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A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN INQUIRY AND COOPERATIVE METHODS IN UNDERSTANDING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Study at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan 2011/2012 Academic Year) A. Background Descriptive text is a kind of writing text to one or more of senses. Text enable to create a mental or imaginary pictures of the object, person or event. Descriptive text has two parts of generic structure, they are identification and description. Descriptive text also has figurative language such as simple present tense, noun, adjective, noun phrases, etc. Understanding descriptive text should be developed at school. Students need to understand different kinds of text. Many students have weakness in understanding text, particularly in understanding descriptive text. One of the purpose in learning descriptive text for the level Junior High School is the students are able to

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DESCRIPTIVE TEXT(A Study at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan

2011/2012 Academic Year)

A. Background

Descriptive text is a kind of writing text to one or more of senses. Text

enable to create a mental or imaginary pictures of the object, person or event.

Descriptive text has two parts of generic structure, they are identification and

description. Descriptive text also has figurative language such as simple present

tense, noun, adjective, noun phrases, etc.

Understanding descriptive text should be developed at school. Students

need to understand different kinds of text. Many students have weakness in

understanding text, particularly in understanding descriptive text. One of the

purpose in learning descriptive text for the level Junior High School is the students

are able to describe person, place, or object, understand about generic structure.

However, not all students are successful in understanding descriptive text.

It can be proved by looking the mark of the students in SMP Negeri 3

Padangsidimpuan Daftar Kumpulan Nilai (DKN) in understanding descriptive

subject. It gets the average 701. Meanwhile the target of criteria of Minimum

Learning Mastery (KKM) is average 752. So, there is significant distinction.

1 SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan, Daftar Kumpulan Nilai (DKN), (Padangsidimpuan : SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan, 2011)

2 SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan, Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM), (Padangsidimpuan : SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan, 2011)

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Based on the interview with Mrs. Masnur Sitanggang, S.Pd as the English

teacher of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan, she assumes that the students get low

scores because of the lack of grammar, vocabularies. Pronunciation are still low,

the students also seldom use English language in their communication. These are

from internal factors. While external factors comes from outside of students such

as environment, for example: facilities, motivation and teaching method. The

writer assumes that their enthusiasm will rise up if the teacher uses suitable

method in teaching subject based on situation.

The method of teaching is the most important thing to influence this

problem, because inquiry and cooperative learning methods may help students

create a sense of fluency through drills and create a learning environment that

closely replicates how students will use language in real-life situation.

So, based on the explanations above, the writer wants to conduct a

research about “A Comparative Study between Inquiry and Cooperative Learning

Methods in Understanding Descriptive Text” (A Study at the Eighth Grade

Students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan 2011/2012 Academic Year).

B. Formulation of the Problem

To get good result of the research, it is important to formulate the

problem before conducting the research. This research has problems which are

formulated as follows:


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1. To what extent is the students’ understanding on descriptive text by using

inquiry method at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan?

2. To what extent is the students’ understanding on descriptive text by using

cooperative learning method at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 3


3. Is there a significant difference between inquiry and cooperative learning

methods of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan?

B. Theoretical Description

1. The Nature of Understanding Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is one of the important knowledge in describing

something, place, person. Linda Gerrot and Peter Wignell say, “Descriptive text is

to describe a particular person, place, thing.”3 Characteristic person, place,

particular place and things.

On the other hand, Otong Setiawan says, “Descriptive is kind of text that

actually tells about the description of people’s characteristic, animals, things, and

particular place.4 It means descriptive text is to describe people, animals,

characteristic, particular, place and things.

To understand descriptive text, the students should know whole part of

descriptive text itself. According to Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, “The generic

structures of descriptive text are identification and description.”5 Descriptive text

3 Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, op.cit, p. 2084 Otong Setiawan Djuharie, op.cit, p. 24 5 Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell, op.cit, p. 208


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has language features such as simple present tense, particular noun, adjective, etc.

Can describe what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, imagine and remember.

