dov baron interview - ·...

Expert Interview Learn how to thrive by offering the world what you already naturally have. Dõv Baron Dõv Baron is the bestselling author of “Don’t Read This…Unless You Want More Money!” and several other books including, “Don’t Read This…Your Ego Won’t Like It!” and “Getting What You Want…To Want You”. Dõv also created a landmark manifestation strategy system titled “EFM Audio Technology”, Dov hosts his own radio show called “The Accidental Guru” broadcasting out of Seattle and globally via the internet. Dõv has developed a system that takes people like you from success to fulfillment. His “Core Affluence System” gives his students the power to generate affluence and keeps giving you the competitive edge without losing your soul. Dõv’s energy and passion are contagious. His style is direct, powerful, and humorous. Within moments you will feel a genuine connection with the man who walks his talk. Dõv is a mind-mastery expert and the mental mechanic who will turbo-charge your mind for magnificent success in the area that matters most to you. He is an international speaker, facilitator, and author who has been sharing his knowledge around the world for the last twenty-five years. Dõv Baron is not only the president of Baron Mastery Institute and the founder and developer of Quantum-Meta- Psychology™ and believes we need more affluent people with impactful souls. Dõv Baron

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Page 1: Dov Baron Interview - · 2011-06-10 · Dõv Baron / Interview Questions 1.What are some of the trials and tribulations

Expert Interview Learn how to thrive by offering the world what you already naturally have.

Dõv Baron Dõv Baron is the bestselling author of “Don’t Read This…Unless You Want More Money!” and several other books including, “Don’t Read This…Your Ego Won’t Like It!” and “Getting What You Want…To Want You”. Dõv also created a landmark manifestation strategy system titled “EFM Audio Technology”, Dov hosts his own radio show called “The Accidental Guru” broadcasting out of Seattle and globally via the internet. Dõv has developed a system that takes people like you from success to fulfillment. His “Core Affluence System” gives his students the power to generate affluence and keeps giving you the competitive edge without losing your soul. Dõv’s energy and passion are contagious. His style is direct, powerful, and humorous. Within moments you will feel a genuine connection with the man who walks his talk. Dõv is a mind-mastery expert and the mental mechanic who will turbo-charge your mind for magnificent success in the area that matters most to you. He is an international speaker, facilitator, and author who has been sharing his knowledge around the world for the last twenty-five years.

Dõv Baron is not only the president of Baron Mastery Institute and the founder and developer of Quantum-Meta-Psychology™ and believes we need more affluent people with impactful souls.

Dõv Baron

Page 2: Dov Baron Interview - · 2011-06-10 · Dõv Baron / Interview Questions 1.What are some of the trials and tribulations

Expert Interview Learn how to thrive by offering the world what you already naturally have.

Dõv Baron / Interview Questions 1. What are some of the trials and tribulations of your own life

that have allowed you to rise above the circumstances and achieve success?

2. When you were young, did you ever think or dream you’d become as successful as you are?

3. In your book, you refer to something called a “unique value set”. What do you mean by that, how do people find out what their “unique value set” is, then apply it to their lives?

4. What is wealth consciousness, and how do you know how to use it in order to change?

5. What’s the difference between spending money and leveraging it?

6. Do you believe that anybody can change? What is the difference between the people who want to change and the people who don’t?

7. What do you mean when you say there’s nothing wrong with anybody, but there’s something wrong with their mental conditioning?

8. What is the Law of Resonance in regards to becoming wealthy?

9. Much of the work you love to do is in your work with relationships. Can you give us more of a snapshot around that?

10.How many hours a day, week, month or year, do you invest in your own personal growth?

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Write down the new understandings you gain from this interview.

Include thoughts, realizations, and concepts you will use to enhance your business/life.

Record specific actions you will take as a result of this new knowledge.

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John: Hi this is John Assaraf and welcome to Success Manifestors: How Ordinary people achieve Extra Ordinary results!

You are about to embark on a journey of personal transformation and growth as I bring you face to face with some amazing individuals. Each of these interviews is with people who learned what they needed to learn and took action to achieve success in their own lives. Now they are sharing their wisdom, strategies and tactics with you, so you can easily apply their lessons in your own life right now.

It is said that a smart person learns from his or her mistakes, and that a REALLY smart person learns from the mistakes and success of others, in addition to the lessons they’ve learned on their own. The 21 people that I bring to you in these interviews all have reached success in their respective disciplines and I know they will enrich, educate, inspire and motivate you to break free right now and achieve higher levels of success in each area of your life.

As you listen to each interview, really apply yourself. Take notes as ideas flow into your head, highlight the transcripts and write down the action steps you are committed to taking. It's the application of the right information in the right order that will help you achieve more than you have ever achieved in your life.

If you are seeking to achieve better health and gain more energy, to overcome current obstacles and challenges, or want to release any negative emotions you’ve been carrying from experiences in your past, you will find that each one of the experts you’ll meet in these interviews has faced similar challenges of their own that they have overcome, and that now you can overcome them also.

Remember, the more you focus on these great lessons and the more you focus on applying what you learn here, the faster your transformation will be.

Repetition is the mother of learning so I highly urge you to listen over and over to the interviews that REALLY grab you. I have my favorites and I would love to know yours so make sure you hop on to the John Assaraf Facebook fanpage and share your comments with me right there.

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Now sit back and listen to this inspiring and empowering interview with Dov Baron.

Dov and I met several years ago through some people. We actually met physically probably about six months ago or so. Yeah. Maybe about six months, maybe four months ago. And he’s the president of Baron Mastery Institute and the founder and developer of something really unique called, “Quantum-Meta-Psychology.” And he’s got a killer book out there, called, “Don’t Read This Unless You Want More Money.” How’s that for knowing how to brainwork there? It’s an excellent, excellent book. And he, also — he’s created so many things. He’s been around the block for — for so many years, working with people all over the world and in Canada, and he’s really making monstrous headway in the United States right now. And one of the things that he created was a strategy system titled, "EFM Audio Technology." And, on top of that, he is the show host of "The Accidental Guru", which broadcasts globally via the Internet, and he’s got a lot of just incredible systems, like the "Core Affluence System", that really helps you create and generate affluence, and really work — do it with — within a way that provides your soul the nourishment that it needs. And I could tell ya, he’s got game, and he is hot right now in the market. And he’s a buddy, so Dov, welcome, Bud!

Dov: Thank you, John. It’s a real pleasure and an honor to be here. Always a pleasure to share the platform with you and, of course, I’m very honored to share it with all the other great speakers you’ve got on this program. Thank you for inviting me.

