retail,consumer services

1 | Page Rates Effective 15 th February 2014 Retail, Shopping, Services, Consumer Durables, Interiors Publication Center Base Rate Add-on Rates CD ROL Extra Line CD ROL Extra Line The Times of India Delhi + TOI Gurgaon 700 2300 460 665 2150 460 Gurgaon 80 315 63 80 315 63 Delhi Upcountry 160 500 100 160 500 100 Chandigarh 70 200 40 35 100 30 Mumbai 725 2300 440 700 2200 440 Nashik 40 120 24 20 65 15 Pune* 155 445 90 155 445 90 Nagpur 40 130 26 35 110 25 Aurangabad 20 60 15 10 30 6 Kolhapur 38 100 20 28 90 20 Goa 50 130 26 25 80 15 Ahmedabad 250 450 160 130 350 60 Baroda 90 250 55 45 120 20 Rajkot 40 100 27 22 45 20 Surat 40 75 45 22 40 10 Bangalore 500 1300 300 450 1150 100 Manglore / Manipal 40 65 20 35 40 10 Mysore 40 65 20 35 40 10 Hubli 40 65 20 35 40 10 Chennai 350 640 210 210 500 100 Trivandrum 40 100 5 40 100 5 Coimbatore 110 300 40 45 150 40 Madhurai&Trichy 35 125 25 30 120 25 Kerala 60 100 5 50 100 5 Cochin+ Upcountry 50 100 5 50 100 5 Calicut 30 100 5 30 100 5 Trivandrum 40 100 5 40 100 5 Kolkatta 250 790 158 150 470 95 Bhubaneshwar 60 315 63 50 160 30 Guwahati 75 150 75 20 100 60 Hyderabad 180 275 35 150 275 35 Visakhapatnam 30 50 5 30 50 5 Bihar 140 360 100 95 240 50 Lucknow 354 640 120 152 291 39 TOIDWUP+UKD Split 55 165 31 33 121 25 All VAR Split 53 227 39 15 49 12 Jharkhand 60 180 50 36 90 40 Kanpur 63 240 45 36 61 13 Jaipur 75 175 35 55 130 20 Jaipur Upcountry 35 90 20 25 65 10 Jaipur city run 50 120 25 30 90 15 Madhya Pradesh 25 130 26 25 80 15 Bhopal 15 47 9 15 45 10 Indore 20 63 13 10 30 5 Raipur 15 47 9 15 45 10 * Pune Mirror complementary with every paid ad of TOI Pune. BASE RATES

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Post on 21-Dec-2015




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1 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Retail, Shopping, Services, Consumer Durables, Interiors

