qatar career fair 2014 exhibitors' manual


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Page 1: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

QATAR CAREER FAIR 2014exhIbITors’ manUaL

Page 2: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

hIs hIGhness

sheIkh TamIm bIn hamad aL ThanI

emIr of QaTar

Page 3: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

hIs hIGhness

sheIkh hamad bIn khaLIfa aL ThanI

faTher emIr

Page 4: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual


Qatar Career fair/The organizers

reasons to be an exhibitor/sponsor

exhibitor’s Packages

sponsorship Packages

Important Instructions

Useful Questions and answers

Terms and Conditions

message from his highness sheikh Tamim bin hamad al Thani









Page 5: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

It gives me great pleasure to commend the devoted efforts expended in the preparation of this important fair, which will allow our young

men and women to discover employment opportunities and to fulfil their ambitions.

message from his highness sheikh Tamim bin hamad al Thani

Page 6: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

QaTar Career faIr 2014The orGanIzers

oUr vIsIon

oUr mIssIon

Qatar Career fair 2014 is organized by:

To reassure Qatari citizens by helping provide job stability and career development, so that their capabilities and skills can be utilized in a competent and efficient way in different work sectors across the country.

To create awareness amongst Qatari youth about the education, employment, training, and career development opportunities that are available in different sectors of the country, to help guide them accordingly, and to support work bodies in Qatar to achieve their human resource plans that will contribute to accomplishing the human development pillar of Qatar national vision 2030.

oUr obJeCTIves

• Provision of an ideal platform and environment, wherein different work bodies, educational, and social establishments meet with Qatari students, graduates and seekers of career opportunities to guide and educate them professionally and to introduce to them the opportunities and alternatives available in the country’s job market.

• Creation of an atmosphere of career awareness as well as skills and capabilities development amongst students and graduates, thus enabling them to wisely plan for their future career paths, especially to select their areas of specialization and the careers which are most suitable for their qualifications and capabilities.

• Creation of a career culture in Qatari society by conducting symposia, workshops, and other activities.

• serving the Qatari society in general - the workforce and the youth in particular - by utilization of all the available means, capabilities, and resources.


Page 7: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

oUr vaLUes

oUr ParTners

oUr aUdIenCe

• national and foreign, profit and non-profit work bodies in Qatar.

• educational and social establishments in Qatar.

• Qatari government bodies.

• The media.

• volunteers.

• Individual and establishment specialists of career and educational orientation and guidance from in and outside of Qatar.

• Qatari high school, institute, university students, and those alike.

• Qatari graduates, and those alike.

• Institutional social responsibility.

• high standard of professionalism.

• Progress and development.

• knowledge and experience.

• Clear future vision.

• Continuous strives towards betterment.

• Teamwork.

• Innovation and initiation.

• healthy working environments.

• Parents.

• specialists and concerned parties.


Page 8: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

oPenInG Ceremony servICes

PLease noTe: on the day of the opening, only those representatives of entities who are authorized to attend the opening may bring in flowers and chocolates.


entry of the representatives of exhibiting entities and other participating entities who have entry cards for the opening.

7am to 8:30am

entry of their excellencies the ministers, and the dignitaries and guests.

8:30am to 9:30am

doors close. 9:30am

earLy PerIod evenInG PerIod

7:30am to 9:30am 2pm to 4pm

IT Is PermITTed To brInG In:

• flowers.

• Printed materials, small brochures, and handouts about the entity.

• Chocolates.

• soft drinks.

• Gift bags for visitors.


Page 9: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

1) brIefInGs 3) WorkshoP: ‘exhIbITInG In Career faIrs: The basICs of effeCTIve CommUnICaTIon and ULTImaTe exhIbITor’s rePresenTaTIon’

2) TeChnICaL meeTInG for PreParaTIon of The sTands

The fair will organize a number of briefings for those who wish to participate, at the following times.

daTe TIme LanGUaGe venUe

starts third week of december 2013.

