
 |S ; i a^Edlt loH ; ' .yO L, 18, NO. 18. l l O il l E IT O s i m i i I Thing s Up There Sure C an’t L Rp Any Wha^ I We Have Gone Thro ugh,’. I ' Says Former Minnesotan (By The Associated Preu) 'i .  SAN J!I lANCISCO .'"Aprn :y&Q—~T\vo hundred tfnd scv- « nty> fo ur - pion eers to n n ew jSr omised ' land ~-thc R own-' me nt’s Matanuskn vnl lcy col- Sony in Ala's ka—arrive d' her e ^ S| pda y enroute to the ir n orth > !! fB rh home, with n n ent hu slasm - ffthn t c nv p f l. , far 4i ivam n g e ^ g thc even t . n Hardly had Uie 23<car special trnln tolled to .a^ top bcror c the sUt ion MlBtfo rm wns cr owded rlth the Mln- ®je so U Brou p. all of t hem ready for ilithe new Adventure anil~ina ny ex> ^resslHK desires to be on their way r.aBoln, 'i Obvious Indications they hiid come f lio m lmpo\ 'erUhed siib^ margln al ' lands were present In the clothes they wore. Somo were tatt ered, oth ers lll'llttln g . but no wh ere was thero evl denee of discoii rair emcnt.’ | All wo want Is n chancc,’’ said iFranlc Swandii..husky former resi- , dent of P ine City, Minn. “We k now I . Vo will haw to worlrprettrharflrftir ^' If we don't have n Rood ti me tliere ; vUl-be no cne to bhme but our- “C an't Be \ Vone " “Things’ up there (Alojkd) sure can’t be any worae than what wo have gone tlirough. 'Tliey lell us thi s | is no’ picnic. Well, wc’rc rcndy for anything.” lie hoisted a heavy b.ig and start* ed fo r waiting street cars wlilch took Uie men, wome 'and c hildr en to ho tels. ^ HIs frie nd >of many years, John '(C ontinued on Pago 5, Col. 7 )  J T T ghts ' W ^ I L SHADOWS ^  } In'Day's EvenU \ .... :..(Sj;« j«tA« Kfalet» -PrMi^*.- -. t M othe r Topic-------i . ; .S AN FR ANC 16CO -br. Simon L . \ iKa tMff , lectiir er on happy mar-   rl jiRes, yesterdoy had Ills own ma r-, rlege disrupted when 'ills wtfe, Mrs. I ' Ida H lll Katso ff. su ed Hi m for dl* ' vorce. <  The suit cited "failure lo provide" ^ as an nllcRCd ground nnd snld they ^ were married In New Yo rk In 1 03 2. c --------- ! Idnho Po lit ics— r MOSCOW. Idftho-Unlvcrslly of \ Idaho politics broke nnd ran dowTi the fronts o f three frate rnity hou ses nenr tne campu s yesterday. I Scores o( esss ' ’• ’crc da &lud aga tn &V E the houMS of some of'the uni versity t po litical •lenders. Campus gossip K hlnmfd It on a grmm nf t unabl e to wa ll until Thursday to set* t tie the student officers' cicctlon. ---------  ll A K1b8 a MUd^  r ^BSENnELD, Mass,-A kU* a [ mile eost Robe rt De nliton of Bur- ^ lln Rton. Me , »l(^ In court here yesler- ., day .^PolIce Cblef-Edward'^.'Tlca* „ mond said his attention was drawn to the pair when Denlston kissed his girl friend about every mil e. When . atopped, Denlston was found to be ^ driving js-tt hou't a Ilcewe . But Someone Was There— ^ SPOKA.ve—A burglar tlirew pep- x r In the eyes Of Miss Rose Ora- m ham, a maid In the C. E, Soderberg « home, as sh e surprised him r ansack- F Inc the houtc yesterdn y. c She fled screaming nnd neighbors f called the police. Detocilves se.ir ched a the hou se and found no-on e. V Miss Graham went Into t he bate- i< ment an ho ur later and a ma n knocked her u nconscious with a fur- ^ nace grate crank.  ____ r •police retur ned and jeafen?3TTiF - house again without resulis. Ki ng s’ Horses BruslHBus:^ LONDON, April 59 « V-P randng a thon>u gl>br«ls fro a the 'roya l m ewa b thrilled thousands of ipe cutcrs on « park laae today with an o!d-fash- loa e<} two-ree l runaway, it serred si as an unofficial prelude to.Ujc great p  ju bUee rr ocessJon la whleh -the q kt DS's hor ses and the ktns' s’ mea « will march "down lb : street and n march ba:k again.” u  To be ipeanc , they will mak e a Q rouad*:rJ p-ffiareh fr om Buekla jhaa p paUce to a t. Paul’s on May.6. Out fer a prattle * spin n ear the U ma,-ble a.- ch. one of lhe royal ei coachea was sadSenIr Jarred oul of p lls d lgnitr today w.'ica a doable- u decker tS " b ump ed one of the a : tmartly trotting wmds or gwys b. Vhleh traditJ oT.a'ly !u» . drawn the n; (ki ng’s cca^n wlih'<ieco“ m. From ti Ihen on fcr a few mjnu'^s. all was pi pranJeally rh aca. ei  The kias's CM. -h rtiaiute d by t s Cd«s w]piag tlu thea wrsOlnsh'  J l ' . . ' -- --------- ] B e tte r Fa  H f ~Qb je c tiv e * P neum onia Cl aims ^ -^dah o-€hi ef- ^Vlio- Se ntenced Hi mseU BONNERS FEIIRY. , Mtho. Ap ril 28 (i?)—An .I ndian chief ! who made whippin g th e penalty .1 1 for drun kenness In h ls t ribe and then sentenced'himself for the offcnsa died here todsy of pneu- W monla!^ * n-' He waa Chief Isadwt. ftSr ierd* ' )]. er of.the Ko oten&l tr ibe fo r ,1B -e year s.. •• . laado re d^erced- the whipping or drunkards alx years ago In an m- attempt to enforce sobr iety on the -^ oot eff Mfl i . - — Ho waa one of the Ilrst -to be puni shed under the edict . Af ler becoming drunk, he called the triba l counsel tocether, accu sed .. . himself 0fi the off ense and was convlcte'dTHo sentenced hlmaelf av to 30 liC kh es whic h were give n while he atood .uqfllnehlng. I Isadore was a di rect .descend- < nnt of Chie f Half M oon. leade r ' "r of the Koote nals wheh't't s rtc>, ' ords were begun In 17 75 . pEW 01'SiO ES ---i " IR S MR GES;  ' I " Democratic Leade rs Cheer | '“ I President Rooseveit’s I Recovery Rep ort ; 3k ' c WASHINGTO N, April 20 WV - (  The national polUlcai pict ure be- v  _• came .clearer today, with De ne- / craU ge nerally manlfwUn^ • en- t eourageh ient over rmU tnt Booae- 1  Te lfa re corcry report and llepa b- a , licana bent upon Intenilr^ .efro rte r te shape their pariy's atUek on the oew deal. c Ulgh In ths'. day’a developmenUt were these: , .. . ^ ! Demo cratic conRreaalonsl kade ra ^ cheewd the president 's add reaa to c . the natton last night as ."apl endld,'’ « Republican'. chlefUl ns differ ed, f some regarding It aa "farorabiy* lm- t , pressing while othera clslmed Mr. b .J Rooseve lt had lost touch w ith ci rl .'’Anfc rlcnn- thought." jn I Br eezing Int o the capi ui from the e 1 . wes t, Senntor ^.o ng. (D.U1 as sert- fl ed llic country would n o l onger nc- « ccpt ft-cslde nt RoosevcK an d colled ly him , mow unpopul.ir t han "Hoove r 1 Xlld -wcte Repu bli cans defini tely n planned the calling of a conf erence * to reh abllllnte th^:l r parly at Sprlng- fleld. III., the sccond w« k In Ju ne, z ^ ncbtilld Orgsnlssll on t New- England Rcpubll cnai bcgnn s V gathering In Bo ston for a mecllng ;y tomorrow to rebuild tht party or- Ip ga nlutlon In the six sUt es eaat of La_t h«_H« d!K)n_fo.r _ the IMi presldcn -) - > tlnl campaign. Former Pre.Mdent Hoorer. titular head of the O. O. P.. declared In • radio ndda'M nt San FVancIsco thnt the Ideal standards of the Amerl* ^ can fa mily life should b e the mea- suring stick by which to "chal- .t Itngo-evcry-functlon-and'pr opos al * of socie ty and government ." •  The national farmers' holiday as sociation meeting at OerMolnes.ad- dr essed by Se nator Long Sat urday, definitely was o n record a s favo r ing n third pnrty movement. Long snld here It would be ;a Ilr st parly morement." > - Backs Vandenberg - .kna to r Nye (R-ND» said hc g would prefer to vote for President ;- Roo« n-elt J n 19 36 . if th e Republi cans ael ect “a Hoover, a Mills, a •s Fletche r or anyone wf th at type." Hc d added he mlghl ;rote for Senator vandenberg (R*Mlch) In preference - to Roose%e lt. . n Back from Oeorgla wh ere Oov - ernor Eugene Talmadge had crltl-  jllted the enew deal, S enitorOeo rge ir I- —. (Continued on Page 2, Col .' 7 ) s On Parade r^nd Pushcart t  a trul* pushcart before outrider* ra brought ll und-:r conlrol. No oae n waa Injured. I- To make certain thst tin fast- d stepping greys » on’t. repes t today's It performanc e whe n the king anff « queen are riding behind , them. It a w u dccided the horses till not be d equipped v lth the f lou j art tflcla] tAils Wbleb the ir anceslort w ore In a Queea Vic toria ’s di amond jubilee B procession back tn 1U7.  Today's rehearsal wu part o f a e thorough acboollsg which practt- U cally aU the horaea which will uke if pa r; In the proee silon art und ergo- - ing. ScTeral hundred, for example. e are getUng Int eniJre i rali Ong at lm- s ber court, the be adquat Urs of the e mounted branch of the metropoll- Q tan po::ce^ T&s -“lesaon s~ ar e co m- a p . ^ mainly of fl ag-waTlni. s hout ed commands, band music.‘and oth-  yje r actJ oas wticii t«a d to bewilder nshorxa. ACCUBATi W tm- t w ; * r\ ' ' n ' irm Set-Up   JS O f R e lie f President And Aids Map Sponding Of Fo ur Bill ions (By THe Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 29- Low re ntal homes for city dwellers nnd a dr ive to be tt er tho liviiijr condit ions of farm- . .e rs.whoJi ave.poo r Jand s .were piaccd hi g^ toda y on the list of' proj ects which P resident Roose velt cxpccts to init iate ea rly in t he summer.,  Ta lka during ..the day be- twTOvtiig Pns iBtBt tna u>m  tt htf chief Advisors developed that: Se cre ury Icke s haa glOO.0 00 .00 0 of housin g projects In 28 cit ies which he hopes lo ge t un der way by tho middle of August; Re xford -O. Tugwen. director of the rural re-setcjemenc program, ex pect* the Pre sident to issu e, an exe cutive order within the next ten dnys whlch.wlU start his-agency to func tioning; Wlllle the fo ur bil lion dollnr vor^ relief fund w ill be u sed to take per sons off rellel. r olls, and preference will be given to ntose person s, provi sion wlli be-mnde fo r thO'employ ment of some workers'who are not on the relief rolls; Offlclnb do not expect the four blUlon dollars to be used fo r so-cnll ed “economic pump priming" but to be devoted hlnioif entirely for-works which will provide employment In areas where the relief rolls are clog ged with persona who might be at work If there were Jobs. Relief Worken First - Word that so me' persons not on relief rolls would bc given employ ment under the wo rks program wa s given Insl night by President Roose ve lt In h is rndlo chat with tm nation. As one of the prlnclplca laid down by the President to gov ern t he spend ing. he specified that employment ahould b e given ’’llrs f' to those on reUef rolla. • Bome officials have raised the i contention that need could not be i made the entir e basis for giving vork. butrtl^at certain qualification revilrcmenta' ahould be Insisted. Otherslse . t hey contend the pr oJtcU ! ca rted out wbuld h ave no enduri ng | ^-i^l ^ea ec tlona iir the totmtn-.- - I fo r It isunce, co mplalnu have' come I to membera of Congress that some l bri dges built by CWA work ers vere 1 conde mned sp Oh after being finished nnd thnl some hrlck walls were 3 erected upon which roofs would not'j I fit nf iw being built by u n»k!lled)« workmen.  I Sounds Optlmlstle Notr WASHINOTON (A ^^undlnc a t new note of optimism. President- ~ (Continued on Page 2. Col. 1)  T h e N e w D  T w e V 'i 'A 'f rw v HE1.P4 IF NO U«E « jAi.nm' BOUNO ^ ftbWMW W W KDM POW  T rtiN ( r V o \U) B v f f *==» 1 ^ - _______ __ 1 _  V  j g |~ W M FALlSi- lPA Hp.TUE^XY [8 ty - n- ] rc . H I P B I K . J ll  SENATOR , w; n. K INO if -Vlislr i « sponsor a • b lUMo-aboHsh the NBA i te and transfer Ita ru hdanenta) powera to- the fe deral trade eom- ;  J. mUsl on. I i u i s o i m i r F IG H T A GlST ll ls  ys J_____ . Dem ocra t Introdu ces Biii ‘to 'j ;; Kiii Biue Eagie; Bofah . « ' Fa vo rs Compromis e ' f'  a Ot U WASHINGTON. April 20 {Fh- d  jr Lone amoolderltt g oppos ition, lo ft  •d NIIA within .Democratlo ranks n K brok e Int o the open today vben ; K S Senat or Ktng.' of.-t JUhr- Jntr o— in duccd » b ill to aboli sh the R« -. n I- covery Administration and (ran*- t) at fer Itt fandamental powera to the a fe drral trade' commission. ci While King was offering hla m m easure to kill the blue engle. ^ foes nnd Roosev elt lenders ve re IS nego tlnl lng bnck- stage fo r a com- [| !* promise agreeme nt to extend the ^ n. present recovery Inw lintli March. *J > y Four of the lead ing oppon ent s of I- KRA got together nnd agreed to it permit the pr ese nt Inw to b e ex- “ m tended for eig ht month a pr ovided It was n^ nended to e limi nate price ^ le fix ing nnd regulation of Intm-state ” « business. ^ Aec eptvic^ Doubtful j,j  j. AdmlnUtraUon nccepUnce of the it It proposal woa regarded aa daubttul. lg Chnlrman Harrison of the senate >{ finance commit tee^ vho h u been  y.--ln~-«loce - .s (ouQ h vlth Preatt fent » le Rooaevelt, r efused to dis close vha t'ht le the admlinstratlon attitude W9 uld d Harrison carrl cd to t he Wlilt ej.J** e House over t be we ck.cnda proposa l. m I f to extend ‘the recovery l aw v lth-i** djo ut clinnge for rlglit month s so; ' Hint congreas could revise the Acti** ne xt session' on the bnsls of s upr eme j court decisions on lls constltu* a tlonnllty. . ^ If —K tnr enrll cr in Ui c d a r differed, (Co ntinued on Page '2, Col. 3) ' | ye Deal—Some of the Playei   To Bc Out o f Luck i ^rffm cr ll {_ Mwe ^ r - 0 fAY dHA It^, /T f ' p AHC> \ V. f e - /lu6 i i r Sf  I f e ®  _  ____ ____ U  ____ ____ ____ ___ Co ?yil| ht,.l » » , ........ k -'.' . i.\- '  ' ' . gjff iSS -NEffSP AP EB^^ ir'- i^Y MORNI NG, AP BIL .8() .'lilM^ I g g g iipg 7 I 'FO i B i m E t l l f p i MFIC J f f ii ' [;La rges t Forc e Ever Sent to ^ L L-Siia -in .AmericaiL-Na val]-^ h'l. Man eu ve rs Enters'Major _ Trainin g Event of Year {{• [" ' (Dy The Associat ed Pitu) • ABOA RD U. S. S. PEN N- P?: : SY LVANIA, AT SEA IN k  I MANEUVERS. OFF XA LI-l L ^ FOR m'CO'A'ST, Apr i l. -2 9— 'f f ^ Fa r fr om th e .t ea l anes I n t he & ^ Pacifi c o ff C ali forni a tho k  j. United States fle e t ente red g It s. bif; traini nfr cve nt.'of t he C ur imiHy—ine annual iiee t 'fl| ' pr oblem. . • i' B’  „ -Th e moil maj estic unll In Ihli ar- -G : ray of th e la rgest force eve iTent t o E sea III Am erican naval man euver# Is Ig ' the battle fleet. ff i I : I t Is a fort ified city of t remend ou s S Q powerx of destr ucti on, t he 13 dread- n jnaughts forming the batUo line at  H Admiral HsrrLi Lanlns's command. C . . . ^ThU lleatlf» t striking power of tha m 0 navy, ma nn ed by more tban 30 .0 00 n men. w ent ih rough var ious convolu* W tlons In t he first day of the maneu- ES vers. n  They hnd m oved oul o f San I*edro H anchor nee In single co lumn , and w then swu ng n orth. -At'.tlmea the S ' dreadnaugl its were In t HpIe' column H lorm atlon. and al ttoi es .In other B j > str aget ic dUpou b of def en ae . • . i_ Suddenly, gunnery quaKerji-» ounda. . aboar d the d rend nau gbt. Etch la a . llttie city In Itself .wit h m ore thi n a th ou snn d men aboa rd .’'AU'of fice rs ) and men ch an ge t heir ta ^ It Is t he call to rtile st ati on. siC lg Only four msJor functions carry m on u nder this order. They ar« first. pi enginee ring and navlgatlonmnd ship j< . main tenance; secon d, comm un lca- i)i . Uon on board and t hroughout th e , fle et; third. ser\ -Ica of -ammunition g, V supply, snd fourth, gunnery. . Fr om th e t ur reU th e great ri fles, = . le-lnch o n som e of th e dread- ^ 4 nau ghts. M-lnch gu ns on otben. are § '  wor ked In t he w ay by vhleh t hey I j - hurl one-ton projectiles some 20 pilles. ’They can hurtle these ,*hejU wjth amailng aecuracy. Ohe siicn high explosive sh eU could destroy a ^ B steel buUd lng 20 mllea from the'ahlp. L Up on the superstructure t he erova e srg-.at th e povertu f nte-lnch tnU- n Aircraft guns. Som e o f thasa .are t jttatoed^br t he iaai<o<fe7r 3i)« n- I I hur l 13-p oun d exploalve>pro]eeilles 1 I n early five miles late the ski es. .  j The dreadnaught s move in tlgtag ( lines, as defense against the sky 1‘ bomb ers, and #re able to get a thou- .jssnd’ feel out of the way In the 28 ,! second a 1 1Ukcs a bomb to Jall from ^ >;a 12.000-fooc altitude. ,| A bu gle call halU th e gun nery tl cii ; quarters drill, nnd thc men go bsck i rol: Ito the normal tatka, I I So the grent ficet moves on for Mx . Iweeks of the hsrdest wo rk in (he  jycar—the annual maneuver s. Ion  yers Se em I CH  ____ ____ ___  _ t 'i&Tm'iWA YMW H  \e f t Ol FFEliENi t ^ Poll 'tiS y ' // Cl f troln;   ----- ’I :era i f l o w A ^ o u r;^ Iv,. AN EW DE l i K? ; t i,  ^ '  ers ll f  tomoi r? contI ; A ’U S S vT / ^ =* ' I nSl W gM r ^, prlrai r- ~ j OO ' =/ST^ Hopk 1 S lr“ .. proTti ^ » Jh sr# f l  Bir.  T j :o en I  ^ the n s lom or L ^\/\u n i -----S* by thl ~ The s rr . J rent I  ____ __   ____ _________ __  j  ___ lie*. J . t he et ro, by TtM K«v T ort Trltuse . Ise- defeai fPlETE } ' Seen-rAs ;  Cabinet . —— Eyes-OOleet UG FLVING SHIPS almllar (o theae man euvers of the U. S. fle et In (be Pai pa tnl flagship which beara Ihe two*  Johnien. commander of the alrcra fl showa a loDr.dlstMtee flying mae him Important role .In tho ta ctical exe rcise Sqiudrens. V. B. Battle Force from Asi C ong ress^ c : Presi de nt’s 8b0_W.alk.Out,In One -Hour S tr ifcT] VANCOUVBk; D. C.. Ap ril 20 I f/ pj—Vincoui-er’a ono hours trlke j went cff quietly and according to f;hedule today with som e WO j V membfr * of two labor organUa- J Roo tlons answeri ng tho Invitation of {o J, rollef cs mpTttr lkers to sug o Urs walkout ns sn Indication of sym- , athy with the cnmpers. who nr e anti protesti ng n?*ln*t camp condl- wn r Ions. I five -----------------: --------------------------- bcf(    -----------------  into :HiGO’S fi[Ll[F -epoioyiiRDEiii --------- "muj oiice Posted tp Preclude ‘"t i^ Viole nce As Agency. [?“ " Exhausts Funds   ------ SUCC I CIIICAGO, April 29 M* )—Police wrre pMUd al Chicago rc- ir^sta tleni today and most of the i he 9 10 0 employn of the IlllnoU mrrgrncy relie f rommisftl on were ' nl off Ihr payroll oa a retult of he agency's financial colUpse. Csplain I>an lcl Ollbert, chief ol by t 3 uniformed pollrr. n.-isl ({ n^ ps- bank  jlmen to th e i. e .  It. C. lieadquar- rs snd ll rrll^f lirr** to pro-  jde sny tlalrnce that ralghl crop Eia t. . supr« batct  The commlii lon notified lls work- t they 'Koul d not be needed after rislot norrow nlRhi although they might Ihe r ntlnue Uulr duties on a volun* :r buls. Except in a half doeen counUes :h financ ial » urpluv*s, the 620 ,00 0 emplo jfd down-sla’.* * laced thC; — »b; cm ol esrr )li iB throuch U ie '^« li s oil'il ieir-own TT’ stnrce r'orrW I ;rate chsnty unless the federal or 1 goTcrcments eom e to their AltetraeRU Denlfd Sove mar Henry Horner .'oaglst to tak the suirmate la conlereaces scnsi lh FETA Admlnhtrator Harry « ppoi ipkln s and other oriic -ui.'tn Wash- :ton. Ilopklni of f federal I otmer .tJ i « htd IlI:i>oU failed to! fnn i  jTide | j,(»0.oeo u its month ly ir# of the relie f easts. Sll'j to raise 1 28, 000 .000 a year "TT ensbl; the su‘.e to adraaee the cram  jul red puou will be eonslder ed by .Mryei ' nilnoh ho cse of representaUm rno uj norrow. They hare bee n adopted ntad- the senat e but action In the olh* 'rocat < chamber has been slow.   Tftt  bU U would Increase the aUXe plc tu; cs l ax trom lao to three per d ate : It and extend the levy to utUl- o f ah. u No otflclal would speculate on eare i ’ CO UT Mo f tha crisis' If thry me t tha r e au ^ JUJ pr . ‘i  TODAY!! Blow To 1  t A c ti o n D( U i-In-W ar Game,, ^-------------E i ii S B i ’ "ili boi . det Fr to L oi auj ish sub tod ain:  Th ( tak ti ot relcl leao pur tlotpata la the e xtensive ed't Pacific. A l top ia * plctore of tho turo wo.at*rred flag of Rejir Admiral flan a fl baae foree. The lowe r phot o *rra hlne of the lype that playa mn Prsi  Tisea. lOrriclai rhotoa of Aircra ft AssocUted Preas) ^ " = prot [olds..Up-. I  ; ’s P ro g rs^m I Fai l ure M arks . .^£f- ?u ^? fO rt(| to - 'S pto ;'*-" ISE Law m akers S* [  fBy T lio Associated Preaa) ' WASHINGTON, April 29 ilooscv clt leaders i n cons:rcss I'l oday souffiit to spur the ir ,l| i 'ollowcr.i inlo more speed md better coope ration” to- I vard cnnctInK thc prefilde nt’s fl ivc*pbint IcRislati ve program n icforc mid-.siimmer. but ran nto ifnmedint c difficult ies , Fo r the Ihrd .straijflit dny he sennle Tcmalncd l ocked In the :r1p of A filibuste r by SouUiem  }emocrnts ngnlnst tho ontl.lync h- ng blll. Added to Uil s. Republican [ radcnf, Joined by n few Demo- raLi . ileninn ded lha t Uie list o f ' T c musl" bills be sliortened to make quar n enrly adjo uriiment possible. cami  Tlie Democratic ateerlng ‘Com« mllR ulltre of lhe senate failed during term he dny lo ncrre on a method fo r xonll rcaki nR the nnU-lynchlng U lk- et R est. And fo r the third time In ing : ucce.v iio n t he senate voted near Th Ightfall to recess ralher than menl djour n, ll ius the meuure i^a ln a ing ( tie l en.ite'A Ilrsl o rde r^f b'us lnes s pel ) imorrow. nnd o pponents prepare d i broo<  jr morr iline .klllinR talk. erlan Behind this deadlock were sla’s »nged_ the i>onu .i Ungle and the lem i ve m'rasures named na nece ssnry. preoc  y the prr*ldrnt—NRA extension, j clou^ anklnc. M> cinl necurlly. lmn.ipo r-i Oe itia ii r rKUl.-i ilon and holding co m- era llj uny Irclslntion. - kuo. Court lMiir» .N ’rw Rullncs 'co nU Else wlirrr iii tti e c aplUl Uie war  jprenie co urt hni ided do»-n a hefty, Ma ne atch of new rulings, but agnln j "T l Illed to hand down jwndi ng de -rconti Isloiis oti thr fonstllutlonnllty of;men «e railr oad irtlrrme nt bl ll-and thel He rarler.Lrmke'.'nmi mortcage mor*:®lude torlum act. jthe  The tribu nal declined to rul» on 'ch oul - - 1"shoi <Coniinn -d on Pag* 2, Col. 4 >, lUiU  J h a re ~ D e b ts P ] Ki ng fish’s V o WASHl.SOTON, Aprtl 29 on —, "Yi rnaior Linj^'D -U i hss a aelf-iUlest )pol nt e<j rjrr.irg mst e if he Kekj| VK le prf«i(l:r.rv o.' tl;r United Stat es 'to p' It \ s  ir-n-'o-.her lhan W a.thLng*j^n;t n «4te> V it:or . K M< -yer ». o r-tu, th lesua l<j>dfr an ! '.lcui <T.ant-gov - oor. • •The ser.sicr hu an e xcellmt pro- am in h i. » -jihare.t.-.r.BTilfh’ idea.* * ryers ulf l today, '•but there lin t , ouj h aea lth ta »hare. Whal we ^ ca ti •ili ai^-l he.de bu.' ^ ~7Ugh: t here Is where 1 enter the tjc-.e :tu .*e. with the senator a caadl* »9ur' te for pn -ildrni «i-h.ls platfonn need i almv the wea lth , he can t ake mony re of that end of It. Il l handle prprh • rtce prt aldency and brlag in ------- r program of ahare ^bta . tC - a PA fiES M  6’C EJiTs l^: ^  . * 1 ^ 111 lfl-1 'H O r ' ''v-'.vY B r i ta i n ; i  )emanded • ^ariiaim e nt C allji'Fo ^ { Q uicU:Steps,To Block keich Vo ices E ng l i sh Ire : | ^TThe wori^ rpu lall BaUoa » l'» . ' / giineet . LondonPar li ament m aV '*' boat bsildi ng- blow » l BriUan, ! de man d s e» bln el a ^ lUly. .;_:l France, to be coBsttlt ed, -* rtar a-ato iacd;-OTM tai «a.m» di t '' ------ lo Portn g*L P ari^Na vtl'mlnis ter Icav aa tor 1 LonJ on: anlt ed th refl* po« er fro nt' { aupported.  Tok yo' — Ja pan cM vamcd ot . Roaalan, war. preparftUoaa. Buebareat^Bamuia aUrta on IO*year' ama ] progrsm. (Cepyrlght . 1»U. by As*oetsi '*d Prm) i LONDON, A pril 29 —B rit-]' , ish ^(>mbcrs o f. parliament, voicing th^ anger of - the English people at Germ&n y'» ] submar ine program,- char ged today the U-bo at , buildinir is I aimed directly at this country. I  The y demande dVthe ca bine t. . I take quick 'steps In coope ra* : tion with other powers to chock further exptn aion- of Uis . relch' i arnum enta.' Minlal«» head ed by P rim B’Min. ^ Uter MacDonald lnform«Uydlse uta^ <! ed 't he ' legaUt y'* of the latut ge a* ture of Relachfuohrer HlUer in de fiance of t he Veraali lea treaty and- . ! arran ged f or eonau ltaU ooa vl th- ------- r France and Italy, ProtcaflnUeatcd .  Th ere vere In di cat ion s th at a '.,i pr otest , prob ably In th e form o f.» - note, wa a und « i>H»haJdeSttft }. anc^'--’ - aiso pou lble Jotot action of Ut* , . • powehi at Genen; -  Tho Br it ish -were becon ln g thor- ' ,'.  ji ough ly In cen aed W'rerelaUoa fo l-' lowed upon; revelaUon. ccinee mlnf . Ui e growm g'gtrengUi of » oennany .. i rearm ed. Disclo aurtg'tha t'-ae rmtnr' aetu tUy torb ull « lni> ntmutliM ^' Uio heeli- of naUonal ' cotuerlpUon V : vaa--followed today by thfDBUV-jftrtu bu Ut » great new nanl'a nd’ iea- plana-base on Uie !alaad'er-'8yl6 in Uie NorUi aea;- ' - ^ It ,- It va a l UUd. hM bwn iconunued on Page 3, Co t. 3)  J J P i lT l E ii s '! i MSEMSPiT ; Gove rnment Issues Sta te- i ments Designed to ' j S tir Nati on- \ quarters in the Japan eao army Eam e indlcnUona today Uiat Uw mllRary leaders of Japan are de«- lermfned the Japansca people ahall eonUnu e.tn cimalder-war-vlUi 8o*| . et Russia a poasiblUty In Uie com ing yenrs. i  They Issu ed..* Kries of sta te* nenu design ed to prevent a aofUn- :ng of the martial spirit and to dis-  jel ill us ion s that per fect pea ce )roods over the Manchoukuan-Slb- ;rlan border os th e res ult of Rus- aa’s surttndcr of the Chin ese East- ;m railway March 23and M oscow’s ireoccupaUon with Eu ropean var :l ou ds. . . . Oen. Jiro .Nflnsml. J apan's ge n-  jral Uil mo sm ba ssa do r t o Mnn ch ou - tu o. Mid st.Hslnkl ng; Th e Soviet rontln ues steadily to augment Its var equipm ent on the borders of ^fanclioukuo. ••Th e Red army In .tha t region :ontalns at preieot at le ast 20 0,0 00 nen and more, than 600 airplalnes." He said if R uuia wanta to cou- lude an agree ment with Japan for he demllltarlxatlon of the Man-  Ji ou ku an fr on Ucr s, It mu st first show lu sUicertty by dlsman Ulng liU war machine. , Pf opam O f o l u n te e r A id "You cant t-?Jt a combination ifcs that." Vic iayi hf's.rnUrely competent o p.- csld e tjier the Cnll/ ^^ sute s enate afl» r thr ee year? exper J«>?t n the Washingt on scnsi* chair. •T^'hafs th e difrrrenre?* ask ed leym. “Ve ry U lUe." ce answrrvd him.- e!f. 'In th e sUte « eu t« the b' bu sy loctlng thcir own ^' nd playin g aoloa for the ir ^ 7l';U Fr om wIU lTUV M tt re the sam e type homs i4B sme solo a. with Ju st a bo ul* a ~ mr'n otes an d dtae ordrU ^ eed of a l ead er t« pa r' Is ffl wn y. IfD v. .t allHM.’ . C S I roTld e that aecesstty * U m (Cea tl su ed ca Patyr ^f a jl . I  _ 1 ; I

