regulile bucatariei mele

bd. Dacia 80/7 cladirea administrativa MA a I.S. sau la Aeroporul International Chisinau. Informatii la telefonul 060117492 Чизкейк с лаймом и с солидной порцией сливок. 8-10 порций Ингредиенты 3 х 250 гр. упаковки сливочного сыра, размягченного 220 гр. сахарной пудры ¼ чайной ложки ванильного экстракта цедра и сок 2-х лаймов 3 яйца 1 яичный желток 125 мл сливок дольки свежего лайма и густые сливки для подачи к столу основа для чизкейка 1 х 250 гр. сладкого песочного печенья 2 столовые ложки коричневого сахара 125 гр. несоленого растопленного масла Способ приготовления 1. Для приготовления основы чизкейка измельчите печенье и сахарную пудру в кухонном комбайне. Добавьте сливочное масло и еще раз измельчите. Поместите смесь в 22 см. тефлоновую форму для выпечки со съемным дном. При помощи лопаточки выровняйте поверхность. Поставьте в холодильник на час. 2. Предварительно нагрейте духовку до 220 градусов по Цельсию 3. В миске миксером взбейте сливочный сыр, сахар, ванильный экстракт, цедру и сок лаймов до однородной массы. Добавляйте яйца по-одному, продолжая взбивать пока все ингредиенты хорошо не перемешаются. Добавьте яичный желток и еще раз взбейте. Добавьте сливки. Вылейте смесь в форму с основой из печенья. 4. Выпекайте на нижней полке в духовке в течение 10 минут. Уменьшите температуру до 150 градусов по Цельсию и выпекайте еще в течение 25- 30 минут или до тех пор, пока смесь не застынет.

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Post on 21-Feb-2015




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Page 1: Regulile bucatariei mele

bd. Dacia 80/7 cladirea administrativa MA a I.S. sau la Aeroporul International Chisinau. Informatii la telefonul 060117492

Чизкейк с лаймом и с солидной порцией сливок.

8-10 порций


3 х 250 гр. упаковки сливочного сыра, размягченного

220 гр. сахарной пудры

¼ чайной ложки ванильного экстракта

цедра и сок 2-х лаймов

3 яйца

1 яичный желток

125 мл сливок

дольки свежего лайма и густые сливки для подачи к столу

основа для чизкейка

1 х 250 гр. сладкого песочного печенья

2 столовые ложки коричневого сахара

125 гр. несоленого растопленного масла


Способ приготовления

1. Для приготовления основы чизкейка измельчите печенье и сахарную пудру в кухонном комбайне. Добавьте сливочное масло и еще раз измельчите. Поместите смесь в 22 см. тефлоновую форму для выпечки со съемным дном. При помощи лопаточки выровняйте поверхность. Поставьте в холодильник на час.

2. Предварительно нагрейте духовку до 220 градусов по Цельсию3. В миске миксером взбейте сливочный сыр, сахар, ванильный экстракт, цедру и сок

лаймов до однородной массы. Добавляйте яйца по-одному, продолжая взбивать пока все ингредиенты хорошо не перемешаются. Добавьте яичный желток и еще раз взбейте. Добавьте сливки. Вылейте смесь в форму с основой из печенья.

4. Выпекайте на нижней полке в духовке в течение 10 минут. Уменьшите температуру до 150 градусов по Цельсию и выпекайте еще в течение 25-30 минут или до тех пор, пока смесь не застынет.

5. Охладите чизкейк в духовке слегка приоткрыв дверцу. Накройте и поставьте в холодильник на 4 часа или на ночь.

6. Порежьте на порции и подавайте к столу с дольками лайма и густыми сливками.


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Советы для приготовления блюда

1. При помощи дна стакана прижмите смесь из печенья к форме для выпечки.2. Посыпьте чизкейк тертым черным шоколадом, чтобы придать ему эффектный вид,

перед подачей к столу. Черный шоколад прекрасно сочетается с лаймом.


Общие советы

1. Когда трете цедру цитрусовых, убедитесь, что вы не затрагиваете белую мякоть, так как она очень горькая.

2. Чизкейки лучше готовить за день до подачи к столу, вкус будет лучше, и текстура станет более твердой. Печеные чизкейки лучше есть после того, как их подержали при комнатной температуре.

