r ytj the ocala banner1 - university of...

r r YTj + a- Si r y 3 mtj- ftifev < r j y r s Y 4 w 1 L t THE 7 t OCALA BANNER1 i aJT c V t The paper Ot the eon lor the People and i > V the People x y V tL XXIX NO 30 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY JANUARY 13 1905 DOLLAR A YEAR r r 1 rei < ffJ r Good Health g li to the- children 1 jiV < I JI Children especially are fond of dainties and the housekeeper must look carefully l to their food i As good cake can be made only with r good eggs so also a cake that is health- ful ¬ I as well as dainty must be raised with t a pure and perfect baking powder Royal Baking Powder is indispensable- in the preparation of the highest quality- of + food It imparts that peculiar light- ness ¬ E < i sweetness and flavor noticed the Iii finest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etc 0 and what IS more important renders the R food wholesome and agreeable to young and old I 5 t L r ROYAL BAKING POWDER CC NEW YORK jjiif t 2 ELIZABETH HASSIS Local Editor JJI1U 1 t- i HUPEHIHGS ABOUT TOWN l tf i i Mr W J Crosby spent Sunday 1 with his family in this city Nothing but pure fresh drugs used re5ptions Tydings Cox ti i Mr Edward L Crossett of Jack- sonville t tic spent Monday in Ocala f > Mr and Mrs George H McCul lough of Candler were shopping in Ocala on Monday f ti Ocala is growing more rapidly and substantially than any interior city a fir fn Florida p iHt Miss Floyd Whitle of this city is > 3JZ r visiting her sister l rsJ Beattie l Thomas at Madison 5 fi Mrs J Starr Sternberger babies fit and maid were registered at the Ara kIIgonhotel Jacksonville Monday 3 Mr Ben Mayo of Jacksonville ft1t < spent Sunday in Ocala with his fam- ily ¬ fr who are spending several weeks here T j Miss Caro Liddon has returned to 4- I Gainesville where she studies with t Frs A G Parker formerly of this f t CityMr and Mrs W F Foxworth after f short visit to relatives in this city return ed to their home in Dnnnellon r gr 1i Monday 1Ir John T Foster one of the Ocala Banners substantial friends at- nDunnellon was in Ocala Monday and E 1made us pleasant business call 11fi j > Mr O W Reagan returned home jfSunday from Wenona14iiss his Hfprmer home where he enjoyed a de ilil lightful visit s t- J Mr R W Holliday the boss poli 1t titian of the Eureka precinct has- t oved to Ocala and will this spring < i11Ie truck on the Bullock plantation Wl > south of the city i i > There will be services at the Pres- fterian < i Church every night this fi Week and a cordial invitation is ex- t ¬ > rtendedto all to attend these prayer meetings i = For fancy soaps and perfumerei- son on Tydings Co x So i PlSOS CURE FOR CURES WHK ALL ELSE FADS East Coeeh Syrup Tastes Good Use in time So- HCONSUMPTION bTdrvggist- sr L v armAi f rtr n J T yY I Mr Charles A Tremere president- of the Belleview Trading Company- was among our visitors on Friday- Mr and Mrs Wells of Rochester New York are winter visitors to Ocala and are guests at the Savoy hotel Mrs G S Moyer and handsome little son George of Dunnellon are the guests of Mrs Moyers mother Mrs Edward Badger I Mrs L M Bashinsky of Troy Ala I is in Ocala and is the guest of her brother Hon R Burford and his family- Mr Dick Lane of Philadelphia Pa is the guest of his friends Messrs E C Welsh and M J Roess- at Cornell for several weeks Mr and Mrs J G Lege after spending a couple of months at Lake Weir returned to Ocala Monday and are stopping at Mrs Julia Palmers Masters Gary and William Turnley returned Friday afternoon to their home at Arcadia after a visit here with their grandmother Mrs Fannie- R Gary r Miss Jefferson Bell of the Talla- hassee ¬ Daily Capitol continues to win laurels as a newspaper woman She is not only a clever but a bril ¬ liant writer J i Mr X Lr Fort of Ocklawaha I valued subscriber to the Ocala Ban ¬ ner left Friday for Cocoa Fla which place he will make his future home- I ur TJT J j The Western Union Telegraph Company look exceedingly cityfied and business like in their new quart- ers in theOcala House block- s j The HB Masters firm are begin ing the New Year by giving their store a new coat of paint which is I adding greatly its appearance I f Miss Hattie Lou Dickinson of I Madison is attending the Ocala High school and is making her home with her sister Mrs S R Whaley- Rev I Louis B Warren Mrs J H Livingston JIIrsd C Porter Miss Mattie Williams aad Mrs S A Siandley went to Jacksonville Mon ¬ day to attend the Baptist State Con- vention ¬ 1frAIbertDavisisin Ocala ona visit to his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs G T