,r~ t 7 · 2015. 2. 9. · tcesbav, septghbkr 38, iiauaj>er r. cuihiwa proprietor. , r...

». TCESBAV, SEPTGHBKR 38, iiaUaJ>er r. cuiHiwa PROPRIETOR. , r Sv«C*.fTion.-Ti> Vill-ge f not nnitl rmr. t,p CankrR e*c«««in|r aqiMrM Hilinei tongel- o n» art propoftio.it, *nd iiottiingco 'likmed to IKo-e win advtirlia* by the ;y«ar. A* ,utt«u Mnl without «rdtr»; will bs n.wntd cjihre«f ; l b rdi«Cly. DA1.I.KY'S Original and only, [nuiite Magical Pain, Extractor', ': ITHF. WOijtbr.R OF JTHt AGEl ' ^Mloaf*', «"Vnl£inry 1 nT..l'«.^ho>p "aifi'^ivoVor ^n-lUf "f li«mnn:*ml brute mjuriea, strain*, KVFI jcniinbls of Wirlni nil Pnrnit. Cut*; Illlva, fc.?sr4.r."ii"'' k "f rfi """ mi Si,,.ni.l m..linij :itiil )ini tl.-,,.•« iver )>« lliB'ruling ., ! i'.,, ull'ulr*. IIHIL mil .HIT j II»III.C tw alwnvi SSatar'"- »iui l>4Uev^* Majj^.l tain t ^ r v W i.iwy*iiick*r and iJt*r» (Wrtuct has can. utlicnvisCbe ...-ve,. iftil.d.tverf.l »w' 1.\j, ui«V.»?aii r m«i, l ia 1 NJ V OU w'^'tWriUtuMtiti! ttuaeM phycieiitn and i nielli Jem »filX land, c jp»a .I'JIWllmniivny, ihc only depot 1 in N*iv Andtkfbttl rtmtdsiKov* Co ffe •wriih!rl*4 Ckre it at? tt'gt, Livtr Ct*im Mki >*«" Coiyri,, c«( i, „/ i PULMONARY ORGAN'S. ~ ,. A wry iit.p-rtant d.i*«ss« ojrer wliTeht|im ''Balaam i n i l i n r y pow«rlut lii.Ti.ei.ee, i»tliatlbf a [ DISKASi:!) LIVER, 'I Inti.i* cofuplnintit h— nwtUubtcdly proved more Hcnrioir* tjinn nny remedy liittierld qmplortd ond •lumeriiui) inatnikra when patient* |>nil endured n« ;i;,il itiTvcrs auftering froin ill e disease, without wlieu Mcrejity h»*L(:tn;rc«*t,™iioi((,taia. lU *MH VW"™' "FT™ »"I"MIB||III^ I l l l t l l l f II*WJW "'""^.WC* t*~ "vnmi-iiii,li,c,l,nc nUnfirid il a very effectual toiu- >1, h,.\S-niMA,, 1comi.la<., [ i,, wl.f D| t it ha* been I v - .(i.i.-lmp. " !' , •'j • , ( - ( . It mil only *ni m.-iirn rnmi ;. rfjjulnr P b j u o n n , J>ut mtJtlao been Wall ii-atnl i.i nil the aoitrptaiini for i-tiirli Hi*rrr,.ii)i,,e.|«i|. Itiw n«.iny itltem.aii.ilicre i-vii, rtilicr t.. r].,;i I. i, MI my*iciy, ur in '»rij wiy 1(lo- (H.•»(•¥ will vn.i'il.- in,; infuriii./i FuchjiTOONiorita vir- "> «v uud "CM yt: CUIitU." uij.ii meilM-iot-he Th're IB, jicrh^Pfl n** IM*CTIS<V ^vnu wtiit Ii our coldi nttcciptinix cures. ~. " ; Disbrhninaliiig '• f&nowfedgt M hereby we trniy kooyy tlieaer reirjediea wliirli I shall perfect a Hnpitl Cure, !i~ni» fact only obwlort mfler ABOKlOU§ nKSEAU : by the Student of Nature, Menlj iriir icliot«r of mcdieitie, ana H.o «p«riencr : SAGES OF TtlU NA Tl fE' '3BIBES, rr tli* iruc (ui.lclin ^reeling UIOM Tce*rcl<c Iff ir.it the: i * Invaluol.le ttifts 4f the WIAX CHIEF pW »t wuuliUtil! have bee* wtihmii HIOBC means ' These Native PrrpBraliona, wtock «™ nowioni|njundeit after Wn K Jli -a> F i l l l n j Pulmonary and Scrofulous Disea- x.'ilie oliptn it •in!y ultniaalile bf - PEUFECic Elementary Principle* to •cii«dl.ydie lAdiaiM. ! BRAKT'S NiHT BALSAM >. AITSIH, COLDI, BBo«pH.n», STITTIVO or Bi,wo, I**im i* TBK BBIABT. B U K DB 'BRAHTPSi '.'' 0DIAN ^ D R I F t m t i EXTKACT Gs..t PgiDuR oi Strofuli, Erjaipilu, Ulcerated .nil Nursiog *"• Mouth,. Bibn, Ulci-n, S c k l He«d, DMajtUkm, Silt fiWoWull ail . Eruptive and' Skip' Diseases, &MB8 1BJ«, ielT.—JT Dried Fruit! Dried Fruit!! ; Cheap Print,! » | i i o f l l i * U r a l M i t philosophy ft* the Tlmn. elthooe win, will, repiric »t/«to, . •'•'>• nrrtd orrt<j|} tIWEIF tieauft with BOTTOVT, . *•' i laugh when cares opooane wiit— I know they'll ieaTe td-morrow. j parse Is ligbt, bat what of that ? < , My licartis light topwtch it; . ' .rffl if I tear ifty 011JV §ow, , / ',' I laiijjfi the wJule I patch it .e.acnn some e-voa wl|> called, themselves My frie^tla In BuiTappAwca^er. , • , , lowit far fway, io iorraw'a day, , . , •.•-„> As winds would Wow a featlier— , . •• never grieved Io see themgo, (The rascals, who would heed ^eralj , arwbal'sthtuse dT*a»ing friettfls, ":.'• ' If false when most w* need 'em 1 ,• [ - T* «e«n some rich in wcrldfy gear. heiriliearts » prey to e*erj;• fetr— < t With glodneas newt shining. •• ; ' • woolil Jiotciiange iny lighisome heart, Fotall ihain geidlnnd aarrowi(- )r that'* a thing tbit all UMtr wealth ) Can neitherbuy nor borrow. A nd Mill as sorrows come to me, ' (As porr^W Tjotjicttnics will comcfj rind ilic way tomake them flee, la bidding them fight weloome. hey canunt brorik a clieerful look— ' • They're use. to »x)t>* and sighing ; .]..• ' ,a/4- lie tlutt meets Uietn with a miiie, -f iUrc to set them flying. < ;,"'• i •• <y MaTe««J. vlicU>v«ej>a ofrn,mu%!|y ioiiwiy TIC !•«# (is tlml (fell df atr'iyer of the human r«ce—Con- ..f.pii'.-i Pav nfter «i«j, yenr iifler j»«r, iHti \hsat(aie btrkuiiili- pur^l* of il.e ,Bld a..U .iUnt lima ioii« coniu««t. Pjo walk of idih N The followinjj very pretly moreeT is ft oxboughp UaJla<is--ii c<Jlectiori of old lioli U now exciting some all retty comfiarislon wittilygr< r liicli by scornful maidens julcd ' • ..tab iv.-Hii ridded v .....ii.lr* >fi>.»i)k,i>ii. Tlia'vrliita'linirod I,,, co'rnt ytinit ii»|icriiinui to ttie minrkp »f mlier..JI(i, and - " f Xiu*. •!.-».* pn-parcd f.iin'fbr tile enjif>rnent of hnpn to mti.d« wl.ich took obtnptacen^ on Mfllt ippi.l. , , . ' > ' . - , „ "i-.cnu Ii-l[. Tonlie nffiicibJ ? No preventive f^AWi^? XV& Cherry U o uB'tiriitfj' i v o r l i i - a n M i c h , lineeda nM (he " adreliti' <MIS "id" of .i ]»iig Blrins if fiBlifioiii ccrlifiealea to in- ilnriterii'iy 11 ir'JO v u l i t e n n t l iin. •:•-,'• >•>• . in-,:,- l i i i til itlie i:unJi(lence oftba pob- ] a<ili.ci iititlo it vtsrt o !«•.!.••; ofii. iurenfir. :i» »bonnfikujr ofUa OPUflON Oaf A BEQULAB £HY?IO . I Exeter, Ue..>ept;30, 1645. ., Tlii" certifies thnti 1iav« recommended th, Wialnr'a Dnttaiii at WIl.U CHEKRY fit of tliu Lune), for two j t i n pait, atut many bouleiM nfv knnwiedes hnvc been uaeJ by iny patienla, #1 will) txjnsficial reanlw. Int«r»'«a*M * h e n it waa lii.uchteqnfini.ed Consumption had takan pWce,tha Wild CJierry efTocbtl a ciins. ' : E. BOfOBN, t'hy.ici.n A Eioter Corntr. NO tilJARCKr-ltYi" NO UFCKI'TION! All|<|lbU«tiedstaif ruentf of cures j.m-l'urmcd by til il.ftig efGca. _ .__ wlurh U'larecommended curing many »csnfl*r tiiB nkiltoftlic beat nliyaicians wan iinnv ng. hiu effecled a larg«*aSVTitereaa. r." demand Tor .1 r£i- f*<* **u»W MiraraWniyindt.le4 «Kinteteit i BIIJ i-nUntorilo puLin off spuriOMa mulurei t>r«iini r nnme ahd iippearancc, Tor the jeuuine BnlxiTti. B" careful juid^tlhaTwrniBno WIH-TAR'S BAi SAM OF WILD CHtHlty^yjhi^h aJuxy/s bears k 1'ritti.K Signature of I.BUIU. J'tl t>OUrt ate ' C'biuiU it: A<ldrcf» atl urdeialo '• -\> •]• ! • . - ' t^lJ^H WnEOJ*LE, . I,- " Proprietor and General Agent, il ; 18dW.si.inpian it. Boafoti. For 8nleir,PI«ii.lMV<ihy Dr. l-ewiaCmi) And " I f The long established ^ Plainfteld Bakerj and Confectionary lie epntinu<( ;li« <s^p. on'hwd'atid'h.rwle Large Bf' Crackrr3Tcm.dieac.Tall kihdi.Ac. *-c1 U WhA ••W »nd Ratitll. aa oli«tp »•=»• bo efatnin«d oUo Ai.v Lu'raoa bovine a»v clnnp* Or detnanda an&iui !:,,,:,:lc;1,,,f. .ig.n-m.kh.ei'flo.,. «»^: ».».•„» feed. KIMt**Bm. d«K.t<H*a *n€ liiwjer «bins, an all oUet aenuata wbi '" B,f« which tfcpyiibveta*p»«e. : H"e!iope»*«i a]tbuiinea*. nnd ^nltiln(eUcin'anyway. t1 tc" M, *W—ly # trefc little je«w.' »«, in Ph,taddiAi«, betweea two Irring tofetber; beioc* Jkt4n Paraotii on f afternoon, a titaM girl, <U»t 10 ^ n waaaUletiuawitwew fbronfloftke par- "How wl" ''! .n -e . .. Doringtke ooarwoT a trial of a c u e ©f M- " I hat find, by Tot jrowsal C«U H le«e, sat wolt aud batter j, in Phila ou har gire me ze, honae for but tree year, *u' tiverer' mooch sorrow for xat." i .:. • ; : r "Batyo«c»»ka*«itlonier,ifjott w.sax-? 1 . ofage.waa _ •'Ah Monsieur— I «d beTirer' mooch glad ifl tie*. The Judge que«i«ied _ . .. in hate cat house «olong ai I pleaae—»n, offered, to aacertain' whether ehs knew the nal- orwieurr I * ure ofi n oatli, au« amongo«b« ejo«*iwia whreh "Oh, c«niiiiij-—eeruiuly, «ir.' he propounded to hit «a> ihe followi^ ;— "Tre» biea, manaioar If I oil Talk rite Io "What is tins ditfettt.ee between truth aod » i offices—m* you sal gi»e m« vot jou call ze jeaNMociCulwlvMtM hou called on himwith * ight dif!>, acco Is fromtlie poetfj, exciting some attention in England •ounded f poarid^r, .. • ' . " Lilte to a r : ng without a finger, . Or like a bcl! without a ringer, : ' ' Or'like'ihune that's never ridtlcr^' ' Or like a feast'&Dd no guest bidden,; 'Or like a Well without ^bucket, J, j Or arose and no one pluck ii— V. Jusi luctiu 'those, . iji , . : r j •[ May she be said, ; tl .•-. 1 , E That lime dptU lose, ', j- . . And djea a maid. , '. , >u , The rinfljrwrjrne. I, The fiiiger decketh. ;. !ThehelUfruiife , . ,- J Good ruusickc maketh. " F The herae doth ease mv'l ilsy in ?.c damtloOM "jest BO longaal ease;" an! bearer of. aia vill gi*e you ze ey !—Bon junr, Monsieur!" It is needless to add that our Yankee landl af netcr since been known to give up "a bird the hand, for one on the bushV 1 Sympathy of Birdi. , A gentleman of our acquaintance a week .o since remajefced au unusual collection irown'tbiuah in a thicket ^contiguous 16 his n euce. His aUenUon Jiovinrr bten drawn to- warda them for several BU^ceasiveda;s, bjr thci Jt AJ^. n .,.l *ii«aiiliiA tn#*ir«Yn, ^*i JVD " -}i& Dvnd A The TeaM doth ple«e .- L If guests be bidden, The water for lliee, The roWwhen pi uckt, 1 u then most worthy. '. So is the milder. I bad Imsc.—Thpre brewd and wealthy .landlord away down in Jaiiie, who is noted for'driving his'ifharp. bnr of a grcn s in his reiiU atomer wlioni h object is al * o lease his bouses for a term of yt'aja, to test ienaots, tuil.get the utmyst farUiing in hape of reijt/ ' A .Viminuiive Frenchman called cm him i«* winter to hire a dwelling he owned in Portland ' -long remained empty, tteferen andtlia ¥a»1tee UnOIord wfeer >plic»nt w u a m4n .•itarrt, immediately He found that the tenemeri hetitlte FrenchnVnn, and far placed an eiorbitanl price aporf'fT; but the lease as drawn andduly executed, and the t oved into newtyB&teto.'*' ' ' Upon the kind ling of fires in the Itmise, it was ,im<l that the chimneys «oufo"t 'draw,' and th UiltWwas filled with smoke. The wintiota y mount of properly. IJcisUioo umbpr of dwelling houses, and. hat he is not ovcr~»criipulous iliarges, whenever be (bids a cus t be rcFjionsiljle. Ili hi I f nd which had lon ammg ihot hi*, applicnnt *»s a min 'after hi iwn heart' for tl dil ced lo'jew'him. appeared to i ld « sbes rattled ii r rushed through a night, and ihe doit i| crevise!" about th lT*«*no#: melted port theviW, and the attics wcrt drenched Tram .•aktag. The rain pehed, and mi r Fretrchiiia fdfrud a natural bath room wpon the cpllar fldor— Wl the lewe -*as signed, add the Ja.idlen- .hackled. ' ' •••!-••• " I biit ben « t yoaVBl call ,'raek in, 1 TIB d mm lnaiFon"—«nbtt«red our rictim to himself « « k afterward—"but u'imp'on*—»c aal » Nest morning ho rwe bright And early* l3HrrYTfg tlOWrf lO^'Ilp h e f ll CttU n tC r c u tnC iTtriuiO "Jl-hai—Bon jour,- tnensteuT," aatd he, in* iiner. /air 1 41p#««TOulike jour house oiwienr elegimt^befcoiirul—ma y •" Ah r Woiwi, e g m l .ilkt-ni ! Kli, bleu, tnonsioor : I h»v but «e re*re*-if •• V.' ae, but 'tree W b tlw _._ . . falsehood T" Her ant we r was prompt t—- It is finlow the Gospel a!nd »ot bear faJie thy neighbor. 1 ' Ererj ( •buck with Un inteUigcnee of the sfied that her mar il culture had not bee* oeg. tlerWv, "legal tender" for the in H>«nicd with the note as A Good Etampk.-r-A poor woman wubom Denbigh, Eng. in 1706, whoww unable to ead ; fur to uae her iown expreMkxi, " There •ere none of these blessed Sundar-wliuoli in ly days," Howeter,when 100 years old, ih« outinued to attend ilirine worship ; the could gear though she couiil not read. 1 bough so *«• y old, she wished to learn to read, and we shall "** state in ber own language the waj in which si bin ahnwtke—I linv' ,bln drowned—I iv 1 bin frees u. death, in z« tionsc votl ha* 1 s of j, I may desir«."