quiz 5 review reform movements & causes of the civil war

Quiz 5 Review Reform Movements & Causes of the Civil War

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Quiz 5 Review

Reform Movements & Causes of the Civil War

• What did all abolitionists agree on?

• That slavery needed to end.

• Which reform movement caused the greatest tension between North and South?

• Abolitionism

• What was the aim of the temperance movement?

• To eliminate all consumption of alcohol.

• Which issue divided abolitionists?

• how great a role women should be allowed to take in the movement.

• Why was the Seneca Falls Convention important?

• It was the first women’s rights convention in American history.

• How did most southern whites feel about reform in the 1830s and 1840s?

• They saw no need to reform their society.

• What was the main goal of public education reformers?

• to train the young to be informed, responsible citizens

• What did prison reformers hope to achieve?

• more humane conditions in prisons

• Which escaped slave started an abolitionist newspaper called The North Star?

• Frederick Douglass

• What did work in the abolitionist movement lead to for many women?

• experience in seeking political change

• Why did many southern whites criticize northern business owners?

• They accused them of not caring about their workers.

• What resulted from the territory the United States gained after the Mexican War?

• It contributed to worsening relations between the North and South.

• What was the purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act?

• force all Americans to help catch escaped slaves

• Under popular sovereignty who made the decision whether or not to allow slavery in a territory?

• the voters of the territory.

• Why did abolitionists object to the Dred Scott decision?

• B/c it meant Congress had no power to ban slavery anywhere.

• Why did seven southern states secede from the Union in 1860-61?

• In protest of the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln as President.

• What event began the Civil War?

• The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter.

• How did the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin affect American society in the 1850s?

• It convinced many Northerners that slavery would ruin the nation.

• What was the Wilmot Proviso?

• A bill stating that slavery would not be permitted in any territory gained from Mexico. It never became law.

• What did the Compromise of 1850 determine in regards to California?

• That it would be a free state.

• Who were the main supporters of the new Republican Party?

• antislavery Northerners

• How did “Bleeding Kansas” earn its name?

• from clashes over slavery

• What did John Brown hope to accomplish by attacking the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

• He hoped to start a slave uprising.

• Who were the Grimke Sisters?

• Southern sisters who moved north an began publishing antislavery literature

• What was significant about John Brown?

• He led a massacre of proslavery men in Kansas, which led to the region being called “Bleeding Kansas.”

President Questions

• Know the accomplishments of – John Quincy Adams– Andrew Jackson– Martin Van Buren– William Henry Harrison– James K. Polk