John: Well, thank you so much. You know, I — I’ve made a — I’ve made a verbal commitment to the world that my goal is to help a billion people worldwide become and utilize the true billions of genius, and this is one of the ways that I’m doing it. To bring geniuses like you to the forefront. I want to jump right in if I can. I want to be all about quality and some great quantity, as well. And so in your book, Don’t Read This Unless You Want More Money, I want you to help me understand what you mean by that and, then, you — you refer to something called a unique value set.

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: What is that?

Dov: The unique value set is actually something that we all have. Everybody gets a unique value set, and it’s often something that

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we gain without specific conscious intention. So it’s usually a side — what I call a sidebar skill set, so I’ll give you a great example. I’ve been, as you know, John, a speaker, a teacher, for 26 years. Prior to that, in a previous life, I actually was in the hairdressing business. Now I was in that business for about 13 years. And for all — all of the things I did and learned while I was in that, when it came to me to studying psychology and studying counseling, there was a particular occasion where I sat down with my guide who was my mentor at this time, and I started a counseling session with somebody, and my mentor sat there and watched and, at the end of it, he was supposed to sort of give me the guidance, give me a few tips on — on where I, you know, where I needed a bit of help. And I finished, and my mentor said to me, “How long have you been doing this?” And I said, you know, “I’m — I’m in training. I — I’ve just started.” And he said, “This is incredible!” I said, “Why?” He said, “Well, it’s like you’ve been doing this for years. I mean, I can’t — I can’t change anything you said. What have you been doing? What was your training?” And I didn’t know at the time. I didn’t know at the time. Now I realize that my sidebar learning, my unique value set, from standing in the back of a chair talking to people for 45 minutes while I did their hair for all those years gave me a unique value set that fit perfectly for being a counselor. So —

John: Mmm.

Dov: — it’s something you learn on the side. Does that make sense?

John: Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It’s a very, very unique — out of — that’s very, very unique. I — I like the way you positioned that.

Dov: So — so we’ve all got one of those.

John: How do people find out what their unique value set is, then? If we all have one, how do they find out?

Dov: Well, there’s all kinds of ways you can find — find out what your unique value set is. One of the simplest ways is, really, to tap into it by — one of things I like to do is — is to do a survey. And the survey is to — is to go around and talk to your friends, or — or even send them emails or little notes, and ask them this question. What is it — what is it you see in me that I don’t see in myself? What unique ability do you have? I call these your — your genius blind spots, is the parts that you don’t know. So just — and I gotta say, communicate with different people. So the group of people that really know you well, people who don’t know you that well, and people who hardly know you. So three

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separate groups. And the reason for that is because the first group, the people who know you really well, you’ve already told them your limitations, so there’s some challenges to that. They know you better, but they also — you’ve brainwashed them a little bit.

John: Mmm-hmm.

Dov: Then there are the people who know you, but not super well. So you’ve not brainwashed them too well, but they’ve got less insight. And so these three groups give you their sense. And write all down the answers, even if they don’t make sense to you, even if you don’t agree with them. And you’ll start to see a pattern emerge. Once that pattern emerges, then you start to discover at least the beginnings of your own unique value set, and that is how you actually can bring enormous value to the world.

John: You know, it’s interesting about what you just said. I swear to you, just about five

hours ago or so, I got an email from a friend of mine, who I don’t know that well, and he asked me that exact same question. He says, “Can you do me a favor? I’m reading this book right now, and I’m in this course right now” —

[Laughter ]

John: — “in Canada,” and he said, “Can you tell me what you think makes me and what I do unique?”

Dov: Mmm.

John: That’s so amazing that you said that. I — it’s not — I know there are no coincidences, but —

Dov: Yeah.

John: — it’s amazing you just said that, because I just got an email about that five hours ago. And so —

Dov: That’s — that’s —

John: Yeah. Once somebody determines what their unique value set is, that’s great but, then, why do people undermine it, or why don’t they even know what it is?

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Dov: Well, that’s a great question. One of the reasons that people undermine it is because we take it for granted.

John: Ah.

Dov: You know, we all know the saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.” And what that means is, that we just get so used to it, we think it’s common knowledge. And common knowledge means it’s common to you. You know it, so you downplay it. And the example I give in the book is, for instance, you make chili, and so you say, “Well, everybody can make chili.” You know, and everyone says, “You make the best chili.” “Well, anybody can make chili.” But, no. It’s — if everybody can make chili, why is some chili more popular than others? If you think about what’s your favorite dish to eat, let’s say — what’s your favorite dish, John?

John: My favorite dish has gotta be something with garlic.


Dov: Okay. All right. So let’s say it’s — let’s say it’s garlic prawns.

John: Oh, I love it.

Dov: Have you ever had — okay. Have you ever had really great garlic prawns?

John: I’m sure I’ve had them in — in many places. I can’t remember exactly where, but yes.

Dov: Sure. Have you had really bad ones?

John: Absolutely.

Dov: Right. So if — even though it’s your favorite food, there is variances on how great it is. So just because your unique value set doesn’t seem unique to you, because you — this is one of the problems with the ego mind. The ego mind operates always out of comparison. So it compares you to somebody else’s. “Oh, well, everybody’s doing that.” That’s not true. Nobody does it in the way that you do it. And that’s how we downplay it. And so we think it’s not valuable to us and, as a result, we — we don’t share that with the world, because we make it — we minimize it.

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John: So your ego’s consistently comparing yourself to somebody else. Am I — am I better than, less than, the same as somebody else? And if you’re the same, or less than, then it becomes too common.

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: I would imagine if you’re more than, than — and if you’re comparing it with ego, your ego starts to expand out of control?

Dov: Well, yeah. That’s the two sides of polarity, of — of the challenge with it. And the bottom line is — and this is what I want everybody to get while we’re on the call today. This is one of the really important things I want you to get. There is no comparison. There is no competition. You are the only one that is you. Everyone else is taken. You’re the best version of you there is. So if you understand the— even if you brought what you brought to the world and — as, you know, one of the things, years ago — and you probably had this experience, John, as a facilitator. I had the experience where I discovered that one of my students had taken off and was teaching my stuff, almost word for word. And I wasn’t real happy about that at the time. And I sat down with a good friend of mine. Actually, it’s a friend that you know, John, and who you were in Monte Carlo with a few years ago. And I was telling him about this, about I was upset about this. And he said, “What difference does it make?” And I said, “What do you mean?” And he said, “Even if somebody got up and gave word for word what you did, they’re never gonna do it the way you do it, because that’s what makes it unique.”