— " Why, you see, wlien I used to go to the old lurch, many of tbe fulk* that used to COMM vould someiimea offer me • book, and dear heart, old not read ; ond I W H ashamed to refuse Besides there was a very pretty psalm they aii used tosing, "arid -I thought I should like to ci.ru ii ; bin then.I could not rend. So 1 caane tome one day, and: I told my daughter that I ' ---..lined tOTBUd 1 -, but she tlioughtit was 'However! t went to' a neighbor, untf '• iked him tf hewoulij teach me a lesson, i wara the cs y , j oud crien and occenttjc movcnieirts, de waa h idd t i d g a t e more closely t •ly tin iatner 1 eagth induced to investigate aus« of this unwonted congress of* his l< ed tenanU, and ascertain: if possible the _ f their excitement. Up op examining ijie thick- he discovered a female thrush sUBpeniled l> one wing to a limb. Near bywf * " iiiiiig several half grown birds. From the attendant etrcumstanpeB he conclu jd that the maternal bird must have becbn entangled .before the process of incubation.w, completciJ, and that nmd tirylly : Be_arted neigh- bor :bad supplied her place in hatching and reeding her oallow offspring. He withdrew isv rcMjs, andthe comniiitee of relief immediate ; resumed the sdf-impuscil duty of ndniinister iig '• aid and comfort" in! the form of worms ai [her insect?, ahcmatlng between the mother nd her young-—she meanwhile cheeking tber* onitttheir.labor of lotewiih tip peipuiar noi which first led to the discovery ot* her situation Having watched this exhibition of charity fo •roe Half hour, our informant relieved the mo- ther bird.. She immedietely flew, to her nest, ipress.nff her gratitude by ber sweetest (er charitable friend?, * (heir " occupat i'c >etng go*ie,'' (aa the Police Beporter.says) db ersed toiheir re^ective places of abode, singin 3 they went.* «ong of jog. jj'j The above statementjn*a/ be relied on. in ry particular.— jVew JIavcn UerrtUi. ; •Perceptibie Facilities iif HVoman.—Sherli— rang tlie following'. adnJMrable distinction be ween ihe instinct-anil reason of woman :—The lerception of woman is o* quick, aa lightning. ler penetration is intuitive—almost instinct;— .v a {lance she will d r a ^ a deep ami just ,C€>a- lusuiti. Ask her howshe formed it and she cannot answer the queetian. A, philosopher de- Thepif tract Trut na present 1 child, and t When the; were -building' the 1 school .house in this neighborhood I jtold n>y flinghtcr 1' would r^i to it as soon 04 it iwtn ready ; and ns BOOH' a* •A it I naed to go every tiny for a lea- he little lads would come here on a •Sight, and first Me wotif d teac b meand thea nn- other, till 1 hadtired all. Then, when the.Sun- day school was. removed into this »tr«et, I uaed « go every Sunday to-say my iasBMi, and suflie of the aebolus would come in nowarid then to ' teach me ; and' sp front one 1 thtftg to another, -ouaee, tit last i leawieif (d read." -i by the time she had attained her lOoih-year (heeould read tolerably well. She looW a great ntereBt in the Sundny sciiool, in which lier great /randchtldren ware taught tui'well as herself.— Han; children were jn tbe habit of calling to *ee her, and she nev^t filled to'give them good ad- ice ; em) to reprove them if they'here giddy, <T showed a lo»e forfine clothes or sinful amuse- oenu. She waa'aUe to read without ej>ebia- Jes until the waa (107 years of age. In lier lifMi /ear she died in,, peace, trusting in that Savior whose word sbe aodearly pnied. ' .1 > !' ' Promos HeaHh.—Do not expect, air, some wonderful announcement, some fasctn- atingmystery ! No. It is pimply the plain little practice ofleavjng your bfdrtxim window a lit- tle open at the'top While sleeping both in wiev ter ami summer. I ik> not come before you as . theorist or an iuexpenencedj teacher, in thus sailing loudly upon-ever j family to adopt this healthflil practice. I am the f*thftr of ten «hil- dren.allin pure health,! and hive (thank- Bod) never lost one, although "tberr irtlUM conftitu* >t rohom. But in addition to *b« salutary effect of thc : practice in my own feniily wherever 1' have advised others to try its effects, it has invariably been fonml tn be both pl&tsfeni and benefit; ial.—rCbrreerHni(.ent of the London Sun. : • ' ••• • i • -- ' ••'' .ucta infer e questio mil his in ._ jrerences Bhall be right; ut heg*ta to the.bt-ad of the stair-case, if I nisy so say, by slow/degrees. Humming Step by Hie ari-ivtai ai die top as well aa lie ; but wl r she new there is more than she tttowa herself. r she dew there U m se Vbile she trusts io her igfitinct she is scarcely ever deceived, and BIIC IS generally lost " he beghia.to reason. ; ' •: pait,ttifa carryVw, doo'tjyc-ir,' said •"* Mrs. Parlington n the inenagejtie.; '"May ,J it i* s ,bm1 *K>u*ld like to know where the ilka and other coetiVe thjoga are th«t w? xwrf of, b i U h . catty vans carry over the deserts of arah in the eastern country?' . " Tbe elepimnt has thfipi iu.liis trunk, marm," lid tb kper An Irishman recently r^faseld to pay the ell/ xx in Norfolk, on lira dog, because-the dog was not naturalized., 1 Two young fopo attempted to p'ay a prank a huckster, , ' . " 'I say,' said one of them ' do you keep Jerui ialem crickets &r sile 1 1 . ' , - ! ' No,' said ihe man, 'I don't, bat I selLiaaseX iilk. Howinuch would you like!' The young ge-l8.ati.ritd., ^ , ( ' ...',j,, ,' (< " I will dictate a pence in the city of Mexico n the first 0T September " said General Scoft Wheleft New Orteans tot Vern CrnzJ And •-•'- "' '"• ' ; ' ' - - 1 ,ibe cilyoF Mexici. be nppotiations for replied tb II fflL keeper, that's tlwreaittti, I s'pose, Why he ul- na js -carries it befbteliiJM so he caj> have, an eye- •n it. But what is tlii* nniiiial with the large rawi on his nose 1" : "That'* ia tlio gnu, roarm." J i " Mercy on me l|' cs'claiiued Mrs, P. ; " thin )muu.be one of ,tbe foreign acres Ibai the steam- ier brings over : thej fejd 'cm, 1 dsre say, on p<>- .atoen and vegeiaulea,; and that ia why bread ilufla »ndflour are so orful dear most always at- «er the; » me !" w.dthe, old lady *fcft soon after, kit of new light and adntiruuou of tlie moiiktjs Tbe ageef the hog i f 15 t 17 ,r~ g g tan is from 15 tn 17 year h bd 3 tt parts of y n Ohio . it t,el4o*n eaches beyond 3 yeatt—It is clear as oil that ogsishouiu emigratett>'he eaM. J. I \ A swarm of ben contain, from 10,000 to 80,- 000 in a natural autei and from 30,000 to 40, 000 ia a hive. peace were lii prt^resl. athi» bidding!' Tfie "•hole prograoinie: ofbia prediction h»d betfn arnedlo fii^tdry.^-tPosAi^rwt Djtion. "Our prospects U very-d«rk," eaid Dreak, the baker, on the oce«?ion of a. recent ris£ io^ftotlr. ' Yes," said Mrs, 1'artifigton, "sml FOJ ia your n-ead; but,"- s.ii(i ihot esiimable ludyj locb'iwg benignantl; ou htm through Her specs, "your •WTes art light enough;"-*- .. ••; ; . Nearly 2,600,000 ynn!B of cotton B?elh a/e made at Lowell, Wass.,_ eyerj week, ^J The WheelingTimee says nneupiiteK-r is now engaged in staking out the ground for tne bridge across the Ohio- ''. Tbe upau will be cx'actly JOIO feet from cenue jo ccuue of the .nbu(oienia«— The ston* will begin W'floM down to t' d point in-1. fcf days. " A healthy liter weiriu new four nourfda, but diseased; ouw hmun four or Svi ' ' 0g>&imsi» wmm* £ - * ;-r ^ - 1 1 .V"“ 1 "j! !" - Volume XI.-Xo. 38. 'f EAIHFIKI.T^»#AY, SEFTKiMitB asYiS-**. Whdt HlMfcer Soft. 'I mhiimb MaieLf, ! I* . witTo® ,jp. osuuora,., ’roitot * rituzelero*., , B<uM»> --h VIH. f e,8o»«*. T,... - *>»*«•, B.uPtok jgS^SSSfcSS »•« *olUr | ndcomi^afdai 85 cr»ta ye, like tTpaaisass-nstr >al*«i» ly ik. year. A* itkoui otdsra. will ka Inwiiwl m Iss.P.as •«k* nV *> A 1 tear IW«4 w How wka *Jrarf.sa kr rfca yvor MMHI Mill ** llkoul Olk.l., will f ' mjTfrlia.1-., tiidojtkris-Iac'ardlsglt. HALLEY'S Original and only, ftnainf Magical Pain Extractor', I tii r. wosnv.R or tiip. aoei H wklf -* kwnan «( b»» <«Wn, aritla, an w ..... >.r. i-oM >i. n.11,1', >i*,„.i Na.ru iM, krof Hiring nil Burn*. CuU, flilra, CoMlipMiwiw, **4 iNrjl kind of iaivfual i±at (itedei** c*rr W I lit 'rultuff ntH-'V* •«'•(/*.,iLieo mill <i»rr« in •Iwmjt .rd.M-kr.1 a 1.1. Dailey'* Magical fraia Exirarlt*. k lKiuM ttclijktrton «• mort t«t«r« wifhtt •< BrrniiM-.CDilurivnre <if **flWin« ami ntiitt, rv +—• MHI, tan bt <NiJ«(| iu F*»« M •*• .•***( I.url.*. 41, Err ...%w it «ill l.rat amr fit. w»n»«l. pil* «r cjorjr jatknc »I-I |>eri#i:i |Saa c*i\ oUienvtec be bk. jlWi**##. Il If* a r^ an)r/^ j%9«u. lt \ ^hllMophy nr Ifcu Thar* Let those wfco will, repwle »t hto, Ky '• . And dtoop! their beads with sorrow, M i I leugk when eareaffpewme-waiti-t. y 1 K know they'll l<*«#ad*a. i Mr putae is light, bat what of that 1 ' J « a oo<r«r»«o». •I*. /yAw.*., C-mgk. tf'ltr, LoonMomooi./tnoa, goi. ,JlnU. •w kilAddk.MM.lM. Mall .1 •* . i;. «fefWTyit','.*r;- Pvlmonabx omaAKp, DISEASED In dria complaint it hat wtUnbtcdly proved long and aovrr* tuBrnag fn>in the di«t**«, »iu»«ui rMoieing lh* lenttbf nrBrfrdm veriont femf tiir. hnd M*«t^ h-*betii‘,r*»€H4^u*»W,%a«.4Ut wo of Him IliUam fi«a r«*tor*d ll.e U»er to nhroiib v ac- Sba.ond ill nitny Umatidea (mcn»4‘ * f i •' |*KUM \*RNT CVKR9, ..— t '»katwaftutadv uad laiiod to .ovodoto >i* d«*aired rflWei. BOtldtalU aelonithing flBearp in »W dieeatf* a* SBrKBIlSiC^lfiBKtfWS £Ti oaieoaivrlptntrd «|il. decided iufrtat.tven U eaMi ill vtn>» ••liming, ( , _ J i, . |j n«» ot/y ein nmin Irom a regular I^ijaician, l>ui li«s rIso Bteu noil ieared it nil the acopiainta for iHiitli iliaiT'ione.led. Ivia rveimy iaieniktN.Uiere "lie, «... I. ,h .. ... HM7V« it «-« W^ erfeci »haa c«n oll..r«v..e be ,, iw , hr r », blir b w’overraliiig iu virtual i pm lb7rtn- irtrrl alialt endeavor *6 *0*4-|rW(otatem*iii rfias-nfw-efiNwwww Id *'"l rrl*» rffirk.r W S| rn.l>1« >t« In Airiiiak •rkj.ni'.r, olit, ri? aaiiaTp'iOa inoijaaedoloat, list*t OoAtmnfw Obi li Iraalai* r«ar.' <!» .1 t ... Tit Ihfama How»r I ... , —Pwfikwlta "I h*t Sad, by rot jo«m! o.11 ic Icuo, Ml aaal> mibMUjry, <a PWUpbu. batm raa kar fm ma a. boon tor but uaa yaac, «•’ non Inlay tofabac: bafara JaSaa f.ran IlfcrarW awocJiaorrowlWtaC Moralay aAccnoao, aASl« girl, "But you can bar*it loo|ar, if jrM Wlab' " of «*.. waacadlarf aa tklMaa fcr oaaof t "Ah ktoaawur—I Ml beva*- aaooak *W <( I lUa. Tba JyJgo qaa»Mood bar wbaa ah aau bare - xad houaa 1 ao loag. aa I ptakis—•*. oSorod. to aacactaiA wbatbar aka kaaw t are of an oaali, aaS aaMafaahard irwzrrS l-'Ok, cartaioly- "Traa baaq. Bl^nWwkJ, .a *g.*r V Aa wmda wouU blow a feather— I nerat grierei to aae Ibam go, (The raacala, wbo would bead >rat) For whafa lh» ule <C*arnig fHettga, If Mae when moef wAneed W F I ra aeda anme rich ia wwrldly gaar tUeroaily repioiog, - t Their ihcuta a prey lb erory fear— AVuh gledneaa aaree shining. I would nut change toy ligblaoaw heart, fee all ibeir-gold land aorrow.