reimplementing a strategy game interface - ulisboa · pdf filereimplementing a strategy game...

Reimplementing a Strategy Game Interface Manuel Menezes Morais [email protected] Instituto Superior T´ ecnico, Lisboa, Portugal November 2015 Abstract Almansur is a multiplayer turn based strategy browser game developed throughout the last decade. This project aimed to create a new version of Almansur, focusing on improving the usability of the interface, making it easier to to teach new users, and more efficient to use for the current ones. This document describes the development process of this new version. First the existing game was analyzed, creating a conceptual model, a list of possible tasks in the interface, and comparing it with other games of the same genre. This interface was then tested by player observation and with the Nielsen Heuristics to identify its current usability faults. A new interface was then created, first on paper, then in a simple interactive prototype, and finally in its full implementation, which iterated multiple times through development. Finally the resulting work was tested and compared with the previous version, using both old and new players to the game. Keywords: Browser Game, Strategy Game, Usability, User Interface 1. Introduction Almansur [1] is a turn based browser strategy game, built in HTML 4 and Flash, played in a sim- ilar way to others like the Sid Meier’s Civilization series [2] or the Paradox Entertainment [3] Grand Strategy games series [4]. The current interface of Almansur is arguably the current biggest hurdle to new players, being confusing and outdated in some ways. This work aims to improve the usability and flexibility of the user interface of Almansur, by making it more user-friendly, applying Human- Computer Interactions techniques, and recreating it on newer technologies, more specifically using HTML5 and WebGL. To accomplish this task, the methodologies explained on [5] were followed, being necessary to: Analyze the current user interface of Almansur, listing requirements to replicate its functional- ity, and add any new needed ones; Do usability testing of the current interface, creating scenarios and metrics to be able to compare to what will be proposed; Analyze the user interface of similar games of the same genre, or that simply share some common interface situations, looking for design patterns and state-of-the-art solutions for some of the problems of the current interface; Create and implement a prototype of the pro- posed user interface. This prototype will be iteratively tested and improved; Test both the new and the old versions of the interface with old and new users, applying the metrics defined before and comparing results between each version. 2. Related Work This section analyzes the current interface of Al- mansur. For this, a conceptual model was created and the current possible tasks were analyzed. The interface was also compared with other games in the same genre or with similar traits, trying to find in- terface design patterns that can be used to improve the usability. 2.1. Conceptual Model Fig. 1 describes the concepts, and the interactions between them, of the version 2 of Almansur in dia- gram form. 2.2. Player Experience The main target audience of Almansur are people who play videogames at least occasionally and already had contact with strategy games. This includes subgenres such as: browser based strategy, strategy RPG, real time strategy, grand strategy 1

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Reimplementing a Strategy Game Interface

Manuel Menezes [email protected]

Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal

November 2015


Almansur is a multiplayer turn based strategy browser game developed throughout the last decade.This project aimed to create a new version of Almansur, focusing on improving the usability of theinterface, making it easier to to teach new users, and more efficient to use for the current ones. Thisdocument describes the development process of this new version. First the existing game was analyzed,creating a conceptual model, a list of possible tasks in the interface, and comparing it with othergames of the same genre. This interface was then tested by player observation and with the NielsenHeuristics to identify its current usability faults. A new interface was then created, first on paper, thenin a simple interactive prototype, and finally in its full implementation, which iterated multiple timesthrough development. Finally the resulting work was tested and compared with the previous version,using both old and new players to the game.

Keywords: Browser Game, Strategy Game, Usability, User Interface

1. IntroductionAlmansur [1] is a turn based browser strategygame, built in HTML 4 and Flash, played in a sim-ilar way to others like the Sid Meier’s Civilizationseries [2] or the Paradox Entertainment [3] GrandStrategy games series [4]. The current interface ofAlmansur is arguably the current biggest hurdle tonew players, being confusing and outdated in someways.

