reducing energy and resources consumption, develop

Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop Environmentally Friendly Products CPT’s green issue promotion platform – the Green Management Committee – is grounded on the spirit of “Green Life, Green World” as it introduces green orientations into the company’s operations. In 2010, CPT proposed the low carbon corporate action plan (henceforth abbreviated as Green Actions) to act as the company’s carbon reduction implementation targets. In 2011, the targets of this plan was reached 23% of carbon reduction , successfully introducing environmental principles into CPT’s business strategies, and turning them into action. Environmental effects, such as greenhouse gases, water resources, and energy use are listed as tracking evaluation criteria to assist stakeholders with simultaneously engaging in green actions. In the future, CPT will actively become a green sustainable development base to build on global trends, capitalize on the emergence of green commercial opportunities, and become a major player in the green economy.

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Page 1: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop Environmentally Friendly ProductsCPT’s green issue promotion platform – the Green Management Committee – is grounded on the spirit of “Green Life, Green World” as it introduces green orientations into the company’s operations. In 2010, CPT proposed the low carbon corporate action plan (henceforth abbreviated as Green Actions) to act as the company’s carbon reduction implementation targets. In 2011, the targets of this plan was reached 23% of carbon reduction , successfully introducing environmental principles into CPT’s business strategies, and turning them into action. Environmental effects, such as greenhouse gases, water resources, and energy use are listed as tracking evaluation criteria to assist stakeholders with simultaneously engaging in green actions. In the future, CPT will actively become a green sustainable development base to build on global trends, capitalize on the emergence of green commercial opportunities, and become a major player in the green economy.

Page 2: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop
Page 3: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

22 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Project 335Since 2010, CPT had been running Project 335 in terms of the manufacturing

procedures in its Taiwanese plants. Using 2008 as the base year, CPT’s voluntary 5-year plan, ending in 2014, calls for: 30% energy reduction in products, 30% packaging weight reduction per unit area, and 25% water reduction per unit area of production.

Achievement of Targets Ahead of ScheduleCPT’s 335 targets in 2010 were: 5% energy conservation

for products, 5% packaging weight reduction per unit area, and 5% water reduction per unit area during the production process. Because energy conservation results in 2010 exceeded expectations, slight adjustments were made in 2011 resulting in: 30% energy conservation for products, 10% packaging weight reduction per unit area, and 10% water reduction per unit area during the production process.

In 2012, the packaging weight reduction targets per unit area assigned by the 335 project are as follows: 16% for the Medium to Small Size Department, 25% for the Large Size Department, and 15% for water reduction per unit area of production. We hope to continue promoting resource efficiency and achieve new records.

Sharing Energy Efficiency ExperienceIn 2011, CPT was once again distinguished by the

Environmental Protection Administration as an outstanding unit in the corporate group of the northern region during the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Awards.”

CPT’s results in energy efficiency and carbon reduction are deeply appreciated by the Environmental Protection Administration. In 2011, a total of 5 application seminars were held for the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Awards” event. One such seminar featured CPT’s energy efficiency and carbon reduction experience to allow prospective enterprises who want to join the event to learn and observe from.

To build on the Environmental Protection Administration’ green lifestyle exhibition, the “Low Carbon Expert Conference” of iECO was held in Pavilion 1 of the Taipei World Trade Center. CPT was invited to share its energy efficiency and carbon reduction methods and experience on the topic of “green corporations caring for Earth,” and inspired lively discussion from the audience. Through this event and many green units that care for Earth and Taiwan, corporations and experts received valuable experience in their discussions. We also hope to pass on our experience to more friends and establish our own low carbon lifestyle as we observe the beauty of a well-protected environment. By applying green products and environmental knowledge, we also inspire more energy efficient, low carbon, ecological, and environmental experts.

Comparison of Targets and Actual Achievements in 2011

Item Target Actual Results

Product Energy Conservation● Medium and Small Business Department● VD Industry Department


Packaging Weight Reduction per Unit Area● Medium and Small Business Department● VD Industry Department 10%


Water Usage per Unit Area of Production 10% 13.2%

Winning the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Awards” Once Again

In 2010, CPT responded worked with the Environmental Protection Administration to promote energy efficiency and carbon reduction activities and implementing such actions in the everyday lives of our employees. CPT’s is committed to carbon reduction for the long term. CPT continues to enforce energy efficiency and carbon reduction in every life, rally internal carbon reduction culture within the company, and further promote carbon reduction activities.From reductions in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), green packaging, waste reduction, water conservation, electricity conservation, chemical reduction, green activities, carbon and water footprint certifications, and green products, a total of 42 actions were performed. In 2011, CPT once again passed examination from the committee over its standards during the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Awards,” and was distinguished as an outstanding unit in the corporate group of the northern region.

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pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

ustomer R

ecognitionEncourage Suppliers’ G

reen Managem

ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

Greenhouse Gas InventoryCPT also closely observes trends in domestic and

international legislations related to energy and greenhouse gases. Every year, greenhouse gases are audited and verified. Seed personnel are trained in Taiwanese and overseas plants to undertake relevant work, which not only includes internal investigations, third parties are contracted every year to conduct external verifications and review feasible improvements with the objective of creating complete carbon audit tools.

