ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-01-27 [p eight]

4 I v f 1 A 1 EIGHT OCAL EVENING STAR MONDAY JANUARY 27 1908 OCALA HOUSE 0 Id 1 WINE ROOMS CAFE- w have again opened our Cafe in connection with our business and wil Ir always have on hand everything us- Vafly l kept in a firstclass place such as r OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES cc WESTERN STEAKS t HAM AND EGGS FISH AND GAME IN SEASON CHICKEN TO ORDER j Give tit a call and we guarantee you If good service reasonable prices ano rompt f i I KAUENBERGfR Manager U FORSALE- r HORSES MULES AND FEED- At j J L Smoajrs old stand on J xposition street stock fine prices Mmonable 31ve us a call not only Ior good stock but feed A B De iinent Co Ocala Fla J I i PC lee I Ice I Ice I s DUALITY RIGHT DELIVERY RIGHT PRICE RIGHT IR1DA PACKING ICE CO or 5 BENJAMIN IN CHARGE r i t I OCALA PRESSIKB CLUB- J 1 F WILLIAMSON Prop j e reasonable All Goods pressed cI1CIaned on Short Notive and De r Promptly Aft transient work not called fo- ritIIn 30 days will be Bold forcharges h L1S z b114 60 YEARS EXPERIENCET- RADE i MARh3 DESIGNS J COPYRIGHTS c- tf Anyoie l4enalnJt R rketoh nnd description nr L IcIly scrtRlu our opinion rai veflUnfl tJ protinbly lI1nmlllI a- tlItr1ctJT J cniiI1tiiit1aI HANDBOOK on PIfl1- 8e t froa < tai for tiorumiv pHt r4 iPntent8 taken throuah Mann ft Co rcctv charge intbu L Scientific Bmricaiz- I < i6Tceir llltMtnttea weckir JnrJlf > or6- 2ft > Motion of any ncientiae lourual Ternm f3 a tOur months fL aoldbynll newudealer- st iNN CO36Bmadwa1 Ij- wch Mao Y At WiwMnston Do ft toe ot Application for Leave to Sell HOPS Lanc- rirKotlce J is hereby given that on the fth day of February A D 190S 1 ill I apply to Honorable Joseph Bell Cjjkuaty Judge in and for Marion r State of Florida at his office Qca In said County for an order iirIzLng me as Guardian of the aet heirs of the estate of Talulah fihrbover deceased to sell at private M the following property belonging Meald estate towit Southeast quar oKsection 12 Township 13 south 1Bnge 19 east said lands belong Hd the eatate of the said Talulah Oroover deceased to he sold for- t Interest of said minor heirs 1z llth day of January 1908 cJ Oscar Groover Guardian t I 1- 01ji Circuit Court of the FIfth Judi Circuit of Florida In and for Ma fr Bounty In Chancery ivPfcssurnpsic Savings Bank a Cor jp jrmtion Un er the Laws of the Statfc rmont Complainant vs Mrs E- BroCkIngton Defendant Order for tractive Service fsordered that the defendant here 1in td towit Mrs E B Brocking and she is hereby required to L r to the bill of complaint in this J B on or before ay the 3rd day of February 190- 8frlt1futher ordered that a copy of order be published once a week- Me1xht consecutive weeks in the lL Star a newspaper published in- iIktl county and stat- e1hIs 4th day of December 1907 S T SIstrunk Vierk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla BrH B Foy Jr D C 1 ibker Duval Solicitor 1 I I THE FITZGERALD COMPANY ROOFING PAVING CEMENT AND I TILE WALKS TARRED FELTS I TAR PITCH AND GRAVEL I We have a crew or expert cement workers in the city for a short time- I and we would be pleased while her I to give estimates on and put in any work of thJs character either cement- or tile sidewalks copings retaining walls or heavy concrete work We have f > xe ptional facilities foi handling cement work cheaply anil- satisfaciorily both in our equipment and corps of expert workers Kither call at our works or North Main street near the foundiy or ad- dress ¬ our representative HUGH WIL- LIAMS ¬ Room G HOLDER BLOCK n BOX 815 who will cheerfully call and give any Information desired MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN CONVENTION i Official Report The Marion County Republican Con- vention ¬ met in Ocala Saturday Jan25- at 12 noon The executive committee- met at 11 a m and paved the way for- a successful convention Eighty dele- gates ¬ were present from every pre- cinct ¬ in the county State and con- gressional ¬ delegates were elected to the convention which meets at St Au- gustine ¬ Feb 26 1908 Also a county I executive committee was elected Postmaster Crom addressed the con- vention ¬ I A resolution endorsing the tat or- ganization ¬ was unanimously adopted The delegates were not instructed Following are the delegates to the state convention J H DicKerson H C Groves W P Wilson S M Gibbs- W W Spann George Giles Following are the congressional del- egates ¬ VA Wilkerson A Ti Ed- wards ¬ M Stewart F P Gadson F C W Williams E C Packard The following county executive committee was chosen Dr W P