This work aims to improve the usability andflexibility of the user interface of Almansur, bymaking it more user-friendly, applying Human-Computer Interactions techniques, and recreatingit on newer technologies, more specifically usingHTML5 and WebGL.

To accomplish this task, the methodologiesexplained on [5] were followed, being necessary to:

• Analyze the current user interface of Almansur,listing requirements to replicate its functional-ity, and add any new needed ones;

• Do usability testing of the current interface,creating scenarios and metrics to be able tocompare to what will be proposed;

• Analyze the user interface of similar games ofthe same genre, or that simply share somecommon interface situations, looking for design

patterns and state-of-the-art solutions for someof the problems of the current interface;

• Create and implement a prototype of the pro-posed user interface. This prototype will beiteratively tested and improved;

• Test both the new and the old versions of theinterface with old and new users, applying themetrics defined before and comparing resultsbetween each version.

2. Related WorkThis section analyzes the current interface of Al-mansur. For this, a conceptual model was createdand the current possible tasks were analyzed. Theinterface was also compared with other games in thesame genre or with similar traits, trying to find in-terface design patterns that can be used to improvethe usability.

2.1. Conceptual ModelFig. 1 describes the concepts, and the interactionsbetween them, of the version 2 of Almansur in dia-gram form.

2.2. Player ExperienceThe main target audience of Almansur are peoplewho play videogames at least occasionally andalready had contact with strategy games. Thisincludes subgenres such as: browser based strategy,strategy RPG, real time strategy, grand strategy


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Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of Almansur.

and moba (multiplayer online battle arena).

When a new player wants to join Almansur,the first thing he is asked to do is to create anaccount. After this is done, the player is sentdirectly into the tutorial scenario.

The tutorial scenario represents a simple gamesituation with just two lands on the map, the playerand the enemy. This scenario is used to explainthe player the core game mechanics of Almansur,through a fairly long step-by-step tutorial acrossfour game turns. Alongside these steps the playeris asked to do some actions to show how theseconcepts work.

The tutorial ends when the player wins thescenario, which happens if the player follows allthe steps correctly. After this the player is taken tothe account management page, where he can joingames with other players.

2.3. Task Analysis

The development of Almansur was in version 2when the project started. How the user experienceworks and a list of interface requirements wasgathered from the version 2 of the Almansur

interface. These requirements correspond to howthe concepts explained in 2.1 interact with theinterface.

The collected requirements were separated inthe areas of map and terrain information, currentgame state, territory information, army manage-ment, diplomacy, resource management, gamestatistics, reports and battle reports.

2.4. Other Strategy Games

To further evaluate and find a solution, the currentinterface of Almansur was compared with othersimilar games. Considering that there are nogames that share all of the same key points withAlmansur, specially in the mobile space (that is oneof the targets of the new version), the comparisonwas made with others of the same genre, that havethe same target audience, or that simply have oneor more features in common. There are even otherkey points that simply cannot be found in a similarway in other games, like the turn simulation ofone month, having multiple orders per turn on onearmy, and having the battles only be processed atthe end of the turn with such a complex simulation.

Multiple games were analyzed and compared


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in some key areas, like the usage of map overlays,the overall layout of the interface, the way terrainis displayed on the map, the way borders betweenterritories are represented, the way units are repre-sented, how movements and/or orders are issued tounits, how cities are managed, the way messagesare exchanged between players, and how documen-tation and help is shown to the player. Betweenthe tested games, the ones that were shown morerelevant were Civilization III to V, Rise of Nations,Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis IV, Cities:Skylines, Travian and Advance Wars.

The conclusion from this analysis is that formost situations each game has a different way ofdoing it, adapted to its rules, and as such cannotbe directly mapped to Almansur. It can howeverbe kept that displaying the user interface near thecorner of the screen, map overlays and coloredborders are good design patterns used amongcritically acclaimed games of the genre and can beimplemented.

3. Usability Testing

To evaluate the current user interface of Almansurand identify its usability faults, the Nielson’sHeuristic evaluation [6, 7] was used. It is usuallyconsidered that three to five evaluators are neededto find 70% of the usability faults [8, 9], beingthree used during this work.

