ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-01-28 [p...

r i ir k 1 t f s c fw S- J 4 I S- a F y r t OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JANUARY 28 1908 Loo i If You Bead This x ql be to learn that the lending mod writers and teachers of all the several ote of practice recommend in the igest terms possible each and every sdtent entering into the composition r Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Spr the cure of weak stomach dyspepsia > h of stomach liver complaint mi liver or biliousness chronic bow etkmsf and all catarrlmi diseases of region name or nature It is Specific remedy for all such chronic cases of catarrhal all io their resultants us bronchial I NVuU long disease except consurap I iidiolnpan od with severe coughs It- s good for acute colds and coughs for or chronic cases it is ciAlly efficacious in producing per cures contains Black Chorrybark- Jd < m Seal root Bloodroot tone root atfldr e- le root and Queens root all of- dch are highly praised as remedies for She above mentioned atiections by such ant medical writers and teachers as Bartholow of Jefferson Med Col I ProC Harevjef the Univ of Pa Flnle fittfngwood M D of Ben Med Chicago Prof John M of Cincinnati Prof John Dof Cincinnati Prof ro M IC JL D of Hahnemann f Chicago and scores of Hy eminent in their several practice i a1 Discovery Is the u am p woR publicity or Its ormuati- poesib a of its merits this published formula will thkt Golden Discovery if AS no poisonous harmful or hab t no alcohol chemically U refined glycerine being used iGlycerlne Is unobjec iad oes is a most useful agent sure oT all stomach as well as bron throat and lung affections There medical authority for its OS Alfsuch cases TheDiscovervla ientrated glycerlc extract of native- nuclnsl roots safe and reliable A booklet of extracts from eminent hell Authorities endorsing its ingro mailed on request Aaaraa V Pleres Buffalo N Y tiW C E FOY r r t- kEL ESTATE AGENT t t Ei > r Office in Gary Building fie Martin and Cams Seed Store ft 1 rS COLLECTED TAXES PAID nt In Ocala and Marion County- for the inville Development CO- W w Following are a few of my specials thus month fOR SALEThe residence No GO In atreet price 1400 half cash ice in one year now rented for Mf per month FOR 8ALEThe residence No 50 MHain street 2360 half cash bal- l MICe o < e year now rented for 520 per month FOR SALESplendid orange grove f wen Leesburg and Eustis 20 acres ider fence 17 acres in solid orang- ee bearing and in fine shape no- dings price 6500 t1f merous other properties for sale residence grove and turpentine List your property with me if want to sell it or call on me if want to buy I will give careful j on to the collection of rents and g of taxes for any nonresident tty owners < IT E FOY KiT lc o <> i > A Big Load for Z ASII- H r SEYMOURP- hone 18 1 1it Z a- iC t tir 3- T otJ i 1J x 4 4- r S I a END TO FRIEND Phe personal recommendations of pea tarh- L chave been cured of coughs and i ChaittbeVlalns Cough Reined J k tin all else to make it- lttade and comiiikrce onr iAiv H + I H Hi + H ALegend of Old New York i iH Origin 1 I In the olden time when New York I was New Amsterdam there was a fort I where the new and beautiful customs I house now stands On a little street not far cast of the fort Hvod DiedHch Ten I5roek Broek Is the Dutch for britches dyer who c daughter An neke was one of the belles of the town In those days in New Amsterdam every merchant lived over his store and those who practiced a trade had their shops in the yard The lower story of Ten Brooks house was wide enough to take Iu his vats without discommoding- the family One night when there was a fire on what Is now Broad street where the bulls and bears daily devour the lambs- In the stock market Anneke saw a young man of her acquaintance Wou ¬ ter Bleeker In the line of those passing buckets suddenly dart to the burning building shin up a water spout and rescue a child The young girl was filled with admiration of the swain and under her encouragement he later paid his court to her Unfortunately for the lovers Ten Broek frowned up ¬ on the connection which Is riot sur ¬ prising since young Bleelcer had no place to put a bride Nevertheless Anueke could not be prevailed upon to give tip Wouter and he continued his visits at the house while