publish high quality journal: some strategies/tactics · • original thinking, design and/or...

Publish high quality journal: some strategies/tactics 1 By: Associate Professor Ferry Jie, PhD Email: [email protected] Skype: ferry.jie Mobile/Whatsapp: +61 414968978

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Publish high quality journal: some strategies/tactics


By: Associate Professor Ferry Jie, PhD

Email: [email protected]

Skype: ferry.jie

Mobile/Whatsapp: +61 414968978

Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

• Our goal as Academics is to do high quality research and publish it in the best possible place - Tom Smith


High quality journal publications

• Zulfakar, H., Chan, C., Jie, F., (2018), Institutional forces on Australian halal meat supply chain (AHMSC) operations. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 9(1), 80-98, United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing Limited, DOI: 10.1108/JIMA-01-2016-0005.

• Maman, U., Mahbubi, A., Jie, F., (2018), Halal Risk Mitigation in the Australian–Indonesian Red Meat Supply Chain. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 9(1), 60-79, Emerald.

• Wang, M., Jie, F., Abareshi, A., (2018), Logistics Capability, Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk, and Logistics Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(1), 45-54, OSCM.

• Herawatie, D., Wuryanto, E., Jie, F., (2018), Course Scheduling using Modified Genetic Algorithm in Vocational Education. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 24(3), 203-210.

• Widyaningrum, R., Lestari, S., Jie, F., (2018), Area Parameter and Integrated Density of Periapical Radiograph for Bone Mineral Density Prediction. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 8(4), 2083-2090, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i4.pp2083-2090.

• Puspitasari, I., Syahputra, EO., Raharjana, IK., Jie, F., (2018), The Continuance Intention of User’s Engagement in Multiplayer Video Games based on Uses and Gratifications Theory. Journal of Information System Engineering and Business Intelligence , 4(2), 131-138, DOI: 10.20473/jisebi.4.2.131-138.


• Mustafid, M., Ade Karimariza, S., Jie, F., (2018), Supply chain agility information systems with key factors for fashion industry competitiveness. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 11(1), 1-22, Bucks, United Kingdom, Inderscience Publishers Ltd., DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2018.091352.

• De Vass, T., Masudin, I., Jie, F., (2018), Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: The Impact in the Context of Global Supply Chains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND SOCIETY, 19(3), 678-698, Malaysia.

• Ewedairo, K., Chettri, P., Jie, F., (2018), Estimating Transportation Network Last-mile Delivery Impedance: A case study of Maribyrnong City in Melbourne. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(1), 110-130, DOI: 10.1108/IJLM-10-2016-0247.

• Golab, A., Jie, F., Powell, R., Zamojska, A., (2018), Cointegration between the European Union and the selected global markets following Sovereign Debt Crisis. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(1), 14, Sumy, Ukraine, LLC “СPС “Business Perspectives”, DOI: 10.21511/imfi.15(1).2018.05.

• Setyaningsih, I., Indarti, N., Jie, F., (2018), Bibliometric analysis of the term ‘green manufacturing'. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 11(3), 315-339, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, DOI: 10.1108/MEQ-02-2014-0020.

• Puspitasari, I., Jie, F., (2018), Making the Information Technology (IT) – Business Alignment Works: A Framework of IT-based Competitive Strategy. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 29(4), 14, IndersciencePublishers Ltd., DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10015159.

• Wang, M., Jie, F., Abareshi, A., (2018), Improving logistics performance for One Belt One Road: A conceptual framework for Supply Chain Risk Management in Chinese third party logistics providers. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 11(4), 364-380, Inderscience, DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2018.095514.


High quality journal publications (2)

• Jie, F., Gengatharen, D., (2018), Australian Food Retail Supply Chain Analysis. Business Process Management Journal, 24(6), 20, Emerald Publishing Limited, DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-03-2017-0065.

• Thai, V., Jie, F., (2018), The Impact of Total Quality Management and Supply Chain Integration on Firm Performance of Container Shipping Companies in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(3), 605-626, United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing Limited, DOI: 10.1108/APJML-09-2017-0202.

• Nizori, A., Bui, LT., Jie, F., Small, DM., (2018), Impact of varying hydrocolloid proportions on encapsulation of ascorbic acid by spray drying. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(6), 1363–1370, DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.13699.

• Song, C., Nie, L., Jie, F., (2017), Stackelberg Game of the Local Government and Central Government in Higher Education Enrollment. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 23(4), 101-110, US, International Forum of Management Scholars (INFOMS).

• Handoyo, S., Efendi, A., Jie, F., Widodo, A., (2017), Implementation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for estimating parameter of ARMA model via maximum likelihood method. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 102(7), 1337-1363, Allahabad, India, Pushpa Publishing House, DOI: 10.17654/MS102071337.

• Maman, U., Mahbubi, A., Jie, F., (2017), Strategic Planning to Control Halal Risk in Indonesian Beef Supply Chain. International Business Management, 11(6), 1246-1253, Al Rega, Pakistan, Medwell Journals, DOI: 10.3923/ibm.2017.1246.1253.


