ptw course - nota

Permit To Work # PERMIT 1) Putih/original > Pamer ditempat kerja sepanjang masa kerja + Cert 2) Kuning > Control Room + copy Cert. 3) Merah/Pink > Receiving Authority(RA) + copy Cert. # 2 jenis PTW :- 1) Hot Work Permit – digunakan bagi kerja2 yg melibatkan percikan api, contoh welding,grinding, pelepasan bahan mudah terbakar, cfs dan kenderaan ke kawasan loji. # Digunakan utk kerja2 yg melibatkan risiko dan keadaan berbahaya spt nyalaan terbuka, percikan api, pembebasan bahan mudah terbakar, ‘hot tapping’, pengendalian brg ‘pyrophoric’, memasuki ruang terkurung dan kemasukan kenderaan ke kawasan proses. 2) Cold Work Permit – digunakan untuk kerja2 yg tidak melibatkan percikan api, contoh memasang perancah, Pressure testing dan calibration. # Makna ‘PTW’ ialah Satu dokumen kerja yg terperinci bagi menyatakan kerja yg hendak dijalankan dan ini juga bagi mengenal pasti hazard dan langkah kawalan keselamatan semasa menjalankan aktiviti kerja. Dan ia juga akan disokong bersama JSA, Certificates dan lain2 dokumen yg berkenaan. # DEFINASI :- Permit adalah satu dokumen kelulusan kerja yg digunakan utk mengawal dan menangani setiap hazad dan berkomunikasi dgn org yg bertanggungjawab serta merekodnya. # Tujuan PTW 1) Mengelak dari berlaku kemalangan (Incidents) kepada manusia,harta benda dan alam sekitar. 2) Mengelakkan dari kerugian harta benda dan kos Perubatan (Cost). 3) Rekod Syarikat (Reputation). 4) Memastikan peraturan(Regulation) dipatuhi. a ) Utk memastikan keselamatan pekerja, harta benda dan alam sekitar. b) Memastikan prosedur diikuti dan kelulusan diperolehi :- Kerja rutin tetapi dlm keadaan tertentu(lain dari biasa), - Kerja yg tidak rutin(jarang dilakukan @ lain dari biasa). c) Memastikan perkiraan dilakukan kpd semua risiko yg ada, dan langkah kawalan hazard yg sesuai telah diambil sebelum kerja bermula. d) Memastikan org yg berkuasa dikawasan / asset tersebut mengetahui mengenai semua yg berkenaan dgn kerja2 yg dilakukan dikawasan adalah dibawah tanggungjawabnya. # Tujuan PTW ialah dokumen kerja yg dikawal untuk mengenal pasti, menangani bahaya, perbincangan dan mencatatkan aktiviti2 kerja serta berhubung dgn semua pihak2 yg berkaitan. #Tempoh sah @ laku PTW dan Cert (Cold & Hot Work) adalah 7 hari berterusan 12 jam. # PTW - Document to use / Communications System (Planning, Preparation and Execution works) / Control Mechanism / Check and Balance System between owner and performing works / Authorization to perform work. # PTW is ‘A written and signed document to - #Identify a specific non –routine task, #Show the assessment of hazards related to task,#Specify the method used to eliminate or control hazards related to the task, #Identifies those accountable for preparing and performing the task, #Document all activities and act as interface to all parties. These may include Hot Work, Cold Work and Log Book. ( Dokumen bertulis dan ditandatangan bagi tujuan :- #Mengenalpasti tugas khusus yg bkn rutin, #Menentukan keadaan berbahaya bagi tugas tersebut, #Menentukan