Ten Brocks choler continued to rise like the mercury climbing a ther ¬ mometer One eveningIt was past 9 oclock and every Dutchman was in bedthe angry father went into the kitchen where the lovers were sitting band In hand within the spacious fire ¬ place and exploded his wrath in the face of the suitor Wouter arose and backed out through an open door that led into the dyeing room Ten Broek following and shaking his fist in the youths face Since Wouter was mov ¬ ing in a contrary direction to his line of vision he could see nothing behind him Suddenly his heels caught upon- a vat and be went backward Into the dyeWhen he emerged not only his clothes but every square inch of his body was as red as the Indians from whom the island of Mannaliattji had been purchased Ten Broek surveyed- him shrugged his shoulders with an Ugh and turning his back left him The newly dyed man ran home and standing under the pump received enough water to wash off the lye had It not been of the best and clung to him like a new skin The poor boy arose the next morn ¬ ing to survey himself in a glass an l see that he was hopelessly crimson- He went to a chemist and begged him to try to do something to remove his color The chemist gave him a bath In which were certain drugs but alas when the bather emerged his crimson skin had turned violet r Wouter went home In despair There he found anote from Anneke appoint- ing ¬ t a meeting on the bank of the Hud son river for that very evening Wou ¬ ter would gladly have stayed away but feared his future happiness might deN pend upon the meeting The hour was Just after lun et Anneke was waiting When Wouter stepped up to her and she SAW hip violet hue she burst into an uncontrolled fit of laughter Wou ¬ ter incensed turned on his heel and left her to laugh if she liked till the sounds reached > the Jersey shore The next morning the unfortunate youth went again to the chemist and besought him to make another trial The chemist consented but this time Wouter came out the hue of the grass- in the Bowling green Howling with disappointment he ran home and who should he see sitting on the stoop but Anneke- Go away he cried covering his faceDear Wonter she Raid I have come to crave your forgiveness for laughing at you Wouter reassured advanced at the same time uncovering his face As soon as Anneke saw his green visage she again burst into a fit of laughter Wouter rushed put her and up to his room where he locked himself in and nothing could Induce him to come forth till Anneke had gone away The chemist told Wouter that he hoped at last to find some chemical substance that would act upon the dye changing it to skin color Wouter gave him another trial and came out a bright orange Soon after this Aoneke met her lover walking between the fort and the junction of the Hudson and East rivers She was hurrying to him to sue for pardon for her apparent want of sympathy The afternoon sun struck- his orange countenance and again she failed for laughter After this Wouter gave up trying to find anything to change his color and determined to try to wear it away Taking a boat he pulled down through- the bays till he came to what is now called Coney Island There he strip- ped ¬ and rolled and scraped himself in the sand every day for seven weeks living on berries he found on the main ¬ land and sleeping under his boat turned over OR the beach Day by day week by Veek hls skis wore away to be uccci jllF one of a natural enli > a L I When helm scraped away the old I skit and a new one had formed he I went baik to New Amsterdam it was the middle of tlu afternoon and I he appeared upon he Bowling green One of the first persons he met was Anneko She approached him with a I smile Ibis time of contrition and con- gratulated ¬ I him upon his recovering his natural color But although she made continued attempt fo conciliate him she failed signally Wouter never re- newed ¬ his offer for her hand and even- tually ¬ married a laughter of Petrus Van Scboonevan a dealer in furs MABEL R TERMING THE FITZGERALD COMPANY ROOFING PAVING CEMENT AND TILE WALKS TARRED FELTS I TAR PITCH AND GRAVEL- We t have a crew or expert cement workers in the city for a short time and we would be pleased while here- to give estimates on and put in any work of this character either cement- or tiler sidewalks copings