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Mix of kirds, wards and curry kane.


  • | S ; ia ^ E d lt lo H ; '

    .y O L , 18 , N O . 18.

    l l O i l l E I T O

    s i m i iI Things Up There Sure Cant L Rp Any Wha^

    I We Have Gone Through, . I ' Says Former Minnesotan

    (By The Associated Preu)' i . S A N J ! I lA N C IS C O . '" A p r n :y&Q~T\vo hundred tfnd scv- n ty > fo u r -pioneers to n new

    jSromised 'land ~ - th c R own-' ments Matanuskn vnllcy col- Sony in Ala'skaarrived ' here

    ^ S|pday enroute to their north> ! ! fB r h home, w ith nn enthuslasm-

    f f th n t cnvp fl.,f ar4iivam n g e ^ g th c event.n H ardly had Uie 23 ^resslHK desires to be on their way r.aBoln,' i Obvious Indications they hiid come f l io m lmpo\'erUhed siib^marglnal ' lands were present In the clothes

    they wore. Somo were tattered, others l l l ' l l t t ln g . but no where was thero evldenee of discoiirairemcnt. |

    All wo want Is n chancc, said iFranlc Swandii..husky former resi- , dent o f Pine City, M inn. We know I

    . V o w ill ha w to w o r lrp re ttrh a rflr f t ir^ ' I f we don't have n Rood time tliere

    ; vU l-b e no cne to bhme but our-

    Can't Be \Vone" Things up there (Alojkd) sure

    cant be any worae than what wo have gone tlirough. 'Tliey le ll us this | is no picnic. Well, wcrc rcndy for anything.

    l ie hoisted a heavy b.ig and start* ed fo r waiting street cars w lilch took Uie men, wome 'and children to hotels. ^ HIs friend >of many years, John

    '(C ontinued on Pago 5, Col. 7)

    J T T g h t s ' W^ I L SHADOWS ^

    } In 'D a y 's EvenU \... . : . . (S j; j tA K fa le t -P rM i^* .--. t

    M o t h e r T o p ic ------- i. ; .SAN FR AN C 16C O -br. Simon L. \

    iK a tM f f , lectiirer on happy m ar- rljiRes, yesterdoy had Ills own m a r- , rlege disrupted when 'i l ls wtfe, Mrs. I

    ' Id a H lll Katsoff. sued Him for dl* ' vorce. ugl>brls fro a the 'royal mewa b th rilled thousands o f ipecutcrs on pa rk laae today w ith an o!d-fash- loae m t t h tf chief Advisors developed th a t:

    Secreury Ickes haa glOO.000.000 o f housing projects In 28 cities which he hopes lo get under way by tho middle of August;

    Rexford -O. Tugwen. director of the ru ra l re-setcjemenc program, expect* the President to issue, an executive order w ith in the next ten dnys whlch.wlU sta rt his-agency to functioning;

    W lllle the four billion dollnr vor^ relief fund w ill be used to take persons o ff rellel. rolls, and preference w ill be given to ntose persons, provision w lli be-mnde fo r thO'employment o f some workers'who are not on the relief rolls;

    O fflc ln b do not expect the four blUlon dollars to be used fo r so-cnlled economic pump prim ing" but to be devoted h ln io i f e n tire ly fo r-w orks which w ill provide employment In areas where the relief rolls are clogged w ith persona who m ight be at work I f there were Jobs.

