reporte kpi para huawei v7

OPERACIONES KPI's and Counters for GPRS TELECEL BOLIVIA Fecha 14/03/07 Versión 1.0 Página 1 GGSN 1. KPI for GGSN Mobility No KPI Registered Accessibility Level A Maximum PDP context activation vs Maximum PDP context in the platform Formula (Max users with act PDP context/ Maximum PDP Context in the platform) * 100% Description The maximum requests of PDP context activation received by the GGSN PDP context act success ratio: Formula (PDP context act success / PDP context act) * 100% Description Congestion duration Formula Congestion duration Description Level B Authentication success ratio Formula ( Authentication request success / Authentication request ) * 100% Description DHCP allocation success ratio Formula ( DHCP address allocation success / Received DHCP address allocation request ) * 100% Description PDP context act fail Formula PDP context act fail Description 2G MS PDP context active failed by no resource Fecha: Elaborado por: Modificado por: Aprobado por: Enrique Torres

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1. KPI for GGSN Mobility No KPI Registered

AccessibilityLevel A Maximum PDP context activation vs Maximum PDP context in the platform

Formula(Max users with act PDP context/ Maximum PDP Context in the platform) * 100%DescriptionThe maximum requests of PDP context activation received by the GGSN

PDP context act success ratio: Formula(PDP context act success / PDP context act) * 100%Description

Congestion durationFormulaCongestion durationDescription

Level B Authentication success ratio

Formula( Authentication request success / Authentication request ) * 100%Description

DHCP allocation success ratioFormula( DHCP address allocation success / Received DHCP address allocation request ) * 100%Description

PDP context act failFormulaPDP context act failDescription

2G MS PDP context active failed by no resourceFormula2G MS PDP context active failed by no resourceDescription

PDP context act fail by auth failedFormula2G MS PDP context active failed by auth failedDescription

PDP context act fail by system faultFormula2G MS PDP context active failed by system faultDescription

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2G PDP ctx act fail (other reason)Formula2G MS PDP context active failed by other reasonDescription

RetainabilityLevel A PDP context deact success ratio

Formula(PDP context deact success / PDP context deact ) * 100%Description

Level B

UsageLevel A PDP usage ratio:

FomulaPDP usage ratioDescription

PDP context numFormulaPDP context numDescriptionPDP contexts which are in active status in the GGSN

Average CPU occupation ratioFormulaAverage CPU occupantion ratioDescriptionAverage CPU occupation ratio

PDP context act duration: FormulaPDP context act durationDescriptionPDP context activation time initiated by MS

Gi Peak Throughput in Mb/sFormulaGi Peak Throughput in Mbytes/sDescriptionPeak Gi uplink byte forwarding rate during a period

Level B Gi Peak Packet Throughput (pps)

FormulaGi Peak packet ThroughputDescriptionPeak packet Gi link forwarding rate during a period

Device Uplink transport success ratioFormula

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Device uplink transport success ratioDescription

Device Downlink transport success ratioFormulaDevice downlink transport success ratioDescription

Gn Peak Throughput in Mb/sFormulaGn Peak Throughput in Mbytes/sDescriptionPeak Gn uplink byte forwarding rate during a period

Level C Gn Peak Packet Throughput

FormulaGn Peak packet Throughput (pps)DescriptionPeak Gn packet forwarding rate during a period

2. Counters for GGSN

Basic session service measurement GGSN Received Packets: Packets received by GGSN GGSN Received Error Packets: Error packets received by GGSN GGSN Sent Packets: Packets sent by GGSN GTP-C peer restart times: Statistics of peer restarting times GTP-C path down times: Statistics of GGSN GTP signaling path broken times PDP context act duration: PDP context activation time initiated by MS PDP context num: PDP contexts which are in active status in the GGSN PDP context act: Attempts of PDP context activation request received by GGSN PDP context act success: Successful times of PDP context activation by GGSN Average act PDP context: Average PDP contexts activated by GGSN Max users with act PDP context: The maximum number of PDP context activated by GGSN PDP context deact: Attemps of PDP context deactivations request received by GGSN PDP context deact success: Successful times of PDP context deactivation by GGSN PDP context act fail: Failed times of PDP context activation by GGSN PDP Context num: PDP context which are in activated status in GGSN system PDP usage ratio: (Current PDP context in GGSN system / PDP context which the lincense permit) Congestion duration: Congestion duration of GGSN

Transport performance measurement Gn Uplink in MB: Uplink forwarding bytes on Gn interface in statistical period Gn Uplink packets: Uplink forwarding packets on Gn interface in statistical period Gn Downlink in MB: Downlink forwarding bytes on Gn interface in statistical period Gn Downlink packets: Downlink forwarding packets on Gn interface in statistical period Gi Uplink in MB: Uplink forwarding bytes on Gi interface in statistical period Gi Uplink packets: Uplink forwarding packets on Gi interface in statistical period Gi Downlink in MB: Downlink forwarding bytes on Gi interface in statistical period Gi Downlink packets: Downlink forwarding packets on Gi interface in statistical period Gn Peak Throughput in Mbytes/s: Peak Gn byte forwarding rate during a period Gi Peak Throughput in Mbytes/s: Peak Gi byte forwarding rate during a period Gn Peak packet Throughput (pps): Peak Gn packet forwarding rate during a period

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Gi Peak packet Throughput (pps): Peak Gi packet forwarding rate during a period Device uplink transport success ratio: (Gi uplink packets / Gn uplink packets)*100 Device downlink transport success ratio: (Gn downlink packets / Gi downlink packets)*100

G-CDR Bill Statistics CDR's create success: Total bills that are created successfully CDR's create fault: Total bills that are created unsuccessfully

GTP Performance measurement CG communication fault: Broken times of communication between GC and GGSN GC redirection fault: Failed times of redirection Num of CDR's sent to CG: Total number of bills that are sent to the GC