Wilson chairman Ocala H C Groves- W W Spann F P Gadson S M Gibbs F C W Williams George Giles Blitchton A J Kennedy S W Cavalier Dunnellon B R Gooden Dr C R Williams Reddick Green Red witch R F Heath Flemington W A Wilkerson J S Williams Martel A B Edwards Geiger B M Floyd S Reeves Sparr B J Taylor Anthony- C R Hill W M N Weatherspoon J H Hodge McIntosh W Ward C J Jordan Cotton Plant Z D Lim brick Shady M Stewart J Glymp Martin T B Wood Belieview J R Blackwell Henry Williams Sparr J S Harvey Fairfield R Spinkles George Washington YOUNG GIRLS SUICIDE Miss Clyde Porter of Quitman CM 1 killed herself Saturday nighht bv fir- ing i a bullet through lwr brain II TAX ASSESSORS APPOINTMENTS I will be at the following places on j time specified to receive tax returns for 100S I January 1908 1 Martel 27th a m Cotton Plant 27th p m Heidtville 28th 11 a m to 2 p m Dunnellon 29th Romeo 30th 11 a m to 2 p m Blitchton 31st until 3 p m February 1908 Kendrick 3rd a m Martin 3rd p m Lowell 4th a m I Reddick 4th p m Fairfield 5th a m Irvine 5th p m Flemington 6th a m Central 7th a m Geiger 7th p m McIntosh 8th Shady 10th a m I Santos 10th p m Belieview 11th Pedro 12th a m Levon 12th p m Summerfield 13th a m Candler 14th a m I Oklawaha 14th p m Eastlake 15th a m Weirsdale 15th p m LIna ale 17th a m Moss Bluff 18th a m Electra 18th p m I Lynn 19th 8 to 10 a m Grahamville 19th 12 to 2 p m Connor 19th 2 to 5 p m Churchill 20th p m Eureka 21st a m Daisy 21st p m Fort McCoy 22nd a m I Pine 22nd p m Anthony 27th I Sparr 28th a m Citra 28th p m Orange Springs 29th p m I March 1908 Ocala from 7th to 31st c L The law requires all tax returns to be made by the 1st of April Postmasters will please cut out and post this notice Alfred Ayer I x Assessor t t co yr < G J o I HELLSOS AOUfiD TRIP Arizonas Editors Tour Was Lively While It Lasted I I NO DESIRE TO BE DICTATOR I I I j Those Who Charge Us Otherwise Do Us a Great Injustice He SaysDr- Ba I nc Told It Wss Time For Him I to Move Vhich He Did Copyright 1007 WI tire Jim ricllso Wo are the ed- itor ¬ of the Kicker Ve art mayor of I GIvcndain Gulch Wf are the post- master ¬ We are i deputy United States I marshal We nro the owner of hell- s Opera House We own the Hiilso haul Wo are the sole owner of six different mountains and 30000 acres of desert lands in Arizona And yet we do not aspire to dictator- ship ¬ I We dont want to ho pointed out as the big it We havent the slight- est ¬ idea that we own the town or that things have got to go as we decree Those who charge us otherwise do us- a great injustice At an early hour last Wednesday morning we buckled on our guns and I I I I I I t1 I I WE STATED THTC CASK GENTLY BUT FIRMLY went hunting for an individual named Idaho Sam He arrived here four weeks ago and announced that he was- a holy terror and he has since made- a nuisance of himself We found him after half an hours search and tender- ed ¬ him his choice between hitting the trail and hanging He started to argue the matter but we got the drop on him and as a result the midday sun shone down on him us he rested on the far side of Wolf creek Our next visit of state was paid to Mr C 1 Flint attorney at law Mr Flint is of that clasps called shysters lie was disbarred in Chicago and came out here to make a fresh start His doings have heen unsavory and he has neglected Hake advantage of little hints thrown out by us from time- to time When we called and announc- ed ¬ to him that he must pull his freight he grabbed for a shotgun in the corner ofhis office but soon thought better of it and agreed to change climates He went that nighU In his new loca- tion ¬ we wish him well Told Doctor to Move Three months ago Dr Barnes hurrj out his sign on Apache avenue Be- fore he had been a week in practice we learned that he knew nothing about medicines except what be had learned- in a sawmill We decided to give him- a chance however Out in this coun- try ¬ we feel that every man is entitled- to at least one fair show Dr Barnes had made a botch of it at setting bro ¬ ken limbs and diagnosing cases and it was time for him to move on We stated the case gently but firmly and he replied that he had been expecting- It and was glad togo When Mr John Taylor arrived in Giveadnm Gulch six weeks ago he gave out that he was looking for a place to establish an orphan asylum- He was offered sites on the mountains- and on the plains but he seemed to lose interest It soon developed that he was simply a good natured sort of deadbeat There has been no particu- lar ¬ harm in him but as he was breath ¬ r ing ozone rightfully belonging to some