9:00am to 2:00pm arabic & english Tbd

ends mid-february 2014 (two sessions each week).

daTe TIme LanGUaGe venUe

5 february 2014 9:30am to 11:30am arabic & english Tbd

10 march 2014 9:30am to 11:30am arabic & english Tbd

daTe sessIon TIme LanGUaGe venUe

30 september 2013

QCf 2014 information session for focal Points

from 11am to 12 noon

arabic & english

Tbd7 october 2013 QCf 2014

information session for Pr managers

from 11am to 12 noon

arabic & english

20 november 2013

QCf 2014 exhibitors information session

from 11am to 12 noon

arabic & english


Page 10: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

• It is a demonstration of the positive role performed by the participating entity in realizing Qatar national vision 2030, by developing human resources within the state.

• Participation in the fair is one of the methods that contribute towards realizing the participating entities’ plans relating to the education, employment, training, and development of Qataris.

• The fair provides the opportunity to meet with more than 60,000 visitors over six days, the majority of whom are Qatari school and university students and graduates.

• The fair is an important platform for contact between the participating entity and the local community

• The participation application and the terms and conditions form are available in the exhibitors’ manual or from the website

• Complete the application for participation as an exhibitor (if wishing to participate as an exhibitor only) or as a sponsoring exhibitor (if wishing to sponsor any of the activities). sponsorship applications will not be received from non-exhibiting entities.

• accept the terms and conditions.

• QCf will notify if the potential exhibitor qualifies for participation at QCf 2014 or not.

• submit the participation application, table of information with company profile and terms and conditions form, signed and stamped by the authorized signatory.

• The entity will be notified of the availability, or lack of availability, of the selected package. In the event that it is unavailable, it is possible to choose an alternative or to wait.

• The entity will be contacted within a week to submit the invoice and the participation contract with the table of information and company profile.

• The cost of participation/sponsorship must be paid within ten working days of the date of receiving the invoice.

• a copy of the contract (signed and stamped) must be delivered, accompanied by the payment notification, to the registration office.

• The entity will be notified of the completion of the registration process.

• In the event of the failure to follow the steps clarified above within the specified period, the participation application will be cancelled or obtainment of the selected package will not be guaranteed.

reasons To be an exhIbITor or an exhIbITor/sPonsor



Page 11: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

exhIbITors PaCkaGes


PrICe Qr750,000

sTand area Length: 10 metersWidth: 8 metersheight: 6 metersopen on four sides

servICes ProvIded

Prominent locationfreedom in the design of the standadditional electrical power capacityWi-fi internet servicePermission to use a display screen on the four external facades of the stand

medIa benefITs Publication of the entity’s name and logo in a variety of media materials, and on the Qatar Career fair website for the event

Publication of a profile of the entity in arabic (250 words) in the visitor’s brochure

Cards and Passes

10 opening Ceremony attendance cards (cards must be shown on entry)

14 exhibitors’ passes (access to the opening Ceremony will not be granted without special cards)

1 service pass

food CoUPons 15 coupons per day x 5 days = 75 coupons


PrICe Qr500,000

sTand area Length: 10 metersWidth: 6 metersheight: 6 metersopen on four sides

servICes ProvIded Prominent locationfreedom in the design of the standadditional electrical power capacityWi-fi internet servicePermission to use a display screen on the four external facades of the stand

medIa benefITs Publication of the entity’s name and logo in a variety of media ma-terials, and on the Qatar Career fair website for the eventPublication of a profile of the entity in arabic (150 words) in the visitor’s brochure

Cards and Passes 8 opening Ceremony attendance cards (cards must be shown on entry)12 exhibitors’ passes (access to the opening Ceremony will not be granted without special cards)1 service pass

food CoUPons 13 coupons per day x 5 days = 65 coupons


Page 12: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual


PrICe Qr200,000

sTand area Length: 6 metresWidth: 6 metresheight: 6 metresopen on four sides

servICes ProvIded

Prominent locationfreedom in the design of the standadditional electrical power capacityWi-fi internet servicePermission to use a display screen on the four external facades of the stand

medIa benefITs Publication of the entity’s name and logo in a variety of media materi-als, and on the Qatar Career fair website for the event

