the rise of adolf hitler

THE RISE OF ADOLF HITLER 30.1 | The Dangers of Nationalism

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The Rise of Adolf Hitler. 30.1 | The Dangers of Nationalism. The Issue of Ver sail les 1919. Paris demanded much Reparations were severe Borders were argued Paris wanted more enforcement Many political figures avoided it for votes Post-war economies REPARATIONS Became global - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Rise of Adolf Hitler


30.1 | The Dangers of Nationalism

Page 2: The Rise of Adolf Hitler

THE ISSUE OF VERSAILLES 1919 Paris demanded much

Reparations were severe Borders were argued

Paris wanted more enforcement

Many political figures avoided it for votes

Post-war economies REPARATIONS Became global Had no responsible leadership

Page 3: The Rise of Adolf Hitler


Weimar Republic owed France huge reparations 132 billion gold marks: 1921

The Allies owed the USA huge debt payments

France declares Weimar Republic loan default Occupation of the Rhur and management of mines and

railroads Britain and USA became sympathetic France was determined, but the Rhur destabilized their economy

The Dawes [1924] and Young Plans [1929] USA will loan money to Germany Who will develop to pay the Allies Who will pay USA


Page 4: The Rise of Adolf Hitler


The Weimar Republic [brilliant democratic system] tottered Rhur invasion in 1923 began this

Hitler’s first appearance in politics German inflation German nationalism German anti-Semitism German anti-Communism “Judeo-Bolshevism” The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party

Page 5: The Rise of Adolf Hitler

THE DECLINE OF THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC Munich 1923: the “Beer Hall Putsch”

16 Nazi’s killed by authorities and Hitler detained Mein Kampf written: a story of Germany’s rise from ashes

The mid-20s saw economic revival in the Weimar Republic The Nazi’s were not popular: 1928 elections = 12 seats

The Great Depression Unregulated financial speculation [2008 mortgages] Led to a Wall Street crash in October 1929 German economic downturn led to political division

1930 German president elects Heinrich Brüning as chancellor Emergency powers given

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German unemployment March 1930: 2,258,000 March 1932: 6,000,000

Political deadlock gave rise to extremists

1930 elections = 107 seats; communists = 77 | 577 seats total

Unemployment led to SA recruitment Nazi party “storm troopers”: organized gangs who used

intimidation Gangs in Rome

Huge rallies held to “redeem” Germany from her humiliation after WWI The French, the communists, and the JEWS were at the heart of it Extreme German nationalism

Page 7: The Rise of Adolf Hitler

HITLER BECOMES CHANCELLOR Hindenburg elects a new chancellor in 1932 but was lacking

support Hitler and the Nazis were growing in popularity

A new election is called for and bans are removed from Nazi rallies Nazis won 230 seats: 37.2% of the vote Hindenburg refused to elect Hitler, who he saw as an extremist November elections: Nazi fell to 196 seats: 33.1% of the vote

A new chancellor is elected December 1932 Fear of a civil war between extreme leftists and extreme rightists

Political maneuvers made Hitler chancellor in 1933 Vice-chancellor in place to monitor him

Hitler promised a strong Germany

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Rise up against tyranny The nation against the “bad guy”

Victory and promises of national glory

Radical change To reach the goals, change is needed Reichstag fire 1933: communists arrested and later banned The Enabling Act 1933: chancellor could rule by decree

Tyranny returns in a new form Fascism: extreme nationalism and unity Indoctrination of an entire nation Totalitarianism and control Often, no, always corrupt