The analysis resulted in a finding of 37 breachesof interface, spanning 7 of the Nielsen Heuristics:Consistency and Standards, Visibility of SystemStatus, User Control and Freedom, Error Preven-tion, Recognition Rather than Recall, Flexibilityand Efficiency of Use and Help and Documentation.

To find out more of the issues of the currentplayers with the interface, a group of two long timeveteran players and three players that had thegame for a week, was also observed playing theirturns. The problems found and criticisms wereactually relatively similar between the veterans andnewcomers, closely matching the Nielsen Heuristicanalysis already discussed.

4. Interface Prototyping

The interface of the version 2 of Almansur mirrorsthe way the game has evolved over the years.Originally Almansur had 4 pillar areas, Land,Diplomacy, Economy and Military. The man-agement page (which comes from version 1 ofAlmansur) is organized in these four areas, withthe player being able to manage each one of themin the respecting pages. There was a 5th button atthe time with the map, however the map was onlyto consult the surroundings and not to make major

actions on the game.

With version 2 of Almansur the map was re-worked in a much more complex interface, withthe player being able to filter the map and makeactions over the the 4 areas mentioned before. Theincrease of information in the map made the gamemuch easier to play, however this map does notcompletely implement all of the actions that wereavailable in the management pages. The result isthat there are ways to manage the 4 areas in themanagement page, but also some other ways tomanage each of the four areas in the map, withsome features only being available in one of thesides. Having this mix of old and new is whatmade the interface be in the convoluted state itwas before this work.

The version 3 of Almansur, proposed in thisthesis, aims to blur the lines between the 4 areas,removing the management pages and center allof the interface in the map, removing all externalpages and make that info available in windows thatappear on top of it. This offers a interface morein line with desktop games and less with browsergames, making it both more familiar to expertplayers of the genre, and to newcomers due to infobeing more accessible in the map.

The new interface also has to support tablets.Although its not specifically designed for them,this means that we had to make sure that all of theinterface and interactions work on a touchscreen,and the mouse-overs are not essential to play thegame.

The new concept for the interface stated onwas initially explored through a paper prototype,where the conclusion to center it on the map wasreached. This prototype already had most of theconcepts of the interactive prototype, howeverit was not finished and quickly scrapped due tothe dynamic nature of the interface and the largequantity of screens that would be needed to bedrawn.

After having the main ideas lined out in pa-per, the concept has been put to test by creating ainteractive prototype of them. This has been donewith JustInMind Prototyper [10], and the resultcan be consulted on [11].

The new interface, although seamless in transi-tion, is composed of two views, the map view andthe city view. These views share most of the inter-face elements, having other specific ones dependingon the context. In the map view the player sees,through different overlays of information, the sta-


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Figure 2: Sample image of the new Almansur inter-face prototype on the Map View.

Figure 3: City view on the prototype

tus of his currently explored or owned territories(Fig. 2), and on the city view the player can seeand manage each specific territory and its buildings(Fig. 3). Common from both views are elements tochange the game settings, message other players,do diplomacy and check statistics on the top-right,and elements to see the state of the game and thecurrent player resources on the top left.

5. ImplementationThis section describes the results of implementingthe prototype described in section 4.

5.1. ArchitectureThe version 2 of Almansur is implemented using aMVC architecture[12], built on Ruby on Rails [13].All of the typical webpages, which includes: theinitial pages before login that promote the game,the account pages, and the ingame managementpages, are common pages created in a typical MVCarchitecture, where the user makes a HTTP GETrequest to a controller, the controller gets datafrom models, then feeds that data into views togenerate a HTML/CSS/Javascript page, and thispage is returned to the user browser. Any link or

form used in these pages makes the browser changecontext and repeat the process.

