rock chidley - joseph scates concertinas chidley concertina maker.… · introduction rock chidley...

ROCK CHIDLEY CONCERTINA MAKER with some notes on Edward Chidley 1

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Page 1: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in


CONCERTINA MAKERwith some notes on Edward Chidley


Page 2: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in


PageAcknowledgements 2Introduction 3Rock Chidley - Independent Manufacturer 4Harmoniums 8Business Skills 9Publishing 10After Concertinas 10Edward Chidley 11

Appendices i. Connection between Chidley & Wheatstone families 14

ii. Addresses associated with Rock Chidley 15iii. Calculations on Years and Serial Numbers 16iv. Action lever comparison 17v. Publications by Rock Chidley 18vi. Description of Patent 19

AcknowledgementsYet again, my long suffering wife Annie without whom sentences may be considerably longer!Andy Ward for the picture of Rock Chidley and other pictures mentioned elsewhere in this articleNeil Wayne for unrestricted access to his Concertina CollectionNic Burdett for the loan of a Chidley BaritoneRandall C. Merris for encouragement and help


Page 3: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

IntroductionRock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in somewhat differing ways. Rock Chidley seems to have been the more entrepreneurial, Independent Concertina Manufacturer, Inventor of a concertina 'action', Railway Carriage Heaters and Inter-Carriage Connecting Systems, Sawmill owner, Builder and Music Seller and Edward seems to have kept a much lower profile, worked at Wheatstone's and seemed to be content to maintain this 'low profile' with only a short period in the 'public eye' during a brief concert career in the 1870/early 80's (often with his daughters).

Fig. 1. The first entry for the Chidley Brothers in the Wheatstone Payments Book C10551

The entry in the illustration above (Fig. 1) is the first mention of the Chidley's in connection with Concertinas. As it mentions 'Chidley and brother', I believe it safe to assume that 'Chidley' would have referred to Rock Chidley and 'brother' would have referred to Edward Chidley purely based on the fact that Rock Chidley would have been the elder at 20 years and Edward would have been the younger at 15 years. There was a connection with the Wheatstone family by marriage See appendix i. Rock worked as a 'finisher' for Wheatstone's and mentions this fact on some of his early concertinas See Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Label on a Baritone Serial Number 4192

1 The Wheatstone Ledgers: Payments Book C1055. concertina.com2 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected]


Page 4: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

The last entry in the Wheatstone Payments book C1055 for 'Chidley Bros.' is on 18th July 18463. In The Wheatstone Payments book number C1056 there are no mentions of 'brother' and the last entry for 'Chidley' is on 30th June 18494 it is by no means certain that the last Chidley entry was for Rock Chidley - by this time I believe that it is more likely to be referring to his brother Edward.

Rock Chidley - Independent ManufacturerRock Chidley's work with Wheatstone would have stood him in good stead when he commenced his career in manufacturing concertinas as an independent maker. His first business address was 135 High Holborn London5 See appendix ii. and this appears to have served, initially as his 'manufactory' & shop and appeared to do so for a number of years. The advertisement below seems to confirm the fact that the 'manufactory' as well as the shop were at 135 High Holborn:

The Concertina - Improved -The largest selection in London of this favourite instrument on SALE at ROCK CHIDLEY'S Manufactory where they can be seen in all the different stages of manufacture and the improvements explained...Concertina and Harmonium Manufacturer 135 High Holborn6

The 135 High Holborn address label (not mentioning any other addresses) appears in his early concertinas and certainly as late as Serial Number 3220 (the highest Serial Number currently known with the 135 High Holborn address). A concertina having the Serial Number 3561 bears the 135 High Holborn Address and also states - 'factory at Hollingworth St, St. James Road, Holloway.' (Hollingsworth Street was subsequently destroyed in WW2 during V2 attacks7). Some time between these two Serial Numbers, Rock Chidley acquired a factory at Hollingsworth Street. Advertisements for Rock Chidley's wares up to 1855, mention only the 135 High Holborn Address8 and advertisements post 18569 also bear the 'factory' address. The Serial numbers in conjunction with the advertisement dates imply a possible, average, production of 470 instruments per year (1850 to 1862). See appendix iii. Serial numbers on concertinas mentioning the Hollingsworth Street address would probably have been made between early 1856 and May 1862 when an advertisement appeared in The Illustrated Daily News which stated that 135 High Holborn WC was: '... only address in London'

