rheumatic heart

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  • 7/29/2019 Rheumatic Heart






  • 7/29/2019 Rheumatic Heart








  • 7/29/2019 Rheumatic Heart



    In Africa,and South America,rheumatic fever remains acommon disease and is associated with significant morbidityand mortality rates

    Both in the acute phase of the disease and as a result of

    chronic,cardiac valvular sequelae,it remains the mostcommon cause of acquired heart disease in children

    In most European and North American countries,theincidence of rheumatic fever declined to the 50 years

    preceding 1980

    The reduction,both in incidence and severity,commencedbefore the adventof antibiotics and appears to have beenrelated mainly to improvements in the general health andsocio-economic standards of the populations in these


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    However,since the mid-1980s,there has been an unexpected

    resurgence of rheumatic fever in the United states

    This has occurred in middle- class families with ready

    access to medical care

    The exact reasons are still unclear,but there has been the re-

    appearance of rheumatogenic strains of group A haemolytic

    streptococci(M tpyes1,3,5,6 and in particular 18) in the

    affected areas


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    In susceptible individuals(possibly with a specific classII HLA )rheumatic fever follows a pharyngeal infectionwith one of the Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci

    Specific rheumatogenic strains of streptococci cannow be identified and it is significant that these strainsare rarely found today in populations where rheumaticfever has virtually disappeared


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    Global prevalence : Ranges from 0.2 (Cuba) to77.6 per 1000 ( W.Samoa)

    1 % of all school children in developingcountries show signs of the disease.

    12 million cases with 30% having CHF

    Commonest cause of Heart Disease in agegroup 5 30 years worldwide.


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    12 -65% of all hospital admissions related toCVD. in developing countries

    Mortality varies 2 5%

    Incidence dropped in many developed countrieslong before modern treatment due to improvesocioeconomic conditions. Pockets are stillfound in some rich countries.


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    Ages 5-15 yrs are most susceptible

    Rare boys ? ( No Gender Differences)

    High Carrier rate ( 1/3)

    Common in 3rd world countries

    Environmental over crowding, poor sanitation, poverty,


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    Diagnostic criteria of rheumatic fever


    1.Carditis 1. Prolonged PR interval onECG

    2.Polyarthritis 2. Arthralgia

    3.Chorea 3.Previous history or evidence ofrheumatic fever

    4.Erthema 4. Fever


    5.Nodules 5 Acute phase reactants

    Note; use 1 and 2 as either minor or major criteria but not as both9

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    CARDITIS-70% of hospitalized black children presentingwith rheumatic fever have evidence of carditis on their firstadmission(world figures vary from 40 to 75%)

    The diagnosis of carditis is made if one or more of the

    following is present: Cardiac murmurs indicate endocarditis,the most common of

    these is a high pitched,blowing,pancystolic murmur heard atthe apex and is due to mitral valve incompetence caused bydistortion of the mitral valve cusps and mitral annulardilatation

    Sometimes this is associated with a short low pitched mid-diastolic murmur at thre apex,which disappears as the acute

    process resolves10

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    Involvement of the aortic valve causes incompetence,which

    is recognized by a high pitched early diastolic murmur,heard

    best at the aortic area and down the left sternal edge when

    the patient is sitting up and leaning forward

    If severe,a wide pulse pressure and collapsing pulses will

    also be present


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    Polyarthitis. The typical presentation is a flitting arthritiswith red, hot, swollen, tender, large joints which becomeinvolved sequentially.

    As a new joint is involved, the arthritis in new in thepreviously affected joint subsides.

    It is important to consider rheumatic fever in the differentialdiagnosis of mono-arthritis in children.

    Once the acute inflammation has settled, the joints recovercompletely.


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    Chorea.This occurs most often in girls between seven andfourteen years of age. There is a long latent period of weeks

    or months between the streptococcal infection and the onset

    of symptoms.

    In some cases, chorea may develop some weeks after joint

    symptoms but often it occurs without any recognized

    symptoms or sign of rheumatic fever.

    The onset is gradual over one or two weeks during which

    the child is scolded for being clumsy, spilling drinks or

    dropping articles


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    cont........Erythema marginatum. this is a transient erthematous rash.

    When it fades it leaves irregular thin lines which make circularpatterns on te trunk and occasionally the limbs, but never on

    the face.

    It is easily seen on light-skinned patients, but neither easilynor often seen on darkly pigmented skin.