-. For lhat'a a thing that aM their wealth Can neither buy hoc borrow. And Mill it eorrowd aorrle to me, (At sorrow soaiedmea will come, 7 ) .. Mind the way 10 mete them flea. la bidding ihtm light welcome. They cannot laook a ohaerfal Ieoh— XJT&Z CO®oaa—an'you aal g. fca mat aaaiaoa jea ao hbaaa. Eh, Moaainar T agaiaat thy ne ' Certainly, an. Yon *hell way theta yoor «nek with the mtelligeno. of tha aktld, hfc time, if you like." irSed the. b i! "Ah Mottelenr—I bar' let' mooch tanka fur f Tha old, k . . waa dalieared in form to Di* French geutieman, of tba prmuiaee far" each .y 'daairs tha aana. be .were none of these blessed Sundaytocboo p^raplly," etc, ate. A God Eumpk—A poor women was bora at Denbigh, Eng/in 1708, who eras unable to firing bin paoBMaloe of tbs promisee fcr“ such read ; for to asa-her own rtproaoKto, « p*ri.d .. tba leaoee may daairs tbs nas, be .were none of these Uessed Sunda tayiag the re01 tkereAw, prproplly," ete, etc. my days” Howryor, wbaai 100 r Tha aau moniiug, our:crafty landlord waa continued to atirnd dirina worrkip | a Mating the bourn ioal aa th« Preach gentlaman'a hear tboogb ake couhlaot read. Tboogh eat load of furn.tu.c waa Ming Marled from the ry old, afae wiabed to learn to Wed, ebd door -, and' aa hear afrerwtrd,, a memenger now Mala in her own language tits wh called ,.A huh with a "legal leader" fur the lent thisdeaira waa friUiled. ' Why, yoo aru,wl^w l n for eight daya, aocompeuied with the Dale u Mlowa uaed to eoba ud_ai«hinj|^ wl,J any ol^rr tking r ailuama No Otiirr prrpararw.il hut 11.1* .skrlmli.E tril'.isosr from lb, o*l Inwll-groi ..f.lw load. .roi, 11-”-,.. ike oulr dop*w In No.. York, 1. Invenuif, fth'ill udmtiiiakcf n> p«r* kmki iu lM»T..%Wby 1*3*7,1647 —ly *- u r.iCusuiKG. "ifen »E CU.ttkD," J >>. . mgdinarko rfioried t J In rtn»f, Thrr* is, verhvfit noilisenAf whl. which «oon * im feff»«*al, wlttcL B«ve«u* offann«%l|jF mmummy vio- •>» >• <M Air dt.«ro,»r mf thm human rgc-lloo- seatsiniott flmy mtt+T Any, ymmr iBar jrnhr, ihft Inuilins utonalrr hurrir-t go ilm i.ortfels vf ih« «uld «•<( «|lna« Jor.it. fresti aBdul victim* t*it* con ! ««. N<> walk Ubmiun* from IM Ui^.ling indue,,e*. Sunge «««r*|H^1hn* .'.J..IL il.-i.Mg .h«A4 H vlj U "«'mUI< -fed w„J rU young, *11 aliW. arc Tooil f ilai# rdWittu.ncnewir of nsankii.d. Tip* whh* hairad palriach, wl..>»c life of ia«n«ranc* lie* rcnderc ii*ie«r«iuM-ftu lit* Mine ha oilier.aJIb, _ ff«k«a.l i|r-#d» pr*|.*rrd l.i.H tor tHe f nj%n»f *4 of mr lnkhl Co luind* which took oompfacenrty on / ^Ktknw kelp Tor ilic atlicled f So preventive ofjl.-’daii*#.* wUk*4. beaet fin o«r HlMigeakte land clfanc f We ilnuk tbera may be- Aed if Ik* Ilhg-lKHb* of ilio-c wb .arm ml IwaH egjiuleJ 1<j reric •t, Hiay be Ualpeved,ibere lee preveefativ* end Tie Atperi'ies of Disrate are oftro eahance. W. ihr ryirwi measom oAcn undcrinkru by deaiga g m igiwvuai petaPtt* in BltuMiptinx cureh. -i " The VisCriminaUtifr Knowledge ia»rrbj we Mev know Uicae reimdi't wbi^i, twill period a UapUl Cure* MN4.ic.h acwtifeiien. It ia ia (act only obi...- d a fin LABORIOUS RESEARCH by the Student of Nature. tha vnly t/we acboto of medicine, and the aipaneare ®f the , SAGES OF TiJli NATIVE TRIBES, era the irate g*>d«*ia direclmr tboee rc-earchce. If it mfmmmi far ibe 1 lnTolooMt Gifls of the JMVlJUf CHIEF BRAJfT, aieoelJttjll ba«* b«e» wtthmil iIiom mean- of 1’hese Native l’rrpsrniinna, whfcfc are mow conmoaindvd after Etpreu |> fW Balaam •uUii.iig; tvotftfn* M*. tU- And, ha Ihki uieeu them with Ir sure to ret ihem flying. The ibllowing yety pretty morsel b from the Rntbooghc hailedsw-t ooflectied of old poetry, hieh ia sew aciuog some attention .n Bnglwrd Pretty tnmbrrislor wittily grounded tFhicli by' ocornfirl mri.fen* may baa' ha bar* bin first to death, ib aekooss roll bat 1 him si you,'"fur me period aa i stay —,, Ihay’t euy Is as dust bodse "jun ao long aal plrasai" an! aa bearer of.' lie rill firs you aa IVit.1 CI.rrry I, oS-reS * i lb. —I of o l.o.r stringoffietiliold cortlSclro to rloty ll Iriio riloo and inMnaia oacalloner laalsostidoiliOtko CtimMoao ofikopok- ' ' 1 * !Vaft OB to feme" 1 Uodibi ofilo iorestor. asa kaoafskmr ofbtospaesas OPINION or A HKUULAK PBWIOIAN. I U.trr, Mr, rot*, latk. Tfii* rertihra that 1 have reronimrtKlcd (he «a*. of W.alar** Balaai* of WILD CHERRY ft* dUsprl ef |*K U;a. fcr two ,«f. prrL.rfci My «• Xk^m'ss ^ UpaomEbt C,.. n « p i>ob bad takan piece, tke Wild Q>*rry ilTerUil a care. f f E. BOfOBN. Vkytiumm * Ei*Mr C*H»eK NO QUARCKUY 1 w BiO DECEPTION! , AlliHibli.tii dsi.iementa ofearrajerfurmed br thia mediribe.arv.ieevery Veapeet. THDE- . UE WAjt£ Of £OUItTUkTERTII AKD HUTr 4T1»yi8. _JTbcen^arallpled^and^artoeiBbfng rfica- hmMended curi.f mapj fitV at phjnCiiif wa* unavail- * merei CoiiM>o«nd«<i after hi* Eipreu Dirrwt *+ lepeeimllj in Pulmonary and Scrofulous Disca- FEK^KC^'iiMmuffiANniNG UoomMary Priori tone oo ascesadolJr tare OMdLjIko lodouw. ., BRANT’S IJM1R P0LMUNARY BALSAM “r'C—d «ipreaslv for tke ear* of Conaanpviea. 9M*Na, A*T««ft, Cold*. Bh.hi or *rOr. Wiatar'* nal diaeaa** for which ig i* *«* after Ike akill of the W. haa effected* large aea mcreaMKK demand for it be* tmdmd **v*ial lV iac<v'«d «a*a«04*iu era and irauator* to palm off apudoaa rpixtarea «.f jimr W natnfe' akd appearance, fof the ^ao.ne N.laatn. O' darwftii *nd get aha rrnu.no WMAH’S HAL. SAM OF WILD CIILH^y.lMt nimems Umr, lh« nyuum Signnt*f* •//. tout. irt ellfrsZr, MU. Addmi .. . , 8pVttib< , Paiaa ia rag Bure *»a , Back, a ad Lera a Co»ri4»*w, *»d BRANT’S ... 1 IKDIAN PURIFYmd EXTRACT fctk. CkroPo flam. Poaoras y. rot Bkoumaml « kaa fsjrs to ot fs. 1 , Sumfula, Erympolaa, Ulccraled and Nurtiog Bern Mouth, Bibs, Clare, Scald Head, , .Salt Rheum, hod ell Eruptive and Skin Diueuivu. . DVBPEPall. PtLpj »wt> riosTIV*>PBg. Otosr M, Ns. Y-flt, -Ito km Wskstorssd Marah, FVtooud ks A.ssts, ftamCdtd, k 1 ^ p>ui ' fi^,.|T; WBBsftaaaJSn M&b FkBdTlM A MARSH. •/ /. bmth. All crtfrt mfa CamnUr. ft!) ordegBt* Ptopn^^te. i i . •.IfBWi AM h f DeaW/a i »tsa«»o,wall/ ihrmthow _ . long established Plainfield Bakery, and (roqieotionary, JACKSON- POUND, 'tsldostito rlciwlg Iks' ka asnnsosaUto skuro CrsrkoreTcoi.ri ofslt kltoto.Ae. tnd’WtA mtoeed Haidll. srlm»[» k. aktotosU sU. -klws,sods*a"r lkal*a|fi>tpll««a»to. ** ' o, «• ey I—Boo jour, Moeaieurl " waa daiermined to rea It ia needless to odd ihak our Yankee lindlord too late. Howemr I, stent to a naigb has oarer since been known to giro up "a bird .kcd him if be would teach ms a lemo the hand, lor one on both r promised be would. A Ufa every d*y, and when t H,mpollj 4 TKrdt. > soo, l would gT to taethc, neig A eentlcmto^ofour aeguaiutsnee . Wtok or ' Pound di. ' 1 Or like i hone lhat'a nevar ridden, .'.Or like a fril «.d no gu,« liddi. 'Or like a Well without a bucket, . . Or a rose and no one pluck ib— iuM.«ok~«boao, .|, Hay "he be. said,. That liaMdMk lees. . Aad dyoa a maid. oj,. k Tbe ring jf Woroe, , i, The finger decketh, " The bell tfruug , Good musicac makctlu The beree doth ease If.hc bo ridden, , Tba fesM. doth please ... If gnmta he tedder .... The bucket drawee Tbe water for thee, The rot* when plockt. la Utah must worthy, ; Sola th» mtrdeo •> wfcofo&SELito.- 00,00,10 stnUffy shod Aon.—There ia It shrewd and srcMlhy InUlord Milne, who ia out) * gains'—by which mount of property. He ip the owner of a greet number of dwelling bou^ mtd.k iruaid oT^up that he U not toer^cripolou. m hit igntal charges, wbe*»orCi he Sod. a customer whom be knows to be responsible- lira object ia ilrut jftiffiSj in X 'Td&rctrencbcmo winter to hire a (I welling he owned Iry landlord sway down m I for dr.no* tua'shambw* he has amuaeed a targe It- called on him law .ned in Portland, and which had lung remained empty.. Hefeteul ecs wtoeArreo, and Ilia Yankee landlord taker taints* that hie apfdieawr was emeu 'after Ms own been' for a tenant, immedi.tely comman- ead to'yaw' bun * ‘STItoBd Ua tHP tMmt appeared to rulturhe IliUe (WelwiAn. and hr pi seed an etorbttant piece apod AT; hat the bene drawn and duly eiecuted, and the tenant orad Into near tynanne,’ ' S' Upon die kindling affirm m the thatthe ehmiorys - sg was filled with the wind at night, li-ao^Jc* -mcMor.-MM W.** .* * :'jio***jwfiklTddr.tober JbfiSfsn* More New Carpet*. i|N||E Suhroribaraara jsktrsaslsish sfessh. I -a. MaplJ,lM7. «*3R|SS "Modai awr. church, many of the folks thet used 1c ehs would Mnwliinn c4Tpr inp a book, ud dilr haiil. 1 k»r* bin *homke—I h»v' .bin drowned—I 1 could not retd ; and 1 waa aahaDM Betides there wae a rery pretty psalm they lied uaed losing, artd l thought r abould lihu to but I heal .paid nor read. So 1 stone day. and k mid my daoghter that tatui(.g to.crM half growp birds. Float the attendant ctrcumstanpca ha oouda- ded that tha maternal Mid roust have become teach ns; and an ftoip end thip* to ancAb you see, at law 1 leurnerf rd read.'i By tbs line ahn hod attained her lOAttryear she could read nderMely well. She took a graa inter aM in tke Sunday school, in Wliioh leer great grandchildren ward IsogM w well an hefself.— Many children werejn the liahit of calling to ae* her, and ake naval faded to give tbera good ad rice ; and to reprove thdra if they'hero giddy ' a leva for front' SSSsf3SS3*Stt3=rjKfiiaa«£fi elutlica tor ainfal knn«e- U. She waa able to read without tfcbi cJea until »h« waa 107 year* of ace. Id h«r lUOth (matin Having watched thia inhibition of charity for //— to Promou HrOtk.—Do net eapeec. waodtM/o ay he reliel on in eve Bor old, , W—mr.-Sbetlock cable distioctiop be. oa of woioan :—Tba :*ste ! J££± •deep and juetaca* }xss^&i as they went a song of jo The above statement ' eey paryiouUr -^M. iS*W8S> tween the itatinottoid I perception of worn to ia Her penetration is intuit by a glance the wiH dra. efuaioo. Aak See how . cannot aauwer the quest, ducts inference, and hit t but he gate to thcJicwl o ap spy, by Mow degitwa, Dbc strives at the lop aa f&ESStTST ever deceived, and ah, the begins to/nawm Vp« nail tbiP « carryV'to, don’t ‘pm V mid our Mrs. Partington at the menageul. May ha itipt.hnt 1 should 1+e to kotf wkcrt lha Mika tod other cotore tMpga ere Uwt we mad of wbtch'tke oarryvaua tprry over the deserts pf Sarah in the oaalem ctwntry r . '..I I. air, Ming rayMery 1 No eciw —j . .— , It ir simply thu plain lulls praoties of leaving yraw bedroom window a Ut- ile open at lM tup while sleeping bulb iu stou ter end summer. I ski rest eqm* bsthrw you theorist or an lueipevienecrV teacher, ip -me oalliog loudly upon -every family to adopt this heWihfol prsclice. I am the fathPr af'tea Jhil in purt health, 1 'and have (Awto-Ood) l one, although tlirrr natural cisiMMU* tioas ware nat' pofiert. Bet in addition to t salutary effect of the practice in my oifu 1 feUdy whererra I hare advise*! edhara to try ate effects, it baa Invariably heem foond tube Doth pleasant and benefiertl.—Correspondent of the LoudoP Sun. f the ruir<ue, if I may rrtXizt .be know, herself —ol she is scarcely generally lost when refosdd to pay the city because-the dog wa* Two young fopa attempted to pipy m prank off hucktter i * ,a0 . No. 1 mid the map, •! don't, but l sell um milk. How much w.raild you kike !*, The young geeis started., f .., , I will dicute a peace in the city of Mrtk on the firs, of Remember," MidGineml Bcoft » he left New Ode.ns fo, Vera C’nd. peace whole turned ^rJE&WrffP. me of Ike forrigo sews that tha rr brings oyer; Ih^i fepd 'em, I dare pay, on po- tatoes aod vegetables, and that is why bread Mo— and fleur ere sc erful dear moat always af »er they tortaffll and Ifieold ladyfeft awn after, " ' light and edmirauun of the monkeys " AKV M4*t«r, efegaatf-tthchufilul—mag- oificenV I . Kb. bito. mon.irpr . I bar but - ii1?!WMr%tlm«!'' " : Vl ' . "Monsieur—1 sal live in M Isfosc, but tree must pert, of Hind off In Ohio,it aeldoan 3 yeam--It ia clear u oil that emigrate U, the vast, j. I , ,,. A rwittn of hem cdhtnin from 10,11(10 10),- 00 in a natural stale; ant) from 1M,*0* to ftOg w in a hive. i ,; 54thday of August the City or Mraicu t hi. meref, in(! the nrgotiatiwi. were Ih nnwresh si his bidding! n o 1 of biv piddiction had berfit y-T- Waikiyftpo Vgiro. '•Our prospects is veTydark," said Break, tha baker, on the occasmn »f a recent ruA hi Aot •' Yea," aaid hlra-I’atdngteui, "aull rolie yofrr bread; but,"-told ihnt eMirarUe ladyj lock M "r- Mi A healthy livar weighs uesr ot dleeaeeo ones hfcotue four