Шоколадный торт

8-10 порций


675 гр. темного шоколада, поломанного на маленькие кусочки

450 гр. оттаявшего несоленого сливочного масла

675 гр. сахарной пудры

10 яиц


4 груши сорта Бере Боск, очищенных, с вынутой сердцевиной и разрезанных пополам

1 палочка корицы, поломанная

100 гр. коричневого сахара

сметана для подачи к столу

какао для обсыпки

½ чайной ложки черной соли для приправы к сметане

веточки свежей мяты для украшения

Способ приготовления

1. Нагрейте духовку до 120 градусов по Цельсию.2. Для приготовления груш-пашот положите половинки груш в небольшое блюдо из

жаропрочного стекла или керамики. Добавьте корицу, сахар и воды, чтобы она полностью закрыла груши. Накройте фольгой и готовьте в духовке примерно 4 часа, или пока груши не станут очень мягкими. Возможно, вам придется добавить воду во время

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готовки, чтобы груши не сгорели. Проверяйте состояние груш каждый час. Остудите груши. Накройте и поставьте в холодильник до момента подачи к столу.

3. Для приготовления пирога нагрейте духовку до 160 градусов по Цельсию. Смажьте маслом форму для выпечки со съемным дном, диаметром примерно 20 см. Положите бумагу для выпечки.

4. Растопите шоколад вместе со сливочным маслом до однородной массы в миске среднего размера над кастрюлей с водой, кипящей на медленном огне. Снимите с огня и охлаждайте в течение 10 минут.

5. Взбейте яйца вместе с сахаром, пока не получится кремовая масса бледного цвета. Осторожно введите охлажденный шоколад двумя порциями.

6. Вылейте смесь в приготовленную форму. Поставьте форму в сотейник и добавьте кипяток, чтобы он закрывал половину формы. Готовьте в центре духовки 55 минут. Снимите форму с тортом, остудите. Поставьте в холодильник на ночь. Перед подачей к столу снимите бока формы для выпечки. Разрежьте торт и разложите по тарелкам. Положите щедрые порции сметаны на торт и украсьте ее черной солью. Положите половинки груш на каждую тарелку. Обсыпьте небольшим количеством какао и украсьте свежей мятой.

Советы по приготовлению блюда

1. Груши сорта Бере Боск можно купить в период с марта по ноябрь, это груши среднего и большого размера. Сладкие и сочные они идеально подходят для десертов.

2. Важно остудить шоколадную смесь перед добавлением яиц с сахаром. Если шоколад слишком горячий – яйца сварятся.

3. Если вы не можете достать черную соль, попробуйте украсить сметану тертым шоколадом.

Общие советы

1. Способ готовки на водяной бане защищает торт от прямого жара духовки, и он получается сочным.

2. Этот роскошный шоколадный торт можно также подавать с консервированной вишней или кофейным соусом эспрессо.



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Preparation time:30 minutes mins

Cooking time:30 minutes mins


INGREDIENTS2 bananas, halved lengthwaysbrown sugar, to coat

Dumplings: пышка40g butter150g self-raising flour2 eggsmilk, to combine

Butterscotch sauce:1 litre milk125g brown sugar 40g butter

Custard: сладкий заварной крем400ml of milk4 egg yolks 75g caster sugar1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

METHOD1. To make dumplings, rub butter into flour until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in eggs and enough milk to form a sticky dough.2. To prepare sauce, bring milk, sugar and butter to a simmer in a camp oven or large saucepan. Drop tablespoons of dumpling mixture into sauce. Simmer  медленное кипение for 30 minutes or until dumplings are cooked through.3. Meanwhile, to make custard, heat milk in a heavy-based saucepan until hot. Whisk egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until combined. Gradually whisk hot milk into yolk mixture. Return mixture to saucepan. Using a wooden spoon, stir over medium-low heat, for about 5 minutes or until custard is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Strain.4. Sprinkle bananas all over with brown sugar. Cook on a barbecue hotplate or in a heated frying pan until browned.5. Serve dumplings with custard and bananas.

NOTESFor a boozy hit, try adding 1 tablespoon of brandy to the custard.

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Team WA

INGREDIENTS300ml coconut cream300ml milk1/3 cup caster sugar3 sheets gelatinemango sauce1 mango, peeled, chopped1 tablespoon grated palm sugarzest of one limecaramelised mango2 mango cheeks, cut into 4 pieces, whole1 teaspoon olive oil

METHOD1. To prepare the panna cotta, stir the cream, milk and caster sugar in a medium saucepan, over a low heat, for about 3 minutes or until the sugar dissolves. Do not boil. Remove from heat. Soften the gelatine sheets in a little warm water. Remove and squeeze out excess water. Add to hot milk mixture and stir until dissolved. Strain and cool to room temperature.2. Pour mixture into four ramekins and refrigerate until set.3. To prepare the mango sauce, place all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Just cover with water and allow to gently boil or until the mix is pulp like. Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Blend until smooth.4. To prepare the caramelized mango, brush mango with oil. Heat a non stick frying pan. Add mango. Cook until lightly browned on each side. Remove from pan. Refrigerate until cold.5. To serve, turn out the panna cotta on four plates, top with a piece of caramelized mango and drizzle the sauce around the plate. Serve immediately.

