report on future prospects of walton

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  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Letter of Transmittal

    December 27, 2011.

    .Associate ProfessorDepartment of Marketing,University.


    it! "#e respect, $e are !ere to s#bmit t!e fo%%o$ing report ona%ton &ang%a"es! accor"ing to t!e instr#ctions given by yo#.

    After going to severa% a%ton s!o$rooms in D!aka an" "oing at!oro#g! on%ine researc! on a%ton &ang%a"es!, $e !ave been'#ite s#ccessf#% in co%%ecting necessary backgro#n" informationabo#t a%ton &ang%a"es!. A s#rvey among t!e e(isting an"prospective a%ton #sers a%so !e%pe" #s to #n"erstan" t!e markettren" an" t!e cons#mer be!avior. )!e fo%%o$ing report is t!eres#%t of o#r *n"ings an" e+orts.

    e appreciate t!is opport#nity to $ork #n"er yo#.


    .Sc!oo% of siness

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Executive Summary

    )!is report $as commissione" to ana%y e an" eva%#ateperformance an" f#t#re prospects of a%ton in a gro$ing"omestic e%ectronic market.

    )!e researc! revea%s t!at in a contin#o#s%y gro$ing market,a%ton !as become a re%iab%e name for c#stomers. -o#ntry$i"e

    net$ork, inc%ination to$ar"s '#a%ity an" "e"icate" team of emp%oyees are t!e main ca#ses of its s#ccess. )!o#g! it !a"starte" b#siness $it! !ome app%iances, yet it !as a%$ays been

    committe" to satisfying c#stomer "eman" by intro"#cing ne$pro"#cts. ecent pro"#ction an" se%%ing of motorcyc%e an" air/con"itioner testi*es t!at position of a%ton.

    a%ton !as a goa% to "o#b%e overa%% market s!are in t!e ne(t years. t !as s#ccessf#%%y positione" itse%f as a c#stomer frien"%yan" eco/frien"%y company. t s after sa%es service !as contrib#te"tremen"o#s%y in b#i%"ing t!is image in c#stomers min"s.

    Since its target market is mi""%e/income peop%e, t!e price of t!eirpro"#cts is comparative%y %o$er t!an t!ose of competitors . )!isstrategy !e%ps t!e company great%y in a price sensitive cons#mersmarket. n recent years a%ton !as increase" promotiona%activities t!ro#g! organi ing vario#s nationa% sports events.

    3#rt!er investigations !ave revea%e" t!at to ac!ieve t!e ro%e of market %ea"er, it $i%% face c!a%%enge from foreign bran"s.Moreover, rapi"%y gro$ing "eman" from c#stomers for e%ectronic

    pro"#cts may p#t press#re on a%ton. t !as a"opte" marketpenetration, pro"#ct "eve%opment an" market "eve%opmentstrategy for f#t#re gro$t!.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    )!e report !as fo#n" t!e prospects of a%ton promising in itsc#rrent position. 3avorab%e government po%icy $i%% !e%p it e(pan""omestic an" internationa% markets in t!e f#t#re.

    Table of ContentsParticularsPage No.Executive Summary1. Intro uction!1 1.1."rigin of #e$ort!1 1.%."b&ective!1

    1.'.(et)o ology!1 1.*.Limitations!%%.Com$any an (ar+et ,ac+groun!' %.1.Electronics mar+et in ,angla es)!' %.%.-alton IL!* %.'.Com$etitor Analysis!/ %.*.(ar+et S)are!0'.Strategic Situational Analysis! '.1.(ar+et Analysis! '.%.(ar+et Segmentation! '.%.1.2emogra$)ic!3 '.%.%.4eogra$)ic

    !3 '.%.'.Psyc)ogra$)ic!5 '.'.PEST Analysis1! '.*.S-"T analysis11*.(ar+eting Strategy

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    1% *.1.(ar+et $ositioning1% *.%.(ar+eting (ix1%

    *.%.1.Pro uct1% *.%.%.Price1*61/ *.%.'.Place1/ *.%.*.Promotion1//.7inancial Analysis100.7uture 4rowt) an C)allenges10 0.1.Current (ar+et Status10 0.%.C)allenges1 0.'.7uture 4rowt)1 6 13