kaedah bg mengawal keadaan berbahaya tersebut, #Mengenalpasti pihak yg bertanggungjawab dlm persediaan dan perlaksanaan tugas, #Merekod segala aktiviti dan tindakan sebagai cara berkomunikasi dgn semua pihak . # Work Permit is a written document authorizing persons to carried out the work concerned,warning them of possible hazards and spelling out precautions needed for the job to be done safely and comply with environmental requirements. # PTW yang telah selesai digunakan hendaklah ditutup tidak melebihi 24 jam. # Section 3,4,5 – W/L & RA # PTW (Org2 yg terlibat) – AA, RA, WL, AAR, RAR, AGT, HWAA # STOP WORK – Hanya AA,RA,RAR dan WL yg boleh memberhentikan kerja. # PROCESS AREA – Operational areas as defined by parameter boundary / fencing such as gas processing facilities, installation, manufacturing plants, terminal, jetty and storage, metering station, compressor station, valve station and cathodic protection station. # NON PROCESS AREA – All areas outside the Process Area such as administration building, right-of-way, canteen, workshop, warehouse, fire station, clinic, sports complex and guard stations. # ROUTINE ACTIVITIES – Activities which are perform regularly by technician / operators such as topping lube oil, visual inspection, ground and air surveillance, draining, line tracing and observation. # NON ROUTINE ACTIVITIES – Activities which are outside the regular operation of an operating facility in this respect maintenance and construction activities are considered as non routine. PTW –ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 1- PR (Permit Requisition) - A person either from PGB or Contractor who applies for the Work Permit e.g. :- the foreman, work supervisor / staff, work leader responsible for planning and execution of work. The permit Requisition / Applicant shall be responsible for the following:- Discuss work with WL, RA and AA. 1) Perbincangan bersama tentang skop kerja yg hendak dijalankan dgn WL,RA dan AA. Specify location, job description, tools, equipment, hazard and mitigation for safe work, and other certificates when required. 2- WL (Work Leader ) - The authorized person by HSE / Department who leads or carries out the job.(Org yg ditauliahkan samada oleh PGB atau Kontraktor utk mengetuai dan menyelia kerja2. Setiap Ketua Kerja boleh mengetuai satu kerja shj.Ianya tertakluk kpd perubahan spt kes “Shutdown / Turnaround”. Confirms conditions of permit and agreement by signing. 1) Mengesahkan syarat2 permit dan perjanjian dgn tanda tangan. Explains JSA content and Work Permit conditions to workers. 2) Menerangkan kandungan JSA dan syarat permit kerja kpd pekerja. Supervises at site at all time. 3) Menyelia ditapak kerja sepanjang masakerja. In absence of WL, the work shall stop or otherwise RA or RAR shall cover his role at work site. 4) Semasa ketiadaan WL, kerja2 mestilah dihentikan, atau digantikan oleh RA/RAR Ensure no deviation to Work Permit conditions. 5) Memastikan tidak berlaku sebarang penyelewengan pada syarat Permit Kerja.