Publication Center Base Rate Add-on Rates

CD ROL Extra Line CD ROL Extra Line

The Times of India

Delhi + TOI Gurgaon 700 2300 460 665 2150 460

Gurgaon 80 315 63 80 315 63

Delhi Upcountry 160 500 100 160 500 100

Chandigarh 70 200 40 35 100 30

Mumbai 725 2300 440 700 2200 440

Nashik 40 120 24 20 65 15

Pune* 155 445 90 155 445 90

Nagpur 40 130 26 35 110 25

Aurangabad 20 60 15 10 30 6

Kolhapur 38 100 20 28 90 20

Goa 50 130 26 25 80 15

Ahmedabad 250 450 160 130 350 60

Baroda 90 250 55 45 120 20

Rajkot 40 100 27 22 45 20

Surat 40 75 45 22 40 10

Bangalore 500 1300 300 450 1150 100

Manglore / Manipal 40 65 20 35 40 10

Mysore 40 65 20 35 40 10

Hubli 40 65 20 35 40 10

Chennai 350 640 210 210 500 100

Trivandrum 40 100 5 40 100 5

Coimbatore 110 300 40 45 150 40

Madhurai&Trichy 35 125 25 30 120 25

Kerala 60 100 5 50 100 5

Cochin+ Upcountry 50 100 5 50 100 5

Calicut 30 100 5 30 100 5

Trivandrum 40 100 5 40 100 5

Kolkatta 250 790 158 150 470 95

Bhubaneshwar 60 315 63 50 160 30

Guwahati 75 150 75 20 100 60

Hyderabad 180 275 35 150 275 35

Visakhapatnam 30 50 5 30 50 5

Bihar 140 360 100 95 240 50

Lucknow 354 640 120 152 291 39

TOIDWUP+UKD Split 55 165 31 33 121 25

All VAR Split 53 227 39 15 49 12

Jharkhand 60 180 50 36 90 40

Kanpur 63 240 45 36 61 13

Jaipur 75 175 35 55 130 20

Jaipur Upcountry 35 90 20 25 65 10

Jaipur city run 50 120 25 30 90 15

Madhya Pradesh 25 130 26 25 80 15

Bhopal 15 47 9 15 45 10

Indore 20 63 13 10 30 5

Raipur 15 47 9 15 45 10

* Pune Mirror complementary with every paid ad of TOI Pune.


2 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Sunday Times of India

Mumbai 425 1325 250 200 630 125

Delhi 700 2300 460 700 2300 460

Ahmedabad 250 450 160 130 350 60

Bangalore 500 1300 300 450 1150 100

Manglore / Manipal 40 65 20 35 40 10

Mysore 40 65 20 35 40 10

Hubli 40 65 20 35 40 10

Chennai 350 640 210 210 500 100

Coimbatore 110 300 40 45 150 40

Lucknow 354 640 120 152 291 39

Kanpur 63 240 45 36 61 13

The Economic Times

Ahmedabad 50 160 35 30 95 20

Banglore 150 250 100 75 150 50

Kolkata 65 205 40 50 160 30

Goa 10 30 5 5 16 5

Delhi 160 800 160 160 800 160

Delhi Hindi 70 250 50 70 250 50

Jaipur 35 110 25 20 65 15

Chandigarh 44 110 25 20 65 15

Mumbai 150 470 95 130 410 85

Nagpur 20 65 15 10 30 5

Lucknow 73 107 33 36 55 11

Pune 45 100 20 25 60 15

Chennai 100 250 100 70 130 30

Maharashtra Times

Mumbai 250 785 160 160 500 100

Nashik 40 125 25 30 95 20

Aurangabad 30 100 10 25 50 10

Pune 150 270 50 95 165 50

Nagpur 40 130 10 35 110 10

Kolhapur 45 120 20 25 75 20

Jalgaon 30 50 10 15 30 6

Ahmednagar 20 35 10 20 35 10

Navbharat Times

Delhi (Maha +5 Zones) 420 1650 330 420 1650 330

NBT Mahanagar 325 1300 275 325 1300 275

Mumbai 85 335 70 85 335 70

Lucknow 60 165 60 30 85 15


Bangalore 250 500 150 140 295 100

Pune 110 260 30 85 240 10

Ahmedabad 130 410 85 50 160 35

Mumbai 350 1100 220 330 1040 210

Nav Gujarat Samay Ahmedabad 70 135 20 20 10 5

Ahmedabad Times Masala Mix Ahmedabad 35 85 10 10 5 5


Chennai 200 200 200 200 200 200

Ahmedabad Times 150 265 100 80 105 50

Baroda Times 100 200 40 40 90 20

Times of Anand 28 75 25 14 20 12

Surat Times 33 50 10 18 30 12

Rajkot Plus 28 40 10 14 20 12

Vizag Times 30 50 5 -

Hyderabad 180 275 35 160 275 35

Visakhapatnam 30 50 50 30 5 5

Bangalore 490 - - 250 - -


3 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Sandhya Times Delhi 80 700 140 80 700 140

Vijay Karnataka

Bangalore 325 600 84 250 432 42

Hubli 100 180 35 75 120 25

Mysore 80 150 30 70 90 20

Mangalore 80 150 30 70 90 20

Bagalkot 50 90 15 40 50 12

Gangavathi 50 90 15 40 50 12

Gulbarga 50 90 15 40 50 12

Shimoga 50 90 15 40 50 12

Chitadurga 50 90 15 40 50 12

Hassan 30 50 10 24 20 8

Retail includes - Shopping, Services, Retail, Consumer Durables, Interiors, Office Automation

