romanian academia initiatives related to oer and moocs

Romanian Academia Initiatives related to OER and MOOCs Carmen Holotescu Workshop "Opening Up Education", March 13, 2015, Timisoara Romania

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Romanian Academia Initiatives related to OER and MOOCs

Carmen Holotescu

Workshop "Opening Up Education", March 13, 2015, Timisoara Romania

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OER/OEP Initiatives in Romania

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CCR was launched in September 2, 2008, with

the help of ApTI(The Association for Technology and Internet)

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National OER initiatives

2. OER in the Government Programme• Government Programme for 2013-2016 (Dec 2012): Ministry of Ministry

for Information Society and Ministry of Education to collaborate in supporting the innovative integration of Web2.0 and OER in education;

• National Strategy on Digital Agenda for Romania 2020 (Feb 2015): Strategic Lines of Development for ICT in Education: using OER and Web 2.0 in formal and LLL education

3. Romanian Coalition for OERLaunced in October 2013, gathering persons and organizations that support and promote the concepts of open access and OER -; guides/workshops;organized the National Conferences for Open Education in 2014/5 (;

1. Knowledge based Economy Project (2005-2013)

• OER educational policies (recommendations in 2007)

• OE Resources and Practices: The activities in the KEP project have led the schools towards a shift in focus from the resources themselves towards the practices associated with the creation, use and management of OER: that is, open educational practices (OEP).

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Regional and institutional OER initiatives

Related to FLOSS (Free / Libre / Open Source Software):

• Groups

• Conferences/Events

• Courses / Trainings / Research

• Linux distributions and Open Source projects development

Related to OER, OEP and Open Content/Access:• Courses / Trainings / Programs • Open Content / Open Access /

Communities for OER and OEP • Studies

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Open Educational Resources / Practices (1)

- "OER Awareness Activities for Librarians and Academics in Romania", funded by CC Affiliate Project, implemented in 2013-2014 by ApTIAssociation for Technology and Internet, Soros Foundation Romania and National Association of Libraries and Librarians in Romania: workshops/events related to OER/MOOC, two guides

- Projects and sites that offer information/workshops about copyright issues, open licenses and OER: Open Educational Resources Policy in Europe,, http://acces-deschis,,,

- Different products developed under CC licenses

- Digital resources on the KEP portal created by teachers and pupils in the pre-university system, by using different Web2.0 technologies, guide “OER for different disciplines”

- KEP launched two guides in 2012, having as central topics the OER and collaborative technologies (Web2.0) in education: "Integration of new technologies in education" and "Using ICT for educational activities"

- Open journals related to open education are,

- Open materials and discussions around them:,,,,

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Open Educational Resources/ Practices (2) - Teachers training in KEP, Didatec project

( ) received certificates, acknowledging also their skills in using/creating OER

- Training/courses related to open educational pedagogies are offered by Moodle Romania, Didatec, iTeach, Sloop2desc, ActiveWatchMedia Monitoring, UPT Technology Enhanced Learning hosted by, -links at

- Projects related to MOOCs: - UniCampus - under the

initiative of University Politehnica Timisoara, Unicampus is a project developed by the Association of Technical Universities from Romania

- Credis Bucuresti with a MOOC platform based on Google Apps

- University "Vasile Goldis" Arad partnershipwith Fédération Européenne des Écoles

- Projects under CC licenses for Informal Learning / Serendipity: Romanian Encyclopedia , Veioza Arte - a video sharing platform acting as an open source production house for the Romanian cultural scene, Local Records are collections of audio products, Brașov Creative Commons Film Festival

- City Projects - community proposing/working on software projects for local communities/ smart cities, based on open data

- Most of the national projects related to OER are designed / implemented for the pre-university level, while in academia they are implemented by a single university or a groupof universities

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Strengths in Romanian OER initiatives

Romania is active in the OER movement:

• trainings/courses related to OER and OEP organized for both pre-university and university sectors

• formal documents at governamental level related to OER and Web2.0 • national events related to open resources produced by pre-university

teachers; national guides were published too• directories with open resources (more numerous for pre-university

level)• projects in development for MOOCs at university level and for

continuing education• strong communities/events for open source, open access, open data,

open licences.