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  • ». TCESBAV, SEPTGHBKR 38, iiaUaJ>er

    r. cuiHiwaPROPRIETOR. ,

    r Sv«C*.fTion.-Ti> Vill-ge

    f not nnitlrmr . t,pCankrR

    e*c«««in|r • aqiMrM Hilinei

    ton gel- o n» art propoftio.it, *nd iiottiingco

    'likmed to IKo-e w in advtirlia* by the ;y«ar. A *,utt«u Mnl without «rdtr»; will bs n.wntd

    cjihre«f; l b


    DA1.I.KY'S Original and only,[nuiite Magical Pain, Extractor',': ITHF. WOijtbr.R OF JTHt AGEl '

    ^Mloaf*', «"Vnl£inry1nT..l'«.̂ ho>p "aifi'^ivoVor

    ^n-lUf "f li«mnn:*ml brute mjuriea, strain*, KVFI

    jcniinbls of Wirlni nil Pnrnit. Cut*; Illlva,

    fc.?sr4.r."ii"'' k"f rfi"""miSi,,.ni.l m . . l i n i j :itiil ) in i t l . - , , . •« i v e r )>« l l i B ' r u l i n g

    . , ! i ' . , , ull'ulr*. I I H I L m i l . H I T j II»III .C t w a l w n v iSSatar'"- »iui l>4Uev̂ * Majj^.l tain t ^ r v W

    i.iwy*iiick*r and iJt*r» (Wrtuct has can. utlicnvisC be

    ...-ve,. iftil.d.tverf.l

    »w'1.\j,ui«V.»?aiirm«i,lia1NJVOU w'^'tWriUtuMtiti!

    ttuaeM phycieiitn and i nielli Jem »filX land, cjp»a .I'JIWllmniivny, ihc only depot1 in N*iv

    Andtkfbttl rtmtdsiKov* Co ffe •wr i ih ! r l*4 Ckrei t a t ? tt'gt, Livtr C t * i m M k i

    >*«" Coiyri,, c«(

    i, „/ i


    A wry iit.p-rtant d.i*«ss« ojrer wliTeht|im ''Balaamini l i n r y pow«rlut lii.Ti.ei.ee, i»tliatlbf a

    [ DISKASi:!) LIVER, 'IInti.i* cofuplnintit h— nwtUubtcdly proved moreHcnrioir* tjinn nny remedy liittierld qmplortd ond•lumeriiui) inatnikra when patient* |>nil enduredn« ;i;,il itiTvcrs auftering fro in ill e disease, without

    wlieu Mcrejity h»*L(:tn;rc«*t,™iioi((,taia. lU *MH

    VW"™' "FT™ »"I"MIB||III^ I l l l t l l l f II* WJW "'""^.WC* t*~"vnmi-iiii,li,c,l,nc nUnfirid il a very effectual toiu->1, h,.\S-niMA,,1comi.la «v uud " C M yt : CUI i tU ." u ij.ii meilM-iot-he

    Th're IB, jicrh^Pfl n** IM*CTIS•nrrtd orrtAs winds would Wow a featlier— , . ••

    never grieved Io see them go,(The rascals, who would heed ^eralj ,

    a rwba l ' s t h tu se dT*a»ing friettfls, " : . ' • 'If false when most w* need 'em 1 ,• [ -

    T* «e«n some rich in wcrldfy gear.

    heiriliearts » prey to e*erj;• fetr— < tWith glodneas newt shining. •• ; ' •

    woolil Jiotciiange iny lighisome heart,Fo ta l l ihain geidlnnd aarrowi(-)r that'* a thing tbit all UMtr wealth )Can neitherbuy nor borrow. • A

    nd Mill as sorrows come to me, '(As porr^W Tjotjicttnics will comcfjrind ilic way to make them flee,la bidding them fight weloome.

    hey canunt brorik a clieerful look— ' •They're use. to »x)t>* and sighing ; .]..• '

    ,a/4- lie tlutt meets Uietn with a miiie, -fiUrc to set them flying. < ;,"'• i ••

    v«ej>a ofrn,mu%!|y ioiiwiy TIC!•«# (is tlml (fell df atr'iyer of the human r«ce—Con-..f.pii'.-i Pav nfter «i«j, yenr iifler j»«r, iHti \hsat(aie

    b t r k u i i i l i - pur^l* of il.e ,Bld a..U .iUntlima ioii« con iu««t. Pjo walk of

    i d i h N

    The followinjj very pretly moreeT is ftoxboughp UaJlau ,

    The rinfljrwrjrne.I, The fiiiger decketh.

    ; . !ThehelUfruiife , . ,-J Good ruusickc maketh. " F

    The herae doth ease

    mv'l ilsy in ?.c dam tloOM "jest BO longaalease;" an! x« bearer of. aia vill gi*e you ze

    ey !—Bon junr, Monsieur!"It is needless to add that our Yankee landl

    af netcr since been known to give up "a birdthe hand, for one on the bush V1

    Sympathy of Birdi. ,A gentleman of our acquaintance a week

    .o since remajefced au unusual collectionirown'tbiuah in a thicket ̂ contiguous 16 his neuce. His aUenUon Jiovinrr bten drawn to-

    warda them for several BU^ceasiveda;s, bjr thciJt A J ^ . n . , . l * i i « a i i l i i A tn #*ir«Y n, *̂i JVD " -}i& Dvnd A

    The TeaM doth ple«e .-L If guests be bidden,

    The water for lliee,The roW when pi uckt,

    1 u then most worthy. '.

    So is the milder.I

    bad Imsc.—Thprebrewd and wealthy .landlord away down inJaiiie, who is noted for'driving his'ifharp. bnr

    of a grcn

    s in his reiiUatomer wlioni hobject is al *

    o lease his bouses for a term of yt'aja, totest ienaots, tuil.get the utmyst farUiing inhape of reijt/ '

    A .Viminuiive Frenchman called cm him i«*winter to hire a dwelling he owned in Portland

    ' -long remained empty, tteferenandtlia ¥a»1tee UnOIord wfeer

    >plic»nt w u a m4n.•itarrt, immediatelyHe found that the tenemerihetitlte FrenchnVnn, and far

    placed an eiorbitanl price aporf'fT; but the leaseas drawn and duly executed, and the toved into new tyB&teto.'* ' • ' 'Upon the kind ling of fires in the Itmise, it was

    ,imy flinghtcr 1' wouldr̂ i to it as soon 04 it iwtn ready ; and ns BOOH ' a*

    •A it I naed to go every tiny for a lea-he little lads would come here on a

    •Sight, and first Me wotif d teac b me and thea nn-

    other, till 1 had tired all. Then, when the.Sun-day school was. removed into this »tr«et, I uaed« go every Sunday to-say my iasBMi, and suflieof the aebolus would come in now arid then to 'teach me ; and' sp front one1 thtftg to another,-ouaee, tit last i leawieif (d read." -i

    by the time she had attained her lOoih-year(heeould read tolerably well. She looW a greatntereBt in the Sundny sciiool, in which lier great

    /randchtldren ware taught tui'well as herself.—Han; children were jn tbe habit of calling to *eeher, and she nev^t filled to'give them good ad-

    ice ; em) to reprove them if they'here giddy, ! '

    ' Promos HeaHh.—Do not expect,air, some wonderful announcement, some fasctn-atingmystery ! No. It is pimply the plain littlepractice ofleavjng your bfdrtxim window a lit-tle open at the'top While sleeping both in wievter ami summer. I ik> not come before you as .theorist or an iuexpenencedj teacher, in thussailing loudly upon-ever j family to adopt thishealthflil practice. I am the f*thftr of ten «hil-dren.allin pure health,! and hive (thank- Bod)never lost one, although "tberr irtlUM conftitu*

    >t rohom. But in addition to *b«salutary effect of thc: practice in my own feniilywherever 1' have advised others to try its effects,it has invariably been fonml tn be both pl&tsfeniand benefit; ial.—rCbrreerHni(.ent of the LondonS u n . : • ' ••• • i • -- ' • • ' '

    .ucta infere questiomil his in._ jrerences Bhall be right;

    ut he g*ta to the.bt-ad of the stair-case, if I nisyso say, by slow/degrees. Humming Step byHie ari-ivtai ai die top as well aa lie ; but wlr she new there is more than she tttowa herself.r she dew there U m seVbile she trusts io her igfitinct she is scarcely

    ever deceived, and BIIC IS generally lost "he beghia.to reason. ;

    ' •: y « pait,ttifa carryVw, doo'tjyc-ir,' said•"* Mrs. Parlington n the inenagejtie.; ' "May, J it i* s ,bm 1 *K>u*ld like to know where theilka and other coetiVe thjoga are th«t w? xwrf of,b i U h . catty vans carry over the deserts ofarah in the eastern country?' .

    " Tbe elepimnt has thfipi iu.liis trunk, marm,"l i d tb k p e r

    An Irishman recently r^faseld to pay the el l /xx in Norfolk, on lira dog, because-the dog wasnot naturalized.,1 •

    Two young fopo attempted to p'ay a prank o»a huckster, , ' . "

    ' I say,' said one of them ' do you keep Jeruiialem crickets &r sile 11 . ' , - !