Rates in Rs. Per SCM


4 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Mumbai - ROLs & Single Column CD Ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

Mumbai All Publications

1 - 1 -

4 1 5 3

7 2 9 5

10 3 13 7

25 8 33 17

All Mumbai Publications excluding Pluses & TIMS

Chennai Retail CIS - ROLs & Single Column CD & Block ads size up to 63 scm only

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 1

4 1 5 7

7 2 9 11

Chennai all publications 10 3 13 15

25 8 33 36

Trichy& Madurai Retail CIS - ROLs & Single Column CD & Block ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

Trichy & Madurai

1 1 2 2

4 4 8 8

Bangalore CIS for ROLs & Single Column CD Ads

Publications Paid Free Total Consumption

Bangalore All(TOI,ET,MIRROR,BGT&VK*) 1 0 1 -

3 1 4 5

7 3 10 12

10 4 14 15

18 7 25 26

26 12 38 39

35 20 55 52

50 30 80 52

*VK Applicable only with Packages not stand alone

TOI-Mang, Mys&Hubli 1 1

PUNE CIS for ROLs & Single Column CD Ads

Centre Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 NIL

4 1 5 2

7 2 9 3

10 3 13 5

25 8 33 15

Current schemes for TIOPU, PMIR, MTPE, ET applicable only for paid insertions.


5 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

CIS for (Nasik / Goa / Nagpur / Kolhapur / Aurangabad / Ahmednagar / Jalgaon )ROLs & Single Column CD Ads

Centre Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 NIL

3 2 5 2

5 3 8 3

10 7 17 5

15 11 26 8

25 20 45 12

Current Schemes for TOI & MT for their respective markets

Chandigarh CIS for ROLs, Single Column CD Ads, Panels and Multicolumn

Centre Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 1

3 1 4 6

6 6 12 15

9 9 18 21

12 12 24 27

15 15 30 33

26 26 52 52

Kerela& Cochin CIS for ROLs, Single Column CD and Multicolumn Ads

Paid Free Total Consumption

CIS for TOI Kerala and Cochin, Trivandrum, Calicut splits

1 1 2 2 weeks

3 3 6 6 weeks

5 7 12 12 weeks

10 15 25 25 weeks

15 20 35 35 weeks

20 25 45 45 weeks

Delhi Retail CIS - ROLs & Single Column CD Ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 1

3 1 4 4

10 4 14 14

All Publications 26 12 38 38

Hyderabad/ Visakhapatnam CIS - Single Column ROL, CD and Multi Col Ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 1

2 1 3 3

3 2 5 6

5 3 8 8

7 5 12 12

9 7 16 16

10 10 20 20

Hyderabad Retail CIS - Single Column CD Ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) – TOIH + HT Paid Free Total Consumption

2 2 4 4


6 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Patna - Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption


1 - 1 -

4 1 5 2

7 2 9 3

10 3 13 5

25 8 33 15

MP / Bhopal Retail CIS - ROL, Single Column & Multicolumn CD Ads

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

All MP / Bhopal Publications 3 3 6 6

ROLs & Single Column CD Ads – LUCKNOW

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption


1 0 1 1

3 1 4 5

8 5 13 15

12 10 22 25

25 25 50 52

35 45 80 52

ROLs & Single Column CD Ads – JAIPUR

Jaipur Paid Free Total Consumption

Jaipur all publications

1 0 1 1

4 1 5 7

7 2 9 11

10 3 13 15

25 8 33 36

Jodhpur/ Udaipur/ Kota/

Alwar Plus

1 0 1 1

2 1 3 4

4 4 8 10

CIS not applicable on Multi Column Ads.

