rettenham feruary 2020 welcome magazine no....

BRETTENHAM FEBRUARY 2020 MAGAZINE No. 385 2 Welcome... ….to this months edion of the Breenham magazine, which is back to its normal, fully packed size! It includes your monthly favourites of nature notes, write on, BVA news, gardeners notes to name a few, as well as some great photos from the New Years Eve Party and the planng of trees in the village. There is also a new Geng to Know....this month we learn more about Claire Firth and finally a message from our New (Feline) Leader, Z! I hope you enjoy this edion and please keep your photos, jokes, material, reviews and ideas coming into [email protected]. Thanks to Lindsey Collings for this green woodpecker taken on Christmas day in Dux Street Breenham Thanks to Viv Bourne for this lovely collecon of flowers cut fresh from her garden Thanks to Ray Lamer and Viv Bourne for the front cover photos

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Page 1: RETTENHAM FERUARY 2020 Welcome MAGAZINE No. of God". Perhaps as we break and forget our New Year's resolutions, we could



Welcome... ….to this month’s edition of the Brettenham magazine, which is back to its

normal, fully packed size! It includes your monthly favourites of nature notes, write on, BVA news, gardener’s notes to name a few, as well as some great photos from the New Year’s Eve Party and the planting of trees in the

village. There is also a new Getting to Know....this month we learn more about Claire Firth and finally a message from our New (Feline) Leader, Z!

I hope you enjoy this edition and please keep your photos, jokes, material, reviews and ideas coming into [email protected].

Thanks to Lindsey Collings for this green woodpecker taken on

Christmas day in Dux Street Brettenham

Thanks to Viv Bourne for this lovely collection of flowers cut

fresh from her garden

Thanks to Ray Latimer and Viv Bourne for the front cover photos

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Wines of the Month

Our wines this month are from the False Bay vineyards in the Stellenbosch region of South Africa. This producer is recognised as a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Biodiversity Champion and certified by the Wine & Agricultural Ethical Trade Association

(WIETA) for sustainability. Furthermore, both wines are suitable for Vegans. Impressive credentials! Your Red is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and the lesser-known Cinsault grape variety. The grapes are vinified separately and aged in old wood barrels, before being blended and matured for a year before bottling, using only a simple filtration process. “A nose of ripe berries with Cab Sav’s expected blackcurrant input leavened by the fresher Cinsault for a fullish but smooth and elegant palate”.

Your White is a blend of Sauvignon and Chenin Blanc, and the blending process is equally considered but minimalist to create a really versatile wine. “An uplifting nose of citrus freshness with plenty of fruit. The palate combines Sauvignon tang with Chenin ripeness for a balanced wine of clean depth”.

Village Inn Menu Friday 7th February, 7.30pm

Cathy and Helen, the Ladies who make Lunch are in the kitchen this month

Main Meals

Beef, Tomato and Mozzarella Pasta Bake with salad &

garlic bread £8

Chicken and Leek Pie with vegetables & new potatoes £8

Veggie Chilli, with rice, salad & nachos £7


Fruit Crumble & custard £3

Rich Chocolate Brownie & cream £3


February 2020 Diary Dates

Monday 3rd Zumba Fitness 6pm Beginners

Wednesday 5th Whist Drive 7.30pm

Thursday 6th Simply Yoga 7.30pm Beginners welcome

Friday 7th Friday Village Inn 7.30pm

Monday 10th Zumba Fitness 6pm Beginners

Wednesday 12th Whist Drive 7.30pm

Thursday 13th Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

Monday 17th Zumba Fitness 6pm Beginners

Wednesday 19th Whist Drive 7.30pm

Thursday 20th Simply Yoga 7.30pm Beginners welcome

Sunday 23rd Sunday Village Inn 12.30pm

Monday 24th Zumba Fitness 6pm Beginners

Wednesday 26th Whist Drive 7.30pm

Thursday 27th Simply Yoga 7.30pm Beginners welcome

Dates for your Diary Thursday 9th April Annual Parish & Parish Council Meetings

Monday 20th April BVA Meeting

Sunday 5th Jul Summer Fair

Saturday 18th Jul Beach Party

Sunday 20th Sep Apple Day

Brettenham magazine is published and edited by Emily Woods (07738 127204), [email protected]) on behalf of Brettenham Parish Council. The views expressed by the contributors to the magazine and are not necessarily those

of Brettenham Parish Council. Next magazine deadline is 15th February.