See Fig.10. As Rock Chidley didn't sell his machinery and tools until January 1867, See Fig. 11. it is possible that he continued to manufacture from 1862 until 1867 and that any label during this period may have 'just' the 135 High Holborn address. As he didn't appear to be advertising during these dates, it may be safe to assume that if he did make concertinas during these years, it would not be in great numbers.In an advertisement on 8th April 1856 (which includes the factory address at Hollingsworth Street), Rock Chidley is offering Concertinas with a 25% discount over previous years10. It is uncertain

3 Wheatstone Ledgers: Payments Book C1055. concertina.com4 Wheatstone Ledgers: Payments Book C1056. concertina.com5 Times 13th June 1850 page 2 Where the Advertisement states ...'late Messrs Wheatstone and Co...'6 Times 8th February 1855 page 117 'London V2 Rocket Sites...Mapped'. Hollingsworth Street was renamed Rhodes Street and St James Street was

renamed Mackenzie Street and it is under the name Mackenzie Street that such details as there are may be found

8 Daily News 5th May 1855 Issue 27969 Daily News 5th March 1856 Issue 305710 Times 8th April 1856 page 14


Page 5: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

whether this represents a response to a more challenging market or the benefits of the economies of scale generated by Rock Chidley's potentially cheaper production system being passed on to customers. In 1850 Rock Chidley had advertised as a concertina maker in his own right, working out of 135 High Holborn London11. He had entered at least two concertinas in the Great Exhibition of 1851, at least one with Ivory ends (with Gold stops) and one with Ebony ends (with Glass stops)12 These concertinas were stated to have 'levers only supported by springs'13

Fig. 3.Action in Baritone Serial Number 41914 (working by 'levers only supported by springs')

Rock Chidley appears to be the designer of the action shown above See Fig. 3. The only other action existing at this time which fits the description, was one used in a Wheatstone Duette See Fig. 4. and whilst it fits the Great Exhibition description, it never seems to appear, other than in a small number of Duette concertinas.

Fig. 4.Wheatstone Duette action c184415

Rock Chidley seems to use the action shown in Fig. 3 (Baritone Serial Number 419) for most of his concertinas - it appears in a treble concertina Serial Number 5347, thus implying usage over a long

11 Times 13th June 1850 page 212 Buttons/Keys13 Official, Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the 1851 Great Exhibition: by Authority of the Royal Commission14 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected] From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected]


Page 6: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

period. I have seen a number of exceptions, one of which is in a Rock Chidley Anglo Serial Number 5647 See Fig. 5 which uses an action that didn't seem to reappear until the 1930's and that was in a concertina by Wheatstone Even then it is only similar in general principles, inasmuch as it had the 'levers only supported by springs'. The second one is in a Concertina with a label saying William Sprague Manufacturer, 7, Finsbury Pavement, London16 (Serial Number 755) which has Rock Chidley fretwork but the action as shown below in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Rock Chidley Anglo Serial Number 564717

Fig. 6. Action in William Sprague Concertina 75518

The third one, is a concertina (Serial Number 921 owned by Nic Burdett) with 'typical' Chidley fretwork but having a 'cylindrical post' type of action See Fig 7, which was stamped 'J. Scates 16 William Sprague: set up business in 1847 making pianos and Seraphines according to Arthur W.J.G.Ord-Hume in

his book - Harmonium the history of the Reed Organ and its Makers. Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 1986 17 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected] From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected]


Page 7: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Dublin' in the side edge of the woodwork.

Fig. 7. 'cylindrical post' action (Illustrative action from Scates Serial Number 19)19

The fact that at least two concertinas (one by Sprague & one by Scates: No. 921) with 'Chidley' fretwork and each with a different action type to the normal 'Chidley' action, suggests that Rock Chidley could well have been manufacturing concertinas for other 'manufacturers' to their own specific requirements. My own concertina: Joseph Scates, 28 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, Serial Number 226, c1851 (very early in Scates Dublin 'period') may be yet another example of a concertina made to a 'makers' specification, inasmuch as it uses the 'Chidley' action yet a fretwork design more akin to a Wheatstone.

Rock Chidley was certainly making 28 key 'Anglo German' concertinas in 1858 as they were used as an illustration in his tutor:

Chidley's Instructions for the German Fingering Concertina (London, R. Chidley 1858). Rock Chidley's Anglo Concertinas were endorsed by Carlo Minasi who used a concertina which bore Rock Chidley's name for illustration in his own tutor, justifying the use of an illustration of a 22 key instrument by the fact that:

'...since then, however, great improvements have been effected in the instrument by Rock Chidley(whose instruments are now in general use)20.