    Nodules. subcutaneous, non-tender, small, mobile nodules arefound over the extensor surfaces (around the elbows, wrists,

    knuckles, knees, ankles


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    Previous history or evidence of previous episode of

    rheumatic fever

    Arthralgia.It is important to exclude vague limb pains dueto myalgia

    This should not be used as a criterion if arthritis is a major


    Fever.Temperature recordings are usually 38C or more in

    acute rheumatic fever

    Prolonged P-R interval on the electrocardiogram to greaterthan 0.18 seconds

    This should not be used where carditis is a major criterion 15

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    CONT.. Acute phase reactants.These are not specific for

    rheumatic fever leucocytosis. this is usually between 12 and 15*10

    Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). this is raised, butthe level does not correlate with severity. it may,

    however, be normal in chorea

    C-reactive protein (CRP). this is invariably found in theserum of almost all cases.

    The presence of two major criteria, or one major andtwo minor criteria, together with evidence of a precedingstreptococcal infection, makes the diagnosis of rheumaticfever probable


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    Step I - Antibiotics (eradication of streptococci) Step II - anti inflammatory treatment (aspirin, steroids)

    Step III- supportive management & management ofcomplications

    Step IV- secondary prevention (prevention of recurrentattacks)


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    Rheumatic fever can recur whenever theindividual experience new GABH streptococcalinfection, if not on prophylactic medicines

    Good prognosis for older age group & if no

    carditis during the initial attack Bad prognosis for younger children & those with

    carditis with valvar lesions


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    Primordial : Preventing risk factors Primary : Identifying all those suffering from

    sore throat early and give proper , prompttreatment

    Detect inapparent infections and identifycarriers and give proper treatment. Surveillanceof high risk groups, school ages, throat swab ,early diagnosis


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    Secondary Prevention: for those diagnosed ashaving RF, give prophylactic penicillin 1.2.million unit every 3 /52 for Five years or till age18 years ( which ever comes later)-

    For 10 years or age 25 years for those withcarditis .

    For life after surgery

    Tertiary Prevention :Rehabilitation


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    Treatment of rheumatic fever Prevention

    Rheumatic fever is rare where standards of living are good.

    A high incidence is associated with poor housing,overcrowding, and lack of primary health care facilities.

    Treatment of streptococcal throat infections with penicillinwithin one week of the onset of symptoms, prevents thedevelopment of rheumatic fever, provided the treatment is

    adequate. The recommended dosage are;

    One IM injection of benzathine penicillin G 600000 units(below 30kg body weight) or 1200000 units (over 30kg) or


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    Oral penicillin V 50mg/kg/d, given three times a day for tendays. it is important that oral penicillin is given before meals

    and the course completed.

    In patients sensitive to penicillin, treatment is with

    erthromycin 125 to 250mg, four times daily for ten days; orcephaloridine IM 30 to 50 mg/kg/d in divided doses, eight-hourly; or oral cephalexin, 25 to 100 mg/kg/d in dividedoses, eighth-hourly

    Ideally all children complaining of a sore throat should havea throat swab cultured and, if group A beta-haemolyticstrepptococci are found the patient should be given

    penicillin treatment or erythromycin, if they are penicillinsensitive) 22

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    cont... Rest. Children with painful joints and acute carditis

    invariably lie still.

    As they recover they may be allowed to move around inbed, but should not be allowed to walk until jointinvolvement has subsided, cardiac enlargement decreased,

    and the 'sleeping' pulse rate diminished.

    Thereafter they should be allowed progressively moreactivity; most children on adequate treatment should be backto normal, non strenuous activity within three weeks.

    If there has been cardiac failure, convalescence may beprolonged and activity should be restricted until evidence ofrheumatic activity has been absent for two weeks


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    Anti-inflammatory treatment Salicylates are particularly useful in alleviating the pain of

    arthritis and the discomfort of fever.

    The ESR returns to normal more quickly, but salicylates donot have any effect on valvular damage

    Dosage. sodium salicylate 40 to 60 mg/kg/d, oracetylisalicylic acid (aspirin),80 to 120mg/kg/d

    Treatment should continue until all signs of activity havesubsided and then be gradually withdrawn over a two-week

    period Recurrence of symptom will require increasing the dosage

    until control is achieved


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    Symptoms of salicylate toxicity, (tinnitus, dizziness, nausea,and vomiting) are rarely seen at the recommended dosage.

    If they occur, treatment must be stopped for 48 hours andrecommenced at lower dosage.

    Gastric irritation with bleeding from the mucosa may occurand therefore, stools should be examined for occult bloodregularly while the patient is on treatment.