    ' No,' said ihe man, ' I don't, bat I selLiaaseXiilk. How inuch would you like!'The young ge-l8.ati.ritd., ^ , ( ' . . . ' , j , , ,'(<

    " I will dictate a pence in the city of Mexicon the first 0T September " said General Scoft

    Wheleft New Orteans tot Vern CrnzJ And• - • ' - "' ' " • ' ; ' ' - - 1 ,ibe cilyoF Mexici.

    be nppotiations for

    replied tbII fflL


    that's tlw reaittti, I s'pose, Why he ul-na js -carries it befbteliiJM so he caj> have, an eye-•n it. But what is tlii* nniiiial with the largerawi on his nose 1" :

    "That'* ia tlio gnu, roarm." Ji" Mercy on me l|' cs'claiiued Mrs, P. ; " thin

    )muu.be one of ,tbe foreign acres Ibai the steam-ier brings over : thej fejd 'cm, 1 dsre say, on p-.atoen and vegeiaulea,; and that ia why breadilufla »nd flour are so orful dear most always at-«er the; » m e ! " w.d the, old lady *fcft soon after,kit of new light and adntiruuou of tlie moiiktjs

    Tbe ageef the hog

    i f 15 t 17 ,r~g gtan is from 15 tn 17 yearh b d 3 tt

    parts ofy n Ohio . it t,el4o*n

    eaches beyond 3 yeatt—It is clear as oil thatogsishouiu emigrate tt> 'he eaM. J. I \

    A swarm of ben contain, from 10,000 to 80,-000 in a natural autei and from 30,000 to 40,000 ia a hive.

    peace were lii prt^resl. athi» bidding!' Tfie"•hole prograoinie: ofbia prediction h»d betfnarnedlo fii^tdry.^-tPosAi^rwt Djtion.

    "Our prospects U very-d«rk," eaid Dreak, thebaker, on the oce«?ion of a. recent ris£ io^ftotlr.' Yes," said Mrs, 1'artifigton, "sml FOJ ia yourn-ead; but,"- s.ii(i ihot esiimable ludyj locb'iwgbenignantl; ou htm through Her specs, "your•WTes art light enough;"-*- . . ••; ; .

    Nearly 2,600,000 ynn!B of cotton B?elh a/emade at Lowell, Wass.,_ eyerj week, ^ J

    The WheelingTimee says nn eupiiteK-r is nowengaged in staking out the ground for tne bridgeacross the Ohio- ''. Tbe upau will be cx'actly JOIOfeet from cenue jo ccuue of the .nbu(oienia«—The ston* will begin W'floM down to t'

    d point in-1. fc f days. "

    A healthy liter weiriu new four nourfda,but diseased; ouw h m u n four or Svi ' '

    0g>&imsi» wmm*

    £ - * ;-r ■ ^ ■ 1 - •: - 1 1 .V"“ 1 "j! !"

    - Volume XI.-Xo. 38. 'f EAIHFIKI.T^»#AY, SEFTKiMitB asYiS-**. Whdt HlMfcer Soft.

    'I mhiimb MaieLf, ■! I* . witTo® ,jp. osuuora,., ’roitot * rituzelero*., , B --h VIH.fe,8o»«*. T,... • - *>»*«•, B.uPtok jgS^SSSfcSS

    »•« *olUr | ■ndcomi^afdai 85 cr»ta ye, • like

    tTpaaisass-nstr >al*«i» ly ik. year. A* itkoui otdsra. will ka Inwiiwl m Iss.P.as •«k*

    nV*> A 1tear ■IW«4 w How wka *Jrarf.sa kr rfca yvor MMHI Mill ** llkoul Olk.l., will f ' mjTfrlia.1-., tiidojtkris-Iac'ardlsglt. HALLEY'S Original and only,

    ftnainf Magical Pain Extractor', I tii r. wosnv.R or tiip. aoei

    H wklf -* kwnan ■«( b»» .r. i-oM >i. n.11,1', >i*,„.i Na.ru iM, krof Hiring nil Burn*. CuU, flilra, CoMlipMiwiw, **4 iNrjl kind of iaivfual i±at (itedei** c*rr W I lit 'rultuff ntH-'V* •«'•(/*.,iLieo mill 1« >t« In Airiiiak ■•rkj.ni'.r, olit, ri? aaiiaTp'iOa inoijaaedoloat, list*t OoAtmnfw

    Obi li Iraalai* r«ar.'

    Xk^m'ss ^ UpaomEbt C,..n«pi>ob bad takan piece, tke Wild Q>*rry ilTerUil a care. f f E. BOfOBN. Vkytiumm * Ei*Mr C*H»eK NO QUARCKUY 1 wBiO DECEPTION! , AlliHibli.tii dsi.iementa ofearrajerfurmed br thia mediribe.arv.ieevery Veapeet. THDE- . ” UE WAjt£ Of £OUItTUkTERTII AKD HUTr 4T1»yi8. _JTbcen^arallpled^and^artoeiBbfng rfica- hmMended curi.f mapj fitV at phjnCiiif wa* unavail- * merei

    CoiiM>o«nd« riosTIV*>PBg. Otosr M, Ns. Y-flt, -Ito km

    Wskstorssd Marah, FVtooud ks A.ssts, ftamCdtd,

    k1^p>ui' ■ • fi^,.|T; WBBsftaaaJSn

    M&b FkBdTlM A MARSH.

    •/ /. bmth. All crtfrt mfa CamnUr. ft!) ordegBt* • Ptopn^^te. i i . •.IfBWi

    AM hf DeaW/a i »tsa«»o,wall/ ihrmthow

    _ . long established Plainfield Bakery, and (roqieotionary, JACKSON- POUND, 'tsldostito rlciwlg Iks' ka asnnsosaUto skuro

    CrsrkoreTcoi.ri ofslt kltoto.Ae. tnd’WtA mtoeed Haidll. srlm»[» k. aktotosU sU. -klws,sods*a"r lkal*a|fi>tpll««a»to. **■ ' o,


    ey I—Boo jour, Moeaieurl " waa daiermined to read; but she thought it -aa It ia needless to odd ihak our Yankee lindlord too late. Howemr I, stent to a naigbbor,- and has oarer since been known to giro up "a bird .kcd him if be would teach ms a lemon, and he the hand, lor one on both r promised be would. Accordingly I went to him Ufa every d*y, and when t h»d tired hiw ft>ro»ele*- H,mpollj 4 TKrdt. > soo, l would gT to taethc, neighbor* Im aiiotber;

    A eentlcmto^ofour aeguaiutsnee . Wtok or ^


    Pound di.

    ' 1 Or like i hone lhat'a nevar ridden, .'.Or like a fril «.d no gu,« liddi. 'Or like a Well without a bucket, . . Or a rose and no one pluck ib— iuM.«ok~«boao, .|, Hay "he be. said,. That liaMdMk lees. . Aad dyoa a maid. oj,. kTbe ring jf Woroe, , i, The finger decketh, " The bell tfruug ■ , Good musicac makctlu The beree doth ease „ If.hc bo ridden, , Tba fesM. doth please ... • If gnmta he tedder .... The bucket drawee Tbe water for thee, The rot* when plockt. la Utah must worthy, ; Sola th» mtrdeo

    •> • wfcofo&SELito.-

    00,00,10 stnUffy shod Aon.—There ia It shrewd and srcMlhy InUlord Milne, who ia out) * ‘ gains'—by which mount of property. He ip the owner of a greet number of dwelling bou^ mtd.k iruaid oT^up that he U not toer^cripolou. m hit igntal charges, wbe*»orCi he Sod. a customer whom be knows to be responsible- lira object ia ilrut jftiffiSj in X

    ■'Td&rctrencbcmo winter to hire a (I welling he owned

    Iry landlord sway down m I for dr.no* tua'shambw* he has amuaeed a targe It-

    called on him law .ned in Portland, and which had lung remained empty.. Hefeteul ecs wtoeArreo, and Ilia Yankee landlord taker taints* that hie apfdieawr was emeu 'after Ms own been' for a tenant, immedi.tely comman- ead to'yaw' bun * ‘STItoBd Ua tHP tMmt appeared to rulturhe IliUe (WelwiAn. and hr pi seed an etorbttant piece apod AT; hat the bene ■ drawn and duly eiecuted, and the tenant orad Into near tynanne,’ • ' • S' Upon die kindling affirm m the thatthe ehmiorys - — sg was filled with the wind at night,

    li-ao^Jc* -mcMor.-MM W.**■ .* *■:'jio***jwfiklTddr.tober JbfiSfsn*

    More New Carpet*. i|N||E Suhroribaraara jsktrsaslsish sfessh. I -a. MaplJ,lM7.

    ‘■«*3R|SS "Modai awr. church, many of the folks thet used 1c ehsne would Mnwliinn c4Tpr inp a book, ud dilr haiil. 1 k»r* bin *homke—I h»v' .bin drowned—I 1 could not retd ; and 1 waa aahaDMd Betides there wae a rery pretty psalm they lied uaed losing, artd l thought r abould lihu to but I heal .paid nor read. So 1 stone day. and k mid my daoghter that I

    tatui(.g to.crM half growp birds. Float the attendant ctrcumstanpca ha oouda- ded that tha maternal Mid roust have become

    teach ns; and an ftoip end thip* to ancAber, you see, at law 1 leurnerf rd read.'i By tbs line ahn hod attained her lOAttryear she could read nderMely well. She took a graal inter aM in tke Sunday school, in Wliioh leer great grandchildren ward IsogM w well an hefself.— Many children werejn the liahit of calling to ae* her, and ake naval faded to give tbera good ad- rice ; and to reprove thdra if they'hero giddy, ' a leva for front' r


    elutlica tor ainfal knn«e- U. She waa able to read without tfcbiw* cJea until »h« waa 107 year* of ace. Id h«r lUOth (mating in ahftt Savior

    Having watched thia inhibition of charity for //— to Promou HrOtk.—Do net eapeec. waodtM/o

    ay he reliel on in eve Bor old, ■ , W—mr.-Sbetlock cable distioctiop be. ■oa of woioan :—Tba

    :*ste!J££± •deep and juetaca*

    }xss^&i as they went a song of jo The above statement ' eey paryiouUr -^M.

    iS*W8S> tween the itatinottoid I perception of worn to ia Her penetration is intuit by a glance the wiH dra. efuaioo. Aak See how . cannot aauwer the quest, ducts inference, and hit t but he gate to thcJicwl o ap spy, by Mow degitwa, Dbc strives at the lop aa f&ESStTST ever deceived, and ah, the begins to/nawm

    Vp« nail tbiP « carryV'to, don’t ‘pm V mid our Mrs. Partington at the menageul. ■ May ha itipt.hnt 1 should 1+e to kotf wkcrt lha Mika tod other cotore tMpga ere Uwt we mad of wbtch'tke oarryvaua tprry over the deserts pf Sarah in the oaalem ctwntry r . '..I I.

    air, Ming rayMery 1 No eciw —j . .— , It ir simply thu plain lulls praoties of leaving yraw bedroom window a Ut- ile open at lM tup while sleeping bulb iu stou- ter end summer. I ski rest eqm* bsthrw you ap . theorist or an lueipevienecrV teacher, ip -me oalliog loudly upon -every family to adopt this heWihfol prsclice. I am the fathPr af'tea Jhil- in purt health,1'and have (Awto-Ood) l one, although tlirrr natural cisiMMU* tioas ware nat' pofiert. Bet in addition to the salutary effect of the practice in my oifu1 feUdy whererra I hare advise*! edhara to try ate effects, it baa Invariably heem foond tube Doth pleasant and benefiertl.—Correspondent of the LoudoP Sun.

    f the ruir

  • -™* of die most; agreeableia pickles ever usted, isnad«|ftM Mm

    ripe Clingstone Peaches. Takr -• good - vinegar and add to it foursugair; boil this for a for a few mi > -off any skum that may rise ; then take din;stone peaches that are fully ripe, rub them wita flannel cloth toand Mick three or four cloves in each; put iheiis*» a gtass or earthen vew«1, and ptMf the tqoor upon them boiling boL , by his influence chiefly,D. D. "In the j>

    was just breaking,erosatb. river at th*and exclaimed—^T 'Well L if didborBhl'dswharedat it vBmltkaK.

    tot know dat dish;! vas Phts-

    Yimice Pbmgks

    g gyHe stepped out; lookedt bbd l t h bi

    »Harrisburgh— Phil.

    —An American merchmi« the Cape of Good Hope, has within 12 yea•old 10(1,-000 Yankee ploughs, cheifly to HUulch for Ihe iwe of Ibeir vineyards. Theyformerly used a heavy Dutcb plough, and refus-ed to boy the Yankee ploughs, saying theywere -• only made as children's playthings. Fi-nally, a farmer was persuaded to take one g "and try it. He soon came back and bougha doxeo of the first Importation, and after • mak-ing the bargain, said he would not have sold the

    b t t fi

    _ ,.ak Sfrytfd Tmugk Pair »f Bretck-es.—The Spirit of the Times relates a story toldof an old man, who has told it so often that benow religiously believes it to be true: —" When Ilivefin Maine," said tbe old man, 'I helped breakup a new piece of ground; we got the. wood offin the winter, and >rly in the spring, we begunto think of ploughin' on't. It was so consarnedrocky that we bad to get forty yoke of oxen 'oone plough, we did, faith—and I held the ploughfor a more than a week. I iho't I should dieIt efenemoM killed me, I van. Why, one day,1 w»s holdtn', and the plough hit a stump, whichmeasured jusi nine fool and a half through k—hard and sound white oak. The plough ?plit it,Bad] I was going Straight through tbe (-tumpwhen I happened to think it might snap togeth-er again, so I just threw my feet out, and I hadjio sooner done this than it snapped together, ta-king a smart hold of the seat of my pantaloons.Of course, I was fight, but I held on toplough handles, and though the teamsters didalt they could, that team of 80 oxen couldn'ttear my pantaloonsJ nor cause me to let go myrrtp. At last though, after letting the cattle>reathe, they gave another strong pull altogeth-cr, arid the old stump came out about the quick-

    M l • it h a i t m n n n t r r W i * Inner TrvMft t o n \*l m#* t p l l; (..tod long r s too, let me tellrou. My wife Ja^e the cloth for them panta-oops, and 1 ain't worn any other since.'