Maughs Young MrDa vlsformerly lived here with his uncle and aunt and since leaving Ocala has lived in the Philippines 4 i kT 1i i 9 < i t 8 A Very Deplorable Accident Troy Carter who has been on a visit to his uncle Mr R T Carter at Citra returned home Friday after ¬ noon and brought the news of a dreadful and very deplorable acci ¬ dent that occurred there Friday morning Stewart Harris the sixteen year old son of Mrs S S Harris who was at home from the Boys School at Asheville for the holidays went out duck hunting on Orange Lake ac ¬ companied by his friend Percy Laurence who attends the same school and was visiting young Mr Harris In some unifortunate manner Stuart accidently shot his friend killing him instantly This unfortu ¬ nate affair is very deeply regretted and the young man is prostrated with grief over the terrible accident- Mr D E elver of this city was telegraphed for and went up to Citra- to embalm the body of young Mr Laurence for shipment to his home We were unable to learn where the parents of the dead boy reside Mrs Harris and her son Stuart have the sympathy of their many friends in this distressing affair The Home Merchant is the Home- Builder The man who kindles the fire with the catalogues from the department- stores and gives all his trade to his home merchants is the man who helps to put a better value on your property The more a town grows and the more business it does the greater the increase in the value of propertyboth city and farm The man who patronizes the city depart mint stores in preference to his home merchants thinking that he may thereby save a few paltry pen- t iiies is simply detracting from the 1 wealth of his own community Gainesville Sun How co Avoid Pneumonia- We have never heard of a single l instance of a cold resulting in pheu I monia or other lung trouble when Foleys Honey and Tar has been taken It not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and I refuse any substitute offered Dr J C Bishop of Agnew Mich writes- I have used Foley and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia t with good results in every case i Postoffice Drug Store ill The Telephone- The changing of the switch board- in l our telephone system caused the people of Ocala to be without a tele ¬ phone service for several days during- the past week and the inconvenience it necessitated shows how intimately the telephone has become a part of our social and business life This was as noticable on the part of the ladies who use the system as it was with our business men Some of the young ladies said they felt like all their acquaintaces hart left town for a week The telephone system has come to stay and a community can no more do without it than it can do without the telegraph the railway the elec ¬ tric light and many other of our modern conveniences- The Original Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse and substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satis ¬ faction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate people Post office Drug Store Mr John J Harris of Valdosta Ga spent Sunday morning in Ocala He was on his way to his former home at Citra for a brief visit to his mother and brother Mrs S S Har- ris ¬ and Stuart B Harris Mr John L Anchencloss of New York City one of the prominent members r of the Dnnnellon Phosphate Company is a visitor to Ocala and is a guest of the Ocala House I J K- a A New School History of Florida I The American Book Company has printed for Miss Caroline Mays Bre I vard a beautiful typographical work entitled History and Government- of Florida Including the index the book contain 288 pages It is finely illustrated some of the cuts being pictures of the governors of Florida dating back to territorial times pictures of Osceola Billy BowLegs- and other famous chieftans the land ¬ ing of DeSoto the old and new capital buildings at Tallahassee the Ponce de Leon hotel the University buildings at Lake City and other historical and interesting scenes and places The book contains much valuable statistical information and the dates- of all the principal events are ac ¬ curately and concisely given Mr H E Bennett principal of the Florida State Normal school con- tributed ¬ the chapters on geography of the state the history of internal improvements school system and civil government Altogether the work is an exceedingly creditable one and the state is greatly indebted to its author Found a Cure for Indigest- ionI Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia reme ly I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies I am nearly 51 years ofj age and have suffered a great deal from indigestion I can eat almost anything I want to now Geo W Emory Rock Mills Ala For sale by the AntiMonopoly Drug- Store m Beautiful Calendars- The following firms have place us under obligations for handsome 1905 calendars for which we extend our thanks viz Mnnroe R Chambliss- S A Standley Company Ocala Bazaar Company Pittman Son Eagleton Price of Tampa the BentleyGray Dry Goods Company- of Tampa the Cookman Institute of Jacksonville theKnoxville Engrav ¬ ing Company and the Maurice Joyce Engraving Company of Washingt- onD and quite a number of others On Monday Januaray 2MrsW- R Groover invited a number of her friends to a faggot party Unique- bundles of faggots had been prepared for the occasion and each guest was requestedto entertain the others while her particular bundle of fag ¬ gots burned This proved a most novel proceeding as some had anec ¬ dotes to tell some poetry to read others riddles to ask and still others music both vocal and instrumental After prizes were voted on for the best entertainment the dining room was thrown open and all guests bidden- to enter A most elaborate luncheon- was served and as Dr and Mrs Groover are so well known for their hospility and bountiful spreads it is useless to go into details The guests- of I honor were Mrs Egbert Bowyer- of Tampa and Mrs J G Spurlin of OcalaLakeland items in Times Union Mr TV I Knox who removed from Ocala to his old home at Kil michael Miss on account of a very severe attack of rheumatism writes that he is improved somewhat in health and is pleased to hear that Ocala continues to be favored by Dame Fortune I appreciate he says the paper too much to be without it It is like having a week ¬ ly conversation with the many friends I made while I was in Ocala Mr Knox is pleasantly remembered as Having been connected for several years with the spoke and rim factory Mala Haughton after spending the past two weeks at home with his parents at the Montezuma Hotel left Friday for Decatur Ga where he is a student at the Georgia Military Institute Mr Z AjHfe of Benton Penn- sylvania ¬ is i fljS il at the Ocala House He is a nephew of the late Dr Ze Butt of this city who was a large property owner here 3- a ZYiYYC b lUST RECEIVED I w t Qt 500 GAZES SyrKh ANDERSON COUNTY RYE 0L WHISKEY > 1S 340 Per Case of Four Full Quarts t Express Pre- Paid ¬ Cash Must Accompany Order OC0L0 HOUSE WINE ROOMS Write for Our Price List OCALA FLORIDA 5 u uitoiofdln a C Fae5e5c tra ruiqpiI C auaaFa u ao a ar g j 1 WE EAT MEAT 1- v7 r To grow strong Unless we get R 1- t a I < goo meat we may as well let y r UJj it alone There is no strength W A in tough meai instead of giv- ing ¬ a- ll < r CJ t it takefc Htreupib to digeel 1St 1- Tryz 1 sal it It pays to he careful in il- ra It fi r tx i buying meat he sure to ge- ts tIl Y eft ° ar r tht + teyitenoer + auri choice > T tSa is- i2 if b t Pay a little more if need be and I n fll l P74 1 put fomethinc in yourstomxchi- v 13s a t R j t which will put flesh ma your w rsa htt4 l bones and strong blood in your yy I veins N- EDWARDS BROS r fj Stalls 2 and 4 City Marks Ocala Fla aF- a arna Jmina o uara lTOt gaRg a t aGa t a Cn3Cip > lnr3g3C 3Sifa5- PJ j- s yg WE WANT 0 a EVERY GROWER IN THE STATE 1 I t TO HAVE OUR BOOKS = r FLORIDA VEGETABLES complete manual on Florida crops f FLORIDA ORANGES Book of special interest to Orange Growers FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES Booklet on Soil Varie Cultivation and 1 Fertilization r I mISH POTATOES Booklet on Soil Seed Planting and Cultivating Effect I of Fertilizers and Shipping PINEAPPLE FESTILIZINQOf special interest to pineapple growers i IDEAL FERTILIZERS Book showing all ourdiff rent brands analyses prices etc- NEW i AND REVISED EDITIONS OF ABOVE JUST x PUBLISHED SENT FREE FOR THE ASKING I I Wilson Toomer Fertilizer I Jacksonville Flor- idaTOCANESYRUPMAKERS 3 T k ss- S p- y r a ry a > u > r- q i j f J V 3 We Are Agents For ° TIe ii Golden New Model 3Roller nix Vertical Cane Mills The latest and most uptodate cane mills put on the market We have them in stock If not convenient to caU and examine writelus and we will send you by return mail circular giving lulll description j r x J- Our other specialties are American aad EUwsd H and Cattle Prssf Field Fence Sa fc Dora and f > Blimte Tarpentiiie mill sad Mimiag wlia- k well as a tall Meek L Cteae- ianil Har ware Steves A glee liae ef Enameled C p E per and Xickleplated Ckf rfg II EcrMiirs COpAiiy- y Sucneeeors to HubbaM nff OCALA 4 FLORIDAJ- td j s t r a dN n- r CSLc syK