Publication of a profile of the entity in arabic (75 words) in the visitor’s brochure

Cards and Passes

7 opening Ceremony attendance cards (cards must be shown on entry)

10 exhibitors’ passes (access to the opening Ceremony will not be granted without special cards)1 service pass

food CoUPons 11 coupons per day x 5 days = 55 coupons


PrICe Qr50,000

sTand area Length: 6 metresWidth: 4 metresheight: 2.5 metresopen on two sides

servICes ProvIded

Prominent location within the village Wi-fi internet service

medIa benefITs Publication of the entity’s name and logo on the Qatar Career fair website only

Cards and Passes

6 opening Ceremony attendance cards (cards must be shown on entry)8 exhibitors’ passes (access to the opening Ceremony will not be granted without special cards)1 service pass

food CoUPons 9 coupons per day x 5 days = 45 coupons


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PrICe Qr35,000

sTand area Length: 6 metersWidth: 4 metersheight: 2.5 metersopen on one side only

servICes ProvIded

Wi-fi internet service

medIa benefITs Publication of the entity’s name and logo on the Qatar Career fair website only

Cards and Passes

5 opening Ceremony attendance cards (cards must be shown on entry)6 exhibitors’ passes (access to the opening Ceremony will not be granted without special cards)1 service pass

food CoUPons 7 coupons per day x 5 days = 35 coupons


Page 14: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

sPonsorshIP PaCkaGes

sPonsorInG The aCTIvITIes TheaTre

sPonsorInG The WorkshoPs and CoUrses haLL

Qatar Career fair provides opportunities exclusively to exhibitors to sponsor the activities and competitions which will run alongside Qatar Career fair 2014. These are:

Throughout the six days a number of programs and events will be held in the activities Theatre. The most important of these is the program of interviews with prominent personalities in Qatari society who have achieved a variety of successful accomplishments, in addition to the ‘Qatar debate’ program. These activities and programs will benefit from prominent media coverage.

Qatar Career fair 2014 will organize a number of workshops and courses throughout the days of the fair, including: how to choose your specialization, how to produce a résumé, and how to pass a personal interview, among other subjects which contribute towards developing young people’s skills.

PrICe Qr200,000

PerIod 6 days

benefITs 1. Placing the entity’s name and logo on:

• The décor of the activities Theatre

• advertisements related to the events held in the Theatre

• The visitor’s brochure

2. Inclusion of the entity’s name on all media materials related to the ac-tivities held in the Theatre.

PrICe Qr50,000

PerIod 6 days

benefITs 1. Placing the entity’s name and logo on:

• The back wall of the hall

• advertisements for the workshops and courses

• The visitor’s brochure

2. Inclusion of the entity’s name on all media materials related to the workshops and courses.


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sPonsorInG The InTerneT sTaTIons sPonsorInG The vIsITor’s broChUre

adverTIsInG WIThIn The vIsITor’s broChUre

When exploring the fair you will find two internet stations (groups of four PCs for each station, as well as a stand up table and chairs). There are two stations in each village for the use of visitors. any exhibiting entity can sponsor the all stations in all villages.

each year the fair receives more than 50,000 visitors, to whom the arabic language visitor’s brochure is distributed on arrival. This is the visitors’ guide to the fair, as the brochure includes comprehensive information on the exhibitors, the opportunities they provide, their locations within the fair’s villages, and all of the accompanying events.

The advertisements must be professionally designed by the sponsoring exhibitor in adherence to the visitors’ brochure dimensions, and submitted before 1 february 2014.

