project report hrtc reservation system.doc

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  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc


    Chapter - 1


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  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc



    The feeling of acknowledgment something and expressing it in

    words Is our weakness !ut we heartil" admit that when we surel"wish to express our warm gratitude towards some!od" concerned

    !ut we are at loss of words#

    During the entire course of this demanding and intriguing pro$ect#

    %hich in&ol&e lot of creati&it" and conceptuali'ation( I would like to

    express m" sincere thanks to m" pro$ect guide for his#

    )alua!le guidance scholarl" ad&ice fruit suggestion and critical

    remarks during the course of the present s"stem in&estigation and

    who reall" timel" and dul" helped# I am inde!ted to him for the

    knowledge and help he has imparted upon me# It is started fact that

    without his guidance and support this pro$ect would not ha&e its

    end# Therefore and foremost we extend our heart full gratitude to


    *nowledge is choicement possession which should not !e shel&ed

    !ut should !e happil" with other# In this regard we are extremel"

    fortune in ha&ing Mr # SANJEEV KUMAR Our guide in this pro$ectwork#

    +ll concepts knowledge and will to work can !e reali'ed in the form

    of the pro$ect if and onl" if resources are a&aila!le# which he could

    and his great help and numerous suggestions in making this

    pro$ect# %ithout his help it was not possi!le to complete this pro$ect

    under a considered time limit#%e should !e incomplete in our &ote

    of thanks if we forgot our !atch mates and friends who helped with

    their ideas and more so !" their encouragement#

    ,oftware pro$ect is a logical rather than a ph"sical s"stem

    lement# Therefore software has characteristic that are

    considera!l" different than those of ph"sical one# ,oftware is

    de&eloped or engineered. it is not manufactured in classical sense

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    + computer software is a said to !e success / when it meet the

    Needs of the peoples who use it when it performers flawlessl" o&er long period of time when it is eas" to modif" and e&en easier to

    use-it can and does change for the !etter# To succeed we need

    discipline when we design and !uild software# It needs an

    engineering approach#

    %elcome to the pro$ect# The pro$ect title is “Computerized

    HRTC SYSTEM” as the name suggest this pro$ect is on 0imachal

    Road Transport Corporation 0RTC2# This pro$ect is &er" friendl"

    and created using VB NET !ro"r#mmi$" %#$"u#"e

    3" using this pro$ect we can Reser&e the Tickets# Using this

    pro$ect we can store search edit the information a!out the Routesand 3uses and ,ee the Reports# This pro$ect uses a strong


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    E&i'ti$" '('tem)

    The existing s"stem was controlled with a lot of and

    efficient computer operators !ecause the software on

    which the existing s"stem was dependent were difficult to

    understand and handle# due to use of &arious software4s

    the cost was too high !ecause much salar" had to !e

    paid to man" operators# moreo&er all the operators were

    re5uired to take training as the" had no knowledge a!out

    the software used#!ropo'ed '('tem)

    The proposed s"stem will remo&e all the pro!lems in the

    existing s"stem# now onl" few software4s like Vi'u#*

    B#'i+ , -.Ver'io$/ - will !e re5uired# The software4s are

    too eas" to understand that the user can understand it

    and once moreo&er it is so fre5uentl" used in dail" life

    that almost all the users must ha&e gone through it in their

    educational le&el# +s the software4s cost is also little# No

    special training is re5uired# Not man" operators are

    re5uired onl" person can handles the records of whole

    department# The accurac" will !e there securit" will !e

    there and eas" access will !e there 3efore

    designing6de&eloping a new s"stem it is important to

    esta!lish the acceptance criteria so that it can !e

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    e&aluated according to this criteria #The performance

    re5uirements are7

    • U'er 0rie$d*( ) The designed s"stem should !e

    user friendl" understanda!le and eas" to use so

    that e&en the no&ice user can easil" learn to use the


    • 0*e&i1i*it( ) It should !e flexi!le in nature to allow

    likel" changes and alteration in the near future#

    • Error 2#$d*i$" ) The s"stem must gi&e response

    to errors in clear and precise manner as soon as anerror has occurred#

    • I$te"rit( ) The results produced !" the s"stem

    should !e accurate and relia!le#

    • 0u$+tio$#* #$d per3orm#$+e

    'pe+i3i+#tio$' ) The performance of the re5uired

    s"stem should !e good and should fulfill the

    re5uired functional specifications#

    mo't o3 t2e e4e$t' #re o$5+*i+6 #$d t2e u'er $e4er

    re5uired to enter an" commands# ,o the staff 5uickl"