NOTES1. Palm sugar is made from the sap of the palm tree and sold in hard cake form. It is available from the Asian aisle of the supermarket.2. Lightly oil ramekins before using to help when un-moulding panna cotta onto plates.3. For a firmer result refrigerate panna cotta overnight.4. Panna cotta would also be great served with drizzled honey and fresh berries.5. Use this vibrant mango sauce to stir through yoghurt, pour over ice-cream or as a base for a tropical fruit smoothie.

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Veronica & Shadi (QLD)

INGREDIENTS125g mascarpone creamzest of 1/2 lemon2 figs, halved2 teaspooons caster sugar1 tablespoon sweet sherry1/4 cup pistachio nuts shelled, lightly toastedicing sugar, for dustingtortina115g caster sugar2 eggs, separated100g almond mealjuice of 1 lemonszest of 1/2 lemonsyrup1/2 cup white sugar125ml water4 figs, very ripe, dicedzest of 1/2 a lemon2 teaspoons sweet sherry

METHOD1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease four holes of a muffin pan (1/3 cup/80ml).

2. To make tortina, whisk sugar and egg yolks until pale and foamy. Stir in almond meal, juice and zest. Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold into almond mixture. Divide mixture among prepared pan holes.

3. Cook in the oven for about 25 minutes or until golden and firm to touch. Stand tortina in pan for 5 minutes. Remove and place on a cake rack to cool slightly.

4. Gently combine mascarpone and zest in a small bowl. Refrigerate until required.

5. Place figs on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with caster sugar and drizzle with sherry. Cook in the oven for 8-10 minutes or until the sugar is melted and the figs are slightly soft.

6. To prepare the sugar syrup, bring all ingredients to a boil in a medium saucepan. Simmer until reduced to a syrup. Strain and set aside.

7. To prepare the pistachio dust, process nuts to form a fine dust.

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8. Place one tortina on four plates and dust with sifted icing sugar. Spoon over the mascarpone. Place a fig half on the side and sprinkle over pistachio dust. Spoon over a little syrup. Serve immediately.

NOTES1. You can make these rich little tortina cakes a day in advance. Store in an airtight container.

2. Be gentle when whisking or beating mascarpone cheese – overworking can cause it to split.

3. Freeze extra tortina in a freezer proof container for up to a month. Defrost at room temperature. Serve plain with a dusting of icing sugar for afternoon or morning tea or add to lunchboxes.

4. Figs are delicate and easily bruise. Store them in egg cartons in the refrigerator to keep them in tip top condition.



Tanja & Gen (QLD)

INGREDIENTS120g pure icing sugar35g self-raising flour100g butter, melted3 egg whites, lightly beaten60g almond meal1 orange, zest only, finely grated100g dark chocolate, chopped finelyextra icing sugar, for dustingganache125ml thickened cream200g dark chocolate, choppedchantilly cream600ml thickened cream55g icing sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extractsyrupy orange slices200g caster sugar200ml orange juice2 naval oranges, peeled, sliced thinly

METHOD1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

2. Lightly grease six friand tins and place onto a baking tray.

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3. Sift icing sugar and flour into a medium bowl. Add butter, egg whites and almond meal. Stir until just combined. Add zest and chocolate. Stir until just combined.

4. Carefully spoon mixture into friand tins until 1/2 full.

5. Bake for 25 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre of one comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes before turning out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

6. To prepare the ganache, place all ingredients in a microwave proof bowl. Microwave on medium for 1-2 minutes stirring every 30 seconds or until mixture is smooth and combined.

7. To prepare the chantilly cream, using an electric beater, beat cream, icing sugar and vanilla together until soft peaks form. Refrigerate until required.

8. To prepare the syrupy orange slices, stir sugar and juice in a medium frying pan over medium heat until sugar has dissolved. Simmer for 5 minutes until slightly thickened. Add oranges. Remove from heat and stand 10 minutes.

9. To serve, place one tablespoon of ganache in middle of four plates. Dust friands with icing sugar and place on top. Serve with orange slices and chantilly cream in a ramekin or just on the side.

NOTES1. Store extra friands in an airtight container for up to 5 days or freeze for up to a month.

2. Syrupy orange slices can be made several hours in advance. Store, covered, in refrigerator.

3. Chocolate can be temperamental, so if you are not experienced at making ganache in a microwave, try bringing the cream to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat, add the chocolate and stir until smooth.

4. Turn syrupy oranges into a dessert of their own by substituting 2 tablespoons of the orange juice with an orange flavoured liqueur. Serve warm with ice-cream.