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Page 1: PTW Course - Nota

Permit To Work

# PERMIT – 1) Putih/original > Pamer ditempat kerja sepanjang masa kerja + Cert 2) Kuning > Control Room + copy Cert. 3) Merah/Pink > Receiving Authority(RA) + copy Cert. # 2 jenis PTW :- 1) Hot Work Permit – digunakan bagi kerja2 yg melibatkan percikan api, contoh welding,grinding, pelepasan bahan mudah terbakar, cfs dan kenderaan ke kawasan loji. # Digunakan utk kerja2 yg melibatkan risiko dan keadaan berbahaya spt nyalaan terbuka, percikan api, pembebasan bahan mudah terbakar, ‘hot tapping’, pengendalian brg ‘pyrophoric’, memasuki ruang terkurung dan kemasukan kenderaan ke kawasan proses. 2) Cold Work Permit – digunakan untuk kerja2 yg tidak melibatkan percikan api, contoh memasang perancah, Pressure testing dan calibration. # Makna ‘PTW’ ialah Satu dokumen kerja yg terperinci bagi menyatakan kerja yg hendak dijalankan dan ini juga bagi mengenal pasti hazard dan langkah kawalan keselamatan semasa menjalankan aktiviti kerja. Dan ia juga akan disokong bersama JSA, Certificates dan lain2 dokumen yg berkenaan. # DEFINASI :- Permit adalah satu dokumen kelulusan kerja yg digunakan utk mengawal dan menangani setiap hazad dan berkomunikasi dgn org yg bertanggungjawab serta merekodnya. # Tujuan PTW – 1) Mengelak dari berlaku kemalangan (Incidents) kepada manusia,harta benda dan alam sekitar. 2) Mengelakkan dari kerugian harta benda dan kos Perubatan (Cost). 3) Rekod Syarikat (Reputation). 4) Memastikan peraturan(Regulation) dipatuhi. a) Utk memastikan keselamatan pekerja, harta benda dan alam sekitar. b) Memastikan prosedur diikuti dan kelulusan diperolehi :- Kerja rutin tetapi dlm keadaan tertentu(lain dari biasa), - Kerja yg tidak rutin(jarang dilakukan @ lain dari biasa). c) Memastikan perkiraan dilakukan kpd semua risiko yg ada, dan langkah kawalan hazard yg sesuai telah diambil sebelum kerja bermula. d) Memastikan org yg berkuasa dikawasan / asset tersebut mengetahui mengenai semua yg berkenaan dgn kerja2 yg dilakukan dikawasan adalah dibawah tanggungjawabnya. # Tujuan PTW ialah dokumen kerja yg dikawal untuk mengenal pasti, menangani bahaya, perbincangan dan mencatatkan aktiviti2 kerja serta berhubung dgn semua pihak2 yg berkaitan. #Tempoh sah @ laku PTW dan Cert (Cold & Hot Work) adalah 7 hari berterusan 12 jam. # PTW - Document to use / Communications System (Planning, Preparation and Execution works) / Control Mechanism / Check and Balance System between owner and performing works / Authorization to perform work. # PTW is ‘A written and signed document to - #Identify a specific non –routine task, #Show the assessment of hazards related to task,#Specify the method used to eliminate or control hazards related to the task, #Identifies those accountable for preparing and performing the task, #Document all activities and act as interface to all parties. These may include Hot Work, Cold Work and Log Book. (Dokumen bertulis dan ditandatangan bagi tujuan :- #Mengenalpasti tugas khusus yg bkn rutin, #Menentukan keadaan berbahaya bagi tugas tersebut, #Menentukan kaedah bg mengawal keadaan berbahaya tersebut, #Mengenalpasti pihak yg bertanggungjawab dlm persediaan dan perlaksanaan tugas, #Merekod segala aktiviti dan tindakan sebagai cara berkomunikasi dgn semua pihak. # Work Permit is a written document authorizing persons to carried out the work concerned,warning them of possible hazards and spelling out precautions needed for the job to be done safely and comply with environmental requirements. # PTW yang telah selesai digunakan hendaklah ditutup tidak melebihi 24 jam. # Section 3,4,5 – W/L & RA # PTW (Org2 yg terlibat) – AA, RA, WL, AAR, RAR, AGT, HWAA # STOP WORK – Hanya AA,RA,RAR dan WL yg boleh memberhentikan kerja. # PROCESS AREA – Operational areas as defined by parameter boundary / fencing such as gas processing facilities, installation, manufacturing plants, terminal, jetty and storage, metering station, compressor station, valve station and cathodic protection station. # NON PROCESS AREA – All areas outside the Process Area such as administration building, right-of-way, canteen, workshop, warehouse, fire station, clinic, sports complex and guard stations. # ROUTINE ACTIVITIES – Activities which are perform regularly by technician / operators such as topping lube oil, visual inspection, ground and air surveillance, draining, line tracing and observation. # NON ROUTINE ACTIVITIES – Activities which are outside the regular operation of an operating facility in this respect maintenance and construction activities are considered as non routine.


1- PR (Permit Requisition) - A person either from PGB or Contractor who applies for the Work Permit e.g. :- the foreman, work supervisor / staff, work leader responsible for planning and execution of work. The permit Requisition / Applicant shall be responsible for the following:-

Discuss work with WL, RA and AA. 1) Perbincangan bersama tentang skop kerja yg hendak dijalankan dgn WL,RA dan AA. Specify location, job description, tools, equipment, hazard and mitigation for safe work, and other certificates when required.

2- WL (Work Leader ) - The authorized person by HSE / Department who leads or carries out the job.(Org yg ditauliahkan samada oleh PGB atau Kontraktor utk mengetuai dan menyelia kerja2. Setiap Ketua Kerja boleh mengetuai satu kerja shj.Ianya tertakluk kpd perubahan spt kes “Shutdown / Turnaround”.