    learns how to use this pro$ect#

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    ,"stem de&elopment is a process which started when

    s"stem de&elopment personnel feel that a new s"stem or

    an impro&ement in the existing s"stem is re5uired#

    ,oftware de&elopment life c"cle is a se5uence of

    acti&ities carried out !" anal"st designer and user to

    de&elop and implement of an information s"stem#

    ANA%YST) +n anal"st studies the re5uirements of

    a customer or user and defines the pro!lem

    domain# 0e identifies need of an organi'ation to

    determine how people method and computer

    technolog" can !est accomplish impro&ement of the


    • DESI7NER)

    + designer design a s"stem in terms of

    structure of the data!ase screens forms and

    reports# 0e also determines the hardware and

    software re5uirements for the de&elopment of the


    • USER)

    U'er i' t2e o$e 82o u'e' t2e '('tem

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    ACTIVITIES O0 SD%CRecognition of needs

    =easi!ilit" stud"





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    In this phase the user re5uirement are studied and

    anal"'ed# The technical de&elopment team works with the

    customer and s"stem end users to identif" the &arious

    re5uirements related to the s"stem to !e de&eloped#


    This is the phase where new s"stem is designed

    according to the needs of the user# In this phase the

    specification of each and e&er" component of the pro$ect

    is laid down#


    This is the phase where s"stem is actuall" de&eloped#

    The s"stem design is coded in some suita!le

    programming language in this phase#


    In this phase the s"stem is $udged for all its worth# During

    this phase the de&eloped s"stem is re&iewed against

    each and e&er" customer re5uirement specification#

    IM!%EMENTATION)This is the phase in which the de&elopment s"stem is

    handed o&er to the client# The old s"stem is dispensed

    new s"stem is put into operation for use and all personnel

    are trained to manage and maintain the new s"stem#

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    Chapter - >



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    The !asic of the pro$ect is recognition of needs for

    impro&ing an information s"stem or a procedure# Thus

    the first step in ,D;C is the recognition of needs

    whose purpose is to e&aluate the pro$ect re5uest it is

    collection of information that helps the committee

    mem!ers to e&aluate the merit of the pro$ect re5uest

    and to make an informed $udgment a!out the feasi!ilit"

    of the proposed pro$ect#


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    +nother pro!lem was that the data should !e

    accessed from the ser&er and accordingl" changes

    should !e made on the data in the ser&er onl"#


    The &arious features that the proposed s"stem will

    possess will !e7

    The s"stem will !e user friendl" and completel"

    menu-dri&en so that users shall ha&e no pro!lem inusing all the options pro&ided#

    The s"stem will !e efficient and fast in response !"

    careful programming

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    +n important outcome in the preliminar" in&estigation

    is to determine that the s"stem re5uested is feasi!le#Three ke" considerations in&ol&ed in feasi!ilit"





    %e determine the performance and cost effecti&eness

    of the proposed s"stem and constraints it is

    recommended in feasi!ilit" report#

    • Te+2$i+#* 3e#'i1i*it(

    There are num!er of technical issues which generall"

    raised during the feasi!ilit" stages of in&estigation which

    are as follows7-

    Does the necessar" technolog" exist to do what is


    Does the proposed e5uipment ha&e the technical

    capacit" to hold the data re5uired to use the new


    Can the s"stem !e upgraded if de&eloped(

    +re there technical guarantees of accurac"

    relia!ilit" ease of access and data securit"(

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    The proposed s"stem is technicall" feasi!le !ecause