AAA Performance measurement Authentication request success: Successful times of authentication request sent from GGSN to AAA

server Authentication request: Number of authentication request sent from GGSN to AAA Accounting start success: Successful times of accounting start request sent from GGSN to AAA server Accounting start request: Attemps of accounting start request sent from GGSN to AAA server Accounting stop success: Successful times of accounting stop request sent from GGSN to AAA server Accounting stop request: Attemps of accounting stop request sent from GGSN to AAA server

DHCP performance measurement Received DHCP address allocation request: Requests of DHCP allocations received from the user DHCP address allocation success: Number of successful DHCP allocations

System performance measurement Average CPU occupantion ratio: Average value of the board CPU occupation ratio Average memory utilization ratio: Average value of board memory occupation ratio

APN Session Measurement 2G MS activate session request: Attemps of PDP context activations initiated by MS 2G MS activate session succeed: Successful times of PDP context activation initiated by MS 2G MS act PDP context success ratio: Successful rate of PDP context activation 2G MS deactivate session request: Attemps of PDP context activations initiated by MS 2G MS deactivate session succeed: Successful times of PDP context activation initiated by MS 2G GGSN deactivate session request: Attemps of PDP context activations initiated by GGSN 2G GGSN deactivate session succeed: Successful times of PDP context activation initiated by GGSN 2G MS PDP context active failed by no resource: MS PDP context activation failed times caused by no

resource 2G MS PDP context active failed by system fault: MS PDP context activation failed times caused by

system fault 2G MS PDP context active failed by auth failed: MS PDP context activation failed times caused by auth

failed 2G MS PDP context active failed by other reason: MS PDP context activation failed times caused by

other reason

APN Status statistics Active PDP context: Activated PDP contexts in GGSN by an APN Max active PDP context by APN: Maximun activated PDP contexts in GGSN by an APN

User's bill measurement CDR's create success: Number of a specific user's bills that are created successfully

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CDR's create fault: Number of a specific user's bills that are created unsuccessfully

APN AAA performance measurement Authentication request success ratio: successful rate of access request sent to GGSN Accounting start success: Successful times that accounting start request is sent to AAA server Accounting start request: Times that an accounting start is sent to AAA server Accounting stop success: Successful times that accounting stop request is sent to AAA server Accounting stop request: Times that an accounting stop is sent to AAA server

APN Transport performance measurement APN Gn Uplink in MB: Uplink forwarding bytes on APN Gn Interface APN Gn Uplink packets: Uplink forwarding packets on APN Gn interface APN Gn Downlink in MB: Downlink forwarding bytes on APN Gn Interface APN Gn Downlink packets: Downlink forwarding packets on APN Gn interface APN Gi Uplink in MB: Uplink forwarding bytes on APN Gi Interface APN Gi Uplink packets: Uplink forwarding packets on APN Gi interface APN Gi Downlink in MB: Downlink forwarding bytes on APN Gi Interface APN Gi Downlink packets: Downlink forwarding packets on APN Gi interface APN Average packet throughput (pps): Average forwarding rate of both APN Gn and APN Gi interfaces APN Peak packet throughput (pps): The maximum value of forwarding rate of both APN Gn and APN Gi


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3. KPI for SGSN MobilityLevel A Ratio of successful intra-SGSN RAU

Formula(2G intra RAU success times / 2G intra-SGSN RAU request times) * 100Description

AccessibilityLevel A Attach ratio

Formula(Attached users / total GSM users in the VLR) * 100%Description

Attach users vs Maximum attached users in the platform Formula(Attached users / Maximum attached users in the platform) * 100%Description

Ratio of successful attach Formula(2G GPRS attach accept times / 2G GPRS attach request times) * 100Description

MS-initiated ctx activation user ratio: Formula( 2G MS init PDP ctx act success / 2G MS init PDP ctx act) * 100%Description

Network-initiated ctx activation user ratio: Formula( 2G Network init PDP ctx act success / 2G Network init PDP ctx act ) * 100%Description

Level B Ratio of successful attach of Foreign subscribers

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(2G attach accept sent to foreign subscribers / 2G attach request received from foreigh subscribers) * 100Description

Ratio of successful authentication Formula(2G authentication success times / 2G authentication request times) * 100Description

Ratio of successful identity Formula(2G identity success times / 2G identity request times) * 100Description

Number of fails to activate a secondary PDP Formula2G PDP ctx sec act rejectDescription

Ratio of Foreign subscribers ctx act fail Formula(2G foreign subscribers act PDP ctx reject / 2G foreign subscribers act PDP ctx request) * 100Description

RetainabilityLevel A Ratio of attachments refused when local update is initiated

Formula(Location update refused times / HPLMN user location update times) * 100Description

UsageLevel A 2G average PDP act duration

Formula2G average PDP act durationDescription

Average users at STANDBY statusFormulaAverage users at STANDBY statusDescription

2G average attached usersFormula2G average attached usersDescription

2G average attach durationFormula2G average attach durationDescription

CPU overload durationFormulaCPU overload durationDescriptionDuration of times the CPU occupancy is over 85%

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CPU congestion durationFormulaCPU congestion durationDescriptionDuration of times the CPU occupancy is over 95%

Ratio of available channel to bear services Formula((Valid channel number ) / (Valid channel number + Invalid channel number)) * 100Description

MTP link durations of congestion FormulaMTP link durations of congestionDescription

Sent Throughput per act PDP ctx connection Formula(Gn mean sent througput (kbps)) / (2G MS init PDP ctx act success + 2G Network init PDP ctx act success )Description

Receive Throughput per act PDP ctx connection Formula(Gn mean receive througput (kbps)) / (2G MS init PDP ctx act success + 2G Network init PDP ctx act success )Description