INGREDIENTS100 grams butter, diced140g best-quality dark chocolate, broken into pieces6 eggs, separated140g ground almonds1 tbsp kirsch or Cointreau (optional)85g caster sugarCocoa powder, for dustingCreme Fraiche to serve

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METHOD1. Preheat the oven to 170C degrees. Line the base of a 23-centimetre springform cake tin with baking paper and butter. Dust the sides with a little flour. Melt the butter and chocolate, stir until smooth and leave for about 5 minutes to cool slightly. Stir in the egg yolks, ground almonds and liqueur, if using.

2. Put the egg whites into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and whisk until soft peaks form. Continue whisking, sprinkling in the sugar a little at a time, until stiff peaks form. Stir two tablespoons of the whites into the chocolate mixture, then carefully fold in the remainder.

3. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30 to 35 minutes until well risen and just firm. Cool in the tin. Remove the cake and peel away the paper. Dust with cocoa powder, slice and top with creme fraiche


Preparation time:1 1/2 hours mins

Cooking time:30 minutes mins


INGREDIENTSGrated white chocolate, to decorateThick cream, to serve

Sponge base:2 eggs55g caster sugar 35g self-raising flour 2 tablespoons plain flour

Raspberry mousse filling:300g fresh or frozen raspberries (thawed)165ml of milk3 egg yolks85g caster sugar2 teaspoons powdered gelatine1 tablespoon raspberry liqueur 165ml thickened cream2 teaspoons icing sugar

Raspberry jelly top:75ml water

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60ml raspberry liqueur 1 teaspoon powdered gelatine

METHOD1. To make sponge base, preheat oven to 180C. Line six 8cm-round x 5cm-high, food presentation rings with acetate. Grease a 35cm x 30cm cake or slice pan (it must be large enough to cut out six 8cm rounds of sponge). Line base and two long sides with baking paper. 2. Beat eggs and sugar with an electric mixer, for about 5 minutes, until thick and pale. Fold in combined sifted flours. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Spread evenly. 3. Cook for about 6 minutes or until cooked and lightly golden. Invert onto a rack. Remove paper. Cool. Return sponge to pan.4. Arrange presentation rings on top of cooled sponge and press down firmly to cut sponge. Leave rings in pan on top of sponge. 5. To make mousse filling, blend raspberries until smooth. Push through a sieve to remove seeds and form a coulis. Set aside 60ml of the coulis for the jelly and 2 tablespoons for plate decoration. Reserve remainder for mousse.6. Heat milk over a medium heat until hot. Remove from heat. Whisk yolks and sugar until smooth. Gradually whisk in hot milk. Return to same saucepan. Stir over a low heat until mixture coats the back of a spoon and forms a smooth custard. Remove from heat.7. Sprinkle gelatine into 75ml of boiling water. Stir until dissolved. Stir into custard with liqueur and remaining puree. Strain. Cool to room temperature.8. Beat cream and icing sugar with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Fold cream into cooled raspberry custard. Divide mixture among presentation rings on top of sponge. Refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. 9. To make jelly top, stir water, liqueur and reserved 60ml of raspberry puree in a heatproof bowl over saucepan of simmering water until hot. Sprinkle in gelatine. Stir until completely dissolved. Divide mixture among tops of cakes, over mousse (mousse must be set or semi-set). Refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight. 10. To serve, place unmoulded raspberry miroires on serving plates. Remove presentation rings then acetate. Garnish with chocolate. Dot reserved raspberry puree onto plates. Serve with cream.

NOTES- Acetate is a thick plastic available from catering shops.- Food presentation rings are used to hold the acetate together, preventing leaks and spills. They are also used to cut the sponge so it fits neatly into the rings. If the sponge was baked individually in small tins, it would shrink and come away from the sides.- These cakes can also be made as one large cake using a 26cm springform pan. Allow for extra setting time. - If you are short of time, use packaged sponge cakes as the base for the desserts.- If time permits, this dessert is best prepared a day in advance, guaranteeing time for mousse and jelly layers to set

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Preparation time:1 hour & churning time mins

Cooking time:50 minutes mins


INGREDIENTS450ml milk100g caster sugar3 eggs1/2 tsp vanilla essence

Caramel:200g caster sugar100ml water

Raspberry sorbet:400g sugar150ml water500g raspberries (fresh or frozen)

Berry compote:2 tablespoons caster sugar1 extra punnet of raspberries, extra1 punnet each of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries

METHOD1. To make caramel, stir sugar and water in a medium heavy-based saucepan, without boiling, until sugar dissolves. Use a wet pastry brush to brush down any stray sugar crystals on side of pan. Bring mixture to a boil. Boil, without stirring, until golden brown. Pour into six ovenproof dishes (1/2-cup/125ml capacity), quickly swirling to cover bases. 2. Preheat oven to 180C. 3. Stir milk and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, without boiling, until sugar is dissolved.4. Whisk eggs and essence in a bowl to combine. Gradually whisk hot milk into egg mixture. Strain. Divide mixture among dishes. Place dishes in a roasting pan. Add enough boiling water to come half way up side of dishes. 5. Cook for 35 minutes or until custard is just set and a skewer comes out clean when inserted (they will set further on cooling). Remove dishes from pan. Cool to room temperature. Refrigerate, covered, until cold6. To maker sorbet, stir sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat until sugar dissolves. Cool. Blend raspberries until smooth. Combine raspberry puree with half the sugar syrup. Taste. Add further tablespoons of sugar syrup until you have the desired sweetness. Push through a sieve to remove

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pips. Transfer to an ice-cream maker. Churn according to manufacturers instructions. Transfer to a freezer proof container. Freeze until required. 7. To make berry compote, blend sugar and extra raspberries until smooth. Push through a sieve to remove pips. Combine puree with mixed berries.8. To serve, dip base of ovenproof dishes in hot water for a minute. Run a knife around sides to loosen edges. Invert crème caramels onto serving plates. Serve with sorbet and berry compote.

NOTESWe used 8cm-round x 4cm-high,125ml-capacity ramekins for our crème caramels


Preparation time:1 hour mins

Cooking time:30 minutes mins


INGREDIENTS175g digestive biscuits 80g butter, melted 2 x 125g punnets blueberries 500g cream cheese, at room temperature4 eggs150g caster sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Icing sugar, to dust

Macerated strawberries:2 x 250g punnets strawberries, quartered1 tablespoon Cointreau liqueur2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest1 tablespoon honey

METHOD1. Preheat oven to 150C. 2. Line ten 8cm-round x 5cm-high, food presentation rings with baking paper, extending 3cm above edge. Place on a baking paper lined oven tray. 3. Process biscuits to form fine crumbs. Add butter. Process until combined. Divide mixture among presentation rings, pressing firmly over base. Sprinkle with blueberries. 4. Beat cheese, eggs, caster sugar and extract in large bowl of electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Pour over top of blueberries.5. Bake for about 30 minutes or until pale golden (there should still be a very slight wobble in centre).

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Cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until required. 6. To make macerated strawberries, combine all ingredients in a bowl. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 7. To serve, place cheesecakes on serving plates. Run a sharp knife around inside of paper collar. Remove paper and presentation ring. Dust with sifted icing sugar. Serve with macerated strawberries.

NOTES- If you do not have presentation rings, you can make these cheesecakes in a regular muffin pan (1/3 cup/80ml capacity). Line with base and sides with baking paper for easy removal. - All ovens are different, so monitor your cheesecakes for the last 5 minutes of cooking, in case they need more or less time.- These cheesecakes can be made a day in advance. Bring to room temperature before serving.


Preparation time:10 minutes mins

Cooking time:50 minutes mins


INGREDIENTS500g butter, chopped500g dark eating chocolate, chopped8 eggs, beaten lightly440g caster sugar440g brown sugar250g plain flour75g cocoa powder1/2 teaspoon baking powder400g frozen raspberries200g milk chocolate chips200g white chocolate chipsfresh raspberries, to decorate

Raspberry frosting:375g white choc melts30ml pouring cream35g raspberry puree6 egg whites80g icing sugar100ml thickened cream

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METHOD1. Preheat oven to 180C. Grease a 26cm x 33cm baking dish. Line base and sides with baking paper.2. Stir butter and dark chocolate in a large bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until smooth and combined. Cool slightly. 3. Whisk eggs and sugars in a large bowl until combined. Stir in chocolate mixture. Stir in combined sifted dry ingredients. Gently fold in raspberries and chocolate chips. Pour into prepared dish.4. Bake for about 45 minutes or until just set. Cool. Cut into squares.5. Meanwhile, to make raspberry frosting, stir choc melts, pouring cream and puree in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until smooth and combined. Remove from heat. Cool slightly. 6. Beat egg whites with electric mixer until soft peaks form. Beat in icing sugar until thick and glossy.7. Beat cream with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Fold into chocolate mixture. 8. Fold egg white mixture into chocolate mixture. Refrigerate until set.9. Spoon or pipe raspberry frosting onto cooled brownies. Decorate with raspberries.

NOTES- To make raspberry puree, stir 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries with 2 teaspoons water in a small saucepan until raspberries break down. Simmer until slightly thickened. Strain. 

- Store brownies for up to 1 week in an airtight container or freeze for up to 3 months.

This recipe has not been tested.