From the quotation above, the writer concludes that understanding

descriptive text means that the students must know about describing something

about person, place, animal, things, etc. and students appeals to one or more five

senses like, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

2. The Nature of Teaching Methods

Teaching is an activity to transfer knowledge which is done by the teacher

to the students. So, in teaching learning process a teacher should have ability and

talent to transfer the material to students to understand the descriptive text.

According to Liu and Shi, “A teaching methods is characterized by a set

of principles, procedures or strategies to be implemented by teachers to achieve

desired learning in students”.6

It means that teacher can use teaching methods, principles and procedures

which are determined partly by the nature of the subject matter to be thought, and

partly by beliefs or theories about how students learn in order to transfer the

material with the purpose of learning activity.

Kizlik points out, “There is no shortage of information on what constitutes

a particular instructional method. What is far more important is the professional

knowledge base that provides criteria for when particular method is appropriate

6 Peter Westwood, What Teachers Need to Know about Teaching Methods, (Australia : Acer Press, 2008), p. v


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for given content with students of a defined level of development and who have

acquired the prerequisites necessary to learn content.”7

Therefore, it is necessary to the teachers to have the methods to get the

goal in teaching especially in teaching descriptive text. There are various methods

that the teacher can use in teaching descriptive text such as inquiry, problem

solving, discussion, cooperative learning methods and so forth. In teaching

descriptive text, a teacher must be able to use some suitable methods in order the

result is better.

Based on the explanation above, the writer will describe inquiry and

cooperative learning as the methods that the writer used in this research.

a. Inquiry Method

Inquiry method is a teaching method that should be asked by teacher in

teaching. In inquiry method the students are able to ask question directly to the


According to Frank X Sutman, “Inquiry is instruction that can effectively

help student develop critical reasoning capacities, including the ability of students

to pos questions and investigate them, to accurately record and interpret the result,

and able to link their findings to a develop knowledge.”8

Wena Made says, “Secara umum prinsip strategi inquiry ini adalah

sebagai berikut :

7 Ibid., p. 398 Frank X. Sutman, The Science Guest : Using Inquiry/Discovery to Enhance Student Learning,

(USA: 2008), p. 2


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1) Siswa akan bertanya jika mereka dihadapkan pada masalah yang

membingungkan atau kurang jelas.

2) Siswa dapat menyadari dan belajar menganalisis strategi berfikir mereka.

3) Strategi berpikir baru dapat diajarkan secara langsung dan ditambahkan pada

apa yang telah mereka miliki

4) Inquiry dalam kelompok dapat memperkaya khazanah pikiran dan membantu

siswa belajar mengenai sifat pengetahuan yang sementara dan menghargai

pendapat orang lain.”9

It means that strategy and conceptual framework in general students will

ask they face problem that make them confused or not clear. The strategy can be

directly and can add to what students have got. And inquiry can make students

thinking and can help students to learn. About students opinion, to get teaching

learning strategy with effective and to get the purpose is depend on the conditions


Gulo W says, “Strategi inquiry berarti suatu rangkaian kegiatan belajar

yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan siswa untuk mencari dan

menyelidiki secara sitematis, kritis, logis, analitis sehingga mereka dapat

merumuskan sendiri penemuannya dengan penuh percaya diri.”10 It means

teaching learning strategy is learning activity that involves in maximum and

whole students ability to find and investigate systematic, critic, reasonable,

analytical involves so that they can formulate the discovery with their own belief.

9 Wena Made, Strategi Pembelajaran, Inovatif Kontemporer, Suatu Tujuan Konseptual Operasional, (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2009), p. 76.

10 Gulo W, Strategi Pembelajaran, (Jakarta : Grasindo, 2008), p. 84


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“To stimulate conceptual framework students, we may know what

students have known and how they thinking, to know students thinking,

especially in the inquiries there are conceptual framework in generally.”11

1) Sequence conceptual framework when the teacher gives to the students three

numbers in succession 2, 4, 6, so students can mention it in number 4 is 8

and in 5 is ten.

2) Conflict conceptual framework. When the students in pair words, such as

antonym words : hot-cold, and small-big, so student can say those words

day-…… heavy- …. and so on.

