retail workshop brochure

Helping you find your Driving sustainable profit growth

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Retail remedy - Introduction


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Helping you find your Driving sustainable profit growth

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Retail-Remedy delivers complete support solutions to retail companies and those organisations wishing to engage with retailers.

As retail experts we pride ourselves in providing our clients with quality, experience-based insights into the challenges and opportunities that retail provides.

Our strength lies in being able to apply our collective retailing experience (currently in excess of 200 years) to develop strategies, concepts and ideas that appeal to consumer needs and deliver sustainable profit growth to the companies we engage with.

Our values and trading ethos have enabled us to attract leading retail specialists to join us – people we have worked with over time, people we are prepared to trust with your project …and our reputation.

As a business we pride ourselves on being respectful towards your culture and identity and at the same time delivering an objective, independent and honest appraisal of your organisational strengths and opportunities.

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Strategy & Planning

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Defining Strategy

The tale of the rather warm frog

What Strategy is and what it is not

Brand and Strategy compatibility in the retail sector

Evaluating your current Strategy

Competitors’ Strategy and how to ignore it

Strategy Testing

Strategic Decision Making

Developing collective intuition

Creating constructive conflict

Maintaining decision pace in fast paced retail environments

Avoiding internal politics

Traditional Strategic tools

SWOT analysis

Five forces framework

Experience curves

Strategic portfolios

Surfing the Edge of Chaos

Strategy as a living organism

Removing equilibrium and delivering for the customer

Creating an adaptive Strategy system

Creative Strategy on the edge of Retail Chaos

Strategy as Options for the Future

Uncovering hidden constraints

Establishing Strategic processes

Optimising the Strategic portfolio

Planning and Opportunism

Strategy & Planning Workshop – Strategic Personnel (business owners/leaders/senior managers)Prime Objective: to formulate an effective strategy using all the tools at your disposal and create plans that you can implement

Learning outcomesAt the end of the workshop, participants will:

evaluate the Strategy employed by successful retailers

understand the factors that influences current and future Strategy

appreciate how to begin forming a customer-facing Strategy

be aware of the tools to help challenge and develop Strategy

understand how to keep Strategy alive and relevant

Strategy and Planning programme overview

“Perception is strong and sight weak.In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view

of close things.”Miyamoto Musashi 1584-1645, legendary Japanese swordsman

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“Know Thyself!” Scribes of Delphi (via Plato)

Learning outcomesAt the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

Leadership Workshop

Prime Objective: transforming business owners into great leaders

design, evaluate and communicate an effective vision for your business

deliver a clear Strategy that engages the whole team

understand how to inspire colleagues with stretching goals and clear target setting

deliver a variety of communication styles for each business need

act as a role model for team empowerment and performance management

identify team dynamics and instigate a performance and development culture that caters for the whole team

Leadership programme overview

Laying the foundations

Great Business Owners versus Great Business Leaders

Transforming business ideas into strategic direction

Reviewing the vision, mission and values of your business

How to keep your business relevant – BHAGs

Knowing when to grow and when to shrink

Building the right team

Great leaders build great teams

Harnessing the passion of your team.

Recognising individual and team strengths

Team building options

Communicating the message

Communication types and their uses

The problem with over-communication and how to stop it

The Emperor has no clothes – how to tell him.

Communication feedback loops

Goal setting

What is policy? what is procedure?…and how to communicate both

Aligning personal targets with business goals, Strategy into KRAs

Building milestones

Managing performance

Agreed performance charters and how to get them – GAPS analysis

Performance reviews and their frequency

Dealing with poor performance

Managing personal development and nurturing talent

Aligning reward to performance

Succession planning to future-proof your business

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Branding & Marketing

“Designing an authentic and differentiating Brand Promise and aligning your company to be a Promise Delivery System (and nothing else) equals Brand Success”

WOW Branding 2007

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understand what their brand values are

understand how to create a brand promise

review options for central brand management

understand how to create differentiation in an undifferentiated market

create marketing promotions that support the brand

understand how to deliver the brand promise through the line

understand how to extend a brand or make a sub brand

Strategic Brand & Marketing programme overview

What’s your Brand?