    .#ecommen ation133.Conclusion135.A$$en ix


    List of Tables

    ParticularsPage No.Table !18 Im$ort of )ome a$$liances in ,angla es)!*Table !%8 Price com$arison of #efrigerator1*Table !'8 Price com$arison of T91*Table !*8 Price com$arison of (otorcycle1*

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Table !/8 7inancial analysis of -alton10Table !08 (ar+et com$arison10Table ! 8 7uture growt) of -alton IL13

    List of 7igures


    Page No.7igure !18 -alton:s com$etitors Analysis!/7igure !%8 -alton $la;as in 2)a+a!57igure !'8 -alton $la;as in C)ittagong!5

    1. Intro uction 1.1. "rigin of #e$ort

    )!is report $as assigne" by Professor ., Department of Marketing, of M&A 07 t! batc!, Sc!oo% of siness, University.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    1.%. "b&ectives8

    4earning a "i"actic approac! to siness -omm#nication.ncorporating t!eoretica% e"#cation $it! practica%

    e(perience.5aining kno$%e"ge abo#t t!e c#rrent market tren" of t!eco#ntry.5etting ac'#ainte" $it! "i+erent po%icies, r#%es an"reg#%ations of t!e government on t!e pro"#cts concerne".

    1.6 .(et)o ology8

    )!e met!o"o%ogies #se" in t!e researc! process for t!is report,$ere

    2ata Collection

    Primary "ata is t!e information t!at $e co%%ect *rst/!an" an"secon"ary "ata is t!e information co%%ecte" by ot!ers an" #se" by#s. 3or "ata co%%ection, $e #se" t!ree approac!es

    a. 3irst, $e con"#cte" some *e%" researc!. e $ent to somea%ton retai% o#t%ets an" aske" t!e c#stomers abo#t t!eir

    va%#ab%e s#ggestion an" opinions.

    b. e searc!e" abo#t a%ton on t!e nternet an" fo#n" someimportant information regar"ing t!eir company backgro#n",pro"#ct %ines an" promotiona% programs.

    c. e $ent to a%ton !ea" o8ce an" co%%ecte" t!e ann#a% reportsfor a%ton &ang%a"es! for t!e year 2010.


    3or s#rveys, $e ma"e a '#estionnaire for t!e b#yers. )!e'#estionnaire for t!e b#yers inc%#"e" '#estions abo#t t!eir

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    economic backgro#n", t!eir preferences an" t!eir b#ying b#"getan" fre'#ency.

    )o circ#%ate t!e '#estionnaires, $e fo%%o$e" t$o approac!es

    a. e !an"e" t!e '#estionnaires persona%%y to peop%e. e $ent tot!e retai% o#t%ets an" gave t!e '#estionnaire to t!e peop%e t!erean" co%%ecte" t!eir ans$ers. )!en $e c!ose some ran"omprospective b#yers an" !an"e" t!em t!e '#estionnaire prepare"for t!em. )!e ran"om samp%ing inc%#"e" peop%e from o#rresi"entia% areas, o#r frien"s an" t!e st#"ents from "i+erent"epartments of University of D!aka.

    b. 3or t!e prospective c#stomers, $e #se" an on%ine s#rvey. ecirc#%ate" t!e '#estionnaire in "i+erent 3ace book gro#ps an"

    co%%ecte" t!e ans$ers.

    #ecor analysis

    After co%%ecting t!e "ata, $e recor"e" t!em. )!en $e ana%y e"t!em by "oing t!e fo%%o$ing

    a. e co%%ecte" t!e s#rvey ans$ers an" ma"e c!arts an" grap!s#sing t!at "ata for s#pporting t!e report.& .)!en $e ana%y e" a%ton s ann#a% reports an" e(tracte" o#rre'#ire" *g#res from t!em.