Confirms conditions of permit and agreement by signing. 1) Mengesahkan syarat2 permit dan perjanjian dgn tanda tangan. Explains JSA content and Work Permit conditions to workers. 2) Menerangkan kandungan JSA dan syarat permit kerja kpd pekerja.

Supervises at site at all time. 3) Menyelia ditapak kerja sepanjang masakerja.

In absence of WL, the work shall stop or otherwise RA or RAR shall cover his role at work site. 4) Semasa ketiadaan WL, kerja2 mestilah dihentikan, atau digantikan oleh RA/RAR

Ensure no deviation to Work Permit conditions. 5) Memastikan tidak berlaku sebarang penyelewengan pada syarat Permit Kerja.

Return permit to RA for endorsed and AA for Hand Back. 6) Memulangkan permit kpd RA utk ditandatangan dan AA utk dikembalikan.

Ensure the permit to be closed in section 8 – Hand Back by return it to RA and AA for signing. 7) Memastikan permit ditutup pada section 8 – Penyerahan balik dgn menyerahkan permit kpd RA dan AA utk ditandatangan.

Responsibility of RA / WL are:-

Implement, Monitor, Evaluate the JHA / JSA to ensure that steps are followed. RA or WL shall brief and explain to the workers the content of JHA / JSA.

RA or WL shall be responsible to ensure all the JHA / JSA requirements being implemented.

WL Contractor are :- i) Minimum age of 23 yrs, ii) SPM/MCE with 3 yrs experience in the trade OR non SPM with 5 yrs experience in the trade, iii) Passed PGB WL training, iv) WL Scope

1) Memastikan PTW disahkan diluluskan sebelum aktiviti kerja dimulakan. 2) Mengadakan ‘Tool Box Talk’ sebelum kerja2 dimulakan. 3) Mengesahkan validasi semula permit kerja. 4) Mengenal pasti hazard, langkah kawalan dan risiko yg ada dikawasan kerja sebelum aktiviti kerja dimulakan. 5) Mengarahkan/memastikan pekerja ketempat berkumpul ketika siren kecemasan berbunyi. 6) Memaklumkan kpd pekerja tempat2 berkumpul jika berlaku kecemasan. 7) Pastikan jentera dimatikan semasa siren kecemasan berbunyi. 8) Pastikan kenderaan

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dimatikan dan ditinggalkan dibahu jalan tanpa menghalang peralatan kebakaran dan pastikan kunci ditinggalkan didalam kenderaan itu. 9) Boleh mengawal kerja pada jarak 10 mtr radius tanpa halangan. 10) Tutup Permit setelah kerja2 diselesaikan sepenuhnya.

# Jika W/Leader kecemasan :- Cari - RA atau RAR ganti, jika kedua2nya tiada maka semua kerja2 mestilah dihentikan (stop work).

3- RA (Receiving Authority) - A person authorized by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department to endorsed PTW then receives approved permits and shall be responsible for supervising the execution of the work by Authorized Work Leaders as per the precautions in the permit. The RA can also be the Work Leader. (Diamanahkan oleh Division utk menerima permit yg diluluskan, Bertanggungjawab atas perlaksanaan kerja oleh ketua kerja, RA juga boleh menjadi ketua kerja).

Endorsed work requisition and specified relevant conditions.1) Mengesahkan tuntutan kerja dan menyatakan syarat yg berkaitan. Discuss and confirms conditions of Work Permit and agreement by signing section 6 (Approval).2) Mengesahkan syarat dan persetujuan permit melalui tandatangan.

Undertake join site visit before commencement of work and after work completion.3)

Explains JSA and Work Permit conditions to Work Leader. 4) Menerangkan JSA dan syarat permit kpd Ketua Kerja

Accountable for supervising work. 5)

Ensure no deviation to Work Permit conditions.6) Memastikan tiada penyelewengan Permit

Hand back of Work Permit and return to AA. 7) Mengesahkan dan menandatangani pemulangan permit kerja kpd AA.

Ensure RAR is available at work site in absence of RA from work site. 8) Memastikan RAR ada semasa ketiadaan RA dikawasan kerja.

4- RAR (Receiving Authority Representative) - The authorized person by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department to carry out ;

Undertake RA responsibility in the absence of RA.1) Menanggung/memangku tanggungjawab RA semasa ketiadaan RA. Work Preparation as prescribed in the permit.