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Page 1: r YTj THE OCALA BANNER1 - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00307/00016.pdfrr YTj + a- Si r y 3 mtj- ftifev < r j y r s Y 4 w 1 L t THE 7 t OCALA BANNER1

r r YTj + a-


r y 3 mtj-ftifev


r j yr s Y 4

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cV t The paper Ot the eon lor the People and i>V the People x


rei< ffJ

r Good Healthg li to the-

children1 jiV <

IJI Children especially are fond of daintiesand the housekeeper must look carefully

l to their food

i As good cake can be made only withr good eggs so also a cake that is health-



as well as dainty must be raised witht a pure and perfect baking powder

Royal Baking Powder is indispensable-in the preparation of the highest quality-of

+food It imparts that peculiar light-



< i sweetness and flavor noticed the

Iii finest cake biscuit doughnuts crusts etc0 and what IS more important renders the

R food wholesome and agreeable to youngand old I





l tfi i Mr W J Crosby spent Sunday

1 with his family in this city

Nothing but pure fresh drugs usedre5ptions Tydings Cox

tii Mr Edward L Crossett of Jack-

sonvillet tic spent Monday in Ocala

f> Mr and Mrs George H McCullough of Candler were shopping in

Ocala on Mondayf

ti Ocala is growing more rapidly andsubstantially than any interior city

a firfn Florida


iHt Miss Floyd Whitle of this city is> 3JZ r visiting her sister l rsJ Beattiel Thomas at Madison


fi Mrs J Starr Sternberger babiesfit and maid were registered at the Ara

kIIgonhotel Jacksonville Monday

3 Mr Ben Mayo of Jacksonvilleft1t < spent Sunday in Ocala with his fam-


fr who are spending several weekshere

T j Miss Caro Liddon has returned to4-

I Gainesville where she studies witht Frs A G Parker formerly of thisf


and Mrs W F Foxworth afterf short visit to relatives in this cityreturn ed to their home in Dnnnellonr

