project workflow management

SDL Proprietary and Confidential SDL Proprietary and Confidential Project Workflow Management Michael Davis – Principal Business Consultant

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Project Workflow Management. Michael Davis – Principal Business Consultant. Objectives - Discuss S1000D Project Creation Concepts. How do I create the Users, Groups, Teams, and Roles that I need to manage my project? User Desktop Creation Assigning Roles Building and using Workpools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Project Workflow Management

SDL Proprietary and ConfidentialSDL Proprietary and Confidential

Project Workflow ManagementMichael Davis – Principal Business Consultant

Page 2: Project Workflow Management

• How do I create the Users, Groups, Teams, and Roles that I need to manage my project?

– User Desktop Creation

– Assigning Roles

– Building and using Workpools

• How do I get my Data into Contenta CSDB?

– DMRL (Data Module Requirements List) and IRL (Illustration Requirements List)

• Upload Tool

• SNS Creation and Management

– Define DMRL and IRL

– Manage DMRL and IRL

• How do I manage my S1000D once it is in Contenta S1000D CSDB?

– Project Creation

– Workflow Creation

Objectives - Discuss S1000D Project Creation Concepts


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• How do I create a Contenta S1000D Workflow and then configure it?

• Drag and Drop

• Project Connectors

Objectives - Discuss S1000D Project Management


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• With the introduction of Contenta S1000D 5.0, Contenta Explorer (Fat Client) and Contenta Web (No install Browser Client) have been synchronized with a common look and navigation.

• User Desktops, Roles, Workpools and other admin functions are easily created and modified from either client as “sysadmin”.

How do I create the Users, Roles, and Teams I need?


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• User Desktops allow users the ability to login into Contenta S1000D

– Access to objects is granted via dragging objects onto the user desktop

– Properties for each object available on Tab

– User can easily see all of his/her work via the Assignments area.

– Projects associated with that user show up under the Project Management area.

User Desktops



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• To create user desktops you must be logged in as sysadmin

Create Desktop


Right Click

ClickPress OK

Enter New User Name, Login Name, Password and then

select Role

Newly Created User Desktop

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• Contenta users are assigned at least one role when the users’ desktops are created.

– Roles are associated with tasks when the ProjMan or SysAdmin configures the project workflow.

– When a role is associated with a task, users assigned that role can be assigned to the task.

User Roles – Description and Use



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• Workpools allow you to group users into one role (the workpool) so you can assign them all to the same task in a project to work simultaneously.

– You can make as many workpools as you like to support your internal business processes. Think of Workpool as a team or group.

Workpools – Description and Creation


Right Click


Write in Name

Select Users

Press Ok

Notice that new workpool has been created and when

members desktops are explanded the workpool is


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• S1000D Provides a mechanism called the DMRL (Data Module Requirements List)

– Contenta S1000D utilizes the DMRL to perform the following functions:

• A data module requirements list is used to identify the required data modules for a project

• The data module requirement list supports planning, reporting, production and configuration control

• A data module requirements list can be generated in parts or in a complete form

– Partial DMRL may be provided to partner companies or subcontractors

• Direct Load of already created Data Modules, Pub Modules, ICN’s or DDN’s

How do I get my Data into Contenta S1000D CSDB


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• SDL has created two ways for your company to create and manage DMRL files.

1. Support of the actual DML file upload directly into the upload screen

2. Support for Comma Separated Values contained within spreadsheet or text file

• Best Practice to use the CSV file route as it is much easier to visually maintain and sort on fields of your choice.

DMRL Creation and Management


Header Row identifies each

individual part of the DMC/PMC/ICN

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• If you do not wish to create a DMRL via spreadsheet or direct DML XML editing you can utilize the Contenta S1000D suite of Tools to create all parts of your project metadata.