PrICe Qr100,000

PerIod 6 days

benefITs 1. Placing the entity’s name and logo on:

• The design of the lounges

• The visitor’s brochure

2. Inclusion of the entity’s name on all media materials related to the inter-net lounges

PrICe Qr150,000

benefITs 1. an advertisement on the external back cover for the education, employment, training and/or development opportunities offered by the sponsoring entity.

2. four pages dedicated to the sponsoring entity within the brochure.


Page 16: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

sPonsorInG The PhoToGraPhy ComPeTITIon

In previous years this competition has received a warm reception from those interested and from the targeted section of the fair’s visitors. The competition involves photographing people while they are pursuing their various business activities, with the aim of shedding light on a number of professions, reflected by the lenses of creative young Qataris.

PrICe Qr100,000

benefITs 1. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo within the décor of the photography exhibition.

2. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo on media materials relating to the competition.

nUmber of WInners

1. Three winners selected by the judging panel.

2. Two winners voted by the public.

sPonsorInG The Career sTory ComPeTITIon

This Competition gives young creative writers the opportunity to participate in communicating Qatar Career fair’s message by writing a short story which instills the concept of planning a future job or career.

PrICe Qr50,000

benefITs 1. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo on the visitors’ brochure

2. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo on media materials relating to the competition

3. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo while announcing the results

nUmber of WInners

5 winners selected by the judging panel.


Page 17: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

sPonsorInG The voLUnTeers TraInInG ProGram

a large number of young Qataris of both genders participate in organizing the fair on a voluntary basis. They carry out numerous tasks on-site, including welcoming and guiding visitors, assisting in the organization of the accompanying events and activities, providing support and assistance to the exhibiting entities, and so on. In order to prepare those young people, a number of training courses and workshops is organized for them, to qualify them and provide them with professional skills.

PrICe Qr500,000

benefITs 1. Inclusion of the entity’s name and logo in media material relating to the volunteer program.

2. Placing the entity’s logo on the sashes worn by the volunteers.

sPonsorInG The searCh for InformaTIon ComPeTITIon

This competition runs from the 2nd to the 6th day, where a question will be posed each day about each sponsoring entity, and visitors will research the answers by visiting their stands. The sponsoring entity will specify the five questions, and the Qatar Career fair team will combine and print the questions, and distribute them to visitors.

PrICe Qr25,000

benefITs 1. Placing the sponsoring entity’s name and logo on the visitor’s brochure.

2. Placing the name and logo of the sponsoring entity on the competition question sheet.

3. Increasing the number of visitors visiting the sponsoring entity’s stand.

nUmber of WInners

10 daily Winners


Page 18: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

1. The design must be in keeping with the general appearance, and reflect the identity of the exhibiting entity.

2. Qatar Career fair 2014 has been designed so that it takes the form of villages. The exhibiting entities will be distributed according to the nature of their activities.

3. Participating entities must send their designs to the General Contractor for approval, and notify him of any alteration to the design. The General Contractor also has final approval.

4. The exhibiting entities must adhere to the times allocated for installation according to the schedule of timings for this, avoiding the occurrence of overcrowding during the process of unloading and installation.

5. Qatar national Convention Centre will make a number of doors available for bringing in and removing products and equipment for use by exhibitors.

6. Workers employed by the participating entities must obtain identity cards from the General Contractor to permit them entry into Qatar national Convention Centre and to pursue their activities.

7. The General Contractor will be available on the allocated days to facilitate the process of construction and removal, and to answer the enquiries of the exhibiting entities.

8. an office will be allocated to the General Contractor within Qatar national Convention Centre during the period allocated for the construction and removal of the stands as well as the days of the fair.

9. The schedule for construction and removal stated in this guide must be adhered to.

10. The entrance to the stand must be unobstructed.

11. for the silver and bronze levels, the names of the participating entities will be written on the stands allocated to them by the General Contractor.

12. The stand must not be left unoccupied by the participating entity during the fair’s official opening hours.

13. no food or drink must be consumed in front of the visitors.