John: Hmm.

Dov: And that’s part of your unique value set. It’s what — it’s not only how you do it — what you deliver, however — but how you deliver it.

John: I totally agree with you. Totally agree with you. Dov, I’ve got a question. Are you — are you on a cell phone, or a — a headset?

Dov: No, I’m not, but I can hear a fuzz, too.

John: There’s — there’s a bit of a fuzz somewhere, so —

Dov: Yeah.

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John: — it’s coming in and out, so if we can maybe both — I’m gonna turn off my cell phone. All right. So let’s say somebody figures out what their value set is.

Dov: Yes.

John: How do they use their value set to be able to earn income from it, or to apply it in their lives, to move their lives forward?

Dov: Okay. Great question, so let’s move that to the next level and talk about something that’s a money myth. And this is how you can actually tap into unique value set. One of the great money myths that we’ve got is that, in order to really have money flowing into your life, you — we’ve been trained to go out and get a job. And if you — if you think about it, the sort of jobs that they don’t like. They’re not happy with it, and they make money from it. And that pays the bills. However, the weekend comes, or even the night comes when they get home, and they spend their time doing something they absolutely love. They just love doing this. They’re passionate about doing it. And — and, you know, maybe you go over to their house, and they give you something that they’ve done as part of their hobby, and maybe you say, “You know, this is so beautiful. Let me pay you.” And they say, “Oh, no, no. This is something I love.” And that’s part of the challenge.

John: Mmm.

Dov: Because we’ve got it conditioned in our head that we only earn money by doing things we hate. And we’re not entitled to earn to earn money from the things that we love. So this is the first challenge we gotta get past, is understanding your unique value set. First of all, you’ve gotta get that you have a unique value set, that it has value, and don’t — don’t demean the value because it isn’t hard work in the sense of you hate it, but because — it’s something you love. It’s a gift you bring to the world. So that’s one of — that’s the first place you gotta start with if you’re gonna make money from it. The other thing about it —

John: Well, let me — let me — let me just stop you just a second.

Dov: All right.

John: That’s a huge point. Right? So if — if you like bacon, if you like taking care of children, if you like knitting, sewing, advising, consulting, whatever it is —

Dov: Yeah.

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John: — because it’s foreign — no. Because it’s one of your passions, and one of your loves, and one of the things that’s easy for you to do, what — what I’m hearing you say is many people, or too many people are not charging for that, because they feel they shouldn’t, or they couldn’t.

Dov: Well, they — they tell themselves they couldn’t.

John: Right.

Dov: Then they feel that they shouldn’t, because it — because it’s something that they love, which is absolutely crazy. People — you know, you and I both know this, John. The people don’t buy stuff. They buy the energy you have behind it. And so, you know, when you’re doing things that are absolutely filled with love, and passion, and juice, that’s what people want. You’re entitled to be paid for that. And — and I remember having a conversation with somebody very recently, going, “Oh, you know, but I just couldn’t charge for this. I don’t — I don’t think anybody would appreciate it. And it was the same day that I’d had a conversation with this lady. And she was telling me that she was making six figures part-time as a coach. Now, you know, I’m sorry. Every man and his dog is a coach these days, but it was like, “Okay. Well, how’re ya doing that? What are you coaching on?” And I was blown away. She was coaching. She was a scrapbook coach.


John: Wow!

Dov: People — a scrapbook coach!

John: Wow!

Dov: I was, like, you know, “Wow!” Now that just blew away my prejudice, ‘cause I would have thought nobody will pay for that, but she was making six figures. And that’s a great example of you think that you’re not gonna get paid for this, and you will. There are always people who want it. And the big piece I want to give on that is this. And I’m sorry. Can I go on, John?

John: Go. No. Go on. Absolutely. I’m — I’m sitting here, and just jumping in my seat, ‘cause I so agree with you.

Dov: Okay. ‘Cause I’m really passionate about this, ‘cause it’s really important. And that is where people get in their own way with this. Okay. Is — is the first thing I want you to understand is, if

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you’re on this call, you understand you need mentors to serve you, to give you the knowledge you don’t have. And where you — where you get in your own way, with tapping into your own unique value set is because you do the comparison thing, and you think that what you’ve got to offer through your unique value

set has to be at the level of that of your mentors. Well, what — I want to stop you — and make sure you’re writing this down. This is important. You are not there to serve your mentors. Your mentors are there to serve you, to bring you to the next level. You’re there to serve those who are — write this down — you are there to serve those who are where you were.

John: Oh, that’s good. You are there to serve those who are where you were. Somebody write that down on Facebook and Tweet that, and give Dov Baron the credit. You are there to serve those who are where you were. So — so the comparison is that I’m not good enough, when I’m looking up towards my guru mentor or whatever.

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: And so that’s where the “I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy enough” may come in.

Dov: Yes.

John: So that’s not — and — and, by the way, you know what I can share with you is — is I learn from everybody, and — and the way I’ve always looked at my life — I don’t know why — is that we’re all on this one road and some people are behind. And some people are in front, but from space you can’t tell who’s where…

Dov: Right.

John: — and who’s who. So we’re just there. Shine the light in front of us and behind us. And move on to the next one. I love that.

Dov: “I’m just a fellow traveler along the path. I just happened to have been on the path a bit longer, but so what? It’s the same path. I’m not better than you.”

John: I love that. That’s absolutely excellent. So where did you start to — where did you come from to get — to get all this? What are some of the trials and tribulations of your own life that have

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allowed you to — to rise above, you know, the circumstances? I know you had some.

Dov: Oh, yes!


John: Now, let’s — let’s — I know, ‘cause when I sat there talking to you in Vancouver in the restaurant, you told me about your car crash, and I saw some of the pictures. I said, “Holy shxx!” You know, I was saying, “Holy toloodi!” What — happened here?”

Dov: Yeah. The — the — you know, I can start in all kinds of places, because I — I came from a place. I mean, this is gonna be the Reader’s Digest version, obviously. But I — I was born in a ghetto in Northern England, in abject poverty, surrounded by alcoholism, violence, crime at every possible level, and abject poverty. And, really, no real solid examples of what success was, that — that were anything I’d want, at least. And by the time I was ten years old, you know, I’d really had some strange experiences. But by the time I was ten years old, I walked into the living room and saw my mom crying. And that was certainly nothing unusual due to our circumstances. However, I just wanted to know why she was crying. She was looking at the TV set, and as she wiped away the tears, she pointed at the TV set, and said, “He’s dead.” And I said, “Who?” And she pointed at Martin Luther King.