There is however one page that works in adifferent way, which is the page that has the map.This is loaded in a normal way, however the pagecontains a Flash app[14] for the map. This app,after the page is loaded, then proceeds to load aseries of what we will call streams, to get the neces-sary information to build the map and its interface.Each stream is an asynchronous call to the servercontrollers or helpers (ajax) returning informationin a proprietary plaintext format. After the mapis fully loaded, all interaction will then proceedin one of two ways: or also using ajax to senda POST or GET, using the response to updatethe map, or using a normal http call which willchange the browser back to one of the normal pages.

For the version 3 of Almansur, both the man-agement pages and the flash map page wereremoved. Instead, the map pages were added.These are single pages which focus on having amap with the size of the screen, and a interface ontop of it generated with javascript and ajax calls,to offer the behavior explained on 4 and shown onFig. 4. This way the user has the perception ofalways staying in the same page, creating a moreintuitive interface. These pages use a expandedversion of the same stream api of the flash mapfor updating the map, to not break compatibilitywith the artificial intelligence. The interface partsare built or directly in the javascript code usingjQuery, or using ajax to get html code from acontroller.

Each map page is a response of a normal HTTPGET that comes with the Pixi.js framework[15],the maplib, which is a library of javascript codethat is shared amongst all map pages, and specificjavascript code for that map. Currently only two ofthese pages exist. These are the game map, whichis basically most of the new ingame interface, andthe turn map, which shows the turn log, whichwill later be explained on 5.2. This was howeverdone because there are multiple other situationswhere the maplib can (and will) be used, like in theadmin view of the map or to create a map editorfor the admins.

Pixi.js is a 2D rendering framework for webcreated around the concept of delivering greatperformance. This is used in Almansur to createa scenegraph and manage the graphic objects lifecycle. The main reason for choosing this frameworkis that it offers completely seamless fallback fromWebGL to canvas, meaning a increased browser


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support considering that WebGL implementationsare recent[16]. This means however that the gamewill stop supporting some old browsers still in use,like Internet Explorer 8, due to not having canvassupport[17].

The way that the maplib works is that it managesthe interface life cycle alongside Pixi.js. The mapspecific code needs to implement multiple callbacksthat are used by the maplib in the life cycle, andto override camera behavior when needed. Themaplib also offers functions to: draw objects onthe map, open windows on top of the map, displayerror and success messages, load the informationstreams from the server, and initialize the mapbased on the information streams that were loaded.

5.2. Iteration and Final VersionAfter collecting opinions from the users about theinteractive prototype produced in section 4, devel-opment was started in the actual game interface(Fig. 4), which was heavily more time consumingthan expected. Because the previous version mapwas implemented in Flash, and one of the objectiveswas to remove its dependency, the entire map hadto be programed from scratch, and this task tooknear 6 months of full time development (includingtesting and debugging).

Figure 4: Map view in the military overlay in thefinal version

The implementation was constantly iterated andshown to users for feedback during development,with some key areas that received major changesfrom what was shown in the prototype:

• The way armies are represented in the map hadfour different versions, ending in one that eacharmy is represented by a single flag, where itsstyle represents the size and the color repre-sents the relation of the player with the ownerof the army;

• How army information is represented in the in-terface was simplified. The tabs of the armylisting of a territory were merged into a single

list, and when with a army selected the inter-face was also simplified from three tabs to two;

• Information was added to the map represent-ing the pending orders from an army. Eachstationary order received a new symbol that isshown on the territory where it is going to beexecuted. The movement orders now, besidesthe arrow, also show a small number with howlong the movement will take, and the arrowis colored representing the speed of the move-ment. The movement is also now pathfindedshowing the exact path it will take;

• A new map overlay was created with generalinformation about each territory, like the pop-ulation happiness or the crossing time;

• The message and diplomacy menus mergedinto a single menu;

• A new much more flexible and intuitive systemwas added to choose a message receiver insteadof a plaintext box;

• A turn log was added, where the player can seea simplified state of the map in each of the 30days of the simulation;

• The tutorial was rewritten, making it moreclear, simple, harder to break, and muchshorter.