Af ter acquir ing ver i f icat ion let ters, greenhouse management is disclosed to CPT’s stakeholders, which not only addresses issues of concern to stakeholders, but also wins recognition from government agencies, clients, and nongovernmental organizations. CPT also requests suppliers to engage in carbon investigation in order to establish complete green supply chains.

CPT’s carbon investigation includes: Taiwanese plants (Taoyuan, Longtan, and Yangmei plants) and Chinese plants (CPTF Optronics CO.,LTD, Chunghwa Picture Tubes (Wujiang) Ltd., CPT Display Technology (Shenzheng) Ltd., CPT Display Technology (Fujian) Ltd., CPTF Visual Display (Fuzhou) Ltd., CPT TPV Optical (Fujian) Co., Ltd.). Greenhouse gas audits for 2011 started in February 2012, and third party verification was acquired in April.

Low Carbon Corporate Action PlanCDP assigned CPT a score of 81 in 2011 from its

evaluations (the average score among over 1800 corporations around the world who participated in this project was 51). Participation was lacking from supply chains and stakeholders, which is an issue that CPT will strive to improve in the future.

Since 2008, CPT joined the “Carbon Disclosure Project” (CDP). Disclosure of carbon-related information includes analyses of risks and opportunities related to climate change, carbon reduction targets and execution of action plans, establishment of green supply chain platforms, green requirements, etc. Relevant management mechanisms have been established in hopes of minimizing the effects of climate change against CPT.

Carbon Management

In 2011, most of CPT’s greenhouse gas emissions consisted of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and externally procured electricity. Relevant carbon reduction targets have all been incorporated into major company policies and strategic objectives. All energy conservation and carbon reduction actions are being enforced and reviewed by the company’s Green Management Committee. Therefore, the carbon reduction target of 22% was achieved in 2011.

Emissions (in tons of carbon dioxide e/year)

Parameters Emission Source 2009 2010 2011

Scope1Direct emission sources include greenhouse gas sources owned or controlled by the plant (static burning sources, mobile burning sources, manufacturing emission sources, and dispersed emission sources)

439,125 690,690 427,728

Scope2 Indirect emission sources primarily include 728,288 789,608 712,777

Scope3other emissions from externally purchased electricity (transportation of raw materials, supplier production, employee travels, and waste disposal are not listed in the inspection parameters; they are characterized and not quantified)

-- -- --

Overall emissions 1,167,413 1,480,298 1,140,505

Note: the Hukou plant was sold, and therefore is not included in 2010. Data from 2011 does not include the Hukou plant, Malaysia plant, and Kampar plant in Malaysia due to those plants having been sold.

CPT’s CDP Score in 2011

Item CPT’s Score Average

Governance and Strategy 93 74

Risks 88 42

Opportunities 90 36

Emission Report (Data) 77 69

Emission Management 82 61

Participation from Stakeholders 50 33

Page 5: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

24 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Introduce Low GHG MaterialCPT actively discloses its greenhouse gas management

information to external observers, and hope to gather relevant opinions for continuous improvements. CPT is a member of the Taiwan TFT LCD Association (TTLA), which holds regular annual review meetings for greenhouse gas emissions. Other than disclosing our own emissions over the national greenhouse gas registration platforms, we also use the association to explain our carbon management and reduction methods to domestic government agencies and international WLICC members (including opto-electronic enterprises from Japan and South Korea). We continue to absorb new knowledge and review our performance, and we also share our reduction experience with all enterprises in the industry as part of our collective effort to address climate change.

TTLA signed its first cooperative memorandum for voluntary reductions with the Environmental Protection Administration in 2004. In 2007, it signed the “Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Agreement” with the Ministry of Economic Affairs. CPT will also work with TTLA to provide regular emission information of fluorinated compounds, and engage in reductions of fluorinated compounds. Our management procedures include:

1. Reconstruction of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process in the Taoyuan and Longtan plants have been completed, which results in a 38% emission reduction of fluorinated compounds from 2010 levels, equal to approximately 170,000 tons of carbon dioxide.

2. Due to adding new manufacturing processes required for touch sensor panels (TSP) in 2010, the Longtan plant added a dry etching manufacturing machine. This machine uses fluorinated gases. In order to achieve our reduction targets, we have procured end gas incineration equipments, which can achieve an emission elimination rate of up to 90%.

3. Emissions produced by manufacturing processes that use fluorocarbons (FCs), is a major source of greenhouse gas emission during the production process of thin membrane liquid crystal display devices. Currently, processes for end gases from machines include increasing production usage rate and adding local scrubbers (LS). In 2011, CPT’s emission of fluorocarbons accounted for 24% of the company’s total emissions. Reductions of CPT’s fluorocarbon emissions between 2002 and 2011 are estimated to be equal to approximately 24 million tons of CO2 emissions.

Note: environmental greenhouse gas efficiency = annual operational revenues / annual total greenhouse gas emissions.