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Village Noticeboard

Village Website

If you would like to see something new on the website please contact Fraser Gipson

[email protected] Village Hall

For village hall bookings contact Katrina Kearns 737987 or [email protected]

To request a licenced bar contact Peter Truin 07799

640326 or [email protected]

BVA FaceBook Page Check out the latest news in and around the

village on the BVA FaceBook page - If you would like anything added to the page

contact Greg Potter at [email protected]


Brettenham Parish Council Meeting Summary The Parish Council Meeting was held on Thursday 14th November 2019 in the village hall. Full minutes will be available on the website in due course.

A number of actions came out of the meeting which can be summarised as follows:

The public forum heard reports from Cllr Lindsey (representing both District and County Councils), Val McGuill (Neighbourhood Watch Officer) Alyson Wilson (SALC representative) Peter Truin (on behalf of the BVA and as Suffolk Passenger Transport representative) Andy Gooderham (Tree Officer), Emily Woods (Magazine Editor) and Martin Annis (Footpath Officer). Full details of these reports can be found in the minutes.

An application has been made to access CIL123 funds to purchase a defibrillator which will be attached to an external wall on the village hall. The application has been received and the Parish Council will be notified of the outcome in March 2020.

Future applications and decisions about how to allocate the remaining CIL and Section 106 money will be discussed at the next meeting in February.


There has been an issue with notifications not being received from Babergh and Mid Suffolk Council. This has been raised by the Planning Officer for the Parish Council and assurances have been given that this was an oversight and should not happen again.

5.1.5 DC/19/04828 - Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act. 0049/90 for the variation of Condition 1 ii of 0049/90 (previously varied under Condition 3 ii (b) of 3373/13 for information) to allow an increase in aerotow launch operations from 10.00hrs to 18.00hrs 5 days a week from 01 May to 30 September.

Concerns have been raised about a recent incident where the two ropes have become loose and fallen off the tow plane mid-flight. There was also a report that this happened last year when a tow line went through a combine harvester, apparently having come off the plane and dropped into the field. These concerns were echoed by another village who were asked to consult on the planning application (please see planning portal for more details).

The Parish Council continues to seek a Liaison Officer for the Gliding Club. Please get in touch if you are interested in this role.

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5.1.3 DC/19/04793 - Outline Planning Application (some matters reserved - access to be considered) - Erection of a 1 No self build dwelling, garage/cartlodge including solar panels to roof slope and new access(following partial demolition of existing building) Crownings, Buxhall Road, Brettenham, Ipswich Suffolk IP7 7PA

5.1.4 DC/19/05085 - Notification of Works to Trees under Tree Preservation Orders WS66/A1 and WS66/G1 and within a Conservation Area. Tall Trees, Chapel Hill, Brettenham, Ipswich Suffolk IP7 7PG

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 13th February 2020 at 7:30pm in the village hall.

All residents are welcome to attend and will provide you with the opportunity to discuss matters affecting you as a resident of the village and to raise any issues you may have.

Clerk/RFO: Jo Schofield Tel: 737840 Email: [email protected]

Chair: Chris Clarke Tel: 736607

Carol Service For the last few years we seem to have been saying that the church was fuller for the Carol Service than the year before. And it’s happened again! It was wonderful to have such a huge congregation and to have such good reports back afterwards about how much it had been enjoyed. Thank you to Tiffer for taking the service, to Gerald for giving up his evening to play the organ for us, to Paul, Viv, Jess, Jo and Stephen for the readings, to Viv, Jane and Bev for decorating the church so beautifully and to the Headmaster of Old Buckenham Hall School for the lovely tree. Thanks to everyone’s generosity we were able to make a donation of £259 to the Bury St Edmunds branch of the Samaritans.