Kolkata - ROLs & Single Column CD

Publications (Maximum Applicable CIS) Paid Free Total Consumption

Kolkata/ Bhubaneshwar/ Guwahati 5 1 6 8

10 2 12 15

15 3 18 20

20 4 24 26

CIS- Gujarat CD/ROL

All Gujarat based publications including TIMS & Pluses Paid Free Total Consumption

1 0 1 -

4 1 5 2

10 3 13 5

25 6 31 12

60 20 80 24

115 40 155 40


Publications NGS + AHT MM

Schemes CD ROL

1 paid + 1 free 2 paid + 1 free


7 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

PUBLICATIONS City SIZE No of Insertions

1-2 3-5 6+



32-65 365 350 330

66-130 420 400 370

(Delhi Times + Gur Times) / Whats Hot

32-65 365 350 330

66-130 420 400 370

The Sunday Times of India

32-65 365 350 330

66-130 420 400 370

The Economic Times

32-65 135 125 115

66-130 155 145 130

Navbharat Times + NBT NCR

32-65 215 205 195

66-130 215 205 195

NBT NCR 32-130 70 65 55

(NBT Noi+Gr. Noi+Gzb)/ (NBT Gur + Fbd)

32-130 40 35 30

TOI Upcounty

32-65 130 120 105

66-130 150 140 120

Sandhya Times

32-65 30 28 25

66-130 35 30 25


32-65 75 70 65

66-130 85 80 75

DT South 32-65 85 78 66

66-130 100 90 75

DT Central 32-65 60 52 41

66-130 70 60 47

DT West 32-65 80 72 60

66-130 90 82 70

DT East 32-65 75 66 56

66-130 85 76 65

DT North 32-65 75 66 56

66-130 85 76 60

DT Dwarka 32-65 40 36 30

66-130 46 40 35

Gurgaon Times 32-65

66-130 70 60 48

DT Faridabad 32-65

66-130 50 45 35

DT Ghaziabad 32-65

66-130 70 60 48

DT Noida 32-65

66-130 70 60 48

(GURT / TOIDGR) + NBT Gurgaon 32-65 70 60 48

66-130 80 70 55

DT Fbd+NBTFbd 32-65 50 44 35

66-130 57 50 40

DT Gzbd+NBTGzbd 32-65 70 60 48

66-130 80 70 55

DT Noida+NBT Noida + NBT Greater Noida

32-65 70 60 48

66-130 80 70 55

NBT Gurgaon 32-130 16 14 12

NBT Faridabad 32-130 20 18 16

NBT Ghaziabad 32-130 22 20 18

NBT Noida 32-130 14 12 10

NBT Greater Noida 32-130 12 10 8


8 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4



32-65 260 260 260

66-130 275 275 275

MMIR 32-65 235 225 225

66-130 245 235 225

MTM - Retail 32-130 150

NBTM 32-130 100

BT 32-65 260 250 240

66-130 270 260 250

The Times of India*


32-130 55

The Times of Chandigarh* 32-130 35

Timies of Ludhiana 32-130 16

MY Times of Jalandhar 32-130 6

My Times of Jammu 32-130 12

My Times of Shimla 32-130 12

My Times of Srinagar 32-130 6

The Times of India


32-65 140 140 140

66-130 150 150 150

Pune Mirror 32-65 110 100 85

66-130 110 100 85

Pune Times 32-65 140 140 140

66-130 150 150 150

MT Pune 32-65 85 85 85

66-130 115 115 115

The Times of India - Lucknow


32-130 45

Lucknow Times 32-130 35

All-Var Split 32-130 17

Navbharat Times 32-130 40

Lucknow Times Masala Mix 32-130 25

The Times of India - Kanpur 32-130 20

Kanpur Times 32-130 18

Varanasi Times 32-130 16

Allahabad Times 32-130 16

Bareilly Plus 32-130 10

Kumaon Plus 32-130 10

Gorakhpur Plus 32-130 10

Jhansi Plus 32-130 10

Times of Doon 32-130 18

Haridwar Plus 32-130 12

Times of Agra 32-130 16

Meerut Plus 32-130 10



32-65 25


TOI – Bhopal 32-65

15 66-130

TOI – Indore 32-65

20 66-130

TOI – Raipur 32-65

15 66-130

TOI Cochin

32-65 25


TOI Bihar 32-65

30 66-130

TOI Jharkhand 32-65

25 66-130



32-65 30



32-65 20




9 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

TOI Goa 32-65

20 66-130



32-65 20


MT Nashik 32-65

20 66-130



32-65 20


MT Nagpur 32-65 18




32-65 8


MT Aurangabad 32-65 15




32-65 16


MT Kolhapur 32-65 18


Jaipur Rates for forums as per insertion

Publications 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-26 Add on Rates

