question 2 evaulation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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How does your media product

represent particular

social groups?

My media product represents teenage females who take a keen interest in hip-hop music, I have represented this particular social Group through my use of a girlie colour (purple),Language, camera shots and mise-en-scene. Another way that I have represented the social group is through my main artist as she is an representation of what my target audiencelooks and talks like which would attract my audience. The pose/facial expression of my model is another way that I chose to represent the social group of young females because on my article she has a happy/cheeky facial expression which they can relate too as they do not really have any major worries in life as they are still young. Throughout my magazine I have attracted my female audience by using respected artists that my audience would be interested in reading about.