    Relief W orken First - Word tha t some' persons not on re lie f rolls would bc given employm ent under the works program was given Insl n igh t by President Roosevelt In his rndlo chat w ith tm nation. As one of the prlnclplca la id down by the President to govern the spending. he specified tha t employment ahould be given l l r s f ' to those on reUef rolla.

    Bome officia ls have raised the i contention th a t need could no t be i made the entire basis fo r giving vo rk . bu trtl^a t certain qualification revilrcm enta' ahould be Insisted. Otherslse. they contend the proJtcU ! carted out wbuld have no enduring |

    ^ - i ^ l^ e a e c t lo n a i ir t h e to tm tn - . - -I fo r Itisunce, com pla lnu have' come I to membera o f Congress that some l bridges b u ilt by CWA workers vere 1 condemned spOh after being finished nnd th n l some hrlck walls were 3 erected upon which roofs would not'j I f i t n f iw being bu ilt by unk!lled) workmen. I

    Sounds Optlmlstle Notr W ASHINOTON ( A ^ ^ u n d ln c a t

    new note o f optimism. President- ~

    (Continued on Page 2. Col. 1)

    T h e N e w D

    T w e V ' i ' A ' f r w v

    HE1.P4 IF

    NO UE jA i.n m ' BOUNO ^ f tb W M W W W K D M P O W

    T r t iN ( r V o \ U ) B v f f

    *== 1 ^


    _______ __ 1 _


    j g |~

    W M F A L l S i - l P A H p . T U E ^ X Y


    ty -

    n - ]rc . H I P B I K . J

    l l SENATOR , w ; n . K IN O i f -V lis lr i sponsora blUMo-aboHsh the N BA i te and transfer Ita ruhdanenta)

    powera to- the federal trade eom- ; J. mUslon. I

    i u i s o i m i

    r FIGHT A G lS T l l lsys J_____ .

    Democrat Introduces Biiito 'j ;; Kiii Biue Eagie; Bofah . ' Favors Compromise 'f ' aOt U

    WASHINGTON. A p ril 20 {Fh- d j r Lone amoolderlttg opposition, lo ft d N IIA w ith in .Democratlo ranks n K broke In to the open today vben ; KS Senator K tn g .' o f.- tJU hr-Jn tro in duccd b ill to abolish the R-. n I - covery Administration and (ran*- t) at fer I t t fandamental powera to the a

    fedrral trade' commission. ciWhile K in g was offering hla

    m measure to k il l the blue engle. ^ foes nnd Roosevelt lenders vere

    IS negotlnllng bnck-stage fo r a com- [| !* promise agreement to extend the ^ n. present recovery Inw l in t l i March. *J >y Four of the leading opponents of I- KRA got together nnd agreed to i t perm it the present Inw to be ex- m tended fo r eight montha provided

    I t was n^nended to elim inate price ^ le fix ing nnd regulation o f Intm -state business. ^

    Aeceptvic^ Doubtful j,jj . AdmlnUtraUon nccepUnce o f the i t I t proposal woa regarded aa daubttul. lg Chnlrman Harrison o f the senate >{

    finance committee^ vh o h u been y.--ln~-loce- .s(ouQh v lth Preattfent le Rooaevelt, refused to disclose v h a t 'h t le the admlinstratlon attitude W9uld

    d Harrison carrlcd to the Wliltej.J** e House over tbe weck.cnd a proposal. m If to extend the recovery law v l th - i* * d jo u t clinnge fo r r lg lit months so;' H int congreas could revise the Acti**

    next session' on the bnsls o f supreme j court decisions on lls constltu*

    a tlonnllty. . ^I f K t n r enrllcr in Uic d a r d iffered,

    (Continued on Page'2, Col. 3) ' |ye

    D eal Some o f the Playei To Bc Out o f Luck

    i ^ r f f m c rll {_ M w e

    ^ r -

    0 fAY dH A It^ , / Tf '

    p AHC> \ V .

    f e -/ l u 6 i

    i r Sf I

    f e _________ U _______________

    C o ? y il|h t,.l ,

    ........k - ' . ' .i.\- ' ' ' .

    g j f f i S S - N E f f S P A P E B ^ ^

    i r ' -

    i^ Y M O RNING , A P B I L . 8 ( ) . ' l i lM ^

    I g g g i i p g 7

    I ' F O i B i m E t l l f

    p i M F I C J f f i i '[ ;Largest Force Ever Sent to ^ L L-Siia -in . AmericaiL-Naval]- ^h'l. Maneuvers Enters'Major _

    Training Event of Year {{[" ' (Dy The Associated P itu )

    ABO AR D U. S. S. P E N N - P?: : S Y L V A N IA , A T S E A IN k

    I M A N E U V E R S . O F F X A L I - l L ^ F O R m 'C O 'A 'S T , A pril.-29 ' f f ^ F a r from the .tea lanes In th e & ^ P ac ific o f f C a lifo rn ia th o k j . U n ited States fle e t entered g

    Its. b if; tra in in fr cve n t.'o f th e C yur imiHy in e annual i ie e t ' f l | ' problem . . i' B

    -The moil majestic un ll In Ih li ar- -G : ray of the largest force eveiTent to E

    sea III American naval maneuver# Is Ig ' the battle fleet. f f i

    I : I t Is a fortified city of tremendous S Q powerx of destruction, the 13 dread- n jnaughts forming the batUo line at H

    Admiral HsrrLi Lanlns's command. C. .. ^ThU lleatlft striking power of tha m0 navy, manned by more tban 30.000 n

    men. went ihrough various convolu* W tlons In the first day of the maneu- ES vers. n

    They hnd moved ou l o f San I*edro Hanchornee In single column, and wthen swung north. - A t'.tlm ea the S

    ' dreadnauglits were In tHpIe' column H lormatlon. and al ttoies .In other B j > stragetic dUpoub of defenae. . i_ Suddenly, gunnery quaKerji-ounda. . aboard the drendnaugbt. Etch la a . llttie city In Itself .with more th in a thousnnd men aboard.'AU'officers ) and men change their t a ^ I t Is the

    call to r t i le station. siClg Only four msJor functions carry m

    on under this order. They ar first. pi engineering and navlgatlonmnd ship j<

    . maintenance; second, communlca- i)i

    . Uon on board and throughout the , fleet; third. ser\-Ica of -ammunition g, V supply, snd fourth, gunnery.. From the turreU the great rifles, = . le-lnch on some of the dread- ^ 4 naughts. M-lnch guns on otben. are ' worked In the way by vhleh they I j - hurl one-ton projectiles some 20

    pilles. They can hurtle these ,*hejU wjth amailng aecuracy. Ohe siicn high explosive sheU could destroy a ^

    B steel buUdlng 20 mllea from the'ahlp.L Up on the superstructure the erova e srg-.at the povertuf nte-lnch tnU- n Aircraft guns. Some of thasa .are t jttatoed^br the iaai;a 12.000-fooc altitude., | A bugle call ha lU the gunnery tlcii ; quarters d rill, nnd thc men go bsck i rol: I to the normal tatka, I

    I So the grent ficet moves on for Mx . I weeks of the hsrdest work in (he jycarthe annual maneuvers. Ion

    yers Seem ICH___________ _ t

    ' i& T m 'iW A Y M W H \ e f t O l F F E l i E N i t ^ P o ll

    ' t i S y ' / / Cl


    troln;----- I :era i

    f low A ^ o u r ; ^I v , . A N E W D E l i K ? ; t i ,

    ^ ' ers llf tomoir ? contI;

    A U S S v T / ^ =*'

    I n S lW g M r ^ , prlrai

    r -~ j OO'

    = /S T ^ Hopk

    1 Slr .. proTti

    ^ Jhsr#f l Bir.

    T j :o en

    I ^ the ns lomor

    L ^ \ / \ u n i ----- S* by thl

    ~ Thes r r. J rent I

    ______ _______ ________ j___ lie*. J . the et

    r o , by TtM Kv Tort T rltuse . Ise- defeai

    fP lE T E } '

    Seen-rAs ; C ab ine t

    . Eyes-OO leet

    UG FLVING SHIPS alm llar (o theae maneuvers o f the U. S. fleet In (be Pai p a tn l flagship which beara Ihe two* Johnien. commander o f the a lrc ra fl showa a loDr.dlstMtee fly ing maehim Important role .In tho tactical exercise Sqiudrens. V. B. Ba ttle Force from Asi

    C o n g r e s s ^ c

    : P r e s i d e n t s

    8b0_W.alk.Out,In O ne-Hour S trifcT ]

    VANCOUVBk; D. C.. A p ril 20 I f/pjVincoui-era ono hourstrlke j went c ff quietly and according to f;hedule today w ith some WO j V membfr* of two labor organUa- J Roo tlons answering tho Invitation o f {oJ , rollef csmpTttrlkers to sugo Urs walkout ns sn Indication of sym- , athy with the cnmpers. who nre an ti protesting n?*ln*t camp condl- w n r Ions. I five----------------- :--------------------------- bcf(

    ----------------- in to

    :HiGOS fi[L l[F

    -epoioyiiRDEiii--------- "muj

    oiice Posted tp Preclude "ti ^Violence As Agency. [? "

    Exhausts Funds------ SUCCI

    CIIICAGO, April 29 M*)Police wrre pMUd a l Chicago rc-

    ir^ s ta tle n i today and most o f the i he 9100 employn of the IlllnoU mrrgrncy relief rommisftlon were ' n l o ff Ih r payroll oa a retu lt of he agency's financial colUpse.Csplain I>anlcl O llbert, chief o l by t 3 uniformed po llrr. n.-isl({n^ ps- bank jlmen to the i. e . It. C. lieadquar- rs snd l l r r ll^ f lirr** to pro-jde sny tlalrnce that ralgh l crop Eia t. . supr

    batctThe commliilon notified lls work- t they 'Kould not be needed after rislot norrow nlRhi although they m ight Ihe r ntlnue Uulr duties on a volun*:r buls.Except in a ha lf doeen counUes :h financial urpluv*s, the 620,000 emplojfd down-sla.** laced thC; b;cm ol esrr)liiB throuch U i e ' ^ lis o il ' i l ie ir -o w n TTs tn rc e r 'o r r W I ;rate chsnty unless the federal or 1 goTcrcments eome to their

    AltetraeRU Denlfd Sovemar Henry Horner .'oaglst to tak the suirm ate la conlereaces scnsi lh FETA Adm lnhtra tor Harry ppoi ipklns and other o riic-u i.'tn Wash- :ton. Ilopkln i o f f federal Iotmer.tJi h td IlI:i>oU failed to !fn n i jTide |j,(0.oeo u its monthly ir# of the relief easts.S ll'j to raise 128,000.000 a year "TT ensbl; the s u .e to adraaee the cram julred puou w ill be eonsldered by .Mryei ' n ilnoh hocse of representaUm rno u j norrow. They hare been adopted ntad- the senate but action In the olh* 'rocat< chamber has been slow. Tftt bUU would Increase the aUXe plctu; cs lax trom la o to three per date : It and extend the levy to utUl- o f ah. u No otflclal would speculate on eare i COUTM of tha crisis' I f th ry met tha r eau ^ JUJ pr

    . i


    B lo w T o 1 t A c t io n D (U i - I n - W a r G a m e , , ^ ------------- E i

    i i S B i "ili

    boi . det





    subtodain:T h (takt io t


    leao purtlotpata la the extensive ed 't Pacific. A l top ia * plctore o f tho turo

    wo.at*rred flag o f Rejir Admiral flan a f l baae foree. The lower photo *rra hlne o f the lype tha t playa mn Prsi Tisea. lO rric la i rho toa of A ircra ft AssocUted Preas) ^

    " = prot

    [o ld s ..U p -. I ;s P ro g rs^m IF a i l u r e M a r k s . . ^ f - ? u

    ^ ? f O r t ( | t o - ' S p t o ; ' * - " ISE

    L a w m a k e r s S * [

    fBy T lio Associated Preaa) 'W A S H IN G TO N , A p r il 29

    ilooscvclt leaders in cons:rcss I ' l oday so u ffiit to spu r th e ir , l | i 'ollowcr.i in lo more speed md be tte r cooperation to - I vard cnnctInK th c p refildents fl ivc*pbint IcR islative program n ic fo rc mid-.siimmer. b u t ran nto ifnm edintc d iffic u ltie s ,

    F o r th e I h r d .s t r a ij f l i t dn y he sennle Tcmalncd locked In the :r1p of A filibuster by SouUiem }emocrnts ngnlnst tho on tl.lynch - ng blll. Added to Uils. Republican [ _ radcnf, Joined by n few Demo- raLi. ileninnded lh a t Uie lis t o f ' Tc m usl" bills be sliortened to make quar n enrly adjouriiment possible. cami T lie Democratic ateerlng Com mllR

    u lltre of lhe senate failed during term he dny lo ncrre on a method fo r xonll rcakinR the nnU-lynchlng U lk - et R est. And fo r the th ird time In ing : ucce.viion the senate voted near Th Ightfa ll to recess ra lhe r than menl djourn, l l iu s the meu u re i^ a l n a ing ( tie len.ite'A I lrs l o rd e r^ f b'uslness pel ) imorrow. nnd opponents prepared i broo< j r m orr iline .k lllinR talk. erlanBehind this deadlock were slas

    nged_ the i>onu.i Ungle and the le m i ve m'rasures named na necessnry. preoc y the prr* ld rn tNRA extension, jclou^ anklnc. M>cinl necurlly. lm n .ipo r-i Oe i t ia i i rrKUl.-iilon and holding com- erallj uny Irclslntion. - kuo.

    Court lM iir .Nrw Rullncs 'conU E lsewlirrr i i i ttie caplU l Uie war

    jprenie court hniided do-n a he fty, Mane atch of new rulings, but agnln j "T l Illed to hand down jwnding de-rconti Isloiis oti th r fonstllu tlonn llty of;m en e railroad ir t lr rm e n t blll-and the l He rarler.Lrm ke'.'nm i mortcage mor*:lude torlum act. jtheThe tribunal declined to ru l o n 'ch o u l - - 1"shoi

    , lU iU

    J h a r e ~ D e b t s P ] K i n g f i s h s V o

    WASHl.SOTON, Aprtl 29 on , "Y i rnaior L in j ^ 'D - U i hss a ae lf-iU lest )polnte V it:o r .K Mm bcrs o f . parliam ent, vo ic ing th ^ anger o f - th e English people a t Germ&ny' ] subm arine p rogram ,- charged today the U -boat , b u ild in ir is I aimed d ire c tly a t th is coun try . I They demandedVthe cab ine t. . I take qu ick 'steps In coopera* : t io n w ith o th e r powers to chock further exptnaion- of Uis . relch'i arnumenta.'