Minasi's endorsement changed to John Alvey Turner upon Rock Chidley's Bankruptcy in 1862.

It is noteworthy that, over his production period (1851 to 1862) Rock Chidley used two styles of 'stamped brass' levers the first somewhat heavier in design than the latter lever - this seems to follow the stylistic changes that occurred during George Case's early concertina production although the action post differed in that Case used a 'riveted' action. See appendix iv.Rock Chidley's concertinas generally feature fine wood and good quality fretwork. The better

19 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at [email protected]

20 All information relating to Minasi and his business relationship with Rock Chidley is drawn from a paper by Randall C. Merris. Carlo Minasi: Composer, Arranger, and Teacher, Concertina & Piano. PICA Vol. 6. 2009


Page 8: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

quality wooden ends i.e. Rosewood have a distinctive piece of detail within the fretwork, looking a little like a birds head with an 'eye'. See Fig. 8

Fig. 8. Fretwork detail Serial No. 41921

In 1862 Rock Chidley's Concertinas received an 'honourable' mention in the medals listing in The International Exhibition 1862, Class xvi musical instruments22

Fig. 9. Artists impressions of Hollingsworth Street Factory and 135, High Holborn Islington23 (picture probably post dates 1855)

HarmoniumsOn the sign board on the factory in the picture above Fig. 9, it is stated that Rock Chidley also manufactured Harmoniums. His Harmoniums only seem to appear in advertisements after 185524. That he was still selling Harmoniums into 1862 is clear from an advertisement below (Fig. 10), featured in The Illustrated Daily News:21 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected] International Exhibition 1862. Medals & Honourable Mentions Awarded by the International Juries...Printed for

Her Majesties Commissioners23 Picture kindly supplied by Andy Ward (Great Great Grandson of Rock Chidley)24 Times 8th February 1855 page 11


Page 9: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Fig. 10. Advertisement from The Illustrated Daily News25

Business skillsWhilst Rock Chidley was a maker of fine instruments- he seems to have been somewhat less successful as a businessman, as he was declared Bankrupt for the first time on the 8th September 186226. It is worth noting that in the advertisement in May 1862 (Fig.10) he states in the advertisement that 135 High Holborn is his only address in London. It is possible that he had to part with the factory on Hollingsworth Street prior to May 1862. On 17th October he filed for a Discharge from Bankruptcy on 17th November 186227. The Discharge from Bankruptcy seems to have been granted quickly, this may have been as a result of improvements in Rock Chidley's cash flow situation which may be attributed to money becoming available from the disposal of the factory. There do not appear to be any advertisements for concertinas or harmoniums post 1862. It seems likely that Rock Chidley's concertina/harmonium manufacture ended with the 1862 Bankruptcy. Although there seems to be no advertisements for Rock Chidley's Concertinas and Harmoniums after 1862 it appears that he still retained his machinery, tools and stock until 1st January 1867, where-after it was put up for auction See Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Rock Chidley's Machinery and tools appeared for sale 28

25 The Illustrated Daily News 2nd May 1862 Issue 498526 London Gazette 19th September issue 22664 page 30 first creditors meeting 25th September 186227 London Gazette 3rd July 1863 issue 22750 page 52 reports that the discharge was granted on 17th November 186328 The Musical Times Vol. 12 1st January 1867 page 443


Page 10: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

PublishingAlthough Rock Chidley did publish some tutors/musical arrangements, he does seem to have been less prolific than some of the other Concertina makers in his music publishing. See appendix v.

After Concertinas In 1865 Rock Chidley applied for two patents for railway carriages, which might suggest that he had been/was a regular user of the railway, as both patents are in the area of passenger comforts. One of the patents was for a carriage heating system and the other was for a carriage connecting system that allowed passage between carriages through a flexible, enclosed walkway (known as the 'Chidley Hood'). The patent was granted on 11th January 1865 for both 'invention's29 See appendix vi.After Rock Chidley's foray into railways, with the exception of the sale shown in Fig. 11. and the burning of his premises at 'Pavement' Clapham-common' in 1865, during a fire which started in a milliner's premises next door when it was reported that:

'...flames quickly spread to the premises of Rock Chidley, a musical instrument maker...four houses were completely destroyed'30

he seems to disappear from view until 8th June 186731 when he was declared bankrupt for the second time. In the bankruptcy report in The London Gazette in 1867, his primary address is given as 'No. 1 George-yard Crown Street Soho,' See appendix ii. this is a very similar address given in Stephen Chambers paper - Louis Lachenal: "Engineer and Concertina Manufacturer" (part 1)32 (George Yard, Princes Street Soho) the similarities in the addresses are such that I believe they are one and the same 'Yard'. This seems to suggest that in 1867 Rock Chidley was living in what was thought to be property under the control of Wheatstone's and Rock Chidley's brother Edward may have facilitated the arrangement. He was then discharged from this bankruptcy on 25th July 186733. In 1870 Rock Chidley, for the third time was in 'financial difficulties' and went into 'Liquidated by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors' (i.e. Voluntary Liquidation and thus making a deal with creditors to pay back a percentage in the pound). This method still required registering with the Bankruptcy Courts. It may be worthwhile noting, at this point that Rock Chidley's older brother John Robert Chidley b. 1817 was a Lawyer within the Bankruptcy Courts34.In 1871 the census records show Rock Chidley as a builder.35

By the 1881 census he was listed as a music seller36 and appeared to continue as a music seller up to the 1891 census37.Rock Chidley's wife of 45 years died in 1892 with an estate valued at £2538

Rock Chidley died 20th June 189439 but doesn't appear to have left a will or had an estate of sufficient value to have required Letters of Administration with which to handle the estate.Rock Chidley's eldest son, also named Rock Chidley (b. 1851) emigrated to Canada via SS Niger in 1871 on which he was listed as a carpenter. Subsequent Canadian documents (e.g. marriage registration)40 list him as a painter.

29 London Gazette 20th January 1865 Issue 22931 page 730 The Era 23rd July 1865 Issue 140031 London Gazette 14th June 1867 Issue 23263 page 4132 concertina.com33 London Gazette 6th September 1867 Issue 23299 page 4834 I am indebted to Wes Williams for this information35 The National Archives & Public Records Office: (TNA:PRO)36 census returns 1881.TNA:PRO37 census returns 1891.TNA:PRO38 Leicestershire and Rutland Historical Society, Pilot House, King Street, Leicester39 Ward Family Tree: TNA:PRO


Page 11: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Two of Rock Chidley Snr's. other male children were in the 'music' trade and these were his fifth son, Frederick George Chidley b.1861, who was listed, variously as; Piano tuner 188141 ; Piano, Organ and Concertina tuner 189142; Pianoforte Maker (and listed as an employer)190143

and Sydney Herbert Chidley44 b.1868, Listed as a clerk 188145, Musical Instrument Dealer (on own Acc.) 1891 and 190146

For more information on Rock Chidley's family tree see Joseph Scates Concertinas web site and the Ward Family Tree.47

EDWARD CHIDLEYEdward was Rock's younger brother (b. 1830) and features in the Wheatstone Ledgers as the 'Chidley brother'. At the time that Rock was becoming an 'independent' maker, Edward seemed to be still with Wheatstone and is listed in the 1851 census returns as a 'Musical Instrument Maker'48. He is part of a 'second' family recorded at 135 High Holborn with John (his father) as 'head' of the particular 'Chidley family' to which Edward belonged. The other 'family' living at 135 High Holborn had Rock Chidley listed as 'head' and also listed his wife and children.By 1861 he had moved (with wife and family) to 28 Store Street and was listed in the census return as a 'concertina maker'. It is uncertain whether he still worked for Wheatstone's but I believe it is probable. Edward Chidley's name (with the 28 Store Street address) has appeared in at least one concertina. See Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Label in Edward Chidley's concertina49

This concertina was unusual in a couple of ways. Firstly, its shape is somewhat different to the norm See Fig. 13. Secondly it uses riveted reeds See Fig. 14 (a Wheatstone concertina Serial Number 19011, dated 1874 by its entry in the Wheatstone Ledgers used riveted reeds) and Edward Chidley's concertina may have been a prototype for the later Wheatstone riveted reeds.