    , The American steamship Washington left N.York last Thursday. She carries out upward."of 8000 letter, and 3000 papers, about 50 pass-enger*, and full freight of cotton, tobacco, u n t -parilla and proriaioam, and is eiected to reachSouthampton in 12 days, and Bremea in 14.—The Hermann, the isecood in this line, will belaunched this week, and leaves. New York iiFebruary. The kef I of ll>e third in the line willbe put down immediately.

    Illinois has been helping herself to a newConaitrtution, which provides that Macks and

    i swhitea shall not intermarry, and that blacksV shall hold noomoel of honor or profit in thftiatalcl The N. Y. Tribune deems it ontrag-l « o u n b > l i u "cojorod B.c-Ureu' should thus be•LR>icteduttbeir!;btily. IJ •

    rapidly and he be™ to hope thatfrom tins dog was r X t ,be dog was 0 - i * / .

    On Sunday week.he experienced a peculiaribness in his limbs with some c '

    dications of indisposition, winch 1did not awaken much attention until thefollowing Wednesday night, when be (bund thactie Was unable to sleep. On Thursday morninglie-was attaekod with spasms which grsdaalrbecame more severe until 3 o'clock Friday tnor•ing, Sept. if, when be ceased to breathe. Hivas not aware of his disease uniil Thursday at[•?rnoon and as soon as be made tbe diecoverybecame rapidly worse. He retained the fui

    i of his reason until a very short timebefore his death, and was able to give his friendsevidence of his preparation for tha great chnnge

    Two other persons were bitlen by tbe samedog, but it is hoped aad believed that this oc-curred before be became b i d S i l U

    TUB WAX.—Waste of Humm Lift.;— Of>the'incidents which goes to illustrate the horrors

    ', we have seen none which presents themmind in a more striking and powerfu

    then the present condition of tbe SouthCarotin regiment'Of Volunteers.

    r l *charter of incorporation for a Baptist college

    -as obtained from ibe Legislature'of Rhode-land, of which he was appointed the first'resident." This college it the present BrownUniversity at Providence,

    Scotch Plains was settled by Scotch immi-grants in 1034.

    Ages of Statr*men.—Of our distinguishedmblic men, John Quincy Adams, born in 1767,s the Nestor. He is80 yesrs of age. Henry

    Clay comes next, being 70 years old on the 15thof April. Martin Van Buren, R- M. Johnson,'. C Calboun, Lewis Cam, Daniel Webster,ingularly enough, Mere all born in 1782, andf course are'65 years of age, Tyler is 8 yearswinger—born in ltft?. Polk is about the samege. Dallas 2 years younger yet, bqrn in 1798.fen. Taylor is nearly 60. The rest of our prom-nerit public men are generally younger by years.. If we cross the Atlantic we find a statesman

    n Wellington, unimpaired in intellect at thege of 78. The age of Peel corresponds withiat of Gen. Taylor, as that of Lord John

    Russell does with thai of Dallas. Brougham isHe youngest of the first grade of public char-cters, being barely bom in the last century.

    The Fastest Sailing Skip AjloU.—Tho N.. correspondent of the Washington Union says,Going to sea yesterday ***" =«•".*> *̂ --.»—. - L _

    ea Witch, made the first 19 n n 1 hoii. The thing would be incredible, bat

    is beyond all question, being substantiated byhe testimony of one «f the 'owners, Mr. Aepin-all, and the pilot, Hr. Hycr, No such achjere-ent is known in the 'annals of sea. The noble

    cssel which performed it baa established for'her-elfthe claim of being tbe swiftest sea-going~?«el afloat—steam or sn ils—and as fit 'to witche world" with swiftest sailing. ' Who can doubtat the ship yards wrrich turn on't such vesselsin build a steam ship to compete with any olh-•a? New York models against the world I

    Slnt lar Fact in Statvral History Betweenth agfr, Mr. Bobert Reid, bar™.

    . II. Stewart, Crosbie S<

    ngud 5 months

    officer of the Honandv having tw' — j and tbe

    of bees, the one prettyweak took n int hi b d


    ;, and the other weak, took it into his headIB an experiment with the weakest, as it.(worth killing. He shut up tbe mouth' -ikep,' cover|ng it with straw, and sfter-

    svering the entire hive with earth, ini manner oi a pit of potatoes. Tbe

    strong hive, during jthe winter, took for ibeirubsiBtence upwardsof ten pounds of sugar. Onbe 13th current the covered hive was dug up,n presence of Messrs. John Stewart, writer,ohn Mitchell, gardener, and others, when, won-erful to behold, the weak hive was in a strongnd healthy state. The ' skep,'< was lifted oft*ie board, and th«re was not above a dozenend bees in the lot; and it was truly pleasingo see them, when aroused from, their dormant

    state, Happing their wings and buzzing about,Her being shut up from light and air for four

    months and 13 daysi Abonttwohours after be-ng opened, they were out ID swarms busily ga-bermg wax.

    Senator Jarnigan thinks that TenneSM wonldjpliah idarery tomorrow if the quest ion weiubmiitcd to her people.

    a spairn"in™the"mo^e'yIpiartet." It i'.assuredeath to produce this effect, if it be only string-ently executed.

    the death of/ohn B. Turner, formerly

    Aug. .t Camp near Mier, Mexico* By a lettefrom Cape. Yard to Mr. T.'» wife, w* learn thathe was buried*' with the honors of war," and hisdemise was regretted by all the officers and sol-diers. He ha* left a wife and one child to mournbis lorn—RmJiway SUpub. .

    On Saturday night last, severnl strange dogsentered the sheep pea of Mr. Enoch Oliver, «earRailway, and bit a number of sheep so badlythat it was deemed advisable lo kill some ofthem.—it. : r . ;•

    A sweet potato was shewn to us a day or twosince, raised by Hi. Washington Craig, residingnear Rahway, weighing over 3} lbs,—Ib.

    The Trenton Accommodation train a fewdays ago ran ofer a colored woman at Newark,crushing ber ana; and being about 100 yenrsold she died in a few hours after receiving the:->jury.

    A Smart MOM,—Mr. Wilhelmua Su , ....Taghkanic, N. Y. found a large hornet's nestunder tbe eaves of his barn, on Tuesday last,

    i_- —z.-~ ;: TT~TTT ._j—r ̂ T ™~ ~~ " "—*— i iffniir _—r~_—mt Hrm 1 HWLTia*%at Trenton last Wednesday to Dominate their field Bank, we leave it to the public to judge.—candidate for Gorrrno*. Oen, Wai! was chosen Our reader a know how •*• charter was taken—

    ty a letter ty, and 3 Secretari'""" • th t l Roles were ado

    , ies were appointed.Roles were adopted, allowing each county 1

    rote for ever| 100 democratic totes—to be givensr capita. MOn the fir* billot; Daniel Hainesreceircd 363

    votes,— publish it, not considering it calculated to doood, but rather harm. In refusing articlese sometimes blamed as not being indepen-

    dent, as' being,afraid lo publish what they deemto be altogether unobjectionable. To such wereply that U always has been our opinion, in tbeanguage tyl*'. Chandler, late editor of t h e l , - ^ ^ with tbclr banners. The neighboring

    Pba. U. S|t3aaeue)that'an'ieditor exhibits as cities irere numerwisly represented.much independence in refusing communica-tions as in publishing, them, and in doing either,he must use his own best judgment. The boas-led liberty »T the press consists, we conceive, in ,

    remaj;c»nwneitced, mote îiinnOOof our«.,F-have made profession of religion, and there artyet m«nj others anxiooalyiilquiring what ihefshall do to bit Saved. Serehty-two 6f ibhee wb»

    y pf p , ,the editor being permitted to publish just whathe pleases—and so muck independence we shallalways endeavor to maintain. ' :

    regard lo Temperance, to do any goodd ; llmust use great prudence; as well as. judgment,

    —and eter so much zeal in the good cause, Ifnot tempered with discretion, is likely to be !ab-

    r spent hi vaio, if indeed, actual harm does notsuit. '

    Plainjicld Bant,—In yesterday's N. Y. Sail,we find the following remark^ of the Journal ofCommerce, on the Plaitifield Bank, and theply of M. V. Beach to Sons, which we copytill, on account of Ihe great interest of the sab-ect to the great portion of our readers

    Thai i. tbe last day for bringing bills of thePlatnficld Bank. The officeiof tbe Receivers isat 259 Broad st. Newark. U a card which theyrecently issued, it t in estimated thai tba hold-ers of the bills must expect to submit to a heavyoss. If tSif be so, we feel pound to ask what>as become of the notes for $100,000 guaran-

    tied by M. Y. Beach &. Sons, which wereound amoig the kaaets of the Back T If M. Y.leach &. Sons, are good for the amount, why ist not collected from them f j We suppose thathese not* either stood in the place of capital,

    or else that they were discounted, aod M. Y.Beach &. Sons received the proceeds. In eithercaae they are bou nd to pay t hem. They will not>retend that they were business notes-, or thatthey erer fcere of any value, independently - '

    be guaranty. M. Y. Beach & Sons well knowbey were not. In b— behalfofthepuWio, andes- by i

    ith penally the suffering creditor., we respectfully"2 call upon the RecelVers for an explanation of .

    this matter-, As M. Y. Beach &. Sons were the of j ^ b V:only ateckholders, with the exception possibly of.a small amount ; as it was managed almost ex-clusively by them or under thei _.th«y took from tbe Bank and put in circulationa great pwt of the bills that were afloat when theBank failed, amounting to flOO.QM and up-wards ; they clearly should be held to therigid accountability, so far as "'

    »de to rjsach them.Tr.ua Or the Josraaf of Commerce , the re-

    ply of the Sun is u follows:

    * the law can be c««d«r

    Last pfead thvough every portion ofW bl i l 1000 h


    >pWe believe M

    ery portio1000 pera

    d imade ii profession of religion, and united llu—selves with-the dificrent Chnrches in -MafsUU,cmuity, within the put three months. . '

    mkersi ColUge.—Another donation of 910,000 has recently been made to this college b;David; Searaiof Boetou. -It is to be pot out *jotereet till it has accumulated to e certain »amor accumulated to a cetlain amount by donationv,from other. sources, and is then to lib appropria-ted for a Library Halll. Hr. 6earB has also gt-ven the same sum to Harvard College on cert*insimilar conditions. The tame gentleman gave$10,000 to Am turret College several years sip«ibut OB such conditions thai the College' has notyet beeo able to draw on the fund.

    A Mvd&l ifan.—The editor of the Jones*borough (Tennessee) Whig announces his in-teatiao of publish jug a religious periodical. Htthus modeBUy slates his quiriifieatioh for the task:—We feel competent to tbe task of editingand publishing a work on politics, one on relig-ion,.one on science, tod another on any thinfyou please,, all at the same -tine. Oar genius isboundef) on the east by the rising sun, on thewest by the horizon, on tbe south bj the abore*_.._ bv the shoeof tioie, and on the north by trie farthest' limitsof astronomical imagination, while the aurora bef?realis oi truth lights up out pathway by day and••- iij|ht : '

    oflf of

    Ftrt.—On Friday evening, 17th in«t. the barrf' "' r, of Fnaa Deventer, of Franklin township,

    near .Bowndbrook, was discovered to be on fire*and together with. several adjoining oui-buitd-ings, and the chief part of their, contents, wervcotiaomed. There was an insurance, in theHillafonNiri) company, we lean, of. «6Mr-bi«tbi, will noi'eover the IOM. There m atrmg

    to believe the fire was the work of an in*•y.—SamcrriUe Mettemget. " " ' ' _.

    The human brain is the 2Sth of tie body.V'heb^o/ahomithatMOdtk ,, 7

    aaeh county 1 n»—lobe gtrea

    be »u unable lo rim. On Tbindlf moralng he was attached nub nma which gr adaslij became more were until B o'clock Friday mor- ning. Sept. It, wheel to ceased lo breathe. Ho wae net aware of his disease nuri Ttoraday afo tersone and an aoom at ha aaade Ik* dfeoeeary. became rapidly mao. He retained ihe Ml poaAaaion of bin re aeon until a eery abort tuna before hia deritb, and wan able to (iea Ida Crlanda evidence of hia preparation for tbs great ehnoge. Taro oaber petaona ware bit lea be the aanae dog. bat it ia hoped a.d belteved that thin oc- curred before be became rabid.—dnariwiHr

    Beach fo Bona caloe forward and offered ra every dollar.in circulation. Tbie of refuaed. Thar then pr&noaari to the Bo rvpeariedto. to rabmA Jr Walpo disagreement to referees. Thia war wed.’The receieere were raqueried lo T. Beach in Bonn credit for money., d into the Beak and to them, amount-, •ere than *100,000, for the purpose of ip ana liabilities against them. Thin that fond, and thu. tba cam not atanda.- true that M. Y. Beach dc Bern, owe the 100,090 or any other rata. They bate ed to the Rank for tkrrjr dollar received and there ia > large balance now dm leach dc Soata, after raking op ererysoct tip against them. ' Wall- Ihe Journal of ice fire its render* line reply to iu quo

    near Rah wap. weighing erer 2* I be.—ft The Trenton Accomtnodntioo train I few dapa ago ran taper a oejorod woman at Newmk, crushing her arm ; and being about 100 pear, old ahe died in a few hoora after receiving the injur,. A Amort Jfma.—|ir. Wiibclantas Simmons of Tuhknme, N. Y. bond a large hornet', went under the earee of hta barn, on Taendap laal, and reeolred la> dawroy it. Huh. took etmm m.tehea, tied them to a pole, and with them act foe to the neat, and totally deatroped it. Unfor- tunately howetrer. the hern wan formed alas, to- ganher with a thou mod bushel. of Data, a large

    SSSrSttSa!? AH the Railroad, ,'e title country tfcnl charg- ed 2 cents per mile for ttrimphnatinn oi paaam- ger. last year received extra iheu double the a- moonta for far* which thorn rowia did. that char- ged 4 cents per mile. CoL Wilson, who reetmrir die* of yellow fev- er at Vera Cm. willed **0,000 to be .pelted

    The Middlesex Grand Jury brought info eonrt lam week 14 inriictmenia j and among them ope

    tie nomination general, gires much aatia. m to lli party. ' It ia wedoufoedly the bevt nation that coold have been made, an^ is, rally so Vegarded, by Whiles, Democrat, and i-l- It. L a - J sat »- . r—.

    napctf.Camgna,.—There bare been dm. led to tjw nepl Congress, from 20 States. Ill Whig.; 100 petnocru. and I Native. 2 r .can ciea up these Sutra will probably be filled by Democrats. The other 3,3ulea sent to the Ian ‘ House of RepresenlatirrsS Whigs and 11 Drat- ocrals,) If thej send the name at the neat elec- tion aaiat the lam, the new House will stand— 114 Whigs to 113 Democrats aud 1 Nalire— givipg'neither party ibe majority. At any rate, ueutor parly will hare an avpilable majority.