    Minlal headed by PrimB Min.^Uter MacDonald lnformUydlseuta^ protest, probably In the form o f. - note, waa undi>HhaJdeSttft}. anc^'-- - aiso poulble Jotot action of Ut* , . powehi at Genen; -

    Tho British-were beconlng thor- ' ,'.ji oughly Incenaed W'rerelaUoa fo l- ' lowed upon; revelaUon. ccineemlnf .Uie growmg'gtrengUi o f oennany .. i rearmed. Discloaurtg'that'-aermtnr' aetutUy torbulllni> n tm u tliM ^ 'Uio heeli- of naUonal' cotuerlpUon V :1 vaa--followed today byth fD B U V -jftrtubuUt great new n a n l'a n d iea- plana-base on Uie !alaad'er-'8yl6 in Uie NorUi aea;- ' - ^ I t , - I t vaa lUUd. hM bwn

    iconunued on Page 3, Cot. 3)

    J J P i l T l E i i s ' !

    iM S E M S P iT ;Governm ent Issues S ta te - i

    ments Designed to ' j

    S t ir N a tion- \

    quarters in the Japaneao army Eame indlcnUona today Uiat Uw mllRary leaders of Japan are de- lermfned the Japansca people ahall eonUnue.tn cimalder-war-vlUi 8o*|. et Russia a poasiblUty In Uie coming yenrs. i

    They Issued..* Kries of state* \ nenu designed to prevent a aofUn- :ng of the martial spirit and to dis- jel illusions that perfect peace )roods over the Manchoukuan-Slb- ;rlan border os the result of Rus- aas surttndcr of the Chinese East- ;m railway March 23 and Moscows ireoccupaUon with European var :louds. . . .

    Oen. Jiro .Nflnsml. Japan's gen- jralUilmo smbassador to Mnnchou- tuo. Mid st.Hslnklng; T h e Soviet rontlnues steadily to augment Its var equipment on the borders of ^fanclioukuo.

    The Red army In .that region :ontalns at preieot at least 200,000 nen and more, than 600 airplalnes."

    He said if Ruuia wanta to cou- lude an agreement with Japan for he demllltarlxatlon of the Man- Jioukuan fronUcrs, It must first show lu sUicertty by dlsmanUlng liU war machine. ,

    P f o p a m O f o l u n t e e r A i d"You cant t-?Jt a combination

    ifcs that."Vic iayi hf's.rnUrely competent

    o p.-cslde tjier the Cnll/^^ sutes enate aflr three year? experJ>?t n the Washington scnsi* chair.T^'hafs the difrrrenre?* asked

    leym .Very UlUe." ce answrrvd h im .-

    e!f. 'In the sUte eu t the b ' r busy loctlng thcir own ^ ' nd playing aoloa for their ^7l';U From w IU lT U V M t t re the same type hom si4B sme soloa. with Just a b o u l*a ~ mr'notes and d ta e o rd rU ^ eed of a leader t p a r ' I s f f l wny. IfDv. .ta llH M . . C S IroTlde that aecesstty * U m

    (Ceatlsued ca Paty r ^ f a j l . I

    _ 1 ; I

  • , 'C a ld w e ll

    U n d o n s t i t i i t ib r m l

    K : ; BO ISE, A i r iT z s m -:a p p U c tio n f o r a n a l te rn a t

    v ; -wrIt o f p r o h ib i t io n t o h 1 : , o p e ra t io n o f t h e 2 p e r o

    r e ta i l Bftlea . t a x a c t o n -1 g ro u n d s o f u n c o n f l t i tu t io r

    ' f i le d in the Id .. . . M p r r a w c o m ^ .a B T is a s jr r -

    , , I n id d lH o n to questions

    , ^ ih iU t referendum Uw to lhe

    The s u tc li.h lg h e rt u ib u ju l t .th a .e iM under ad passed by t

    H ooat. n P rta ldeo t saM th is mc r a n was. Incxtrteabty In trrw o r

    t b a - le i r b tn iea .doDar w n

    N. other bm * io iB n*ctm* S d ta t w tn theao to e xu

    > fO tA: to da a n y wj ') oe imaeeaacBryA uUU S ip aa ka ; to broaden t

    m dsfioB 'to boaM* ai. ^ te said tb a t i

    M A : .

    InllT ro S U M t K TODAY A

    a n y o f PI>. .'na iaw lemperaturea y

    w ith a trace, of,pred U tlon ; a variable wind and a i that waa sartly cloudy :boromet

    . n ts p. a . was 2 iM Incl A n tbe hum idity range, to n a t iv e per ceat o f taturaUon.J h a l t ^ WeaUier a year ago was par I JZi. cibudy''w lth temperatures of w an th e -------

    Idrto L ig h t B a ins P a ll ------T irP a c tfic -S tB t(

    JDB o f ---------o u g h t The Montana>Wyomlng high Y Ulty o t d rifU d to the central pUlns regl( the tax v ju , dimlnshed .atrength,. and . . ^ large low preaiure area hM appei

    ed orer the wett, w iU i-the lowi shpttly vjue, extending from the W at loumed laxton coaat to w utem M onU t com- ^ jouU i over Uie plateau to t w heth- southern pa ru of U tah'and Nevac

    ^ A lltu e ra in haa resulted In Oi *U1 be gon California. Nevada and sout

    era U tah. Oenerally fah- weath and cooler temperatures prevail

    0 . A n - uie m iddle aUtes. A depression ov a cor> tb e -^ ld d le AUantlc coast Is cau acUon log Mtne ra in h i tha t region.

    in d a ll u. Mla. rr*e. Ww

    - - S - P Z s a s- SU d aa J-. M M r i.c ii

    ^ saTissar.s S ks ,s s

    te c rt- pertuad _u.s* s T kaIo

    s r & H r s s s !s. r^:=-s a s as? asr,!,..8 s Rg!

    a aales W tibU gtm _ u s ^ a

    S w its o lio f ^i - i i F i i i i i B p ieenlo- )

    , t ;u :C a tp s ! A p p o in te d G to u p B (

    u I t g in s R e s u ri-e c t it in o f

    .C o u n ty E x t ilb it t VlO- ' ^ ''.1 5 ^ Lately appolnUd member* ' <

    Tw in raUs cpunty fa ir board m . * . w ith couniy commUsloner* la Tw l

    FaUs yesterdky to d ltc u tr plant fc 1 u e retutreclhJg the ..county fa ir t

    PUer a fU c a'thre*y*a r Up*e th i J t S ws decided upon a^ a retrenehmei

    meature. ^ -f ^ SUcUd prw ldent of Uie fal

    yesUrday'* meeting .wi i f R- O. W u i^ k Kimberly, w ith V

    P. Alworth o f P ller u vice preai

    ^ ^ ^ t l n '5 ^ r e u r y .and .tn a iurer who i t lo aerve a ^ ' a-%ar

    , .. ager o f the fa ir waa' postponed I board-a next m eetlnr next Mor

    Ov. wheo appflcatlonj w ill bo eor

    Memben o f Uie board aerve wltl; out compensaUon, bu t are requh-e to fum U h bond: s

    , , The board memben In addition t fer lo Qie offleera already named, ai *f ^ Vance Naylor of Kanae. w . .1

    Sackett o t Tw in PaUa, W alter M iii grave, o f Pller. Thomas Parks. <

    iJ* " Buh l.and W. M , Olds o f Buhl. >ard.1. saU ^ ^ ------------

    I " U T A H SO LO N L E A D S .

    S f - " -----------H G I f M S A I N S T ^lly on II, and - 1- nooseyejVs legUUUve p rt a ^ gram U u t 11 wCUld be better fc M i t congrees to enact the approprUUo ! . adjourn. THe U tahn oiifTch b ill In the serut afK

    submitting It lh execuUve' sessto . ,u . to the finance committee consider im n n e admlnUtratlon .bUl. x ean designed.to supmora V^fratM exUthig laws against moti

    t tha t extend: the jpreserpolicy of- the federal trade commli ion in dealing w llh un fa ir comp< tlUon through trade -pracUee cor

    N u i , ferenccj.F -U F Borab ComneaUL i e f opponenu wll

    con.iulled on the terms under whlc , they would agree lo exUod th

    present recovery Uw were Senatoi ^ Eorah iR -ldaho) Nye (R-ND) Mc

    ion in Carran (D-Nev) and C U rk (D>Mo al no "We've sUted Uiat 11 they wl tn itlnx *^e resoluUon a prc

    vision prolublUi;e-price fix ing an 90, o ; a provUlon eliminating aU regu . radio 1 tion of in tra -iU te commerce, * ; w ld would -coialder favorably a reaolu ration o'* 50 over unUl next March, ir.mls* u ld after the meeting. .k*p ~ --------------pro- lbe firs t tJir.e la five yeara rei;<

    Ictcat rolls h id declloed iu ie a d . of tr )Bbllc c rc iilng during the winter oo n ll; t r t r and th a t Ihey-are stm deellning.-

    >ofcd The prmc:ples that he laid dow T> (he lo sove.-n the four billion dollar M n a. were:.ented ^ e i^Je cU iliou ld be usefuL aU h e ^ '"P ro Jecu shall be of a nature thJ ,t Usl* a eocalderable proportion el l i u hU money spent * m go Ih io wa automobUe acclde r J near her over the week-end.

    on ly one o f the accldeoU. howei were the car occupanU Injured.

    Pord Oardner, Burley *rvlc a tlon operator, U In a c r it ica l cod Uon in Uie Cottage hofpltaJ h

    t e s -ttilow lng-att-eeddene^^tt-tbe-h li way a mile weat o f here U te 8 urday night. Ofurdnera ear tui

    haa lurtxe- oyer an embankment tloa, g to ry '* comer when he fa iled* * obeerve the tu m tn tim e. Attend)

    phyalclaaa report th a t he U auff lag from a crushed chest and bi and ftom heart and lung ta jun

    ^ BU companion. Earl PreymUler, ^ celyed m inor Jwad in j^ e k ^

    5re*^ T ire B low* ut ., Jth - A car driven by Dan M orlta , Tv ther paU* Japanese farm er, tu m e d coi 1 In pleU ly .over twice when te a r t over blew- ou t on the highway aev tua- m ile* wett o f here, Sunday >aoi

    The three occupanU o f the u - and Mrs. M orlta and Ki Shlagal

    were aot in ju red and th e ' ea r Ur. no t badly damaged.|'4 r* A large truck owned by. tbe Re n V burg F lour MUU . and. .drtren nay. B i l l Roberu. Tw in PaUt, tu ra ie r oyer on the highway two mllea wi iey o f Burley. Sunday n ight. Thet tru B waa heavily loaded w ith mercha

    dlae aad waa going from Pocate n to T w in FalU when a brace whi

    connected Uie body to the chaai i / r . craoked. The body o f the true k w dy* damaged conalderably. bu t tb * dri ~ er escaped unhurt.


    Jfl TO K^NGFIS/co n tin ue d From P *g* One)

    , orcheatnt leader? About the o a ly dl )C.* te re n o ^ I aaw In the twe bodlea w

    the'a lze Of the prew gallery.**; ,V lo WM In a hu rry to get-.ln

    the senate gallery t o d a y , . r tm i^* 1 want to i t t a y runnlhg n i l *

    acUon." B u t he waa.' dlaappolot< foe WhUe. there. Long aaUUnoL I n i bu t Meyers was enthuaed ato

    ^ jn ^ acnator'a abU lty to pack tl

    a / ! T ha fboy wows them, doesnt h< h i^ aaid Vic. Alwaya pU yt: to * ft ent house *U h ihe old S.* R. O. tff

    lu t . H e't the lltUe old A |m le (Aim fa ir Serhple McPhenon) o t the . .Vniu i r u a u te a senate.** - W. When Vic waa a candidate f< 1- mayor.'of Seattle-h7'p rsm lagd ho

    tesses fo r every street ca r at aa- cracked lee i in d ginger ale Xor t l an- ewK-runs. Re also ta ld he thougl

    to . amaU aaloon could be made < on- pay in S jattle.on- "I 'U enlarge on those promises i

    a candldaU fo r viee president.' sal th - v ie . " I U be w illing to promUe gooc red looking blondes for elevator- open

    to rt oik one alcfe of tbe aenate oi > to noe building and" equally attracth

    brunettes fo r the .o thq ; side. Beni ',* tors could take the ir choice. I woul

    m ix em up w ith red-head* In tl- capltol. but would,le t .th ft repreiet

    . taUve.1 pick their own.nd ..J , 1,^, be a goo * Idea to put running ginger ale 1

    senators* offices.'*"When elected. I do no t lnfen

    10 devote all my tim e try ing l *-ee'ten up the noUa o ! the aenat eliher, but i would f i l l ou t th i

    ^ ja r i it lm e Job.byJeadlng.the jn a rU band every once In awtiUe.

    -Another th lpg. when I apoke .c notes. I meant Uie k ind th a t com out o f musical InstrumenU and nc thc k ind Uiat jfeu sign on the dol ted line. Even i f I am el(;cted o

    io r q v -shsre.the.debt* p ro tra m _ I wn took submarine corutruetlon t ind brmg home the fu ll aerlouinei

    - e f H ille r s genenl program. Worl war*a submarine horrrsrs stlU ai

    ha t fresh in the ailnda 'Of the peopl the here.to r The feeUng w as 'p U ln ly abow

    In the dlseuaslon In the house < >at common* a fu r - S ir John S1qo { a the foreign seereury. had tol Mts members: -The German gorera

    Holds False T in th : T ijrh te r and Loupe: f a T h l i new delightful powder keep

    to false teeth from rocking, sltppmg e dropping. No pasty U su or feelini

    Io - Olvea perfect confidence a ll day loa } to Oet Pasteeth from MaJeiUc Phai -oUs QsacT or your dryggut. Tbree aUc



    h X i L V n c t s , t b t n r S J U ^ . ' iD

    ' 7 parenu o f a ton

    J e f fe r s . - n ie c 9 _ o l- M y /^ ^ M i t . JOB Koehler, u ^ w u n g v m o a *

    . snerldan, Wyoming. . ^ N y k .

    i l v ^ e n ta H *e i~ T b 9 WOOdm or the World wlU heJd a bu tlw

    auto- meeting aad elaa* adoption T hu i pletely day in the I . O, 0 .-F . ba ll'a fr '7 : Kldenu o'clock. ' ;ad. In . a I . . . -nrever. pareals o f O lrtMT. ghd M i ed. Louis Root. Tw in FaU*, ar*-. U * t - parenu ot a daughter bom n s te eondlr day a t the M ontooth ' m atem l 1 here home. .

    e Sat- Here From Cblna-esUrday m orning fo t Por

    land and San Franclaco where I . S w win v isit reUtlvea;and frienda. I

    expecu lo be away about a m onth.

    School O p e a s ^ w ir i: Falls B u t ^ neta unlvenlty. In the Wetoda b u ilt I tng. ^ u ln avenue and Sedend *trei

    hv west, opened yesterday w ith PhlU Mutch, principal, and MUa Rachi

    I weat noberts, secreU rr, in chaggc.

    Back Prom CalUorala - 0 . I a S lo Kingsbury retumed the t i n t o f th wMeh C aliforn ia - where hh ^ . t . spent ftre winter, and expecta t k M B le*vc- In a day or tw o 'fo r a fe- a.ji VUlt in B.i.

    To Conduct C entea l-M U a Per Hall, daughter oC M r. ahd M rs. C

    & M C. Hall, atudent a t 'U ie Teacher college, sah Joae,; CaUfomU, ha

    J * . . been appointed to-conduct .a Greg ? )C U typh>g shorthand conteat s

    o n u i t 'MounUta Vlciw b lg b tahoo CaUferaU. Mlsa. HaU. U aUo t

    le) charge of pubUclty fo r the annua commerce 'all-college picnic,

    ly d lt - , a waa Delegate VUlU Here Sherma

    . . Ke lly returned Sunday to the Unl . ^ t o verslty of Idaho. Mo*cow, a fte r vis

    lUng hU parenU, M r. and M r*.' C. l K tliy and Mr.. and M n . Zan A t

    ) lB tM relaUvea a t Ooodlng. He ws enroute.' lo Moscow from the U nl

    ^ u t verslty o f Oklahoma where he wa sent as delegate o f the Moscoi

    chaptep of the national honorar society. Phi EU Sigma, to the na

    ^11 tlonal conventton. Henry Wellnei also o f Tw in Falla, U a member o

    Almle tjje fratxmlty. K e lly won the acho Ustlc medal fo r the hlgheat grad*

    ; in the engineering cUsa durtng h i *hoai 5 '* " * ' ,

    ahd ' --------------------------r

    CONGRESS HOLDS UP '1. to PRESIDENTS PROGRAiV*sald (ConUnued .Prom Page One)

    three cases tovolvlng various phaae p* * o f thb NRA. but d id deny a plei e o f- jjjf the govemment fo r a perm'

    anent ta junetlon to rea tn ln Art' tona trom Interfering ta the con' a lructlon o t Parker,-dam on th i

    1 the Colorado river. e n - A n open break belween th i

    U nited su tes Chamber of Com- ood merce -and President RooMvelt or le In m ajor policies appeared Immtaeni

    aa the chamber, ta annual conven- lU nd tlon . Issued a report condeipntaj \ to the omnibus banktag bUl requcstec nate, by the chief executive, th a l -The house began conslderaUon oi

    M tae the omnUiua. banking Jam, jB iU L in*: Jority leaden predlcUng quick pas

    te o f aage despite a Republican predlc- come tlon th a t It.p rob ab ly would leaf 1 no t to a more deslhicUve banking col* dot- lapse than th a t o f 1933.

    d on Trte- Onlted a u te s and Mexican I do BovemmenU concluded nwHiall i those aauaiactorr* wnversaiiona Va inB

    country a price-booattag aUver policy. w hile the treaaury watched th< w orid price fo r the meUl slip below iU own figure o f 77.37 sn ounce

    n : w itho u t acttag to again raise the

    id e d * * ^ e r ic a n Pederation of U b o r ot- flc la l*. as a meeUng- here, charged

    ;) big business w ith a "conspiracy* tc defeat the A. P. o f L.'s leglsUUn

    Ugt>- program, bu t cheered when ta> form ed th a t a serute commUtee had

    .r* M M R B w H H H W Ilough. TATLO B take* poat a* nw

    member o f Tw in FkO* c ity coaaen aleeUd io aneceed. J?. B.

    to* ,M r . .......