    1.*. Limitations

    )!o#g! $e trie" o#r best to make a !#n"re" percent perfectreport, a fe$ %imitations !e%" #s back. )!e main %imitations t!at$e face", $ere 9

    a. As many of t!e common pro"#cts $ere barre", $e !a" toc!oose one from a %imite" n#mber of options.

    b. !en $e $ent to co%%ect information from t!e a%ton o#t%ets,t!ey $ere not f#%%y ab%e to cooperate $it! #s, as o#r re'#ire"information $as con*"entia%.

    c. )!ere $as not eno#g! "ata in t!e $ebsites.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    %. Com$any an (ar+et ,ac+groun 8

    %.1. Electronics (ar+et in ,angla es)

    )!e :%ectronics Market in &ang%a"es! is an ever/rising in"#stry. )!e appropriate market si e !as never been "etermine" as it isever c!anging. )!e $!o%e market can be separate" into severa%segments %ike

    Semicon"#ctor Market:%ectronics App%iances Market

    a$ Materia%s an" Spare Parts Market) Market

    a%ton is one of t!e ma;or p%ayers in t!e e%ectronic app%iancesmarket. )!ey are a%so man#fact#ring motorcyc%es a%ongsi"e !omeapp%iances s#c! as te%evision, refrigerators, air/con"ition etc.

    )!e market of t!ese pro"#cts re%ies !eavi%y on t!e average!o#se!o%" income. 3or most peop%e in &ang%a"es! !omeapp%iances !a" been %#(#ries t!ey, $!ic! t!ey cannot a+or", b#trecent%y t!e sit#ation !ave been c!anging.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Table !1 8 Im$ort of ome A$$liances /


    200 /







    0Electrical omeA$$liance

    1 02>1 20> 1 2>6?? 26?1 0 1 0 >@

    At *rst t!ere $as a !#ge gro$t! to t!e n#mbers of =omeApp%iances importe" in t!e co#ntry, b#t t!e n#mbers !ave"ec%ine" in recent years, as ta( !o%i"ays on importe" parts an"!ig! import ta( on e%ectronic pro"#cts !ave ma"e companiesfoc#s on assemb%ing an" man#fact#ring t!eir pro"#cts in&ang%a"es!.

    %.%. -alton IL

    a%ton =i/)ec! n"#stries 4t" B a%ton = 4C is one of t!e best companies in t!ee%ectronic sector of &ang%a"es!. a%ton is one of t!ose fe$ &ang%a"es!icompanies t!at e(port e%ectronic pro"#cts since most of t!e companies in&ang%a"es! import pro"#cts of vario#s famo#s bran"s. )!e company $asestab%is!e" in 1 77. Since t!en, it !as been setting ne$ benc!marks inpro"#ction of e%ectronic goo"s in &ang%a"es!.

    )!e company !as a year%y pro"#ction capacity of 1.> mi%%ion pieces of fri"ge,600,000 pieces of air con"itioner an" 600,000 pieces of motorbike. n itsear%y stage, t!e company #se" to pro"#ce !ome app%iances. )o"ay t!eirpro"#ct mi( inc%#"es Mobi%e P!one, 5enerators, an" Motorbikes. n 200 t!ecompany signe" an agreement $it! t!e Ma%aysian a#to man#fact#rer Agat!ato set #p an a#tomobi%e p%ant in its factory premises. After meeting t!e %oca%"eman" t!e company is e(porting its pro"#cts to atar, D#bai, Ab# D!abian" E#$ait of Mi""%e :ast, 5!ana of Africa an" n"ia, Fepa% an" &!#tan of

    So#t! Asia an" U.S.A. t a%so $ants to e(port its pro"#cts to 3rance, ta%y,

    5ermany, Spain an" ot!er :#ropean co#ntries. a%ton !as been s#ccessf#% incapt#ring t!is %arge internationa% market beca#se of its !ig! '#a%ity pro"#cts. )o ens#re t!is !ig! '#a%ity of pro"#cts a%% t!e members of t!e a%ton fami%y,bot! factory an" a"ministrative members, $ork very !ar" ro#n" t!e year.

    )!e factory of a%ton is sit#ate" in Saver an" t!e corporate o8ce is atDi%k#s!a -GA, D!aka. )!ere are 120 o#t%ets of a%ton t!ro#g!o#t t!e co#ntryso t!at c#stomers every$!ere can b#y a%ton pro"#cts. a%ton !as a

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    "e"icate" team of ski%%e" engineers an" tec!nica% personne% from !ome an"abroa" $!o ens#re '#a%ity pro"#cts for t!e c#stomer. &eca#se of t!is !ig!%yski%%e" team a%ton can o+er t!e c#stomers a $i"e range of pro"#cts

