate of 5.8 Mbps

The number of simultaneous HSPA subscribers is also increased

The upgrade requires some signal processing units CDSP-C to be replaced with the more powerful CDSP-DH variants. The upgrade does not require all the CDSP-C units to be replaced. There can be up to 44 CDSP-C units in the RNC196 and RNC450.

This RU10 upgrade results in enhanced end user experience. This means new revenue generation possibilities for the operator.

This feature is required for the feature “HSDPA 14 Mbps per User” to work.

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4.2 Feature Description 2/2

The HSPA peak rate upgrade is supported for all RNC196 and RNC450 configurations. There are seven possible configurations in RNC196 and three in RNC450.

The number of CDSP-DH units that replace CDSP-C units in different RNC196 configurations are:

2 units in capacity step 1

3 units in capacity steps 2 and 3

4 units in capacity steps 4 and 5

6 units in capacity step 6

8 units in capacity step 7

The number of CDSP-DH units that replace CDSP-C units in different RNC450 configurations are:

4 units in capacity step RNC450/150

6 units in capacity step RNC450/300

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8 units in capacity step RNC450/450

4.3 Dependency Table

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4.4 Exercise

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5 RNC450 to RNC2600 Upgrade

5.1 Feature Description

This feature provides the possibility of upgrading the RNC450 to the RNC2600 hardware level. The upgrade requires that the following plug-in units are replaced with their more powerful variants:

MX622-D units are replaced with MX1G6 units

SF10 units are replaced with SF20H units

CDSP-C units are replaced with CDSP-DH units

NI4S1 units are replaced with NP8S1 units

Moreover, NI4S1 units may also be replaced with NP2GE units for IP over Ethernet support.

The table shows the number of units required in the three RNC2600 capacity steps. The red numbers indicate units in the RNC2600 and the green numbers units in the RNC450 before the upgrade.

The following functional units are not needed after this upgrade and are therefore removed:

AAL2 switching units (A2SU)

NIP1 interface units

RRMU and GTPU functional units are configured into signalling units (ICSU). Additional signalling units are filled into empty slots.

Some additional work has to be done before and after the upgrading. During the upgrade, which takes about two nights, the RNC is fully operational, except when it is restarted.

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5.2 Dependency Table

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6 SW License Key Controlled RNC Capacity

6.1 Feature Description 1/2

This feature provides a flexible mechanism for monitoring and controlling the capacity of an operational RNC2600. Software licence keys are used to control the following capacity parameters in the RNC2600:

packet-switched data throughput

AMR capacity

number of carriers

As the network load increases, the operator can purchase more software licence keys to increase the capacity.

A mechanism is provided to measure and monitor:

average PS data throughput

number of AMR RABs

number of unlocked cells in the RNC

An alarm is raised if the throughput or AMR capacity thresholds are exceeded. Control is provided by:

dropping GTP packets to limit the PS data throughput

disallowing new RAB connections

releasing low priority RAB connections to limit the AMR capacity

An error message is generated when the unlocked cells exceed the licence limit.

As a result of licensing, the operating software price is proportional to the customer needs. This allows cost savings. Also, the RNC capacity parameters can be optimised based on the customer needs. Capacity can be increased by buying new licences.

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6.2 Feature Description 2/2

The average PS data throughput is measured at the Iu-PS interface by monitoring GTP packets. The PS throughput calculation takes into account the overhead factor due to the frame protocol (FP) header.

When the PS throughput exceeds a threshold close to the licensed capacity, a “Licence capacity warning” alarm is raised.

When the PS throughput exceeds the licensed capacity, a “Licence capacity exceeded” alarm is raised.

A small percentage of packets are then dropped in order to limit the throughput. The percentage of dropping is increased if the throughput remains above the threshold.

The RNC also periodically calculates the number of simultaneous AMR radio access bearers. Similar to the PS data throughput, thresholds for capacity warning and capacity exceeded alarms are predefined.

The alarms and warnings are cancelled when the PS throughput or AMR capacity remains below the thresholds for a pre-defined duration.

The thresholds and the duration limits are operator configurable.

Counters are used for PS throughput and AMR capacity measurements. Please move your mouse over the Alarms and Counters buttons to see the relevant tables.

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6.3 Dependency Table

6.4 Exercise

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7 A2EA Digit Analysis Based on the Longest Possible Match

7.1 Feature Description

This feature supports AAL2 service endpoint addresses (A2EA) in the RNC. Currently, ATM end-system addresses (AESA) are supported. Using this feature, network nodes can be grouped and assigned a single A2EA.

As a result, only one digital sequence per group is stored. Nodes belonging to a group share a prefix sequence.

Two unequal length sequences with the same prefix digits are also allowed. The destination address is resolved by considering the longest prefix.

Consider an example in which two routes are given two sequences; sequence 12345... for route M and sequence 123451... for route N. The first five prefix digits are the same, which is allowed in A2EA numbering. In the case of AESA, such numbering with identical first digits is not allowed.

As a result, the number of digital sequences to be inserted in the digital analysis tree are greatly reduced. Therefore OPEX savings are achieved due to reduced configuration work.

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7.2 Dependency Table

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8 Common Iub

8.1 Feature Description

This feature allows Nokia Siemens Networks RNCs to interface with ex-Siemens BTSs of the NB or RS series. The feature is implemented for the following RNCs:




A common telecom and radio resource management solution is provided for the configuration of the radio access network. NetAct is the main tool for the radio network configuration management.

The operation and maintenance (O&M) solution is as follows. Radio Commander (RC) and O&M ToolSet (OTS) continue to be used for managing the NB or RS series BTSs, whereas NetAct is used for managing UltraSite and Flexi BTSs and the RNC. Furthermore, integration between NetAct and Radio Commander enables NetAct to provide network-wide fault management (FM) and performance monitoring (PM).

This feature increases the scope of the RNC deployment. This means RNC2600/450/196 radio network controllers can also be used in places where NB or RS series BTSs have already been deployed.

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8.2 Dependency Table