41 census returns 1861.TNA:PRO42 census returns 1891.TNA:PRO43 census returns 1901.TNA:PRO44 A photograph of Sydney H. Chidley's shop front can be found at 45 census returns 1881TNA:PRO46 census returns 1891 & 1901 TNA:PRO47 and Ward Family Tree census returns 1851.TNA:PRO49 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at

[email protected]


Page 12: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Fig. 13.Concertina by Edward Chidley, 28 Store Street50

Fig. 14. Riveted reeds fitted in Edward Chidley Concertina51

Edward Chidley lived at 28 Store Street from 1861 to at the very latest, 1st April 1871 (census date for 1871 was 2nd April). When he appears in the 1871 census he is living at 29 Conduit Street52

The concertina bearing his name would therefore have been made between 1861 and 1871. The fact that there only seems, so far, to be the one instrument bearing his name and the 28 Store Street address, may suggest that he built it for his own use. Whilst Rock Chidley doesn't appear to be an 'acknowledged' player (he doesn't seem to appear in any concert advertisements) the same could not be said of Edward. He certainly is listed in concert advertisements (some times with his daughters Amy and Eugenie) Though not until the mid 1870's. The first mention of Edward in an advertisement appears in one advertising Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blagrove's concert See Fig.15, though not as a performer but as a source for the purchase of tickets.

50 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at [email protected]

51 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at [email protected]

52 census return 1861 & 1871.TNA:PRO


Page 13: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Fig. 15 Advertisement in 'The Era'53

It does, however, introduce 'Mr E Chidley's Concertina Warehouse' at 20 Conduit Street, thus suggesting that by this time Wheatstone's are owned by Edward Chidley. In 1873 an advertisement appears in 'The Era' See Fig. 16:

Fig. 16 Advertisement in 'The Era'54

In this advertisement the name of the establishment had changed to 'Concertina and Harmonium Warehouse', but still no performances by Edward Chidley are mentioned. In May 1875 a Mr. Chidley does appear on 'the bill' performing with Mr & Mrs Blagrove, Miss Minnie Etwell, Miss Eugenie Chidley (b 1861) with Mr. Chidley55 playing Bass concertina. In July 1875 Edward appears in one of Richard Blagroves' concerts56. He appeared in the seventh of Mr. Richard Blagroves series of Concertina Concerts with: Miss Minnie Elwell, Miss Katie Elwell, Miss Amy Chidley; Tenor Concertina, Miss Eugenie Chidley; Bass Concertina, Mr. E Chidley; Double Bass Concertina.57 In 1882 Edward appears with one of his daughters and probably a son in Mr Henry Roes' Annual Concertina Concert as the advertisement reads Miss and the Messrs Chidley.58 Edward doesn't seem to appear in any concertina concerts after the 1882 Henry Roe concert.It may be that Edward played to help advertise Wheatstone Concertinas.Edward continued to work for Wheatstone until his death (1899) where after, his son Edward (Jnr.) took over at Wheatstone's.

53 The Era 26th May 1872 Issue 175754 The Era on 30th March 187355 The Era 30th May 1875 Issue 191456 The Era 18th July 1875 Issue 192157 The Era 14th May 1876 Issue 196458 The Era 27th May 1882 Issue 2279


Page 14: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendices Appendix i. Connection between Chidley and Wheatstone families59

59 I am indebted to Wes Williams for this explanation of the relationship between the Chidley and the Wheatstone families


All-in-One Tree of Samuel Bubb





Sophia AnnBubb






Mary HannahWard





Page 15: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendix ii.Addresses associated with Rock Chidley

YEAR ADDRESS SOURCE COMMENTS1850 135 High Holborn Times 13th June 18501861 11 Wellington Street, Holloway Census 1861

TNA:PROListed as: Musical Instrument Maker employing 4 men & 4 Boys

1862 Hollingsworth Street, Holloway Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 19th September 1862 p. 4574

Listed as: Concertina & Harmonium Manufacturer

1862 Victoria Road, Holloway Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 19th September 1862 p. 4574

Listed as: Concertina & Harmonium Manufacturer

1862 Wood Green, Tottenham Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 19th September 1862 p. 4574

Listed as: Concertina & Harmonium Manufacturer

1867 No. 1 Georges Yard Crown Street Soho

Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 14th June 1867 p.3401

Listed as: Sawmill owner

1867 1 Laurel Terrace, Bonsham Grove, Thornton Heath

Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 14th June 1867 p.3401

Listed as: Sawmill owner

1867 The Pavement, Clapham-common Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 14th June 1867 p.3401

Listed as: Sawmill owner

1867 37 Park Road Clapham Bankruptcy notice London Gazette 14th June 1867 p.3401

Listed as: Sawmill owner

1871 1 Avenue Villas, Hornsey Park Road

Census return 1871 TNA:PRO

Listed as: Builder

1881 98 Golborne Road, Chelsea Census return 1881 TNA:PRO

Listed as: music Seller

1891 85 Lillie Road, Fulham Census return 1898 TNA:PRO

Listed as: music seller (books)


Page 16: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendix iii.Calculations on Years and Serial Numbers.