Undertake join site visit before commencement of work and after work completion.

May sign Section 6 – Approval ; in absence of RA upon discussion with AA.

Melakukan pemeriksaan ditempat kerja dan meluluskan PTW ditempat kerja.

5- AA ( Approving Authority ) - The person authorized and formally appointed by the Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department to approve and issue PTW in the area concerned. Work involving increased / unusual hazards (e.g. open fire, hot tapping, entry to confined space etc,) shall require review and authorization at a high level in the organization. ( Diamanahkan oleh POD utk meluluskan atau mengeluarkan permit dikawasan loji.)

Identify work site preparation & ensure site visit been conducted as per requirements.1) Identify Hazards and specifies precautions. 2)

Handles all interface with adjacent areas. 3)

Specifies other certificates and documents required. 4)

Verifies completeness of permit. 5) Mengesahkan kesempurnaan / kelengkapan pada permit. 5)

Discuss Permit requirement with RA / RAR. 6) Membincangkan keperluan permit dgn RA / RAR.6)

Assign AAR to prepare equipment / worksite, join site visit, monitor work progress and compliance to PTW. 7)

Assign task to AGT and other required competent persons. 8) Menugaskan tugas kpd AGT dan lain2 orang yg bertauliah yg diperlukan. 8)

Approve / revalidate Permit. 9) Meluluskan / menyambung permit. 9)

Receive permit hand back. 10) Terima kembali pemulangan permit kerja. 10)

Menentukan sijil dan dokumen lain yg diperlukan.

Memastikan permit dan sijil adalah lengkap.

Melantik AAR utk memastikan langkah2 keselamatan diambil, bagi memantau progress kerja dan mematuhi permit.

Memastikan semua keadaan berbahaya dikenal pasti dan langkah kawalan diambil.

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Mengesahkan kawasan kerja adalah selamat utk pekerja.

Memastikan keselamatan dikawasan persekitaran dititik beratkan.

Meluluskan / menyambung permit kerja.

Menerima dan menutup permit.

6- AAR (Approving Authority Representative) - A person authorized by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department to carry out the prescribed safety precautions.

Ensure all requirements specified in the permit are met. Undertake join site visit before commencement of work and after work completion.

Monitor and report work progress.

Melakukan pemeriksaan ditempat kerja dan meluluskan PTW ditempat kerja.

7- AGT (Authorised Gas Tester) - A person who has been trained to meet the requirements of DOSH Code of practice on confined space & industry practices on gas testing, and is authorized by the Division to issue gas test certificates. This person shall be registered & competent with DOSH and appointed by respective division ;

To carry out gas measurement as specified in PTW. To record and certified the gas reading in the PTW.

To conduct gas test at process area and non process area (if required). # Mendapatkan bacaan ‘LEL’ sebelum kerja dimulakan.

8- HWAA (Hot Work Approving Authority) - A person authorized and formally appointed by the Head of Division / Complex / Department.

He will specify ;

Gas test requirement. Work condition to be implemented by RA / WL.

Special precaution related to the work, if any. # Meluluskan aktiviti kerja2 Hot Work.

9- CAA (Certificate Approving Authority) - A person authorized and formally appointed by the Head of Division / Complex / Department;

Specify requirement, precaution, condition as applicable. Approve and issue specific certificates as and when required by PTW e.g. Electrical Certificate, Excavation Certificate.

10- RPO (Radiation Protection Officer ) - An authorized person who has been trained and registered with Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB). He is responsible for :-

Providing advise on radiation protection matters. Maintaining a system of accountability for all radioactive material.

Determining radiation exposures.

Instituting corrective action during emergencies.

Endorsed Radiation Certificate.

11- ACP (Authorised Competent Person) - Person who attended the required training and hold a competency certificate issued by Suruhanjaya Tenaga (SU) and agreed by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department.

12- AEP (Authorised Electrical Person) - A qualified Electrical Engineer or Electrical Executive of POD and agreed by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department.

13- RS (Rigging Supervisor) - A certified person and agreed by Head of Division / Complex / Regional Office / Department, who shall responsible for supervising the rigging and slinging work and endorsed lifting certificate.