14. Personal effects must not be left within the stand after the end of fair’s opening hours. a lost and found system will be in place within the QCf management office. Qatar Career fair is not liable for losses or damages to lost personal effects. failure to claim lost items before 15 april 2014 will means that items will be given to charity.

15. Promotion within and outside of the stands by distributing gifts, attaching promotional materials, or organizing competitions is prohibited.

16. staging promotional campaigns for the purpose of persuading visitors to sign contracts or to offer education, employment, training or development opportunities is not permitted.

17. The use of electric bicycles outside the stands is prohibited.

18. bringing aquariums into the fair is prohibited.

19. Permitted hospitality is restricted to dates, water, arabic coffee, and chocolate.

20. Children below the age of 12 will not be permitted to enter the fair.

ImPorTanT InsTrUCTIons


Page 19: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual


LIabILITy for damaGes brInGInG In and removInG eLemenTs and eQUIPmenT

The General Contractor will provide an area within each of the prepared stands allocated for the purposes of storage of the materials used during the fair, such as publicity materials, booklets and so on, in an approximate area of length: 1.5 meters; width: 1.5 meters; height: 2.5 meters. any participating entity constructing a stand to its own design must incorporate a place for storage within the area allocated to it.

fIre and safeTy

1. The design of the stands must not block the emergency exits, the fire extinguishing tank locations, or the fire alarm systems.

2. all of the materials and fabrics used must be non-flammable.

3. Preparation of tea and coffee is not permitted inside the fair. hot beverages must be prepared elsewhere before entering the hall, ready to serve.

It is strictly prohibited for any participating entity, itself or by means of its hired contractors, to make any amendments or alterations to the facilities of Qatar national Convention Centre.

This includes but is not limited to a prohibition on piercing holes in the floors and walls of the Centre, inserting nails and fastening screws, and affixing publicity materials or placing adhesive on the floors and walls of the Centre. any participating entity which effects such damage itself or by means of its contractors undertakes to bear the consequences and fines for this damage imposed by Qatar national Convention Centre, at its own private expense. The fair shall not be responsible for any damage caused by the participating entity or its contractors.

Please read and abide by the schedule of timings. bringing equipment or materials into, or removing them from, the stands will not be permitted during the times allocated for visitors.

rePresenTaTIves of The ParTICIPaTInG enTITIes

each participating entity shall be responsible for the behaviour of its employees and representatives. at least two people must be allocated to be present within its stand during the fair’s working hours. adherence to appropriate attire and overall etiquette is necessary at all times.

It is mandatory for all exhibitors participating at Qatar Career fair 2014 to attend the ‘exhibiting in Career fairs: The basics of effective Communication and Ultimate exhibitor’s representation’ as detailed earlier on page

soUnd LeveL

The sound level broadcast from the stands used by any entity participating in the fair must not exceed the level of decibels permitted by the General Contractor.


each participating entity undertakes to submit to the General Contractor a valid document of insurance against damage to a value of Qr1,000,000 before it will be permitted to construct its stand


Page 20: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

Use of The faIr’s name and LoGo

1. In the event of the use of the fair’s logo by any of the exhibiting entities, a high quality reproduction must be used in all advertising and media materials used for the purposes of advertising/publicizing its participation in Qatar Career fair (QCf) 2014. The size of the logo of the participating entity must be equal to that of the Qatar Career fair logo. QCf strongly advises all exhibitors to use the QCf high resolution logo alongside their company logo on any advertising material of equal size. examples can be seen on the QCf website under the ‘Partners in the media’ section.

2. all participating entities can download the high resolution Qatar Career fair logo, in addition to other materials carrying the fair’s trademark, from the fair’s website,

3. all of the entities participating in the fair are invited to promote the fair on their websites and by other forms of media.

4. any advertising/media materials, such as press releases, must be sent by email to [email protected] for approval, at least one week prior to the date of its publication or use.