Base Rates TOIJ 70 65 60 55 55

Base Rates TOIJC 40 35 30 30 30

Base Rates TOIJUC 35 30 25 25 25

Base Rates Jaipur Times, Education Times Jaipur

(Ad size: 32- 63 scm) 40

35 30 20 20

Base Rates Jaipur Times, Education Times Jaipur

(Ad size: 64-130 scm) 45

40 35 25 25

Base Rates Jodhpur Plus/ Kota Plus/ Udaipur Plus

Ad Size: 32-130 scm 20

15 15 15 15 Publication City Size 1-2 3-5 6-12 13-25 26+/Addon



32-63 450 425 400 375 350

64-100 550 500 450 425 400

101-130 650 600 550 525 500


32-63 450 425 400 375 350

64-100 450 425 400 375 350

101-130 600 575 550 500 450

BGMIR 32-130 200 175 160 135 120

VK BG 32-130 - - - - 125

ET BG 32-130 - - - - 50

Hubli Times Hubli 32-130 15 - - - 15

Belgaum Times Belgaum 32-130 15 - - - 15

Publication City Size 1 4 7 13 25

BT Health & Beauty Mumbai 32-129 330 300 275 250 230


10 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Chennai Block Ads

Publications Center Base Add-on

TOICH/STOICH Chennai 220 160

Sunday Times of India Chennai 220 160

CHNT Chennai 220 150

The Economic Times of India Chennai 50 40


The Times of India Coimbatore 75 45

Sunday Times of India Coimbatore 75 45

Coimbatore Times Coimbatore 75 45

The Times of India Trichy& Madurai 30 30

Sunday Times of India Trichy& Madurai 30 30

Chennai Panel Ads 6.34w x 3h

Size up to 130 scm

Publications Center Base Add-on

TOICH/STOICH /CHNT Chennai 120 120

Jaipur Panel Ads

Publication TOIJ city run

TOIJ upcountry


Panel ads of size 3 X 4 scm Rates per insertion

Rates per insertion

1-10 275 250

11-20 250 225

21-30 225 200

31+ 200 180


11 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

PUBLICATIONS City SIZE No of Insertions

1-2 3-5 6+ Add-on



32-65 525 500 475 475

66-130 575 550 525 525

MMIR 32-65 250 235 225 225

66-130 270 250 240 240

MTM – Retail 32-65 280 260 240 240

66-130 300 280 260 260

NBTM 32-65 200 180 160 160

66-130 210 190 170 170

ETM 32-130 150 120 90 90

The Times of India


32-65 425 415 375 360

66-130 490 470 435 415

The Economic Times

32-65 160 150 135 125

66-130 185 175 155 140

Navbharat Times + NBT NCR 32-130 250 240 230 220


32-65 80 75 70 65

66-130 90 85 80 75



32-130 220 220 176 160

CHNT 32-130 180 180 176 160

The Economic Times-CHN 32-130 50 50 50 50


TOICOI/STOCOI/ COIT Coimbatore 32-130 75 75 75 45

TOITM/STOITM/ TMT Trichy/Madurai 32-130 22 22 22 20

The Times of India


32-130 250 225 200

The Economic Times 32-130 175 150 125

Calcutta Times 32-130 175 150 125

EiSamay 32-130 75 65 55

The Times of India


32-130 55

The Times of Chandigarh 32-130 35

Timies of Ludhiana 32-130 16

MY Times of Jalandhar 32-130 6

My Times of Jammu 32-130 12

My Times of Shimla 32-130 12

My Times of Srinagar 32-130 6

The Times of India


32-65 205 192 179

66-130 205 192 179

Pune Mirror 32-65 125 115 105

