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A Message from our CEO

Dear Valued Friend, I am happy to present our second publication of "Spotlight".

We have come a long way in 45 years, since the establishment of Seeach Sod in 1971. We owe a great deal of gratitude to Hashem and to His worthy messengers for helping us to become the leading special education provider to the religious community in Israel. We are grateful for all the friendships we have already established, and today, we present you with this magazine in the hope of spreading our mission even further.

The upcoming year's theme is "תקשוב" which roughly means communication. Our main goal is to enable our 1000 students to improve their communication skills through the use of iPads, communication devices and advanced technology. In addition we will be training our staff through specialized courses, how to use the advanced communication technology to ensure a link is created between the student's inner worlds and the world around them.

With communication as the theme and backdrop of the upcoming year, we want to communicate to the outside world who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

Wishing you a Shana Tova,Rabbi Shimon LevyCEO

The magazine Spotlight was compiled by:Leah Mendelowitz (PR Director)Sarah Nathan (Writer/Editor) Miriam Wilhelm (PR Contributor)Sari Kaufman (Graphics)

It's Soccer Season!As part of the Path to Fitness program for adults at Seeach Sod, we have started our very own soccer league on a soccer court in Ramat Shlomo. The men will be competing with other teams in Jerusalem while starting to decorate their homes with trophies!

Avot U'banim Learning Day

On Erev Shavuot the Otzar Yerushalayim students and Ma'as vocational members had their annual Father-Son Learning Day. The boys and men, together with their fathers, learned materials prevalent to Shavuos, each according to his level. It was truly an inspiration to watch these special boys learning so vigorously B'Chavrusa with their fathers!

Blood DriveOn May 19th, Seeach Sod hosted a blood drive in collaboration with MDA (Magen David Adom). With balloons, decorations, music and a delicious ice cream bar, the excitement in the air was palpable. It was a wonderful act of Chessed and we hope that Seeach Sod left an impression on all—we are here for the community just like the community is here for us!

Seeach Sod Receives Education AwardSeeach Sod earned this prize because of its unique and highly professional educational framework that was recognized by the Jerusalem Municipality Department of Education. We take pride in constantly upgrading the facilities to utilize the newest technology and techniques to improve the education and lives of our students.

MillionsforChesedAs part of the MillionsforChesed campaign, alongside 15 other organizations around the world, Seeach Sod fundraised $200,000 in just 24 hours! With serving as our fundraising platform, Seeach Sod was successful and we sincerely thank all our generous donors for this momentous achievement!

Two New Group Homes Open Their DoorsIn July, Seeach Sod opened 2 additional group homes, both located in Ramot; one for 6 young girls aged 13-17 and one for 6 young men aged 23-30. Like all of Seeach Sod's apartments, these too are integrated in the community. The residents ride the public transportation, shop the local stores and are warmly welcomed by their neighbors. They chose their own furniture and interior designs for the apartments including bedding, curtains, pictures, light fixtures and colors of the walls. After all…it is their home!


Dental clinic - "Smile for Life"What? An In-House Dental Clinic for Seeach Sod clients

Who? The clinic will provide service for 1,000 students and residents who are physically and intellectually disabled. In addition, the dental clinic will be catering to the special needs’ community at large. The process will happen in stages with the first stage catering to the 214 residents who live in the Seeach Sod homes,

Where? Seeach Sod's main campus; 31 Yirmiyahu Street, Jerusalem.

When? Tentative opening date: September 2015

Why? There is an obvious lack of professionals, experience and knowledge in how to effectively deliver dental care to people with intellectual disabilities. Administering dental care in the right environment with optimum conditions will ensure that these children and adults receive the oral care they desperately need. The clinic will provide highly specialized dental care, utilizing the best possible equipment, a multidisciplinary work team, and an individualized oral health plan for each patient.

One of our major accomplishments over the past few months has been hosting various tour groups on the Seeach Sod premises! Rebbetzin Rivka Bergstein, our project coordinator, is an incredibly motivated and highly energetic staff member, infusing visitors with a feeling of awe, inspiration and total amazement of the work performed at Seeach Sod! Our goal is to give the visitors a reason to stay in touch, spread knowledge and understanding of our work, encourage volunteerism, donate or simply become part of the Seeach Sod family.

Recent tours since Pesach, 2015:

JWRP- USAFebruary 26th, 2015

BYA—B'nos Yehudah SeminaryMarch 26th, 2015

JWRP- Los AngelesMay 5th, 2015

Toronto SeminaryJune 1st, 2015

Me'ohr VisionJune 2, 2015

Jewish Free School in LondonJune 21st, 2015

Heritage HouseJune 21, 2015

King Solomon High School, LondonJuly 16, 2015

Me'ohr InternshipJuly 20, 2015

JWRP- USA July 21, 2015

Camp Yachad for GirlsJuly 23, 2015

The Maggid of America, R' Paysach Krohn,honors Seeach Sod with a visit.