one else he was asked to move on lie moved There were tears In his eyes- as he went and his last words were l that this was a cold old world Before we had visited Lawyer Jim I Wheelan in his office to hold a little talk word came to us that he had a gun and intended to shoot on sight Mr Wheelan Is another shyster He came here from Milwaukee to escape being sent to state prison but the change of climate didnt bring reform with it On several different occa- sions ¬ we have had to refer to him in the Kicker as a liar and a scoundrel and the relations between us have been somewhat strained When we entered Mr Wheelans of- fice ¬ the other day be was ready to de- bate the question We found ourself c i t Il1l Cit t7f3 > fO rr- i looting into rue muzzie or a large ann liberal revolver As a matter of fact he pulled trigger on us and if the car- tridge ¬ hadnt failed to explode this is- sue ¬ I of the Kicker would have con- tained ¬ I our obituary The failure of the cartridge gave ns our chance and with ¬ in four hours Mr Wheelan and his law library and his little ways were out of sight < dow the Panther creek trail Other towns may greet him with open i arms hut there was something lacking between him and the Gulch I Many and many a time In the last six mouths have we warned Dr Henry Mason that lie should have stuck to I sheep herding and let the practice of I medicine ulonn When we came tc learn that he couldnt tell quinine from morphine we talked to him like a brother und offered to pay his fare to Florence hut he was a man who loved to dwell on the ragged edges of fate He believed in destiny and he believ- ed ¬ that destiny meant to lead the med- ical ¬ profession He argued it out so clearly that we shut up A week ago Dr Mason killed off his third patient It was only a China ¬ man but out here we are even coming to look upon the Celestial as a human being The public didnt actually rise up und demand that the doctor go or hang but we rather put It that way when we called He wasnt a minute- in saying that he would go He had a good offer to go back to his herding and so much Latin and medicine to ¬ gether made his head ache He retires I with honors He could have killed a dozen patients during his practice but be has been content with three Judge Given Walking Papers No one exactly knows where the In- dividual ¬ calling himself Judge Wil- liams ¬ hailed from lie gave out that he was here to see about establishing waterworks but was soon a hanger on for free drinks and was always want- ing ¬ to borrow dollar Hit attitude and occupation appeared against the best interests of Arizona und we there ¬ fore gave him v int to move on He said he would sTOly miss the homelike surroundings of the Gulch but he van- ished ¬ For a few minutes after we struck the trail of W Caniff it looked as if some one would be planted before sun- down Joseph came here from Santa j Fe a few weeks ago with an object In i view That object as stated by him- self was to raIre hIl He has ac coraplished it pretty thoroughly He has had two shooting scrapes and three I or four barroom rows A few days I ago the vigilance committee sat on his go case and it was resolved that he must Joseph was the last on our list YeI hunted him out in a pool room and as- sumed ¬ a brotherly smile It didnt go Then we tried the fatherly dodge It didnt work Joseph was fly He had i two guns and it was just his hour for shooting There was some little dis- cussion j and then he started to draw i We beat him by the fraction of a sec- ond i and as he afterward said hei ought to have had sense enough to put hands up He didnt have however j and we had to bore a bullet in his j shoulder All things considered lie got off easy He is now in the hospital i but after a few days will set off with- a new song in his heart and look for a town where a man of his caliber is ap- preciated j Sooner or later he will be lynched but then he will have lots of i fun while he does live We regard the j town now as in a healthy social con I dition and should not be a hit sur- prised to see a winter boom sdt in and real estate jump 23 per centM QUAD I DISTURSE THE CONGREGATION- The I person who disturbed tlie con ¬ gregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar For salt j by all dealers J MRS EDDYS MOVE Mrs Eddy high priestess of the Christian Science cult has moved her I residence from Concord N H to I Brookline i I I A CARD i This is to certify that all druggists II are authorized to refund your money- if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure I your cough or cold It stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold Cures la 1 J grippe coughs and prevents pneu ¬ monia and consumption Contains- no opiates The genuine is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes For sale by all dealers ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE OF TINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that on che Second day of June A D 1908 the undersigned administrator of the estate of A H Frederick deceased- will make my final settlement with Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate at his office in Ocala Marion county Fla and wil apply for my discharge- as 1 administrator of said estate- R T Frederick- Adm of Estate of A H Frederick deceased Nov 19th 1907 > 1i t i I I t I EXPOSITION WASOPENED- At Jacksonville Saturday with a Mes- sage ¬ from the President Jacksonville Fla Jan 27The Florida MidWinter International Ex ¬ position was formally opened at noon Saturday amid the booming of can ¬ non by a mesage from President Roosevelt which was read to the large I crowd gathered together at the expo- sition ¬ I grounds The presidents mes- sage ¬ follows- I William H Sebring Mayor and the Honorary Advirsory Board of the Flor- ida i MidWinter International Exposi- I tiOflI take great pleasure in opening the Florida MidWinter International I Exposition and in expressing the hope that the fullest measure of success may l attend it Signed Theodore Roose- velt ¬ Among the guests of honor at the opeiiing was Governor N B Broward of Florida a INSURRECTION WAS ENDED- In Hayti by Execution of Its Leader Port au Prince Jan 27The revo- lution ¬ has been suppressed Jean Ju meau the leader of the movement was captured at Dessalines a little hamlet close to Gonaives and wa at once I shot to death by the government troops I that made him a pIisoner Gonaives i has been occupied by a government i force- I I TOO MUCH FACE You feel as if you had ore race too many when you have Neuralgia dont you Save the face you may need It- i but get rid of the Neuralgia by ap- plying ¬ 4 Ballards Snow Liniment Fin- est ¬ I thing in the world for rheuma- tism ¬ I neuralgia burns cuts scalds I lame back and all rains Sold by 1 the AntiMonopoly Drugstore I 7 I A dninken man was run over and I killed by an electric car in Aiantu I Saturday night A bottle of cord li- quor i was found in his pocket I i COLORED PEOPLES DEPARTMENT- J M Deas Reporter- JACOBSVILLE NOTES Bertha May the little daughter of air W H Smith lias been ill for the past two weeks She is missed by her schoolmates By the way Mrs Smiths cottage is a model of neatness and cleanliness- Mr J H Bellinger the carpenter- has been laid up for a day or two with the grip Mr Tony Gaulman is adding another room to her present 4room house Larger and better houses are encourag- ing ¬ signs of improvement I T S Somers has been laid upwith rheumatism but he is greatly improv- ed ¬ and will soon be out again The Star has been his comforter during1 his illnosK Rev F C Cain of Martin was in town Sunday mingling with his Jacob yule friends The Sunday turnout for the funeral- of Mr Roper almost depopulated Jacobsville Mrs Hattie E Thomas of Holder accompanied by her sisterinlaw Mrs Annie Thomas is called to the bed- side ¬ of her motherinlaw Mrs Dan ¬ iels who lies quitesick in Jacobsville Mr R J Thomas her husband is working at Holder having vacated for the present his nice fiveroom cottage which with its general surroundings is very attractive Others could profit by his splendid example- Our townsman Rev W O Bartly of the South Florida mission has been reapointed to Orlando but his family will remain at his Ocala home Mr S Oliver of Jacksonville is also visiting the home of Mrs Daniels ac count of her illness Miss Alice has been forced for the last three weeks to abandon her school at Reddick on account of a severe at ¬ tack of the grip She is greatly im- proved ¬ but not yet enough to return- to her work The cool weather has made the wood t business very lively with Mr E Tibbs No man should continue paying rent I when he can buy a lot on as easy terms I as Mr Woodrow is offering in Oak ridge addition Simple Remedy for LaGrippc La grippe coughs are rangerous as they frequently develop into pneu ¬ monia Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no ser- ious ¬ results need be feared The gen- uine ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers Become a property owner There ia no investment as good or safe as real estate and none can be had as cheat or on as easy terms as those > beautifutf lots in Oakrldte addition Ask Mr Woodrow 1 1 0 a z1t- i t r