542009 2010 2011

Annual Greenhouse Gas Emission Trend







Greenhouse gas emission (CO2 e / year)Environmental greenhouse gas efficiency

Electricity Consumption Trends per Unit Area

Note: electricity usage per unit area = total electricity usage in all Taiwanese plants / total invested area. Due to the global financial crisis in 2009, production usage rates reduced, causing increases in electricity usage per unit area.

Electricity usage per unit area (kW


Electricity usage (G














2009 2010 2011

Electricity ConsumptionElectricity Consumption per Unit Area











02009 2010 2011

Annual Electricity Usage Trend






Note: environmental electricity efficiency – annual operational revenues / annual total electricity usage.

Annual electricity usage (MWH)Environmental electricity efficiency

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pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

ustomer R

ecognitionEncourage Suppliers’ G

reen Managem

ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

Initial Phase Project for the Opto-Electronics IndustryIn 2011, the Environmental Protection Administration

officially announced the initial phase emission standards for the opto-eelctronics industry. CPT provides its annual emission audits, emission reduction information, and also completed the online survey through the national greenhouse gas registration platform through TTLA to act as references for the initial phase emission intensity legislation for the opto-electronics industry, as enforced by the Environmental Protection Administration, as well as improvements to uploading platforms. After the initial phase project was officially announced, audits commenced for qualifying plant areas. Relevant information is also posted on the national greenhouse gas registration platform. CPT works diligently with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce relevant projects, and achieved considerable results in greenhouse gas emission reductions every year.

Establishment of Energy Management SystemsCPT is actively promoting resource management. In

2011, CPT participated in the “industrial energy conservation, carbon reduction, and water reduction project of Taoyuan County, receiving the only industrial assistance plan for the “energy management system” from the Economic Development Bureau of Taoyuan County. In September, the Taoyuan plant officially established the energy management system implementation team to create the energy management system according to international standard ISO 50001. International third party verification is expected to be completed in 2012. By introducing such system standards, the plant has created energy investigations and energy base lines, while assigning energy performance indicators and targets. In 2011, 35 energy conservation and carbon reduction proposals were implemented. In the future, 1.52MWH is expected to be conserved each year.

In 2011, all of CPT’s plants continue to engage in improvements over energy conservation, such as increasing energy conservation over the load bearing rates of ice water machines, energy conservation to the air conditioning of particle-free rooms, increasing the dew point temperature of compressed dry air (CDA) engineering, appropriate electricity usage for lighting areas, etc. Electricity usage across all of Taiwan’s plants is gradually reducing annually, resulting in approximately 6,926,604 watts of electricity conserved. Area of base board production is 1.06% lower than in 2010, but electricity usage decreased by 3.04%, while electricity usage per unit area is 2% lower than in 2010.

Electricity Conservation Results and Summary for All Plants in 2011

Plant Electricity Conservation Measure KWH/Year

Taoyuan Plant

Energy conservation of the load bearing rate of ice water machines 1,105,512

Increasing dew point termperature for CDA engineering 326,888

Energy conservat ion at tachment to polarized lens boards 65,700

Energy conservation of water cooling tower fans 135,891

Lungtan Plant

Intermittent operation of RO operations 170,016

Energy conservation for the operation of the alkaline release system 255,600

Review of energy conservation controls for general air conditioning 76,800

Lighting for compressed air mechanical rooms 43,860

Yangmei Plant

Speed reduction of the fan filter unit (FFU) network 609,325

Improvement I of energy conservation for lighting 167,849

Installation of adaptors to office air conditioning machines for energy conservation 118,637

Energy conservation for lighting in chemical warehouses 109,763

Improvement II of energy conservation for lighting 797,913

Wujiang Plant

Temperature adjustment of SR pure water supply 87,476

Increasing dew point termperature for CDA engineering 794,836

Fujian Plant

Electrical re-engineering of l iquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the cafeteria 1,300,000

Re-engineering of hot mercury 68,000

Improvement of air conditioning frequency 325,000

Shenzheng Plant

Improvement of air conditioning frequency for plant areas 244,400

Energy effiency installations for lighting in plant areas 311,700

CPTF Optronics Co., Ltd.

Air conditioning machines set to dew point temperatures in particle free rooms 1,080,000

Reduction of air conditioning operation frequency in CR 360,000

Air conditioning temperature increase and improvements of timing adjustment 108,000

Usage of connected ice water for the BC ice processing machine 312,000

CPT TPV Optical (Fujian) Co., Ltd.

Pressure improvement of particle free room 51,000

Operational management of summer air conditioning 400,000

On / Off inspection of machines during shutdown days 50,000

Pressure reduction and improvement of ice water 89,000

Page 7: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

26 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Water Resources


Droughts are becoming increasingly common in the world due to the effects of climate change. However, the TFT-LCD manufacturing industry has high demands for water. Therefore, CPT is engaged in long term commitments to reduce water usage and recycle and reuse water resources during manufacturing processes in order to reduce the risks of water resource shortages.

Water UsageIn 2011, combined water usage for all CPT plants in the

world was 13,544,188 tons, 11,730,571 tons (86.61% of total usage) of which came from Taiwanese plants. China plants used a total of 1,813,617 tons of water (13.39% of total usage), most of which was water for daily needs. Combined wastewater volumes from all CPT plants in the world were 11,551,601 tons, 10,350,802 tons of which came from Taiwanese plants. China plants used a total of 1,200,799 tons of wastewater.