John: Mmm.

Dov: And I could hear the I Have A Dream speech. I was ten years old. And I was, like, wow! And I was taken by that, and — and something within me was ignited. This knowing that a man on the other side of the world who is not the same color or from the same part of the world as we were, was having impact on my Mother in the ghetto, on the other side of the world, and I was like, wow! People can have an impact bigger than locally and it was just — was amazing to me. And I made a commitment at 14 years old, I was gonna be out of there and, at 21, I was. I began traveling the world, to study with different spiritual teachers and many different religious philosophies that we’re not going to get into. I was doing really great. By about 1990, I was on tour. I toured Australia a couple of times as speaker. I toured — toured Canada several times and the Northern US. And, then, in June 1990, was free climbing, which was my sport because I was an adrenalin junkie back in those days, and I fell a hundred and twenty feet —

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John: Oh, my!

Dov: — which is about twelve stories, landed on my face, and got smashed to pieces or, as I’d like to say, I fell a hundred and twenty feet from a silver crested pedestal, and landed on my ego.


Dov: It shifted everything. So that — that was obviously a massive thing to overcome. And as I always say to people, you know, the physical restoration was painful and — and hard, and it was a complete cakewalk compared to coming back emotionally, spiritually, and emotionally. Because I wanted to quit. Everything I believed in was — I’d lost faith. I was just shattered. But I definitely went off the track awhile there, and I really had to examine something. You know, and — and this is — this is one of the things I say to people all the time. Please understand something. You know? Whether you believe in manifestation or you don’t, at least consider this. That your life is always a result of your intention. Everything in your life is a result of your intention, even if you’re not sure of what your intention is, because if it has shown up somewhere along the line, you intended to get it. And so here I am, smashed to pieces at the bottom of a mountain, and I’m not liking the idea that I've somehow intended this.


John: Yeah. I would say most people wouldn’t — wouldn’t think they intended that.

Dov: No. And — and I don’t think I intended to fall off a mountain as a specific, but I needed something to wake me up, and I think that’s what we need. I needed something to really get my attention in a dramatic way. Now before I fell, I was a

speaker, a teacher, a therapist, an — an author. I was doing all those things, and now I’m still a speaker, teacher, author, all those things. But what’s different is the intention at which I come at it. And, really, that’s the guidance I want to give anybody, is you really need to take a look at why you do something. Don’t BS yourself about why you’re doing it. Don’t come up with the right answer. Really dig in and ask yourself why am I doing it? Do you want success in a real way? And I’m talking about more than money. You’ve gotta know why you do something. Now how, but why. That’s the biggest thing. Because you can get — you can

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get — you can get all the results, but the level of fulfillment and satisfaction will be dramatically different, depending on your intention of why you are doing it. My intention changed dramatically after I fell.

John: So why do you do what — what you do today?

Dov: Well, let me — let me preface you by saying why I did it before. Why I did what I did before was because I wanted to — I wanted to help people. I wanted to fix people. And the presumption, the presupposition of that, the presumption of it is that people were broken, that there was something wrong with them. And so the intention I work out of now is that there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with anyone.

John: Mmm.

Dov: People got some crappy conditioning. We all got that. But if you went out and bought a brand new computer and it had on it Vista, it didn’t run very well. Most people know it didn’t run very well. So do you throw the computer out, or do you just recognize it’s got crappy programming? So there’s nothing wrong with the computer. So there’s nothing wrong with you, but what’s wrong is the conditioning. And what we can do is change the programs, change the conditioning, and everything else changes automatically from that. Nobody needs me to fix them. They need me to assist them in discovering how to dismantle old programs and put new programs in place that really work.

John: And so you’re talking obviously about the mental conditioning.

Dov: I’m talking about the mental conditioning about how we see ourselves. In life we don’t get what we deserve. We get what we believe we deserve at a deep unconscious level.

John: Mmm.

Dov: Not sitting around goin’ “Oh, yeah. I know I deserve it.” Anybody can say that. But do you feel it? It doesn’t matter what you say. It matters what you feel. It doesn’t matter what you think. It matters what you feel about what you think.

John: And —

Dov: And when you think you feel, you’re not feeling. You’re thinking.

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John: You — you’ve got me in a little poem, poetic mind — mind jolt here.


John: So you said you don’t get what you —

Dov: Yes.

John: Tell us one more time. Somebody copy this and — and let’s get this online.

Dov: Okay.

John: You don’t get what you —

Dov: In life you don’t get what you deserve. You get what you — what you believe you deserve —

John: You get what you believe you deserve —

Dov: — at a deep unconscious level.

John: So in life you don’t get what you deserve. You get what you believe you deserve. I love that. That is great stuff.

Dov: Yeah.

John: And so you — you — you — you healed yourself. I saw the pictures of — of your — your face.

Dov: Yeah.

John: I mean, you don’t look like the same person as the pictures.

Dov: Yeah.

John: You look probably like the same person as before the picture. But you had multiple surgeries.

Dov: Yeah. Ten reconstructive surgeries, it took me.

John: Ten?

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Dov: Ten.

John: Wow!

Dov: Ten reconstructive surgeries, completely rebuilt my face. It’s — I don’t have the same face I had before. I am the six million-dollar man, but it had the technology. They did rebuild me.


John: From what I hear, you’re a helluva lot more than the six million-dollar man these days.


Dov: Well, I’m just talking about the face.


John: Awesome. So — so when you say, “There’s nothing wrong with anybody, but there’s something wrong with their — with their mental conditioning,” how do people accept the fact that they’re okay? That “I’m okay the way I am, and maybe there's some things I can make adjustments on.” Where do you — you lead them?

Dov: Well, I — I lead them by studying that — that very place. What if there’s nothing wrong with you? You know, because people — we’ve been conditioned to come up with this idea that there’s something wrong with us, so what if you start with “I’m already magnificent. I’m just not tapped into it”?

John: Mmm.

Dov: So if that’s the — if that’s the case, you know, everybody has these unique value sets but, you know, one of the questions I ask people is this. Here’s an example. How many of you — I’m — I’m up here in front of a room of a couple thousand people, and I’ve been talking for — and I may say, “Put your hand up if you’ve had a million dollar idea.” Now, you can imagine, there’s a lot of hands go up in the air.

John: Absolutely.