    &isual !asic @#A on windows B on client and :, +ccess

    on the ser&er are compati!le and support the program

    and data!ase design 5uite efficientl"#

    • E+o$omi+ 0e#'i1i*it(

    +lso referred to as cost !enefit anal"sis is the most

    fre5uentl" used method for e&aluating the effecti&eness of

    a proposed s"stem# The focus is to determine the !enefitsand sa&ings that are expected from proposed s"stem and

    compared them with cost# if !enefit outweigh cost then

    the decision is made and implement the s"stem#

    Our proposed s"stem needs onl" a few

    software4s and printer along with a few computer

    operators# *eeping in a &iew the long-term !enefits

    pro&ided !" this proposed s"stem these inputs costs are


    Oper#tio$#* 0e#'i1i*it(

    Operational feasi!ilit" is mainl" related to human

    organi'ations and political aspects# The points to !e


    %hat changes will !e !rought with a s"stem(

    %hat organi'ational structures are distur!ed(

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    %hat new skills if not. can the" !e trained in due

    course of time(

    Our proposed s"stem is aimed to simplif" the $o! without

    !ringing much change in wa" of working of existings"stem#

    Chapter -


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    It is the detail stud" of the &arious operations performed

    !" the s"stem and their relationship with in E outside the

    organi'ation# The ke" 5uestion is7

    %hat must !e done to sol&e the pro!lem(

    Tools used in anal"sis are D=D inter&iews onsite

    o!ser&ations E 5uestionnaires# Training experience E

    common sense are re5uired for the collection of information needed to the anal"sis# ,"stem anal"sis is the

    fact finding followed !" anal"sis of the facts# Data

    anal"sis is also considered a pre re5uisite condition for

    cost6!enefit anal"sis# ,"stem anal"st is a person who

    conducts the s"stem stud" and identifies the acti&ities and

    o!$ecti&es formulate the set of roles to achie&e the

    o!$ects# 0is main acti&ities are s"stem anal"sis is the fact

    finding followed !" anal"sis of the facts# Data anal"sis is

    also considering a pre-re5uisite condition for cost6!enefit

    anal"sis# Re5uirement anal"sis pla"s an essential role in

    the ,D;C#

    One of the most difficult aspects of program de&elopment

    is in getting !oth the customer E de&elopers to

    understand what each of them is tr"ing to sa"#

    The techni5ues which we ha&e used for re5uirement

    gathering for the present pro$ect are inter&iews and

    o!ser&ations# =irst of all we inter&iewed FIN,TITUT G and- 17 -

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    re5uested details a!out the present pro$ect !" asking

    &arious 5uestions#

    %hat is the purpose !ehind de&eloping the present

    software(%hat all functioning he intents to get in the

    purposed software(

    %hat all the !enefits he intends to get in the

    perposed software(

    Next we personall" o!ser&ed their working for >-? da"s

    to get a clear cut idea of how the" work in their dail"routine and their present st"le of work with regard to

    maintenance of records#

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    ,oftware re5uirement and specification is a document

    that completel" descri!es what the proposed software

    should do without descri!ing how the software do it# The

    !asic goal of the re5uirement phase is to produce the

    ,R, which descri!es the complete complex !eha&ior of

    the proposed software4s forces the other to identif" the

    re5uirements #

    0ence the main ad&antages are7

    +n ,R, esta!lish the !asis for agreement !etween

    the client and supplier on what the software product

    will do#

    +n ,R, pro&ides a reference for &alidation of the

    final product #

    + high 5ualit" ,R, is a pre-re5uisite to high-5ualit"


    + high 5ualit" ,R, reduces the de&elopment cost#


    =ront end- &!#net

    3ack end- :,-+ccess

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    Chapter - @

    D ,I NIN

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    The most creati&e and challenging phase of the s"stem

    de&elopment life c"cle is s"stem design # The term

    design descri!es a final s"stem and the process !"