3) Association conceptual framework, when the student gave in words iron-

heavy; cotton-light, so students can say pairs from student - …. Correctly.

4) Causality conceptual framework. When the student gave with words :

clever-diligent and cloud-rain, so they can say pair of words jobless- ….


5) Concentrate conceptual framework. It means intellectual ability that more

higher than four of conceptual framework above

6) Convergent is base from elements that in separately.

7) Divergent it is from the event to the kinds of probably

8) Silogism it is firm premise major that can trust the truth.

Husein Achmad says, “Dalam penerapan metode inquiry kegiatan siswa

mencari sesuatu sampai tingkat yakin/percaya diduking oleh fakta, analisis,

interpretasi dan pembuktian. Bahkan sampai pada pencarian alternative

11 Ibid, p. 87 - 89


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pemecahan.”12 It means in inquiry method the students activities is looking for

problem in belief levels and supported by the fact, analyse, interpretation and

authentication, eventhough until in alternative research solution.

Inquiry method has a number of strengths and weaknesses. Among the

strengths are : 1) problem solving that have been agreed, 2) develop the autonomy

of students to find, and 3) develop students ability to think in logical critical

analytical about the problem that their faced.

“The weaknesses of inquiry method : 1) students slow, 2) the results of the

students are limited, 3) the huge class mark commotion.”13

Based on explanation above writer concludes that using inquiry method in

teaching process especially in understanding descriptive text will create a learning

environment that closely replicates how the students will describe things, place,

person in their belief.

b. Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning method has developed as schools have become more

aware of academic and social benefits that accurate to students from working

together and helping each other.

Gillies Robyn M. says, “Cooperative learning method is pedagogical

practice that promotes the active involvement of students in learning. Cooperative

learning methods influences the development of positive attitudes towards peers,

12 Daryono, M., dkk, loc.cit, 133 13 Daryono, M. Pengantar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta,

2008), p. 134


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including children from diverse cultural and social background and children with

diverse learning needs.”14

The steps of using learning method in teaching method :

a. Explanation matter

Explain to students in detail purpose

b. Learn in group

The students will need in order to learn and help each other.

c. Team recognition

Develop a system for recognizing and rewording the learning of individual

students as well as the achievement of the group. Cooperative learning can be an

effective way of achieving learning in the following circumstances.

1. When all students want to experiences. Success in their learning.

2. When all students want to exchange ideas and to see what they can learn form

one another.

3. When to increase students depth of understanding of course content by having

then explore it and discuss their understanding with other students.

4. When want to stress the importance of collective as well as individual

learning efforts.

The cooperative learning has advantages and limitations. The advantages

of cooperative learning are as follows :

14 Gillies Robyn M. and Asman Adrian F., Cooperative Learning the Social and Intellectual Outcomes of Learning in Group, (USA : 2005), p. 36.


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1. Cooperative learning teaches students to be less reliant on the teacher and

more reliant on their own ability to think, to seek information from other

sources, and to learn from other students

2. Cooperative learning encourages students to verbalize their ideas and to

compare them with the idea and feeling of other students

3. Cooperative learning helps students to respect to one others strengths and

limitation and to accept these differences.

4. To achieve a wide range of academic and social outcomes including enhanced

achievement, improved self esteem, positive interpersonal relationships with

other students, improved time management skills, and positive attitudes

towards school

5. Students work together much better than students work alone.

6. The interaction that occurs during cooperative learning have to motivate

students and stimulate their thinking.

The limitations of cooperative learning are as follows :

1. The students learn from one another.

2. To be successful, cooperative learning needs to be used over an extended

period of time.

3. Cooperative is very important ability for students to master many of life’s

activities are based on individuals efforts.

4. Some students may initially object to the idea that their assessment

depends on the learning of other students in their cooperative learning in

their group.


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Based on the above explanation, cooperative learning is a method of

instruction that has students work together in groups, usually with the goal of

completing a specific task. Everyone succeeds when the group succeeds.

