
1 LOS ACENTOS EN ESPAÑOL Words in Spanish are classified depending upon where the stressed syllable is: 1. AGUDAS (Last syllable is stressed) Ex: amor, corazón, pared, compás, salud, café * No accent necessary if ending in a consonant other than _n or _s. Ex. without accent: honor, azul, feliz, reloj, actitud, personalidad * Write an accent if ending in: vowel, _n, _s. Ex. with accent: mamá, bebé, maní, cayó, ombú, construcción, país 2. GRAVES (Second-to-last syllable is stressed). Penultimate syllable stressed. Ex: diario, joven, árbol, crisis, examen * No accent necessary if ending in: vowel, _n, _s. Ex. without accent: virgen, crimen, examen, volumen, origen, dictamen, martes, dosis, cielo, tema, suave *Write an accent if ending in a consonant other than: _n, _s Ex with accents: útil, carácter, bíceps 3. ESDRÚJULAS (Third-to-last syllable is stressed). Antepenultimate syllable stressed. Ex: próximo, miércoles, jaro, roe *They always have an accent on the stressed syllable. Ex: régimen, música, hipopótamo, válido, auténtico 4. SOBREESDRÚJULAS (Fourth-to-last syllable is stressed). These words are uncommon. Ex: gamelo, escríbamelo *They also always have an accent on the stressed syllable.

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Words in Spanish are classified depending upon where the stressed syllable is: 1. AGUDAS (Last syllable is stressed) Ex: amor, corazón, pared, compás, salud, café * No accent necessary if ending in a consonant other than _n or _s. Ex. without accent: honorr, azull, felizz, relojj, actitudd, personalidadd * Write an accent if ending in: vowel, _n, _s. Ex. with accent: mamáá, bebéé, maníí, cayóó, ombúú, construcciónn, paíss 2. GRAVES (Second-to-last syllable is stressed). Penultimate syllable stressed. Ex: diario, joven, árbol, crisis, examen * No accent necessary if ending in: vowel, _n, _s. Ex. without accent: virgenn, crimenn, examenn, volumenn, origenn, dictamenn, martess, dosiss, cieloo, temaa, suavee *Write an accent if ending in a consonant other than: _n, _s Ex with accents: útill, carácterr, bícepss 3. ESDRÚJULAS (Third-to-last syllable is stressed). Antepenultimate syllable stressed. Ex: próximo, miércoles, pájaro, héroe *They always have an accent on the stressed syllable. Ex: régimen, música, hipopótamo, válido, auténtico 4. SOBREESDRÚJULAS (Fourth-to-last syllable is stressed). These words are uncommon. Ex: dígamelo, escríbamelo *They also always have an accent on the stressed syllable.


EJERCICIOS DE ACENTOS (para practicar):

Escribe (o no) el acento en las siguientes palabras. La sílaba estresada está en negrita (bold). Si hay palabras que tienen dos formas: una con acento y otra sin acento, escribe un asterisco (*). tabu pesos distancia boligrafo amistosas amistoso necesito pajaros rios computadora profesor estudiante yo tu basura autobus coche libro gracioso animado crucigrama mochila tio donde color ansiedad amor libertad limon universidad mañana ayer dos medico examen examenes ciudad pais soledad jovenes joven reloj