66-130 125 115 105

MT Pune 32-65 90 90 90

66-130 115 115 115


12 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

The Times of India


32-65 120 109 98

66-130 120 109 98

All-Var Split 32-65 50 40 35

66-130 50 40 35



32-65 35 30 25

66-130 35 30 25

Kanpur Times 32-65 - - -

66-130 - - -

NBTL Lucknow 32-130 60 55 50

TOI-D WESt UP & UK Split West UP / UK 32-65 85 75 65

66-130 85 75 65

TOI Cochin

32-65 30


TOI Bihar 32-65

130 120 110


TOI Jharkhand 32-65

60 55 52




32-65 60 45 30

66-130 70 55 40

BBSRTIMES 32-65 40 30 20

66-130 45 35 25

TOI / Hyderabad Times Hyderabad 32-130 200

TOI Full Run


32-65 75 70 65 55

66-130 80 75 65 55

TOI City Run 32-65 45 40 35 30

66-130 50 45 40 30

TOI Upcountry 32-130 40 35 30 25

Jaipur Times 32-65 40 35 20 20

66-130 45 40 25 25

Jodhpur Plus 32-130 25 20 20 20

Kota Plus 32-130 25 20 20 20

Udaipur Plus 32-130 25 20 20 20

Alwar Plus 32-130 15 15 15 15

TOI Goa 32-65 30 25 20

66-130 35 30 25



32-130 40

MT Nashik 32-65 25

66-130 30



32-65 45


MT Nagpur 32-65 40

66-130 30



32-65 10


MT Aurangabad 32-65 20

66-130 30



32-65 40


MT Kolhapur 32-65 25

66-130 30

MT Ahmednagar Ahmednagar 32-130 30 25 20


13 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4


Ahmedabad 32-129

460 400 315

ET 200 190 160

Ahmedabad Times 250 210 175

Ahmedabad Mirror 200 175 150

TOI -Surat (split) 70 60 55

Surat Times 45 40 35

TOI - Rajkot (split) 60 55 45

Rajkot Plus 35 32 29

TOI - Baroda (split) 150 140 130

Baroda Times 140 120 110


Bangalore 32-130

795 720 640 500

TOIMang 50 45

TOIMys 50 45

TOIHub 50 45

ETBG 175 150

BGMIR 180 150


14 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Retail Packages - ROL & Single-Column Ads

City Package name CD ROL Extra Line


STOIM + MMIR 700 2105 421

TOIM + MMIR 800 2400 500

TOIM+MT+NBT 850 2500 371

Chennai TOICH+ STOICH 358 746 198

Coimbatore TOICO+STOICO 101 284 80

Trichy&Madurai TOITM+STOITM 53 135 50

Pune TOI Pune + Pune Mirror 155 445 90

Nasik TOI Nasik + MT Nasik 50 157 32

Nagpur TOI Nagpur + MT Nagpur 65 200 40

Aurangabad TOI Aurangabad + MT Aurangabad 40 120 25

Kolhapur TOI Kolhapur + MT Kolhapur 70 175 35

Kolkata TOIK+ESAMK+ETK 390 1275 150

TOIK+ESAMK 280 1250 140

Lucknow TOIL + TOIKN + TOIALLVAR + ETL + TOILC + NBTL 321 1071 191

Chandigarh Times of Chandigarh+LTOI+MTO Jalandhar+ MYTO Jammu+ MYTO Shimla+ MYTO Srinagar 40






Delhi Single Column Rates

Package CD ROL 5 Lines

Extra Line


TOID+TOI Gur + STOID + ETD 1700 5750 1150

TOID+TOI Gur + STOID +NBT Maha+NCR 1650 5400 1080

TOID+TOI Gur + STOID + ETD + NBTD Maha+NCR 1450 5050 1010

TOID+TOI Gur + STOID 1350 4200 840

NBT Mahanagar + NCR + SNTD 360 1365 275


15 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Retail Packages - Multi-column & Feature Ads