Dov: And, then, I say, “Keep your hand up if you’ve made a million dollars with that idea.” And, as you can also imagine, there’s very

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few hands still left in the air. Because all kinds of people have all these million-dollar ideas, and they don’t really get it until it shows up in K-Mart, or somebody else’s got an infomercial out. They go, “Oh, I had that idea!” So what’s the difference between those two people? It’s ‘cause both people have the idea. One took it to fruition, and one just went, “Oh, well.” Because there’s a level of believing of deserving, and a level of believing of capability, and a level of believing that there is help out there, that people are willing to assist you become successful. And that’s one of the great things to understand. I mean, look — look at this, John. You and I know this. We’ve been doing this a long time. We can both remember the time when people who wanted to succeed and get the kind of knowledge we’re giving them, they’d jump on a plane and fly somewhere and pay probably thousands of dollars.

John: Right.

Dov: Let alone get 24 experts to do it. Right? Now here they are, online, or — or on the phone, listening in as we give them all this great information, and it’s all available to them. But the challenge is we need to get out of the information age, which is what we’ve been in, and get into the implementation age —

John: [Chuckling]

Dov: — where we’re actually applying what it is we’re learning. Like, if you’re — if you’re getting value out of this particular conference between John and I, get out the pen. Get out the paper. Take notes and, then, take action. Like I want you to commit to do something, really, literally, within five minutes of the end of this call, that you do something. It doesn’t have to be gigantic, but it has to be something in the direction of. If you do something in the direction of, within five minutes there’s a much greater chance you will do something. Otherwise, it’s just shelf-help. It’s information you stick on the shelf, and —


John: Shelf-help. Dov, you’re coming up with a whole bunch of goodies today, Man! I’m gonna be listening to this call again. I’ve got notes here I’m typing up on Facebook, here. I’m gonna — I’m gonna have a whole bunch of new material for my — my upcoming keynote this weekend.

Dov: Splendid.

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John: You think I’m interviewing you for you. I’m interviewing you for new content.

Dov: Good.

John: But, again, even if I did, it wouldn’t come out the way you say it.

Dov: No.

John: So absolutely excellent. So — so do you believe that anybody could change?

Dov: I believe anybody can change who wants to change. And I — and this is a really good distinction, because I don’t believe anybody can change who people want to change.

John: Well, hold that. One more time. One more time. ‘Cause I know — I know one of your masteries is helping relationships, so go back one more time. You don’t believe that anybody can change that.

Dov: No. I believe anybody can change that wants to change. But I don’t believe anybody can change if somebody wants them to change.

John: Ahh! Okay. So it has to be the person who wants the change to change. Now, I heard a long time ago, and it’s one of my favorite lines. That the only human that likes change is a wet baby.


Dov: That’s a great one, isn’t it?

John: There’s one for you, Buddy. I’ll give you one back. There’s one.

Dov: Thank you.

John: I’m lobbing one back. You can have that one.

Dov: Thank you. I — I appreciate it.

John: Right. ‘Cause I know we’re both, you know, into — into changing, you know — or, it’s — I don’t even think it’s a matter of changing ourselves, but just stretching ourselves to be as best as we can

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be, and — and so what is the difference between people who want to change and people who don’t?

Dov: Oh. That’s the beautiful question. The difference between people who want to change and the people who don’t is really simple. Pain.

John: What? What? What?

Dov: Pain. P-a —

John: Pain.

Dov: P-a-i-n. Pain. You know, we’re all — think that we — that what we want, you know, we’re gonna change because we want to get the bigger house. I want to live in a better place. I want to find a better partner. No. No. No. No. No. All those things will get you moving short term. What gets people on fire is pain. Pleasure moves you short term. Pain moves you long term. Keep the fire on your butt, and your eye on the goal. That’s how I changed my life. Keep the fire on your butt and — and your eye on the goal. If you — if it becomes too painful to stay the same, you will change. And that’s just why people change. And what you have to do is keep your eye on the goal, the thing you’re really going for that’s gonna bring you all that pleasure, but really keep the fire on your butt. Remember how painful it’s gonna be to stay where you are. The problem is that people are very attached to their comfort zone. And your comfort zone is the most dangerous place you’ll ever live.

John: Mmm. I — I couldn’t agree with you more. You know, pain — pain, or change — excuse me — is nature’s only constant. Figure that one out. Right? Change —

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: — is the only constant in the universe. And it’s the thing that we don’t like. And it’s the absolute thing we need to move forward, to get ahead in our lives. And so here’s a question for all of you to be — to think about. What has to happen in order for you to be okay, to be comfortable, to you saying to yourself, “I’m ready to take the leap to make the change?” What has to happen? You know? Instead of waiting for that to happen, why not move towards what you want deliberately? Make the decision to cut off from any other option, to move deliberately towards that goal of yours. And guess what will happen? Magic, absolute magic, will happen in your life, because you will get into a vibration. I know

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Dov knows lots of that, as well, of what you do want, and you’ll release and let go of what you don’t want so fast you’ll wonder where all the success has been hiding for all these years. And so you and I are right on the — right on the same —

Dov: Right. Absolutely.

John: Yeah. Right on the same wave-length.

John: Dov, let me ask you a question about Don’t Read This Unless You Want To Make More Money, one of your books, if I can.

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: There’s a — a term about wealth consciousness that you refer to in the book that is being thrown around like, you know, just like it’s nothing. What is it to you, wealth consciousness, and — and how do you get this — this to — to your core so you know how to use it to change?

Dov: You know, I really appreciate you asking about wealth consciousness, John. And — and if it’s okay, ‘cause I really want to dig in and give our listeners some really quality content here. I want to explain what wealth consciousness is. Is that okay?

John: Yeah. That’s why I’m asking, Buddy.

Dov: Okay.

John: You know this inside and out.

Dov: Okay. All right. So first of all, let me talk about what wealth consciousness is not very briefly, and that is that wealth consciousness is not about having more money. Wealth consciousness is actually about affluence and, if you look up the word affluence, it means flow. It’s about being in the flow. So —

John: Oh, wow!

Dov: — for me —

John: I didn’t know that.

Dov: Oh, yeah. That’s — go look up the word affluence. It’s flow. And that’s why the subtitle of my book, Don’t Read This Unless You

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Want More Money is subconsciousness tactics for — of the truly affluent. It’s being in that flow. The turning point for me was the moment I got what that really meant. As I said, I was born in the ghetto, and I spent years when I got out of there observing successful people, and trying — trying being in — inverted comma’s, to understand what they knew that people who were struggling the way I was back then just didn’t know. And — and it’s — it’s a really fascinating thing the — even though those people were telling me — I was paying attention. They were telling me what to do. I just didn’t get it. Just — it was, like, you know, they were speaking their blah, blah, blah to me.