    ^.OFFICERS i C O l

    NEW'iNflPGiyESB u tl- _ ~ * j

    investigatlon-oi-Robles-Ab-. iX 'i duction . Progresses

    in Arizona). H . ______It ths TOCBOBl Aflz.. A p ril " m L ^ New evidence has been unearthed

    In the govemmenta tavesUgatlon o f ' lho ld s o n 'o t.M r ^ and M r*. Say BhUUfigton. who liw

    no rth o f here, dle^ * t f i t Valen- Une** - bosplua to Wendell ea rlj

    t r th la m omlng, toUewtog an opera E* era l bome pending funeral arrange- tbe AenU . cu- i ,

    i S K A I l i , SWIMMING

    ! M U N i e i P l l M tthe --------- New Plans Call for Changes In Coristruotion to Make Way for RinkIhe ' Swimming In summer and akat- ra- tog ta wtater were promlaed T v to ent Fella residenU last eventag by rks memben o f Twta PaUs Junior

    Chamber of Commeree swimming ing pool eommittee, headed by Claude' gy. Delweller, chairman, u t A llo w in g a meeting o f the m u- tha a lcipal swimming pool commlitee, Iar Detweiler announeed U iat the pool.' ittste'ttd o n > in rT t*n fu ia r8h*pcd- Qj. as orig inally planned, would be

    constrocUd In the form o f an oval he to make I t more useful fo r skating uu!purposes durtog Uie w inter months, n *"0 )8 pool w y i bc rpade suitable

    fo r both'sw imm tog and sksttog a t Ino addlUonal cost and wiU have a

    ier I floo r area o f 30,000 square feet.- ISO I Detweiler said. A porUon o f the ar. pool wUl be fenced o ff fo r wadtog he purposes fo r the chUdren. lue The-commlttee wUl repcirt on the i n new plan to the regular m onthly SflO I meeting o f the Junior chamber-thU be, eventag and plana are under way m ti'to Uunch a compalgn fo r tunds. an Wednesday moraing, ad ---------------;--------

    NEW D E A LS FOES nd M ARSHAL FORCESU t ^ (Continued From Page One)b ft .(R rO a) predlctedJhe.people^oLhU ta state vrould overwhelmingly endorse

    ns. president Roosevelt In 1936. tn- Talk about a th ird party move- ad m ent was not regarded seriously by es. Dem ocnU here, desplu the action n - o f the farmen* holiday *ssocUtton. i t - . A t Los Angeles SlncUlr, defeated >Ut DemocnUc gubem'atorUl candidate. Ity told hU end poverty In C alifo rn ia" w- w orken It would be almpler to dom- >es {tia( Amcrica by controUing the

    Democratic party than by atlem pt- ^ tag to creau a th ird party.

    Republican llberala were aald by S e iu to r Nye not to ' be to favor c f

    [S'* a th lrd 'pA ny . holdtag.that i t would be too m uch.ot an' up h ill fig h t to

    m afc fv ic to ry probable.' '

    S; NEW FRONT INSTALLED* AT McCPiVlBS MARKETed A new fron t was InstaUed over ue the week-end In McCombs m arket. 10 3S3 M ain avenue east, .and both ot meat and grocer>- departmenU were x t modernized as the culm ination of

    on Improvement program th a t ha* in been under way fo r sei-eral weeks, ot Entrance wa^ moved trom the na center to the ea- t^ aide o f the fron t, to providing more space for ahow wta- :k dows and Increasing In terior floor to sjiace.t - R. K . McComb U proprietor o f

    the atore. ____

    ______' I - l lJ te S a H g i l

    T tf N B C N itw e rk 8 to 9 p. . B .D .S .T .

    IO N C l u l t i ' u f l i r a j i f l p l l ^i flijsiifiis-klen-! I :^ K im b e r ly Y o u n B :M e n V j ir t im s

    t( - H e a to iu C o U ls la n ' i

    i t m V o n S t re e t -^----------------------

    Two Kknberly- yoUth* were le - ^ ' rerely Injured wben the motorcycle

    they were tid la g craabed beadon against t n automobUe on atreet to K linberly a t about B:45 oclock last night. . .

    l i n ApparenUy lu tfe rto g Irom .. a U L broken hip, Pete Cox, J7 . drtver o t , l u the 'motoreycle, was takea to Uie t

    Twta Pall* county geaeral bos- n i D lUl fo r treatment.| l r ^ 'c o m p a n io n . Fe lix ' Van Hook.---------U L 31 .'who also Buffered'from a IFg-

    , taJuiT a a d y .C H U v ^ bniUes. .received m ^ c a l attenUon' a t bU .>

    Q8S home.Tbe motorcycle coUlde(t .w ltb a

    i car driven by Jame* Qktm on o t . Kimberly. .

    Inveatlgattog offleera would, not u attem pt Uat n ig h t to fix.responsl 4 bUlty fo r Uie accident. ' . I( G o v e r n o r D e p a r t s , !

    f . F o r W a s h i h g t o n i ^

    BOISE, A p ril 29 (/T) Oovemor Ross le tt BoUe a t 13:80 p. m. today fo r Waahtogton. D. 0 to confer l th ftfi^lxnal i irfmlnliiH-aHftn nf-___flcUU on Idahoa need to r approx-

    ,va l im au ly 40.000,000 ta publle works la r ^or reclamation, waUr. con?th aervaUon and other purpoaes fo r.h u whteh sueh monies can be used. a t - Tbe governor U traveling-a lone 1 . and expecU to be gone about three et.. weeks, he said. '

    J S S E R IE S O F M E E T IN G S th , FO R S T O C K M E N S L A T E D;hly ---------thU X. series of four meeUngs fo r preway senution of Uvestock grasing op- nds. portunlUes and election o f Twta

    Falls County Livestock MarksUng assoelatlon o fflcen has been an-

    . nounced-by Harvey.S. Hale, county agent. .ES The f l n t of these meetings Isto be hel4 at M urU ugh th is 'eve-__nlng, to 'be followed by meetings ta

    ^ the d istrict court room In Tw in j ; l 5 ralls_ on Wednesdsy, a t Buhl c ity orse H in bn Thursday ahd a t HolUster"

    high school on m d a y evening.

    t o P O L IC E s e a r c h FO R

    S. H IT -A N D -R U N D R IV E Rited I ate. Tw in Falls pollee were in searchiia of a hit-and-run car which early J}m - this momtag crashed In to the b s c k i gthe end o f a car belongtag to . Albert ip t- Lincoln, PUer. W

    Lincoln informed poUce.that heby was returning to hU home .to P ller i

    o f early thU momtog and had stopped 9 iuld a t.th e stop sign on M ata awnuo '

    to a t Flvb po int comer, .H aald tha t a Pord V *8 sedan bearing 1B35 U- ^nsa BR-3774, contatatag sereral young people, lu d struck bU car

    _ _ while I t waa stopped..C I He reported th a t tw-o o f the per- '

    sons In the h lt-and*run car were iver thrown ou l onto the pa^-ement, .bue kst. tha t they Immediately climbed baek o th in to the maehtae and started baek 'ere toward town.

    o f 5= 5^ ^ = : ^ ^ ^ = ^ ^ ^ = ha* . .

    Sc "NowTifyou

    C a r , d o c / ^ I

    We do l t~ w lth every used car ^ wo offer. RecondlUon i tmaking 11 Just like new once more. You ought to buy one. g*30 Pord Tudor Sedan. I M

    license .............. - ................ *335 W .SO- Ford Coupe, license.------- *235 B |31 Pord Tudor Sedan. W

    - - - lleeme ....... ........................ -3 ^*31 Ford Tudor Sedan.

    Ucense ..... ----------- ._,275a *3# Durant Coupe, license >135 4 *29 Chandler Sedan, goodH Urea. goodinotor, newa license .............. .......- ......... Iy -39 Reo Royal Sedan, new i ] Urea, new license.-.low3 - - m l le . 6e ..... :----------43M . .-3 *39 Stndebaker-8*dan^_----------------------f l flcense ...................... ........... *100J "Sl Pord Coupe. Ucense-------.JSUg 34 V.8 DeLuxe Coupe.a license _________ _________1 34 V-8 Tudor Sedan.a Ueenae ........ ............ .......... 3M>1 -34 V .8 Pordor DeLuxc.q license ........... ..................... J 04 *34 V -8 Pordor DeLuxe.M license ...............................5T5a ss V --8 Tudor, new motor.3 Ucense__________ _______A so Dodge Sedan, good.4 license ........... .....:------------ 10r t -Sl Pord p ic k u p ----------------- *2d TJ Buldc Sedan ----------------- * ^d ^ Ford V.8 pickup.g has license _________9 l l Pbrd T ru c t" 1ST W.B----- d 34-Pord V-8 Truck.d 5.000 mllea ______ ------- .1U 39 Pbrd Truck - ________4 Chevrolet Tm ckVery old. ,4 haa body, part of a cab. j four wheels, wUl run-------- * wn Cash or Terms Teu w mf l . Do Better A t .

    I UNION MOTOR I COMPANT , T a w FOED Dealer. I Twta PalU ;

    ' I

  • ^ W J j W I E i

    'state Officers Pay.Respecti to Journalist, Party .

    ' l eader ^' BOISE, A p r i l . (itV -Tbe bod< ;o f J&mei D . W b tlta o f T w in P&Ua . fo r m in ; y t t n a premloent flKW in jo u m tU im u d the D m o en U i p u t7 o f Idaho; np oM d (onlght l i

    i m ceraetdr berC'.' : ^ P u cen l urrte t* v e n eonduetec

    .a t the Bchrelber and McOann fuse ra l -home and a t 8t J oh n 'i CathoUi

    T oS H e dra l ahori^~Beforo aoori to^ Tday.and bu ria l foUowcd launedUt ]y w ith the Bev. Tatber Daniel E

    .lOTBCh o f S t.'Jo hn s in charge o aU services,

    n o ra l tributes from numerou [ -o rttn lT a tlo n i a t ' T w in ?alls anc I Boise and from friends In Idah< ( 'and 'O ther westem states coverec I 'th e g re y 'ca ske t'o r t^ere amnsec L -Besr.it MMJtoDy.pezaviSficatptaiom ^ in the-poUUcal life oPnhe staU

    passed tha t ie r .^ A t St. Johns the Rev. Fathei F fD n c h extolled the qualities o f slm< ' 'p lie lty .and honesty tt ia t had

    marked the years J im Whelan. ' whom he described as my friend," 'h a d lived.' M r. Whelan from chUdhood wsj

    aTnem berof the ca tho lic ta lth nnd I: 'h e had known the offlelatlnB clergy. I msn m sny yean.' E ls onlr su rr lv ln r {mmedtaCe rel-

    -atlves, the widow, M n . Carrie Carro ll W helan, and his daughter. Miss Jeanne C arroll Whelan, were pres* 'e nt a t the fin a l rites.

    aovem or Ros*. a close friend ot the fam ily , was unable to attend, bu t designated Ben Dlefendorf. commissioner o f ftilance. to represent h im personally.

    The honorary pallbearers were -M syor J . J . McOue o f Boise,.Mrs. -M yrtle -B .. Enklng, state triauorer; .H a rry ,C. Parsorts, state oudJtor; .M r. D lefendorf. W. Q rr Chapman; Tw in Palls iawyeri and Senator T. ' Dan Connor o f Tw in Falls county.

    Active pallbearers- were A. E. Graves, Newell S. W ight, O. W.

    W itham and-Representative J. M. iSharp o f Boise; Ira H . Maatera.of BIsckfoot and Charles Macauley of


    C o m in g Euents .

    M iro a . Woman's club w ill meet Thursday fo r a Mother's Day lunch-

    I on a t one-o'clock a t the home o! '-Mrs. A ..L . Bevercomb.

    * Tbe Royal Neighbor J. U . club w ill '.entertain a t a' benefit card party Wednesday aftemoon a t 3 o'clock a t the home o f Mrs. J. L . Oreene 7JB Thlrd"arenue east, ' '

    ' The Oem State Study club Will -moet Wednesday aftemoon a t 1:30 o'clook tx the home o f Mrs. S. P. Gardner.

    The Womens Missionary .soclcty o f the Christian church w ill meet in the women's room Thunday a fu m o o n .a t 3;1S oclock. There

    will be elecUon of offleers and all -membera are urged to be present. 'M em ben o f the church and friends .a re InrJted.

    ' Honoring the out-of-town vls lton , h o w ill be here fb r the state music t /fs t lv a l and contest, the L. D. 8. 'ch u rch eholr is sponsoring a dance I Thunday evening a t 0 o'clock a t ' th e-recretttlon hall. The N ight Hawks '^Tdll fum ish~the music. Tlie~pub!ic

    i M a E F t H IS M C1 ^ - ------------5 w f e ^ ! a s - C a i

    L ;S I'i

    I w i ll i



    ? v y r t -


    I N \^^iratTA%ak-!.-Aptn uu J i l l B n lh B row o 0 W. c

    ' X . U . a t ber.home Thunday after soon. M rs . 'O . W. Jobnsen -hac

    e c ts chae a i tbe dorotlonata and M ri

    temperance.' .Hefresbmenu wen serred to Mssdafflea Jdtm . Bland

    --------Lo yd -D a v ls ^W lllla m V K le ta ko p J, Raymoad Vlerbeller, J ..B . Boles, t

    ^ ^ . H . Wlnster, A . . M Hoover, O. W b ^ Johnson. N. Jobbstone and Ray.

    m ond Matthews , . .S u ! - M r. and M rs. J. 1. Tolman w il I t l l i iM ve Sunday m o m ln g .fffi Los .An'____ pW trs ml; t> r [r Mr' . M yra l O . Clark^and daughter. Mar- icted gene, who w ill arrive )ir boot froa Je Hoaolulu May 2. En route they wU

    .visit th e lt_ n ,_ B lo ii. Tolm an aat to - M rs. Luvena Bates, M n . Tolm aal lAt- mother. In Salt Laka C ity. M n Bl C lark w ill spend the summer hen :e o f w ith relatives. ,

    M n . M ^ C lark le ft fo r.her hom< irous In Crawford. Nebnitka. a fte r spend- usd Ing several months here w ltb he:

    0 ^ 0 daughter, Mrs. Ray ,Jackman.Sverett-Jobnstone Is' spendlni

    several weeks w ith his uncle. Ton itate Johnstone. In. Aberdeen.

    - M r. and Mrs. John S llven. aqd .ther M r. and Mrs. A rth u r Terry return. ilm> ed to tbe lr homes here tb ls week had Btter spending the w inter In Phoe*

    slan. .n l^ Arlsona.nd," Mrs. B irch and In fan t daughter,

    who bave been In the Ea rl Meeki was homo since A p ril 1, le ft last week and for-thelr-hom e-ln-Ashton; Idaha rgy. M r. and Mra. L . T . Patterson and

    son Ja ttle le ft Saturday momlng re l- /o r Idaho Falls to apend the week

    :a r- end w ith relatives.Ulssires-

    L^:Efili lOPBUIlLEy -

    - IlNSlliS SIMONSvereM n. ;---------

    BO RLE^. A p ril n - i . S. Under- i . wood, Burley grocer, died Sunday

    a t noon following a ten-days' 111- neas from pneumonia. He was bom In Danville. lUinols. Sun-tvlng are h is wife. M n . ZJIlIe Underwood, a

    sister. M n . Austin o f D a lla i; Texas. , and a brother, CoUox Underwood, ; n f of-M Inldoka. Hdnois.' Funeral. ser^'lces w ill be held in

    the Presbyterian church Tuesday nfternoon a t 1:30 oclock w ith Rev. C. 'O , Arraa o tflc lsting. Shrlnera

    . ond Moaona w ill attend in a bod] ,^ M r. Underwood being a Shrlner. Fol-

    ' lowing the aervices the bod}*, w ill be _ J , oent to Grand Island, Nebnska. for

    interment In St. Joseph cemetery leet w ith the Masons In charge. The body >eh- rests at.4fte Johnson mortuary here. 5 o f .


    " T1n Palls G ra n g a -jt a recent .meeting, heard nn address by J. 8.