High quality journal publications (3)

Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

Why publish in top journals/conferences

• Contribute new body of knowledge

• Popular in particular areas

• General impact (H index)

• Get promotion in the University

(Tsui, 2008)


Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

Challenges and Concerns

• Limited chances to publish in top journals

– Very limited spaces (i.e only two issues per volume);

– Very high rejection rate (i.e 95% rejection rate);

– Many excellent researchers are competing.

• Long process (2.5-5.5 years to get an article accepted)

– Stage 1: Complete a research project (1-3 years)

– Stage 2: Go through the whole process (1.5-2.5 years)

– Stage 3: Formal publication (about 1 year)

• Very picky and demanding reviewers

• Researchers’ constraints: limited time, resources, knowledge & skills

• We need some strategies and tactics for publishing, which are also

helpful for conducting high quality research.


Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

What strategies ? (1)

– Understand the “needs” of the leading journals; understand who the audiences are;

– What reviewers/editors like?

• Strong literature review;

• Strong background/rationale of the study;

• Solid research design/methods

• High quality data/strong result

• Strong theoretical contribution

• Strong practical contribution

• Creative/interesting research idea

• Advanced data analysis approach

• Good presentation skill (logical, clear and concise)


Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

• The Major Reasons that Papers Got Rejected in top Journals

– The research questions asked were neither interesting nor important.

– Hypothesis without theory or insufficient theoretical justification for hypothesis.

– Design flaw (Methods can not answer your research questions/research problems).

– Weak empirical contribution (e.g., data with poor quality).

• Know the specific requirements of your target journal

What strategies ? (2)


Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

Specific suggestions

• Don’t make too many unpublished references

• Cite all new publications on that area

• Cite the papers published in the journal you targeted

• Don’t be overly critical of past research

• Presentation:– Title of paper must be provocative (if you can)

– Abstract must contain theoretical and practical contributions

– Introduction – strong positioning of contribution (but don’t overstate your contribution)

• Now that I have written it …– Edit, edit and edit! Sloppy writing signals sloppy research to reviewers.

– “The best writers labour over each sentence”


Some useful references

• Whetten, D.A. (1989). What constitutes a theoretical contribution? Academy of Management Review, 14, 490-495.

• Davis, M.S. (1971). That’s interesting! Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1. 309-344.

• Gioia, P.A. & Pitre, E. (1990). Multiparadigm perspectives on theory building. Academy of Management Review, 15, 584-602.

• Bem, D. J. (1987). Wring the empirical journal article. In MP Zana and JM Darley (ed.) The complete academic: A Practical guide for the beginning social scientist, Chapter 8. New York: Random House.

• Huff, A.S. (1999). Writing for scholarly publication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Selection of Target Journals

1.Who is your readership? (make some notes and critically evaluate these)

2.You are aiming to get your readers to use the contents of the paper for decision making/design/citation in their own research


Outlines – examples of first level headers

• (check the journal guide)• Abstract• Introduction• Literature review• Method• Results• Discussion• Conclusion• Acknowledgements• References• Tables• Figures


Introduction and Conclusions

For consistency we write the Introduction and Conclusions together



• The introduction should go straight to the issue in the first paragraph

• Then the necessary background

• Finish with a concise description of the contribution of this paper

• References should include your previous work in this area and the major work that launched your thinking for this paper



• The conclusions should briefly precis the context and purpose of the paper. It then should conclude (not summarise) each of the items in the results/discussion sections).

• eg “We embarked on a study to do ……..” “Important in this process was …………”



The conclusion should be about serving the literature. It could briefly explain what the literature was saying before the research and what the contribution in that changes the literature.

It might end with suggestions for further research.



• If you use a question in the title you must answer it. If you use a colon, beware because some people don’t like it.

• Beware of ambiguities in titles. Put your title in the search engine. Sediment transport can be either hydrology or dental hygiene.



• Chose words in the title and keywords carefully as search engines use these in their indexing

• Do not waste keywords by having keywords that are in the title.



• The abstract must “grab” the reader in the first sentence and give a concise summary

• The abstract is a summary of the entire paper. One sentence each on: context, need, method, outcome, conclusions, implications.

• An independent review of your abstract by a non-specialist may increase your citations



• previously published work is acknowledged by references• advice is acknowledged in the acknowledgements• “fully supervised” technical work is normally

acknowledged in the acknowledgements• original thinking, design and/or writing is normally

acknowledged in the authorship list• first authorship is best to be pre-agreed• order of authorship is best allocated by the first author on

the basis of total effort in the conceptual and writing process

• be sure to acknowledge funding, unpublished data offered by third parties and reviewers


Manage the Review and Revision Process

• If you have any doubt about the suitability of a paper for a journal, write to the editor or associate editor.

• If the journal requires suggested reviewers, prewarn your nominations – you will suffer less delays as a result

• In replying to reviewers comments follow the editors’ instructions and provide a response sheet so it is clear how you have responded to each item of feedback (made change/refute/clarification)



• Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU

• Mark Morrison, Charles Sturt University, Australia

• Kevin A Parton, Charles Sturt University

Chen, G.Z.X - School of Management & Marketing, ANU