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-01-27 [p EIGHT]


I v f1 A






CAFE-w have again opened our Cafe in

connection with our business and wilIr always have on hand everything us-

Vaflyl kept in a firstclass place suchasr OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES



j Give tit a call and we guarantee youIf

good service reasonable prices anorompt






J L Smoajrs old stand onJ xposition street stock fine prices

Mmonable 31ve us a call not onlyIor good stock but feed A B Deiinent Co Ocala Fla




PClee I Ice I Ice I







i t



F WILLIAMSON Propje reasonable All Goods pressed

cI1CIaned on Short Notive and Der Promptly

Aft transient work not called fo-ritIIn 30 days will be Bold forcharges







tf Anyoie l4enalnJt R rketoh nnd description nrL IcIly scrtRlu our opinion

raiveflUnfl tJ protinbly lI1nmlllI a-

tlItr1ctJTJ cniiI1tiiit1aI HANDBOOK on PIfl1-8e t froa <tai for tiorumiv pHt r4

iPntent8 taken throuah Mann ft Co rcctvcharge intbu

L Scientific Bmricaiz-I < i6Tceir llltMtnttea weckir JnrJlf > or6-


> Motion of any ncientiae lourual Ternm f3 atOur months fL aoldbynll newudealer-


iNN CO36Bmadwa1 Ij-

wch Mao Y At WiwMnston Do

fttoe ot Application for Leave to Sell

HOPS Lanc-rirKotlce


is hereby given that on thefth day of February A D 190S 1

ill I apply to Honorable Joseph BellCjjkuaty Judge in and for Marion

r State of Florida at his officeQca In said County for an order

iirIzLng me as Guardian of theaet heirs of the estate of Talulah

fihrbover deceased to sell at privateM the following property belonging

Meald estate towit Southeast quaroKsection 12 Township 13 south

1Bnge 19 east said lands belongHd the eatate of the said TalulahOroover deceased to he sold for-

t Interest of said minor heirs1z llth day of January 1908

cJ Oscar Groover Guardiant I1-01ji Circuit Court of the FIfth Judi

Circuit of Florida In and for Mafr Bounty In Chancery

ivPfcssurnpsic Savings Bank a Corjp jrmtion Un er the Laws of the Statfc

rmont Complainant vs Mrs E-

BroCkIngton Defendant Order fortractive Service

fsordered that the defendant here1intd towit Mrs E B Brocking

and she is hereby required toL r to the bill of complaint in this

J B on or beforeay the 3rd day of February 190-

8frlt1futher ordered that a copy oforder be published once a week-

Me1xht consecutive weeks in thelL Star a newspaper published in-

iIktl county and stat-e1hIs 4th day of December 1907

S T SIstrunkVierk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla

BrH B Foy Jr D C1 ibker Duval








We have a crew or expert cementworkers in the city for a short time-

I and we would be pleased while herI to give estimates on and put in anywork of thJs character either cement-or tile sidewalks copings retainingwalls or heavy concrete work

We have f > xe ptional facilities foihandling cement work cheaply anil-satisfaciorily both in our equipmentand corps of expert workers

Kither call at our works or NorthMain street near the foundiy or ad-


our representative HUGH WIL-LIAMS


Room G HOLDER BLOCK nBOX 815 who will cheerfully call andgive any Information desired



Official Report

The Marion County Republican Con-vention


met in Ocala Saturday Jan25-at 12 noon The executive committee-met at 11 a m and paved the way for-a successful convention Eighty dele-gates


were present from every pre-


in the county State and con-gressional


delegates were elected tothe convention which meets at St Au-


Feb 26 1908 Also a countyI

executive committee was electedPostmaster Crom addressed the con-



A resolution endorsing the tat or-


was unanimously adoptedThe delegates were not instructedFollowing are the delegates to the

state convention J H DicKerson HC Groves W P Wilson S M Gibbs-W W Spann George Giles