    Giving extra milk or using buffered aspirin may overcome

    this problem Contra-indications. salicylates may precipitate pulmonary

    oedema in patients with acute carditis and are, therefore,best avoided in patients with obvious cardiac embarrassment


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    cont...... The value of corticosteroids in the treatment of children with

    carditis is controversial

    They may possibly be life-saving in cases of pancarditis

    Signs of acute rheumatic fever(e.g.fever,raised ESR,andarthritis) may respond rapidly to corticosteroid therapy but

    there is no effect on long term valvular damage

    A recent double-blind placebo -controlled trial ofprednisolone failed to show any benefit either in the shortterm clinical response or in the long term follow up of

    patients with active rheumatic carditis Dosage:Prednisolone,2mg/kg/day in four divided doses


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    cont.. Treatment should be continued at full dosage until the

    patient is symptomatically well and the acute phase reactantshave been normal for one week

    This usually takes two to three weeks

    Thereafter the dosage should be reduced by 10 percent every

    second day,untill the daily dose is one third of the initialdose

    Thereafter the reduction should be by 5% every second day

    Regular assessment of the acute phase reactants shouldshow a decline to normal levels

    Should these become elevated again during the withdrawalperiod,the dosage should be increased to the previous leveland maintained at that until signs of activity have

    subsided,before gradual withdrawal is recommenced27

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    Congestive cardiac failure

    Slow digitalization with digoxin,0.04 to 0.06 mg/kg total infour equal doses at six-hourly intervals is reccommended

    The maintenance dose is 0.01mg/kg/day in ten divided doses

    Large doses of digoxin are dangerous in children withmyocarditis

    Diuretics are indicated if there is pulmonary edema orsevere congestive failure

    hypokalaemia is particularly dangerous in children withmyocarditis during digitalization and potassium supplimentsmust be given if a diuretic which eliminates potassium isused


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    Hydrochlorothiazide,0.5 to 2.0 mg/kg/d in two to threedivided doses,is a safe diuretic

    Forusemide 1mg/kg/dose iv,is used for pulmonary edema

    This can be repeated until improvement occurs.potassiumsupplimentation is essential when using furosemide

    Spinorolactone (aldactone),2 to 3 mg/kg/d divided in two tothree doses may be required when oedema is chronic anddoes not respond to the above mentioned drugs

    Captopril (a vasodilator) in a dose of 0.5 to 6.0mg/kg/d,infour divided doses may be added to the antfailuretherapy,especially if there is significant mitral regurgitationmitral regurgitation 29

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    If involuntary movements are severe,haloperidol0.025mg to 0.05mg/kg/day can be given orallyin divided doses

    In milder cases phenobarbitone 3 to 5mg/kg/dmay be used


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    Acute Rheumatic Fever leading to Rheumatic HeartDisease

    Disease is a problem world wide but a major problem indeveloping countries

    Appropriate treatment of group A strep pharyngitis

    necessary to prevent disease. Preventing recurrences causing chronic heart disease is :

    simple, universally available, and cost- effective.


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    Crowding, poor housing, maternal literacy

    Primary prevention sore throat, skin sores, novaccine

    Secondary prevention

    prevention of recurrent ARFwith penicillin; proven to be cost-effective

    Tertiary management medical treatment and surgery-Rehabilitation


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  • 7/29/2019 Rheumatic Heart



    The symptoms and signs of acute rheumatic fever subside

    The joints recover completely and in those who have nothad carditis,there is a return to normality

    Once rheumatic fever has occurred,however there is alwaysa danger of reccurence

    If there had been carditis during the first attack,subsequentattacks will involve the heart again,causing increasingdamage to the valves

    These become progressively more distorted,and incompetentand/or adherent and stenotic


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    Mitral valve disease

    The mitral valve is the most commonly affected byrheumatic fever, either alone or in combination with theaortic valve and,occassionaly,with the tricuspid valve

    By far the most common lesion is mitral incompetence

    The apical pansystolic murmur radiating to the axilla,heard

    during the acute attack, may disappear within a few months,only to reappear and become harsher and louder as thevalves contract

    The hemodynamic effect of mitral incompetence depends onthe amount of blood which regurgitates into the left atriumthrough the damaged valve during ventricular systole

    A small amount has litle effect, but large amounts of bloodresult in distension and increased pressure in the left atriumand pulmonary vein


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    In severe mitral incompetence there is displacement of theapex which is thrusting in character, and the pansystolicmurmur will be loud and may be heard not only in the axilla

    but at the back as well

    If a third heart sound is heard before the diastolic murmur, itindicates critical overloading of the left ventricle

    Such patients are symptomatic, with poor efforttolerance,orthopnoea,and paroxysmal nocturnaldyspnoea,and require treatment with digoxin to preventcardiac failure

    In these cases a chest x-ray shows enlargement of both theleft atrium and left ventricle

    Only severe cases show ECG changes of left-atrial and left-ventricular hypertrophy