gr1i Monday

1Ir John T Foster one of theOcala Banners substantial friends at-

nDunnellon was in Ocala Monday andE 1made us pleasant business call


j > Mr O W Reagan returned homejfSunday from Wenona14iiss his

Hfprmer home where he enjoyed a deilil lightful visit

s t-

J Mr R W Holliday the boss poli1t titian of the Eureka precinct has-

t oved to Ocala and will this spring< i11Ie truck on the Bullock plantationWl

> south of the cityi

i > There will be services at the Pres-

fterian<i Church every night this

fi Week and a cordial invitation is ex-t


rtendedto all to attend these prayermeetings

i= For fancy soaps and perfumerei-son on Tydings Co x

So i


CURES WHK ALL ELSE FADSEast Coeeh Syrup Tastes GoodUse in time So-







f rtrn

J T yY

I Mr Charles A Tremere president-of the Belleview Trading Company-was among our visitors on Friday-

Mr and Mrs Wells of RochesterNew York are winter visitors toOcala and are guests at the Savoyhotel

Mrs G S Moyer and handsomelittle son George of Dunnellon arethe guests of Mrs Moyers motherMrs Edward Badger

I Mrs L M Bashinsky of Troy AlaI is in Ocala and is the guest of herbrother Hon R Burford and hisfamily-

Mr Dick Lane of PhiladelphiaPa is the guest of his friendsMessrs E C Welsh and M J Roess-

at Cornell for several weeks

Mr and Mrs J G Lege afterspending a couple of months at LakeWeir returned to Ocala Monday andare stopping at Mrs Julia Palmers

Masters Gary and William Turnleyreturned Friday afternoon to theirhome at Arcadia after a visit herewith their grandmother Mrs Fannie-R Gary r

Miss Jefferson Bell of the Talla-


Daily Capitol continues towin laurels as a newspaper womanShe is not only a clever but a bril ¬

liant writerJ

i Mr X Lr Fort of OcklawahaI

valued subscriber to the Ocala Ban ¬

ner left Friday for Cocoa Flawhich place he will make his futurehome-

I ur TJT J

j The Western Union TelegraphCompany look exceedingly cityfiedand business like in their new quart-ers in theOcala House block-


jThe HB Masters firm are begin

ing the New Year by giving theirstore a new coat of paint which is

I adding greatly its appearanceI

f Miss Hattie Lou Dickinson ofI Madison is attending the Ocala Highschool and is making her home withher sister Mrs S R Whaley-

RevI Louis B Warren Mrs JH Livingston JIIrsd C PorterMiss Mattie Williams aad Mrs S ASiandley went to Jacksonville Mon¬

day to attend the Baptist State Con-


1frAIbertDavisisin Ocala onavisit to his uncle and aunt Mr andMrs G T Maughs Young MrDavlsformerly lived here with his uncleand aunt and since leaving Ocala haslived in the Philippines


i kT 1i i 9<

i t 8

A Very Deplorable AccidentTroy Carter who has been on a

visit to his uncle Mr R T Carter atCitra returned home Friday after¬

noon and brought the news of adreadful and very deplorable acci ¬

dent that occurred there Fridaymorning

Stewart Harris the sixteen yearold son of Mrs S S Harris who wasat home from the Boys School atAsheville for the holidays went outduck hunting on Orange Lake ac¬

companied by his friend PercyLaurence who attends the sameschool and was visiting young MrHarris In some unifortunate mannerStuart accidently shot his friendkilling him instantly This unfortu ¬

nate affair is very deeply regrettedand the young man is prostrated withgrief over the terrible accident-

Mr D E elver of this city wastelegraphed for and went up to Citra-to embalm the body of young MrLaurence for shipment to his home

We were unable to learn where theparents of the dead boy reside

Mrs Harris and her son Stuarthave the sympathy of their manyfriends in this distressing affair