    Will ^^Idhu ien on the sales tax: dls- 1:30 cuued I t generally, but took no , p . definite action a t th s t time, .r-

    Ta-o humorous readings -ere given by V lrg ll Raybom o f the high

    lety school public speaking department. :eet A seed and bulb exchange concluded day the session.lere - ________________________________a ll ------------------------- -^---------------- :---------

    :n t. Jy Invited to attend.nds ' ---------

    T lw Mentor club w ill meet ^ Wednesday afternoon at the home of

    o n M n . A. N. Bonu-ell.isle ---------

    8. The M ounta in View club w ill meet nee a t the home o f Mrs. Guy Hunter a t Wednesday aftemoon. R oll call re-

    rka aponses w ill be "M y Beauty Treat- 5iic- menr.'" -----------------------------:---------

    lO D E t A T H O M E>aiIy-New a-Pattem ---------^


    PATTERN 2332

    Ihj d ' n t t c C f J o i t i SI R igh t now Is the tim e to play for I a rery speelsl Personal Appeannce I on Mother's Day! You owe 11 toI ... the fam ily to look as charming asI you really are on tha t dsy and I forever a fte r! D ecido-^yw r' ths t I j-our frock fo r tha t Gala occasion I w in be tbe loveliest th ing jouTc I ever hsd. like the figured p rin t

    pictured herel 'That touch o f Isce a t the neck U Just the dainty note you need, the slenderizing cape ju s l the ortOt fU tte ry your feminine heart desires! Chocss a p rin t

    ed sheer (a small design I f your proportions are generous), a b it of dainty Isee and -da .trea t yourself to a clevcr crystal buckle!

    Pa lU m 3333 U avalUble lo slses 30. 38. 40. 42. 44 and *6. Blue 36

    .takes 4 '; yards 39 Inch fabric, and U yard is inch lace. Illustrated step-by-step sewing'instmctlons In-

    I eluded.

    Send nFTE E N CE.NT5 (15c) tn coins or sUmps (eolns preferred) foe th is Asn Adams pattem. W rit# pla in ly name, address and styls number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. ;

    [ GET TOE A.VNE AOAMS SPRING I F A T T tK N B6 0 K 1 Make fo r your- I seU tha clothes th s t ars smart, prac- I tica l aad becoming. Cboose them 1 from the fo rty pages o f th is beautl- I fu lly Illustrated book wbkA Includes .. also ckcluslre fhinn fo r to u ai>d

    chlldrvn. especially designed dresses fo r the mature figure. Ungerle. and hosts o f other Interesting features. Eacti garment Uhistrated Is essy to make w ith an Anoe Adams pa tte rn SEND FOR rO C R COPT TOOATI P U C E o r BOOK r iFTB E N CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER. T W E N T T - F IV E CENTS. -

    Add.*tss ordsn to T b * News. Pat- *ra D ep t, Tw lo PaUs.,

    ^ [ s o c i ^^ ' PhoneJd > ---------------- ---

    sre Pythian s u te n honored Mrs. c. H od, Eldred a t a fareweU pa rty a t h o p fr home-Sunday-sfteraoonrMrsrEldret P. Is leaving Wednesday for San Pran- W. cisco to spend the summer w ith hei ly . daughters. M n . PbUUp Harold and

    Miss Dora Eldred. ^>rlng blossomi 4U formed the decoraUons.. Refresh-

    menta wete'served Ute la the afteri ^ noon. ________________ ___________

    P1.W0CHLE CLVD ''^ ENTEliTM Sh'D AT SUPPER ^ M r. and Mra. A. V..VOUlams were

    hoaU to the E M club a t a seven o'clock supper Sunday evening. Wal- ^ te r Larsen won the pHie 'fo r high score a t pinochle and A. P. Russel)

    the low score. M r, and M n . Xoren ne MUler w ill enterU ln the club a t the d- next meeting.


    ^ Miss Jane BraUaford waa elecled * president ol the M eT eluft Sundsy

    afternoon a t a meeting i t the homo qd o f Miss Jeone Smock. She aucceeda n - Miss Beth Bothwell. Miss Bette ek Msgel was elected secrietary: Miss

    M ary Bradley, treasurer, and M lu Wanda Hewlitt, sergmnt-at-arma. -

    r. Plsns were msde fo r a breakfast to ks be held a t the home o f Miss EUnor ek HoUlngsworth May twelfth. Officers

    w ill be installed a t this time. Re- jA freshmenU were serveil a t the close ng o f the sfternoon.


    M r. and Mrs. O. H . Detweller were hosts at bridge Sunday evening. M r.

    and Mrs. G. P. ThomeU and M r. and M n . Ronald Graves received thc

    S card prUes and Mra. W. J. K in * won the traveling prtie . RefreshmenU were sen-ed.Guests were M r. and Mrs. G. F.

    TttomeU, M r. and Mrs. Voy Hudson. M r. and Mrs. W. J. King, M r. and

    r - Mrs. J. M . Pahan, M r and M n . Ron- ^ ald-Graves. M r. and.Mrs. Carl Pool ^ ond M r. and Mrs. Gene ThomeU.


    IS. Members of Sigma Delta Psl. meet-d. Ing Sundoy sftemoon at the homo

    o f Elmer Mallon. elected Clsrion-in Holland pre jldent:-.E lm er Mellon, ly vice president!" Donny Rogenon, V. secretary-treuure^; Ed Sporks,^asr rs te r o f ceremonles:.-.01rde'Boughton. jf, setgcont-at-orms. A fle r the buslneas I- meeting, the group motored to Banie buna's for a swlm. .

    y ZU ZIMS ARRANGE ;y FOR ANNUAL MAY PARTYe. Arrangements fo r the annual

    spring dance, May n in th a t Radlo- Und. were made by Zu 21m club membcn Sunday afteraoon. meeUng a t the home of Edwin Lloyd. Normaa

    ^ Bates presided. The dsnce wUI fea* ^ lure the sports theme. Invitations . b ^ ^ u e d to .sponsors and I t membcn o f the T rl-C . MeT Red

    K n lg h u and Sigma Delu Psl clubs,. I- and each member o f the Zu Z im club |0 U Inviting a guest. Plsns were also I

    mode fo r the annual swimmer. |

    h BLUE MONDAY t. CLUD b'NTERTAINKO d Mra. tTank McCormick wos host

    ess to the Blue Mondny club s t a luncheon yesterdoy afternoon. T b t

    - luncheon u b le was ccntered /< '1^ blue flow en and the place c y^ s were also In blue. Mrs. E. L. 'Rayborn.

    . M n .C .D . Anderson and Mrs. Oeorse t Von'nibcrR were guests. Mrs. P. E.

    Meull won high score a t contract t nnd M n . Raybom low. |


    Miss Helen Dean, doughter o f- -Mr. ' an d M n . R. A. Dean,' and B en-

    Slai; aon o f Peter M sl, nli of K lm -t berly, were married Sunday after- - noon a t tw o -th irty o'clock a t the

    home o f (he bride's psrenU by Rev.' Theodore M artin , pastor o f.^ tltff

    I Klm berly Church o f the Nasarene. Immedlat ly -pracd lng ,-th-re-


    r w H iS K C R - W f^ ^

    I '

    ~ SCORCHY S M IT H -

    i j f Q m i c c M c H y l; b am d c c n TOBRrOLV.AKD AOMAXA^ fl. r a STAWING AT ATTIMTIOM, t

    . /

    -v'C .ne32 /

    h a i^ t in e e M Jnodel o rU gh t blue eb lt- Ired- ton aad et rrled->-boQqget'^-bride^ an- rosebuds, . R v . \ . attendoot. . **> her Qladya.BeaD.'.ore a b liie ^ p r la t and and carried a bowitiet o f sw ee^as. oms Tbe bridegroom w at attended',by fsh- Victor MaJ, b is btoUjer. te r i Tbe rin i.cerem ooy was perform

    ed before an arrangemeDt of-petted TiiBnoniad^inswew: . ' -

    PoUowlng the cereinony refresh- R nventa were served to flflyrfW o.'re ia- rere tivea and friends.. A t - f iv e .o dock iven M r. find M n . M ai le ft - fo r S a lt-La te iral- C ity .on a. b rief, w tdd lng ..trip .., tlgh The bride's golng-awsy o u lf lt was tsell & blue swagger ault w llh white, ac- >ren cessorles. M r. and M n . M ai wUl lbe reside on a farmsoulheast'of K lm

    berly. _____

    ____ ^.1/4 SONIC^GROUPS--------- ------------I n v it e d t o d a n c e

    'jc d Masonic Lodge andT ln PaUs Chapter, Ofder o f Uie Bosiem Star, bave been Invited bjr

    ^ the Gooding Masons and Eastern ctie s tn n io attend the annual Masonlo

    donee a t Oooding th is evening. A number ot local couples are- m otor*

    - Ing to Gooding fo r tho occasion, t ton w INTEREST GROUP HEARS w s ADDRESS-ON FRIENDS lose Self-Improvement group, o f

    the G irl Reserves, meeting .yester* dny aflemoon a t the h lfh school,

    n r T O E

    l l . ' A p r i l 3 G

    m i , C O W B O Y

    egtEcMiMs 1 E f h5 soLotess l o,I,

    g o , TU E S D A Y M O y m G ; A p R r

    i w n i E i n i M m ; I L i i o i

    ' The body o f Ray G l a i ^ . p lo ow r newspspcmian o f Cams* P rairie who

    was k lU ^ in -a n automoliUe. .aed- _ dent in MlnneapoUs las t Priday. R( ^ -w iU -o w iw - lw r e pridasM o-4ats S ! ment in Tw in PalU cemetery bedde

    the grave of h l i Hf>, who J a n - __I S uary 3. .1034. . ' . .^ ' M r. Glnikey came to PaJrfteld In ^ I W and was a t one Ume ed ito r o t , 'w the Camas County Courier. Since 'J > / the demh of M n . G la ikey-ba 'bas ^

    resided In MlnneapoUs, . , . iT ted The boJiy wUi be accompaaied to j y ~ Tw ln -F l!a -by-h is-b t)therr-A h le ^ th - GInzkey. Interment wUl be In charge * | j i . o f the W lilte mortuary. -

    ^ S t u a c n t s T c k e l s -

    H e l p F i n a n c e T r i p m i

    m O f L o c a l D e b a t e r s' " , M l

    Nc.irly SOO high school stuoenU sq yesterdny signified the ir Intentions wti

    of-oldtnr-the-debate .squad oo Ua r . ' t r ip to the nnllonal contesU a t jd i

    Kent. Ohio, by paying an extra hei Itje nJekcI for (he ir schoo] paper, the ig Bruin, i i c n Thursday. Bnslnesi w i

    ^ MonnRrr Frank W alker lU te d Uiat Qlo U Druln would add 3S to the i , f

    A squads funds following a check-up g ;. among the student body.I, Tljursday's Bm ln, the laat o f the

    )-enr. w ill be a senior special and ^ number of unusual features aro be

    ' Ing ndvsrllscd by the public ity de- T JB rtm pn t^E dw ard -W inm s-tt"U ie I publicity monager.

    sr*loi, " L _

    atUck. lie was previously a rancher ' In tlie Teton basin, ' *

    He wos Ijom In V b ^ a . Scp- *^5 . tember 11. 1S4D, the sen o f Edward

    and Morgnret Bowlca. Hla w ife pre* ceded him In death; . ^

    n He Is survived by i l x 'chUdren:, l | M n . Deity Drake. Hogerman; M n ..U Vlolo Drake, v ic to r, Idaho: M r.-Re. .

    becco Blrcher. Victor, Idaho: M n . * Florence Dartdson,. Drlgga: Henry

    j r - Bowles, Oakley; and Mra. A d a J a lr- he bonks, Onklcy, * me The body resU o t the .Johnaon lr * mortuary In Burley pendbig funeral u i arrangements..

    N G E R S I '

    ( m a c y ; i

    > 9 M a i n A v e . E a s t |

    fo v e d T o. - - . " ' 'iH .' 'A . . . , .

    S o u t h i nCO

    :k b u i u > i n g gbe

    W U I B e ^Ufbe

    . - r B u s i n e s s ^

    e w I r f i r a t l o n . ^ ^ / lo t

    D A Y ^

    1 0 , 1 9 3 5 I

    T H E E N D

    . 3


    r tO U O .S W W . /T A . e 'NA SOLO/ iCfrCP .-Ea i k rCu*? . i

    ^ I L 80 . 1B8& . ,

    O lE i OF hotels::. . ------------- Dai

    Relatives Wiil Talnd Mrs. Mildred Moeken, Tw in TUIs. nor and her husbsnd, Henry KlsUng, P > wbo Is In Collfomls, H er sister, M n . T R. W. Nichols, and her niece. Miss slal Id a Widoson, Glendale, hara been here for the post sei^erol montlis. ton

    Tlie body, which now resU at the P1 Wblj,e mortusry, wlU be taken to - Jn; doy to Orange, Callfomla, fo r bur- Alls U l. '

    ' W

    Real Estate Transfers ----------------------------------- :_____ b y .1

    - P w n b h 'e a '^ U ir io U n n o a n U In . ~ . T Itl# Qaarasty CempoBr ^ pQ

    APRIL *7,1935 Deed: P. S. Runser to R. E. Zahl,

    $10, Lou fl, 7, Snyder Tract. 8Deed: R. E. Zshl to D. Patrick.

    11. LoU 0. 7, Snyder Tract.Deed: J. N. Baker to E. L . Pat

    rick, Exec., $1, Lota.fl.'.7,.-Bnyder * Tyoct. ^

    Radio .Servlce-repalrs, Ph. 44B-J. 1 Robt. Oasklll. with Aato Elee. Ser- vice, 138 2nd No.Adv. ...... ^ '

    We clean and (rta t g ra lu Olobc ~ " Seed A Feed Co.-Adv. _ _

    . " A L L T H E

    FUN WAS BONE %O U T o O F L I F E '

    Mys mlddi^sgcd w o m a nM an y w om ea suffer fro m h o t f l a s ^ , spells, nervousDcag

    t iLad o the r aa- to m s > /

    l i f e b o t ^ se c iD w o c t h M

    l ln .U a tt lia I iy |o g .V -

    ?*All tbe fiin was fo o e out orj{(e,*1 I coa pU la r M k S. Msnubek o f 10907 Edbrooke Are., C h ic a g For ^ five ycsn I wai going tbronan a very ' bad lioie. I wsi nervous, hsd ietrlb le beadacbei, could, noc d im b s is in aad fe lt swollen. Vour Veaeioble Compound worked w ondcn to r me.I t is a grest medldne fo r any time o f

    Lucille used to b in t ac tbe office: ' Y o u r medicine helped . ber aod bdped 0 / dsugbtcr.Jii4sv too.*?

    f l Had A w h iT iM S p d lt )i m M r*. Hsrry H. Price o f io4 N o j Im risoQ Ave., Ksnkaket. IlUnois; TbejVegetsNeCompoufld puts pep. ha U to me aod mskcs my w ork easy.'^

    -Vegeable Coapona^

    P OF TH E T R A IL ^

    r StooTiMM rrA iN T^ -i ^K* TO e c LON? J ) ll ' r r


    I f l i W p U ^T lckeU fo r tb T b ig b school sen- J

    lor dai^r p lsy, "TW# Royal PkiaUy,- 7 ' went on sale >-esterd&y ' and Jim Dawaon, business maaager o f the SU play, reported laat n ig h t tb a t the re- anc su lU predicted a record attendance dro atthe-.peeformaBoe-4ooioijoi^^ve* Pla nlng. WbUe tbe dlrectora and cast* cre p u t-U te - fin la h in g -to u e b e ft-o i^a n -tbe Intensive three and one-half weeks ^ o f K h ea na i; the business s U ff U wei publlclxlng the pUy. d'oc

    A 'b lU board display, o f the p ic- hol tures o f tbe acton was .added to n< the publicity arrangemenU yes- terday. T lw pictures appear in the bod minm n on tr iHe n ig m enooi: ^ err

    SUge managers /ipd property and hoi costuipe - bands are also working .ter, overtime gathering accessories fo r sue the elaborate iilay. Thl) setting is ^ tbe duplex apartment o f an eceen- doj trie fam ily o f actors liv in g In the the Eaat F lftlea o f New York. Personal Rei and atage propertiea are extraordl- ten norily numeroua for a high achool ter; production. Joii

    Tbe personnel o f the managing 1 s la ff la 'as follows; Buslneu Jim Dawson; aUge Lyle Prico and Bar- the ton Nordllng: IlghU James Hodgea: )> pnjpertic* M r/orle -aicwai, lone Jenson. Prank Oiese and Lawrence H AUsberry: caitumes, Joon Bacon; th ^ maketup, Dorolhy Call:-bouae. Lor- and ena v ic to r. Hnj

    M rs:.Bonn la Mae Slmpsdn U d l- = reeling, assisted by E d ith Clark, and f f the High achool" orebestra dlrecud f l " by J: T . Balnbridge w ill provide ihe Is.