Annie Tavener


Church Programme February 2020 2 Candlemass

Rattlesden 09:45 Holy Communion with Sunday Club

Thorpe Morieux 10:00 Morning Prayer

Hitcham 11:00 Morning Prayer

Brettenham 11:15 Family Communion

Rattlesden Pavillion 18:00 Praise and Donuts

(Birds Green)

9 The Third Sunday before Lent

Brettenham 08:30 BCP Holy Communion

Rattlesden 09:45 Morning Prayer with Sunday Club

Thorpe Morieux 10:00 Family Communion

Hitcham 11:00 Holy Communion

16 The Second Sunday before Lent

Rattlesden 09:45 Holy Communion with Sunday Club

Thorpe Morieux 10:00 Morning Prayer

Hitcham 11:00 Informal Service

23 The Sunday before Lent

Brettenham 08:30 BCP Holy Communion

Rattlesden 09:45/10:15 Breakfast Church with baptism

Rattlesden 11:00 Quiet Service

Hitcham 11:00 Holy Communion

Thorpe Morieux 16:00 BCP Evensong

26 Ash Wednesday

Hitcham 12:30 Holy Communion with ashing

Rattlesden 19:00 Holy Communion with ashing

Church Contacts Rev’d Tiffer Robinson Tel: 737197 or 07789 772024 Email: [email protected] Church Warden Annie Tavener Tel: 736412 Email: [email protected]

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It's February, and it's therefore most likely that the UK has ceased to be a member of the EU. Whether that fact brings you joy, or sadness, or something in between, might I be bold enough to suggest that most would unite in being glad that at least we can stop talking about the B word now?

Alas, we would all be mistaken, because the transition period is likely to last until the end of 2020. That's another year of negotiations, trade deals, and uncertainty, and probably a degree of ongoing animosity between those who hold different positions (of which there are far more than two!)

One role the church has been called to fulfil is that of peacemaker, of trying to help our nation come together in some sense of unity again. Though a noble intention, I find myself wondering whether we really are as divided as all that. In our villages most people continue to get along just fine, and I haven't heard of many neighbours or friends falling out over it. My mother tells me that, growing up in Broughty Ferry in Scotland, you had to choose your route to school carefully in case local children took you for a Catholic, or a Protestant, and threw stones. Sectarianism, stoked if not fuelled by religious division, is less prevalent now, and is hardly comparable to differences of opinion on membership of the EU. I say this not to downplay the significance of this once in a generation event, but one hopes we will continue to be able to live alongside one another, despite our differences. Hatred and fear are what break down communities, and we must unite against them, rather than against one another.

Another thought I have about being asked to help unite the country is that, if the Church is doing what it should be doing, it probably won't look very peaceful. Jesus said "I came not to bring peace, but a sword", explaining that his followers would be hated and persecuted by even members of their own family for trusting in Jesus Christ. Going against the flow unsettles people, and all those who seek to follow Jesus should expect to experience opposition and abuse, both for living differently and for speaking out against injustice and evil.

But Jesus also said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God". Perhaps as we break and forget our New Year's resolutions, we could take up a new one for Lent: to seek to be part of the solution rather than the problem, as we take our different views into 2020 with respect and love for one another.



Brettenham Village Association News

My thanks to everyone who attended the BVA meeting on 13th January. It was a very productive meeting and we covered a lot of ground. Here’s a flavour of some of the issues that were discussed and/or decided.

We had update reports from our various BVA officers. The finances are still looking healthy despite some hefty expenditure over the last quarter, but income from bar sales is up on the same period last year. Reports from the Village Hall Trustees and Caretaking Team were all positive with no major maintenance concerns at the current time. However, we have decided not to reinstall the mechanical awning on the rear of the village hall, due to the structural problems we encountered with it previously. Instead we will invest in two more wall-mounted ‘umbrellas’ to match the existing one, which should provide good shade on the terrace when we need it. The Bar Manager reported that the recent improvements behind the bar have helped with storage issues and we continue to enhance our range of drinks. Also village hall bookings are stable. I made the mistake of mentioning that personally I was pleased that all the elections were now over so I don’t have to get up at silly o’clock to set up the hall for the presiding officer…only for Katrina to advise that there is a Police & Crime Commissioner election on 7th May! Oh well, it generates income for the BVA so I really shouldn’t grumble - although I will on the day no doubt.

We also agreed at the meeting that we will undertake regular ‘deep cleans’ of the kitchen (twice a year), and the bar (once a year). I’m delighted that Amy Osborne, who has done these before for us on an ad hoc basis, has agreed to take these on. And on the subject of cleaning, the hall chairs are in need of a professional clean, so if anyone knows of a company that does this and is recommended, then please let me know.