Level B MTP in service ratio

Formula((MTP link duration in service) / (MTP link duration in service + MTP link duration of unavailable)) * 100%Description

NO.7 average link send load every link (erl)FormulaNO.7 average link send load every link (erl)Description

NO.7 average link received load every link (erl)FormulaNO.7 average link received load every link (erl)Description

Ratio of successful ciphering Formula(2G security mode control request times / 2G authentication request times) * 100Description

DNS success response Ratio Formula(Success response from DNS server / Resolving request DNS server) * 100Description

Sent Throughput per READY user Formula(Gn mean sent througput (kbps)) / (Users at READY status )Description

Receive Throughput per READY user

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Formula(Gn mean receive througput (kbps)) / (Users at READY status)Description

Level C Gn mean sent througput (kbps)

FormulaGn mean sent througput (kbps)Description

Gn mean received throughput (kbps)FormulaGn mean received throughput (kbps)Description

Gn peak sent throughput (kbps)FormulaGn peak sent throughput (kbps)Description

Gn peak received throughput (kbps)FormulaGn peak received throughput (kbps)Description

Gn mean received packets (pkts/sg)FormulaGn mean received packets (pkts/sg)Description

Gn mean sent packets (pkts/sg)FormulaGn mean sent packets (pkts/sg)Description

Gn peak received packets (pkts/sg)FormulaGn peak received packets (pkts/sg)Description

Gn peak sent packets (pkts/sg)FormulaGn peak sent packets (pkts/sg)Description

MTP link send load:FormulaMTP link send loadDescription

MTP link receive load:FormulaMTP link receive loadDescription

4. Counters for SGSN

Measurement Set: Basic SM 2G measuremnt2G PDP context activation measuremnt

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2G MS init PDP ctx act: Number of request of MS-initiated PDP context activation using static or dynamic PDP context.

2G MS init PDP ctx act success: Number of success of MS-initiated PDP context activation

2G Network init PDP ctx act: Number of request of Network-initiated PDP context activation using static or dynamic PDP context.

2G Network init PDP ctx act success: Number of success of Network-initiated PDP context activation

2G PDP ctx act reject: Number of PDP context activation failures. 2G PDP ctx act fail (QoS negotiation fail): Context activation fail due QoS negotiation

fail 2G PDP ctx act fail (rejected by GGSN): Context activation fail due Rejected by GGSN 2G PDP ctx act fail (insufficient network resources): Context activation fail due

insufficiente network resources 2G PDP ctx act fail (DNS resolution fail): Context activation fail due DNS resolution fail 2G PDP ctx act fail (Missing or unknow APN): Context activation fail due missing or

unknow APN 2G PDP ctx act fail (Unknow PDP addr or PDP type): Context activation fail due

unknow PDP addr or PDP type 2G PDP ctx act fail (user authentication fail): Context activation fail due user

authentication fail 2G PDP ctx act fail (service unsupported): Context activation fail due service

unsupported 2G PDP ctx act fail (service unsubscribed): Context activation fail due service

unsubscribed 2G PDP ctx act fail (Ge fail): Context activation fail due Ge fail 2G PDP ctx act fail (UGBI PDP Conjestion): Context activation fail due UGBI PDP

Conjestion 2G PDP ctx act fail (Operator Determined Barring): Context activation fail due

Operator Determined Barring 2G PDP ctx act fail (unspecified reason): Context activation fail due unspecified reason 2G PDP ctx sec act reject: Number of fails to activate a secondary PDP 2G average users with act PDP ctx: arithmetical mean of user with PDP context

activated 2G max users with act PDP ctx: maximum number of users with PDP context activated 2G secondary PDP ctx act: Request of activate a secondary PDP context 2G foreign subscribers act PDP ctx request: Request to activate a PDP context by

foreign subscribers 2G foreign subscribers act PDP ctx reject: Request to activate a PDP context by

foreign subscribers that were rejected 2G ave act PDP sessions (interactive): Mean number of active PDP context for QoS

Class Interactive 2G ave act PDP sessions (conversation): Mean number of active PDP context for QoS

Class conversation 2G ave act PDP sessions (streaming): Mean number of active PDP context for QoS

Class streaming 2G ave act PDP sessions (background): Mean number of active PDP context for QoS

Class background

2G SM resource PM 2G average PDP act duration: mean activation duration of PDP context

Measurement Set: Basic MM measuremnt2G L3 MM of foreign MS measurement

2G attach request received from foreigh subscribers: Attach request with the SGSN initiated by roaming subscribers.

2G attach accept sent to foreign subscribers: Number of successful attach from roaming users.

2G RAU received from foreign subscribers: “Routing area update request” received from foreign subscriber.

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2G RAU accept sent to foreign subscribers: “Routing area update accept” sent to foreign subscriber.

2G attach procedure measurement 2G GPRS attach request times: Number of GPRS attach request with SGSN. 2G GPRS attach accept times: Number of GPRS attach success with the SGSN. 2G GPRS attach reject times (illegal MS): Number of attach reject due illegal MS 2G GPRS attach reject times (LA not allowed): Number of attach reject due “Location

area not allowed” 2G GPRS attach reject times (roaming not allowed in LA): Number of attach reject due

roaming not allowed in location area. 2G GPRS attach reject times (illegal ME): Number of attach reject due illegal ME 2G GPRS attach reject times (GPRS service not allowed): Number of attach reject due

GPRS service not allowed 2G GPRS attach reject times (protocol error): Number of attach reject due protocol

error (unspecified) 2G GPRS attach reject times (Gr Fail): Number of attach reject due Gr protocol error

(unspecifed) 2G GPRS attach reject times (Ge Fail): Number of attach reject due Ge protocol error

(unspecifed) 2G GPRS attach reject times (GPRS not allowed in PLMN): Number of attach reject

due GPRS is not allowed in the PLMN 2G GPRS attach reject times (Not suitable cells in LA): Number of attach reject due no

suitable cells in LA.