retaining walls or heavy concrete work- re have exceptional facilities for handling cement work cheaply and satisfactorily both in our equipment- and corps of expert workers Either call at our works or North Main street near the foundry or ad ¬ dress our representative HUGH WIL- LIAMS ¬ Room 6 HOLDER BLOCK or BOX 815 who will cheerfully call and give any information desired DESPONDENCY CAUSED DEATH Brooding Over her Troubles a Wis ¬ consin Woman Tried to End her t> Life and that of her Child Burlington Wis Jan 2SAfter ad- V ministerIng alarge dose of laudanum- to her young son Kenneth Mrs Geo- F Stetton drank the remainder of the vial in an attempt to suicide The boy aged nine is dead and the woman will probably not survive Since the departure of her husband who went to Little Rock Ark in an attempt to regain his health Mrs Stetton has made her home at the res- idence ¬ of her father Richard Ball When Mrs Ball entered her daughters apartments she found both lying on the disordered bed the dead boy clasp- ed ¬ tightly in his mothers arms Des- pondency ¬ over her financial condition- and the continued ill health of her husband is thought to have caused the deed TAX ASSESSORS APPOINTMENTS- I c I will be at the following places on time specified to receive tax returns- for 1908 January 1908 Martel 27th a m Cotton Plant 27th p m IIeldtville 28th 11 a m to 2 p m Dunnellon 29th Romeo 30th 11 a m to 2 p m Blitchton 31st until 3 p m February 1908 Kendrick 3rd a m Martin 3rd p m Lowell 4th a m Reddick 4th p m Fairfield 5th a m Irvine 5th p m Flemington 6th a m Central 7th a m Geiger 7th p m McIntosh 8th Shady 10th a jn Santos 10th p m Belleview 11th Pedro 12th a m Levon 12th p rr Summerfield 13th a m Candler 14th a m I Oklawaha 14th p m Eastlake 15th a m Weirsdale 15th p m Linadale 17th a m t Moss Bluff 18th a m Electra 18th p m Lynn 19th 8 to 10 a m Grahamville 19th 12 to 2 p m Connor 19th 2 to 5 p m Churchill 20th p m Eureka 21st a m Daisy 21st p m Fort McCoy 22nd a m Pine 22nd p m Anthony 27th Sparr 28th a m Citra 28th p m Orange Springs 29th p m March 1908 Ocala from 7th to 31st 4 The law requires all tax returns to be made by the 1st of April Postmasters will please cut out and post this notice Alfred Ayer Assessor WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS- For fifteen years I have watched- the workings of Bucklens Arnica Salve and it has never failed to cure any sore boil ulcer or burn to which it was applied It has saved us many a doctors bill says A F Hardy of East Wilton Me Twentyfive cents- at Tydings Cos drug store Col 1 S l- M R t I JK J t JXt X tt tt l tttt- i i + I Announcement I M y A tree demonstration of the famous ARGO RED SAL- MON < f will he held ill this week at the store of- t I f Helvcnston and Pasteur e yi Many palatable dishes will be served and displayed f You are cordially invited to attend aud receive a i 1 > i sample and souvenir COOK BOOK FREE ont Fo- rgetTHOMASVILLE t v r + eWee < o< w j Business College Thomasvilie Georgia I This school secures the best positions for i its graduates Open ail the year ENTER NOWo ANSON W BALL President jf J TTTiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiniiiiiiii- iiHiiiiiAVcgetablePrqaralionfor CASTOR I I t r t IIj 9 00 DROP For Infants and Children j- o TAiTuRtk The Kind You Havr i l j As- similatin ¬ Always Bought rr theToodandReula- PromotesDigcstioaClKciful MsaIawthti Bears the- Signature XJ t i cress CO l Q pmmMorpbine norI1 irr L- OTNARCOTIC VJ J- Ji tJltlllrSlW 1 I I In t y I oa- t r t Remedy forConsQpft twit Sour ea Worms JCdnvulstonsJevensht- Mte For Over 1 essalldOSSOP Std I Signature of Thirty Years NEW YOSB L 1 IsIs tiwwPrr NX + rtriwcRr I > IMPROVED SERVIC- EATLANTICV a V I A COAST LINE JACKSONYILLEOCALAST PETERSBURG No 37 No 38 No 40 No 38 380 p m 935 a m Lve Jacksonville Ar 630 p m 730 a m 242 a m 215 p m Ar OCAL A Leave 1255 p m 135 a m S35 a in 900 p m Ar St Petersburg LYe 630 a m 700 p m t Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40 Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38 For Information or Rates call on Atlantic Coast Line Agents r or J W CARR T P I A TAMPA FLA J G 4CIRKLAN0tD M A f T C WHITE GP An WILMINGTON N C WJ GRAD P T M NOTICE The arrivals and departur es shown are not guaranteed 0 i 1 r J- ot < oI 0 Ii t v- f ri 1 0 1 J Yf4w 0 7