Recovery rate of recycled and reused water is 48.38% for Taiwanese plants, meaning that approximately 5,675,825 tons of water are typically recycled and reused for the heat exchanger of the water cooling tower and alternative manufacturing processes. Recovery rate of recycled and reused water for Chinese plants is 20.37%, meaning that approximately 369,356 tons of water are typically recycled and reused for alternative manufacturing processes. Thus CPT reduces exhaustion of water resources.

CPT’s Taiwanese and Chinese plants use municipal water. The Taoyuan, Longtan, and Yangmei plants in Taiwan use underground water in addition to municipal water as a secondary source of water in order to provide backup water when municipal water is insufficient. Amounts of water extracted are in compliance with government-approved amounts and regularly reported to regulatory agencies for reference. Water sources for plant areas were not affected due to extracting underground water.

Water Conservation ResultsIn order to effective reduce exhaustion of water

resources, CPT not only increases recycling of water resources, but also made improvements at the source in 2011 to continue conserving water during manufacturing processes. By re-engineering manufacturing machines to conserve water, clean water can return to the manufacturing end and be used repeatedly. The water conservation proposals for the manufacturing processes of Taiwanese plants accounted for 80% of all water conservation proposals in 2011. At the same time, CPT informed its colleagues to cherish water in daily life, such as using recycled water for toilers, water efficient water taps for washrooms, and using recycled rain water to clean the roads in plant areas.

In 2011, CPT continued all the water and electricity conservat ion measures of the previous year. Water conservation during manufacturing processes primarily focused on reduction of water usage for equipments and recycling and reusing water that was released during manufacturing processes. Compared to a 1.75% reduction in base board production from Taiwanese plants in 2010, water usage for manufacturing processes was reduced by 3.3%. Water usage per unit area during the production process was 1.58% less than in 2010.

Note: environmental water efficiency = annual operational revenues / annual total water usage.

Annual Total Water Usage Trend










4.002009 2010 2011






Note: water usage per unit area of production = total production water usage for Taiwanese plants / total invested area

water usage per unit area (ton/m


Total water usage during production



















1.352009 2010 2011

Trend of Water Usage per Unit Area during Manufacturing Processes

Total Water UsageEnvironmental Effects of Water Usage

Total water usage (M3)Environmental water efficiency

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pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

ustomer R

ecognitionEncourage Suppliers’ G

reen Managem

ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

Wastewater DisposalIn 2011, CPT improved the manufacturing processes

to successfully reduce water usage during manufacturing processes, as well as recycle and reuse water. The non-organic wastewater is processed by the processing system and supplied back to the water cooling tower and recirculating cooling water (RCW). Organic wastewater is processed by MBR (biological + membrane) processes and then filtered, recycled, and reused through reverse osmosis to effectively reduce wastewater outflow and reduce the environmental impacts of CPT’s water usage and wastewater.

In 2011, CPT continued to improve and upgrade its wastewater treatment system, such as adding the “organic wastewater membrane replacement” in the wastewater processing facility of CPT’s Longtan plant, while a “non-organic system recycling and processing” facility was added to the Yangmei plant. CPT’s Taiwanese plants made considerable improvements and investments in wastewater treatment facilities, devoting approximately $NT 25 million. Also, to ensure that wastewater outflow fulfills legal requirements, $NT 45.81 million was invested in 2011 for wastewater treatment chemicals.

To ensure that the quality of processed water is compatible with standards of recycling and reuse, CPT’s Longtan plant spent $NT 8 mill ion in 2011 to replace membranes, and is expected to invest $NT 15 million annually for the next 3 years to replace all membranes.

To increase the processing capabilities of non-organic wastewater and improve the quality of wastewater outflow, the Yangmei plant used chemical mixtures, rapid precipitation, and particle filtering in 2011 to process non-organic water released during manufacturing processes to ensure that the quality of released water fulfills environmental legislations.

Overall Wastewater Volume (m3)

Year 2009 2010 2011

Taiwan 8,011,968 9,862,234 10,350,802

China 1,075,857 1,569,612 1,200,799

Total 9,087,825 11,431,846 11,551,601

Note: the Taoyuan plant also processes wastewater from 3 other companies: Lingju, Zhonghuabantu, and Chengchuang. Because they are difficult to quantify, they are all undertaken by the Taoyuan plant.

Longtan Plant Distinguished as Outstanding Unit for “Water Conservation” by the Water Resources Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs

CPT’s Longtan plant in Taiwan participated in the “nomination for outstanding water conservation units and individuals in 2011,” and passed evaluations from the event’s committee to win the distinction of outstanding water conservationist in the industry group. CPT was also nominated by the hosting agency as a role model facility so that CPT’s Longtan plant can share its relevant water conservation measures and experience with the industry.CPT understands that water is a precious resource. Other than increasing recycling of water resource, reducing water usage from the source had always been the objective behind CPT’s diligence. In order to reduce water usage during manufacturing processes, manufacturing machines were re-engineered to achieve the objective of water conservation and reduce the environmental impacts of water usage and wastewater from CPT’s Longtan plant. Therefore, winning the “outstanding water conservationist unit” is the greatest recognition and encouragement for CPT’s commitment to conserve energy and resources. Subsequently, CPT will continue to strive for improvements and increase the water resource reuse rate within its plant areas to achieve the “win-win” objective of environmental protection and economic development.