Preparation time:30 minutes mins

Cooking time:20 minutes mins

Makes:about 25

INGREDIENTS300g plain flour (preferably “00”)50g caster sugar15g dried yeast / drojdie uscata250g desiree potatoes, peeled25g butter1 egg125ml warm milk2 teaspoons ground cinnamon100g caster sugar, extra

METHOD1. Combine flour, sugar and yeast in a small bowl. 2. Place potatoes in a saucepan of cold salted water. Bring to a boil. Boil gently until tender. Drain. Push through a ricer into a bowl.

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3. While potatoes are still warm, add flour mixture with butter, egg and warm milk. Using your hands, bring all ingredients together to form a soft dough. 4. Roll walnut-size balls into 10cm long sausages. Shape sausages into a doughnut. Place on a floured tray, 3cm apart. . Stand, covered, in a warm place, for 30 minutes or until double in size.5. Combine cinnamon and extra sugar in a shallow bowl.6. Deep fry doughnuts in small batches. Drain on absorbent paper. Roll in cinnamon sugar.

NOTESThese doughnuts would be great served with a chocolate sauce. To make sauce, place 200g finely chopped dark eating chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Heat 200ml thickened cream in a small saucepan until hot. Pour over chocolate. Stand 1 minute. Mix until smooth


Preparation time:1 hour & refrigeration time mins

Cooking time:30 minutes mins


INGREDIENTSFrangelico jelly:vegetable oil spray125ml cold water60g caster sugar8g powdered gelatine125ml Frangelico liqueurgold leaf, to decorate (optional)

Chocolate & hazelnut torte:Plain flour, to dust170g dark cooking chocolate110g butter, chopped150g caster sugar70g hazelnut meal1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste5 eggs, separated1 tablespoon plain flour1 tablespoon cocoa powder2 tablespoon caster sugar, extra

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Chocolate mousse:300ml cream100g dark eating chocolate, chopped finely 2 tablespoon Frangelico liqueur1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste1 egg white60g caster sugar

Chocolate glaze:100ml cream100g dark eating chocolate, chopped finely

Toffee dipped hazelnuts:200g caster sugar1/4 cup water 8 hazelnuts

METHOD1. To make jelly, lightly spray a 4cm deep, 16cm x 9.5cm shallow rectangular container with vegetable oil. Stir water and sugar in a small saucepan over a medium heat, until sugar has dissolved. Whisk in gelatine until dissolved. Remove from heat. Stir in Frangelico. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Turn out onto a cutting board. Cut into 2cm squares. Decorate with gold leaf if desired.2. To make torte, preheat oven to 190°C. 3. Grease a 23cm-round spring form cake pan. Dust with flour. Stir chocolate and butter over a low heat until smooth and combined. Remove from heat. Stir through sugar, hazelnut meal and vanilla paste. One at a time, stir in egg yolks. Stir in sifted flour and cocoa.4. Beat egg whites with an electric beater until soft peaks form. Slowly add extra sugar, beating until mixture is thick and glossy. Fold egg white mixture into chocolate mixture in two batches. 5. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Cook for about 30 minutes. Cool completely. Remove from pan.6. To make mousse, heat half the cream in a small saucepan until hot. Remove from heat. Add chocolate. Stir until smooth and combined. Whisk in Frangelico and vanilla paste. Transfer to a large bowl.7. Whisk egg white and caster sugar in a small bowl until soft peaks form. 8. Beat remaining cream with an electric hand beater until soft peaks form. Fold cream then egg white mixture into chocolate mixture. Transfer to 3 cup capacity pan or dish. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until thickened and set. 9. To make glaze, heat cream in a small saucepan until hot. Remove from heat. Add chocolate. Stir until smooth and combined. Cool for five minutes. 10. Place cooled torte on a rack on a tray. Pour glaze over top and sides, spreading evenly with a spatula. Refrigerate until set. 11. To make toffee hazelnuts, stir sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat, until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, without stirring, until mixture turns golden caramel brown (use a wet pastry brush to brush down any stray grains of sugar that cling to side of pan). Remove from heat. Skewer each hazelnut with a bamboo skewer. Dip in toffee. Rest skewers on side of bench, with hazelnut overhanging.12. Serve slices of torte with chocolate mousse and frangelico jelly squares.