    %.'. Com$etitor Analysis

    n t!e *e%" of !ome app%iances s#c! as te%evision, refrigerator,free er, air/con"ition etc. some of a%ton s competitors are


    Television #efrigerator Air6Con ition















  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    7igure !18 -alton:s com$etitors AnalysisMost of t!ese bran"s !ave been in t!is market for a %ong time. tnone of t!em $ere ab%e to matc! t!e market gro$t! of a%ton int!e %ast 6 years. A%t!o#g! 45/tterHy is t!e Fo.1 !omeapp%iances bran" in t!e co#ntry, a%ton is catc!ing #p fast.

    a%ton !as starte" man#fact#ring ma;or parts for t!e assemb%y of motorcyc%es. ig!t no$ t!ey !o%" near%y @I of t!e market s!are.

    ts competitors are

    &a;a;=ero =on"aDay#n


    %.*. (ar+et S)are8&y con"#cting a s#rvey among cons#mers $e $ere ab%e to"etermine peop%es preference of bran"s $!i%e b#ying !omeapp%iances an" $!ic! bran" of pro"#ct t!ey !ave bo#g!t. )!emarket "eman" of "i+erent bran"s of te%evision, refrigerator an"motorcyc%es !as been ca%c#%ate" by s#rvey met!o". t m#st benote" t!at !a" t!e s#rvey been centere" on mi""%e c%ass fami%iesin r#ra% areas, a%ton $o#%" !ave !a" a m#c! !ig!er markets!are since t!ese peop%e are t!e main target market of a%ton.

    A%so, Since a%ton is t!e so%e "omestic pro"#cer among t!esebran"sK it en;oys some ta( re"#ction t!at makes it capab%e of man#fact#ring an" se%%ing its pro"#ct at reasonab%e prices. )!isfaci%ity provi"es a%ton $it! a competitive a"vantage. =ence,

    a%ton p%ans to target anot!er 1 I of t!e market in t!e ne(t years an" t!ey are con*"ent t!at t!ey $i%% be ab%e to easi%yac!ieve t!at target.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    '. Strategic Situational Analysis8

    '.1. (ar+et Analysis

    &ang%a"es!, $it! its gro$ing pop#%ation an" economic gro$t!,!as !#ge "eman" for !o#se!o%" pro"#cts. )!e fact t!at on%yabo#t ?0I of t!e co#ntry !as e%ectricity avai%ab%e proves t!at$!en e%ectricity $i%% be avai%ab%e t!ro#g!o#t t!e co#ntry, "eman"$i%% increase f#rt!er.

    As t!e peop%e of t!is co#ntry are main%y price sensitive, a%ton,being t!e so%e man#fact#rer of refrigerator, free er an"motorcyc%e, is very keen to meet t!e "eman" of t!is %arge marketby provi"ing competitive prices.

    a%ton s primary goa% is to capt#re t!e %oca% market, as t!ey aresti%% be!in" market %ea"er 45/tterHy. t t!ey are a%so e(portingt!eir pro"#cts. A%rea"y t!ey !ave c#stomers in Myanmar, &!#tanan" p%anning to e(pan" t!eir market to Africa.

    '.%. (ar+et Segmentation

    Segmentation is one of t!e most important factors of strategicmarketing. Market segmentation is one of t!e steps t!at go into"e*ning an" targeting speci*c markets. t is t!e process of "ivi"ing a market into a "istinct gro#p of b#yers t!at re'#ire"i+erent pro"#cts or marketing mi(es. Markets can be segmente"or targete" #sing a variety of factor. )!e bases for segmentingcons#mer markets inc%#"e

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Demograp!ica% bases Bage, fami%y si e, %ife cyc%e,occ#pationC5eograp!ica% bases Bstates, regions, co#ntriesC&e!avior bases Bpro"#ct kno$%e"ge, #sage, attit#"es,

    responsesCPsyc!ograp!ic bases B%ifesty%e, va%#es, persona%ityC)!emarket in $!ic! a%ton is "oing its b#siness is cons#mermarket an" a%ton main%y segments its market base onDemograp!ic, 5eograp!ic an" Psyc!ograp!ic basis s

    '.%.1. 2emogra$)ic Segmentation

    n segmenting t!e market on "emograp!ic basis a%ton main%yconsi"ers occ#pation an" fami%y si e of t!e cons#mer. t targetst!e peop%e of mi""%e/income %eve% an" "esigns its pro"#cts formain%y n#c%ear fami%y.