I’m delighted to say that we have now filled all the spaces for chefs for the

Friday Village Inns in 2020 Cathy Grant & Helen Underhill from ‘Ladies Who Make Lunch’ have agreed to cover February and March (in addition to their original June slot), and Claire & David Firth have stepped in to cover November. I am incredibly grateful to them all for offering to assist (as I am to all of our chefs). However, it’s obviously vital that we have sufficient diners to make it worthwhile for people to offer to cook at the Village Inns, so please do support these if you can. Friday Village Inns would just not be the same without great food!

One important piece of work that we will be undertaking over the coming into

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months is to get to grips with providing better allergy-related information for the food served at our Village Inns and other events. It is critical that we provide this information for anyone attending so they can be sure about the provenance of the food on offer. We need to get this right - so if anyone has any experience in this area and would like to be involved in helping us plan for this, please let me know ASAP.

The collection of Bigger Ernie subscriptions is progressing well under Ray’s stewardship and his merry band of collectors. However, time is fast running out for those of you who have yet to renew or join before the first draw of the year at the Village Inn on 7th February, where we will make the January and February draws. Please see the separate article by Ray on p20 regarding Bigger Ernie matters.

On the events front, Christmas Eve drinks at the village hall was really well supported, and Em and I enjoyed serving behind the bar again. We even managed to get everyone out of the door in time for us to get to the church for the carol service in time for the start; no mean feat when people were enjoying themselves so much. Christmas Eve drinks seems to be becoming a bit of a Brettenham institution now (and thank you to everyone who thanked us for doing it), so it looks like our services might be required for the foreseeable future!

The New Year’s Party made a net loss of about £200. However, this is the norm for NYE and we have long adopted the principle that this is an acceptable price to pay. A great night was had by all who attended, and my sincere thanks to Jon and the other members of ‘Silvertown’ for providing great entertainment. We are very lucky to be able to draw on musicians of such high calibre on New Year’s Eve and at such reasonable cost. More info about the plans for this year’s event should be available soon.

We decided to postpone the proposed Brettenham v Preston St Mary Games until next year. There was a feeling that we already have quite a few events on this year (e.g. Summer Fair, Beach Party, Apple Day…and maybe another Safari Supper!), so we do need to be mindful of ‘event fatigue’. I will liaise with my oppo from PSM and make sure we get a date in the diary for 2021. Charles has very kindly agreed to be involved in the planning of this from our side, but if anyone else would like to assist please let me know.

And lastly, we agreed the date of the next BVA meeting - Monday 20th April at 7.30pm - so please get this in your diaries. I hope to see many of you at the Friday Village Inn. Pete, [email protected], 07752 222 866


Brettenham Gardening Club

Sadly, the future of the club is uncertain as we need to find a new President, Secretary and member/s for the Village Green sub-committee. At time of writing no one has come forward to fill these posts which are up for election at the Club AGM on 27th January. There will be a report of how the meeting went in the March magazine.

For further information about the Club contact Carrie Dye 258020 [email protected] or Lyn Rufus 258055 [email protected].

Gardeners’ Notes

“Bite the Bullet”: Since the start of the year, I have been repeating this phrase rather too often, but the New Year is a time, I feel, when one has to face unpleasant tasks and/or make difficult decisions. Hence, I have been biting rather a lot of bullets! These have included the sobering job of reviewing our wills; continuing the mammoth task of decluttering; entering the garden shed.

Entering the shed is significant because it had become something of a no-go area since a lively band of mice took up residency in the autumn. Martin keeps the bird food in there in a plastic container, but the mice made short work of gnawing through the lid and helping themselves to the food, peanuts and sunflower seeds being their favourite. When I went into the shed, I would see their bright little eyes looking at me through the clear plastic as I momentarily interrupted their feasting. For them this must have been like a child going to Willy Wonker’s Chocolate Factory. Our shed is evidently the perfect home for mice.

For several months we left them undisturbed while our thoughts were taken up with the more pressing matters of Christmas and New Year. Our visits to the shed became exponentially rarer and briefer as the sounds of scurrying increased. It was obvious that the high quality of accommodation was leading to a burgeoning of the mice population and that action was required if we were ever to take back ownership of the building.