    which it is de&eloped i#e# we ha&e mo&ed from logical to

    ph"sical aspect of life c"cle the ke" 5uestion in case of

    designing is

    F0ow the pro!lem should !e sol&ed(G

    The first step is to determine how the output is to

    produced and in what format# ,amples of input and output

    are also presented# The second step is

    input data and the master files ha&e to !e designed to

    meet the re5uirement of the and an impact of the s"stem

    on the organi'ation are document and e&aluated !" the

    management #

    + lot of factor are taken into consideration while

    preparing a good s"stem design which includes

    performance anal"sis securit" and control s"stem

    protot"ping designing user interface design

    documentation and re&iews etc# In the context of

    present pro$ect great care and attention has !een

    pro&ided to ensure proper securit" password ha&e !een

    use to restrict access onl" to the authori'ed user #

    :oreo&er In order to make the software eas" to use a- 22 -

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    user interface that is &er" much user friendl" has !een

    used with a lot of useful tips displa"ed while feeding and

    retrie&ing information#

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    Chapter - J

    D+T+ =;O%

    DI+ R+:,

    - 24 -

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    D#t# 0*o8 Di#"r#m ;D0D<

    Data =low Diagram is another tool use to descri!e thedesign specification# It is also a

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    +ll external files should alwa"s !e shown in the

    D=D as la!eled straight line#

    The need for multiple dataflow !" the process is

    represented !" KH4 !etween the dataflow# ,imilarl"

    the Kor4 relationship is represented !" KL4 !etween

    the data flows#D=D should not represent procedural information#

    ,o while drawing a D=D#

    One must not in&ol&e in the procedural details#

    - 26 -

    $n )"en *ectan'#e +sed to describe thestora'e of database

    $rro! +sed to shoe the f#o! of Data . $D,D can be dra!n from to" to bottom orfrom #eft to ri'ht .

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  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc


    Chapter -

    ,N+< ,0OT,

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    ADD =Upd#te Bu' 0#re SCREEN

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    Ne8 Boo6i$" S+ree$

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    Ti+6et !ri$t

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  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc


    A** Route' Report

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  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc


    Chapter - B

    D )O

  • 8/17/2019 Project Report HRTC Reservation System.doc



    :, +ccess is a Relational Data 3ase :anagement

    ,"stem# In :, +ccess has much ad&antage o&er other

    D3:,# The user can create Ta!le and store related data

    in it# :, access pro&ides eas" wa" to create ta!les we

    can create ta!les in design mode or !" using the in !uild

    %i'ards# User can also create form la"out in :, +ccess#

    To create ta!le in :, +ccess follows These ,teps#

    12 ,tart :, +ccess form ,tart -M 2 :, +ccess +sk 9ou to sa&e the data!ase name in

    specified location# T"pe the file name in file sa&e dialog!ox and click sa&e !utton#

    ?2 :, +ccess opens a ta!le design window in which "ou

    can design the ta!le !" using design &iew of !" using


    2 ,elect Create Ta!le in Design )iew to open design

    ta!le windows

    @2 0ere "ou can t"pe the field name specif" the data t"pe

    and the si'e of the fields# This window also allows the

    user to define the different constraints like

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    J2 ,elect sa&e !utton in tool !ar to sa&e the ta!le !"

    gi&ing a suita!le name#

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    To #tt#+2 t2e MS A++e'' 8it2 Vi'u#* B#'i+ t2e t2ree

    m#>or too*' #re 8ide*( u'ed

    12 The Data Control

    82 The Data +ccess O!$ect D+O2

    >2 The +cti&e Data O!$ect +DO2

    D#t# Co$tro*

    %ith data control we can access data!ase without an"

    programming# %e can set to propert" of data control i#e#

    Data!ase name to data!ase and Record ,ource to ta!le

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    name# %e can displa" the data in regular controls like

    text!oxes etc#

    T2e D#t# A++e'' O1>e+t

    The Data +ccess O!$ect is a structure of o!$ect s for

    accessing data!ase through )3 code# +ll the function of

    Data Control a&aila!le in )3 Code#

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    Re+ord Set'

    Record ,ets are the o!$ects that represent collection of

    records from one or more ta!les# In data!ase

    programming Record ,ets are e5ui&alent of a &aria!le in

    regular programming# %e can access a ta!le director" &ia

    a Record ,et O!$ect# + Record ,et is constructed of

    columns and rows and is similar to a ta!le !ut it can

    contain data from multiple ta!les# The Record ,et work

    like a !ridge !etween the )isual 3asic and The Data!ase#

    T2ere #re t2ree t(pe' o3 Re+ord Set'