5.3. Tablet SupportAlthough not the main target of the work, one ofthe proposed objectives was for the interface towork in tablets. The interface was always laid outin a way that would fit into a normal 1280x800tablet screen.

Supporting tablets also created some addi-tional implementation challenges due to how theinteraction is done in a touch screen. This wasmostly problematic with the zoom mechanic dueto the expected behavior of a scroll wheel nothaving the correct feeling when on a touch screen.A zoom mechanic using both fingers for pinchingwas then implemented in a seamless way with thescroll wheel zoom.

6. Testing and ResultsThis section describes the methodology used to testthe implemented interface and the results of thesetests. The testing was always done on a PC, in twodifferent sets.

6.1. First ContactThe first set of tests was made with new users,with the objective of testing the attractiveness andintuitiveness of the interface for them. A testingsession of about 1 hour per person was done with


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22 volunteers, 11 with the version 2 interface, and11 with the version 3 interface. These were allpeople that did not know about Almansur but hadat least already played strategy games.

The test consisted first of 3 questions to identifytheir profile and to chose which of the groups thetester would end up into, asking how long theyplayed videogames per week, the age, and whichstrategy sub-genres he/she plays or had playedin the past. After that, the user was asked toprogress through the tutorial of the game up to acertain point with the time being measured. Nextthe user was asked how comfortable were theywith continuing to play the game without support.After that they were asked to try to make sometasks in the interface, where the number of clicksand the time taken was measured. Finally, theusers answered the System Usability Scale test[18], which consists of a set of 10 abstract questionsmade to the user regarding the usability of theinterface, and then calculates a final value of 1 to100 depending on the answers.

Figure 5: Time taken progressing through the tuto-rial compared with how comfortable the user were.

The gathered results were compared betweenthe version 2 and version 3 and were overallpositive, showing that the version 3 alongside thenew tutorial are more adequate to new players.In Fig. 5 a point graph can be seen where thetime taken in the tutorial is in the horizontal axis,and the answer to the first question, asking howcomfortable players were with continuing exploringthe game without guidance, in the vertical axis.The graph shows a average time of 30 minutesand 28 seconds for version 2, and 12 minutes and16 seconds for version 3. It can also be seen inthe figure that there are big variations in thetime taken by each player, with version 3 varyingbetween 7 minutes and 4 seconds and 22 minutesand 15 seconds, and version 2 between 22 minutesand 19 seconds and 49 minutes and 41 seconds.

Considering that the average comfortability forversion 2 is 5.3, and for version 3 is 6.2, the resultis quite positive and the players consider thatunderstood more of the game in near a third of thetime.

The task results were however worse, withversion 3 showing slightly lower values. There arevarious possible reasons for this. The group forversion 2 may be slightly better, and if we considerthat when people received the tasks they hadalready spent 2.5x more time with the interface inaverage in version 2, they probably had alreadyspotted how to do some of the tasks they wereasked for. The only worrying result here is thatalmost half of the people were not able to dothe task of sending a friendship proposal in bothversions. By watching their behavior and askingthem, the problem is that most do not considerintuitive that a diplomatic relation change is sentattached to a text message. The interface needs toindicate better this fact.

For the System Usability Scale, version 2 re-sults vary between 22.5 and 70, with an average of46. Version 3 results vary between 47.5 and 87.5,with a average score of 63, showing some increaseeven with a shorter tutorial.

6.2. Extended ContactThe second set of tests were made with usersthat already had played the game for some time.These were a group of 15 veteran players, after a15 turn game with the interface, and a group of27 newcomer players (most in common with the6.1 group), after a 20 turn game with the newinterface. The questionnaire for the veteran andnewcomer players were however slightly different.