Dov: I just didn’t get it. Right? It was a foreign language —

John: Right.

Dov: — because of my consciousness and where I was at. They had certain know- how. They had certain strategies. They even had certain connections, but none of that was truly landing until I got the very thing that is actually the foundation of what I teach through our core affluent system. In fact, my answer takes me right back to where we started today. And — and it’s this. First of all, the people with wealth consciousness, the truly successful people, are absolutely clear about what they want. They are not wishy-washy.

John: Mmm-hmm.

Dov: If you want to have wealth consciousness, you’d better know what you want. Don’t tell me you want more money. Here’s a quarter. You’ve got more money. Who cares? You know? It’s be very, very, very, very specific. So the wealth consciousness — wealth consciousness people know exactly what they want. That’s number one. Number two, they get it. And this is really important for you.

They get it — it — that, for them to have more, doesn’t take anything away from anyone else. And that’s not a — a New Age concept. They get it. In fact, they understand that the more they have, the more they create, making more available for others. So if you think about that in a simpler sense, if they’ve got a ton of money and they go out and buy a $70,000 BMW, a $70,000-dollar BMW, how many people does that employ? The — the — and, you know, you can think about the people who work in a factory, but there’s also the people who make the tires, and the people who are the designers. And there’s all kinds of — it’s part

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of an economic circle, and they get that. They understand that they’re creating more, by having more. And this is the third point. This was what broke it for me, because this is what wealth consciousness is about. People with a lack mentality think that the purpose of money — again, write this down. This is important. People with a lack mentality think that the purpose of money is to spend it. In fact, many people who are in serious financial struggle are spending money in order to prove to themselves or others that they are not poor.

John: Mmm.

Dov: I do hope you got that.

John: I would love you to repeat that. And I hope somebody’s writing this down on our Facebook.

Dov: People with a lack mentality think that the purpose of money is to spend it. And many of the people who were in financial struggle, serious financial struggle, are spending money in order to prove to themselves or others that they are not poor.

John: Mmm.

Dov: People with wealth consciousness understand that money in whatever form it is, is leverage. Nothing more. Wealthy people, all the wealthy people that I’ve spoken to — and, by the way, I did land this question on you, John, at dinner. I snuck it in there. I sneak it in with every successful people I talk to.

John: So was I spending money or leveraging it?


Dov: You were leveraging it. You were leveraging money. We had conversations about it.

John: Yeah.

Dov: You were leveraging money. You’ve got it! And that’s why people like yourself are having success. And that’s what I could not understand, back in the day. Back in the day when I lived in the ghetto and I was in my late teens and I’d go for the night club and I’d hang out in the night club, and there would be all the people who were on unemployment at the night club drinking, with a gold ring on every finger, and five or six necklaces. Now what is that?

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Dov: That’s a statement of, “I’m not poor, but I’m on unemployment.”

John: Now, you know what? I — I — I find it very, very interesting to — to ask people about, you know, what is wealth, and — and, you know, I think — I don’t think of wealth as money any more. I think, you know, money is — is just a — a way to keep track of how well you’re playing the game of serving, and — and so that’s — that, to me, is — is one way of keeping track. There’s other ways to measure how well you’re serving, but I think most people don’t have the right concepts and understanding of what money really is. And that’s why they don’t have it. It just flows in and out of their hands, or — or there’s a block right at their door that doesn’t allow money to flow to them, but there’s so much money.

Dov: Yeah.

John: And there’s the ebb and flow of money. I know you know that. And — and so when we’re talking about wealth consciousness, I was — I had my — my ears close to the speaker here, because you were saying it in a way that I really, really liked. Now one of the things you and I talked — we talked about the dinner, and you asking me about wealth, you know, and — and my wealth consciousness. You and I talked about the Law of Attraction —

Dov: Mmm.

John: — and you and I also talked about something else that we agreed on, and that — that you prefer to called the Law of Resonance. And I’ve heard you talk about that, and I’ve heard you talk about, you know, in order to be rich or wealthy, you’ve got to be resonating riches. Elaborate more on that. Everybody, pay close attention, ‘cause this was so good when we talked about it in Vancouver.

Dov: Yeah. Well, the first part of understanding, as you said, we’ve got to be able to — to resonate riches, not to try and attract it. So the big part of the information age, as I said, has — has been based around this Law of Attraction stuff, which has had a lot of people thinking what they have to do is sit and — and look into the jewelry shop window and a piece of necklace will pop around their neck. And you know — well, we all know that doesn’t happen. Resonating your riches is understanding something. So this is again this is Quantum Law. This is not something somebody made up. This is a Quantum Physics Law, and I know John is very knowledgeable about this ‘cause, as far as I know, John is the only other speaker beside myself in this field who

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actually speak about it. And this is how it works. Everything in the universe has a resonance or a frequency. That’s a fact. And in fact that is how all things communicate with each other. So when we — the way that we’re able to take imagery from the other side of the galaxy is actually through resonancy. It’s through a radio wave pattern that comes back, and we read that radio wave pattern, and we can create images from it. Now here’s what was cool about it. You resonate. I’m resonating. Everybody’s resonating, and energy moves through the dominant frequency. Please remember that one. Write that one down. Energy moves through the dominant frequency.

So what that means is this. First of all, everybody’s resonating. Second of all, your thoughts are resonating. Third of all, so are your — your emotions, your feelings, and your beliefs. Each one of those is a separate resonance. Now, you say, “I want more wealth. I want more success in my life.” That’s great. Are you resonating it? Are you resonating it, not just at a thought level, because I’m telling you positive thinking won’t work. You have to be resonating, and you have to be in — in phase, and that means there has to be a match, a coherence, between the thoughts, the emotions, the feelings, and the beliefs, in order for you to resonate riches. And what happens, then, what’s really wonderful about it, is once you are resonating it, because of the way the Law of Resonance works, what you want begins to want you. There is a pull ‘cause the two energies are pulled together. Energy moves through the dominant frequency

Now let me tell you, that they — the hard side of that. And it’s — this is — this is dobbed and given it on the nose. But it’s worth it, because —

John: Go ahead.

Dov: — I don’t want you to struggle.

John: Don’t hold back.

Dov: I don’t want you to struggle.

John: Give us the truth.