The Home Merchant is the Home-

BuilderThe man who kindles the fire with

the catalogues from the department-stores and gives all his trade to hishome merchants is the man whohelps to put a better value on yourproperty The more a town growsand the more business it does thegreater the increase in the value ofpropertyboth city and farm Theman who patronizes the city departmint stores in preference to hishome merchants thinking that hemay thereby save a few paltry pen-

t iiies is simply detracting from the1 wealth of his own communityGainesville Sun

How co Avoid Pneumonia-

We have never heard of a singlel instance of a cold resulting in pheuI monia or other lung trouble whenFoleys Honey and Tar has beentaken It not only stops the coughbut heals and strengthens the lungsAsk for Foleys Honey and Tar and

I refuse any substitute offered Dr JC Bishop of Agnew Mich writes-

I have used Foley and Tar in threevery severe cases of pneumonia twith good results in every case i

Postoffice Drug Store illThe Telephone-

The changing of the switch board-in


our telephone system caused thepeople of Ocala to be without a tele ¬

phone service for several days during-the past week and the inconvenienceit necessitated shows how intimatelythe telephone has become a part ofour social and business life Thiswas as noticable on the part of theladies who use the system as it waswith our business men

Some of the young ladies said theyfelt like all their acquaintaces hartleft town for a week

The telephone system has come tostay and a community can no moredo without it than it can do withoutthe telegraph the railway the elec ¬

tric light and many other of ourmodern conveniences-

The OriginalFoley Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tar as a throat and lungremedy and on account of the greatmerit and popularity of FoleysHoney and Tar many imitations areoffered for the genuine Ask forFoleys Honey and Tar and refuseand substitute offered as no otherpreparation will give the same satis ¬

faction It is mildly laxative Itcontains no opiates and is safest forchildren and delicate people Postoffice Drug Store

Mr John J Harris of ValdostaGa spent Sunday morning in OcalaHe was on his way to his formerhome at Citra for a brief visit to hismother and brother Mrs S S Har-ris


and Stuart B Harris

Mr John L Anchencloss of NewYork City one of the prominentmembers

rof the Dnnnellon Phosphate

Company is a visitor to Ocala and isa guest of the Ocala House I

J K-


A New School History of FloridaI The American Book Company has

printed for Miss Caroline Mays BreI

vard a beautiful typographical workentitled History and Government-of Florida Including the index thebook contain 288 pages It is finelyillustrated some of the cuts beingpictures of the governors of Floridadating back to territorial timespictures of Osceola Billy BowLegs-and other famous chieftans the land ¬

ing of DeSoto the old and newcapital buildings at Tallahassee thePonce de Leon hotel the Universitybuildings at Lake City and otherhistorical and interesting scenes andplaces

The book contains much valuablestatistical information and the dates-of all the principal events are ac¬

curately and concisely givenMr H E Bennett principal of the

Florida State Normal school con-


the chapters on geographyof the state the history of internalimprovements school system andcivil government Altogether thework is an exceedingly creditable oneand the state is greatly indebted toits author

Found a Cure for Indigest-ionI Chamberlains Stomach and

Liver Tablets for indigestion andfind that they suit my case betterthan any dyspepsia reme ly I haveever tried and I have used manydifferent remedies I am nearly 51years ofj age and have suffered agreat deal from indigestion I caneat almost anything I want to now

Geo W Emory Rock Mills AlaFor sale by the AntiMonopoly Drug-Store m

Beautiful Calendars-

The following firms have place usunder obligations for handsome 1905

calendars for which we extend ourthanks viz Mnnroe R Chambliss-S A Standley Company OcalaBazaar Company Pittman SonEagleton Price of Tampa theBentleyGray Dry Goods Company-of Tampa the Cookman Institute ofJacksonville theKnoxville Engrav¬

ing Company and the Maurice JoyceEngraving Company of Washingt-onD and quite a number of others