2G detach procedure measurement 2G MS-init GPRS detach request times: Number of MS-initiated request for GPRS

detach 2G SGSN-init GPRS detach request times: Number of SGSN-initiated request for

GPRS detach 2G HLR-init GPRS detach request times: Number of HLR-initiated request for GPRS


2G intra-SGSN RAU PM 2G intra-SGSN RAU request times: Number of intra SGSN RAU request 2G intra RAU success times: Number of successfull SGSN RAU 2G intra Com-RAU request times: Number of intra-SGSN combined RA/LA update

requests 2G intra succcessful times of Com-RAU: Number of successful combined intra SGSN

RAU updates

Security measurement2G Security measurement

2G authentication request times: Number of authentications started with SGSN 2G authentication success times: Number of successful authentications with SGSN 2G identity request times: Number of request identity started with SGSN 2G identity success times: Number of successful identification process with SGSN 2G security mode control request times: Number of request for ciphering mode control

initiated with SGSN 2G authentication request times: Number of successful ciphering mode control initiated

with SGSN

Radio resource measurement2G System user measurement

Users at STANDBY status: Number of users in STANDBY status (in real time). Average users at STANDBY status: Average number of users in STANDBY status Max users at STANDBY status: Maximum number of users in STANDBY status Users at READY status: Number of users in READY status (in real time). Average users at READY status: Average number of users in READY status Max users at READY status: Maximum number of users in READY status 2G attached users: Number of attached users (in real time)

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2G average attached users: Average number of attached users 2G max attached users: Maximum number of attached users

MM resource measurement 2G average attach duration: Mean attach duration of 2G users.

GTP control measurementSGSN DNS request PM

Resolving request DNS server: Number of resolution request the SGSN deliver to the DNS

Success response from DNS server: Number of correct responses that SGSN receive from DNS

Data packets transfer measurementGTP-U data packet transfer PM

2G uplink packets: Number of 2G uplink packets forwarded successful from GTP 2G downlink packets: Number of 2G downlink packets forwarded successful from GTP 2G uplink kbytes: Number of 2G uplink Kbytes forwarded from GTP 2G downlink kbytes: Number of 2G downlink Kbytes forwarded from GTP Gn sent Kbyte: Number of Kbytes of GTP packets sent to GGSN Gn received Kbyte: Number of Kbytes of GTP packets received from GGSN Gn mean sent througput (kbps): Mean sent throughput over Gn interface Gn mean received throughput (kbps): Mean received througput over Gn interface Gn peak sent throughput (kbps): Peak sent throughput over Gn interface Gn peak received throughput (kbps): Peak received througput over Gn interface Gn mean received packets (pkts/sg): Mean of packets per second processed by SGSN Gn mean sent packets (pkts/sg): Mean of packets per second processed by SGSN Gn peak received packets (pkts/sg): Peak of packets per second processed by SGSN Gn peak sent packets (pkts/sg): Peak of packets per second processed by SGSN Gn uplink data packets dropped: Number of Gn uplink data packets dropped Gn downlink data packets dropped: Number of Gn downlink data packets dropped

System load measurementSystem load PM

Average CPU occupation ratio: CPU occupancy ratio CPU overload times: Number of times the CPU occupancy ratio exceeds 85% CPU overload duration: Duration of times the CPU occupancy is over 85% CPU congestion times: Number of times the CPU occupancy ratio exceeds 95% CPU congestion duration: Duration of times the CPU occupancy is over 95%

NO.7 measurementMAP bassic traffic PM

HPLMN user location update times: Provides the number of times SGSN initiates location update to HLR

Location update refused times: Provide the number of times HLR returns the message that the user attachment is rejected when location update is initiated.

Gr signaling link PM NO.7 link send load (erl): Sending signaling load over NO.7 interface NO.7 link receive load (erl): Received signaling load over NO.7 interface NO.7 average link send load every link (erl): Average sending signaling load over NO.7

interface NO.7 average link received load every link (erl): Average received signaling load over

NO.7 interface

Gb procedure measurementSNDCP PM

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Average PDP ctx using protocol compression: Number of protocol compression entities used by MS at the end of measured period

Average PDP ctx using data compression: Number of data compression entities used by MS at the end of measured period

Gb resource PM E1 in service: Number of E1's configured for Gb interface Valid channel number: Number of BC available to bear services Invalid channel number: Number of BC unavailable to bear services Normal cell number: Number of cells that can bear services Abnormal cell number: Number of cells that can not bear services Gb link in service: Number of NSVCs that can bear services Gb link unavailable: Number of NSVCs that can not bear services

Ga interface PMGa interface PM

SGSN and CG communication interruption times: Number of times of communication interruption between SGSN and CG

CDRs sent to CG: Number of CDR sent to CG Max CDRs per second sent to CG: Maximum number of CDRs por second sent to CG CDR data transfer success Num: Number of success in transmitting CDRs to th CG

MTP link measurementMTP signaling link PM

MTP link duration in service: Provides the duration in service of signalling link MTP link duration of unavailable: Provides the duration out of service of signalling link MTP link fault times: Number of times that the signalling link is in the status SIOS

(service interrupted status) MTP link duration fault: Provides the time of signalling link cannot transmit MTP link send load: The measure provides the occupantion percentage of the

information sent from the signaling link with the unit time. MTP link receive load: The measure provides the occupantion percentage of the

information received by the signaling link with the unit time. MTP link congestion: Number of times of congestion of signaling link MTP link durations of congestion: Provides the duration of link congestion

GB measurement (BSSID specified)GB measurement (BSSID speciffic)

SGSN Gb Mean sent throughput (bps): Throughput sent to BSS SGSN Gb Mean received throughput (bps): Throughput received from BSS SGSN Gb Peak sent throughput (bps): Peak throughput sent to BSS SGSN Gb Peak received throughput (bps): Peak throughput received from BSS

Performance measurement of attach procedures within a BSS (2G)2G attach procedure measurement (BSSID speciffic)

2G GPRS attach request times: Provide the numnber of GPRS attach request. 2G GPRS attach accept times: Provide the number of GPRS attachment success

Performance measurement of PDP context activation procedures with a BSS (2G)2G PDP context activation measurement (BSSID speciffic)

2G MS init PDP ctx act: Number of request of MS-initiated PDP context activation using static or dynamic PDP context.