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-01-28 [p TWO].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00756/0184.pdf · r i ir k 1 f s c t fw S- 4 I S-J a F y r OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY

ri ir

k1 tf s c fw S-

J4 I S-






If You Bead Thisx

ql be to learn that the lending modwriters and teachers of all the several

ote of practice recommend in theigest terms possible each and everysdtent entering into the compositionr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery

Spr the cure of weak stomach dyspepsia>h of stomach liver complaint

mi liver or biliousness chronic bowetkmsf and all catarrlmi diseases of

region name or nature It isSpecific remedy for all such chronic

cases of catarrhal all iotheir resultants us bronchial I

NVuU long disease except consurapI

iidiolnpan od with severe coughs It-s good for acute colds and coughs

for or chronic cases it isciAlly efficacious in producing percures contains Black Chorrybark-

Jd<m Seal root Bloodroot tone rootatfldr e-le root and Queens root all of-

dch are highly praised as remedies forShe above mentioned atiections by such

ant medical writers and teachers asBartholow of Jefferson Med Col

I ProC Harevjef the Univ of PaFlnle fittfngwood M D of BenMed Chicago Prof JohnM of Cincinnati Prof John

Dof Cincinnati Profro M IC JL D of Hahnemann

f Chicago and scores ofHy eminent in their several

practicei a1 Discovery Is the



publicity or Its ormuati-poesib a of its merits

this published formula willthkt Golden Discovery

ifAS no poisonous harmful or hab tno alcohol chemically

U refined glycerine being usediGlycerlne Is unobjec

iad oes is a most useful agentsure oT all stomach as well as bron

throat and lung affections Theremedical authority for its

OS Alfsuch cases TheDiscovervlaientrated glycerlc extract of native-

nuclnsl roots safe and reliableA booklet of extracts from eminent

hell Authorities endorsing its ingromailed on request Aaaraa

V Pleres Buffalo N Y


C E FOYrr t-


>r Office in Gary Buildingfie Martin and Cams Seed Store

ft 1


nt In Ocala and Marion County-

for the

inville Development CO-



Following are a few of my specialsthus month

fOR SALEThe residence No GO

In atreet price 1400 half cashice in one year now rented for

Mf per monthFOR 8ALEThe residence No 50

MHain street 2360 half cash bal-l

MICe o <e year now rented for 520per month

FOR SALESplendid orange grovef wen Leesburg and Eustis 20 acresider fence 17 acres in solid orang-

ee bearing and in fine shape no-

dings price 6500t1f merous other properties for sale

residence grove and turpentineList your property with me if

want to sell it or call on me ifwant to buy I will give carefulj

on to the collection of rents andg of taxes for any nonresidenttty owners


IT E FOYKiTlc o<> i>

A Big Load forZ



SEYMOURP-hone 18


1itZ a-

iC t



T otJ i1J






END TO FRIENDPhe personal recommendations of pea

tarh-L chave been cured of coughs andi ChaittbeVlalns Cough Reined

J k tin all else to make it-

lttade and comiiikrce onriAiv

H + I H Hi+ H

ALegend of Old New York iiH

Origin 1I

In the olden time when New York I

was New Amsterdam there was a fort I

where the new and beautiful customs I

house now stands On a little streetnot far cast of the fort Hvod DiedHchTen I5roek Broek Is the Dutch forbritches dyer who c daughter Anneke was one of the belles of the townIn those days in New Amsterdam everymerchant lived over his store andthose who practiced a trade had theirshops in the yard The lower story ofTen Brooks house was wide enough totake Iu his vats without discommoding-the family