    '.%.%. 4eogra$)ic Segmentation

    a%ton segments t!e $!o%e co#ntry in e%even ones for marketingp#rpose. )!ey are

    D!aka Fort! LoneD!aka So#t! LoneD!aka So#t!/ est Lone-!ittagong Lone-ami%%a Lone&arisa% Lone

    essore LoneSy%!et Lone

    &ogra LoneMymensing! Lonea;s!a!i Lone

    Area Managers are responsib%e for t!ese ones an" it is t!eirresponsibi%ity to "eve%op market t!ere. Pro"#ct "eman" an"response of t!e c#stomer are not same in a%% ones.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Maintaining t!e sa%es in !ig! "eman" ones %ike D!aka, -ami%%a,&ogra t!e marketing "epartment is trying to increase t!eir sa%esin %o$ "eman" ones.

    -#rrent%y, a%ton !as eit!er t!eir retai% s!ops or "ea%er s!op in a%%of t!e ? "istricts of &ang%a"es!. )!ey !ave m#%tip%e s!ops inD!aka an" -!ittagong in or"er to provi"e ma(im#m convenience.

    7igure !%8 -alton Pla;as in C)ittagong

    7igure !'8 -alton Pla;as in 2)a+a

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    '.%.'. Psyc)ogra$)ic Segmentation

    a%ton markets its pro"#ct by #sing psyc!ograp!ic segmentation. )!ey #se %ifesty%e to segment t!eir market. 3or e(amp%e a%ton ismarketing re%ative%y c!eaper - ) )e%evision for %o$er/mi""%eincome an" r#ra% peop%e an" at t!e same time 4-D )e%evision for!ig!er mi""%e/income peop%e. t a%so "esigns t!e refrigerators of "i+erent si e an" capacity consi"ering t!e peop%e of "i+erent%ifesty%e.

    '.'. PEST Analysis

    Po%itica% 3actor

    =ig! mport D#ty on mporte" =ome App%iance Pro"#ct:(port promotion sc!emes of &ang%a"es! 5overnment

    )a( ncentives on mport of P%ants-onstant 5overnment S#pport

    :conomic 3actor

    ncrease in per capita income5ro$ing 5DP !ig! "isposab%e income

    ncrease in Spen"ing Po$erA !#ge prospect of a pro*tab%e e(port sector

    Socio/c#%t#ra% 3actor

    Man#fact#ring :co/3rien"%y pro"#ct-!anging %ifesty%e of mi""%e income peop%e

    )ec!no%ogica% 3actor

    mprovement in )ec!no%ogy ma"e e%ectronics c!eaperncrease" '#a%ity of pro"#ction

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    '.*. S-"T Analysis8

    *. (ar+eting Strategy8

    *.1. Positioning Strategy

    a%ton !as create" !#ge ent!#siasm among t!e cons#mers of itstarget market $it! its s%ogan NAama"er PonnyoO. )!ey accepte"

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    a%ton s en"eavor of man#fact#ring some e%ectronic items %ike,refrigerator 3ree er an" motorcyc%e for t!e *rst time in&ang%a"es!, an" are more t!an $i%%ing to b#y a pro"#ct of !ig!'#a%ity ma"e in o#r o$n co#ntry.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    !ig!est '#a%ity compressor, -on"enser is ma"e by 100I copper,$!ic! %asts for 20/60 years. )!e most important t!ing is t!atevery spare parts inc%#"ing "oor $it! "i+erent co%or arec!angeab%e an" avai%ab%e every$!ere over t!e co#ntry.


    a%ton pro"#ces 4:D, 4-D, an" - ) te%evisions. a%ton )e%evisionens#res !ome cinema entertainment. a%ton )e%evision s ">taDigita% )ec!no%ogy is one of t!e most innovative tec!no%ogica%so%#tions t!at a#tomatica%%y re"#ces vi"eo noise, Se%ects t!e bestpict#re an" performs *ne/t#ning by a#to fre'#ency trackingtec!no%ogy.


    a%ton motorcyc%es are no$ competing $it! t!e n"ian =ero/=on"a an" )JS bran". )!e motorcyc%es !ave become famo#sbeca#se of t!e specia% speci*cation %ike mobi%e p!one in"icator,Digita% gear "isp%ay, 3#e% %ocation meter, Air s!ock absorber,

    emote contro%, =y"ra#%ic &rake, Anti/)!eft %ock an" A%%oy rim etc.a%ton motorcyc%es are a%so f#e%/e8cient.