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28 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Reduce Water Usage in Manufacturing Processes● Implementation of Flow Adjustment of the Etching

Machine of the Array Phase Manufacturing Mechanical Platform (AWA) which conserves 11,706 tons of water consumption per year.

● Implementation of Pure Water Flow Adjustment of the Pre-Membrane Washing Machine of the Array Phase Manufacturing Mechanical Platform, resulting in an annual reduction of water consumption by 7,949 tons.

● Implementation of Flow Adjustment of the Base Board Washing Process of the Array Phase Manufacturing Mechanical Platform. Taoyuan plant engaged in water conservation tests for its machines that used greater amounts of water. Water flow for the original mechanical washing platform was originally 45±5 L/min, which is adjusted to 35±5 (L/min), resulting in an annual reduction of water consumption by 5,299 tons.

● Water Conservation Plan for Pre-CELL and Post-CELL Washing Machine, resulting in an annual reduction of water consumption by 9,460 tons.

● Dampening Water Adjustment of the PHASE2 CLEANER Cleaner gear, resulting in an annual reduction of water consumption by 11,391 tons.

Increase Water Resource Recycling● Replacing Tap water in Washrooms with Non-Organic

Recycled Water.Recirculating cooling water (RCW) is now used to conserve the quantity of Tap water used.

● Pure Water Usage Cost Down of Display Machines, conserving 110,886 tons of water annually.

● Water Outflow from Phase 1 ITO Line Pre-Cleaner Transferred to be Used by the Post Cleaner, conserving 19,436 tons of water annually.

● Improvements of Recycl ing and Reuse of SR Wastewater. Wujiang plant uses wastewater from the SR manufacturing process to be used by the air compressor and boiler, which reduces municipal water usage, and enables conservation of municipal water by 12,200 M3/year, and reduces water costs by $RMB 37,800/year.

● Improvements of Recycling and Reuse of Common Industrial Wastewater. Wujiang plant filters common industrial wastewater into medium water, which is used to replace industrial municipal water used in manufacturing processesduring production. Water consumption is conserved by 36,000 tons/year.

Contractor: De-Sheng Zhan, Business Department Manager, Chemyol Co., Ltd.

Air conditioning is typically the most energy-intensive application of high-tech industries. Therefore, Chemyol is working with CPT to start from water resource conservation and energy conservation. Also, CPT provides assistance by implementing the Safe Family program to increase internal industrial safety knowledge within the company, as well as enhancing risk assessments. Also, by referencing CPT’s work environment, we have improved many negligent aspects within our own company, which benefited us greatly.

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pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

ustomer R

ecognitionEncourage Suppliers’ G

reen Managem

ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

Outline of Material Flow

Primary Raw Materials(See Note 2)

Other Released Materials(see Note 6)

Manufacturing center

Water Resource Consumption■Water Usage■Plant-Wide Water Recycling Rate

■Self-Generated Electricity■Externally Purchased Electricity

2011 2009 2010







Wastewater Release Volume(in 10,000 tons)

Recycling and Reuse of Liquid Waste(tons)(see Note 4)


Electricity Consumption (MWh)

Greenhouse Gas Emission Volume

Disposed Waste(in 10,000 tons)(see Note 5)

2011 2009 2010







Liquid Petroleum Gas (in 10,000 m3)

2011 2009 2010




Reuse of Glass Waste( tons)(see Note 3)

























2011 2009 2010



Heavy Oil(in 10,000 m3)Natural Gas(in 10,000 m3)

2011 2009 2010




2011 2009 2010



123.21129.56 78.40

Glass Base Board Investment Area 7,660,900 m2

Light Resistors 3,600 tons

Etching Fluid 4,603,400 tons

Developer Fluid 13,881,400 tons

Liquid Crystal 10.25 tons

Nitrogen 141,100 tons

Argon 21 tons

Hydrogen 78 tons

All Fluoride Gases 274 tons

Floating Particles (SS) 100.14tons

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 542.82tons

Biological Oxygen Demand 542.82tons

Sludge Volume 9,786.3tons

Dispersing Organic Substances 123.99tons

Sulfuric Oxidized Substances 159.74tons

Nitrogenous Oxidized Substances 180.1tons

Note 1: water recycling rate for the whole plant: includes water recycling volumes for the plant itself and manufacturing processes

Note 2: raw materials refer to volumes used for invested production;glass base board investment area: includes production area invested for TFT and CF;all fluoride gases: includes CF4, SF6, and NF3