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    Mitral stenosis Usually takes some years to develop as the cusps of the

    damaged valve fuse together When rheumatic fever occurs at a young age in

    impoverished third world children, the progression of thevalvular disease to incompetence and/or stenosis appears to

    be more rapid

    The obstruction of flow into the left ventricle causesenlargement and increased pressure in the left atrium andpulmonary veins, which leads to pulmonary arteriolarhypertension

    Children with mitral stenosis have poor efforttolerance,dyspnoea,and coughing but hemoptisis is rare in



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    Aortic valve disease

    Involvement of the aortic valve may occur alone followingrheumatic fever, but it is more often associated with mitralvalve disease

    Pure aortic stenosis is usually due to a congenital defect

    Incompetence invariably occurs if the aortic valve is

    damaged by rheumatic fever and this may be associated withsome degree of stenosis if the distorted cusps fuse together

    The progression of aortic damage is much slower thanmitral valve disease and rarely causes severe disability orsymptoms during childhood, unless there is grossincompetence


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    An ejection systolic murmur, which may be soft or loud,with a thrill if there is significant stenosis,is often heard atthe aortic area as well

    In severe aortic incompetence, a mid-diastolic murmur is

    frequently heard at the apex Austin flint murmur)-this iscaused by the regurgitant flow striking the anterior mitralleaflet open in diastole which then shudders, thus settingturbulence

    This may lead to a mistaken diagnosis of co-existent mitralstenosis


    T i id l

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    Tricuspid valve

    Occasionally the tricuspid valve may be damaged byrheumatic fever

    This usually causes incompetence, with or without somedegree of stenosis

    Usually the mitral valve, but occasionally the aortic valve, isalso involved

    More often ,tricuspid valve incompetence occurs as afunctional complication of severe pulmonary hypertensionassociated with mitral valve disease, particularly tight mitral



    Management of Rheumatic Heart

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    Management of Rheumatic HeartDisease

    Prevention of recurrent attacks. Once rheumatic fever hasoccurred, the most important aspect of treatment is to

    prevent reccurences,particularly if there has been anyevidence of carditis,as each subsequent attack causesincreasingly severe damage to the heart valves

    This is achieved by preventing streptococcal infection bycontinuous prophylactic treatment with penicillin or, inthose few patients who are allergic to penicillin bysulphonamides or erythromycin therapy


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    While it is rare for a patient to develop a recurrence ofrheumatic fever after ten years, adolescents and youngadults in close communities, such as boarding-schools, armycamps, or mine compound, are at risk of developingstreptococcal pharyingits with rheumatogenic strains and

    recurrence of rheumatic fever Prophylactic treatment should,therefore,be continued into

    adulthood in patients who are in these situations

    When prophylactic treatment is uninterrupted, incompetentlesions have been found to improve in some patients


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    The most effective prophylactic regime is achieved with aninjection of long-acting benzathine peniccilin,600,000 unitsIM for those under 30kg,and 1.2 million units for biggerchildren and adults,administred every three weeks

    Oral pennicillin V 250mg twice daily may be used but isless successful in achieving complete protection. patientsforget to take their pills before meals and absorption can bedisturbed by enteral illness

    Oral sulphonamides 0.5mg to 1mg twice daily, orerythromycin 250mg daily may be used as alternative ,but

    patient compliance must be ensured



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    Surgical correction of valve defects. Patients who areincapacitated by damaged valves should be referred fordetailed echocardiographic and catheterization studies sothat surgical intervention or mitral balloon valvuloplasty can

    be planned

    Tight pliable mitral stenosis can be relieved either by

    balloon valvuloplasty(at catheterization ) or by surgicalcommissurotomy with or without cardiopulmonary bypasssupport

    Mitral stenosis,with significant subvalvular thickening orincompetent valves can be repaired or replaced by

    prosthetic,homograft,or heterograft valves at open heart

    operations Occasionally, a child with established mitral incompetence

    and acute carditis,who fails to respond to anti-failuretherapy, will require surgical correction of the mechanicaldefect well in short term



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    Unfortunately ,no child who undergoes a surgical procedurefor valves damaged by rheumatic fever ceases to be a patientand most require repeated operations

    In Africa ,acute rheumatic fever still has a mortality of 2 to

    3 percent and there is a considerable morbidity The lifespan in those who have established heart disease has

    been prolonged by surgical intervention,but it is still limitedand the quality of life is poor ,with affected individuals

    being unable to undertake occupations requiring physicalexertion



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    Only through well-organized health programmesaimed at improved living standards(especiallyhousing),early treatment of streptococcalinfections,and persistent prophylaxis of affectedindividuals,can a reduction in this common and

    eminently preventable cause of serious cardiacdisease be achieved


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