The calculations are based on a number of observations with respect to Years and Serial numbers:

1. Rock Chidley started making Concertinas in early to mid 185060

2. Rock Chidley was declared bankrupt in 1862 and in 1867

3. Rock Chidley's Concertina labels bear the address '135 High Holborn' pre 5th May 185561

4. Rock Chidley's Concertinas bear the address 135 High Holborn + 'factory Hollingsworth Street...etc'., post 5th March 185662

5. The Concertina with the highest known Serial number with the 135 High Holborn Address is No. 3220

6. The Concertina with the highest known Serial number bearing the 135 High Holborn + 'Factory Hollingsworth Street' is an Anglo No. 5647 (there is no evidence to suggest that a different Serial Number sequence was used for 'English' Concertinas and for 'Anglo' Concertinas).

7. Rock Chidley's tools and machinery were sold in January 186763

Therefore: 1st period of production- 3220 = 585 average production per year up to May 1855 5 years approx.

2nd period of production- 5647-3220 = 422 average production per year from March 1856 to 1862 5.75 years approx.

Average yearly production for whole 'business' period 5647 = 470 average yearly production from 12 years approx. 1850 to 1862.

Notes: 1. The period between 5th May 1855 and 5th March 1856 may have been the period during which the new factory was set up.2. The lower production post 1856 may reflect the introduction of Harmonium manufacture. The Harmonium doesn't seem to feature in advertisements until the new factory was 'on line'.3.As previously mentioned it maybe that Rock Chidley did manufacture a number of Concertinas between 1862 and 1867 but no higher Serial Numbers with either address have been noted yet.

60 Times 13th June 1850 page 2 61 Advertisement in Daily News 5th May 1855 Issue 279662 Advertisement in Daily News 5th March 1856 Issue 305763 The Musical Times Vol. 12 1st January 1867 page 443


Page 17: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendix iv.Action lever comparison.

George Case lever Type 1

Rock Chidley lever Type 1

George Case lever Type 2

Rock Chidley lever Type 2

*All pictures on this page 64

64 From Neil Wayne's current Concertina Collection. For information on a forthcoming website, contact Neil Wayne at [email protected]


Page 18: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendix v.Publications by Rock Chidley

Author/Arranger Title Publication YearChidley, Rock Chidley's Instructions for the Concertina London: Rock Chidley


S. Glover I Had a Dream Arr. for Concertina and Piano by Carlo Minasi

London: Rock Chidley c185366

Sedgwick, Alfred B. Favourite English, Irish & Scotch Airs. Arranged for the Concertina, etc.

London: Rock Chidley 185467

Sedgwick, Alfred B. Passe temps pour les concertinistes London: Rock Chidley 185468

Handel, George Frideric,

[The Redemption. Holy, Holy] holy Lord God Almighty...Arranged <for two treble Concertinas> by A. Sedgwick

London: Rock Chidley 185469

Handel, George Frideric,

[Theodora. Angels ever bright and fair] Angels ever bright and fair...Arranged (for Two Treble Concertinas) by A. Sedgwick

London: Rock Chidley 185470

Rigondi, Giulio, 2 Echoes lyriques, arr. for concertina and piano (ad lib).

[S.l.]: Rock Chidley, [n.d.]71

Chidley, Rock Chidley's Instructions for the German fingering Concertina.

London, 185872

Minasi, Carlo Complete Instructions for the Harmonium Rock Chidley 185473

65 Advertisement in Daily News 22nd March 1851 Issue 150666 Musical World Vol. 31 185367 British Library68 British Library69 British Library70 British Library71 British Library72 British Library73 Randall C. Merris. Carlo Minasi: Composer, Arranger, and Teacher, Concertina & Piano. PICA Vol. 6 2009


Page 19: ROCK CHIDLEY - Joseph Scates Concertinas CHIDLEY Concertina Maker.… · Introduction Rock Chidley and his brother Edward Chidley both featured in concertina manufacturing, but in

Appendix vi.Description of patent74

74 Picture kindly supplied by Andy Ward (Great Great Grandson of Rock Chidley)