Note 3: volume of reused glass waste: includes bare glass, side-cut glass, and glass without liquid crystalNote 4: recycling and reuse of liquid waste: includes propanone, membrane removal fluid, light resistor

dilution fluid, hydrofluoric acid, chromium etching fluid, aluminum etching fluid, and wasted oilNote 5: overall waste volume: includes general (includes recycled resources) waste and hazardous

waste;final disposed waste volume: total volume of waste with no recycling or reuse applicationsNote 6: calculations for SS, COD, and BOD are based on periodical test report data multiplied by

wastewater outflow volumes;calculations for NOx and SOx are based on periodical test report data multiplied by waste gas emission volumes

■ Total Volume of Waste Material

■ Final Disposal Volune of Waste Material



Product Volume(million units)

■TFT-LCD Display Production ■TFT-LCD Display Sales

2011 2009 2010






Development of Sustainable Environmental


Purchase Production/Assembly






(in 10,000 tons) (see Note 1)

Green Procurement and

Fair Trade

Energy Efficient Production

and Pollution Reduction

Environmental Products

(tons of CO2 equivalents)

Page 11: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

30 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Environmental Risk Assessment and Communication

CPT is highly concerned about the impacts of plant operation on the environment. Not only are comprehensive environmental management systems in place, environmental evaluation and risk assessment management procedures are also established. As well Taiwanese plants use online management systems to perform comprehensive risk assessments and appropriate designations for risk level classifications.

Chemical Substances ManagementIn 2011, Taiwanese plants continued working with the

Council of Labor Affairs to implement chemical management initiatives and establish and report lists of chemicals for each plant to set the foundation for source management. Austere investigating measures are introduced for new chemicals, while chemical equipments and change of management programs are introduced. Electronic online management systems are established while procurement and testing of chemicals are also regulated.

Chemicals need to undergo comprehensive r isk assessment procedures before they can be introduced and be appropriately designated with risk level classifications. Only those chemicals that fulfill plant regulations can be tested and used.

CPT began developing green chemicals in 2004 due to client requests. Control and assessment principles for chemical materials used in manufacturing processes are established in the spirit of the European Union’s chemical policy. A chemical management system tailored for CPT was established. CPT is also promoting and enforcing source management for chemical materials. All chemicals need to be investigated to confirm that they have no prohibited substances, and also need to undergo cautious evaluations before they are eligible for procurement procedures.

In 2011, there were no chemical spills, labor safety disasters, or plant-wide work stoppage that affected the surrounding environment of the plant or caused major personnel or asset losses.

In response to Effluent Standards LegislationIn order to enhance high-tech wastewater management,

the Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Agency promulgated amendments to the “Effluent Standards” on December 15, 2010, which adds requirement parameters for the optoelectronics material and parts manufacturing industries and science and industrial parks, including limits on allowable amounts of gallium, indium, molybdenum, overall toxic organic materials, acute biological toxins, etc. The limits will be fully enforced after an adaption period ends in January 2012.

The Taoyuan and Yangmei plants have been able to comply with current legal requirements over tests for gallium, indium, molybdenum, and total toxic organics, as promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration.

To account for future legislative amendments, Taoyuan

plant’s independently measured ammonia levels can now pass first phase control standards, but not second phase control standards. For the second phase control standards, the Taoyuan plant is planning for assessments and installations of upgrades to equipment functions so as to meet second phase control standards before it becomes effective. The independently measured ammonia levels of Yangmei plant already meets the second phase control limits announced by the Environmental Protection Administration.

The Longtan plant started executing the demonstration plan (as a demonstration contractor) in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Administration, which called for adding new inspection criteria, and is able to fulfill the Environmental Protection Administration’s current and upcoming stipulated legal requirements over testing for gallium, indium, molybdenum, total toxic organics, acute toxic units, and ammonia criteria.

Control Criteria

Opto-Electronic Material and Parts

Manufacturing Industry

Science and Industrial Parks of “All Industrial Areas Except

Petrochemical Areas”

Total Toxic Organics 1.37 (mg/L) 1.37 (mg/L)

Indium 0.1 (mg/L) 0.1 (mg/L)

Gallium 0.1 (mg/L) 0.1 (mg/L)

Molybdenum 0.6 (mg/L) 0.6 (mg/L)

Acute Toxic Units 1.43 1.43


Note 1: Total toxic organics is based on risk management concepts, and regulates total concentration limits of 30 chemicals within wastewater.

Note 2: Acute Toxic Units refer to the inverse of Lethal Concentration 50 (abbreviated as LC50) or Effective Concentration 50 (abbreviated as EC50), and has no unit. These criteria can reflect the effects of wastewater on aquatic organisms.

High-Tech Wastewater Outflow Control Standards

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pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

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ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

In response to Amendments to Land Pollution Legislations

Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration added targets of land pollution fees.

The primary impact of this amendment on CPT’s Taiwanese plants is the addition of industries that are subject to this legislation. Fees are paid according to the industries registered in the public and private waste material disposal plan. CPT’s Taiwanese plants are all part of the industries listed by the public and private waste material disposal plan in 2011, and have all paid their fees by July 1, 2011, as legally required.

Continued Commitment to the Xiaoli River Incident

CPT’s Longtan plant passed environmental impact assessments in 2001, and acquired legal permit to release wastewater in 2003. According to Hsinchu County’s designation of water source quality protection zones, the Longtan plant’s wastewater was not released directly into such zones. Also, all wastewater released fulfilled CPT’s pledge of controlled limit values when the plant was being developed.