2G MS init PDP ctx act success: Number of success of MS-initiated PDP context activation

2G Network init PDP ctx act: Number of request of Network-initiated PDP context activation using static or dynamic PDP context.

2G Network init PDP ctx act success: Number of success of Network-initiated PDP context activation

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Specific BSS resources measurement2G User number PM per BSS

2G attached user number per BSS: Number of users attached in a specific BSS 2G activated PDP number per BSS: Number of users with PDP context active in a

speciffic BSS

APN SM course PMAPN SM course PM

2G max act PDP context by APN: Maximum number of PDP context active using specific APN

2G average act PDP context by APN: Average number of PDP context active using specific APN

UHPU user plane measurement (APN specified)UHPU user plane measurement (APN specific)

Average throughput of UL based on specific APN (Kbps): Average throughput of uplink in specific APN

Average throughput of DL based on specific APN (Kbps): Average throughput of downlink in specific APN

Peak throughput of UL based on specific APN (Kbps): Peak throughput of uplink in specific APN

Peak throughput of DL based on specific APN (Kbps): Peak throughput of downlink in specific APN


5. KPI for CPU MobilityLevel A Paging Load

Formula(Number of packet paging request sent: + Number of circuit paging request sent)DescriptionPaging load with BSC

AccessibilityLevel A Ratio of dynamic PDCH request


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(Number of successful conversion from TCH to PDTCH) / (Number of attempts of converting TCH to PDTCH)DescriptionRation of dynamic PDCH request

Ratio of successful uplink TBF establishmentFormula(Number of successful uplink TBF establisment / Number of uplink TBF establishment attempts)DescriptionQos of GPRS BSS in uplink. If the value is low could be problems in insuficient radio channel resource or fault in radio channel.

Ratio of successful downlink TBF establishmentFormula(Number of successful downlink TBF establisment / Number of downlink TBF establishment attempts)DescriptionQos of GPRS BSS in downlink. If the value is low could be problems in insuficient radio channel resource or fault in radio channel.

Level B Ratio of successful uplink assignment

Formula((Number of successful uplink assignments)/(Number of uplink assignments))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

Ratio of successful uplink inmediate assignmentFormula((Number of successful uplink inmediate assignments)/(Number of uplink inmediate assignments))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

Ratio of successful uplink assignment on PACCHFormula((Number of successful uplink assignment on PACH)/(Number of uplink assignment on PACH))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

Ratio of successful downlink assignmentFormula((Number of successful downlink assignments)/(Number of downlink assignments))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

Ratio of successful downlink inmediate assignmentFormula((Number of successful downlink inmediate assignments)/(Number of downlink inmediate assignments))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

Ratio of successful downlink assignment on PACCH

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Formula((Number of successful downlink assignment on PACH)/(Number of downlink assignment on PACH))* 100%DescriptionReflect GPRS QoS of Cell, if the number is low some problem is on radio enviroment, network paramenter configuration, network resource or network equipment

RetainabilityLevel A Number of downlink TBF normal release

FormulanoneDescriptionNumber of downlink control acknowledgement message for ending TBF received by PCU from MS. If the value is too low could be considered that the radio enviroment, network parameter configuration and network resource of the cell must be optimized.

Number of uplink TBF normal releaseFormulanoneDescriptionNumber of uplink control acknowledgement message for ending TBF received by PCU from MS. If the value is too low could be considered that the radio enviroment, network parameter configuration and network resource of the cell must be optimized.

Ratio of downlink TBF droppedFormula(Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to N3105 overflow) / (Number of successful downlink TBF establisment) * 100%DescriptionIf the value is higher than 8% check the link quality incluiding interference, Abis and G-Abis

UsageLevel A Uplink throughput on LLC level per active PDP context

Formula(Uplink Throughput (Kbits/seg))/(2G average users with act PDP ctx)DescriptionNumber of occupied PDCHs in N measurement times

Downlink throughput on LLC level per active PDP contextFormula(Downlink Throughput (Kbits/seg))/(2G average users with act PDP ctx)DescriptionNumber of occupied PDCHs in N measurement times

Max number of occupied PDCHsFormulanoneDescriptionNumber of occupied PDCHs in N measurement times

Load of GPRS BSS by TBFFormula(Number of uplink TBF establishment attempts + Number of Downlink TBF establishment attempts)DescriptionTraffic load model with BSC

Number of PDCH channels occuppied for downlink transmissionFecha: Elaborado por: Modificado por: Aprobado por:

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FormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the average number of PDCH channels in a cell that are occupied for downlink data transmision for one measuring period. The PDCH channel occuppied for downlink transmission refers to the currently used PDCH channel with the downlink TBF.

Number of PDCH channels occuppied for uplink transmissionFormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the average number of PDCH channels in a cell that are occupied for uplink data transmision for one measuring period. The PDCH channel occuppied for uplink transmission refers to the currently used PDCH channel with the downlink TBF.

Uplink PDTCH/PACCH utilization rate (%)Formula(Number of block sent on Uplink PDTCH/PACCH / Number of block scheduled on Uplink PDCH)DescriptionMeasure the channel utilization ratio of the uplink PDTCH/PACCH.