At this time, Martin confessed that he “didn’t fancy” going in there anymore which meant that it was down to me to act alone. And so it was that one day last week I prepared myself to face this brazen band of tiny invaders. I equipped myself with gloves, wellies (with trousers well tucked in), and a broom to tap the floor and walls of the shed to announce my arrival and

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frighten off the opposition.

In the event, it was a brief skirmish in which none were hurt, I am pleased to say. Most of the mice beat a hasty retreat at the noise and the sight of me. But there was a hard-core posse of some eight mice that were not going to relinquish their squatters’ right so easily. They had taken up position in the food container. I bravely (so I thought) moved the tub outside with the mice in it, and a couple of the less hardened reprobates scarpered over the sides and away. Fortunately for me, the others decided to take up a rear-guard action by running into a measuring jug we kept in the container for filling up the bird feeders. I was then able to cover the top of the jug with them all tightly tucked inside, and march across a couple of fields before releasing them into a hedge where I hope they have set up a new home, not with quite so many mod-cons but with plenty of room for expansion.

Martin and I have reclaimed our territorial rights over the shed. Martin has ordered metal bins for the bird food and the birds are getting fed again. However, I can’t help feeling the furry squatters will be back, but for the time being victory feels good!

Carrie Dye

P.S. by Martin Dye The talk about our mice episode takes me back many years to when I was a child living with my family in Colchester. My father announced one day that he felt sure that there was a mouse loose in our garage. He took no time in setting a trap to solve the problem and soon he was pleased to announce great success, displaying his victim in the trap. Imagine the look of abject horror on my young brother’s face when he realised his secret pet mouse, Gerald, was no more!

Thanks to Pete Knight

for these photos


Nature Notes

Most butterfly species in Britain spend the winter as eggs, larvae (caterpillars) or pupae. However, some British species such as Brimstone, Comma, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell hibernate as adult butterflies. Red Admiral butterflies are also starting to hibernate in small numbers due to climate change. Butterflies usually hibernate in sheltered areas such as patches of ivy, tree hollows etc. However, it is not uncommon to find a Peacock or Small Tortoiseshell hibernating indoors. if this happens, it is best to move them to an unheated out-building, such as a garage or shed, or to a very sheltered corner of the garden. Houses are unsuitable places for butterflies to hibernate in - heating during the winter will mislead a butterfly into thinking that spring has arrived.

David Golding

Paws for Thought Life according to Gus An invigorating walk on a winter’s day is good for body & soul

A snowy scene from February 2019

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Write on….

This poem is by Imtiaz Dharker, an Indian born British poet, artist and documentary film maker. She was awarded the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry in 2014. I have heard her interviewed on the radio but, until recently, I had not read any of her poems. However, she came to my attention again in December when I was listening to the annual Radio 3 Carol Competition. Imtiaz Dharker was commissioned to write the words for a new carol which composers then set to music. The winner was decided by public vote. The poem she wrote for the carol was very inspiring and made me look at more of her work. Her poems often have an urban setting, but they are about our shared humanity and the importance of love in this troubled world. I chose this one for February thinking of Valentine’s Day. FYI the number 106 is a bus route in London.

Number 106 by Imtiaz Dharker We are waving to you from up here, from the fourth floor to say don’t worry about us, we are fine. We may be strung out, trousers vest blouse sari skirt on this washing line but the sun is being kind to us. Better here than down there where you are passing on the Number 106, crammed into a hot window frame with your loud loneliness.

We are floating here, our hearts filled with soft evening air and the sound of conversations in the rooms behind us, in love with the shape of each other and the dance we make together, waving to you, sending a sign that you would see if you were looking but

you are not.

To send your suggestions for the page, Write On… email Carrie

Dye at [email protected] or call 258020.


Full Name: Claire Firth

Birthplace: Chelmsford, Essex

How long have you lived in


5 years, moved from Grays Essex to “Greater Brettenham" with my husband, David and 2 children , Ella and Joshua

Current/Last Job:

I work as a teachers assistant, and a learn-

ing mentor for students who struggle with

mental health, and emotional literacy

Do you have any pets?