The legendary Rabbi Paysach Krohn, who recently joined the Board of Directors of "Friends of Seeach Sod", came to visit Seeach Sod on July 22nd. After a meeting with the CEO, Shimon Levy, the Rav had a tour of the Vocational Center where he interacted with many of the members in the most beautiful manner. After his tour, R' Krohn addressed the English speaking parents and staff of Seeach Sod giving a very inspirational Shiur on our ability to take our challenges and use them to change the world around us. He instilled in the audience a desire to make a difference in the world just as the founder of Seeach Sod, Rabbi Dov Levy z"tl, did in his lifetime.

Practical Positive ThinkingBy: Doreen Winter, MSW

Social Worker at Seeach SodThere is not one person in the world that chose

the family they were born into and no one can escape the necessary challenge of how to see the world whether it's with positive glasses or G-d forbid negative ones. In addition to our family circumstances we are given, we are also born with certain character traits that affects how we see and interact with the world around us. Yet, what we are handed over is never an excuse for our behavior and our past can't dictate our futures. We always have the option to change, grow and work on ourselves to be more positive and happier in the way we look at life and the world around us.

Below are five practical steps to help towards positive thinking:

1. Avoid negative self - talk. Avoid negative self-talk. You have to retrain

yourself to think and speak positively about yourself. A good slogan to tell yourself is: "I am doing the best I can with tools I have, today".

2. Try using humor.Try using humor. Not only should you laugh-

laugh a lot; surround yourself with people that make you happy! Just like someone needs a "good cry" every once in a while, one needs a "good laugh" just as much.

3. Develop optimism.Develop optimism and keep on it. To be a positive

person is like lifting weights and building muscles. It needs to be developed. With consistency and perseverance, the strength that can evolve into your being is remarkable.

4. Ask for help. We need to set ourselves up with a support

system before the tough gets going. Know whom you can turn to when you want to see the positive lining in a situation.

5. Take care of yourself.Add to your life activities that you love to do;

things that you enjoy and that make you happy, whether it's exercise, cooking healthy food or using your talents.

This upcoming Chagim, take the first step and approach the year with feelings of self-love from the past year and optimism for the year ahead.

Pampered in Ranana

This past June, sixteen English speaking mothers of students in Seeach Sod enjoyed a full day trip, with transportation to and from Ranana, as well as the entire days' events, free of cost. As each mother entered the exquisite home, where the day was hosted, they signed up for the treatments they wanted to receive that day. There were six volunteers that came and gave their services for free including: a masseuse, a reflexologist, a makeup artist, a facial cosmetician and two manicurists. While the women were receiving treatments, there was an outdoor pool open for swimming and a beading class given by a volunteer jewelry maker. The food was magnificent, the bonding was meaningful and the amount of pampering was perfect.

A sincere thank you to volunteers: Shula Yativ, who opened her home for the event; Shuli Brigs who consolidated all the volunteers and managed the day's events; the cooks and therapists who came and spent their time and energy for our mother, and to the entire Ranana community for being patrons of our English speaking support group for mothers.

A special thanks goes to Seeach Sod's Business Forum, for their support throughout the year:Yakov and Yosef Wolf- Einit Eyeglass StoreShalom Azran, Mashkaot HatzometDr. Michal Weil, DoctorAsher Bernstein, Esq.Yitzchak Goldfadan, Gil Nofesh ToursChaim Greenberg, GraphicallShalom Shakerdge, CPAShmuel Yedvav, Machcan Hamizronim Aron Feiner, GraphchikYisrael Olevsky, Machshevet

A special thanks goes to all our Charidy-MillionsForChesed donors and especially to:

Lee BerlmanIrving LaubFredi BrandeisShmuel PluczenikMordechai KurantYaakov Kryman

A special thanks for Seeach Sod's recent grants from:The Cherna Moskowitz FoundationThe Jerome Yavitz FoundationJewish Childs Day National Insurance Institute FoundationsMinistry of WelfareMiriam D. Leifer Estate

A Profound Expression of Gratitude

A special thanks to two recent visitors and dear friends for our past collaborations and work towards future projects:

Daniel Dover from The Wohl Foundation

Stan Goldman from The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

The Villa By: Sarah NathanChildren grow older. Develop emotionally. Mature. Marry. Climb professionally. Accomplish.

Then there are a group of children that plateau. They age without benchmarks on their time-line. These children stay children but grow into adult bodies. Although the Jewish community around the world has catered to these adults in different forms, Seeach Sod takes on this task like no other organization.

To date, we have 30 group homes scattered around Jerusalem where our adults live. However, one of these homes is completely different, totally unique and stands out. Call it a 'Villa', call it a 'Men's Facility', call it a 'Residential Home' or call it 'Supported Housing'. Whatever you call it, it's first and foremost a home. It's a four floored "villa" with a plot of land measured at 6,458 square feet.