Dov: You — you — please listen. You cannot afford to hang out with people who are moaning and complaining about money if you want more of it. If you want more money, you cannot afford to hang out with people who are moaning and complaining about there’s not enough. Because that process, where they’re at, the

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way their thoughts are going, their emotions, their feelings, their beliefs, has a resonance to it. And if you go into that energy, with anything less than a dynamic energy of abundance, your energy will move to the dominant frequency. And have you noticed that the people who moan and complain are pretty damn energized about it? They’re complaining —


Dov: — keeps — right? So that’s a dominant energy, and you can get sucked into that. You know that. You walk into a room where there’s that negative energy, and you walk in, and you’re feeling great, and you leave, and you feel drained. Energy moves to the dominant frequency. You cannot afford to hang out with people who are moaning and complaining. You must place yourself always around people who are at your level or higher. You know this as well as I do, John. We both made a lifelong commitment to get mentoring, to spend time with people who are at a higher level than we are, in a specific area. We understand the value of mentors. Right?

John: Absolutely.

Dov: We’ve gotta get the best people around us. Because you’ve gotta find that because, whoever it is, they’ve got a specific knowledge they’re resonating at a much higher level than you are in that specific area. You’ve got to move to that place.

John: I love it. And I — I’m gonna, before I give people some — some information, you know, many years ago I heard, you know, in an ad, says, “You know, what does a vampire do? A vampire will — sucks your blood.”

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: “Well, what does a psychic vampire do?”

Dov: Yeah.

John: “Well, they suck all of your positive energy, if you let them.”

Dov: Yeah.

John: And so, you know what? No psychic vampires allowed in my life, and I highly recommend that you follow what Dov said, as well. No psychic vampires, no negative people, no people that are

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moaning and groaning in your life, either. Okay? Not in the sense of lack or limitation, anyway. Dov, let me ask you a question.

Dov: Yeah.

John: What was one of your biggest setbacks outside of your — your fall when you —when you fell 120 feet?

Dov: Mmm.

John: And how did you overcome that?

John: Well, even a bigger setback was what I touched on when I was telling you about the fall, which was this collapse, the crashing not just of my body but of my belief systems. You know, one of the things that we’re all attached to is what we believe. And when that comes tumbling down and you’re — you’re really challenged to look at that, that’s when everything — that’s when you’re really — you’re up against the wall. It’s not about bringing the body back, but it’s about really, “Can I really restore faith in — in myself and what it is that — it’s easy. It’s always easy to quit. And — and it was very easy for me. It would have been very easy for me to quit at that particular time. And, for me, it was this thing that awoken in me that day when I saw Martin Luther King at ten, and that was this realization that — and, you know, we can say it was an ego thing. And we can say it was some fantasy or whatever it is. You know, I don’t really care what it’s called. What I care is that there was some sense that I had to do something bigger than me.

John: Mmm.

Dov: And what I believe about that is that the people who make a real difference are the people who are committed to creating legacy. That’s everything that we’re designed for, is in — in my company, is about helping you create a legacy, going beyond success to creating a legacy, and it was like it’s not my legacy to lay here and moan and complain. So if I’m really here for anything other than just to take up time and space, then I don’t have the right. I don’t have the right to keep playing small, as — as a — a mentor of mine and someone you know, too, John, Stephen Stavrakis, says, and I just love what he says. He says, “Who is suffering by you playing small?”

John: Mmm.

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Dov: And I really — that — that was a question that played in my mind for years. Who is suffering by you playing small? And I really have to step it up and go, you know what? There’s no room for me to play small. I cannot do that. I’m robbing the world. And when you are not tapping into your unique value set that is what you’re doing. You’re robbing the world of the gifts that you have, because you’re minimizing them. Because you’re playing small. And how do you know that that’s not the thing that changes the world around? I mean, what if Einstein had just sat on that and said, “Oh, this is a bit of a fancy idea, this idea of special relativity. Forget about it. I’m not gonna tell anybody about it.” What if — if Marie Curie had done that? What — what if any number of — the Wright Brothers or any number of brilliant people would have said, “Nah, it’s no big deal.” Just the way you’ve done with your own unique value set. Step it up. Play big.

John: You gotta step it up. Sorry. You gotta step it up. It’s interesting, ‘cause you say that, and on my vision board here that I have here in front of me I have my vision and my strategic initiatives for my businesses and for my life right in front of me all the time, and I crossed out maybe about two weeks ago — my goal was to help millions of people. And, then, I asked myself why not help a billion people? Or billions of people?

Dov: Yeah.

John: I remember when — when Rhonda Byrne started with The Secret, her goal was to help billions of people.

Dov: Mmm.

John: And she’s up to helping probably a billion right now with The Secret having been seen by so many people. So I just changed mine to help a billion people worldwide, as opposed to a million, and I’m gonna do that one way or the other, through — through Internet, through television, through radio, through any means possible.

Dov: Well, you know, John, I think that that’s one of the things that we forget, is that you and I are in the business of asking people to step it up. And we have gotta be held accountable to that, too. And it’s people like — like yourself and me, my whole business model has changed. The — the — we are having to challenge ourselves to do that. Step it up. Play big. Just ‘cause it looks big right now, you can play bigger.

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John: You know, and — and that’s exactly right. I know, you know, some of the stuff that you teach around the quantum field and how to tap into this quantum intelligence, and — and how to change your brain, as well, is — is teaching people that they can step up. They can tune in. They can be on that frequency. And they can act. And that’s — that’s what I want to — I want to be able to — to hear you. Yet you — your — you haven’t been in the U.S. a lot, but I know you’ve traveled and done great work around the world, and — and now you’re taking the U.S. as one of the marketplaces you’re offering your great services.

Dov, let me ask you a question. When — when you were young, did you ever think you’d become as successful as you are? Did you imagine this? Did you dream about becoming so successful?

Dov: It — it’s kinda weird, because the answer to that is both yes and no. And — and — and no in the sense of the form that — that it was in. I didn’t know the form. I had no idea of the form. And — and that’s one of the things that has been a great blessing to me, is that I’ve never been attached to the form. I did know, always knew, with absolute certainty, that I was here to do something great, and make a massive difference. And that was the driving force, and I’ve never been attached to the form.

John: By “the form” you mean how?

Dov: Yeah. Exactly. You know, let me even correct that. Maybe I was attached to the form until I fell. And, then, in 1990, when I fell, I just gave up the form. And I just said, “You know, whatever way I can be of service, and if that’s speaking on the platform and speaking in front of thousands of people, being on these teleseminars, where you say 11,000 people, whatever the form is, it doesn’t matter. Writing books, doing audios, videos, whatever it is, I — it doesn’t matter. I’m not attached to that. I’m just clear that I’ve got to make a difference. I want and I’m absolutely dedicated to being of service. And so I’m not attached to the how. I am — I am very focused on the intention of what it is and the why I do that. Not the form that it’s in.