Package Size

1-2 3-5 6-12

[(DT+Gurgaon Times)/ Whats Hot] +DT Zone (Any one)

32-65 415 400 380

66-130 480 460 430

TOID+ TOI Gurgaon +[( DT+ Gurgaon Times)/ Whats Hot)]

32-65 635 620 600

66-130 725 705 675

TOID+ TOI Gurgaon + [(DT+ Gurgaon Times)/ Whats Hot]+ DT Zone (any One)

32-65 685 670 650

66-130 785 765 735

TOID+ TOI Gurgaon + NBT Mahanagar + NCR

32-65 545 530 510

66-130 600 580 550

TOID+ TOI Gurgaon + NBT Mahanagar + NCR+ DT Zone (Any One)

32-65 595 580 560

66-130 660 640 610

[(DT+ Gurgaon Times)/ Whats Hot] + NBT Mahanagar + NCR

32-65 545 530 510

66-130 600 580 550

[(DT+ Gurgaon Times)/ Whats Hot] + NBT Mahanagar + NCR+ DT Zone (Any One)

32-65 585 570 550

66-130 650 630 600

TOID +TOIG+ DT+Gur Times+ NBT+NBT-NCR 32-65 815 800 780

66-130 905 885 855

TOI+TOI Gur + [(DT+ Gur Times)/ Whats Hot] + NBT Mah + NCR + DT Zone (Any one)

32-65 865 850 830

66-130 965 945 915

Ahmedabad Double Column Forums - Gujarat (2013-14)

Details of Topics Category Publication Publishing Day 2 - 10


Health & Beauty Services Ahmedabad Times +

AMIR Monday + Wednesday, Friday +

Saturday 290

Shopping Mart All Ahmedabad Times +


Wednesday + Tuesday Saturday + Thursday

Sunday + Friday 290

Your fortune All TOI-A + AMIR Monday + Tuesday Thursday + Friday


Pets 'n More Services Ahmedabad Times +

AMIR Tuesday + Thursday 230

SaatPhere Shopping Times Matri+AMIR Sunday + Monday 290

Eating Out Services TOI-A (Baroda Split) Wednesday, Friday 98

Health & Beauty Services Baroda Times Monday, Wednesday 81

Shoppers Paridise All Baroda Times Monday, Friday 92

Your fortune All TOI-A (Baroda Split) Monday 86

Shopping & Services All Surat Times Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 46

Health & Beauty Services Surat Times Sunday 46

My Zone All TOI-A (Surat Split) Wednesday 52

Shopping Mart Shopping TOI-A (Rajkot Split) Friday 58

Health & Beauty Services TOI-A (Rajkot Split) Friday 58

Sizes 6.34 cm (w) x 10 cm (ht) = 63 Scm

6.34 cm (w) x 5 cm (ht) = 32 Scm

12.5 cm (w) x 5 cm (ht) = 63 Scm

Scheme 2 paid + 2 free


16 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Eating Out

Publication Ahmedabad Times + Ahmedabad Mirror

Insertion 1 4 7 13 25 40

Proposed Rates 260 240 220 200 185 160


6.34 cms (w) x 5 cms (ht) = 32 scm,6.34 cms (w) x 10 cms (ht) = 63 scm,12.5 cms (w) x 5 cms (ht) = 63 scm,12.9 cms (w) x 10 cms = 129 Scm

Publication Days Ahmedabad Times - Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Ahmedabad Mirror - Monday, Thursday, Saturday