Following are the congressional del-


VA Wilkerson A Ti Ed-


M Stewart F P Gadson F CW Williams E C Packard

The following county executivecommittee was chosen Dr W PWilson chairman Ocala H C Groves-W W Spann F P Gadson S MGibbs F C W Williams GeorgeGiles Blitchton A J Kennedy S WCavalier Dunnellon B R Gooden DrC R Williams Reddick Green Redwitch R F Heath Flemington W AWilkerson J S Williams Martel AB Edwards Geiger B M Floyd SReeves Sparr B J Taylor Anthony-C R Hill W M N Weatherspoon JH Hodge McIntosh W Ward CJ Jordan Cotton Plant Z D Limbrick Shady M Stewart J GlympMartin T B Wood Belieview J RBlackwell Henry Williams Sparr JS Harvey Fairfield R SpinklesGeorge Washington


Miss Clyde Porter of Quitman CM1

killed herself Saturday nighht bv fir-


a bullet through lwr brainII


I will be at the following places on j

time specified to receive tax returnsfor 100S I

January 19081

Martel 27th a mCotton Plant 27th p mHeidtville 28th 11 a m to 2 p mDunnellon 29thRomeo 30th 11 a m to 2 p mBlitchton 31st until 3 p m

February 1908

Kendrick 3rd a mMartin 3rd p mLowell 4th a m I

Reddick 4th p mFairfield 5th a mIrvine 5th p mFlemington 6th a mCentral 7th a mGeiger 7th p mMcIntosh 8thShady 10th a m I

Santos 10th p mBelieview 11thPedro 12th a mLevon 12th p mSummerfield 13th a mCandler 14th a m

I Oklawaha 14th p mEastlake 15th a mWeirsdale 15th p mLIna ale 17th a mMoss Bluff 18th a mElectra 18th p m

I Lynn 19th 8 to 10 a mGrahamville 19th 12 to 2 p mConnor 19th 2 to 5 p mChurchill 20th p mEureka 21st a mDaisy 21st p mFort McCoy 22nd a m

I Pine 22nd p mAnthony 27th I

Sparr 28th a mCitra 28th p mOrange Springs 29th p m I

March 1908

Ocala from 7th to 31stc L

The law requires all tax returns tobe made by the 1st of April

Postmasters will please cut out andpost this notice Alfred Ayer

I x Assessort

t co yr<

G J o



Arizonas Editors Tour WasLively While It Lasted



j Those Who Charge Us Otherwise DoUs a Great Injustice He SaysDr-BaI nc Told It Wss Time For Him

I to Move Vhich He Did

Copyright 1007

WI tire Jim ricllso Wo are the ed-


of the Kicker Ve art mayor ofI GIvcndain Gulch Wf are the post-


We are i deputy United StatesI marshal We nro the owner of hell-

s Opera House We own the Hiilsohaul Wo are the sole owner of sixdifferent mountains and 30000 acres ofdesert lands in Arizona

And yet we do not aspire to dictator-ship


I We dont want to ho pointed outas the big it We havent the slight-est


idea that we own the town or thatthings have got to go as we decreeThose who charge us otherwise do us-a great injustice

At an early hour last Wednesdaymorning we buckled on our guns and









went hunting for an individual namedIdaho Sam He arrived here fourweeks ago and announced that he was-a holy terror and he has since made-a nuisance of himself We found himafter half an hours search and tender-ed


him his choice between hitting thetrail and hanging He started to arguethe matter but we got the drop onhim and as a result the midday sunshone down on him us he rested on thefar side of Wolf creek

Our next visit of state was paid toMr C 1 Flint attorney at law MrFlint is of that clasps called shysterslie was disbarred in Chicago andcame out here to make a fresh startHis doings have heen unsavory andhe has neglected Hake advantage oflittle hints thrown out by us from time-to time When we called and announc-ed


to him that he must pull his freighthe grabbed for a shotgun in the cornerofhis office but soon thought betterof it and agreed to change climatesHe went that nighU In his new loca-


we wish him wellTold Doctor to Move

Three months ago Dr Barnes hurrjout his sign on Apache avenue Be-

fore he had been a week in practicewe learned that he knew nothing aboutmedicines except what be had learned-in a sawmill We decided to give him-

a chance however Out in this coun-try


we feel that every man is entitled-to at least one fair show Dr Barneshad made a botch of it at setting bro ¬

ken limbs and diagnosing cases andit was time for him to move on Westated the case gently but firmly andhe replied that he had been expecting-It and was glad togo