1 cat Claude, he was brought to keep a beady eye on the local rodents. 1 dog Hettie a cavapoo who believes she’s a hu-man!

What is your biggest fear? Being asked to cook for someone who isn’t obliged to say “that’s lovely“

What makes you laugh the


Watching the inbetweeners, I find most things funny, the children are embar-rassed about MY laugh saying I sound like a witch!

What would you change about

yourself if you could? To have perfect sight

What is the favourite place

you have visited?

Borneo, they had the most stunning beaches and amazing wildlife

What really makes you angry? People who tell lies

What is your favourite book /

film / play / show?

I’m rubbish at watching movies... they are too long! I prefer reading murder myster-ies. I’ve enjoyed all the theatre show I’ve been to see, especially ‘we will rock you' in Ipswich and Cirque du Soleil in Las Ve-gas

Getting to Know…..Claire Firth

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What has been the proudest mo-

ment of your life?

Watching my children conquer the challenges of life.

What did you want to be when you

were growing up? To work with children

If you could choose to do anything

for a day, what would it be?

Sleep, I love my sleep and am often told to go to sleep early if get a little grumpy

What is your favourite game/sport? Love watching the horse show jump-ing, gymnastics, ice skating

If you could only eat one meal for

the rest of your life, what would it


Apple crumble and custard

Have you ever had a nickname?

What is it? No

Who would you want to be stranded

with on a deserted island and why?

The actor, Luke Roberts... who wouldn’t! He has an amazing smile and fantastic shoulders!!

What would you do if you won the


After giving some to my family I would travel the world first class

If you could go back in time, what

year would you travel to and why?

2005, that’s year me and my hus-band met, it was a great year

What’s your best claim to fame?

I handed Princess Diana a small bou-quet of flowers when I was 10 years old...I remember thinking “what amazing shoes she wore“. I think this started my shoe obsession..

What skill would you like to master? I would love to be able to play the violin


A Message from your New (Feline) Leader, Z Now the dust of the election has settled it has been suggested by a minion that I write something at least once for the monthly magazine, so (always wishing to oblige as long as little effort is involved) here it is. Enjoy, or not, as the case might be...

First a word about the election itself. I hope you will all agree, being a pedigree Persian I have already, as the electorate rightly anticipated I would, delivered on my clear (and thankfully for me only) promise to ‘Get Christmas Done’. Superb on my part, might I self-deprecatingly say. In my hour of triumph, a few gracious words about the defeated candidates. Some seek greatness, others have it thrust upon them, yet others (like me) are just great to start with! My main challenger in the election, the Camden Greybeard, was perhaps badly advised, in that his main policy ‘Cat Litter Trays for the Many Not the Few’ was not only unwieldy, but irrelevant, as many feline voters ‘do the business’ out in the wild, or at least somebody else’s garden. The killer blow to his campaign though was the promise by Greybeard’s consigliere, McDodo, that within 10 years everybody in Brettenham would have properly functioning Broadband access. Clearly moonshine! There was I believe another candidate, who caterwauled ‘B******s to Cat****’ which I hope you’ll agree was hardly the kind of language one wants in Brettenham. Forgotten her name, but believe she was a Scottish Fold, which is probably rather appropriate.

On to less important matters. It has been brought to my attention that last year in Brettenham you had something called a Dog Show? Now, when I first heard of this I thought “fair enough, if the dogs want to show off their owners and award prizes to the best groomed and most servile, who am I to disagree?”. But then, after the event, I heard it was the bipeds who were actually parading dogs around. Scandalous. And then I thought, well, you know, dogs aren’t exactly clever are they? For if they were surely they would know where to go to the toilet without prompting....And then I further thought (and let’s face it we cats do a lot of musing, lot better than working: I believe the human equivalent is blue-skies thinking?). When it comes down to it, here’s a fundamental truth: a cat you tell your deepest secrets to, whereas a dog you send to sniff out explosives. Need I say more?

