rapidscale cloudrecovery

RapidScale CloudRecovery Training Meet the Next Generation Computer 05/27/2022 1 CloudRecovery Training

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RapidScale's CloudRecovery service is about planning and designing your business’ Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) around each application. We provide cost effective high density and low density storage and complete Disaster Recovery as a Service solutions for automatic failover. Disaster Recovery as a Service works by first securely safeguarding your data in our Cloud. Our recovery and de-duplication testing allows us to have the fastest Recovery Time Objective (RTO) in the industry, Our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity solutions will secure your business data and ensure minimal downtime in the event of a disaster. Keep your business applications and data safe and accessible at all times with RapidScale's CloudRecovery. RapidScale's Tier 3, Class 1 data centers feature on-premises security guards, an exterior security system, biometric systems, and continuous digital surveillance and recording. We meet and exceed standards such as HIPAA, PCI compliance, and the majority of other government security standards. Replication to cloud virtual machines can be used to protect both cloud and on-premises production instances. In other words, replication is suitable for both cloud-VM-to-cloud-VM and on-premises-to-cloud-VM data protection. For applications that require aggressive RTO and recovery point objectives (RPOs), as well as application awareness, replication is the data movement option of choice. Traditional disaster recovery solutions are expensive and inefficient. With the lowest total cost of ownership in the industry, you do not need to let a low budget get in the way of safeguarding and recovering your data. You do not have to be an enterprise-size business to receive the cloud’s protection effectively. RapidScale helps to eliminate upfront costs while saving money on pricey equipment and maintenance with CloudRecovery. With our pay-as-you-go plan, pay for what you use and experience a service that is scalable according to your needs. RapidScale's CloudIntelligence team will listen to your business needs and design the right Disaster Recovery as a Service plan for your business. RapidScale offers a 100% uptime guarantee. Our Cloud Recovery product set is backed by one of the most advanced Storage Area Network systems in the industry, NetApp. With its own proprietary file system and fiber channel network, our SAN’s offer some of the best performance and redundancy available. Our RAID configurations ensure a fault tolerance of no less than two disks which offers one of the highest levels of availability while still offering blazing performance. After failing over to the cloud, you will wonder why you hadn't migrated sooner.


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RapidScale CloudRecovery TrainingMeet the Next Generation Computer

04/10/2023 1CloudRecovery Training

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CloudRecovery: Disaster Recovery as a Service “DRaaS”

What?• Allows business to keep their production servers, storage and applications in-

house but add offsite servers for back up and disaster recovery with business continuity in our secure infrastructure

When:• If losing critical data will affect your business• Compliance requirements..HIPAA, PCI, Sarbanes-Oxley

Why:• Ability to fail applications over to the cloud to ensure seamless end-user

availability in the event of a failure• Improved security• Lower Operation Expenditures

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Key Terms for Recovery

RTO: “Recovery Time Objective”: Duration of time and a service level within which a business process must be restored after a disaster (or disruption) in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in business continuity.

RPO: “Recovery Point Objective”: Maximum tolerable period in which data might be lost from an IT service due to a major incident

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43% 80% 93%

of companies that experience a major data loss do not reopen (DTI/Price Waterhouse Coopers)

of companies that do not recover from a data loss within one month are likely to go out of business in the immediate future (Bernstein Crisis Management)

of companies that experience a data disaster are out of business within 5 years. (U.S bureau of Labor)


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04/10/2023 Business Presentation 5

Here is an easy formula to see the cost of a data loss or critical failure to a business network. If the annual revenue is around $1 million per year and it is a 24x7, 7 days week, 52 weeks a year business model, dividing $1 million dollars by the 8760 hours will give you the hourly revenue loss.

If your annual revenue is around $1 million per year and the business is an 8:00AM to 5:00PM, 5 day week, 52 weeks a year business model, dividing $1 million dollars by the 2080 hours will provide the hourly revenues loss (see below).

Estimating the Cost of Downtime

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In a recent Sepaton survey of 95 enterprises about their strategies, 41 percent of respondents said their most popular disaster recovery strategy was an active-passive configured data center, which is where all of a company's data is backed up to one fully configured data center with mission-critical data replicated to a remote site.

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Takeaway: There are still plenty of opportunities to get customers to move from tape to other disaster recovery strategies, even at the enterprise level.

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• Acronis, working with the Ponemon Institute, late last year surveyed 6,000 IT practitioners and found that 86 percent of companies experienced one or more instances of system downtime in the previous 12 months. Those downtimes lasted 2.2 days on the average and cost each business an average of $366,363 a year.

• Onsite disasters such as a fire or explosion was a factor in only 26 percent of system down times, while natural disasters such as earthquakes were a factor in only 10 percent. This compares to 60 percent caused by human error, 56 percent by unexpected updates and patches, 44 percent by server room environment issues and 29 percent by power outages.

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Takeaway: Disaster recovery is not just for the big, headline-grabbing disasters but instead is urgently needed for all the little disasters waiting to happen.