    12 D($#Set' which are updatea!le &iews of data

    82 S$#p'2ot'. which are static read-onl"2 &iews of data

    >2 T#1*e'. %hich are direct &iews of ta!les#

    To Co$$e+t) ;Emp*e'<

    D#t#1#'e N#me) INSSTITUTE

    T#1*e N#me ) 0EE

    • ,tart )3 DOT N T select #@ O!$ect ;i!rar"#

    - 46 -

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    • In the general section of the form declare

    two &aria!les like#

    Dim D! as Data!ase

    Dim R, as Record ,ource TA connect follow this code7

    ,et d! open data!ase Fc7 a!c insstitute#md!G2

    ,et rs d!#OpenRecord,et F,elect H from feeG2

    Now !" using rs o!$ect we can access each fields of the

    room ta!le#

    T2e S9% St#teme$t'

    The ,P; statements are used to extract data from a

    data!ase# ,P; statements are !asicall" Record ,et

    definitions# %ith ,P; statements we can extract data from

    multiple ta!le at a gi&en time# %e can make 5uer" su!

    5uer" with ,P; statements# The ,P; ,tatements are

    !eginning with the , ; CT statement#

    - 47 -

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    Chapter - 1A

    )3# N T

    - 48 -

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    :2#t i' NET?

    #N T represents an entire range of technologies and

    concepts that form a platform on which "ou can de&elop

    applications# )isual 3asic #N T does ha&e an actual

    &ersion num!er J#A / the num!er $ust isn4t used often#

    Qust as windows 8AAA is reall" %indows NT &ersion #A

    the simpler or catchier name will generall" !e the one

    commonl" used# Don4t expect to hear )isual 3asic J#Aoften though. there was e&en a cash penalt" inside

    :icrosoft for referring to windows 8AAA as NT #A# #N T is

    a la"er that exists !eneath "our programs and pro&ides a

    set of !ase ser&ices and functions# This la"er contains a

    set of applications and operating s"stems called the #N T

    ser&ers. a foundation set of o!$ects called #N T

    framework and a set of ser&ices that support all the #N T

    languages called the Common ;anguage Runtime

    C;R2# #N T is more than $ust one thing. it is a collection

    of software and concepts that work together to ena!le the

    creation of !usiness solutions#

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    NET Ser4er'

    + ma$or goal of the #N T concept is to decrease the

    !uilding of distri!uted s"stem in which the work is done in

    se&eral different locations# =or the most part these t"pes

    of s"stems do their work on the !ack end at the ser&er

    le&el :icrosoft pro&ides a set of ,oftware products that

    together are known as the #N T nterprise ser&ers# The"

    are designed to suppl" the !ack end features needed !"

    a distri!uted s"stem# These products includeThe ser&er operating s"stem :icrosoft %indows

    Clustering and load !alancing software such as

    :icrosoft +pp Center and :icrosoft cluster ser&er#

    + data!ase ser&er :icrosoft ,P; ser&er

    +n e-mail colla!oration and free-form information storage

    ,"stem :icrosoft xchange ,er&er + data-transformation engine !ased around :; called

    :icrosoft 3i' Talk ,er&er

    + ser&er for accessing legac" s"stems such as +,6?AAs called

    0ost Integration ser&er

    +nd moreS##

    Together these ser&ers suppl" !ase ser&ices to #N Tapplications forming the foundation of s"stems#

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    NET 0r#me8or6

    In the mo&e to )isual 3asic #N T man" things ha&echanged radicall". one of them is the de&elopment of a new

    foundation to all the #N T de&eloApment tools# This

    foundation known as the #N T framework pro&ides two ke"

    things7 the !ase runtime en&ironment and a set of foundation

    classes# The runtime en&ironment is similar to the operating

    s"stem in that it pro&ides a la"er !etween "our program and

    the complexities of the rest of the s"stem performing ser&ices

    for "our application and simplif"ing access to the functionalit"

    of the lower la"ers# The foundation classes pro&ide a large set

    of functionalit" wrapping and a!straction such technologies

    as Internet protocols file s"stem access :; manipulation

    and more# The #N T framework is similar in man" wa"s to the

    operating s"stem and it pro&ides its own set of +

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    Chapter - 11

    T ,TIN

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    No program or s"stem design is perfect. the