    •lance • which otlemded their enlistment and de- partara for the anal at war

  • Nothing liter from the city of Mexico ha*been receired nnce our Ust ptitilicaiioo. Tbe

    iilion between Vari Cni» and that AS-

    Election this year in lh"» Stale, comes

    Tuesdty, the 2d day ofNtjrember,—8«'«reeki

    from to-day1. ( !

    Ohstitafy-—An.lione^t man, remarkable lorthe eingolariiy and dogge^ten of hi* opinioqa,

    - - 1 "imes on a jury, and alwaysa of law and justice total)]; «fudge and his* brother jurors.asked himjiow it was possible3 so much trouble to tbe court,he inmost gravity, " I don'tit it always happens to be nrijJI a jury with eleven obstinate

    enietlamed rjotionrariinc* pit* theOne of ibe judgesthat he dliwajis ga*He reptiWd ̂ iilj tknow bo^ it is, bmisfortune to be <

    Superb agates are found on the shores of lakeSuperior. Uj -\ • I. :

    j riOMT-.STIC ITBIS.Washing tF^mne/—TfT^liiti, it should be done

    in M hot *aMr1aa possible, with bird soap. •ShrinR*g, of f l " W . - E i e l o s e new flanne

    in a bag. pofr iti into a boiler with cold water;—beat Sind Boif it; ,It will liertr shrink aaj moreafter1 this operation, and aholld then be: made

    into sr;n nioiitj. ' I •niqntcnU «f Itread miy be^alLsavcd,by makthe)u M iretp toast arid piddiiig;; and thewill iniike ,i;mcakes, by soaking over nigh

    milk, and then adding an jagg

    • I it iJe (powdered saleratus,1 quart or tivov but more if i

    I'nitktr Herb should be n!,ui do!not Hung them out ofunless you wisli to a»U n «iri ..._, . . . .pictur^quc jeipressiMi or you r dwelling.

    Sloths.—Camphor (not. ubaocA)iootbs.! FlannHs well wrapped

    i. ~i.* . .1 _1_ Jb_ 1* .. > t i n , Ik...

    >il them, and adsize of a pea fo

    JCIJ fermented/. ed once' a weelhe front window:

    r,g featu

    On tlie 23d mat. John Vleet, of Rahway, tjzabelh Baldwin, of Newark.

    D I E D .At Scotch PlainB, on the 8th inst. Amos Os-

    mrn, aged about CO years."On the 22d inst. at Rah way. John Ski ithe Short Hills; in this township, over 7

    ears of age.At Meiuchin, on tbe 17th iost Amasa Fla

    jell Gl years.At ElizabRthtown, on the 10th inst Miss E-

    ^abeth Bedell, sister of ihe late ReV: G, Tedell.D.D. in the 71st year of her age. •At Elizabethtown, on the 19th inst. Anniffc of;Nathaniel Williams, aged 82yean.In ftforrislown on the 19th inst. James Egbert

    ued SB years—for many yenra, a Judge of tl•"Simmon Pleas in Warren county.

    At New Vcruon, on the 18th last, Capt. Do-el Tunis, aged 76 years.

    Near Morristowil, on the 18th inat. Mary, rct of the late ThomasGoqfd, aged 83 years..

    'illbe first w,

    imer, as liwfe' fijom lirrifbs. Bot theyUru-hcJ abqut the firsi day

    m°SUft^d-3ffHfe-Pie Mert\itboBed and chopped, may b^ kept a year,; in ̂ a, stone J J " •">"•

    mo) a!IVU will allow me

    :ar losiintony lo the liejlin™ properties ft »our pte-..ion called Hum's Liniment, *Tba following uinte under my inimediaie observation, and I atatflir'llie beopfii oi* ibase who may meet with a si mi I

    aciid^nt. The ebild of a neighbor of mine was s e ey scalded, ;ind in ihe izrealest aoonv : 'your Lininwiiwas applied; an* relief was . i . e n insiintly, a u d . Tepplicfllion* entirely recovered. I thin* it invslu.b

    u a *peedy fttmtdm, and advise every family lit ke• in tlie house. This case iaalsO known lo MenW. and O. Siorn, uf HU,1K.D. .

    {Tout*, JOSEPH WII.UW A severe I sprain entirely cured with one botthe Limnd'.it. ' i

    New Yor*, June 19,18-f-penr Sir;—It afl"««l* me pleasure to cmnplv

    your reqliolnwrcn.-ui«l SinxnbMI t, imini.i-t eotaoily on baiid.and made to anicc st »liori notice.


    FALL TftADE.A. HF.HRICK.7i Maiden Late B(H!

    Liberty *t- would invite tbe »ari««/«r ntttxtitm of He,.i.n, t» bis . l ienaive assortment of Goods in .the '•

    uvc line, emUrarinc every vnrieiy tind elyli! of41iir:iollnn.bosom*,Glores,8ii«|>eLiders,Hoii.f I , brc

    BS- Under-GnnarnSs, Crnvni*. 8esrft, Pin«, HaiidlteiiM't, Dressing Rabes, Slumlrler Brt>cet, (he Felf-mEii.ig stock, ice. Jjre. nllof wliicb will be sold at th

    erj lt>»e«t prices. DA VID A. HERRICK^ 72 M,n Lane aad 7 Uberty U New Ycik.


    -. 818 CRCIN-WICH IT. IS. V. 'N B.-'PenaMs visitingr ibe city would do well .

    all and examine our stock , at il >s one of the largestAmeriea. Our,system of vbi«h amhrues all Ore M*w>t bhspe* and latest p«iterui, log*tlw wilt! s good -^rtrnenl ofLovLincGts.se*, CTuct.. Bnirin-n ;,nd Coffee Pot*, ate. * e , «ll of which are ofleredouniry Mercbanli nt the very lowed price*, fortarapprored cndii. S ,B. -C™m,vM< ; .k , , ,h , ,cly oa liuiing liioir GIKHI. jwokfd in the very be*

    DENTA-T1 sum •W*"»H*-» IJOHN D. CUEVALtEWS C«lebri.t»il Denial I

    slrumxnt*. Wholesale flnd Hemil, " I his principal iIHH, 184 Bf.)ad«aj. New T « l . A (ibe.aj diw.Jilrtdealers; Catalogue* can be bud by vending mtdiopmt paM.' j, j j


    ply Coaowr* Hantbaitu with •.« kimh of A*e«,

    Wri.er., and *Verv kiM uf Slatioiwry .rtiek., whiwe wiU Mil at i(ie very low*« urice*. P u n c u

    in.r* of ever j vanS*atioa«s, far sale

    ; ai tha tkwmpaa-will pl«*>se o i l and

    "So^t^oktw.ITp, Letier Copy ing Trpajse

    _aifoM Wriufib UvMstir:y, saxl all other »rtie)« sold bys i l < i m i S i k < I. .-i- Mtthaa

    ile prices , CauuiFj M

    ijfcfaT. itich, TV. M. Loulr»l,6l WillmaiM-

    - : S u i n t ^ W u , 1 W A T I I I , I n i , &c. •DAVIDS * ML4CK, MaBafaetWer* or Sealing'«*. Wsfen, 0lacfc, HUB. Red.Jsspsn, Copying,wroine, *ud [ndel}>ble luk., Ink P»trd*r>, C MBiter, Ac. 1 !3 Join «t. near Purl. I I f t

    UHOS, Memo, i n n Mvuc.it, jtmr>rH£i(TaFlRTH. HALL dt TOAD, 839 Brbadw.j, N. Vanufsetureu, Dealer* and Importer* bTHii*ical In-Impmi

    'Agents'for ihe ntal'one ofV7lVave!' ' ' n.aSrff tar iei-eo-^

    ihe Mmiufsrturers of Pis

    kind. ; nlso Pitbltsbtrs and Importers..c-nta for Ihe catalogue ofV. Novello, and

    n* &. L'o. of London, and of P>»nei»co Laeca


    I BOSK.C-OPLT, Jr. 150 Fulton st. 3 . loon •>•*! of Broad

    ray,u extensively enm-ed in pubPsbing Sheet H o, a«d k t ,< i also o* band ihe putilieaiUsa* of all therineinal publishers in (lie U. 8 m u s . A new wort one Vinliuee'lo, Ihe Granite Bonnier, all Ibe sot. '

    _-.. Ordrrs.witl.go»d reference * i p be attemted to, and gooiU for

    arded lo any parroctoe country.

    L I T E R ' * J A L L AJ»D WrJTTBK F A t a r o s i , 1847Rcxtorr4 lo 67 Cci/ur Intl. ,'

    TO TAII.OR8.—The Fnil aud Winter Fashion, for847 and J8*3 is no* oublnhed anetready for sale by'. Oliver, 37 Ccd»r • ! . - - * v

    « n Bfoadwar, wne^e'aaliions and 4vs>ei«s sa heremiVre. Hi* new SVJm, culled (- The Tailor's Pl.ilesophicat Transfer," •iw coqipleU.atid ready lor sal*..

    FOWLER Jr UECLS, No. 131 riaawa alreav Nowor*, jnil>!ii,hBltV]joJe*»!e ai.d Rel.il, wont* on II

    cience* of Phraooftifty, Physiology, Payakgacn•d Magnelism. Prafeaaianal examinations mmlien required. Th*f Cabinet or Museum i- open ai

    free lo rultori day nrtd evening) Clinttm H*U, 131 Na

    1 S A X AM AUDEB S A F E S , IRICB A- Ce.'i Improved P«(eot Doi.We.mid SinS 'nlaniinJer Safes, ivnrrsuied Iree from (fiimimti.rculrd improveuepton " the Original Wilder'-me Pateut." Reierwee to upward* oi 1100 Mercl-. . .ankers-nd other*, ««ho have Rich * C o / * Sale ••e. • For*»le by A . B . M J . , * ! . , 13S1-3 Wi

    New York. Agent, for the Manufsemrer*.Also, by IAWIS H.'HATCH, ISO Meelii.rst. Chides

    Also, by 1 U A « B»il«r. 70 Mag.iine st.NewOrlea»

    S A L A M A » D « R S A F E S .'Ilia Original W. luW. Genuine Patent Double an.Ingle Snlimaoder ffsfei, warranted free: fraro dam

    SILAS d. HERRJSG. Manufacturer mid DealerII kiirttsof Iron 3nfev, 139"Water st. corns.- of Depever i l . Join-*1 celebrnied Changeable Baut Lock loiealManuficlurc™1 prices.

    J. G. LHJHTBQPY, No. 3STio*tu. corner of Du•e. Extra FineCattl, Fine Black Newa,«ndC< 'ji« of a •Hperlor oMliiy. far sale ori lha most r.

    ableutrna. AUenien tcill in rnmyttf tttatdtd to from*yF«rtqftf,c United iU,:Ut.

    TO TNI WoHLD ! 1 tA. J. SEALS- PremU* O-e

    Portrait Gat(cfg,1fom, 156nncf )*5(i u including D bandsofn raorocca caM for ©us Dor. (>old and Plated Lociets of mil description*, i.ml

    St6c£ of *U f.nds, IVkoUtaie e»4 Retail. Preserve tillCaril.andbe sure VIHI don'L lose it. :

    B K A D V ' I G A L L E B Y . '••M. tl. BRADY! toutli-weat comer Broad'jlion si. (over Gib#oii'*.> Nnlu itlisbuiding ibe -iea

    oeton, PhilftJe'jih'iTf Baltimore and'other places, Chtiei icm Inktilute awarded the first prertiiumciy tor tbe lie tl pUHn mud colored " '

    CKNIN, HjirriB, 314 B*eeoB>l13,50.) ClothCppaf l and »1,Ei iJpBBeevory cuUMner aad *t

    T O B A C C O A B D S . S C F F M A N H F A C T O K T .C. JT. * S. LILli/ENTHAL, SIS W . thing nan s*.

    i . • —ALSO— GA Supply or Fresh Groceries received weekly, •«od «nd • • cheap as e « n be obtained elaewberc. •

    Aim. now on hand1 and For Bale, ' ' " ".-king GU**ea,a eholeoand elegnnt lot, trTat l . ;« .jinn, GI«ss,gBriMBaia Liverpool, Earihen andStone Ware I

    Racking Chairs, Boston Rocker*—Boat*and Shoe*.«de*, ShOfsIf, Hoe*, Hakes, Fnrhs. tec. * c .

    All the abo»« will be .old at the lowest price*, C«-ash or Country Produce.April 13 1S*7.

