robot and drones interface

Robot and Drones INTERFACE 171772

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Robot and Drones InterfaceHuman-Computer Interaction


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Robotand DronesINTERFACE


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What is Robot ?A machine designed to carry out a certain tasks automatically, with speed and precision (Rouse, 2007).

Sense and react to the environment

Guided by a computer program and electronic circuitry

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How does Robot look like ?

Can be autonomous or semi-autonomous

Range from humanoids to industrial robots, medical, nano robots and more

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What is Drones ?Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

Flying robot, either remotely controlled or can fly autonomously (Rouse and Wigmore, 2015).

Usually associated with military

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How does Drones look like ?

Mostly aerial units (Plane, Helicopter)

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Conceptual Model

(Silas et. al, 2011)

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Interaction Types InstructingUsers instruct the robot to conduct what they want to do

Control the robot activity (Pastel, 2014)

Menus and control buttons are examples of instructional interactions

E.g – Robot cleaner

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Interaction Types Instructing

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Interaction Types ConversingUsers can communicate with the robot

As simple as saying hello to ASIMO

ASIMO on LIVE (Youtube Video) (2014)

Virtual form – Siri, Cortana

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Advantages of RobotDestination beyond human reach (Far away planets, deep sea). (14hmj, 2008).

Working 24/7 without salary and food

Perform tasks faster than human


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Disadvantages of RobotReduction in job opportunities.

Power supply


Costs a lot of money

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References Rouse, M. (2007, April). Robot (insect robot, autonomous robot). Retrieved from http://

Rouse, M and Wigmore, I. (2015, August). Drone. Retrieved from

Silas F. R. Alves, Joao M. Rosario, Humberto Ferasoli Filho, Liz K. A. Rincon and Rosana A. T. Yamasaki (2011). Conceptual Bases of Robot Navigation Modeling, Control and Applications, Advances in Robot Navigation, Prof. Alejandra Barrera (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-346-0, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/20955. Available from:

Pastel, R. (2014). Interaction Style and Mobiles Interactions. CS4760 Human-Computer Interactions. Retrieved from

Live with Kelly and Michael. (2014, April 15). Retrieved from

14hmj. (2008, Oct 20). Advantages and Disadvantages of Robot. Qatar Academy. Retrieved from

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Presented by:

Muhammad Amirul Farhan bin Ahmad Fauzi