On Monday Januaray 2MrsW-R Groover invited a number of herfriends to a faggot party Unique-bundles of faggots had been preparedfor the occasion and each guestwas requestedto entertain the otherswhile her particular bundle of fag¬

gots burned This proved a mostnovel proceeding as some had anec ¬

dotes to tell some poetry to readothers riddles to ask and still othersmusic both vocal and instrumentalAfter prizes were voted on for the bestentertainment the dining room wasthrown open and all guests bidden-to enter A most elaborate luncheon-was served and as Dr and MrsGroover are so well known for theirhospility and bountiful spreads it isuseless to go into details The guests-


honor were Mrs Egbert Bowyer-of Tampa and Mrs J G Spurlin ofOcalaLakeland items in TimesUnion

Mr TV I Knox who removedfrom Ocala to his old home at Kilmichael Miss on account of a verysevere attack of rheumatism writesthat he is improved somewhat inhealth and is pleased to hear thatOcala continues to be favored byDame Fortune I appreciate hesays the paper too much to bewithout it It is like having a week ¬

ly conversation with the many friendsI made while I was in Ocala MrKnox is pleasantly remembered asHaving been connected for severalyears with the spoke and rim factory

Mala Haughton after spending thepast two weeks at home with hisparents at the Montezuma Hotel leftFriday for Decatur Ga where he isa student at the Georgia MilitaryInstitute

Mr Z AjHfe of Benton Penn-sylvania


is i fljS il at the OcalaHouse He is a nephew of the lateDr Ze Butt of this city who was alarge property owner here


a ZYiYYC b


500 GAZES SyrKh




340 Per Case of Four Full Quarts t Express Pre-Paid


Cash Must Accompany Order


5u uitoiofdln a C Fae5e5c tra ruiqpiI C auaaFa u ao a ar g

j 1 WE EAT MEAT 1-



To grow strong Unless we get R1-


aI <

goo meat we may as well lety rUJj it alone There is no strengthW A in tough meai instead of giv-




< r CJ t it takefc Htreupib to digeel1St 1-

Tryz 1sal it It pays to he careful inil-


It fi r tx i buying meat he sure to ge-ts

tIl Y eft°ar r tht+ teyitenoer + auri choice >T tSa


if b t Pay a little more if need be and I nfll l P74 1put fomethinc in yourstomxchi-


a tR j t which will put flesh ma your

wrsa htt4 l bones and strong blood in your yyI veins N-


fj Stalls 2 and 4 City Marks Ocala FlaaF-a arna Jminao uara lTOt gaRg a taGa t aCn3Cip > lnr3g3C 3Sifa5-



s yg



I t TO HAVE OUR BOOKS = rFLORIDA VEGETABLES complete manual on Florida crops


FLORIDA ORANGES Book of special interest to Orange GrowersFLORIDA STRAWBERRIES Booklet on Soil Varie Cultivation and1 Fertilization r

I mISH POTATOES Booklet on Soil Seed Planting and Cultivating EffectI of Fertilizers and Shipping

PINEAPPLE FESTILIZINQOf special interest to pineapple growers iIDEAL FERTILIZERS Book showing all ourdiff rent brands analysesprices etc-




I Wilson Toomer FertilizerI Jacksonville Flor-





S p-





u > r-


i j


V 3

We Are Agents For °

TIe iiGolden New Model 3Rollernix

Vertical Cane MillsThe latest and most uptodate cane mills put on the market Wehave them in stock If not convenient to caU and examine writelusand we will send you by return mail circular giving lulll description j r x J-

Our other specialties are American aad EUwsd Hand Cattle Prssf Field Fence Sa fc Dora and f >

Blimte Tarpentiiie mill sad Mimiag wlia-k well as a tall Meek L Cteae-ianil

Har wareSteves A glee liae ef Enameled C p Eper and Xickleplated Ckfrfg II EcrMiirs

COpAiiy-ySucneeeors to HubbaM nff



s t ra dN n-

r CSLcsyK