pseudo magazine2

1 THE PAULINIAN Keep the Fire Burning in Photography THE PAULINIAN Adobe CS InDesign vs Il- lustrator: Which is better for a publication? Manila Bulletin publishes The Paulinian Members’ work THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF ST PAUL UNIVERSITY MANILA Vol. XXIV No.1 Nov - Dec 2010 Pilar of Truth, Mover of the Truth

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The Paulinian


Page 1: Pseudo Magazine2


Keep the Fire Burning

in Photography


Adobe CS InDesign vs Il-lustrator: Which is better for a publication?

Manila Bulletin publishes The Paulinian Members’ work


Vol. XXIV No.1 Nov - Dec 2010

Pilar of Truth, Mover of the Truth

Page 2: Pseudo Magazine2


F rom August 29 to October 10,2010,

members of the Paulinian, Infonursion and some members of the College Council held a Journalism Seminar at the Lesveville Hall. Topics discussed were Grammar, Feature and New Writing,Photography, Cartooning, Man-aging a publication and blogging, and Layouting.

Organized by Ms. Ivy Coronel, the invit-ed speakers presented each topic well. They also held activities so the session can be more interactive. Activities such as finding errors for grammar, edit-ing and writing our feature and news, portraits and nature shoot for photog-raphy, and using Adobe Indesign and Illustrator for cartooning and layouting took place.

Either in groups or individuals, each who came to the semiar got involved.

The Paulinian goes to Journalism Seminar

Manila Bulletin pub-lishes The Paulinian

Members’ work

One of the leading newspaper in the country publishes the work of Cathleya Co, Hannah Nacis, Marc Mod-elo, and Bianca Gueco in their Picture Perfect page.

Journalism Seminar is interactive through fun activities and workshop given by the speakers.

Editorial BoardEditor – in – Chief

Hannah Grace Nacis

Associate Editor

Marc Mondelo

Managing Editor

Cathleya Co

Feature Editor

Bianca Gueco


Marc Mondelo, Joshua De Guzman,

Hannah Nacis, Cathleya Co,

Bianca Gueco

Art Director: Heizell Pineda

Layout Artist: Hannah Nacis

Letters to the editor, Literary pieces, comment , suggestions or any contribu-tion or article are welcome. Submit your articles to the Paulinian Office at the Stu-dents Affairs Office (SAO) or send it thru [email protected]. The edi-torial board reserves the right to edit all submitted articles and publish only those that meet the standards of the magazine.


About the Cover:

The cover features the photo taken by Joshua de Guzman who won the first place during the Photography Seminar.

What’s inside:3 The Paulinian goes to Journalism Seminar

3 Manila Bulletin publishes The Paulinian Members’ work

4 Keep the Fire Burning in Photography

6 Adobe CS InDesign vs Illustrator: Which is better for a publication?

7 Life Through Quotes

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One of the most interesting sessions that The Paulinian had was the Photography Session. Most of us really waited for this session to happen. Last September 12,2010 it was like a dream come true (for most of us though).

Most who have DSLR bought their own while others bought their Point and Shoot. Even the ICT staff came to the session in order to improve their skills. Seeing everybody’s faces, most have twinkling eyes. We are all inter-ested in most topic. The speaker did site topics from the basics up until the complex ones. Some did get confused in the process, but those who are into photography were focused and were really interested in the subject being discussed.

After the discussion, we had a workshop. More techniques were taught to us such us the exposure and in the lightings. We were also taught how to direct. A photographer needs to direct his model in order to get the most beautiful shots. At times, the most captivating photos are those which are stolen.

We went outside to continue our work-shop. Everything that I learned dur-ing the discussion and also during my past experiences in shooting came on hand. I got to experience learning from someone professional.

After the workshop, we went around to capture the most interest-ing thing we see inside the vicinity of the university. Some worked in groups, while some worked alone. After taking a photo or so, everyone went to print their photo. Some who can’t print theirs because of certain circumstance still

Keep the Fire burning in Photography

by Hannah Nacis

had a chance. All together, we had fun criticizing each others photo. Choos-ing the top 3 photos was hard for the Speaker Photographer. He really picked the best.

This seminar workshop is such a privilege to us who came that day. We were able to enhance our skills and kept the fire burning.

Portrait Workshop using strobes, flash and natural lights

Won second place given by Sir Ralph Nipaya. (Photo Taken by Marc Mondelo)

Fun Photography Seminar with Sir Ralph Nipaya and members of The Paulinian and some of the College Councils and Infonursion

Photo Taken by Hannah Nacis

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What is the better tool for a publication? Well, most

people would compare Adobe CS In-Design versus Adobe CS Illustrator.

A publication can use both of these tool as well as Adobe CS Pho-toshop. The purpose determines what program is suitable for the job.

InDesign and Illustrator are often compared because of their similari-ties. Many of the tools and elements in the user interference are similar. Most of their functions are the same. But what makes it different is their purpose.

If a person wants to draw shape, color it and play with it, Illustrator can be his friend. Its feature ias more suitable to those who wants to make graphics such as 3D and vector. It is defined by as a full featured drawing program for Window and Macintosh. It also provides sophisticated tracing and text manipula-

tion. But its capacity to manipulate text is not as much recommended as InDesign’s feature. One can layout using Illustrator but based on some reviews, editing using Illustrator might be a burden. One can copy paste every element, but the problem is, one must create a new document for every page. Manipulation in Illustrator for lay-outing could be very hard especially when one is layouting a 100 page publication.

Adobe CS InDesign vs Illustrator: Which is better for a publication?InDesign has more control over the manip-ulation for the publication. Just input the number of pages in the publication and you can see preview of every page. You can scroll in each one easily. Adding elements can be much easier because of the mother page. Doing this in Illustrator can be hard. You need to put the same elements in the same exact position in every page unlike in InDesign where mother page is present.

InDesign is more flexible than Illus-trator. You can create the basic shapes and so on without opening Illustrator or Photoshop. But as what was discussed during the previous, Illustrator is more superior thn InDesign when doing graph-ics. In this sense, do not use InDesign for extensive vector graphics editing.

or a publication, using InDesign is advisable. You can import graphics from Illustrator or Photoshop and text from MS Word. In InDesign, the layout of the publication can be easily manipulated.


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