C. Conceptual framework

Hypothesis is essential element in the research. In carrying out a research

the writer should formulate the hypothesis. It is tentative answer. Therefore, it

needs testing and questionnairre. It will be accepted if the data can meet the

hypothesis relevantly and it will be rejected when the data.

According to C. R. Khotari views, “A hypothesis is a proposition or a set of

proposition set forth as an explanation for the occurance of some specified group

of phenomena. Either asserted merely as a provisional conjucture to guide some

investigation or accepted as highly probable in the established facts.”15 Quite

often a research hypothesis is a predictive statement, capable of being tested by

scientific method, that relates and independent variable to some dependent


There are some characteristics of good hypothesis according to C. R.

Khotari, hypothesis must proces the following characteristics,”16

1) Hypothesis should be clear and precise. If the hypothesis is not clear and

precise, the inferences drawn on its basis cannot be taken as reliable

15 C. R. Khotari, Research Methodology : Methods and Technique, (New Age International (p) Ltd, Publisher, 2004), p. 185

16 Ibid, p. 185


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2) Hypothesis should be capable of being tested. In a swamp of untestable

hypothesis, many time the research programmes have bogged down. Some

prior studies many be done by researcher in order to make hypothesis a

testable one. A hypothesis “is testable if other deductions can be made from

it. In turn, can be confirmed or disproved by observation.”

3) Hypothesis should state relationship between variables. If it happens to be a

relational hypothesis.

4) Hypothesis should be limited in scope and must be specific. A researcher

must remember that narrower hypothesis are generally more testable and he

should develop such hypothesis.

5) Hypothesis should be stated as far as possible in most simple terms so that

the same is easily understandable by all concerned. But one must remember

that simplicity of hypothesis has nothing to do with its significance.

6) Hypothesis should be consistent with most known facts i.e, it must be

consistent with a substantial body of established fact. In order words; it

should be one which judges accept as being the most likely.

7) Hypothesis should be amenable to testing within a reasonable time

8) Hypothesis must explain the facts that for explanation.

Similarly, Tuckman says, “Hypothesis is construction and testing enable

researcher to generalize their founding, beyond the specific conditions on which

they where etwined.”17

17 Bruce W. Tuckman, Conducting Educational Research, (New York : Harcout Brasavanovich Publisher, 1998), p. 30


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Marquierite G., Dean T. Spaulding, Katherine H. Voegtle state, “A

hypothesis is guess that states the expected outcome of the study.”18 The

researcher is “educated” through the literature review. Based on the finding of the

literature review, the researcher develops and states a hypothesis that indicates the

expected causal relationship between the variable.

To be succesful in understanding descriptive text depends on many

teachers. One of them is how the method of the teacher while teaching the

material. The suitable method takes an important role for the teacher especially to

get the good comperehension in understanding descriptive text.

Based on the description theoritical discus above, the writer uses two kinds

of variables namely : understanding descriptive text as independent variable.

Inquiry and cooperative learning methods as independent variable.

In this research the writer makes two group of samples. The first group is

descriptive group and the second is the using inquiry and cooperative learning


As it has been mentioned before previously, inquiry and cooperative

learning methods are two good methods which are suitable to teach descriptive


Based on the conceptual framework described previously, it is

hypothesized that “Cooperative learning method is better to use, to teach

18 Marquerite G. Lodico, Dean T. S Paulding, Katherine H. Voegtle, Methods in Educational Research from Theory to Practice, (USA : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006), p. 181.


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descriptive text than inquiry methods at the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Padangsidimpuan 2011/2012 academic year.”

D. Methodology of Research

1. Location and Time of the Research

The location of the research is at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. Drs.

Ibnu Hajar is the headmaster in SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. The

complete address of the school is jln. KH. A. Dahlan No. 33

Padangsidimpuan. The reason of the writer to choose this school as the

location for the research because the data for the research are available in the

school. The research is conducted for three months from July until September

2011/2012 Academic Year.

2. Research Method

In this research the writer uses some methodological strategies

(experimental, ex post-facto correlational and survery) that have been

designated as quantitative and others (ethnograph and condensed case study)

as qualitative in a similar way some methods (structureal interviews, postal

questionaires, standardized tests of performance and attitude) have been

categorized as quantitative, while (unstructured interviews, participant

observation, diary-keeping) have been as qualitative.