NOTES- Create the toffee squiggles by placing a cup of Frangelico in the freezer until extremely cold. Using a spoon, drizzle toffee into the cold liquid. Remove immediately and place on absorbent paper. - To make spun sugar decorations for torte, use leftover toffee after dipping hazelnuts. Using a fork, lightly drizzle over the end of a greased ladle. Once almost set, remove and lightly scrunch to form a small ball of spun sugar. Repeat to form eight sugar decorations

Regulile bucatariei mele

Chocolate cake mussServes 8-10Ingredients 675g dark chocolate, in small pieces 

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450g unsalted butter, soft 675g caster sugar 10 eggs 

Poached pears 4 beurre bosc pears, peeled, cored and halved 1 cinnamon stick, broken 100g brown sugar crème fraiche, to serve extra cocoa for dusting 1/2 teaspoon black salt to garnish crème fraiche sprigs of fresh mint to garnishMethod 1. Pre heat your oven to very slow (120 degrees C). 2. To prepare the poached pears, place pear halves into a  small casserole dish. Add cinnamon, sugar and enough water to cover pears. Cover with foil and cook for about 4 hours or until very tender. You may need to add a little extra water during cooking so pears do not burn. Check every hour. Remove pears. Cool. Refrigerate, covered, until required. 3. To prepare the cake, preheat oven to 160 degrees C. Grease a 20cm round springform tin. Line base with baking paper. 4. Stir chocolate and butter in a medium bowl, over a saucepan of simmering water until melted and combined. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. 5. Whisk together eggs and sugar until pale and creamy. Fold in the slightly cooled chocolate mixture in two batches. 6. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Place into a roasting pan and add enough boiling water to come halfway up side of cake pan. Cook in the centre of the oven for 55 minutes. Remove cake pan from roasting dish. Cool. Refrigerate overnight. To serve, remove side of cake pan. Generously cut the cake into slices and place onto plates. Spoon over a generous amount of creme fraiche and garnish with black salt. Place a pear half on each plate. Dust a little cocoa onto the plate and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.Recipe tips 1. The beurre bosc pear is in season from March to November, and is a medium to large pear. Sweet and juicy, it's one of the best all-rounders for cooking. 2. It is important to cool the chocolate mixture before mixing with the eggs and sugar. If it is too hot, you will end up with scrambled eggs. 3. If black salt is unavailable, try garnishing the crème fraiche with a little grated chocolate. 

Generic tips 1. Cooking in a waterbath protects the cake or dessert from the direct heat of the oven, helping to ensure a moist result. 2. This kind of rich chocolate mousse cake would also be delicious served with canned black cherries or a quick espresso sauce

Lime cheesecake topped with a dollop of fresh cream. Serves 8-10

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Ingredients 3 x 250 g packets cream cheese, softened 220g caster sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract zest and juice of 2 limes 3 eggs 1 egg yolk 125 ml pouring cream Fresh lime wedges and double cream, to serve 

Cheesecake base 1 x 250g packet nice or granita biscuits 2 tablespoons brown sugar, firmly packed 125g unsalted butter, melted 

Method 1. To prepare the cheesecake base, process biscuits and sugar in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Add butter and process until combined. Press mixture over the base of a 22cm non-stick springform tin. Use a palette knife smooth the base. Chill for 1 hour. 2. Preheat oven to 220 degrees C.  3. Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, lime zest and juice in a bowl until just smooth. Add eggs one at a time, beating until just combined. Add egg yolk and beat until just combined. Stir in cream. Pour mixture into tin over crumb base.4. Bake on lowest shelf for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 150 degrees C and bake a further 25-30 minutes or until mixture is almost set. 5. Cool cheesecake in oven with door slightly ajar. Cover and refrigerate for four hours or overnight. 6. Cut into generous slices and serve with a fresh lime wedge and double cream.Recipe tips 1. Use the base of a drinking glass to help press crumbs over base of tin. 2. For a glamorous garnish, grate dark chocolate over top of cheesecake before serving - it has a natural affinity with lime. 

Generic tips 1. Be careful to only remove the thin coloured part of the peel when zesting citrus fruit as the white pith underneath is very bitter. 2. Most cheesecakes are better made a day in advance. It gives the flavours time to develop and allows the texture to firm. Baked cheesecakes are best eaten at room temperature.

Чизкейк 1. Американский "Чизкейк" (журнал "Самый смак" ¦3/1995) Вам потребуется: 12 сухарей 50 г. сливочного масла и масло для формы 210 г. сахара 6 яиц 600 г. домашнего сыра 100 г. сметаны сок и тертая цедра 0, 5 лимона 1 ст.ложка разрыхлителя 4 ст.ложки крахмала сахарная пудра Способ приготовления: Сухари мелко искрошить и перемешать с 60г. сахара и сливочным маслом. Полученной массой наполнить смазанную жиром разъемную форму диаметром 24см. (Сухари очень легко измельчить - их надо разломать на кусочки, положить в полиэтиленовый пакет и раскатать скалкой, чтобы крошки не разлетались в разные стороны.) Желтки отделить от белков и соединить с домашним сыром, оставшимся сахаром, сметаной, лимонным соком и цедрой. Добавить разрыхлитель с крахмалом и все тщательно перемешать. Соединить с взбитыми в плотную массу яичными белками. Получившийся творожный крем выложить в форму на корж и разровнять. Температура выпекания: 140С, время выпекания ок.50минут. посыпать сахарной пудрой