One night when there was a fire onwhat Is now Broad street where thebulls and bears daily devour the lambs-In the stock market Anneke saw a

young man of her acquaintance Wou ¬

ter Bleeker In the line of those passingbuckets suddenly dart to the burningbuilding shin up a water spout andrescue a child The young girl wasfilled with admiration of the swainand under her encouragement he laterpaid his court to her Unfortunatelyfor the lovers Ten Broek frowned up ¬

on the connection which Is riot sur ¬

prising since young Bleelcer had noplace to put a bride

Nevertheless Anueke could not beprevailed upon to give tip Wouter andhe continued his visits at the housewhile Ten Brocks choler continued torise like the mercury climbing a ther¬

mometer One eveningIt was past 9oclock and every Dutchman was inbedthe angry father went into thekitchen where the lovers were sittingband In hand within the spacious fire ¬

place and exploded his wrath in theface of the suitor Wouter arose andbacked out through an open door thatled into the dyeing room Ten Broekfollowing and shaking his fist in theyouths face Since Wouter was mov¬

ing in a contrary direction to his line ofvision he could see nothing behindhim Suddenly his heels caught upon-a vat and be went backward Into thedyeWhen

he emerged not only hisclothes but every square inch of hisbody was as red as the Indians fromwhom the island of Mannaliattji hadbeen purchased Ten Broek surveyed-him shrugged his shoulders with an

Ugh and turning his back left himThe newly dyed man ran home andstanding under the pump receivedenough water to wash off the lye hadIt not been of the best and clung tohim like a new skin

The poor boy arose the next morn ¬

ing to survey himself in a glass an l

see that he was hopelessly crimson-He went to a chemist and begged himto try to do something to remove hiscolor The chemist gave him a bathIn which were certain drugs but alaswhen the bather emerged his crimsonskin had turned violet r

Wouter went home In despair Therehe found anote from Anneke appoint-ing


a meeting on the bank of the Hudson river for that very evening Wou ¬

ter would gladly have stayed away butfeared his future happiness might deNpend upon the meeting The hour wasJust after lun et Anneke was waitingWhen Wouter stepped up to her andshe SAW hip violet hue she burst intoan uncontrolled fit of laughter Wou ¬

ter incensed turned on his heel andleft her to laugh if she liked till thesounds reached

>the Jersey shore

The next morning the unfortunateyouth went again to the chemist andbesought him to make another trialThe chemist consented but this timeWouter came out the hue of the grass-in the Bowling green Howling withdisappointment he ran home and whoshould he see sitting on the stoop butAnneke-

Go away he cried covering his

faceDear Wonter she Raid I havecome to crave your forgiveness forlaughing at you

Wouter reassured advanced at thesame time uncovering his face Assoon as Anneke saw his green visageshe again burst into a fit of laughterWouter rushed put her and up to hisroom where he locked himself in andnothing could Induce him to comeforth till Anneke had gone away

The chemist told Wouter that hehoped at last to find some chemicalsubstance that would act upon the dyechanging it to skin color Wouter gavehim another trial and came out a brightorange Soon after this Aoneke mether lover walking between the fort andthe junction of the Hudson and Eastrivers She was hurrying to him tosue for pardon for her apparent wantof sympathy The afternoon sun struck-his orange countenance and again shefailed for laughter

After this Wouter gave up trying tofind anything to change his color anddetermined to try to wear it awayTaking a boat he pulled down through-the bays till he came to what is nowcalled Coney Island There he strip-ped


and rolled and scraped himself inthe sand every day for seven weeksliving on berries he found on the main ¬

land and sleeping under his boat turnedover OR the beach Day by day weekby Veek hls skis wore away to beuccci jllF one of a natural enli

> a L


When helm scraped away the old I

skit and a new one had formed heIwent baik to New Amsterdam it

was the middle of tlu afternoon and I

he appeared upon he Bowling greenOne of the first persons he met wasAnneko She approached him with a I

smile Ibis time of contrition and con-gratulated


him upon his recovering hisnatural color But although she madecontinued attempt fo conciliate himshe failed signally Wouter never re-


his offer for her hand and even-tually


married a laughter of PetrusVan Scboonevan a dealer in furs







have a crew or expert cementworkers in the city for a short timeand we would be pleased while here-to give estimates on and put in anywork of this character either cement-or tiler sidewalks copings retainingwalls or heavy concrete work-

re have exceptional facilities forhandling cement work cheaply andsatisfactorily both in our equipment-and corps of expert workers