AA – Membuat atau mengadakan Permit, RA – Mengesahkan Permit, WL – Melakukan / melaksanakan kerja.


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# FUNCTION :- To support the PTW to control specific requirements and conditions. # PURPOSE :- To certify various checks, precautions and conditions have been made and it is safe to carry out the work. # Does not replace the PTW, and is invalid without accompanying PTW except for Safety System Bypass / Override Certificate, Electrical Isolation and Physical Isolation Certificate. # Confined Space Entry Certificate and Gas Test Certificate are part of the PTW (Red) form. Other certificates are to be attached to the PTW form as required.

Certificate @ Sijil bermaksud :- Satu dokumen sokongan bagi PTW. Certificate/sijil tidak boleh menjadi PTW. Tempoh sah bagi PTW dan Certificate ialah 7 hari berterusan, 12 jam shift.

TYPE OF (Supporting) CERTIFICATE - NORMAL CERTIFICATES :- Maximum validity / life period is seven (7) days.

1) Confined Space Entry Certificate2) Excavation Certificate (>15cm/6”)

3) Radiation Certificate

4) Lifting Certificate

5) Road Obstruction Certificate

6) Limit of Electrical Access Certificate

7) Vehicle Entry Certificate

8) Portable Equipment Temporary Installation(PETI) Certificate

9) Fire Water Usage Certificate

SPECIAL CERTIFICATES :- Maximum validity / life period could be extended to the max. period of 3 months. This cert is req. to be re-validated every 7 days.

1) Safety System Bypass/Override Certificate2) Electrical Isolation Certificate

3) Physical Isolation Certificate

Lifting Certificate Requirement ;

All cranes entering to PGB premises must possess DOSH Certificate fitness and PTW for vehicle entry into process area. Crane shall be inspected and approved by Rigging Supervisor and endorsed by RA to ensure credibility of lifting and rigging


For critical lifting activity (86% - 100% of load chart) single lift or using multiple cranes, the additional requirements and precautions specified in the Critical Lifting Plan Checklist must be complied and implemented.

Any lifting after 7pm or in an environment where the visibility is low, followings additional requirement is required:- a) Additional approval for night lifting, b) Additional measure or control to be specified by AA (e.g. additional lighting).

J S A – Job Safety Analysis JHA – Job Hazard Analysis

# JHA / JSA DEFINITION – 1) JHA/JSA is a process that identifies the hazards in a job, and its preventive measures to reduce the risks to the customers, workers, tools and infrastructures. 2) An accident prevention tool that works to :- a) Identifying hazards, b) Eliminating or minimizing hazards before the job is performed and before the hazards have a chance to become accidents. 3) JHA/JSA is the application of the Hazards and Effects Management Process at the task level, identifying and assessing the hazards of each element of the task and defining appropriate controls and recovery measures. # OBJECTIVE :- 1) Provide the guideline on developing the Job Safety Analysis. 2) Reduce the number of unsafe acts and safety infringements. 3) Enhance the awareness of the personnel on the possible hazard of the job. # JSA adalah satu proses dimana hazard yg bersangkutan dgn sesuatu langkah kerja dikenal pasti, dan kawalan yg sesuai diambil terhadap hazard tersebut utk memastikan risiko dari hazard tersebut adalan pada tahap minima”.

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# JSA JOB STEP - *Langkah Kerja, *Hazard, *Akibat, *Langkah Kawalan # JSA – RA, WL, HSE, OPERATION, MAINTENANT # JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS FLOW CHART :- Identify the job for JSA >>> Prepare JSA >>> Refer JSA to Hazard Effect Register(HER)

# KEMALANGAN itu ialah – a) Satu perkara yg tidak dijangka, b) tidak dirancang, c) didalam satu rangkaian peristiwa, d) yg terjadi melalui gabungan beberapa punca, e) yg menyebabkan kecederaan fizikal @ penyakit kpd individu, kerosakan kpd harta benda, satu insiden (kemalangan nyaris), satu kemusnahan @ sebarang kombinasi dari kesan2 tersebut. a) Kejadian yg tidak disangka2 atau dirancang. b) menyebabkan ancaman fizikal, kecederaan atau penyakit. # KEMALANGAN adalah kejadian yg tidak dirancang yg boleh menyebabkan kematian,kecederaan atau kerosakan kpd harta benda dan alam sekitar. Contoh :- a) Kecederaan dibadan, cth- luka,terbakar, b) Keracunan atau letupan, c) Kesakitan, cth- migraine, d) Penyakit, cth- AIDS.