5. all advertising/media materials and methods used, and arrangements for joint agreements, must be in keeping with the aims, spirit and morals of Qatar Career fair as viewed by those organizing it. materials and methods must be in good taste and of high quality.


Photography is not permitted during the opening Ceremony. during the days of the fair the participating entity’s photographer must carry a ‘Photographer’ pass, which can be obtained from the media Center during the days of the fair. The photographer must go to the media Center to hand over his Qatari identity card/official media Id and receive the pass. once the photographing is complete he or she must bring a copy of the photographs to confirm their suitability and observance of the general privacy of Qatari society. following this the photographer’s identity card will be returned.

dress Code

We seek your understanding that the fair’s visitors should be in proper casual business attire. visitors in any of the following attire will not be allowed entry into the fair:

• shorts/bermuda shorts.

• singlets/sleeveless shirts/sleeveless T-shirts/sleeveless vests.

• shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans.

• Clothing that reveals the wearer’s back, shoulders, chest, and stomach.

• miniskirts – short dresses.

• see-through lace.

PromoTIonaL ITems and GIveaWays

Promotional items and giveaways should be used to promote awareness of the exhibitors’ message among the Qatar Career fair (QCf) target audience.

The use of promotional items and giveaways should meet the following guidelines:

• The item provides some utility to QCf visitors that is related to the mission of the exhibiting party.

• The item provides awareness to the visitor in a manner consistent with the goals of QCf and the exhibiting company.

• The item is consistent with public/community values such as health, environmental, ethical criteria, required quantities, budget, etc.

• The item is useful, has reasonable cost, and is of good quality.

• The item can be easily stored (in case it is not all given away or needs to be carried/mailed).


Children are not allowed to access the fair venue at any time of the event.


Page 21: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

GeneraL servICes

1. Car parks.

2. daily exhibitors’ luncheon is served from 12:30pm to 3:30pm based on food coupons, which are given to the participating entities on the basis of the selected level.

3. Internet service: Qatar Career fair has formed an agreement with the telecommunications company ooredoo to strengthen the Wi-fI reception.

4. Cleaning: each participating entity must undertake the cleaning required within the internal area of its stand, in direct coordination with Qatar national Convention Centre’s cleaning company or the General Contractor.

5. electricity service: all stands are fitted with an electricity connection. In the event that an increase in the power of the cable is desired, coordinate directly with the General Contractor.

6. first aid Team: an integrated medical team will be present throughout the period of the fair in the first aid room. There will also be an ambulance on standby in case of emergencies.


Page 22: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

UsefUL QUesTIons and ansWers ConTaCT deTaILs

Q1: When does exhIbITor aPPLICaTIon oPen and CLose?

exhibitor applications open on monday, 25 november to Thursday, 26 december. registration will be online.

Q2: WhaT TIme of day do We aPPLy?

applications for participation/sponsorship will be received daily between the hours of 9am and 3:30pm during the registration period on the dates specified above.

Q3: hoW does The exhIbITor aCCePTanCe and dIsTrIbUTIon sysTem Work?

exhibitors and exhibitor/sponsors are selected on a first-come, first-served basis, and on the basis of the nature of the entity’s activities in relation to the fair’s villages.

Q4: Can We aPPLy for a sPonsorshIP ProGram If We are noT an exhIbITor aT The faIr?

no. The sponsorship opportunities are restricted to exhibitors only.