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From POERUP elevator pitch (march 2013): 26 countries in 26 minutes, slide 11

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• The educational content which already exists, mainly in AeL/SEI, should be used more intensive by teachers and students: connections with curricula, the skills they develop should be more clear; encourage and support the sharing of best practices; should be licenced under CC (*)

• Create a repository with the educational projects in which Romanian schools, universities and educational organizations have participated, under CC licencies (*)

• Public outputs from European Commission programs should be made open, for example using Creative Commons licenses (**)

• Collaborations between schools and universities in regards to OER projects(**)

(*) from KEP Recommendations 2007

(**) from POERUP 2014

Recommendations (1)

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Recommendations (2)• Partnership of Ministry of Education

with publishers, broadcasters, libraries, cultural institutions to provide open access to their own resources (*)

• All teachers training programmesshould contain topics related to OER, new licenses and tools to create educational materials in a collaborative manner (*)

• Encourage a competitive market for educational resources production, guarantee transparency of supply and equal opportunities to market actors; Define a set of quality criteria (*)

• Budgets for digital education should include money for developing and maintaining OER (**)

• OER should be allowed on approved materials lists (**)

• Encourage Europe-wide validation of learning acquired online (not only via OER and MOOCs) (**)

(*) from KEP Recommendations 2007(**) from POERUP 2014

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Integrating MOOCs in Blended Courses

Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir Cretu, Antoanela Naaji (2014)

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Blending MOOCs in university courses - EdX

„We are taking what we are learning and the technologies we are developing in

the large and applying them in the small to create a blended model of

education to really reinvent and reimagine the classroom.”

We need to go from lectures on the blackboard to online exercises, online videos. We have to go to interactive virtual laboratories and

gamification. To go to completely online grading and peer interaction and discussion boards.

Everything really has to change.”Anant Agarwal, 2013. Why massive open online courses (still) matter. A TED presentation,

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Variants of blending MOOCs in university courses

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Web Programming, 2013-14/2014-15, III CTI

• HTML/HTML5, Javascript, CSS, XML, Perl, PHP, MySQL, Ajax;• Web2.0/Social Media (blogging, microblogging, social networks, collaborative

applications, curation/collaborative bookmarking systems, RSS feeds, mash-ups), Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons licenses, Massive Open Online Courses.

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modulescollaborative exercises

learning from the stream

multimedia messages

opennes to (small) OERs

polls/quiz/ comments via SMS (f2f)

validations -interactions with users/experts/ groups

Web Programming Blended msLMS

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Mobile learning features

• Allow students to become familiar (aware) with the MOOC phenomenon and trends:

•the most important players/platforms/offers, types of learning, interaction and specific pedagogies•to be able to search and evaluate useful and quality MOOCs;

• To enlarge knowledge/topics of the course, to obtain an auxiliary support for students’ group project development;

• Allow students to have concrete views, opinions and proposals on MOOCs and to critically evaluate their usefulness for personal development and for different ways of integration in formal higher education courses.

Aims of integrating MOOCs

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Steps for MOOCs Integration

• 1.MOOCs discovery and selection - #mooc:••••

• 2.Participation in MOOCs –requirement: at least 10% of the activities• 3.MOOCs participation evaluation: survey with 55 responders/70 students

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MOOCs Participation Evaluation

• knew about MOOCs before the course (49%)• followed MOOCs before the course (29%)• will follow MOOCs after the course (100%)• activities completed in MOOCs (66%: > 50%, 24%: 100%)

Followed MOOCs: Coursera (44%), Udemy (23%), Udacity, edX, Khan Academy, Codecademy, FutureLearn, but also European MOOCs found on Open Education Europa

In the same time MOOCs for other disciplines

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A Model for MOOCs Integration

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- For teachers:

- new skills and tasks:- complex course design/management- OERs and MOOCs curation- evaluation of distributed/collaborative

activities of students,- facilitation of the local learning

community and nurture of its integration in the global communities of MOOCs

- improving knowledge in their own area of expertise

- improving their competencies/skills for adopting new models of OEP

- For students:

- autonomy in assessing their own learning needs for choosing the MOOCs in which to participate

- exposing to:- high quality materials created with

top educational technologies- collaboration in global learning

communities- a broader range of experiences

Benefits/Challenges of MOOCs integration in blended courses/flipped classrooms

make xMOOCs more close to cMOOCs

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Carmen HolotescuTwitter, Cirip: @cami13