Panna Cotta 

Cred ca Panna Cotta e de departe unul dintre cele mai fine deserturi pe care l-am mancat in ultima

vreme. Dulce, dar totusi racoros, mai ales in combinatie cu fructe. Eu am ales sa fac panna cotta asortata

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cu sos de zmeura, dar ideea e ca doar reteta de baza conteaza, in rest o puteti asorta cu orice: caramel,

fructe, sosuri de frutce, topinguri etc.

Reteta de panna cotta o stiu de la un bucatar italian, el zice ca e amator, eu zic ca a facut o treaba foarte

buna cu reteta asta. Ce sa mai, Panna Cotta e un desert perfect pentru vara asortat cu fructe sau de

iarna asortat cu scortisoara si nuci tocate, migdale prajite sau alune de padure.

Pentru reteta de baza:

- 500 de ml de frisca lichida (smantana dulce)

- 90 ml de lapte rece

- 100 gr de zahar (sau mai putin daca vreti mai putin dulce)

- un plic de gelatina (10 gr)

- esenta de vanilie

Reteta si procedura in sine, sunt foarte simple: in primul rand, puneti gelatina la inmuiat in laptele rece si

o lasati cca 5 minute. Intre timp, puneti frisca si zaharul pe foc, nu le lasati sa fiarba, ci doar sa se

incalzeasca. Cand dau semne ca incep sa fiarba, turnati peste gelatina si laptele, amestecati bine de tot

si trageti de pe foc. Puneti vanilia dupa gust si turnati in cupe.


1. vanilia se poate inlocui cu esenta de rom, cu rom pe bune, cu cognac, cam cu ce vreti!

2. umeziti vasele de sticla cu apa rece inainte de a turna frisca, asa se scoate mai usor.

3. cel mai usor o sa scoateti din formele de silicon.

Noi am servit cu zmeura si sos de zmeura, dar puteti asorta panna cotta cu orice ! Pofta mare sa aveti!

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Cheese cake 

Hai s-o spunem p'aia dreapta: degeaba ne facem planuri inainte de Sarbatorile de Iarna ca nu o sa

mancam mult, ca una, ca cealalta, tot ajungem sa ne ghiftuim cu mancare. In semn de protest pentru

dulciurile mancate de Craciun, am decis ca de Revelion sa fac un tort mai usor, fara creme gretoase si

alte cele. Am vrut ceva cat se poate de fresh, asa ca am ales dintre sute de retete culinare, reteta de

New York style, Philadelphia Cream Cheesecake. Pe romaneste? Prajitura cu crema de branza

Philadelphia, a la New York asa :))

Ingrediente pentru blat:

- 20 de biscuiti digestivi (ca sa aveti termen de comparatie, eu am folosit biscutii "Digesta")

- 3 linguri de zahar

- 100 gr de unt

Pisam frumos biscutii, folosind un robot de bucatarie sau... un ciocan de snitele, mai ales daca ati avut o

zi grea si vreti sa va varsati nervii :)) Bun! Amestecam biscuiti maruntiti cu untul topit si zaharul si

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tapetam cu ei, in strat subtire, o forma de tot cu peretii detasabili. In cuptorul preincalzit, coacem blatul

de biscuiti timp de 10 minute.

Ingrediente pentru crema:

- 8 cutii de branza Philadelphia (respectiv 1 kg)

- 250 gr de zahar

- 3 linguri cu varf de faina

- coaja rasa de lamaie

- 4 oua mari

- 300 ml de smantana

- un varf de cutit de sare

- esenta de vanilie

Mixam crema de branza care trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei, pana cand devine spumoasa.

Incorporam apoi zaharul si aromele, sarea, apoi faina, iar la sfarsit smantana. Dupa ce smantana este

bine incorporata, adaugam rand pe rand cate un ou intreg, amestecand bine dupa fiecare ou. Turnam

compozitia de branza peste blatul de biscuiti si dam la cuptor alte 30-40 de minute. Cheesecake-ul vostru

va capata o usoara crusta aurie.

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Eu am ornat prajitura cu frisca si ciocolata, desi putea la fel de bine sa ramana si neornata, pentru ca

arata foarte bine. Cat despre gust... ce sa spun? Foarte usoara, puternic aromata... ce mai, o placere

racoritoare dupa zile bune de mancat doar chestii grele. Cu siguranta am trecut-o la favorite in categoria

retete culinare, sectiunea retete de dulciuri.