On March 13, 2012, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that Xiaoli River will no longer be a source of drinking water. On March 20, 2012, the Environmental Protection Administration announced that Xiaoli River was designated as the sustaining water body for the original environmental impact report during the environmental impact assessment procedure. Now, due to the Ministry of Economic Affairs announcing that Xiaoli River is no longer a source of drinking water, CPT is abiding by the original outflow proposal by Xiaoli River as the sustaining water body, and will not incur any violations against the assessment.

CPT continues to monitor the water quality of wastewater released into Xiaoli River. The Longtan plant had been working the Hsin-Chu Irrigation Association since 2009 to conduct environmental monitoring of Xiaoli River by relying on neutral third parties to explain the current conditions of water quality, soil, bottom soil, etc. since July 2010, CPT continues to request industrial technology service groups from Taoyuan County to engage in relevant monitoring projects to ensure the quality of wastewater outflow.

2011 Environmental Expenditure Statistics

Region Items Expenditure (in $1,000)


Expenditures on emission equipment improvement and chemicals: all waste gases are processed according to category and characteristics at the mechanical platform ends. Currently, equipments are classified into acidic emissions, organic emissions, 106 emissions, and petrol-electrical emissions equipments.


Expenditures on wastewater release equipment improvements and chemicals: processed and categorized as common wastewater, organic wastewater, and non-organic wastewater.


Outsourcing expenditures of waste material disposal 44,530

Organic wastewater processing membrane unit replacements for the Longtan plan and CUTTING LINE wastewater system expansion and HOOK UP project for the Yangmei plant


Environmental inspection / monitoring costs: includes inspection costs for air and water pollution


Air pollution expenditures: air pollution fees reported to the Environmental Protection Administration


Land pollution expenditures: land pollution fees reported to the Environmental Protection Administration


Environmental certification evaluation and certification expenditures: all administrative and miscellaneous expenditures


Environmental fines: 6 violations occurred. 3 of them were violations on wastewater release regulations, and 3 were violations on reporting requirements.


ChinaExpenditures on wastewater disposal, outsourcing of waste material disposal, and environmental monitoring


Note: data for the Taiwan region is in NTD dollar Data for the China region is in RMB dollar

Although Xiaoli River is no longer a source of drinking water, we still continue to monitor the quality of wastewater outflow to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Page 13: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop

32 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Resource Reduction and


CPT believes that consumption reduction can only be aided by source improvements and green production designs. Also, CPT hopes to reduce the direct environmental impacts and subsequent waste material disposal problems from mineral extraction through recycling and reusing various materials and developing environmental products in order to address trends in sustainable global developments and resource recycling and reuse.

Recycling of Liquid WasteCPT abides by the regulations and environmental

legislations from the Basel agreement. Waste materials are processed through source reduction, categorization, reuse, or resource reuse, in order of preference. If waste materials currently cannot be processed by the aforementioned methods, they are then buried or incinerated. Waste materials under appropriate management are primarily categorized as requiring disposal (general / harmful waste), recyclable, or resource waste. All waste materials are processed and recycled according to law.

Waste materials are categorized as solid and liquid waste. Liquid wastes are primarily organic solvents and etching fluid. Besides reducing liquid waste output at the front end through flow control, necessary rear end liquid waste production is processed through recycling and reusing if possible. Waste is thoroughly and categorized and processed at the source ends, and the flow liquid waste is thoroughly controlled at the mechanical platform ends. For example, Cr-T etching fluid is returned to the contractor for purification and then returned to CPT as recycled fluid for production use. In 2011, liquid waste recycling rates for CPT’s Taiwanese plants reached 84.06%. CPT hopes to work with its partnered contractors to strive for the objective of sustainable recycling.

Reuse of Solid WasteIn terms of solid wastes, sludge from the wastewater

treatment plant is the greatest issue. In the early stages, sludge was usually buried or reused. To account for the limitations of soil resources and the concept of water and soil protection, CPT’s Taiwanese plants signed recycling contracts with recycling contractors that are certified by the Environmental Protection Administration in 2009. Primary materials involved are recycled construction materials, which are now reused instead of buried. Therefore, recycling rates for waste materials from all plants have increased from 57.85% to 94.93% between 2009 and 2010 as CPT does it part for the environment.

Liquid Waste Production among Taiwanese Plants in 2011 (unit: tons)

Total Taoyuan Plant

Longtan Plant

Yangmei Plant

Total 14,969.10 2,506.20 9,375.27 3,087.63

Total Liquid Waste

Recycled12,583.62 2324.56 7,558.11 2700.95

Total Liquid Waste

Disposed2,385.48 181.64 1,817.16 386.68

Liquid Waste Recycling

Ratio84.06% 92.75% 80.62% 87.48%

Waste Material Production among Taiwanese Plants (unit: tons)

2009 2010 2011

Total 20,182.27 28,174.87 27,880.91

Wastes that Required Disposal 8,507.32 1,429.75 3,509.91

Recyclable Waste 9,805.10 25,155.14 22,536.57

Resource Waste 1,869.86 1,589.98 1,834.43

Recycle & Reuse Ratio 57.85% 94.93% 87.41%

Note: the Hukou plant was sold, and therefore is not included in 2010.