Either call at our works or NorthMain street near the foundry or ad ¬

dress our representative HUGH WIL-LIAMS


Room 6 HOLDER BLOCK orBOX 815 who will cheerfully call andgive any information desired


Brooding Over her Troubles a Wis ¬

consin Woman Tried to End hert>

Life and that of her Child

Burlington Wis Jan 2SAfter ad-V

ministerIng alarge dose of laudanum-to her young son Kenneth Mrs Geo-

F Stetton drank the remainder of thevial in an attempt to suicide The boyaged nine is dead and the woman willprobably not survive

Since the departure of her husbandwho went to Little Rock Ark in anattempt to regain his health MrsStetton has made her home at the res-idence


of her father Richard BallWhen Mrs Ball entered her daughtersapartments she found both lying onthe disordered bed the dead boy clasp-ed


tightly in his mothers arms Des-pondency


over her financial condition-and the continued ill health of herhusband is thought to have caused thedeed



c I

will be at the following places ontime specified to receive tax returns-for 1908

January 1908

Martel 27th a mCotton Plant 27th p mIIeldtville 28th 11 a m to 2 p mDunnellon 29thRomeo 30th 11 a m to 2 p mBlitchton 31st until 3 p m

February 1908

Kendrick 3rd a mMartin 3rd p mLowell 4th a mReddick 4th p mFairfield 5th a mIrvine 5th p mFlemington 6th a mCentral 7th a mGeiger 7th p mMcIntosh 8thShady 10th a jnSantos 10th p mBelleview 11thPedro 12th a mLevon 12th p rrSummerfield 13th a mCandler 14th a m I

Oklawaha 14th p mEastlake 15th a mWeirsdale 15th p mLinadale 17th a m


Moss Bluff 18th a mElectra 18th p mLynn 19th 8 to 10 a mGrahamville 19th 12 to 2 p mConnor 19th 2 to 5 p mChurchill 20th p mEureka 21st a mDaisy 21st p mFort McCoy 22nd a mPine 22nd p mAnthony 27thSparr 28th a mCitra 28th p mOrange Springs 29th p m

March 1908

Ocala from 7th to 31st4

The law requires all tax returns tobe made by the 1st of April

Postmasters will please cut out andpost this notice Alfred Ayer



For fifteen years I have watched-the workings of Bucklens Arnica Salveand it has never failed to cure anysore boil ulcer or burn to which itwas applied It has saved us many adoctors bill says A F Hardy ofEast Wilton Me Twentyfive cents-at Tydings Cos drug store

Col 1S l-

M Rt I JK J t JXt X tt tt l tttt-


i+ I

Announcement IM

yA tree demonstration of the famous ARGO RED SAL-


< f

will he held ill this week at the store of-t I


Helvcnston and Pasteur e

yi Many palatable dishes will be served and displayedf You are cordially invited to attend aud receive a i 1 >

i sample and souvenir COOK BOOK FREE ont Fo-


tv r

+ eWee < o< w


Business CollegeThomasvilie Georgia


This school secures the best positions for iits graduates Open ail the year



TTTiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiniiiiiiii-







9 00 DROPFor Infants and Children j-


TAiTuRtk The Kind You Havr i




Always Boughtrr



MsaIawthti Bears the-

Signature XJt


cress CO lQpmmMorpbine norI1 irr L-


J-Ji tJltlllrSlW 1

I IInty

I oa-t


Remedy forConsQpfttwit Sour eaWorms JCdnvulstonsJevensht-


For Over1 essalldOSSOP StdI

Signature of

Thirty YearsNEW YOSB

L 1

IsIs tiwwPrr NX +rtriwcRr










No 37 No 38 No 40 No 38

380 p m 935 a m Lve Jacksonville Ar 630 p m 730 a m

242 a m 215 p m Ar OCAL A Leave 1255 p m 135 a mS35 a in 900 p m Ar St Petersburg LYe 630 a m 700 p m


Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40

Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38

For Information or Rates call on Atlantic Coast Line Agents r orJ W CARR T P




NOTICE The arrivals and departur es shown are not guaranteed0

i 1 r J-


< oI0 Ii t v-

f ri 1 0 1 J Yf4w 07