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Data Centers: SAS70, SSAE 16 Tier 3, Class 1• On premise security guards, exterior

security system, biometric system, including palm scanners and multiple badge security scanners with digital recorders

• All cages secured and locked

• Colo-hybrid customer only allowed with RapidScale employee

Transport/Access: • Cisco Routers & Firewalls. Citrix XenApp

using 256-bit AES encryption. SSL Encryption at 2048-bit.

Infrastructure: • Enterprise Virtual Firewall or customer

owned device

Storage: NetApp• Encryption- all data encrypted in flight

and at rest. All SANS have SED’s (Self Encrypting Drives)

Compliance: • HIPAA/PCI/Sarbanes-Oxley

CloudOffice:• End-user password strength/resets

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04/10/2023 Business Presentation 9

Data Center Structure• Tier 3 Class 1 Data Center• Clean, Continuous Power and High Capacity Redundant Generators• Around-the-Clock Infrastructure Protection – HVAC, fire suppression and

seismic engineering• Security – on premise security guards, exterior security system, biometric

system, including palm scanners and numerous security scanners with digital recorders

Reliable. Scalable. Secure. Compliant.

Our Infrastructure

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State of the Art Data Center Infrastructure:FlexPod Cloud Stack

• Cisco Nexus Switches• Cisco ASR Routers (10-Gigabit)• Cisco & SonicWALL Firewalls • Cisco UCS Blade Servers • NetApp Storage• Vmware • Citrix• Support the Majority of Operating• Systems and Software

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Our Infrastructure

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RapidScale CloudRecovery Options

CloudRecovery Backup OnlyRapidScale Highlights: • NetApp FAS, Fabric Attached Storage

(big bad boy)• Server image back up default to 4

times daily at 6 hour increments• We hold snapshots for 2 days at

default• Replication Options

– Full Backup– Incremental backup. Backs up only the

data that changed since last backup– Differential backup. Saves only the

difference in the data since last full back up

CloudRecovery w/ Failover• All the highlights on the left and more• Spin up virtual servers (VMs) and

keep them in shadow mode (low consumption of resources 2CPU/ 2GB RAM)

• In the event of a disaster Etc. then servers are put into production and users are repointed

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Attributes• Adaptive data storage that expands in real

time to accommodate the amount of data inside

• Enterprise-grade network security features• Predefined storage policies to control

distribution of data• Pay-for-what-you-use pricing that includes

storage capacity, network, and security services

• Round-the-clock access to your data backed by a service-level agreement of 100% availability

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CloudRecovery: Storage

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Benefits• Specify location of the data, which impacts performance objectives and regulatory

compliance• Avoid upfront capital expenditures on hardware and ongoing operating expense on

maintenance• Utilize additional storage capacity without additional planning or integration• Meet peak demand without over provisioning• Supplement your other storage systems for data retention

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CloudRecovery: Storage

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1. What is your current disaster recovery and business continuity plan?

2. Do you currently replicate your data? If so, how?

3. How much data do you have?

4. How long can you be down before it affects your business?

5. What is your RTO and RPO?

6. Do you face challenges with storage capacity at your organization?

Qualifying Questions

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Introduction: A large 500+ employee medical manufacturing company headquartered in Los Angeles had the majority of their business relying on their ERP applications running on Dell servers that cost the company $250,000 each. They have 4 of these servers and refresh one each a year. The IT manager has had a signed purchase order for $250,000 ready for Dell to refresh one of the servers this year and has been waiting for delivery of the server for over four weeks. This delay has made him weary of the company’s DR plan if a server was to have a catastrophic failure.

Challenges: The IT department realized that in an event of a true disaster, the company could be heavily impacted due to how long it would take to get a new server up and running. They knew that whether a server crashed or it was time for a new server, Dell could be just as unresponsive and this would heavily impact their production. This medical company is heavily regulated by the FDA and needs a secure, compliant disaster recovery plan.

Solution: RapidScale was able to come in and talk about their Disaster Recovery product (CloudRecovery with Failover). RapidScale’s unique pricing of this solution allows for low Monthly Recurring Charge of $2,500 to install “shadow servers” to each production server and backup of the customer’s data in RapidScale’s SANs. The benefits of the solution far out-weigh the costs. In addition to value, RapidScale’s secure infrastructure and data storage was in compliance with the FDA’s strict guidelines.

Impact: The customer is now able to take advantage of his server being backed up in a safe and secure data center. This customer now is going to be increasing their bandwidth to support the data that will need to be replicated. Additionally, due to the benefits he sees in virtualizing servers, the customer plans to move production servers into the Cloud with RapidScale as his servers reach end of life.

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CloudRecovery: Case Study

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25% 24% 95%

of PCs will fail this year (Gartner)

of companies said they have experienced a full data disaster (Forrester)

of companies companies experienced a data outage in the past year (Ponemon Institute)


70% of companies that experience a major data loss go out of business

within a year (PricewaterhouseCooper)

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Contact Information

RapidScale100 Pacifica Suite 100

Irvine, CA 92618(949) 236-7007

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