People / Pekerja, Environment, Assets, Reputation. (PEAR} Doa, Usaha, Istiqomah, Tawakkal. (DUIT)

Serious, Action, Focus, Enforcement, Training, You. (SAFETY)


@ HAZARD – Sesuatu yg boleh menyebabkan kemalangan / penyakit @ kerosakan. @ HAZAD / BAHAYA adalah apa shj yg berpotensi mendatangkan kemudaratan, kesakitan, kecederaan atau kerosakan kpd manusia dan harta benda.

Kategori Hazard :-

1) FIZIKAL – Bising, Sinaran, Radiasi, Pengudaraan, Suhu, Pencahayaan, Elektrik, Gelap, Panas. 2) KIMIA – Pelarut, Logam Berat, Habuk dll.

3) BIOLOGI – Bakteria, Virus, Parasit, Ular, Harimau, Gajah dll.

4) ERGONOMIK – Perantaraan orang / mesin, kerja berulang, kerja manual.

5) PSIKO SOSIAL – Tekanan, Masa kerja yg panjang, Kerja mengikut shif.

6) ALAM SEKITAR – Jerebu, Cuaca buruk, kilat.


1) Elimination2) Substitution

3) Engineering Controls

4) Administration Controls

5) Personal Protective Equipment


1) Bekerja menggunakan permit kerja (PTW) sah yang diperlukan.2) Sahkan pengasingan tenaga sebelum memulakan kerja.

3) Dapatkan kebenaran sebelum memintas atau menghentikan peralatan keselamatan kritikal.

4) Dapatkan kebenaran sebelum memasuki ruang terkurung.

5) Lindungi diri daripada terjatuh ketika bekerja ditempat tinggi.

6) Gunakan peralatan perlindungan diri (PPE) yang betul ketika mengendalikan bahan kimia merbahaya.

7) Dapatkan kebenaran sebelum melakukan kerja penggalian atau memasuki parit.

8) Jangan berada dibawah muatan tergantung.

9) Jangan merokok diluar kawasan yang dibenarkan atau membawa masuk sebarang sumber penyalaan kedalam kawasan prosesan tanpa kebenaran.

10) Jangan gunakan talipon bimbit / walkie talkie ketika memandu. Patuhi had laju dan pakai tali pinggang keledar.

Page 6: PTW Course - Nota

# RISIKO – Adalah kombinasi dari kemungkinan berlakunya kemalangan berpunca dari hazard tersebut dan keparahan kecederaan tersebut @ kerosakan tersebut. # DEFINISI RUANG TERKURUNG – a) Satu ruang yg boleh dimasuki pada tekanan udara biasa. b) Bukan direka utk dihuni @ diduduki utk jangkamasa yg lama dan mempunyai laluan keluar / masuk yg sempit. Keperluan utk memasuki Ruang terkurung :- 1) Mempunyai permit sah(PTW) termasuk pemeriksaan tekanan udara. 2) Sijil memasuki ruang terkurung. 3) Sijil org yg menjaga. 4) Alat perlindungan diri (PPD) yg sesuai. 5) Pengudaraan yg berterusan. 6) Peralatan kecemasan dan pelan menyelamat. # KAWASAN bertutup atau terhad yg cukup utk seorg pekerja utk masuk. Juga kawasan yg mempunyai ruang yg terkurung (kurang atau terlebih gas oksigen, kehadiran gas toksid dll). Contoh Ruang Terkurung :- Pressure Vessel, Tangki Pembentungan, Dandang, Relau, Tangki dll. # SYARAT utk memasuki Ruang Terkurung :- a) Telah menghadiri latihan Ruang Terkurung yg dilakukan oleh pusat latihan yg mendapat pentauliahan JKKP. b) Mempunyai sijil / kad memasuki Ruang Terkurung. c) Telah membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan di klinik panel. # SAFETY WATCH adalah mandatory apabila menjalankan kerja di Ruang Terkurung. # BAHAYA Ruang Terkurung :- a) Kekurangan atau lebihan oksigen, b) Bahan mudah terbakar, c) Bahan Toksid.