Size up to 63 scm only

Chennai TOICH+STOICH 355

Chennai TOICH+CHNT 355

Coimbatore TOICO+STOICO+COIT 152

Coimbatore TOICO+STOICO 101

Trichy/Madurai TOITM+STOITM 50

Hyderabad - Promotional Packages

Publication Base Rates Add-on Rates


The Times of India + Hyderabad Times 600 600

2 + 2 Free; Only Single Column allowed

Lucknow Block Rates

No of Insertions

PUBLICATIONS MARKETS SIZE 1-3 4-6 7-12 13-24 25-39 40 Multiple / Addon

Feature Rate

Lucknow Times Lucknow 32-130 80 76 70 62 50 42 42 35

Kanpur Times Kanpur 32-130 31 29 28 25 23 12 13 18

Varanasi Times Varanasi 32-130 25 24 23 21 19 12 13 16

Allahabad Times Allahabad 32-130 25 24 23 21 19 12 13 16

Bareilly Plus Bareilly 32-130 31 28 25 23 19 12 13 10

Kumaon Plus Haldwani 32-130 31 28 25 23 19 12 13 10

Gorakhpur Plus Gorakhpur 32-130 16 15 14 13 11 8 9 10

Jhansi Plus Jhansi 32-130 16 15 14 13 11 8 8 10

Times of Doon Dehradun 32-130 32 30 27 25 24 15 15 18

Haridwar Plus Haridwar 32-130 15 14 14 13 11 6 11 12

Times of Agra Agra 32-130 33 22 20 17 15 12 17 16

Meerut Plus Meerut 32-130 16 15 14 13 12 12 12 10


17 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Mumbai all Publications

Classified semi display (ROD) 50%

ROL with Box 25%

Colour Premium 25%

Highlighters Rs.100


Classified semi display (ROD) 25%

ROL with Box 10%

Colour Premium 10%

Highlighters Rs.50

Wellness, Massage parlours 40%

Coimbatore,Trichy& Madurai

Classified semi display (ROD) 25%

ROL with Box 15%

Colour Premium 15%

Highlighters Rs.50


All Publications/ Ediitions

Classified semi display (ROD) 25%

ROL with Box 10%

Colour Premium 10%

Highlighters Rs.50


Classified semi display (ROD) 50% (BCCL)

25% (VK)

Lineage with Box 20% (BCCL), 10% (VK)

Colour Premium 25% (BCCL), 15% (VK)

Lineage with tick (highlighters)



Multi column - TOI Mang, Mys, Hub 10% on CD

Massage Parlor Ads Delhi

Package Name CD ROL Extra Line

(TOID + TOI-Gur) / STOID+TCSD 1110 5017 939

NBT-Metro + NBT NCR 1053 4564 753

SNT 213 1250 113

Sub Categories Editions Premium

Massage Parlour, Party Entertainers, Beauty parlour,medical service, Escort Services, Social contact Club, Health Club-Physical fitness ads ( All Publications)

Mumbai 100%

Pune 300%

Bangalore 200%

Chennai 40%

Lucknow 100%

Kolkata 70%

Hyderabad 100%

Jaipur 100%

Ahmedabad 50%


18 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Hyderabad - Promotional Categories

Publication Base Rates Add-on Rates


TOIH + HT 600 600


No Colour Premium

Chennai Special Rates and schemes for Yellow Line category

Promotional Offers for YL Categories Rs for 2 lines Extra Line

CD Rs per scm

Block ads up to 130


Chennai YellowLine- Service 160 70 130 82

Lucknow Block Advertisment- Friday & Saturday Number of Insertion

Centre 1 4 7 13 25 40 Multiple

Shopping Mart- Size 32-130

NBTL-Lucknow Times 40 38 35 32 28 25 25

NBTL-Lucknow Times +

Lucknow Times 105 101 95 87 75 67 67


19 | P a g e R a t e s E f f e c t i v e 1 5 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4

Pick Of the Day (Gujarat)

Centre Publication Category Rs.



TOI-A OC 120

ET-A AC 55

Ahmedabad Times AC 80

Education Times - Ahm AC 65




TOI - A (Baroda split) AC 50

Baroda Times AC 45

Education Times - Bar ED 45

Anand Plus AC 25


TOI - Surat AC 30

Surat Times AC 22

Vapi Plus AC 22

Education Times - Surat AC 22

Rajkot TOI - A (Rajkot Split) AC 35

Rajkot Plus AC 25