I should mention the ‘Sacred Hat’, a magical talisman I have authorised to be used to improve the footballing fortunes of Ipswich Town FC especially relative to Norwich. Now, this season the object has been used to secure

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Ipswich a draw, and Norwich a loss the same day, so slightly mixed there, with not quite the win Ipswich needed. However, you know us cats: being true Buddhists we live for the moment and I fully admit to concern when Everton FC, the team of my Amanuensis (Larry) a few weeks ago were drifting perilously close to relegation. So I channelled quite a lot of my psychic energy away from the Ipswich/Norwich sphere into Everton’s play (though admittedly Michael Keane, Theo Walcott, Gylfi Sigurdsson and especially Morgan Schneiderlin are way beyond even my considerable powers) and getting them a new competent manager, something I confess (being modest as you will already have gathered) I did succeed in. I have not been quite as successful aiding the other Merseyside team, Tranmere, as yet, but I’m working on it....

Now, I must soon depart as I have some particularly tricky passages to read from Spinoza's Ethics before my next nap, but two final thoughts. I was pleased to see a photo of the last BVA Chairman in the January magazine, but feel in recent months we have had too few of the current Chairman. Get it sorted! And for those wondering what I am going to do for the rest of my term in office, I must say, I promised nothing more than to ‘Get Christmas Done’, and have delivered. A fulfilled policy: its quite easy this politics lark isn’t it? In case any of you have spotted that I still haven't answered the question, clever you, good job I don't do interviews on TV. You deserve an answer and here it is: I promise an entrancing vista of sunny uplands (only partly obscured by the new housing estate I arranged approval for at one

end of the village ) leading to an ever brighter future: gosh, cripes, is that the time? Must rush. Hasta La vista, Canines!

As told to Larry


‘There is No “I” in “Team”’, Peter Drucker

As most of you know it’s been my first year as a Bigger Ernie coordinator, and so far it’s been an enjoyable one. We would like to say how overwhelmed we have been by the continued support that you our residents have given towards this very worthy cause, which as you know is a great way of helping the work of the BVA, and also give back to you in the form of prizes. In the future we hope to enhance this by having ad hoc bonus draws, like the one we had at Christmas, which enabled the Bigger Ernie to have three £100 prizes.

For those of you who currently do not subscribe, or are considering subscribing, the good news is that you still have time. A flyer will shortly be coming through your door explaining how you can join, so please look out for this.

Finally, Please join me in a big thank you to our Bigger Ernie collectors, Peter Truin, Paul Bendal, Mel Seger and Charles Camp for giving up their valuable time in assisting with the collections, without our volunteers, this would be a very difficult task to achieve.

A happy, healthy and prosperous new year is wished to you all.

Ray Latimer

Some of you will be wondering what became of the poor unloved cactus, featured in the Oct issue. Did it become homeless? Was it cast out on the rubbish tip? Or did it’s despairing owner dump it in the dustbin? Fear not, dear reader, this is Brettenham, where a plea in the newsletter will usually find an answer to a problem! Said cactus is now happily installed in it’s new home, and realising perhaps that it now resides in Last Chance Saloon, is behaving impeccably in its new job as Family Mexican Night Ornamentation Officer.

A purpose in life and to feel useful, that’s what it’s all about.

Val McGuill

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Planting Trees in the Village Thank you to Ella Brinkley for these photos of Andrew Gooderham, our Tree Officer, planting trees in the village, which were donated by Suffolk County Council and the Woodland Trust. Thank you to Andrew for organising and planting the trees.


Eco Fair - Old Buckenham School Friday 14TH February 2020, 2.00 – 5.00pm

Old Buckenham Hall School, Brettenham will be holding its first ever Eco Fair on Friday 14th February 2020 from 2.00 - 5.00pm. We have an exciting range of stall holders including local producers, eco-friendly companies and organisations celebrating everything eco-friendly, sustainable and green. Refreshments will also be available throughout the afternoon. Everyone is welcome and entry is free.

The event is being run by the Old Buckenham Hall School’s pupil led Eco Committee and will be the culmination of a week of school wide eco themed events including theatre workshops, cross-curricular activities, a meat free day and a public speaking competition. The Committee was formed in September and is made up of representatives from Years 5 to 8. The children are working on a whole range of initiatives to help preserve and protect the environment with the aim of securing the internationally recognised Eco Schools Green Flag award for excellence in environmental action and learning.