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According to Georrey Marczyk, David Dematteo, and David Festinger.

“There are three main classes of research design : experimental, quasi

experimental, an nonexperimental/qualitative.”19

Dr. Catherine Dawson points of view, “There are four kinds of research

methods, they are : interviewing, focus groups, questionaires and participant


Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. S Paulding, Katherine H. Voegtle state,

“Experimental research, which comes out of the scientific realism framework,

is thoght by many to be the only type of research that can result in findings

that suggest causal relationships.”21 What makes experimental research

distinctive from other of quantitative research is that the researhcer controls or

manipulates how groups of participants are treated and then measure how the

treatment affects each group. In technical terms, the researcher controls or

manipulates one or more independent variables and examines the effect that

the experimental manipulation has one the dependent variable or the outcome

of the study.

Although each of the types of research designes can provide useful

information, they differ greatly in the degree to which the enable researchers

draw confident inferences from a study’s findings.

19 Geoffrey Marczyk, dkk, Essentials of Research Design and Methodology, (New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, inc, 2005), p. 123.

20 Dr. Chaterine Dawson, Practical Research Methods, (United Kingdom : How to Books Ltd, 3 Newtec Place, 2002), p. 27.

21 Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. S Paulding, Katherine H. Voegtle, op.cit, p. 178


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In conclusion, the writer uses experimental metho in this research.

Schartz says, “Experiments for scientist are the ideal way of collecting

knowledge. The identification of separeate variables and keep all extraneous

unwanted variabel controlled. An experiment is controlled observations of the

effects of a manipulated independent variable on some dependent variable.”22

According to David Scott, “Experimental method attempts to discover

causal relationship between phenomena by intervening in the natural setting

and controlling all the relevant variables. The strengths of this method are

wellknown and much debated in the literature on research methodology.”23

Since the purpose of such research is to establish the validiry of relation

between phenomena, this method of controlling variables makes it possible to

eliminate extranes causal factors. It can then be claimed with some certainties

that X causes Y. This allows development of a set of law-like generalisations

about social activity, and it allows prediction.

Inquiry and cooperative learning methods are used in this research to

describe the comparison in teaching descriptive text. In this research the writer

teaches descriptive text.

According to Suharsimi Arikunto, “Experimental method needs

research design to make the research effectively.”24 So, Arikunto’s opinion

about control group pretest-posttest can be shown as follows :

22 Mark Balnaves and Peter Caduti, Introduction to Quantitative Research Method : An Investigation Approach, (London & India : Sage Publication Ltd, 2001), p. 68.

23 David Scott and Robin Usher, Understanding Educational Research, (New York and Canada : Taylor & Francis e- Library, 2001), p. 52

24 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2006), p. 115.


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The pattern shows :

E = experimental group

K = control group

O1 = pretest experimental

O2 = posttest experimental group

O3 = pretest control group

O4 = posttest control group

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

Quantitave researchers are interested in generalizing from their

group of participant, the sample, to the larger population from which the

sample was drawn. Various decisions regarding the participants must be

made by the researcher in order to maximize the generalizability of the


According to Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. S Paulding,

Katherine H. Voegtle, “A population refers to all subjects of the

research.”25 It means population is the total subjects of the research it is

clear that populations are total members of respondents that will be used

as the subjects of the research.

25 Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. Spaulding, Katherine H. Voegtle, op.cit., p. 143


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The population of this research is all of the eight grade students of

SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan in 2011/2012 academic year. This school

has four classes which consist of 346 students.

