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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?

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From constructing my production work I have learnt a lot about various technologies. I have come across software such as; desktop publishing, Photoshop, professional DSLR’s in terms of uploading material, flashes, lighting, remote flashes as well as manipulating photos. I’ve also learnt a lot about in design in terms of constructing a double page spread and integrating text with images, and excel.

I’ve also learnt how to used online software that was used to construct my product, by using Google docs, slide share, prezi and QuickTime.

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Photoshop was one of the first desktop publishing software that I used to create my product. I particularly used this software to edit and manipulate images for my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

The software Indesign was used to construct my double page spread as well as integrating text with images.

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Manipulated image

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First of all I adjusted the brightness of the photo because I thought it was too dull.

Using the magic wand tool this created an effect so the photo can stand out.

I used the magnetic Lasso tool to cut out my artist from the original background to make it look professional.

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During my production work I used a DSLR camera to take most of the images that are in my music magazine.Remote flashes were also used when taking my photographs. This was to change the lighting effect that the background had on some pictures, making the images brighter on different angles when taken. I used a white large background when taking my photographs for the editing to be more successful and change the mood of the photos when editing.

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Prezi is an online software that helped me to construct my presentation on question 4 and 5 on institutions in a flow of movement. As it goes in-depth getting to the point as it moves around creating pathways meaning my information can be distributed quicker.

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This particular software was used to send emails. Before I started this course I didn't know what Google docs were. But as time went on I begun to familiarise myself with it.

Slideshare is another form of an online software that is purposely used on blogs. It is very useful because its compared as an online PowerPoint. I used an embedded code to post it on my blog, I was then able to edit and repost and still have a really good PowerPoint.

QuickTime was used to construct a screen recording for my evaluation on question 1.

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I used the internet throughout the making of the product due to research and background information within my magazine. I also used the internet to access blogger, prezi and slideshare.

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At the beginning of this course I was unable to use most of the technology that I have listed. To enable me to use most of the software I had to do some independent learning where by I researched how to used Photoshop and Indesgn by watching tutorials on YouTube.

This then helped me to build an audience with my production work as I dynamically developed a range of techniques.