For more information or to register an interest in holding a stall at the fair, please contact Andrew Swiney by email: [email protected], phone: 01449 740252 or visit

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Church Village Inn Unfortunately I missed the deadline for last month’s magazine to thank everyone involved in the December Village Inn run by the church volunteers and in aid of church funds. We had a very successful evening and raised £475, which was later rounded up to £500 by a generous donation from someone who had been unable to be there on the night. We couldn’t have done it without the help of Viv, Annie, Carrie D, Lizzy, Jane, Sue A, Gordon, Geoffrey and Tiffer who between them provided the food, served in the kitchen, waited at tables and washed up. So thank you to them all, and to everyone who supported us by eating the food we produced! Annie Tavener

Christmas Eve Drinks in the village hall was another busy afternoon but everyone

seemed to have a good time!

The Brettenham Flyers

If you’re considering a new challenge, or just fancy joining us on a morn-ing jog / walk around the village for a little exercise (approx. 5.7km), come and join the Brettenham Flyers for a Sunday morning lift.

Every Sunday at the Village Hall

Walkers / Dogs – 0850

Runners / Cyclists – 0900

All ages, abilities & animals welcome. For more info contact Ozzie:

[email protected] …...Jog on, jog on….


February events in Bradfield Woods

• Mondays —Wild Tots

10.00am—11.30am £4

• Sunday 9 & 25 — Spoon carving course. Learn about native trees and

their wood, & hand carve your own spoons and spatulas. With Fay


10am—3pm £50

• Sunday 15 — Inspired by nature sewing workshop. With local

craftswoman Alli Jones

10am—3pm £65, £60 if bringing own sewing machine

• Sunday 16 — Celebrating birch course. Learn about birch, associated

wildlife and uses. With Fay Jones

10am—3pm £50

• Tuesday 18 — Winter warmers for families. Dens, fire & woodland


10am—12pm £4 child, £2 adult

• Wednesday 19 — Wild in the woods holiday club. Tracking and fire for 6

– 11 year olds

9am—3pm £15

For more information and to book your places go to

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For all types of fencing requirements including;

closeboard, decorative iron work, post and rail, stock

fencing, etc. Free quotations provided, fast and efficient

local service.

Call Tim on 07851 254137 or email at

[email protected]

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24 Hour Personal Service

01449 771666 The Nutshell, Milton Road South, Stowmarket, IP14 1EZ


Page 15: RETTENHAM FERUARY 2020 Welcome MAGAZINE No. of God". Perhaps as we break and forget our New Year's resolutions, we could


TOMLINSON GROUNDCARE Horticultural & Garden Machinery Suppliers

Sales + Service + Parts + Repairs + Toys 1 Brettenham Road

Buxhall, Stowmarket, IP14 3DL

01449 736060

Opening Times Mon—Fri 8.00am to 5.00pm

Saturday 8.00am to 12.30pm


This advert is too small to be able to show you all we have to offer, please visit our website or come and have a cup of tea/coffee and discuss your requirements.

Main Al-Ko and John Deere Dealers, over 15 ride-on and 25 walk behind mowers to Try before You Buy

Rattlesden and District Community Shop

St Nicholas Close, Rattlesden

Shop open Mon-Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm: Sat 9.00am to 1.00pm

Post Office open Mon-Fri 9.00am to 1.00pm: Sat 9.00am to 12.30pm

Telephone 01449 736199 / 01449 736197 (Post Office)

The shop has a wide range of general supplies and specialises in local

products which include Palmers bread, Grange farm cooked ham,

bacon and sausages, Hollybush pies and pasties, Hillside oils and

mayonnaise and local free range eggs. We have seasonal fresh

vegetables and fruit and sell surplus from our village gardeners.


Megan is a beauty therapist with over 14 years experience. I work from my log cabin in Hitcham, it is situated in a peaceful, rural

location and benefits from off-road parking. Treatments are by appointment only. Therefore you are guaranteed

complete privacy and your treatment time is exclusively for you!

A variety of treatments include: Dermalogica Facials/Reflexology/Spray Tanning

Jessica Manicure and Pedicure Foot Health Maintenance (nail trimming/hard skin removal)

Eye Treatments/Waxing

Please phone for enquiries and price list. Megan Pryke VTCT, BABTAC 07876 717 008

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Thank you to Ray Latimer, Julie Ozficici and Pete Knight for these photos of

the great New Year’s Eve Party at the village hall