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The Rise of Hitler

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Post on 09-May-2015



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The Rise of Hitler

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Hitler’s Beginnings Adolf Hitler was

born in a small town in Austria in 1889.

He dropped out of high school and wasn’t accepted into art school.

He served in World War I and won metals for bravery.

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Political Beginnings Like many people

Hitler was very unhappy with the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles. He felt that Germany was being unfairly punished.

In 1920 he joined a small radical group that shared these beliefs called the Nazis.

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The Nazis adopted the swastika as their symbol.

When Hitler joined the party he was a very successful organizer, and a good public speaker, so this led him to be chosen as dur Führer, or the leader.

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First Failure With Hitler as the

leader the party began to gain more supporters.

In 1923 the Nazis attempted to takeover the government (this was known as the Beer Hall Putsch).

They failed and Hitler was sentenced to prison.

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Mein Kampf While Hitler was in jail he wrote a book called Mein

Kampf meaning My Struggle. In this book he outlines his main ideas and beliefs.

One of Hitler’s key beliefs was that the blue – eyed, blonde haired Germans were the “Aryans” or master race.

Hitler claimed that people who were non – Aryans (Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, amongst others) were inferior/subhuman. He felt these people were part of the cause of the problems for the Aryan race.

He also expressed his outrage at the Treaty of Versailles, and said Germans must try to get that land back.

He felt Germans needed more lebensraum or living space, and they would get it by conquered Europe and Russia.

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After Prison After Hitler was released

in 1924 he began working to make the Nazi party strong again.

Most Germans ignored his message until the depression hit.

Germans didn’t feel confident in the leadership of the Weimar Republic and began turning to Hitler for strong leadership and security.

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Hitler Becomes Chancellor

By 1932 the Nazis were the largest political party.

In January 1933 the President named Hitler Chancellor of Germany.

He hoped by appointing Hitler to this position he would gain support of Hitler’s followers, and he’d be able to control them as well as Hitler.

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Hitler Seizes Power Once Hitler was in office he immediately

began strengthening his position. Once Hitler had parliament under his

control he passed a bill that essentially made him a dictator. He banned political opponents and had them arrested.

In 1934 Hitler created an elite black uniformed unit called the Schutzstaffel or the SS. They were loyal only to Hitler and arrested anyone who opposed him.

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Nazis Command the Economy The Nazis first act of

controlling the economy was creating laws that banned strikes, dissolved independent labor unions, and gave the government control over business and labor.

Hitler created jobs that put millions of Germans to work doing things such as constructing factories, building highway, manufacturing weapons, and serving in the military.

Unemployment dropped from 6 million to 1.5 million.

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Complete Control

Hitler censored the press, radio, literature, paintings, and films and used them as propaganda.

Books that went against the Nazi beliefs were burned.

The church was not allowed to openly criticize Nazis.

Children were forced to join the Hitler Youth.

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1936 Olympics Hitler felt that anyone

who was not Aryan was inferior.

The 1936 summer Olympics were held in Berlin.

African – American runner Jesse Owens won four gold medals, defeating the Germans.

Hitler refused to watch Owens be presented with medals and left the stadium.

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Attacks on the Jews Although the Jewish people

made up less than 1% of Germany’s population the Nazis used them as scapegoats for all of Germany’s problems since the war.

Beginning in 1933 the Nazis passed laws that deprived Jews of their rights.

This led to more violence and anti – Semitism amongst the German people.

On November 9, 1938 Nazi mobs began attacking Jewish homes and businesses known as Kristallnacht. This began the process of eliminating Jews from Germany.