44546819 shaheen hamad al sulaiti – [email protected] saad al kharji – [email protected]



QaTar Career faIr reGIsTraTIon affaIrs offICe, ProCUremenTs dIreCToraTe, 2nd fLoor. (LoCaTIon maP aTTaChed)



Po box:




Page 23: Qatar Career Fair 2014 Exhibitors' Manual

Terms and CondITIonsdefInITIons

In this document, unless the context dictates an alternative interpretation, the following words shall have the meanings clarified beside each term:

a. ‘exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor’: This shall mean the entity that has signed the application and terms and conditions for participation in, and/or sponsorship of, Qatar Career fair (QCf) 2014, and the contract for rental of a stand at Qatar Career fair 2014, including all of its employees or representatives participating in Qatar Career fair 2014.

b. ‘organizers’: This shall mean the Qatar foundation for education, science and Community development, Qatar Petroleum, amiri diwan, Qatar University,and the ministry of Labor.

c. ‘Level’: This shall mean the five levels detailed in the list of levels of exhibitor/sponsor, and the services provided to each level.

d. ‘Contract’: This shall mean the document, and the schedules thereof, ratified between the parties and signed by the exhibitors/sponsoring exhibitors and the management of Qatar Career fair.

e. ‘fair’: This shall mean Qatar Career fair 2014.

2. applications to participate in the fair as an exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor shall be submitted during the period from 18 november to 13 december 2013.

3. Qatar Career fair shall select the exhibitors/sponsoring exhibitors on a first-come, first-served basis of receipt of the applications for participation as an exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor.

4. The exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor must pay 100 percent of the fees for participation in the agreed package within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of delivery of the participation application (booking).

5. In the event that the exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor excuses itself or is unable to participate in the fair following payment of the entire sum for participation in the fair, for any reason outside of its control, the organizer may cancel the contract without the requirement of a judicial ruling. The second party may only demand repayment of 50 percent of the total sum paid as fees for participation in the fair as an exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor.

6. Qatar Career fair shall have unlimited and complete authority in allocating the exhibiting areas, according to the requirements of the fair’s General authority. It shall have the right to amend the general design or the actual area allocated to any exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor. The exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor must accept the new area in place of the original area.

7. It is mandatory for all exhibitors participating at QCf 2014 to attend the communication etiquette workshop as detailed earlier.

8. It is mandatory for all photographers/journalists to show their valid corporate media Ids in order to have permission to take photographs at QCf 2014. exhibitors may allocate one employee for the purpose of photography. a media pass must be collected from QCf headquarters before the fair begins.

9. all official forms contained at the back of this exhibitors manual must be filled out and submitted to QCf. any disclosures must also be signed and adhered to.

10. all advertising for the display and the exhibits, and arrangements for participation, must be suited to the subject of the fair, and compliant with Qatar Career fair’s instructions as stipulated in the exhibitors’ Guide for Qatar Career fair 2014. advertising must be decent and compliant with the highest of standards, and must not contravene the laws, customs, and morals which prevail in the state of Qatar. In the event that the exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor does not abide by this clause, Qatar Career fair shall have the right to cancel the contract and confiscate 50 percent of the value of the participation fees, and to take judicial measures against the exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor, in accordance with the laws and regulations applied in the country.

11. no exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor shall have the right to practice its activity outside of its stand. The use of electric transportation vehicles outside of the stands of each exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor is also prohibited. It is also prohibited to bring aquariums into the fair.

12. all of the above mentioned sponsorship programs are reserved exclusively for exhibitors at Qatar Career fair 2014.

13. Qatar Career fair shall have the right to cancel, amend, or add to any of these clauses and conditions. Qatar Career fair’s decision shall be final. Qatar Career fair must inform the exhibitors/sponsoring exhibitors of these alterations, cancellations, or additions in writing by fax, email, direct mail, or at the exhibitor stand.

14. In the event of the occurrence of any disagreement or dispute between the parties, all claims and disputes shall be settled in accordance with the prevailing Qatari laws.

We have read the terms and conditions detailed above, and we agree to them.

name of the exhibitor/sponsoring exhibitor

approved signature

date stamp of the exhibiting entity

a copy of the contract and the terms and conditions (signed by the authorized signatory) must be delivered to the Qatar Career fair registration affairs office, located education City, Procurements directorate 2nd floor, between 9am and 3:30pm, during the period from monday 25 november to Thursday, 26 december 2013