    ROUND-UP OF FAULTY ' JS BRAKES, Lights coming Si

    " " . reelS U U . c o u n ty -a n d -d ty o ff lc e n w ill

    wlU cooperau In a raund-up o f he

    V a n E n g e l

    agenuine .^hcn hontchlde T.R IP process known on ly to W olverine see W olvcnnes and t r y them on, c wonderful' they rea lly are. Step ii have a ll stzca in a ll the popular st

    w o i WORKSqOBS wo

    $ 2 i 9 S TO !

    B y

    TO H A O fifN N tX T ! i r

    ANO M is s u

    W H .'^T !NC

    S0LD1> JCTMOtMTMMKIMC* THS *V ttC *^ o w n c s c c . , . SCO*O e .T U 6 .X A 0 iA U T W -^^

    James an'd hts cbUsln. Pted B iD ,V were playing in the w a U rw h ro su d - d'only the boy aUpped In to a deep . hole. Neither o f the boys could swim and the HIU tn y ruahed to ' t h e - fa rm boute to'kubim on belp. The body waa recovered by Leslie School-

    hour a fle r the boy feU In to the water, A r ilf ld a l resplnUon proved un '; ' auccessful.

    Puneral Mrvices wUl be beld Tuesday att^n iboa a t 3:30 o dock from . .> the Jerome Ba'{iUst church wUh - - Rev. o.* L . Johnson officia ting. In -- U rm ent vU l bo In the Jerome cemetery in ehorge o f the Evans and Johnson funeral bome o f BuhL .

    Tbe famUy. has lived on. tbo ' r Charlea Abbott fa rm near here since they moved here frem Jerome a year ago, . James was a seventh - grade student in Haieraua school.

    Ke la.aurvived by lUa pareoU and three brothers,- W illiam o( Jerome ' and W alter and W arre n ,jx )th . o f Hngennan.r-. ,

    care w ith defecUve IlghU a id faulty brakea tha t.la to be lounohed here wlUOn the next few days, i t was announced i m evm lng. . ,

    comUig raund-up, PonUtoe Cooper.' sU U tra ffle officer, said, w u given' w ith view, to encouraging coopera- tlon'o f^autom obUe ownen tn eor- recUng UghU and brakes. ArresU U l:be.m ade durtng the round-up. . 1 he aald. ^

    > > e r t - H o o J j

    ) t O / V G - Y O U V - rDT-WRECKERS)*A tteeN Aoeib L g M . - (coftcuv l c a K oin*w OPPOSITE {D e - L -t S W I T C H f i -

  • ^ p i p i N j ' A l i g D A I L Y j f E W S _M o n d tj/b y T b *

    ' . : o 4 t o ^ F ^ M f e * i P u b lliW ii* O0, m 6 , Tw la V 'p g ii* , 'T w in ; n o i l 'County, Idaho.

    . E lte H IU tK l U M . ^

    p S E a . i i t e ' I t* . S n j g w r ~F i lb . Idafeo. under tha et o t fctercto 3 .187W^ ,

    f e V ; - ^ ^

    r .. 'payable In Advancel g ; ; . ioo!p.1 m ile

    v : .' ' - '' 'One Year ----------------- - " ' .

    i t ' ' ------ ' ''^ o u u i j . s u w o rM B o

    A , . Y . . r -------- ------------------ ------------ 1 KIEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PttESS ^, -V ,- T n . J S S a P T c b . x d u . l v . l , . n m . . d t t ,' . Lhe use fo r Dubllcatlon o f all ncw d l*p tch ' credited to It. o r no t othiSnrtse credited In -th is ,

    and to the local n c pubUsbed. herein.' ^ l% b t s o f repubUcaUon o f *pedal dlspatche*

    herein, also reserved. ___________ ^ 1

    m means Associated Ptets. ~ ' Member Audit Bureau o t C irculations. |

    . N ATIO N AL RBPRESBNTATiyES ,: ^ PRUDbEN, K D 0 AND PRUDDEN, New *V York. Chlcago- th ro M Interesting Jlght upon American penology. The convicts refused to 'do the work aaslgncd to Uiem by the prison admlnlstoatlon because Uie rtate parole board Is. in th e ir opinion, too slow in piaslnc upon oppllcatlons fo r parole. As Uie prison is qvercrod(d and doubUess lacks some of the com forU and luxuries of a f lrs l rate botel o r couniry dub. ib is delay b W uralJy r fs e n t j..

    Probation or pwole has been so administered In America as lo lue convinced tla tm ln a l th a t 11 U a r ig h t which 11 is the prims duty o f the goverament to secure to him. I t Boi-emment Inslsu upon depriving h im o f his liberty merely becsuse he h a i murdered, raped, burgled or stolen, i t has aajumed a responsibUlty fo r h is welfare which he propoees to have congenially fu lf ille d . Nowhere tn any other country do we know o f thU hne, uiURdlnr altitude amDng' individuals confined fo r crime. We suppose th is U w hat b called salvage. C erU ln ly It hw produced a system o f dealing w ith crlm lnsU whtch salvages their jpeclal procUvlUes and turns them loose in due -time w ith a righteous ind ignation fo r the Jnconvenlencf* o f detenUon and the Inadequacies of thelr care and e n terU lnm ent

    O h io ought to lose no ttme in inereaalng its parole board o r provide pleasanter accommodaUens fo r !U prlsonen. Probably the pri*cn chefs are less ta lented Uian prisoners ha a jig h t to demand, and- are iherts enough single rooms w ith bathT

    BRaKFASTFOODWUUeDad. whst's a paradox?

    -O adA womsa who Is wearing a pa ir ot sUk jto^k- Ingt and tries to k tt^ i t 4 secret.

    U t-C lty O lr lWhy do they put beUs on cowiT 2nd D lito -W h y , M as to give w arning aod r w ean

    run away from them, you s lD j.

    TeacherW hy w u Columbus s*nt home la chains? PupUao he wenJdnt skid on tfc* wet roads.

    A unt Loui?e-ao you iaU nd to be a soldier, do you Hen.-y? Dorvt you know you may be kllledT . Henry-KU led? Wbo by?

    A unt LouiseTbs enemy. ~ IT e n ry -rnen l-u be the enemy, ^

    Jtovle &lanacer (to B lo a d e ) -Y o u tt Jumped o wc U ff_ ^ r ight. And you've fo - jjh i ft four gangsters

    and la id Uem low. la the next seem yog t a to kiU a ' ' mouse w ith your bue hsnds 1

    " ' I ^

    i x n . v N I 8 . T W 1 W r ^ l i a I D i

    t i d , V A N B O R I N G

    I ta -

    in s _ _ j f f i n ~ 1 I |

    p e d '

    n t's ,

    w ili ^j e t . c x M f s r a o l m M v r .



    ikc ( r------------------- -


    (Copyright, McClure

    . NEW Y O B K .By James McMBlUn^*.

    SHARING. PJnancUl conserva- ' tlves applaud Secretary Morgen-

    thaus insistence any.veterana : bonus legislation must, be aoeom-

    Ing panied by taxation to c o w the ooist ie - In order no t .to unbalance tbe bud< Ota They are glad to aee tbe admln<

    Is tra t lo iO lm fo r a pa y-u fyo u.go poHcy on orte Item a n yw a y even

    ' though it's a hme oaala In a Sahara ^ o f debt expansion. ,

    B u t M r, Morgenthaua suggestion >tU th a t Inheritance taxes would be a snt good ^a y to raise a a t lo n a l reve- tiia nue sends icy aMvers down .wealthy 5- spines. I t 's feared th a t Congress wlU

    ' fin d the ImpUed InvlU U oa to com> _ biRo passage o f t w bonus w ith the

    " pleasure o f soaking the r ich too en- tor, tlc lng to res is tn l Comment tu n s th a t FD R may not th go fo r Huey- Long's wealth-sharing fa patterb u t-ev id en tly h u Id e u o f hls owa on tb e aubject

    ^ SCAttCE. Bankers are worked up ed about rev iva l c f the p lan to - 'give ne- the Federal Reserve Board a veto n power over jnember- bank loans to -I- industries guUty o f orer-productlon.

    They elalm th a t pre tty soon they w-ont be able to aneese w ithout per-

    * t mission.sn Conservative critics remark th a t 0- the most over-produced Industry In

    the country is real esUte. Y e t the govem m enl n o l only fosters fu rthe r produetlon tlirough every possible channel o f i u ownl i Is continually

    be prodding the banks to loosen up Id along the aame line. The boys arent In paasmg up the chanoe fo r caustic

    reference to the New Deal's consls- . tency.

    The banks also complain tb a t any sueh legislation would pu t them on an eren ho tte r spot than they ha>*e

    ceeupwa newtorofe. w unm gm n u ta StiU sore a t us fo r no t making more , loans. Y e t we practically couldn't

    make any under th is restriction. In - dustries th a t aren't over-produced on the basU o f present' oonsump-

    90 tlon are u scarce u hoop'.sklrts fo r na horses.-

    CHEAP. Here'S a sample o f w a l esthU conditions In the New York fU tandal d u tr ic t. A buUdlne In the

    In heart o t the sectionwhich h u U sold u h ig h u three mUllon doK nt lars and a couple o f limes fo r efer

    tw o m illio n Is now begging fo r an T o ffe r o f *000.000. More than lh a t h u

    been spent to modemWe It in the V past few years.ly Tbe prioe quoted Is equivalent to

    W_ to o t fo r the land w lth a 30- story fcu lld lng 'lhrow n in free. Pnrp^

    t - e rty tw o blocks away was rated a bargain when I t changed hands a t

    ^ 3 0 fo o l (exclusive f building) In IMO.is . '>d WASHINGTON

    .. ' B r George Dorao I J , PR ED IC TIO N. Prank C. Walker,

    who haa been picked fo r a key po- s ltton In Preeldent Roowrell's inU - ^ mate entourage fo r expending tb a t re m,MO.OOO.OOO tn work-rellef, should

    beremembered u one o f the orig ina l FT R . B . C ." men, meaning be helped organise the Rooserelt U nd - sUde before the 1M3 Chtcago con- ventioaa.

    W alker eomes back in to the spot- J U gb t pa rticu la rly in hU o',d Job u

    director o f the National Kr,ergeney u. Council, w ith reluctance. He h u a l

    ways worked best w ithout pubUetty Is faet. h u done so ex-otfleio fo r nearly a year. His specialties are under-eover coordination and pollU-

    in cal pnaoee-raisiag. neither o f whieh

    S c h i l l in gy ^ a n i l l a

    ^ m tv t r U e t t eu t

    D A H O , T O E S D A Y U O B K p tS ,; A I ^ S B = = = S = S S =

    " - B y T i s h T a a h

    ----------------- ll

    > W H IR L IG I G :UKD THE NEWS) Jure Newspaper SyndlcaU) k

    flbloom overly well. In hU measured * opinion, i f too mueh W ashington g\ newspaper spotligh t and. conjecture

    [ ! * ' U plaoed upon tbepi- Ha returned 7 ' to fo rm al New Deal serrtee on ly be-

    cause the commanding general u rg - ed h im to get back in to hameaa. u

    And m ay th U 'w rite r take a m od- 01 es rb oW .to r having predicted some

    t i me ago th a t W alker reluctaaUy f, would be back In a key poaltlon to r si

    the expenditure ot tha t *4.UO,000,- 1 * ^ 000? ; _____ i

    a n o n y m o u s ; A lo l ,o f ha rd- S" headed and.ab le men are a t w ork bi

    In some o f the federal agenclea It ^ classed u the New D ea l They are c<

    u much oppoeed to radical experi- el m enu u any ouUlders, T he ir p r t- n vate critic ism o f b ra in -triu te rs 01 would raise a blister on a rhlnocer^ w os' hide. Collectively the agencies

    under these praetleal men are doing ^ much to improve business, reduce bt

    unemployment and save the adm in- di UtraUon from an open break w ith in

    up Oongrws. s l[ t f f ; RaUroads. banks, home ;bwnen, ^ 0 mortgage oompaniei, miners,' build-

    to Ing contracton, building .material ion, produoera and artisans are better _ hey o f f because o f the sctlvitlee o f fed- "

    e n l agencies tha t are no t looking m fo r tbe U m ellght The collective e f- aj

    hat ^orte o f the>e agencies must be di In counted In Roosevelts favor. He en- sc

    the coursge* them aU.her --------- 'ible NOTES. Plans are In preparation ^ klly fo r the -iTeasury Annex building to up cover the lo u now occupied by the

    sn t Belasco Theatet and Cosmos Club. 8* l l ic No em pty apartmenU in Washing- lls - ton and the suburbs a re ' growing

    rap id ly. Painters and sculptors * m y abould aend. fo r the buUetln o f the ^ on Pa inting and Sculpture sw< m ilrty -O Q seniors, b lg li achool fac- t (Jty members and tb e lr wlvea werew the honored fueeU.----------------------- n -J Tbe gymnasium- w u transformed ft-1 Into a picturesque Japanete -gar

    den w hich featured a lUy poad In aa the center and lantem a tunUshed u j j u g h u ^ e tfw t a . J ^ l ^ t tablea were

    ^ . .John .Tolk, m aster-o f ceremonies.announced U)o program numbera u

    M feUows: Addreaa o f welcome, K a tb - lyn Straughn, Junior clasa n r ^ e n t :

    ?l|respoDae, U oyd Bhtwmaker, sen*- io r c la u president: piano aolo, Pat

    Patteraon; voeal solo. M abel Saowi^ reading, M sh^ Dodson; c larine tand trum pet dtlei. Lester HUU on dH e r- man C ^ l ; ta p dance; Jano Oep-

    ^ U7, T ih n FaUs: Japanese a ong, !?* Grace Tsuguiyana. he Musle fo r the banquet w u tu rn -

    ished by tbe R hy th m Klnga. M o- f** thers o f Junior c la u membera u - - sUted in Uie p lann ing o t the event K f ja n d aop.bomore glrU assUted In

    i p M O lN M S I f liJOOPiNB-CflyNmGENI-

    O OO DINa. AprU M Realgna- ? Oon o f O. E. McConneU, Ooodlng ,,, couniy extension agent to r th o p A t

    j4 -ye a w ,-to accepttthe-poelU on-of , chief A r tn g e management fo r the f ; United SU les department o f agri- ^ culture w ltb headquarters In Colo-

    rado, w u announced here thU week, H U reslgnaUon U eftecUve May l i wheo Ifb w ill begin work In the sol\ erosion M rvice w ith the agricu ltura l department.

    V M r. McConneU wlU leave here 5d Sunday w ith hU fa m ily to r the ir

    new home tn-Colorado.Sprlnga..No successor b u ye t twen- named. .


    - PflESENl^OPEBEniln JEROME,-AprU 1The boys and ^ glrU glee clubs o f Jerome high n school, directed Jiy M lss A nna Mae

    Osmanson. presented a two^acl- operetta. Jerry o t Jericho Road. a t

    the Jerome h ig h school auditorium. . Pridoy evening b e ^ an audience of- 400 persons. .

    Im p o ru n t characters' were Lowel Bird, H arry Towle, Oene R lcketU, A rth u r Thompson, O orls Swlmm,

    ^ Margaret Sugg, Kenneth M e iK r, A r- , th u r E ^e . Margaret Lee, Fae Over- field, Wayne DavU. Barbara Da-* vU. Delbert B u rkh a lte r and O K ar

    Peterson. The Jerome b l th achool, orehestm directed 'b y O u sU r ' Flechtner, played several numbers.

    MUs Beverly Rice, W alte r . Snod- g ra u and T ..A . H un t aocotajwnled

    the vocal num ben on the piano.U* MUs Oamsnson > aasUted by J Mlss V irg in ia Haldeman and MUs >. Velma Pariah in dlrecUng lhe of>- eretU.t B il l. Hurlebaus was advertising n manager: W ilbur Box, stsge man-j T ager: W ir t Pairman. property man

    ager; and Gene Lythgoe, ligh ting- ond seenery. Theda Nelson. Anna- r belle -Zug,* M arjo rie Carlson, Evelyn

    Nlms. Jvan (5i-crfie3d and PhylUs e Handy. O lr l Reser\-e members, serv- r ed u ushers. D lrecUd by Mlss Oene R lcketU. a g horse rider's dance w u gh*en by

    M argaret Pyle; Pearl Sm ith, Emma o T.ythgoe,-Helen McCabe, B e tty C s r l. g ton. D orolhy Foote-and Elsie Rob- a erts. MUs M argaret Sugg was in

    charge o t m inuet dance by Helen e McCabe, Irene Hendry. EUle .Rob- g erts, Dorothy Foote, B e tty Carlson

    find Emma Lytligoe. A m o d ^h ................................. Shirley Arsteln, D uane Perkins,I, LincoUi U e . H ow sjd Peck. D orolhy

    VUUng. L a te r O ra ff..A fU m Adam - r son and U nco ln Lee. a Prom pter w u M a r r Anderson.. l lg h u were In charge o f Olenn Lee

    and Ea ri Decker, and sound effecU n were' given by D o u g lu LewU, loaa . Moyes and Anna Base, e A matinee fo r the kiddles in 'th e

    afternoon and the evening performance netted' the ^ a u over gM,

    r i WED,-TMU. *TH E P A r.O F F !"

    r JO E -K S A rS : ^. Bustneu u lllce oU. I t won'tf m ix w llh anyth ing b u t busUiess.. Eh w ha tl You should always

    m ake i t your buslnesa to see th a t* you get your share o f the "Pay ' O t r and Oood Times at ' UNCLE JOE-K^S

    ^ LA ST TIM ES TO D AV lExtraordtaa iy Ite iw ra Rma of

    a i l l l l l l l l S ! B J l l . l l l ! l . l | l ! I J

    H A P P E N ro ^ ^ -^ ^ i

    NI6HT ^ ^ ^ 1 / !PLCS-^

    Cartn-C em edy-N ew s

    W ED NE SD AT-THtm S DA TI W ateh fe r "T HE r A T o r r *

    S w *TTE -BEEN ABOCND DeUghtful Comedy Dram a

    WHh g w ite r a ia trta

    NOTK: It's AO in F an . asid-We N e v tt Rabe O or Prtces:


    {Guiding Your l [ f ,

    ALIC E O L & IU U a' RZOHUOKD an- . .