Table 1Total Number of Population

The Twelfth Grade Students of MAS Al-Abraar Angkola Selatan

No Class Male Female Number123456789

VIII - 1VIII - 2VIII – 3VIII - 4VIII - 5VIII - 6VIII - 7VIII - 8VIII - 9




Total 170 176 346

b. Sample

After identifying a list of possible participant, the next step is to

select a sample. According to Marguerite G. Lodico, Dean T. Spaulding,

Katherine H. Voegtle, “ A sample is a smaller group selected from a larger

population (in this case, a realistic population) that is representive of the

larger population. Sample allows reserachers to work with a smaller, more

manage subgroup of the realistic population.”26

C. R. Khotari says, “A sample design is a definite plan for

obtaining procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the

sample.”27 Sampel design may as well lay down the number of items to be

included in the sample i.e., the size of the sample. Sample design is 26 Ibid, p. 14327 C. R. Khotari, op.cit, p. 55


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determined before data are collected. There are many sample designs from

which a researcher can choose. Some design are relatively more precise

and easier to apply than others. Reseacher must select/prepare a sample

design which should be reliable and appropriate for his research study.

Different types of sample design according to C. R. Khotari can be

seen as follows.”28

Non-probability sampling. Non-probability sampling is that sampling

precedure which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that

each item in the population has of being include in the sample. Non-

probability sampling is also known by different names such as deliberate

sampling, purposive sampling and judgment sampling. In this type of

sampling, items for the sample are selected deliberately by the researcher. His

choice concerning the items remain supreme. In other words, under non-

probability sampling the organisers of the inquiry purposively choose the

particular units of the universe for constituation a sample on the basis that the

small mass that out of a huge one will be typical or representative of the

whole. Probability sampling. Probability sampling is also known as ‘random

sampling’ or ‘chance sampling’. Under this sampling design, every item of

the universe has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. It is, so to say, a

lottery method in which individual units are picked up from the whole group

not deliberately but by some mechanical process. Here it is blind chance

alone that determines whether one item or the other is selected. Random

28 Ibid, p. 62


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sampling ensures the law of statistical regularity which states that if one an

average the sample chosen is a random one, the sample will have the same

composition and characteristics as the universe. This is the reason why

random sampling is considered as the best technique of selecting a

representative sample.

Probability sampling under restricted sampel techniques, as stated

above, may result in complex random sampling designs. Such designs,

may as well be called ‘mixed sampling designs’ for many of such designs

may represent a combination of probability and non-probability sampling

designs are : systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling,

are sampling, multi-stage sampling, sampling with probability

proportional to size, sequential sampling.”29

C.R. Khotari notes, “If the total area of interest happens to be a big

one, a convenient way in which a sample can be taken is to divide the are

into a number of smaller non-overlapping areas and then to randomly

select a number of these smaller areas (usually called clusters), with the

ultimate sample consisting of (or samples of) units in these small areas or


Hence, the writer chooses this technique. It means that the

techinique sampling in this research the writer chooses two classes as

cluster sampling. They are VIII-1 by using inquiry method and VIII – 2 by

29 Ibid, p. 6530 C.R. Khotari, Research Methodology, Methods and Technique, (New Delhi 2nd : Wiley Eastern Limited, 2004)


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using cooperative learning method. Both VIII – 1 and VIII – 2 consist of

39 students. So, the sample are 39 x 2 = 78 students.

4. Technique of Data Collection

Data is needed for the research. It is impossible to do research. Data is

the most important role, the data in this research will be collected by using an

instrument. The instrument is a kind of test. The test will be applied to the

experiment group or class and to the control group or neutral class. Then, the

test will be given for both classes in writing test. The result of the test will be

used as the data of this research.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

For data analysis, the writer starts by preparing, testing the validity of

the instrument and giving the value (data). The test given to sample

simultaniously after they have learnt descriptive text by using inquiry and

cooperative learning methods then the data is analyzed into comparative

analysis technique using t-test formula. In this research the writer will use

Arikunto’s t-test formula (2009-393) because t-test is probably the most

widely used statistical test for the comparison of two means. There are several

kinds of t-test, but can choose suitable one depending on the case in hand.

Before appliying the test, variance homogen should be found first homogenity

test is meant to see weather the two groups of data have homogenous



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Where :

t = test Mx = The mean of experimental groupMy = The mean of control groupX2 = The variable of experimental groupY2 = The variable of control groupNx = The total number of experimental groupNy = The total number of control group

31 Arikunto, Suharsimi, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2009)