research bisphenol a (bpa) causes 100x more harm than previously imagined

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  • 8/10/2019 Research Bisphenol a (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined


    Research: Bisphenol A (BPA) Causes 100xMore Harm Than Previously Ima ine!


    10$ %01& ' By ayer i ' Toxins

    A new study reveals just how profoundly misled we areabout Bisphenol A and its analogs: they are at least 100x more toxic than we

    previously imagined. An alarmin ne* s+u!y es+a#lishes +ha+ +he commonly use! chemical bisphenolA use! in +ens o, +housan!s o, consumer pro!uc+s$ an! i+s lesser -no*n #u+increasin ly prevalen+ analo s$ bisphenol S an! .$ are several or!ers o, ma ni+u!emore !isrup+ive +o +he en!ocrine sys+ems o, +he !evelopin male human ,e+us +han
  • 8/10/2019 Research Bisphenol a (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined


    previous +oxicolo ical ris- assessmen+s *ere capa#le o, !e+erminin /The ne* s+u!y *as pu#lishe! in +he ournal Fertility and Sterility an! +i+le!$ A newchapter in the bisphenol A story: bisphenol S and bisphenol F are not safealternatives to this compound /2As we have documented extensively in the past $ +he au+hors o, +he ne* s+u!y raiseconcerns +ha+ as a*areness o, bisphenol As clearly demonstrated toxicity ro*san! i+ loses ,avor *i+hin +he mar-e+place$ manufacturers are increasinglysubstituting it with chemically similar bisphenol compounds *hose +oxici+ies areless *ell charac+eri3e!/ As a resul+$ consumers *ho conscien+iously #uyos+ensi#ly BPA free products are #ein mislea! in+o +hin-in +hey are #isphenol ,reean! +here,ore sa,e/The ne* s+u!y employe! an innova+ive 4or ano+ypic cul+ure5 sys+em +ha+ +oo- +issuesamples ,rom mouse$ ra+ an! human ,e+al +es+is$ in or!er +o crea+e an experimen+almo!el +ha+ *oul! accura+ely repro!uce some o, +he !ynamics o#serva#le *i+hin invivo (livin or anism6#ase!) sys+ems +ha+ are no+ ascer+aina#le *i+hin conven+ional invitro (cell6#ase!) mo!els/ They +erme! +his experimen+al environmen+ +he ,e+al +es+is

    assay (.eTA) sys+em/"is+ur#in ly$ +hey ,oun!:

    With the use of a culture system that we developed (fetal testis assay[FeTA]), we previously showed that 1 nmol!" #$A reduces %asaltestosterone secretion of human fetal testis e&plants and that thesuscepti%ility to #$A is at least 1 'fold lower in rat and mouse fetal testes[emphasis added]

    In o+her *or!$ +he en!ocrine6!isrup+ive e,,ec+ o, #isphenol A 7 par+icularly i+s a#ili+y +osuppress +he +es+os+erone6me!ia+e! masculari3a+ion process !urin em#ryo enesis

    8 may #e a+ leas+ 100 +imes more +oxic +han previously #elieve!/Ho* so9Conven+ional +oxicolo ical ris- assessmen+s o, novel ne* chemicals li-e #isphenol Aare invaria#ly per,orme! on ro!en+s$ *i+h e,,ec+s (le+hal !ose 0;

  • 8/10/2019 Research Bisphenol a (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined


    resul+ in +he !ea+h o, +he en+ire or anism)/Case in poin+:

    *sin+ the FeTA system, we previously reported that %asal testosteronesecretion %y human testes was not affected %y 1 , nmol!" -S, %ut itwas reduced %y concentrations as low as 1 nmol!" of #$A .onversely, 1nmol!" and 1 nmol!" #$A did not affect testosterone secretion %y %othmouse and rat testes, and 1 , nmol!" #$A was needed to o%serve asi+nificant reduction (/0)

