rnb music conventions


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Post on 24-May-2015



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Page 1: RnB Music conventions


Page 2: RnB Music conventions

Women are OFTEN dressed in minimal clothing, a way to show their asset and portrays them as an object of desire.

their hair is always styled in a very dramatic and eye catching way. Their makeup is also very bold and defined, especially their eyes they always have dark coloured eye shadows with golds which makes their

eyes very alluring. To show power some females wear red lipstick in their videos.RnB video has women wearing mostly in Heels – R&B females wear very high heels to elongate their legs because if they are wearing hardly any clothes the higher the shoes the longer their legs will look. However

some R&B females wear trainers in their videos for choreographed scenes. Jewellery – Deepening on the style and narrative of the music some femalewear subtle jewllery to creat a

sophicaticed and elegant look-slow RnB , some wear more louder jewllery such as big earrings, necklaces t creae a hood look and we have some females who wear a lot of jewllery but usually when they wear a lot of

necklaces they are breaking gender stereotypes because it is usually R&B males that wear that much jewellery

This are just a common convention, its not always the case as we do get some RNB singers who dresses decently.

Page 3: RnB Music conventions

Most Rnb male are dressed topless, this is because a lot of male RnB singers target market are young teenage girls

They’re mostly dressed in Jeans and the jeans are commonly lowered and close ups shots to show a few blings such as their designers belt to insinuate wealth and it could as well be for

advertiment of that particular product

Another reason why male are half dressed if to show off their tattoo, quite a lot of rnb male artists have tattoos a majority of the time they are on their chest if not it will be on their arms.

Jewellery – Male jeweery are subtle just the females.

Most men in R&B are featured topless but again not all make RnB artist are like this, for example– Neyo, he’s never been seen half naked in any of he's video , if not he’s always seen wearing suits, or club wear and yea with his top on.

It all depends on the narrative of the music video and target audience- for example trey song video are more into showing intercourse scenes and to give the video and realistic style he has to dress the realistic way and needs to attract his target audience as well.

Page 4: RnB Music conventions

R&B videos are usually very sexual and the topless men in the male R&B videos connotes that sense of sexuality.

Females in R&B also convey their sexuality through their clothing which is very minimal as mentioned in the previous slide; they also place emphasis on their sexuality through their makeup. R&B females are usually portrayed as soft goddess type people in their videos, but nowadays there has been a lot of

gender stereotypes being broken in their videos with the females being seen as more powerful than the men for the song title, ‘think like a man’

A majority of R&B videos these days are filmed in greyscale/sepia tone which adds a sensual tone to the imagery in the video- slow RnB.

In an RnB video, there must be some sort of dancing, ranging from break dancing to Hip-hop to make know the artist ability to dance, hence this reason a lot of artist shot their video in a night club or a place/studio

that can create a party atmosphere.

A two shot of a couple to show relationship between them as RnB is mostly about relationship. So therefore aimed at age from 13 and above.

Page 5: RnB Music conventions

Slow R&B are mostly about love, breakup and woman wanting to express their power and independent. This types of songs are usually done by female . This is the part were they

don’t wear minimal clothing but dress in a sophcated way. For love songs they’d normally be seen in cheerful bright and light cloths and in breakups the typical convention that these

videos use is the greyscale filter to show emotion and they will be wearing dark clothes. Their makeup will done to look natural to convoy natural beauty because of the close ups that’ll be used to show expression. Songs about breaking up usually take place in a plain black room

which will probably have a chair or very minimal items in the room, because these songs tend to concentrate on the artist by using close ups to show significant figure expression and

Songs about love will usually take place in an exotic area such as the beach.

Page 6: RnB Music conventions

Slow R&B: Slow R&B songs these days are usually in greyscale or a sepia tone. I think this is because it makes the colours very soft which adds to the tone of the song because dark

colours evoke emotions.

To eliminate softness which will contrast the power and effect f having a sepia tone to slow R&B, the white balance will have got to be high , this would stop th grey going towards the

black side and create a sense of power rather then softness.

If the video is not shot in greyscale, the video is always softened and a lot of natural lighting is used to show a sense of reality. Slow R&B songs would normally follow a narrative and

many at times they’d have a co-star alongside the musician this is a convention which is very common in R&B ‘slow jamz’. In video that involves sexual scene you’d have the co-star

dressed in minimal clothing adding to the depiction of sexuality; There are also a lot of close up kissing shots of the musician and the actor/actress in the video. This convention is

typically found in videos that are about sex.

Page 7: RnB Music conventions

Fast Songs: Fast R&B songs consist of bright colours, flashy cars, jewellery – more like a party scene. These videos involve a lot of choreography.

They normally depict R&B males in a wealthy light and R&B females in a powerful light. The typical conventions of a fast music video for an R&B male artist will involve being in a club, with champagne, it’ll

have artificial lighting and women wearing minimal clothing, portraying the stars as fun loving people. Another common item of clothing/accessory that R&B males wear in these type of songs are sunglasses,

they convey a sense of coolness The props in these videos are bottles of expensive alcohol which there will be a few close ups on for advertising purposes.

Fast R&B songs by females also involve bright colours, but it not about being in the club like the R&B males. A lot of their video are done in a studio , because of the flexibility its gives to create special effects with

background because there are a lot of special effects especially in the background.

The typical clothing for these type of videos are very revealing clothes with high heels to elongate legs, jewellery can either be kept kept to a minimum or . Brightly coloured makeup are also worn, if it is not strong eye makeup it is usually very strong lip colours like reds and bright pinks. These tend not to follow a narrative

,there’s usually a lot of dancing and choreography in these videos. These videos will also portray the musicians in a more powerful light although there is not a total gender switch up, they still seem more

powerful than they do in videos for love songs.