Seeach Sod calls the home "Admor Me'Boyan" after the street it is located on in the neighborhood of Har Nof. It is where 24 adult-children spend their lives. These are 24 men who reached an age where they could no longer live at home and there was nowhere for them to go. Many of their parents are elderly. They won't marry. Some of them are orphaned or their parents live outside of Israel. And although they all have different stories, backgrounds and vary in diagnosis, they all have a common denominator: their villa.

The 24 residents, aged 17-38, developmentally aged 6-10, live with a view of the Jerusalem hills that remain for most people only a dream. Each resident shares a beautifully decorated bedroom with a fellow resident and has his own modified schedule, specialized attention and specific needs met.

With the spirit of camp, the design of a household, the warmth of a family and the competence of an army base, this home is run with efficiency and grace. With only one resident who is wheelchair bound, all of the men are mid to low functioning with behavioral challenges. Some of the residents have mental illness and some have severe intellectual and developmental delays. Many have autistic tendencies, some have Epilepsy, Fragile X, Downs-Syndrome; but this is what the world labels these men. In contrast, when we look at them, we see "Joseph", "Chaim" and "Daniel". We see 24 vibrant personalities, 24 exquisite smiles, 24 remarkable men…who are in reality 24 children in need of our care.

The residents have a packed schedule that starts at 6:00 AM wake up and carries them through, without interruption, to 8:00 PM. With daily routines to and from their day-programs and continued afternoon

scheduled activities, they are constantly on the go. One of the most incredible aspects of the home is

that it is truly a reflection of inclusion, or as we call it here at Seeach Sod, "Shiluv Bakehila"—Integration in the community. The men daven each Shabbos at the Boston Shul where they are greeted and accepted as part of the congregation. The Bostoner Rebbe lit Chanuka candles with them and even honored them with his presence at their Chanukat Habayit! Recently, the residents enjoyed a lavish BBQ on a neighbor's

rooftop, which overlooks the Villa, where they truly felt loved and accepted. The men are welcome in the local park and nearby Makolet as true members of the community.

Motti is an incredible illustration of the transformation that happens in this Villa. Motti was a scared, closed, sad individual who suffered from tremendous anxiety; especially social anxiety. When he came into the home he was not able speak with the other residents, let alone sit and join in a social

setting. In addition, he really suffered the inability to be responsible and autonomous. Showering, hygiene and simple life-skills were extremely challenging for him. Over time Motti had a metamorphosis. Today when one meets him, one sees an opened, friendly, social and curious guy who talks, asks questions and has strong opinions. He is totally independent, capable and adds so much to the atmosphere of the home. One could never dream the transformation he underwent. Yet, this didn’t happen from coincidence; it was because of the tremendous effort that was instilled into him, along with his peers. He was taught skills, given patience, routine, positive reinforcement, room for failure, the ability to practice, a lot of tender-loving-care, and empowerment.

There is no question that these adults need support until 120. This home, the counselors and the director alike, give these men that support with just the right balance of self-autonomy. The staff meet their emotional needs while supplying them with their physical needs … all while making their Villa a most sensational place to live!

The Pirchei Seeach Choir was established in 2008 to enable special needs individuals with musical ability to develop their talent and shine in the spotlight.

Realizing the choir's potential, the CEO of Seeach Sod Rabbi Shimon Levy, built several music rooms as well as a mini recording studio. The choir's capable director, Mr. Chaim Sofer, identifies young men in Ma'as Vocational Training Program who show musical ability and takes them into his choir, developing their talent as well as training them in proper stage conduct and cooperation.

To date, the choir has released four musical albums, with one more on the way, which have uplifted and entertained listeners from all walks of life. In addition, the choir has performed in various public venues, evoking admiration from audiences across Israel, for their beautiful singing. Some of these events include: Inauguration Ceremonies for Seeach Sod, an Israeli Knesset Ceremony, a National Service Conference, the Shalem Fund 2012 Prize Ceremony, the Siyum Hashas gathering in Binyanei Haumah in 2012, and the International Conference on Pediatric Chronic Diseases. The choir also performs annually at Seeach Sod's Sukkos Simchas Bais Ha'shoaiva, where they've performed alongside Jewish music stars.

For many of these young men with intellectual challenges, joining the choir has effected a major positive change to their self-image, social skills and general behavior; they revel in the ability to express themselves and share their talents, just like the rest of society.

Spotlight on a Talent:

With praise and gratitude to HashemWe are honored to cordially invite you

to our annual

Please join us, Iy'"H,Tuesday, September 29th, ט"ז תשרי, תשע"ו

Chol Hamoed Sukkos 6:30 PM until Midnight

Location: Seeach Sod's Main Building31 Yirmiyahu Street, Jerusalem

(Near Center 1)

No reservations neededFree of charge

Open to men, women and childrenCome join the electricity on the rooftops of

Seeach Sod!