When Mr John Taylor arrived inGiveadnm Gulch six weeks ago hegave out that he was looking for aplace to establish an orphan asylum-He was offered sites on the mountains-and on the plains but he seemed tolose interest It soon developed thathe was simply a good natured sort ofdeadbeat There has been no particu-lar


harm in him but as he was breath ¬

r ing ozone rightfully belonging to someone else he was asked to move on liemoved There were tears In his eyes-as he went and his last words were

l that this was a cold old worldBefore we had visited Lawyer Jim

I Wheelan in his office to hold a littletalk word came to us that he had agun and intended to shoot on sightMr Wheelan Is another shyster Hecame here from Milwaukee to escapebeing sent to state prison but thechange of climate didnt bring reformwith it On several different occa-


we have had to refer to him inthe Kicker as a liar and a scoundreland the relations between us have beensomewhat strained

When we entered Mr Wheelans of-


the other day be was ready to de-

bate the question We found ourself


i t Il1l Cit t7f3 > fO rr-i

looting into rue muzzie or a large annliberal revolver As a matter of facthe pulled trigger on us and if the car-tridge


hadnt failed to explode this is-


I of the Kicker would have con-tained


I our obituary The failure of thecartridge gave ns our chance and with ¬

in four hours Mr Wheelan and his lawlibrary and his little ways were out ofsight <dow the Panther creek trailOther towns may greet him with open

i arms hut there was something lackingbetween him and the Gulch

I Many and many a time In the lastsix mouths have we warned Dr HenryMason that lie should have stuck toI

sheep herding and let the practice ofI medicine ulonn When we came tclearn that he couldnt tell quinine frommorphine we talked to him like abrother und offered to pay his fare toFlorence hut he was a man who lovedto dwell on the ragged edges of fateHe believed in destiny and he believ-ed


that destiny meant to lead the med-ical


profession He argued it out soclearly that we shut up

A week ago Dr Mason killed off histhird patient It was only a China ¬

man but out here we are even comingto look upon the Celestial as a humanbeing The public didnt actually riseup und demand that the doctor go orhang but we rather put It that waywhen we called He wasnt a minute-in saying that he would go He had agood offer to go back to his herdingand so much Latin and medicine to ¬

gether made his head ache He retiresI with honors He could have killed adozen patients during his practice butbe has been content with three

Judge Given Walking PapersNo one exactly knows where the In-


calling himself Judge Wil-liams


hailed from lie gave out thathe was here to see about establishingwaterworks but was soon a hanger onfor free drinks and was always want-ing


to borrow dollar Hit attitudeand occupation appeared against thebest interests of Arizona und we there ¬

fore gave him v int to move on Hesaid he would sTOly miss the homelikesurroundings of the Gulch but he van-ished


For a few minutes after we struckthe trail of W Caniff it looked as ifsome one would be planted before sun-down Joseph came here from Santa j

Fe a few weeks ago with an object In i

view That object as stated by him-self was to raIre hIl He has accoraplished it pretty thoroughly Hehas had two shooting scrapes and three


or four barroom rows A few daysIago the vigilance committee sat on his

gocase and it was resolved that he must

Joseph was the last on our list YeIhunted him out in a pool room and as-


a brotherly smile It didnt goThen we tried the fatherly dodge Itdidnt work Joseph was fly He had i

two guns and it was just his hour forshooting There was some little dis-


and then he started to draw i

We beat him by the fraction of a sec-


and as he afterward said heiought to have had sense enough to puthands up He didnt have however j

and we had to bore a bullet in his j

shoulder All things considered lie gotoff easy He is now in the hospital i

but after a few days will set off with-a new song in his heart and look for atown where a man of his caliber is ap-


Sooner or later he will belynched but then he will have lots of i

fun while he does live We regard the j

town now as in a healthy social con I

dition and should not be a hit sur-prised to see a winter boom sdt in andreal estate jump 23 per






person who disturbed tlie con¬

gregation last Sunday by continuallycoughing is requested to buy a bottleof Foleys Honey and Tar For salt j

by all dealers J


Mrs Eddy high priestess of theChristian Science cult has moved her

I residence from Concord N H toI

Brookline iI


This is to certify that all druggists II

are authorized to refund your money-

if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure I

your cough or cold It stops thecough heals the lungs and preventsserious results from a cold Cures la 1


grippe coughs and prevents pneu ¬

monia and consumption Contains-no opiates The genuine is in a yellowpackage Refuse substitutes For saleby all dealers