    communication !etween the user and the designer

    is not alwa"s clear and time is usuall" short# The

    result is errors and more errors# ,o !efore

    implementing the s"stem it should !e first tested# It

    is tedious !ut necessar" step in s"stem

    de&elopment# There are &arious testing techni5ues

    which are discussed !elow with the information

    that how the" are applied to present s"stem# The

    testing of software is done module wise#


    ,oftware &alidation is achie&ed through a series of

    !lack-!ox tests that demonstrate conformit" with

    re5uirements# + test plan outlines the classes of tests to

    !e conducted and a test procedure defines specific test

    cases that will !e used to demonstrate conformit" with


    +fter each &alidation test case has !een conducted one

    of two possi!le conditions exists7

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    12 The function or performance characteristics conform

    to specification and are accepted


    82 + de&iation from specification is unco&ered and adeficienc" list is created#


    +n important element of the &alidation process is a

    configuration re&iew# The intent of the re&iew is to ensure

    that all elements of the software configuration ha&e !een

    properl" de&eloped are cataloged and ha&e the

    necessar" detail to !olster the support phase of the

    software life c"cle# The configuration re&iew sometimes

    called an audit#


    If software is de&eloped as a product to !e used !"

    man" customers it is I impractical to perform formal

    acceptance test with each one# :ost software product

    !uilders use a process called alpha and !eta testing

    unco&er errors that onl" the end-user seems a!le to find#

    + customer conducts the +lpha test at de&eloper4s site#

    The software is used in a natural setting with the

    de&eloper Flooking o&er the shoulderF of the user and

    recording errors and usage pro!lems# +lpha tests areconducted in a controlled en&ironment#

    The 3eta test is conducted at one or more customer sites

    !" the end-user of the software# Unlike alpha testing the

    de&eloper is generall" not present# Therefore the !eta

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    test is a li&e application of the software in an en&ironment

    that cannot !e controlled !" the de&eloper# The customer

    records all pro!lems real or imagined2 that are

    encountered during !eta tasting and reports these to thede&eloper at regular inter&al

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    Chapter - 18


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    + crucial phase in the s"stem life c"cle is the

    successful implementation of the new s"stem designed#

    Implementation includes all those acti&ities that take place

    to con&ert from the old s"stem to the new one# The new

    s"stem ma" !e completel" new replacing an existing

    manual or automated s"stem or it ma" !e ma$or

    modification to an existing s"stem# In either case proper

    implementation !ecomes necessar" so that relia!les"stem !ased on the re5uirements of the organi'ation

    can !e pro&ided#

    Implementation includes7

    • Training of personnel

    • Con&ersion procedures

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    The high 5ualit" training is an essential step in

    s"stems implementation# 0ence to pro&ide the training topersonnel the" ha&e !een pro&ided user manuals# The"

    are asked to read it carefull" and same thing tr"

    practicall" on computer# If the" don4t understand an"

    thing can ask without an" hesitation# The" are asked to

    enter the data which is more fre5uentl" entered and print

    the reports are fre5uentl" printed# Users are told a!out

    those situations which he must understand and he

    should a!le to handle it#


    The direct con&ersion method is applied# This

    method con&erts from old to the new s"stem a!ruptl"# The

    old s"stem is used till a planned con&ersion da"# The

    organi'ation relies full" on the new s"stem#

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    Chapter - 1>

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    +fter the s"stem is implemented and con&ersion is

    complete a re&iew is conducted to determine whether

    s"stem is meeting expectations and where impro&ements

    are needed# + post implementation re&iew measures the

    s"stems performance against pre-determined

    re5uirements# It determines how well the s"stem

    continues to meet performance specifications# It also

    pro&ides information to determine whether ma$or re-

    design or modification is re5uired# In e&aluation s"stem is

    checked against the pre- determined re5uirements# +ll

    the re5uirements ha&e !een full" attained# %here

    there was an" mistake that had handled throughs"stem life c"cle#

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    Re&iew area o!$ecti&es operating costs

    actual operating performance and


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    Chapter - 1?



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    The last part of s"stem de&elopment life c"cle

    is s"stem maintenance which is actuall" the

    implementation of the post-implementation plan#


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    1# ,"stem +nal"sis and Design 39 lias