Waste Material Production among Chinese Plants (unit: tons)

2009 2010 2011

Total 1,634,465.44 2,193,809.93 11,702.89

Wastes that Required Disposal 2,033.11 4,616.82 3,263.16

Recyclable Waste 46.07 0 0.01

Resource Waste 1,632,386.26 2,189,193.11 8,439.72

Recycle & Reuse Ratio 99.88% 99.79% 72.12%

Note: general waste from CPT Visual Information (Wujian) Co., Ltd. / Shenchaun CPT Display Technology Co., Ltd. / Fujian Huaguan Opto-Electronics Co., Ltd. in the China region had been incorporated into statistics for 2011. General waste for Fujian CPT Display Technology Co,, Ltd / Zhonghua CPT Fuzhou Plant / Fuzhou CPT Visual Information Co., Ltd. are not incorporated into statistics.

Page 14: Reducing Energy and Resources Consumption, Develop



pany Profile


ent of Sustainability Issues

Reducing Energy and R

esources Consum

ption, D

evelop Environmentally Friendly Products

Provide High Q

uality Green Products,

Winning C

ustomer R

ecognitionEncourage Suppliers’ G

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ent and G

reen ServicesEstablish LO


S Working Environm

ent and Voluntary Environm

ental Conservation

Work w

ith Employees to C

are for Neighboring


munity and Establish G

reen Image

Air Pollution Prevention

CPT established its own independent power generation procedures to ensure stability in the production process. The primary sources of waste gas are from TFT/CF manufacturing and power generation processes. In order to reduce pollutant emission from manufacturing and power generation processes, manufacturing process coefficients are optimized to reduce the intensity of end gas processing equipments. Also, the capabilities of high pollution processing equipments are upgraded continuously.

Volatility Organic Substance Emission ParametersCPT’s Taoyuan, Lungtan, and Yangmei plants have all

adopted the best feasible technology and facility to control this pollutant – zeolite turbine concentrated incineration facilities. This facility uses burning temperatures of 700~800 degrees Celsius to effectively process organic pollutants, achieving disposal rates of 95% or higher. CPT also abides by government legislative requirements. Not only does CPT perform regular inspection of organic pollutant emission lines and regular emission reports, its internal disposal efficiency is always set at a minimum equivalent to legislative standards.

In 2011, certain parts of manufacturing processes were alteredin the Longtan plant. To increase the processing capabilities of organic emission systems and improve the quality specifications of emissions, CPT completed the addition of 1 zeolite concentration turbine +RRTO furnace system under the precondition of not incurring excessive environmental detriments. Zeolites are used to absorb and concentrate waste gas, and then sent to the RRTO furnace to dispose of solvent vapors in organic emissions. Clean airs produced from the aforementioned processes are then sent to the atmosphere.

Fluoride & PFCs Gas DisposalCPT’s Taoyuan and Lungtan plants’ TFT manufacturing

process involve membrane molding and dry etching procedures that use SF6 and NF3 gases for the manufacturing process. Therefore, fluoride gases that have not reacted completely would be emitted from the end gas emissions. Because SF6 and NF3 are greenhouse gases with high global warming potential (GWP), CPT uses high temperature burning to break down the gases’ molecules, augmented by particle accumulation filter bags to capture the secondary solid pollutant that result from the burning process – silicon dioxide. Lastly, the cleaning tower is used to clean out special gas molecules in the waste gas. Currently, efficiency is at 90% or above.

Disposal of Acidic and Basic GasesAcidic and basic gases are emitted during the TFT

manufacturing process in CPT’s Taoyuan and Lungtan plants and the CF manufacturing process in the Yangmei plant. After acidic or basic solutions interact adequately with water, acidic and basic ions from the emissions are dissolved in water, and the resultant cleaning water flow to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment. After removing acidic and basic ions, emissions are released into the atmosphere at pH 7~9. The plant has placed automatic solution adding systems in the cleaning tower, which enable instantaneous monitoring of pH values, residual chlorine, and electric conductivity values, in order to ensure the cleaning efficiency of the cleaning tower.

Motorized Electricity Generation ProcessIn 2011, CPT’s independent power generation facilities

in the Taoyuan and Longtan plants were all able to operate normally and provide stable supplies of electricity. Primary air pollutants include sulfuric oxidized substances and nitrogenous oxidized substances. In terms of controlling sulfuric oxidized substances, CPT employs the low-sulfur (0.5%) #6 heavy oil burning process approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, which products pollutant emissions far below legally stipulated concentrations. In terms of particle pollutants, DeNOx facilities are placed at the emission front end, which can effectively remove those pollutant types through catalyst exchange. Two tests are performed each year, as legally required,all of which fulfilled legal requirements.

CPT’s Taoyuan plant had terminated its independent power generation facilities in October 2011 as CPT accounted for the utility of independent power generation compared to procured electricity in 2011. The Longtan plant will terminate its independent power generation facility in 2012 in hopes of maximizing the utility of limited resources.