    The researchers also no+e! +ha+ !urin +he !evelopmen+ o, +he nascen+ male human inem#ryo enesis exposure +o #isphenols in +he / +h an! 1&+h es+a+ional *ee-s 7 +he*in!o* -no*n +o #e cri+ical ,or *ha+ is -no*n as +he 2masculini3a+ion pro rammin*in!o*5 7 +hese chemicals are li-ely con+ri#u+in +o +he alarmin *orl!*i!e increase inmale repro!uc+ive !isor!ers$ such as such as hypospa!ias a#normally place! urinaryholeD$ cryp+orchi!ism +he a#sence o, one or #o+h o, +he +es+iclesD$ incomple+e!evelopmen+ or a enesis o, pros+a+e an! seminal vesicles$ an! re!uc+ion o, +heano eni+al !is+ance (AE") +he !is+ance ,rom +he anus +o +he eni+aliaD an! penislen +h/2Clearly$ conven+ional +oxicolo y$ *here +he assump+ion is +ha+ a hi her concen+ra+iono, a +oxic su#s+ance is linearly connec+e! +o a hi her Fuan+i,ia#le a!verse response$ isno lon er realis+ic/ =ivin sys+ems are hi hly !ynamic an! complex an! one can never pre!ic+ ho* a xeno#io+ic chemical *ill a,,ec+ i+/ Any #iolo ically incompa+i#le chemical$in+ro!uce! a+ a cri+ically impor+an+ !evelopmen+al *in!o*$ coul! resul+ in un+ol!a!verse e,,ec+s/ The poin+ is +o elimina+e unnecessary exposures$ ins+ea! o, a#i!in#y *ha+ re ula+ors consi!er 4an accep+a#le level o, harm/5Clearly$ +he +ime is no* +o call ,or a #an o, #isphenol con+ainin pro!uc+s/ >hile G/&

    millions +ons are pro!uce! annually$ *i+h %0; o, +his #ein use! as epoxy resin +o coa+,oo! an! #evera e me+allic cans$ *e can no lon er pre+en!$ iven +he la+es+ research$+ha+ +his chemical is no+ causin massive !ama e +o expose! popula+ions/ Theresearchers commen+:

    #isphenol A (#$A) is a widely studied typical endocrine'disruptin+ chemical,and one of the ma or new issues is the safe replacement of this commonlyused compound #isphenol S (#$S) and %isphenol F (#$F) are already orare planned to %e used as #$A alternatives With the use of a culturesystem that we developed (fetal testis assay [FeTA]), we previously showedthat 1 nmol!" #$A reduces %asal testosterone secretion of human fetaltestis e&plants and that the suscepti%ility to #$A is at least 1 'fold lower inrat and mouse fetal testes 2ere, we show that addition of "2 in the FeTAsystem considera%ly enhances #$A minimum effective concentration inmouse and human %ut not in rat fetal testes Then, usin+ the FeTA systemwithout "2 (the e&perimental conditions in which mouse and human fetaltestes are most sensitive to #$A), we found that, as for #$A, 1 nmol!" #$Sor #$F is sufficient to decrease %asal testosterone secretion %y human fetaltestes with often nonmonotonic dose'response curves 3n fetal mouse

  • 8/10/2019 Research Bisphenol a (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined


    testes, the dose'response curves were mostly monotonic and the minimumeffective concentrations were 1, nmol!" for #$A and #$F and1 nmol!" for #$S Finally, 1 , nmol!" #$A, #$S, or #$Freduced 3nsl4 e&pression in cultured mouse fetal testes This is the firstreport descri%in+ #$S and #$F adverse effects on a physiolo+ic function inhumans and rodents

    n a Bri h+er ?o+e>hile chemicals li-e BPA represen+ a source o, rea+ harm$ +here is plen+y o, researchrevealin +ha+ *e can mi+i a+e an!

  • 8/10/2019 Research Bisphenol a (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined


    Ar+icle Con+ri#u+e! #y ayer i$ .oun!er o, EreenMe!In,o/com /ayer i is an au+hor$ researcher$ lec+urer$ an! a!visory #oar! mem#er o, +he ?a+ionalHeal+h .e!era+ion / He ,oun!e! Ereenme!in,o/com in %00L in or!er +o provi!e +he*orl! an open access$ evi!ence6#ase! resource suppor+in na+ural an! in+e ra+ivemo!ali+ies/ I+ is in+erna+ionally reco ni3e! as +he lar es+ an! mos+ *i!ely re,erence!heal+h resource o, i+s -in!/

    Posted by Thavam