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    -alton Pro uct

    *.%.%. Price

    a%ton s main target market !as a%$ays been mi""%e/incomegro#p. S< t!ey !ave been very caref#% in setting t!eir price of pro"#ct. A%so t!e fact t!at t!ey man#fact#re t!eir pro"#cts, ita%%o$s t!em to set a %o$er price t!an t!eir competitors, as t!ey"on t !ave to pay !eavy import "#ty. &e%o$ is a comparison of t!e

    prices of "i+erent pro"#cts of "i+erent bran"s/

    Table !%8 Price com$arison of #efrigerators

    (o el -alton L4 Transtee S)ar$10 -3) 2?,200 6 ,000 62,000 2 , 0010. -3) 2@,100 6@,600 62, 00 61,00011. -3) 2 ,700 ,>0,?00 ,6?,000 6700,0

    Table !'8 Price com$arison of T9

    (o el -alton L4 Sony (y "ne2 O -o%or

    )J1@, 00 2@,6 0 2?,6 0 22,700

    67O 4-D >@,@00 ? ,?00 , 00 /

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    )J>2O 4-D

    )J7 ,200 ,000 @@,000 /

    Table !*8 Price com$arison of (otorcycle

    (o el -alton ,a&a& eroon a


    12 -- 106, 00 17 ,000 1 ,000 1?0,00011! CC 50>!!! 1*3>/!! 1*/>!!! 1*!>/!!-r#iser 6,600 120,000 110, 00 @,000

    n a%% t!ree pro"#cts in $!ic! $e !ave "one market researc!, it isevi"ent t!at a%ton is provi"ing t!e cons#mers $it! t!e %easte(pensive pro"#ct. t is vita% for a%ton as price is t!e on%y too%$!ere t!ey !ave a s#perior a"vantage over ot!er bran"s.t it m#st be note" t!at cons#mers in !ig!er income %eve%a%so %ook for '#a%ity pro"#cts. So a%ton ne e" s to * n" a* n e b a %a n c e b e t $ ee n p r ic e a n " ' # a% i ty a s t ! e y m o vefo r $a r" in t ! e coming years.

    *.%.'. Place3or making t!e pro"#ct avai%ab%e to its target c#stomers a%ton#se its "istrib#tion c!anne%. a%ton genera%%y #ses its o$ntransport faci%ities for reac!ing t!e pro"#ct to its120 a%tonP%a as an" abo#t 700 "ea%ers. f any "ea%er $ants to #se !is o$ntransport for transporting a%ton pro"#cts from factory to !iss!op, !e gets 1I re"#ction on "ea%er price.

    *.%.*. Promotion:ver since a%ton starte" its pro"#ction in its man#fact#ringp%ant, t!ey !ave starte" a $i"e promotiona% campaign on itspro"#ct. )!eir tag%ine NAma"er PonnyoO reHects t!e pri"e t!eytake by being ab%e to se%% !ome app%iances man#fact#re" in&ang%a"es!. ig!t no$ a%ton !as )J-s r#nning in a%% ma;or

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    sate%%ite c!anne%s of &ang%a"es! in peak !o#rs targeting t!eir coretarget c#stomers. A%so t!ey !ave n#mero#s bi%%boar"s an"a"vertisements in print me"ia. A%so t!eir 120 a%ton P%a asacross t!e co#ntry a%so $orks as a ma;or a"vertising too%. a%ton

    !as recent%y starte" sponsoring "i+erent ma;or sports event in t!eco#ntry. ecent%y t!ey sponsore" t!eir *rst nternationa% -ricket

    )o#rnament an" t!#s it a%%o$e" t!eir bran" to be vie$e" bymi%%ions of peop%e across t!e $or%".

    /. 7inancial Analysis

    S#mmary of t!e 3inancia% eport of a%ton for t!e year 2010

    Table !/8 7inancial analysis of -alton ILParticulars Amount T?.

