regularly scheduled conferences (rscs)

Regularly Regularly Scheduled Scheduled Conferences Conferences (RSCs) Approval Procedures USF Continuing Professional Education 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 46 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 974-7420 Fax: (813) 974-3217 Email: [email protected]

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Regularly Scheduled Conferences (RSCs). Approval Procedures. USF Continuing Professional Education 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 46 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 974-7420 Fax: (813) 974-3217 Email: [email protected]. What Is A Regularly Scheduled Activity (RSC)?. RSC’s include: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Regularly Scheduled Conferences (RSCs)

Regularly Regularly Scheduled Scheduled

ConferencesConferences (RSCs)

Approval Procedures

USF Continuing Professional Education

12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 46

Tampa, FL 33612

Phone: (813) 974-7420

Fax: (813) 974-3217

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Regularly Scheduled Conferences (RSCs)

What Is A Regularly Scheduled Activity (RSC)?

RSC’s include: Grand Rounds Journal Clubs Lecture Series Case Conferences Morbidity and Mortality Conferences

RSC’s are certified annually July 1 – June 30

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How Do I Get My RSC Certified?


Identify Program Director and Contact Person Identify Frequency, Date, Time, & Location of RSC List Planning Committee Members & Target Audience Identify Needs Assessment Procedures State OVERALL (broad) objectives for the series Identify Method(s) of Promotion Obtain Course Director’s Signature Submit Completed Application to CPE Office

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How Do I Get My RSC Certified?

Step 2: CME Committee Review

Approval Disapproval Request for Additional Information

Program Review Form Issued Identifies Action

Contact Person Notified of Committee Decision

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PROGRAM:«ActivityTitle»PROGRAM DATE(S): «ActivityDate» PROGRAM #: «ProgramNumber»DEPARTMENT/ORGANIZATION: «ApplyingOrg»COURSE DIRECTOR: «CourseDir» PHONE:«CourseDirPhone»


PRIOR TO EACH PRESENTATION:1. Minutes or notes that document the planning sessions for this event must be

provided.2. Planning Form for Serial Activity 3. Speaker disclosure declaration from all presenters 4. Copies of all faculty correspondence.5. Contracts for hotel, catering, equipment, etc.6. Commercial support letter(s) of agreement (when applicable)7. Ten (10) copies of the final program flyer, which must include:

(a) Clearly stated objectives.(b) USF sponsorship statement prominently displayed on the front cover.

(c) Accreditation and credit designation statement word for word as follows:The University of South Florida College of Medicine is accredited by the AccreditationCouncil for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education forphysicians.

The University of South Florida College of Medicine designates This educational activityfor a maximum of «Hours» category 1 credits towards the AMA Physician’s RecognitionAward. Each physician should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in theactivity.

FOLLOWING EACH PRESENTATION:8. Original USF evaluations 9. Documentation of how disclosure occurred10. Original sign in sheet(s) and typed roster of all participants with # of hours


Identifies Action Taken by Committee

Date Range Program Number Credits Awarded Minimum Requirements

Prior to each presentation Following each presentation

Accreditation Statement For Your File Each Form Signed/Dated

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My RSC Is Approved. Now What?

Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council for CME) Requirements All Certified activities must show a planning process

PLANNING FORM must be completed by the Course Director or Contact Person (NOT by the speaker or commercial supporter) for EACH offering and provided to the CPE Office prior to the activity

PLANNING FORMS identify Presentation-specific objectives Speaker and his/her credentials Commercial support, if applicable

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My RSC Is Approved. Now What? Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council

for CME) requirements All speakers must complete a disclosure form

Whether or not commercial funding is received for the presentation

Identifying any significant relationship with a commercial supporter or manufacturer of any product discussed in the presentation

Documenting any potential discussion of off-label use of any product or device

Therapeutic options must be objective and balanced Generic, not brand, names should be used

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My RSC Is Approved. Now What? Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council

for CME) requirements In addition to speakers, for CME purposes, who else

must disclose? Any person who interacts with the audience in the

educational portion of the CME activity Moderator Instructor

Any person who can potentially influence the content of the presentation Planning Committee Members Staff

All disclosure forms must be provided to the CPE Office prior to each activity

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My RSC Is Approved. Now What?

Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council for CME) requirements Disclosure information must be provided to the

participants of the activity PRIOR to the presentation In Writing

Use Written Disclosure Form (available on CPE website) Verbally (must be documented)

Use Verbal Disclosure Documentation form (available on CPE website)

Why is this important? Because the audience has the right to

know what influences a speaker’s presentation!


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My RSC Is Approved. Now What? Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council for

CME) requirements Standards for Commercial Support (SCS)

Activities must be free from commercial bias No commercial promotional materials may be displayed or

distributed in the same room as the educational activity Commercial support cannot be contingent on the provider

relinquishing control over any part of the activity A Commercial Support Letter of Agreement must be completed

and signed by a representative of the commercial supporter and the USF CPE Office prior to the activity taking place in order to be valid

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My RSC Is Approved. Now What?

Compliance with ACCME (Accreditation Council for CME) requirements Standards for Commercial Support (SCS)

All funds from a Commercial Supporter must come to and/or with the knowledge of the USF CPE Office

No payments may be made directly by a commercial supporter to activity faculty or to pay any activity expenses

All commercial support must be acknowledged in announcements, brochures, and hand-outs

Commercial Support Provided


XYZ Company

Thanks to



for their


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Anything Else?Well … yes

You must invite your speaker (in writing) and provide a copy of that correspondence to the CPE Office prior to the presentation (sample speaker letter can be downloaded from the CPE website)

A proposed copy of your activity flyer must be submitted to the CPE Office for approval prior to mailing, posting, etc.

Copies of contracts (room rental, AV, etc.) must be submitted to the CPE Office prior to the event

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Prior to each RSC, you must complete and submit the following to the CPE Office: Planning form Disclosure declarations Commercial support letter of agreement (if

applicable) Copy of flyer Copy of speaker correspondence Copies of contracts

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Finally, the Day of the Event!

…And with that comes more documentation for the CPE Office!

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Evaluation of Activity

Each activity must be evaluated by the participants

Must be tied to learning objectives Evaluation form template can be downloaded

from the CPE website or emailed to you upon request – but YOU have to customize it for each offering!

Evaluation forms must be submitted to the CPE Office immediately following the presentation

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Evaluation of Activity Evaluation forms will be summarized and a

copy of the summary will be forwarded to the RSC contact person and/or course director

Why is it important to evaluate every presentation? To find out if the objectives were met To point out strong points or weak areas so that

improvements can be made To obtain recommendations from the participants

for future presentations

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Bar-coded to ensure accuracy Must be submitted to CPE immediately following each

RSC What if a participant’s name is not on the sign-in roster?

He/she must complete a Physician Information Form (PIF). The PIF is available for download from the CPE website

The PIF must be submitted to the CPE Office along with the bar-coded sign-in roster to be added to the roster for subsequent conferences A revised bar-coded sign-in roster will be emailed to the RSC

contact person upon receipt of any PIF

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Additional Activity Documentation The following documentation must also be provided

to the CPE Office following each activity: Documentation of method used to inform audience of

disclosure information (discussed earlier) Written format Verbal format

Copy of handout material W-9 form completed and signed by speaker IF he/she

is to receive an honorarium or expense reimbursement

Travel & Expense (T&E) form signed by speaker IF he/she is to receive reimbursement of travel expenses Original receipts MUST be attached to T&E form

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Following each RSC, you must complete and submit the following to the CPE Office: Documentation of how disclosure occurred Bar-coded sign-in roster Physician Information Forms Original evaluation forms Copy of handout material W9 and T&E forms if applicable

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Remember, we are here to help you with your


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If you are unsure of how to do

something, ask us BEFORE you

do it!

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Need Additional Information?

Please contact Patti Taylor with any questions, suggestions, etc. Phone: (813) 974-7420 Fax: (813) 974-3217 Email: [email protected]

All forms discussed in this presentation (except the bar-coded sign-roster) can be downloaded from the CPE website