Notice is hereby given that on che

Second day of June A D 1908

the undersigned administrator of theestate of A H Frederick deceased-will make my final settlement withHon Joseph Bell judge of probate athis office in Ocala Marion countyFla and wil apply for my discharge-as


administrator of said estate-R T Frederick-

Adm of Estate of A H Frederickdeceased

Nov 19th 1907


t i I I t



At Jacksonville Saturday with a Mes-


from the President

Jacksonville Fla Jan 27TheFlorida MidWinter International Ex ¬

position was formally opened at noonSaturday amid the booming of can ¬

non by a mesage from PresidentRoosevelt which was read to the large

Icrowd gathered together at the expo-sition


I grounds The presidents mes-sage



William H Sebring Mayor and theHonorary Advirsory Board of the Flor-idai MidWinter International Exposi-

I tiOflI take great pleasure in openingthe Florida MidWinter International

I Exposition and in expressing the hopethat the fullest measure of success may

lattend it Signed Theodore Roose-velt


Among the guests of honor at theopeiiing was Governor N B Browardof Florida



In Hayti by Execution of Its LeaderPort au Prince Jan 27The revo-



has been suppressed Jean Jumeau the leader of the movement wascaptured at Dessalines a little hamletclose to Gonaives and wa at once


shot to death by the government troopsI that made him a pIisoner Gonaivesi has been occupied by a governmenti force-I

I TOO MUCH FACEYou feel as if you had ore race too

many when you have Neuralgia dontyou Save the face you may need It-

i but get rid of the Neuralgia by ap-plying

¬ 4Ballards Snow Liniment Fin-



thing in the world for rheuma-tism


neuralgia burns cuts scaldsI

lame back and all rains Sold by1 the AntiMonopoly DrugstoreI


A dninken man was run over andI

killed by an electric car in AiantuI Saturday night A bottle of cord li-

quori was found in his pocket




J M Deas Reporter-


Bertha May the little daughter ofair W H Smith lias been ill for thepast two weeks She is missed by herschoolmates By the way MrsSmiths cottage is a model of neatnessand cleanliness-

Mr J H Bellinger the carpenter-has been laid up for a day or two withthe grip

Mr Tony Gaulman is adding anotherroom to her present 4room houseLarger and better houses are encourag-ing


signs of improvementI T S Somers has been laid upwithrheumatism but he is greatly improv-ed


and will soon be out again TheStar has been his comforter during1his illnosK

Rev F C Cain of Martin was intown Sunday mingling with his Jacobyule friends

The Sunday turnout for the funeral-of Mr Roper almost depopulatedJacobsville

Mrs Hattie E Thomas of Holderaccompanied by her sisterinlaw MrsAnnie Thomas is called to the bed-side


of her motherinlaw Mrs Dan ¬

iels who lies quitesick in JacobsvilleMr R J Thomas her husband isworking at Holder having vacated forthe present his nice fiveroom cottagewhich with its general surroundings isvery attractive Others could profitby his splendid example-

Our townsman Rev W O Bartly ofthe South Florida mission has beenreapointed to Orlando but his familywill remain at his Ocala home

Mr S Oliver of Jacksonville is alsovisiting the home of Mrs Daniels account of her illness

Miss Alice has been forced for thelast three weeks to abandon her schoolat Reddick on account of a severe at¬

tack of the grip She is greatly im-


but not yet enough to return-to her work

The cool weather has made the woodt business very lively with Mr E Tibbs

No man should continue paying rentI when he can buy a lot on as easy termsI as Mr Woodrow is offering in Oakridge addition

Simple Remedy for LaGrippcLa grippe coughs are rangerous as

they frequently develop into pneu ¬

monia Foleys Honey and Tar notonly stops the cough but heals andstrengthens the lungs so that no ser-ious


results need be feared The gen-uine


Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no harmful drugs and is in a yellowpackage Refuse substitutes Sold byall dealers

Become a property owner There iano investment as good or safe as realestate and none can be had as cheator on as easy terms as those >beautifutflots in Oakrldte addition Ask MrWoodrow 1

1 0


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