Your Brand evaluation

Market place review

Customer profiles, current and future

Brand and Strategy integration

Right brains, left brains and the bit in the middle.

Brand promise alignment

Managing Brand options

One stop Shop

Brand agencies

Integrating your marketing team

Brand disciplines

Differentiating your Brand

Internal collaboration, external collaboration

Remaining innovative

Marketing the Brand options

Keeping the Brand Promise during marketing

Promote the product or the Brand?

Bringing the Brand alive

How does the field team live the Brand?

Brand enhancing and erosion in the field

Going to Market

Brand extensions, the good the bad and the ‘ I’d rather not’

Sub-branding, Why? Why not?

“An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.”

Daniel J. Boorstin: historian, professor, attorney and writer

Learning outcomesAt the end of the workshop, participants will:

Brand & Marketing Workshop 1 – Strategic personnel (business owners/leaders/senior managers)

Prime Objective: to evaluate, challenge and understand the principles of Branding as it relates to your business and its customers

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Branding & Marketing

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What’s your Brand?

Your Brand evaluation

Market place review

Customer profiles, current and future

Colleague profile

Brand Execution in the field

Brand values and company values

Colleague Brand induction

Look and Feel, to customers and colleagues

Ease of Brand execution in stores

Analysis and management of Brand management in the field

Brand Charters

Creating a Brand Charter

Involving colleagues in the Brand

All-arena support of the Brand

Brand enhancing and Brand erosion

Operational Marketing

Simplifying the toolkit

Developing sixth sense marketing

Promotional management

Keeping it interesting

Making it an event

Delivering for the suppliers

Customer Service

Service as a Brand expression

Brand enhancing and Brand erosion

Brand & Marketing Workshop 2 – Operational personnel (line management)

Prime Objective: to understand the brand and how the brand promise is delivered though its people

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

“There is nothing more tragic for a company than when its insiders are clueless about the brand and their role in delivering the brand promise.”

WOW Branding 2007

Operational Brand & Marketing programme overview

understand the importance of branding throughout the organisation

understand how to evaluate brand execution in the field

understand the importance of keeping branding simple in the field

have learnt how to support integrated marketing through promotional management

realise the importance of making service part of the brand experience

understand how to execute events in the field.

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Buying & Merchandising

“We only have one bullet in our gun, the right product at the right price”

James Sinegal, Costco

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Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

Defining the role of the category What does your category mean to Customers in your store:

– Is it destination, routine or treat? – Is it a category that will be awarded feature space and/or marketing support?

How does the category contribute to overall profit?

Understanding your Category Customer Who is your target Customer?

What % of the store’s Customers will you expect to shop your category?

What does your Customer need/want from the category?

How to delight the Customer

Understanding your Competition Where else are your customers shopping?

Why are they shopping there?

How can you improve on their current experience?

How can you tell them about your benefits?

Developing category objectives and strategies Understand your growth objectives

How can you achieve them?

What do you need to do differently?

Creating plans to land change

Better Buying How you can afford to deliver your strategies

Making the right decisions

Customer requirements vs financial benefits

Better negotiation with suppliers

Price and Promotions What is your price and promotions strategy?

What do you need to do more of, or to do differently?

How to fund your activity

How to shout about your activity

Buying and Merchandising Workshop

Prime Objective: to increase sales and profits through better buying and category management

Better Buying and Category Management programme overview

understand the role the category plays in their business

understand their Customers and what they want from the category

understand the competition and how this effects their decisions

approach setting the right objectives and strategies

make the right decisions on range, pricing and promotions

growing their sales and profit of the category

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“Imaginative, sanguine men will never recognize that in negotiations the most dangerous moment of all is when everything is moving according to their wishes.”