Downlink PDTCH/PACCH utilization rate (%)Formula(Number of block sent on Downlink PDTCH/PACCH / Number of block scheduled on Downlink PDCH)DescriptionMeasure the channel utilization ratio of the downlink PDTCH/PACCH.

Cell mean PDCH bearer rate (%)FormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the channel utilization ratio of the downlink PDTCH/PACCH.

Ratio of downlink TBF congestionFormula(Number of downlink TBF establishment failures due to no channel + Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to no channel) / (Number of downlink TBF establishment attempts) * 100%DescriptionIf the value is higher than 10% check the capacity over the air

Ratio of Discarded NS PDU of Gb InterfaceFormula(Number of NS PDUs discarded by NS sublayer) / (Number of NS PDUs discarded by NS sublayer + Number of NS PDUs received by NS sublayer + Number of NS PDUs sent by NS sublayer)DescriptionInsuficiente bandwith in Gb interface or problems with this interface

Level B Mean number of available PDCHs

FormulanoneDescriptionNumber of available PDCHs in N measurement times

Ratio of available PDCHFormula

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(Mean number of available PDCH) / (Mean number of available PDCH + Mean number of occupied PDCH)DescriptionRatio of available PDCH

Ratio of normal burst frames receivedFormula(Number of normal burst frames received)/(Number of normal burst received + Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames received + Number of check error frames received)DescriptionReflect the performance of G-Abis interface

Ratio of Out-of-Syncronization frames received:Formula(Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames received)/(Number of normal burst received + Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames received + Number of check error frames received)DescriptionReflect the performance of G-Abis interface

Ratio of check error frames received:Formula(Number of check error frames received)/(Number of normal burst received + Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames received + Number of check error frames received)DescriptionReflect the performance of G-Abis interface

Ratio of valid TRAU frames sent:Formula(Number of valid TRAU frames sent)/(Number of valid TRAU frames sent + Number of empty TRAU frames sent)DescriptionReflect the performance of G-Abis interface

Ratio of empty TRAU frames sent:Formula(Number of empty TRAU frames sent)/(Number of valid TRAU frames sent + Number of empty TRAU frames sent)DescriptionReflect the performance of G-Abis interface

Number of RLC data blocks in use on PDCHFormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the number of RLC/MAC block transmitted on uplink/downlink TBF. If the statistic result is higher than traffic model is recommended make an expansion.

Number of RLC data blocks in use on PDCHFormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the number of RLC/MAC block transmitted on uplink/downlink TBF. If the statistic result is higher than traffic model is recommended make an expansion.

Number of RLC data blocks in use on PDCHFormulanoneDescriptionMeasure the number of RLC/MAC block transmitted on uplink/downlink TBF. If the statistic result is higher than traffic model is recommended make an expansion.

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Level C Mean occupied duration of all available PDCH

FormulanoneDescriptionThe measured value indicates the duration when all the available PDCH are occuppied. The start time is the time that the last free PDCH is occuppied and the end time is the time that any occuppied PDCH is released its last TBF.

Load of NS sub-layerFormula(Number of NS PDUs sent by NS sublayer: Number of NS PDU sent + Number of NS PDUs discarded by NS sublayer + Number of NS PDUs received by NS sublayer)DescriptionLoad of NS sub layer

Number of RESET messages sent by NS sublayer to peer endFormulanoneDescriptionNumber of RESET messages sent from the local end to SGSN for NSVC resetting during one measurement period. If value is high could be by posible physical fault or data configuration error on the Gb interface or the NSVC configuration of PCU may be inconsistent with that of SGSN

Number of RESET messages received by NS sublayer to peer endFormulanoneDescriptionNumber of RESET messages received from the local end to SGSN for NSVC resetting during one measurement period. If value is high could be by posible physical fault or data configuration error on the Gb interface or the NSVC configuration of PCU may be inconsistent with that of SGSN

Status of Sent RESET messages on NS sublayer to peer endFormula(Number of RESET messages sent by NS sublayer to peer end - Number of RESET ACK messages sent by NS sublayer to peer end)DescriptionThe result must be cero (0) if not check the link state of Gb interface and related data configuration.

Status of Received RESET messages on NS sublayer from peer endFormula(Number of RESET messages received by NS sublayer to peer end - Number of RESET ACK messages received by NS sublayer from peer end)DescriptionThe result must be cero (0) if not check the link state of Gb interface and related data configuration.

Number of BLOCK messages sent by NS sub-layer to peer endFormulanoneDescriptionProduced by posible physical link fault on Gb interface, data configuration error, NSVC blocking initiated by the OM or NSVC data configuration inconsistency between the PCU and SGSN

Number of BLOCK messages received by NS sub-layer to peer endFormula

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noneDescriptionProduced by posible physical link fault on Gb interface, data configuration error, NSVC blocking initiated by the OM or NSVC data configuration inconsistency between the PCU and SGSN

Status of Sent BLOCK messages on NS sublayer from peer endFormula(Number of BLOCK messages sent by NS sub-layer to peer end - Number of BLOCK ACK messages sent by NS sublayer from peer end)DescriptionThe result must be cero (0) if not check NSVC data configuration of PCU because is inconsistent with that on SGSN

Status of Received BLOCK messages on NS sublayer from peer endFormula(Status of Received BLOCK messages on NS sublayer from peer end - Number of BLOCK ACK messages received by NS sublayer from peer end)DescriptionThe result must be cero (0) if not check NSVC data configuration of PCU because is inconsistent with that on SGSN

6. Counters for PCU CPU Performance Measurement

Average CPU occupancy: No idle CPU in a sampling period Maximum CPU occupancy: Maximum CPU occupancy in a sampling period