    «ond QualityeoB.1 aunti

    , o . f f c r t . rt price, uuiowna

    HULL'.- Tucst OFFICE,. NO. 4 Vsoanf ST.Attof House, Ne» York. i

    Est.ibliaheil for iholuto tfrnt application of Dr. AimtJ. Hail's Invented fci«rKmrt.is, fbribe relief nod eui

    rn>pun . b,,rM or tTreaeb ofkh« grc^.uHtinlx. forth,,|e«nd-.[>pS*:*'ionOf»r.«BU'# L'J«f» J * - W « « ( S «•arfcr.'an in»irumenl invenMiI to relieve ibe nrbini .caing f""'1 beari'iC down paio* incident to Prohiu* iTien O ' f ' - f >«Si*J «U» to overcome Consult)!,ion. Indigestion, Irr»guLfrily. and tUAc twiU result!*nmt ur-nkuud HMUOJUI tbiomUmi muxlit. Ruptur-d nersoni m.iy rely "-on obtaining at thin office the best

    umentaj aid iha| the worid aSbreW, wbife those la-

    ig under proi-^si mO, tlKOUfrh the aU of tlie sup-norter, be placed lira condiOoii IO •mWsce >eedy "iefattire l!in>da o f i e i r nodical adviser*. |

    The offices No. I V w i M. are atleiided by eompe-ent prrso.i., who attend »>.*«.>.«• to (At tpfiitatum «/k 3 t A f d t m a iU i

    i HOKG KOHO TEA COMTAKE.79 Qsiharme (Vefmil]».. front) oppo.ii. Oak

    Green an«V B.BckTcfliof every deBciipiion,carefulselected fto» lh« Ideu cars^es Had s»tfurtin«nt. .nu, Herrini«sK, Fall River, Cocklcn, A c . new

    styles, our sta^k cannot now fae satpasaed, v '

    bit cii>(li*aiMi Tah'le Covcra, ~\lole CirpetWsrji , t|M*l nunlily,nkeens, Uanifaronns and Coltonadlu, ;

    i'(Stripes and Plnidi Inr Summer*ve«r,s, Ca»iimeres and Ves i inn . a good asioriment,

    ckiog, Muslins, C l i e o k i . * c . a large assortment,ock*, Bosum>,Collars and Crsrv.ti, . .conet, Swiss,Cambric and MultMudina,ee l . Gimps, FrinR es, and other fine drawer gonda,rpeting—A food usnrtment *f all qualilfe* *ndolors.mme eniirelT newd«iigns. . '•'. '•ndow 3h.idBs—aebnie i lot. clioap, purcba.ers areeque.ted to fook at (hem before buyitif.(. B. Thn plbli« Will at all! l imei find oar stockj e and well i s s o n s d . The 'N. Y. market will betrched every week for (be richest ao4 moslfash'Mt

    good*, which with low pricea.be hope, lo gaine f - - n a g e :

    «w Spring and • Slimmer Good*!for IS 17.

    WEBSTER & HARSH,HAVE now on hand* general tmtrtmtatot Rich,andPa*t4»>*bleGood.. Or.hu^ recently p j "

    •sed they would iaviM aitention lo tbe following

    lioiines, L«TVHS, snd 3areaes, ;rsduaiing Rouen, a new aniclc Cm Ladies' Dreiseangba.nLa,Wis,|>urplepl«id.,als«'bir«ndwliite«*.D'Liiifies, plain,Plaid,Ijtripudaad Figured.

    SMpSteSlftffiafl*! ._. ioes.FreBeh.Ensli.bai.dliero.ait; . nmb.iines,M»ekaiitibtu* block of varinui.tialiiie*rlnionGingbams, DarklMsirfand Stripedtks.ItBliaDa^d Grod* RUint.Ul.lii) and 32 inchesOde' Naples .ismil widtl,, and * few faoey Hilks'frr'd, While >M| VeltowFlnm«l*,.l*o a few Bosiels,

    leached and Unble*cb*d C.nli.n Flannels,aper*. Toweling. Hopkins and Tnbte Covei

    moric.n, Fwncli aj,d English Print.In «resl K _•b Linen*.o£ vsiiou. jri«dei.,frOB. 8*. 6d.to B*.

    rtii.c Jiluuli naving Is and double wie.aWeLaine.Uroefca.nnd Merinoand Fancy Velvet puims.riclt and

    I ben quality ami Tarioui colers, klso

    rend andSTaalin Edring. and Innrtinci, f',Bonet, Bo»ki .Cambric. SwiiM aud Mull Mmli- , .mbric Linen Udkfs,u | .in f̂iguredm*d hansiii.ke^

    ' ' ^(thereaiartic^TbTlrii

    . AU.t a Freah Su'pptf of«ad Cloths^merican.french,German aBd EuxlishuiTieresPlaii. and F>ncyfhnpr,rted anddoneaiic,Minp*.8ntin,Silk,_V.l«nlJ.«f Woolen Velvet*, If*. •Uineis of «Wr» rari«ty. also Ben vertinei A, kers«y,

    weed.,PI.J»;;8lrip«d and PlaFa, a«lf«>l« for bijV

    ssbington Steipe. Kiifa „ jeoeral T.riel>oTJL(i«aa' .

    kle*i iiietading Cnrpeii*g*,IJKut*;l>o" Clotts^i..do»Sl.n*,.,.novel.niJtongs,bellows. andi>**s .ive..ndf^s,sa^jrhi,,Siron.,cr*C)ier>,**.;4^, , \

    A Lsr?ra*««irlmaniif Groieriesandl-ro^sion anlirfi will be sol.1 it 'the town) manSet prices for

    *>b sr country produce.April 13. 1«J47. ' J .£'. . . •

    Feathers , ̂ FLire Gccse Feather*!

    THE BHlwcnber wonld mpeeifuDy iuforsn tbrwewho ne al»ul cun>neaci(ig Inmst' AetyiiI .. need Feolbf r^lhal he haanial rUir»sLot..rit.tbestqi.s'|ly whklifcei, dish• • - • - ' /D. BVU l

    Two Hou«cfl to Rent .Enquire of ' j '-**•' .."

    : - WKUTER i i l l l l l .April ia.lB47.

    Urab Moreen,An Eleaaa tAr t l c le^or •• * . •,

    Ladies' Skirt*, 'j"n'el4,1647r i WBBflTEt » MAKltL '

    ?••*••e Cheese.

    From tttc Seat SC Wftr. , , NotUag laid* from ttae ehy of Seiko hu

    bon ,u«i.«d «■« »r U« .plibltettko. TW ^nmunicuion bemaTM Crus and that eft - Was *0 *“ it''“ Of .... onr* wM* V '*»»» Wr. oftbt progrt. of {j*"*?**

    - of,** P~P?*“ ?f ttarngkapecufatia i. a rife rea Eire,kit this year in this Stale, cones 'on

    Tuesday, the 2d day of November,—Sveweekx

    L£3K»ci*a as her a*n fore. Hie new Sya- «ea*. called •*.The TSktor a PLdeeeplileal Transfer,” b new oofifbM.tid ready for seb.. PHBBKOLOQIST* AND PuBLUlIBL FOHLER k WECLS. No. 131 Neaaee street. New York, publiek el Wholesale etel Retail. wprOe an the seieeoes of Phrepolpgy, Physiology, Pbyi a«d Magnetiao. P»ot«»ion*l mnbntbo.. .. when reqoirrd. The Cabinet or Museum I • epee

    New deeds fer the Spring 1 Trade. DBULLKAN his roust V ms*. Isigs ysvci* . M. .f Mspts ..A f. sc. Dry »i qual.i/ Loaf *eg«r Good*, equnl to the very let and iti^iior to moet. an band ■ nd aontiantfy manufodinred. (prioe* lew.) by STiT”* ART. BU88ING dt Co. Wltoleesto Con/e«uone 18 Pearl «. comer of M*di>on. ,

    Maos'*! CilW. JOHN m HlTTFHORF $ Ce. Mimufarlurer* every tlewiripUOo ef Machine Cards for C«rw Weolea moegtnctiwvre. Card* made to ordey a!short

    o Visitors dsy and evening, Climen J

    MICB $ Ce-’a balm Salamander Salat, warranted fire from dampness,—a Original W* nine Psteet.” RdfUK* loop wards ot 1100 Merchant* ** ■“* *i £

    net foe. O«ee»40 Prtrl #c

    . _ ..*• Ibe Martafoeiortre. Aim. by Lawu M.-Hsrca, 190 Moating st. Cbarlee- Alm*, by' Isass BbOme. 78 Magssine st.NewOffoan*

    *] SZLHIiiDU Stru *l*lte Original Wiltfoc'a.Gcnetne P*U Single Balamsailev h«f.., wnrramed frvefrvui damp- SILAS G. HERRING. Manufnciurer nil klolin of Iren 8«feb, 130 Wstri st. dorner ef Dewev- Mar ... Jones’ celebrated Changeable Bank Lech for arie nl ManafSciurtirs* prices. r Printing Irk IIn»Oraotort. J. 9. LIJHTBOpY, No. 38 Rose

    WILLIAMS BROTHERS. Ml Jobe si opeowts Dutch M- impfotern end Mct.ufecmrbra o£ OnrU* Z(- «yr, Canvais. Paiterne, Fringe*. Ohnps, Cords ami •meIs, Dpholsicreia* und Swanibeat tiimmiiigs con- notly on hand, and made te wdci at short neuce.

    DAVID A. HERRICK. 7* Maiden Laso and 7 Liberty at. would invite (be faeliemlar kttnaimm of Mer- chant* te bia ealenaive aaaertotent ef Goods in,tbe bore line. emMrbring every variety end atylr of Abirt. Collar*, become,Gfoves. Snspendem, Hoefory (Ttnbrel- -*, Cr*»*ta. Botrfa, Pine, Handker-

    A. C. Cssilc srt 9 tlm bssi rrsclfost Drplitu . NcwTirl j.B 8 1M5 Drilr Sir—Tour Oloocni a has psrformsil * RrmurtabisCs'U iu my U™ y. Hr mofocr-ioj hv hs. keen afflicted for yss 1 witfc Awlims. had Turuirud but Ik.Is buncfii from tbs ssriUus m.y b« plasd Id Haai: limimM.

    Uloera Pain*in lit* Backend Cbeef, Ago in rite Breast and Face, Tooth At*e. Sprain*.Brniaea Halt Rheum, Hum*, Croup, Fro*led Feet, aad al! Ner- The TlhlL'MPIIANT 8UCCF.88 which has niten- dee thaappJtcaison efthi# am WONDERFUL MED IC/NE III canny then*oaf severe cams of tbe different D.«t*a«above mated*—endthp HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been heatawed ■i"»nit, wherever it kb* been inuoslwccd. gives mu the right Ie eall oo tbe AFFLIC- TED to resort stance to the ONL Y RE MEET THA T CAN RE RELIED ON. tT TV. tall.win, a.nilals .fib. ssrs tf s svaU- * child I. . r«DSM of tbs eaftdMUC-duil

    cbicta. Dreuicg Kobe., Should., BrSrc. thr alf-d- tetii.ig ttock, *f. Ire- all of whtcb W»H be aold at ih very I«m**i prides. DA VID A HEWUOK, T.* Mai.

    mrfn recummaidc. to er until aha Ificd voir Balram. A taw doset mmwly cured bar. and :lwre bus bah no recur coco of tbs diwuas •lore, I also tri«d h mysclffor s scvsis Coujb. ■od give some to my xkiklrcb, sod io every in. «»oa w.:H Ibo best resulm, coriog all of ui i* s taw bosmi Tbs rsvnsiode ■ of ilte Boils, 1 five to oo«af our first Pby debus, who wis bo. esurig tlurmed al ibe eun nuance of s scry iruofatemme Cold sod Cosgh llmi threatened to load loCoiVMimtuitMi. The I t If hot lie eulirUly cured in A medicine so Uniformly successful •huuld be tnosm and posse"H by all. Tsars, dec. A.C. CASTLE. M. D, U I ’ DeaUst, till Broadway. M. F. cil.lsng. Sola A {col for Ph-nfteld. who • lit slur Buerman's Tomb Fusts, Poor Hip's - Cdmjihor, Cough sot Worm Lbisngpsl

    Culuwb'iauilta, Culumbis Co. Nov. IS. I US. • st, TU full-."wil,. c bear te*:Moony t< aration eelfed H came ouAsr my iranKpliaM for Ihe benefcl ef thase wfo mey meet wilh a similar Accident. The child of a neighbor of mine was severe- ly sra|tled. and ie ibo greatest agney ; year Lfoiomnt wee applied, a^ relief was given instantly, awd a (aw appl icnlissae entirely recovered. 1 ihimi it invalanhle as a apeedy Remad|.>nd advise every foonly to keep it In the hotiae. This case foaleo bwewn to Moema. W. and G. Blons.of Hmlaot*. , Yoem, JOSEPH-WILD, fj* A severe sprain entirely c«red with one bottle of the Limincol. New York, Jena 19.1949. Dear 8.r>—It affoda am pleasure to comply wilh your rcqvwsi, and odd my teuimony to Ibo eserilewey of Hunt's luMiimoat as an oe.ward application far tbe enfe of aprmne, braises. Ace.. Last winter I sprained iwdlv. and wee amnetiane co*«.md to the as veep mocb sw alia a, end — ““ I

    very lowest orfota. DAVID A. HEf sa Lane a yd 7 Liberty at. New Yetk. TAYLOR 66 ARMSTRONG. ia>as amp Dtiuei tn Dnr GouM, 918 Gacsswt«w-*r. N. Y.

    their new Blots. .*5 Maids. 1 Uhbbellu, Piiiwu, sm» PsaiasrsTTa. HALL k »0H»E, U.mif^tutrr. od ITkaleasla rta.lera in Uiabreltas.>anau

  • fee thtimnuritit • of lh« boil Y-—It will b« noticed thaia thick cloudy miaiiaauea/rom all pofclaoftlie*Wfaee.wlm.h'mdlcate.that l is peMplralion 1"«»^o«'

    'i*.r*r".".ici.WLU. c7»no*b

    and aUpose" by' !",«..fur iitatane*, Steam* llie Hvdro]»thi.t abrouda |ia.t r«»-* /U*din3 Baok forr schonl., adapted to the comprehaaaionoiliie youngd calculated U» awaken reflection, we, ihl & WORLfiif

    B*nu*r, Liiigsi it OBAMwon of th< Kiigli.h LaLn--.

    nd Compoeition or Sentence.—a

    ArGuid4io ilic C ,e by the A««lyu

    ilopment of the principle ofGn.mmar.on a new p•fell will eotainend itaelf • • rauon.i, andp plii*Mop..I, l(..veryinle/llSentieaCJ,«r. Thi. bood, « luck* My, will produce a freai change ia (he inatructiuvan in ilm .cieoca—haginiiingin-tlia right way, anruoeeding atea :by atep.aa the. ebtid'* •ulerauMi*

    QT The nbove valunble Mrif. of Mboo) booka arrubllined by the *ub*cribera,to whom Teacher, (wtw-ive not aeen toe work.) wifl pleaa* apnivfor CopiaI eiamin.llon. Tuev may nft