    J5J : F m . n B U S O N IN O

    ___1 _*-W hy iwtT^I_______ ^ e d lo tn r - th ing. And.becauie theres scar- i] In la tor another. AndIhed anyway, 1 d o n t Uke tbe plctutx^ irere H 'a n o t tbe k ind you need to aee. '

    Dies, one o t which w u in lu e lf a u f^ ie n T t M probably aeemed to Mrs, Brown toI tb - strengthen ber ease. In p o in t o f tact,ent: I t weakened I t So many obJeeUons ien>^ to oae afnp le request, made each Pat ooe aeem Inooneluslve. H er smaU iflwi- daughters tlru L Im p M lo a -w o s ' and Ob, b io tber Just d ld n t w ant ma le r - to go to the movlea and thought up lep - evc^ythbig ahe oould to make i t ong, aeem Impossible.

    And so fa r u appurances go, the iro - ChUd. U r ig h t. I t i t ttook three rea- MO- aons to prove U iat abe cotUd no t go. u - none o f ta e a eould havo been atrong

    rent enough alone. Furthermore, the last 1 one. whlch-sounded like rp e rso n a l

    reaction, bsd the effect o f v ltlsU ne the o lher two. ,

    V ChUdrea aro ap t to be very l lte ra J. and straightforward, and also ^-ery

    qu ick 'to sense any flaw in the o lher I I T fe llo w 'i argum ent Whateve'T U said j l - l - th e ^ , should be d i iw t a M to t lw

    ' better.-Three g ^ reasona are no t 71a - a .b ll.s tronger .than oae.Ung .J ib e 'p a re n t should decide in liU ? A t own m ind Just why he does no t wUh i-o t Uie chUd to do a lh lngt and-sttek-to- the th a t reason^ no t adding Irrelevant r r t - side-issues. The most valid reason in )lo - thU case w u the scarlet fever ep l- thU demic. Taken by Itself it t would or Uve should have convinced the child , and : In no t have le ft her wondering whether the I t w u no t simply an a rb itra ry w him

    o t mothers w ith reasons manufnc- icra tured to boUter it. le lr _________________

    H AZELTO N STUDENTSh o L d a n n u a l p r o m

    HAZELTON, A urtl 39 Nearly _ _ 100 couples attended ih e annual. T l Junior-senior prom.held a t the hlRh I n school gymnasium Friday evening.

    The. room was artUtlcsUy decorated in orchid and white, the aenlor class

    m d colors.-Paul Bleler'a orchesUn from Igh T w in -F a lU fumUhed the music.

    Punch w u served throughout the evening.

    A number o f couples from the D lx - on community attended a surprise

    > w pa rty fo r M r. and Mrs. John K ln - , de a o f FUer. former rejldenU o f

    D ixon Sunday wenlng. The m ain feature o t the e>-enlng w u a poO t luck supper.

    Oeorge Ward and Everett Ric le f t bere Priday momlng fo r a CCC

    IT ' camp' ta the northem p a r t 'o f the

    av 1 - J ". 'S j dance w u given by Barbara Burks,

    Peggy Pyle, Barbara Davla, < June WooUey, M arcia BeddaU. D orlii

    ? ; Summers, Wreatha O a rk and Lois Oldham.

    ^ The chorui fo r the presenUUon ^ w u compeied o f Jeanne Abramson, __ M arcia BeddaU, B a jtw a Burk.%, ^ B r t ty Carlton. LUIa Mae Callen, M ary Chojnacky. WreaUia Clark,

    Barbara* DavU, Peart Draper. Ea- th e f EUU, R uth Eo lf. August* Fechtner, Dorothy Foote. M ildred Gough. Helen Hatmaker. Iren e ften -

    dry. H aic l Hogue. Elaine Kle in, A l- m a 'K nobe l, Margaret Let, Emma

    , , Lythgoe, Helen McCabe, Roberts.- J ; M ullins, LoU Oldham. Oayl? Ow-

    ^ en t. Pae Overfle ld. Peggy Pyle, 2 ; Evelyn Randall. Nancy Reed.

    Summers. M argaret Sugg. EWr'otliy Tum er. June WooUey,,Elher Yun-

    t ker, WUbur Box.-Robert Bruce. Del- , bert Bushalter. Wayne DavU.^Jomfs

    Dalton. Oscar Eaton, A lfred Flecht- S ner, Reed Giles, W arrsn Kays. W al- ^ dron Kennedy, Roland K ing. G^cc

    Lythgoe, Thomas M oKhler. lU fo ld ^ M cJunkln, Kenneth McUcr. 0 cnr

    Peterson. A ffson Ploss. A rth u r Pyle, m B illy Robinson. Thomas eMlltneton.

    Ralph Sturges. Louis Sugg. A rthur eta Thompson. Jack Sllb.-ugh, Ervin ,aa SlncUU- and E. DcJuIlus.


    m ENDS TOrfAY!

    $10 R A I S E^ Edward Everett Hortan ^ -K a re n Morley s 't Tomorrow! Adalta 'l&e

    < SpeDctrTRACY J O H N B O IE S

    r y . t f I

    J s u x r s i'M rn o J * TO R TO IS B AND

    t h e h a b e "8POBT NXWS

  • I C ubs G om A f M r H

    I ^ F C S -

    P o u r P laye rs Lea ' i-. F ie ld A s R esu lt

    O f B a f t l e s

    1 . C H IC A G O T .A p r i l- 2 9 ( f f )i ' * ' S ix h o rae run flV t^vo f i s t fJg h I b a n is h m e n t o f f o u r p la y e w;; - a te n - ru n C h ica g o r a l l y i n t j j i . c I 0 it h .a n d a p a ra d e o f p ile

    era m a rk e d r io to u s procce in g s to d a y as th e C u b s a

    , , , P i t t s b u rg h P ira te s , m e e tli f o r t h e f i r s t t im e th is seasc E itU c d f ig u r a t iv e ly a n d 1

    the eighth, getting a t H oyt ar and BIU Sw ift wUh equal vengeanc

    . . D uring the course o f the ra lly Eni llsh h it ills home zun aod Salvesc

    , walked, three men. which led to h . being charged w ith the defeat.

    Tliey Just managed Co protect t l ,. Jead in tho n in th , however,- whc . Clny Bryant struck ou l TrayiK

    w llll the t} in g run do second an . the ''Viinnlng ru n " on firs t. B r ja t

    followed French and C arlrton i the mound In the n ln tiu

    Tlie box score: r ritu b u rth ab t t H o

    L. w .n fr e r ----------- 3 2 2I'. Wuner rf - ______ 3 I 2

    k YOUIIB * ________0 0 0I , 1*. i i f r m in -------------s o K T Vsuihsn u ________ 3 3 4

    Traroor 3 8 _______ 4 3 o iHubr J b --------------- S 3 3 (lAt'XcUO Jo ---------- 3 0 1 0

    o ib o tn c .X __________0...0 . . a . .0 ..' Tncvrnow 3 b ______ 3 0 0 3I I H ort'"p 4 0 - 2 0

    P -------------- 0 0 0 0> 1 1 J ^I TolU ... .............. i i ts 34 '

    , x ix~D tud tor P. Wnr Jn th.: . ' o r 5 _________ o'* ?IS I i i

    UDdtfem3B-_______ 3 3 3' cupler ef . 3 a 1C'tt*aow u S i ^' K;t:n. Ila rtn ftt ta LUMitrwi. W)nal&

    pl;Sfr-4;*i- Umlat pSteJf.,*I

    i ; Cardinals-7, Reds 2 r -T -^ I .W L N N A T L Aprtl a W m* ' Deaa rang up h i* th ird TJetorr eI . the sesson today, holding C ladaM n a ti^ K fg j ell in check whDo h i J St, LeuU teamnutes battered ou , ! a 7 to 3 dtO ilon. t Pepper M artin led the attack o< - S r t f l ^ asd FTeltas W h th r*


    ;s A n d-

    ! 6 S u R y 1

    iq u e r P ira te s1 9 T n 1 1 * T lx l j Xa ia l W . L . Iye rs . New . r k -------------- T I .in th e Brooklyn ---------:------- M 4p i t ' : ' ! - g ' ? . * : , . ------------------- ; j KOCd- c i d i i . U _________ t J .1i an d n iu b a rg b ___________^Miting Bolton 5 7ason . rhu d iph u ............. ^ ^

    S. V/. u i* l ae T tlaa d ___________J 2 .

    *3 c h lc a c o _________3 .____ Hew Vork -------------------- * .

    ------------------- ---------- 'W a s h lB ito a -= .Z _ :. 7 - - 5 ' " t " * D etro it :--------------------4 9 .istrom. Rf i ^ n i . . * a

    w o ^ p h i i . d S U z z r f 10 :!r U uit , 5 =

    Jo ln S ^" g s r a V 'b * . K O t.:i ' 81. ltU< AB K H Ohe Fl WblUhMO 3B 1 3 3 except 0 0 p - S ;S 5 Jb zzz - . ... i - 5 s

    s; ? s Ii i J

    lansg- n ln i 3o s i s oS J S S ? e > r b = : 5 I S 1?boost }{fer ef _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 0 J 3

    } 2 2 ? ^ ft KtinpourU 3b ____ I 3 0 1 3ntang* imbrtii s 1 0 o olurses' o nn tn p 3 - o o o1 th e .m itM p _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0ito go t'b lekM n n ____ I o o o

    I T t^kXft _ _ _ 33 2 S 37 both fr-B4Uetf'ior JCMnpoiirU in Sih.

    d bu t >Battd for BrtBaan In lta . iin/4M.. )k> Bittt uffered the ir elghlh consecutlrnglng lefeat as they lost^the ba ll ganI andapart, ^ aU even a t 8 0 New Tork 7. PhlUdelphU S.7 1 WashlngtoD S. Botton 3. 'I * Chicago t, SL LU 4.

    0 3 COAST tX AC UE1 2 M illions 7-1. Le t Anrtles 4-U .1 0 OakUnd -S. SeatUe 12-2.s 2 noOywood e-I. San F ru te lM S-1 I 0 Sacramento 9-7. PortUnd I- * .

    111 l / f W . t i P T H C i T

    'SSS: ^ A iC A e r r MAQAM,viouifi9W E A R ? HIM U M

    ATM . ttir

    H o m ^

    i Injefty^Gomez"te^Senatarr N e w Y o r k s Y a n k e i

    B l a n k W a s h i n g t o n

    C l u b , 2 - 0

    N E W Y O E K , A p r il 29 '(, 7 ^ V e rn o n ( L e f t y ) G om ez, w:

    .77S ha d n o t ta k e n h is t u m o n t

    .M 7 m ou nd in o v e r a w e e k becau o f a m ild a t ta c k o f th e g r ip ]

    .102 re tu r ; ic d to a c t io h to d a y a *,4" ?- i

    IOomn p _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 0 * w b ttte n ~ 3 Z Z Z :? o o o ooo* ooo-3 I Wry T o fk --------------- 000 no OOx-

    ^ Erron Keoi*. Runa btt*4 in-

    - 4 -------- l i g e r s - lS r B F O w n s O ^1 ST. LOUIS, Apm M V-Th

    Detroit Tigers opened a four-gam, stand here today by handing Ui

    t oft*beaten St. Louis Browns thel I ; w on t drubbing o f the season, ] g ito 0. before a crowd numbering lei o jth a n a thousand. I t was the le i 3 enth consecuUve lo u fo r the hap o less Bnnms.3 1 The m e ra n Buck Newsom hel the American league champions t ) four h lU in se>-en Innings, bu t th

    ; snd garnered six more h lU ol

    to Welland before the game ended, fla* The box score:

    DtUtU AB It U O. Wnite cf . . . 5 3 2 3w, Coebran* e ______ 4 3 1 1_ _ oiinnfTf ab ____ _ s 3 3 i

    OH* 11 tlf IB . * ~H * I *3Owlln rf . S I 3 4

    3 KK'iT, :--------- ! i i i0t 3b ------ S 3 2 0tW P .. . .--------- J 2 > 3

    T o U ta ----------------O 11 n JT 'wLk i ?Bum* Ib ________ 4 0 3 7HniulfT c ________ 3 0 1 flI tppw ir _________ 4 i 3 3B um ttt 3b ________ 4 0 0 1

    4 0 J 0Sirftnt* M - 4 0 0 3.tlfvw a i p _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 1 0Wllkup p -------------O 0 0

    F i r s t C l a s s P i r s t S


    r ' 3 L \ r STOOP to C M fK r. r I ^ ^ V g h t n H r { U , h p k t T t



    ^ * sT ffin tiig kX l L V ' J L L v U \ / J L V

    Olinois 5 - T o ^ A i c e p h F i g h

    L g -W iim e i; is L ( la n i

    c e e s C a n z o n e r i-A n ib e rs B o u t F a

    ) n to D e te r m in e H o ld e r

    T i t le , A c c o rd in g t o V o

    o f A t h le t io ' C o m m is s iiM /P ) . _____ y

    B y CHARLES D D N K tire n th e (AssocUted Press Sporta W riter) cause c m o A G O . AprU u ( ^ x b a t rinTM> I>oU s taU ath letle oommUstea'((

    **T ^ r t fu ie to 'reoogaiitbe w laBer( the Tony C usonerl

    Sen* Len Anbera t ig h t- in New Yorl i- - th e May ss, a* betag holder o f tb 9 th e vorld'a lightweight UUo raeaU n o T T -fcrBam ey-aaa,-ilx wedca ago.-^

    In tak ing th U action. Joseph T Id trl> commlssios'

    ! f "Ch*aipJon*blp sre won. la t ,K h . *0 ^ not In commission offlcei Lw. I Tha commUsloners ruled' th a r c

    . I championship would be regarded open in lU lnols; n d 'th a t to dete

    en ito r 135-pound tit le holdirtvinc approve an elim ination eoi ^ test Involving Canronerl, Ambe I. Red other llghtwelghu.Bud- I ----------- ---------

    ? i t *.. _.Mui4Ur.:XS,,- 2 -. J . _9 , 0_

    x is M t id 'lor wiwo'ri) ln Oh. es to -B k tt d for wcUuid la ith .{ .ta l Dtrolt I4P OOI 0031

    >t t t hit*0brlD|r 3. Suroj. Owea, H4n firs t orMDbtn. Bio:ti> b*i*-w>ui. DouS

    1 He Pisr*Rottl to Otbnaicr to OrMr 'B*ra: Bunu to Btrog4 to Bunu. Wir ICkey niDK pttc&irBrldgw. Loalag pitctMr-

    plate NewMm.. ourth I rank-1 R ed S o x 1 0 , A th le t ic s 8

    PHILADELPHIA , 'AprU M > f i M ille r's pUich single w ltl

    three,men on base and two out I the ele\en th ion lhg gave the Bosto

    JS *.* Red 80* a 10 to S victory over th "2**,*: Athletics today. l! ' The defeat w u the fouHl

    s tA lg h t Io r the A's. 'The box score:

    L ' w : v . . = = = r ' " ! 0 1 -------- J I J.

    V 0 Alrai? *ef .......... 1 3 I

    t iH i t w ^ n * * *p " - - Z Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 1

    ? J j j I2 Totm .................4i 10 Io U ii ise PhlUdilPhU AB R H o /i ES!,7,'J '! i

    _ B. Jobn*on If ____ s 3 iiL;ss.,, i - = r J ;,-;J 5 S K 1 .? -= S i !4m 7. Ktwiomt M _____ _ 3 4 :*h*. D t n t o a -------------0 o cJ tliw CMMr p ___ _ 3 0 I

    C ue m iU p ------------1 0. :Coicaiio B ................ I 0 0 (

    I Totklj . _________