BSC Overall Performance Measurement Total bytes of Uplink LLC_PDU sent: Amount of bytes of all LLC_PDU sent from PCU to Gb Interface Total number of Uplink LLC_PDU sent: Number of Uplink LLC_PDU sent Total bytes of Downlink LLC_PDU received: Amount of bytes of all LLC_PDU received by PCU Total number of Downlink LLC_PDU sent: Number of Downlink LLC_PDU sent

NS Performance Measurement Number of NS PDUs sent by NS sublayer: Number of NS PDU sent Number of NS PDUs received by NS sublayer: Number of NS PDU received Number of NS PDUs discarded by NS sublayer: Number of NS PDU discarded Number of RESET ACK messages sent by NS sublayer to peer end Number of RESET ACK messages received by NS sublayer from peer end Number of BLOCK ACK messages sent by NS sublayer from peer end Number of BLOCK ACK messages received by NS sublayer from peer end

G-Abis Interface Performance Measurement Number of normal burst frames received: Number of normal TRAU frames received during one

measurement period Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames received: Number of Out-of-Synchronization frames recevied

during one measuring period. Number of check error frames received: Number of check error frames received during one measuring

period. Number of valid TRAU frames sent: Number of TRAU frames incluiding valid RLC/MACblock data sent

by MAC Number of empty TRAU frames sent: Number of TRAU frames not incluiding valid RLC/MAC block data

sent by MAC

Pb Interface Performance Measurement Number of SABM frames sent: Number of SABM frames requesting link establishment sent during one

meassurement period. If the counter is in cero the link is completly disconected. If the counter is non cero it represent the local end attemps to reestablish the link for N times.

Number of SABM frames received: Number of SABM frames requesting link establishment. If this counter is more than 1 mean the link is flaping

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Number of UA frames sent: Number of link stablishment response frames sent. One UA frame is a response to SABM frame

Number of UA frames received: Number of link stablishment response frames received. One UA frame is a response to SABM frame

Number of REJ frames sent: Number of REJECT frames sent. Show a poor transmission quality if more than 0~5 per 15 minutes.

Number of REJ frames received: Number of REJECT frames received. Show a poor transmission quality Number of Information frame received: Number of information frames received . If more than 0~100 per

second another LAPD link should be added. Bytes of Information frames sent: Number of bytes sent using informaton frames. If more than 0~6000

bytes per second another LAPD link should be added. Bytes of Information frames received: Number of bytes received using informaton frames. If more than

0~6000 bytes per second another LAPD link should be added. Number of information frame resend times: Number of information resend frames. If more than 0~10 per

15 minutes, there is a poor transmission quality. Number of data transmit requests from L3 to LAPD: Number of data transmit request initiated by L3 to

LAPD. If more than 0~100 per second another LAPD link should be added. Bytes of data transmit requests from L3 to LAPD: Number of bytes from transmit request initiated by L3

to LAPD. If more than 0~100 bytes per second another LAPD link should be added. Number of received frames with wrong received number: Number of frames whose receiving sequence

number are not right. If more than one a poor quality is present Number of downlink message queue overflows: Number of overflows ocurring in the queue from L3 to

LAPD module. If more than 0 another LAPD link should be added. Number of uplink message queue overflows: Number of overflows ocurring in the queue from LAPD to

L3 module. If more than 0 another LAPD link should be added. Total number of frames received: Number of frames received Total number of error frames received: Number of error frames received Total number of frames sent: Number of frames sent

Reference ranges are calculated for one 64Kbps LADP signaling link

Cell Performance MeasurementPacket Access Performance Measurement on PACCH

Number of uplink assignments: Number of all uplink assignments request (including single block assignment)

Number of successful uplink assignments: Number of uplink assignment success Number of uplink inmediate assignments: Number of all uplink inmediate assignments Number of successful uplink inmediate assignments: Number of uplink inmediate assignment

success Number of uplink assignment on PACH: Number of uplink assignment received on PACH Number of successful uplink assignment on PACH: Number of successful uplink assignment on

PACH Number of downlink assignments: Number of all downlink assignments request (including single

block assignment) Number of successful downlink assignments: Number of downlink assignment success Number of downlink inmediate assignments: Number of all downlink inmediate assignments Number of successful downlink inmediate assignments: Number of downlink inmediate

assignment success Number of downlink assignment on PACH: Number of downlink assignment received on PACH Number of successful downlink assignment on PACH: Number of successful downlink

assignment on PACH

Paging Request Measurement Number of packet paging request sent:: Number of packet paging messages delivered by PCU Number of circuit paging request sent: Number of circuit paging messages delivered by PCU

Uplink TBF Establishment/Release Measurement Number of uplink TBF establishment attempts: Number of request messages received by PCU

from MS for establishing uplink TBF. This measure reveal the GPRS traffic load on the cell Number of successful uplink TBF establisment: Number of successful uplink data blocks

received by the PCU from MS Fecha: Elaborado por: Modificado por: Aprobado por:

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Number of uplink TBF establishment failures due to MS no response: When Ratio of successful uplink TBF establishment is too low check this KPI. If the measure value is too high the posible reason is poor radio quality of the cell

Number of uplink TBF establishment failures due to no channel: When Ratio of successful uplink TBF establishment is too low check this KPI. If the measure value is too high the posible reason is insuficient channels on the cell

Number of uplink TBF abnormal release due to N3101 overflow (MS no response): When you find that the uplink TBF normal release is to low check this statistic if the measure is too low could be a poor radio quality

Number of uplink TBF abnormal release due to N3103 overflow (MS no response): When you find that the uplink TBF normal release is too low check this statistic if the measure is too low could be a poor radio quality

Number of uplink TBF abnormal release due to SUSPEND: When you find that the uplink TBF normal release is to low check this statistic if the measure is too high could be a MS initiating the circuit service during the course of packet service. It may also be that the cell is at the edge of network location area and the MS in this cell should frecuently initiate location update.