    )ota% Sa%es 2, 6,02>,[email protected] of 5oo"s Man#fact#re" 2,>1>,0 6,71?.05ross Pro*t 60 ,@ 2, ??.? 0.2Fet Pro*t 2?, 60,766.

    0. C)allenges an 7uture 4rowt)

    0.1. Current (ar+et Status8

    A%t!o#g! a%ton is a gro$ing bran", it is yet to estab%is! itse%f ast!e market %ea"er. n fact it sti%% !as a %ong $ay to go, especia%%y incapt#ring t!e e%ite c#stomer bracket.

    Table !0 8 (ar+et Com$arison

    Price @uality 9ariety 2istribution



  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton



    e can see from t!e above tab%e t!at c%ear%y overa%% 45 %ea"s an"

    !ave a signi*cant %ea" $!en it comes to t!ese va%#es. )!ey !avebeen in t!e market for 20 years an" !ave "one remarkab%y tocapt#re near%y one/fo#rt! of t!e tota% !ome app%iance market. tcoming secon" rig!t no$ is a%ton. &y provi"ing t!e same '#a%ityin m#c! %o$er price, a%ton !as create" an e(ce%%ent bran"fo%%o$ing. )!ey !ave a very goo" "istrib#tion system, $it!o#t %etsa%% over t!e co#ntry. t t!eir main prob%em !as been variety.

    )!ey are sti%% $ay of t!e benc!mark at t!e moment $!en it comes

    to pro"#ct variety. t a%ton $i%% p#t more emp!asis in t!issector an" p%an to catc! t!e %ig!ts of 45 an" Sony in t!e ne(t years.

    0.%. C)allenges8

    :stab%is! a%ton as t!e Fo.1 =ome App%iance &ran" of t!e-o#ntry-apt#ring t!e market s!are of e(isting foreign bran"s&ringing more variety in t!eir pro"#ct %ine-ontin#e increasing market s!are at t!e same rate over t!ene(t years.

    0.'. 7uture 4rowt)8

    a%ton !as "eci"e" to penetrate market, "eve%op bot! marketan" pro"#ct to ac!ieve pro*tab%e gro$t! in f#t#re.

    (ar+et $enetration

    )!ro#g! e(tensive promotion campaign a%ton !as set goa%s tomake more sa%es in f#t#re. -o#ntry$i"e "istrib#tion system !e%psit ac!ieve its goa%s.

    (ar+et 2evelo$ment

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    a%ton is e(porting its pro"#cts in Mi""%e :ast, 4atin America an"Africa. t !as p%ans to e(p%ore :#ropean markets a%so.

    Pro uct 2evelo$ment

    ecent%y, a%ton bro#g!t Air/-on"ition in market. )!o#g! it !asn tgaine" spectac#%ar market s!are yet, contin#o#s c#stomerattraction reHects f#t#re.

    :(pecte" market gro$t! of a%ton in t!e ne(t *ve years

    Table ! 8 7uture growt) of -alton IL

    Pro uct Line Present(ar+et S)are

    Ex$ecte(ar+et S)are


    Motorcyc%e I 2 I &a;a;, =ro=on"a

    )J @I 60I 45, Sonyefrigerator 16I 2 I 45, Sams#ng

    Air/-on"ition 2I 10I 45, 5eners%,


    . #ecommen ations

    )o estab%is! a%ton as t!e bran" for !ome app%iances ot!ere%ectronic accessories, some c!anges are nee"e" in its strategies/

    S$itc! to Market Penetration Pricing $it!o#t compromising'#a%ity.Partner $it! %oca% an" internationa%

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Rear%ong incentives an" specia% o+ers.

    3. Conclusion

    )!e company !as been r#nning its b#siness $it! goo" rep#tationsince 1 77.:stab%is!ment of a%ton = 4 to man#fact#re

    efrigerator 3ree er, Air -on"itioner, an" Motorcyc%e etc. n&ang%a"es! is a mi%estone in t!e pat! of s#ccess an" rep#tationof t!e bran" A4)

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    Panasonic My

  • 7/23/2019 Report on Future Prospects of Walton


    $i%% sti%% remain a )oyota g#yi%% be pro#" to ri"e a &ang%a"es! ma"e car

    1!. #eferences

    $$$.$"Arif A!me"
