quiz chapter 8, millon clinical multiaxial inventory the handbook of psychological assessment 5 th...

Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

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Page 1: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory

The Handbook of Psychological Assessment5th edition

Page 2: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

1. The MCMI assesses a clients personality, _____, and attitude

toward taking tests. (295)A. Criminal tendenciesB. Emotional adjustmentC. State anxiety levelD. Substance abuse proclivity E. All of the above

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1. The MCMI assesses a clients personality, _____, and attitude

toward taking tests. (295)A. Criminal tendenciesB. Emotional adjustmentC. State anxiety levelD. Substance abuse proclivity E. All of the above

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2. Elevations of the Delusional Disorder (PP) scale indicate: (333)

A. Anxiety-related symptoms including hypervigilance and startle reactions

B. Mood swings from elation to depressionC. Acutely paranoid statesD. Somatic complaints such as generalized painE. All of the above

Page 5: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

2. Elevations of the Delusional Disorder (PP) scale indicate: (333)

A. Anxiety-related symptoms including hypervigilance and startle reactions

B. Mood swings from elation to depressionC. Acutely paranoid statesD. Somatic complaints such as generalized painE. All of the above

Page 6: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

3. A limitation of the MCMI is:

A. Time required to use itB. Insufficiently related to theoryC. Low ReliabilityD. Extensive item overlapE. All of the above

Page 7: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

3. A limitation of the MCMI is:

A. Time required to use itB. Insufficiently related to theoryC. Low ReliabilityD. Extensive item overlapE. All of the above

Page 8: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

4. The MCMI is appropriate for: (296)

A. Normal personsB. Mildly disturbed personsC. Psychiatric populationsD. Providing DSM-IV diagnosisE. All of the above

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4. The MCMI is appropriate for: (296)

A. Normal personsB. Mildly disturbed personsC. Psychiatric populationsD. Providing DSM-IV diagnosisE. All of the above

Page 10: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

5. Millon’s theory of personality posits three polarities. Which of

the following is NOT one of them. (299).

A. Pleasure-painB. Active-passiveC. Agentic-receptiveD. Self-other E. All of the above

Page 11: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

5. Millon’s theory of personality posits three polarities. Which of

the following is NOT one of them. (299).

A. Pleasure-painB. Active-passiveC. Agentic-receptiveD. Self-other E. All of the above

Page 12: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

6. The MCMI: (295)

A. Is an alternative to the MMPIB. Is a competitor to the MMPIC. Nicely complements the MMPID. Is considerably shorter than the MMPI-2E. All of the above

Page 13: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

6. The MCMI: (295)

A. Is an alternative to the MMPIB. Is a competitor to the MMPIC. Nicely complements the MMPID. Is considerably shorter than the MMPI-2E. All of the above

Page 14: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

7. A significant feature of the MCMI is BR scores. BR stands for

A. Bromine-chemical element with atomic number 35

B. Banana RepublicC. Battle RoyaleD. Base RateE. Bell-shaped Results

Page 15: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

7. A significant feature of the MCMI is BR scores. BR stands for

A. Bromine-chemical element with atomic number 35

B. Banana RepublicC. Battle RoyaleD. Base RateE. Bell-shaped Results

Page 16: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

8. Relatively more frequent psychiatric disorders (i.e.

Dependent) with high BR’s: (298)A. Require relatively higher cutoff pointsB. Require relatively lower cutoff pointsC. Are considered less important for treatmentD. Have a lower rate of successful treatmentE. Are rarely covered by insurance.

Page 17: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

8. Relatively more frequent psychiatric disorders (i.e.

Dependent) with high BR’s: (298)A. Require relatively higher cutoff pointsB. Require relatively lower cutoff pointsC. Are considered less important for treatmentD. Have a lower rate of successful treatmentE. Are rarely covered by insurance.

Page 18: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

9. The first step in interpretation of the MCMI is:

A. Determine profile validityB. Interpret the personality disorder scalesC. Interpret clinical syndrome scalesD. Review noteworthy responsesE. Provide diagnostic impressions

Page 19: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

9. The first step in interpretation of the MCMI is:

A. Determine profile validityB. Interpret the personality disorder scalesC. Interpret clinical syndrome scalesD. Review noteworthy responsesE. Provide diagnostic impressions

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10. Elevated scores on the ____ might include feelings of being empty or angry,

crying easily, having low self-esteem. (312)

A. APOD IndexB. Debasement IndexC. Disclosure indexD. Validity indexE. Desirability index

Page 21: Quiz Chapter 8, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory The Handbook of Psychological Assessment 5 th edition

10. Elevated scores on the ____ might include feelings of being empty or angry,

crying easily, having low self-esteem. (312)

A. APOD IndexB. Debasement IndexC. Disclosure indexD. Validity indexE. Desirability index

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