• SNS creation and maintenance tools are accessed via the S1000D object in CW/CE

SNS Creation and Maintenance


Right Click

Click on S1000D Upload

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• Ability to accept the following types of files:

– Data Module, Pub Module, DDN, ICN, DMRL

S1000D Upload to Configuration Screen


Drag and Drop files here

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Load DMRL Example


APACHESHORTBOW doesn’t yet exist within


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• Drag files onto interface and then view results of existence check, well formed check, and upload success

Upload Screen in Action


Notice Feedback Column provides a

report on each DMC/PMC/ICN which has been created during


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• Screen has reported on duplicates, well formed XML, link creation, and upload success

Upload Screen Success with DMC/PMC/ICN


Notice Name, Type, Issue No. and Feedback are all reported on individually

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• During the DMRL loading process Contenta S1000D reads and interprets each line of the DMRL

– The SNS for all Data Modules and ICN’s is auto created and immediately available for use

– Each Data Module, Pub Module, or ICN is available to be created on demand via the Define DMRL and IRL or Manage DMRL and IRL screen

– DDN’s are automatically created under the Dispatch container and available for immediate use.

What happens during a DMRL Load?


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• Now that we have created a new Program by uploading our DMRL we can Manage DMRL/IRL one of two ways

– Directly by SNS

– Or via System, Subsystem, SubSubsystem, Unit or Assembly

Manage DMRL and IRL


Select Program

If you wish to manage by

System, Subsystem,

SubSubSystem then click radio


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• Contenta S1000D Projects

– Contenta Projects are object is used to group data that is to be written, edited, revised, or otherwise modified and put through an approved workflow

– Data in the project is isolated from the stable “gold” data and your published documents until all work is approved and you post the updates

• Projects can only be created by sysadmin or ProjMan user roles

– Typically Project Manager does the following:

• Creates Project underneath WIP (Work in Process) container

• Assigns a specific workflow to a project

• Identifies users to the specific tasks within a workflow

• Populates project with objects which need authoring or revision

• Responsible for “Posting” the project data back to the Stable “Gold” data when the project is complete.

How do I manage my Data once it is in Contenta S1000D CSDB?


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• Log in as a Project Manager

– Navigate to WIP Folder and add new Project

Create New Contenta Project


Right Click


Fill in Name

Fill in Date

Press OK

Select workflow

New Project

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• Once Logged in as Project Manger return to highlight project within WIP container and rightclick

Add Team Members to Project


Right Click


Select Role

Select Users

Add Users to Team

Press OK

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• Add newly defined data modules and ICN’s to your project by returning to Manage DMRL and IRL screen

Create New Data Modules From uploaded DMRL


Right ClickClick

Select SDC SNS and Information Codes

Hit Search to find all DMC’s

Hit Create from Do action Menu to create

selected DMC’s

Notice that all Data Modules have now

been created

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• Once you have created the new data modules from template or via direct upload you can then easily assign them to a project from within the Define DMRL and IRL screen or via copy/paste from CE/CW.

Assign newly created Data Modules to Project


Select all Data Modules to be

assigned to project and

select “Assign to” from drop down menu

Select your newly

created project from Project drop down menu

All selected Data Modules

have now been added

to your project

All newly added Data Modules are visible under project

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• Projects have workflows that define the tasks, roles, and users whom are assigned to the individual tasks within the workflow timeline.

• Workflows can be created or modified from the CE or CW screen

– Suggested just to use the Contenta Explorer Client as it is easier to use

Workflow Management and Creation


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Workflow Creation


Clickclick Enter Name

Click OK

Click on Writing Step to select and

then drag cursor to area

on page to place

Writing step now exists and can be modified to

add users by right clicking and selecting


Click on Review task to select and then drag review task onto canvas

area Right Click on Review task and repeat steps

from writing step

Select Task Route and then click start object and drag the route to the Writing

step. The route actually connects

the steps.

Repeat Task route steps to connect

other objectsMake a task with a

return route by clicking a new route that goes the other direction from the

original route

Right Click on Tasks to edit properties. You can add due dates and user

roles and workpools

Right Click on Task Routes to add custom “triggers” or or other


After choosing trigger either click OK or


Click Save

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Upcoming Events

Fall Webinar Series: S1000D Customer Use Cases• Starting in September

• Details coming soon

S1000D in Action Webinar Series

Session 1 How to Use the BREX Builder


Session 2 Enhancing the IETP User Experience


Session 3 The Power of Applicability [recording]

Session 5 Building and Delivering Publications


Session 6 Enhancing the Clarity and Language Quality of Technical Documentation


Register at under Events

S1000D Events• S1000D User Forum

Denver, COJune 18-21

• ATA e-Business ForumScottsdale, AZOctober 22-24

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Q & A

Got questions?

Thanks for joining us!

Page 27: Project Workflow Management

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