The first part of the questionnaire consistedof a list of 28 interactions with the game that theuser had to rate. The newcomers had to rate in aabsolute 7 point scale between terrible and great.The veterans had to rate in a relative 7 point scale,compared with their experience with the version 2interface, between much worse and much better.The veteran players were also asked how do theyrate the new interface of the game comparing withthe version 2 one in the same 7 point scale. Thenewcomers were instead submitted to the SystemUsability Scale test again. Finally both groupswere asked how did they rate the new interfacetaking all their experience into account answeringin a 1 to 9 scale.

From the 15 players in the veterans group, 8answered the questionnaire. All the 27 players ofthe newcomers group answered the request, how-


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ever only 15 responded to the questionnaire, withthe remaining 12 stating that they did not playenough of the game to be able to answer the givenquestions. Feedback from the newcomer users forthe interface was overall positive, having a averagerating of 5.1 across all 28 interactions. Only 5 ofthe 28 interactions had the second quartile goingbelow 4, meaning that for the remaining 23 at least75% of the testers rate the interaction in a positiveway. The negative interactions are points that needto be addressed. Feedback for the veteran users,although not as high as expected, was also positivewith a average rating of 5 (slightly better). Acrossthe 28 interactions, 7 had a median of better, 13of slightly better, and 8 of similar. Only 3 of theinteractions had the second quartile going below 4,meaning that for the remaining 25 at least 75% ofthe testers considered the interface better.

The System Usability Score results were neg-ative, with the average score decreasing from the63 in the tutorial to 53. While this can simplybe because of not being exactly the same groupof people, some of the users were informally ques-tioned about this after the results were obtained.The answer was that it was not really the interfacethat was at fault, but the game ending up beingdifferent than what they expected when played foran extended period of time, which affects some ofthe of the questions.

When asked to compare the overall experi-ence of the new interface with the old one, threeof the veteran players answered with 5 (slightlybetter) and five with 6 (better). This is a higherresult than the one obtained in the individualquestions, showing that, although there still areproblems in the interface, the overall experiencebecame better in version 3. The answer to thelast question emphasizes this even more. Whenasked to rate the overall experience with the newinterface in a scale of 1 to 9, the majority of theanswers were given between 7 and 8, for both thenewcomer and veteran players.

7. Conclusions

Almansur is a multiplayer turn based strategybrowser game developed throughout the lastdecade. This worked started with the objective ofcreating a more efficient and user friendly interfacefor the game, that would also be able to supporttablets.

To reach this, first an analysis of the currentgame was made, creating a conceptual model,listing requirements and comparing with otherexisting games. Its usability was also evaluated to

find the version 2 interface faults, observing usersplaying their turns and doing a Nielsen Heuristicevaluation.

With these results a new interface was thenprototyped, implemented, iterated and then tested.A new more robust and user friendly interface wascreated for Almansur and successfully tested withboth new and old players, having had an increasein satisfaction with both groups, and making thegame more appealing to attract new users.

The objectives proposed were successfully com-pleted, however the results although positive werenot as great as could be expected. The majorreason for this is that what this work wantedto achieve made it necessary to make profoundchanges in the technology used and the implemen-tation structure, having spent a great amount oftime reimplementing features that were commonfrom both the version 2 and the version 3 interface.This work however laid out the foundation tocontinue improve the usability and the overallgameplay of Almansur.

For the usability of the interface there is stillsome work to be done. The feedback and results ofthe testing should be taken in account and slightchanges implemented. There are still also a fewbugs runtime bugs in the turn log. There are alsoa few screens that were not given the attentionthat would probably need, due to the enormousside of the interface and the development hurdlesdiscussed on 5.2.

For the overall development of Almansur andoutside the scope of this thesis there is still muchwork that can be done for the future. The accountpages still need to be reworked. The created maplibrary can be implemented in multiple parts of thegame outside of the in-game interface, like in theland selection screen or to create a map editor. Theoverall aesthetical design of the interface needs tobe polished by a designer to make it more appella-tive to new users. The in-game documentation stillneeds improvement and is the Nielsen Heuristicsflaw that was less addressed in this work. Finally,the overall gameplay rules and balance need to bepolished to make the game concept realize its fullpotential.

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