John: Great. I want to ask you a question that many people probably have not asked you, because I want — one of the things I want to do in this — in this series is give people the truth. I am so sick and tired of the crap people are telling you if you scratch and sniff and you become successful. How many hours, either a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, do you invest in your own personal growth?

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Dov: Well, I remember this conversation that you and I had when we were having dinner. You know, it’s one of the things that we have in common, is that you and I are dedicated to this. Every single day I read. You know, my schedule on average is about a 16-hour day. And people say, “Well, aren’t you a workaholic?” No. There’s a vast difference between a workaholic and me, or somebody like John.

John: I’m a playaholic.

Dov: Exactly. I love what I do. Sure I do a lot of hours, but a lot of time I don’t even notice those hours, ‘cause I’m enjoying it. So again it’s that intention. What is the intention behind it? So every day I read for at least an hour on something that is for my growth and development. I spend time with my mentors every single week, and I spend on average somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000 a year on my education. And if you’re not spending — if you’re not making enough money, you’re not spending enough money on the investment in yourself. And my signoff on my radio program is, “Time, money, energy, and effort spent investing in your heart, your soul, and your mind, is time, energy, and effort well spent, because it’s investment in not only your heart, soul, and mind, but the heart, soul, and minds of those you love.” You cannot not afford not to invest in yourself.

John: I totally agree. You know what? What — what — what I find fascinating is that I could buy — you know, like, I just bought a few books in the last couple of days as I got a massage and a manicure, and a pedicure for Father’s Day, and I went next door to the — the book store, and I bought a whole bunch of books. And the gal said, “Do you like to read?” And I said, “Do I like to read? I read about five of them a week.” And I spent hours on them.

Dov: Yeah.

John: And I buy so much stuff, ‘cause I'm just — I want to learn from other people’s mistakes, and I want to learn the paths that they took, the step-by-step they took, so I can duplicate it, and — and not have to figure it out. And so you’re — you’re still learning an hour a day, or two hours a day?

Dov: At least. And, you know, you — you said something really important there, John. I think that that’s one of the big mistakes that people make. They think that when you get there, and maybe you’re there, John, and maybe I’m there to some people, that you don’t have to do it anymore. And I always compare that

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to working out. Try working out, getting in great shape for two years and, then, stop. See how long you stay in shape. We have to stay in mental, and spiritual, and emotional shape. We’ve gotta keep going. Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world. Does he — does he still have a coach? You betcha he does. He has five coaches. That’s why he stays on top. It’s the same with any kind of new development you go through. You’ve gotta keep investing in yourself, every day, every week, every month, every year.

John: Here’s what — what I have found is that the more you — you learn, the more you study, and the more you apply —

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: — the more you increase your level of awareness of yourself, and your environment. And in increasing your level of awareness, you become more.

Dov: Mmm-hmm.

John: And, therefore, you can have more.

Dov: Well, you see, the — the interesting thing about it is without the — the description I give is if — if you have blinders on, like little patches at the side of your eyes, and — and if there’s just a little slit you can see through, that’s all you can see. Now the world is actually still there. It’s still there in its full, glorious vista, in all of its abundance, but you can only see through those little slits. And every time you learn, and you grow, and you investigate yourself, and you dig deeper in yourself, you pull those — those blinders back and you get to see more of the world. Now it’s not that it was never there, but the availability to you is so much more. That’s why you gotta keep learning and growing.

John: Love it! Absolutely.

Dov, the work that you love to do — I know — I know that you’re — you’re teaching people how to achieve success. One of the things that — that I love about your work that I haven’t personally experienced but I’ve read about, and I’ve heard about —

Dov: Mmm.

John: — is your work with relationships.

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Dov: Yeah.

John: Give us a little bit of a snapshot around that, if we can?

Dov: Sure. A little off subject, but it’s really worth it. And — because how many people do we meet who want to manifest the perfect partner? The perfect soulmate? And the first thing I would say to you about this — and this is where our — our teachings are in relationship are a little different. Because the first thing we teach is, is a relationship without compromise. We’ve all been conditioned into this crazy idea of compromise. And if you look at the — go look up the word for compromise, and it says, “to make a shameful concession, or to weaken.” Now I don’t want my relationships built on that. I don’t know about you. So we teach —

John: No way.

Dov: — a no compromise relationship. And that’s the first thing. So if you really want to manifest, for instance, a soulmate, a quantum soulmate, as we call them, the first thing that I would ask you to do is exactly what I talked about right here on this program, and that is get clear. And don’t be changing your mind five minutes later and going, “Oh, well, you know, at least he’s got this,” or “At least she’s got that.” Get clear. Get absolutely specific about what it is you want. The interesting thing about it is, and I’ve said this all the time, the universe will give you absolutely anything you want, as long as you’re absolutely clear. And that’s true in relationships, too. The problem is, most people are vague. “Well, I’m kinda thinking I would like a, well, you know.” No, I don’t know. And neither does the universe. Get absolutely clear.

Relationship is the foundation of everything. The two foundations for me are real simple. That’s resonance, which we’ve been talking about, and yet — and relationships. Because it is the — the relationships — the relationships that create your resonance, and your resonance that attracts the relationships. So whether that’s in success or whether that’s in romantic relationships, or friendships, it’s all coming from those two places. Get really good at relationships. Get really good at resonance by being clear. Both of those things get clear, clear, clear.

John: I love it. I love it. I love it. I could talk to you for hours upon hours.

Dov, I want to thank you so much, my friend, for — for giving of your heart and your soul so graciously and for putting together such an incredible package for those who are committed and

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serious about taking their lives to the next level. So thank you, my friend.

Dov: It has been an honor, John. Again, it’s always an honor to share time with you, and definitely with all the other great teachers that have been part of this. And I really hope that people are taking the value of this, and — and really taking it and putting it in action, ‘cause that’s what we’re about. We’re about assisting people in really taking action and knowing that they are already magnificent.

John: All right, everybody. Remember it’s your choice to create a great life. You just need to have the right thoughts, with the right feelings, and the right actions, in the right order. And you can have a predictable transformation in your life, your business, in every part of it. If you’ve enjoyed what we have done today, let others know. And us. And if you haven’t enjoyed us, tell us what you would like to see, and what you would like us to do better.

Hey this is John Assaraf and I hope you really enjoyed this powerful interview. To find out more about the programs, products and services that we have, please go to that’s

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