# BILA SIREN kecemasan berbunyi :- 1) Stop work 2) Pastikan semua pekerja ke tempat berkumpul. a) Anda hendaklah berhenti bekerja, matikan peralatan dan bergerak ke tempat berkumpul kecemasan (sekiranya selamat utk berbuat demikian). b) Anda mesti meletakkan kenderaan ditempat yg selamat, matikan enjin, tinggalkan kunci didalam kenderaan dan bergerak ke tempat berkumpul kecemasan yg terdekat.

# TAHAP SELAMAT bagi menjalankan aktiviti kerja bagi :- (O2)Oxygen 19.5% - 22%, LEL - <10%, # Tahap bising - <85Db – 16 jam, >100Db – Ear plug + Ear muff # KEBAKARAN – 3 perkara perlu ada utk menghasilkan API – a) Bahan bakar, b) Cukup suhu panas utk membakar bahan bakar tersebut, c) Cukup oksigen utk pembakaran tersebut.

# AKTA KESELAMATAN dan PEKERJAAN 1994(AKKP) –: UNDANG2 AKKP – 1) Akta Kilang dan Jentera 1967(AKJ 1967), 2) Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994(AKKP 1994), 3) Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974(AKS 1974), 4) Akta Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial 1969(Socso 1969). # SKOP AKKP 1994 – Semua ‘Pekerja yg sedang bekerja’ KECUALI :- a) Tentera (Da-La-Ud), b) Pekerja diatas kapal dagang. # OBJEKTIF AKKP 1994 – 1) Memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja ditempat kerja. 2) Melindungi keselamatan org lain selain drp pekerja ditempat kerja tersebut. 3) Menggalakkan persekitaran yg sesuai (dari segi fisiologi dan psikologi). 4) Membolehkan penggantian secara berperingkat perundangan berkaitan dgn Peraturan dan Kod Amalan yg diluluskan, secara bergabung dgn Akta ini utk memperbaiki standard keselamatan dan kesihatan. # KEWAJIPAN AM PEKERJA (AKKP Sek 24) - 1) Memberi perhatian keselamatan dan kesihatan sendiri dan org lain. 2) Bekerjasama dgn majikan atau org lain. 3) Memakai dan mengguna alat pelindung diri. 4) Mematuhi arahan atau langkah keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan. # PPE Minima :- 1) Safety Helmet 2) Coverall 3) Safety Boot 4) Safety glass # Special PPE :- Respirator, Dust Mask, Ear Plug/Muff, Apron, Vest, Body Harness. # HUKUMAN Kerana tidak mematuhi AKKP 1994 :- 1) Majikan - $50,000 / 2 tahun penjara @ kedua2nya, 2) Pekerja - $1,000 / 3 bulan penjara @ kedua2nya. # AKTA KILANG dan JENTERA 1967 – Mesin yg memerlukan Sijil Kelayakan (dari JKKP) :- 1) Dandang (Permit Mesin Dandang @ PMD). 2) Mesin Angkat (Permit Mesin Angkat @ PMA). 3) Pengandung Tekanan (Permit Mesin Tekanan @ PMT). # HUKUMAN tak patuhi AKTA KILANG dan JENTERA 1967 - $250,000 / 5 tahun penjara @ kedua2nya.

# TOOL BOX – Sesi Taklimat Keselamatan (Tool Box) adalah sesi penerangan sebelum kerja dimulakan. Penyelia akan menerangkan hazard yg terdapat didlm tugasan utk hari tersebut :- i - Skop Kerja, ii - Hazard dan kaedah kawalan, iii - PPE, iv - Pengajaran dari pengalaman lalu, v - Penerangan cara melakukan kerja, vi - Permit utk Bekerja – langkah waspada, vii - Isu terkini ditempat kerja.

@ Sec 1- Work Supv, Sec 5- AA, Sec 6- WL, Sec 7- WL to AGT, Sec 8- Hand Back


HEM – Hazards and Effects Management