Honoré de Balzac, French writer

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”

John F Kennedy


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Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

Negotiation Workshop

Prime Objective: to increase profits through better Negotiation

understand what makes a good negotiator – how to become one

understand their objectives, and those of the other party

know how to plan a negotiation

know how to set the right strategy and work to this throughout the negotiation

understand how to deliver a win-win outcome

understand how to manage conflict and tactics

understand how to capture and record agreements correctly

Better Negotiation programme overview

What makes a good negotiator?

What are the knowledge and skills required?

How can you become better at negotiating?

How to practise, practise, practise

Planning the negotiation

How to set the right objectives

Know your own business

Understand what the other side wants

Where is the power? – what have you got that the other party wants?

Setting your negotiation strategy

What is your start point?

Managing agendas

How can you take advantage of natural competition between suppliers?

Aim for win-win

How to make both sides ‘feel good’

Conflict and collaboration – uses and misuses

Concessions – should you or shouldn’t you?

How to build and maintain relationships

Managing conflict

Is conflict a bad thing?

How to say no without walking away

When to walk away

Tactics, and how to handle them

Most common tactics and responses

How to use time and deadlines

Capturing the deal

How to document and follow up post deal

Avoiding break down

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Visual Merchandising

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Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

The role of Visual Merchandising What’s my role?

How does it impact the business?

Measuring Success

Image and Identity Understanding your customer

Communicating your brand values

The silent sales person

Navigation and Store design Understanding customer flow

Mapping the customer Journey

Delivering the correct floor plan

Choosing lighting and fixturing

The Product Story Building a campaign

Less is more

Apples with apples

Visual cues

Working with colour

Product Execution – the principles Categories/Brands/Prices

Product adjacencies

Use of space and product flexing

Promotional activities

Communicating your message Windows

Point of Sale



Use of space


Visual Merchandising Workshop

Prime Objective: to increase footfall, sales and profits through powerful Visual Merchandising

Visual Merchandising programme overview

understand the importance of visual merchandising within their business model

understand visual merchandising and its relationship to sales

understand the components of visual merchandising

appreciate the elements of successful visual merchandising execution

be able to identify visual merchandising action plans, toolkits and training guides

“Properly practiced creativity must result in greater sales more economically achieved. Properly practiced creativity can lift your claims out of the swamp of sameness and make them accepted, believed, persuasive, urgent“

William Bernbach , founder of Doyle Dane Bernbach

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“If growth is what you’re after, you won’t learn much from complex

measurements of customer satisfaction or retention.

You simply need to know what your customers tell their friends about you.” Frederick F. Reichheld , Harvard Business Review

Customer Service

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Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop participants will:

Customer Service Workshop – Strategic level

Prime Objective: introducing a modern approach to recognising and satisfying current and future customer needs

recognise the correlation between your brand and service.

understand how to determine the ‘real’ needs of customers.

understand how to measure service effectiveness and delivery within the business.

be able to recognise and reward great service delivery.

plot the customer journey and determine the key service overlaps.

Customer Service programme overviewThe Customer

Who is your customer?

Who do you want your customer to be?

What does your ‘Brand’ say about your service and your service say about your ‘Brand’?

Identifying and plotting the needs of your current and future customers

The Experience

You are a service expert

Seeing what your customers see

Hearing what your customer say

Making feedback work for you

The Customer Path

Your customer’s journey starts before they enter your business and never ends

Making your customers work for you

The goodwill bank

Measuring Success

Colleague Engagement

Why they bother, if they do?

Recruiting a service driven team

How to get – and keep – colleagues engaged in service delivery

Service Framework

Growing your business through service delivery

Policies and procedures – Giving customers what they want

Budgeting for service – it costs you money but increases your profits

Monitoring colleague/customer engagement

“The only path to profitable growth may lie in a company’s ability to

get its loyal customers to become its marketing department.”

Frederick F. Reichheld, Harvard Business Review

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web: e-mail: [email protected] phone: +44 (0) 161 408 3021 driving sustainable profit growth