Number of uplink TBF abnormal release due to FLUSH: When you find that the uplink TBF normal release is to low check this statistic if the measure is too high could be a frecuently cell reselection of the MS. The radio network enviroment should be carefully planned

Number of uplink TBF abnormal release due to no channel: If this value is relative high, it may be caused by the radio channel is fault or blocked manually

Average number of concurrent uplink TBF: Measure the average number of concurrent uplink TBF

Average duration of uplink TBF: Measure the average duration of normally release uplink TBF

Downlink TBF Establishment/Release Measurement Number of downlink TBF establishment attempts: Number of request messages received by

PCU from MS for establishing downlink TBF Number of successful downlink TBF establisment: Number of successful downlink data blocks

received by the PCU from MS Number of downlink TBF establishment failures due to no channel: If ratio of downlink TBF

establishment successes is low check this, If this value is relative high, it may be caused by the radio channel is fault or insuficiente in radio channel resource.

Number of downlink TBF establishment failures due to MS no response: When Ratio of successful downlink TBF establishment is too low check this KPI. If the measure value is too high the posible reason is poor radio quality of the cell

Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to N3105 overflow: When you find that the downlink TBF normal release is too low check this statistic if the measure is too low could be a poor radio quality

Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to SUSPEND: When you find that the downlink TBF normal release is to low check this statistic if the measure is too high could be a MS initiating the circuit service during the course of packet service. It may also be that the cell is at the edge of network location area and the MS in this cell should frecuently initiate location update.

Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to FLUSH: When you find that the downlink TBF normal release is to low check this statistic if the measure is too high could be a frecuently cell reselection of the MS. The radio network enviroment should be carefully planned

Number of downlink TBF abnormal release due to no channel: If this value is relative high, it may be caused by frecuently breakdown of wireless channel or manually block of the channel

Average number of concurrent downlink TBF: Measure the average number of concurrent downlink TBF

Average duration of downlink TBF: Measure the average duration of normally release downlink TBF

Uplink LLC Data Transmission Measurement Total number of uplink TBF: Total number of uplink TBF establishment during one period Total number of uplink LLC_PDU sent: Total number of uplink LLC PDU during one period Total bytes of uplink LLC_PDU sent: Total bytes of uplink LLC PDU during one period Uplink Throughput (Kbits/seg): Measure the mean rate of the uplink data on LLC layer

Downlink LLC Data Transmission MeasurementFecha: Elaborado por: Modificado por: Aprobado por:

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Total number of downlink TBF: Total number of downlink TBF establishment during one period Total number of downlink LLC_PDU sent: Total number of downlink LLC PDU during one period Total bytes of downlink LLC_PDU sent: Total bytes of downlink LLC PDU during one period Downlink Throughput (Kbits/seg): Measure the mean rate of the downlink data on LLC layer

Uplink RLC Data Transmission Measurement Total number of uplink RLC data blocks Total number of uplink RLC data blocks using CS1 Total number of uplink RLC data blocks using CS2 Total number of uplink RLC data blocks using CS3 Total number of uplink RLC data blocks using CS4 Retransmission rate of RLC uplink using CS1 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC uplink using CS2 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC uplink using CS3 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC uplink using CS4 (%): This measurement must be in a range of


Downlink RLC Data Transmission Measurement Total number of downlink RLC data blocks Total number of downlink RLC data blocks using CS1 Total number of downlink RLC data blocks using CS2 Total number of downlink RLC data blocks using CS3 Total number of downlink RLC data blocks using CS4 Retransmission rate of RLC downlink using CS1 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC downlink using CS2 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC downlink using CS3 (%): This measurement must be in a range of

0~10% Retransmission rate of RLC downlink using CS4 (%): This measurement must be in a range of


Cell Radio Channel Performance Measurement Number of RLC data blocks received on uplink PDTCH/PACCH: Measure the number of RLC

data blocks received on the uplink PDTCH/PACCH. If the statistic result is higher than traffic model is recommended make an expansion.

Number of RLC data blocks received on downlink PDTCH/PACCH: Measure the number of RLC data blocks received on the downlink PDTCH/PACCH. If the statistic result is higher than traffic model is recommended make an expansion.

Number of cell reselection at short interval by MS: Number of times of a MS stays in the cell for less than the specified time.

Number of cell ping-pong reselection by MS: When MS switched from cell A to cell B and switches back to cell A in the configured time, the measured value wiil be incremented by one.

Resource Maintenance Performance Measurement Number of BSC-originated cell resets: Number of cell reset messages from BSC received. The

posible reasons for this messages are base station reset, cell reset originated by OM at BSC, fault recovery of LAPD link at Pb interface, etc.

Number of BSC-originated cell blocks: Number of cell blocking originated by BSC Number of Gb originated cell blocking: Number of cell blocking originated by fault at Gb

interface, SGSN originated BVC PTP blocking, PCU OM originated BVC PTP blocking, etc Number of BSC originated channel blocking: Number of BSC originated channel blocking

PDCH Resource Performance Measurement Mean number of available PDCH: Mean number of available PDCH in the cell during one

measuring period

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Mean number of occupied PDCH: Mean number of available PDCH in the cell during one measuring period

Number of dynamic PDCH reclaimed by BSC: Number of attemps to convert a PDCH to TCH Number of pre-empted PDCH carrying packet traffic: Number of attemps to convert a PDCH

with packet traffic in TCH Number of attempts at converting TCH to PDTCH: When the dynamic channel request message

is sent to the BSC this counter value will be incremented by one Number of successful conversions from TCH to PDTCH: When the dynamic TCH converts to

PDCH successfully, the measured value will be incremented by one.

PDCH Maximum value Measurement Maximum number of available PDCH Minimum number of available PDCH Maximum number of occupied PDCH Minimun number of occupied PDCH

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Enrique Torres