project report, 2013

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Responsive project report


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Responsive. Project Report.

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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

Relish Bar & Grill - In House TV Advertisements


Relish is where I hold down my part-time

job and for some time now I’ve noticed how

this busy restaurant’s quality was not being

reflected through it’s design & branding.

After some discussion with the owner, I

managed to persuade him to let me create

some striking adverts for the televisions which

hang on the walls in the restaurant. He had

previously complained about the current

images not having enough impact and I saw

this as an opportunity for perhaps on going

design work for his business.

I’ve started with this example because after

showing him the TV adverts he had gained

enough confidence in my skills to allow me

to work on a re-design of the food, cocktail

& dessert menu. It was an interesting self-

initiated process that allowed me to get more

interesting work by going out of my way to do

some smaller jobs first.

Creating images for screen means you can

achieve some extremely vivid colours. Also

because the images are shown in a slide show

of around 20 secs per slide, it means you need

to get your message across immediately, the

viewer has no control over the format, it is not

tactile and cannot be studied or manipulated.

One of the main positives to take away from

this is that if you don’t ask you don’t get,

knowing someone who needs work should

never be a chance missed.

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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

Relish Bar & Grill - Food Menu


Following on from the TV advertisements, I

started work on a new food menu. Designing

for restaurants is something I believe is

generally highly regarded in the branding

industry, obviously depending on the quality of

the restaurant in hand.

I had many constraints from the client but it

was refreshing to be working on something

real which will be produced and used on a

commercial level.

I mentioned the constraints put on me by the

client, it meant the menu stock and format was

already pretty much set in stone as it needed

to be waterproof so it can be wiped down

and also a single DPS to keep things straight

forward. It was still good practice with working

to client restrictions and guidelines, learning

to compromise your creative visions seems

inevitable in this industry and it’s been a good

stepping stone into accepting that. I would

of liked to let rip creatively on this of course,

but when it’s live with a real budget this isn’t

necessarily possible.

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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

Relish Bar & Grill - Cocktail Menu


After setting a basic style with the food menu,

the cocktail menu needed to fall into this. This

was easier said then done because of me

getting some different instructions from the

bar manager of how he’d like the cocktail menu

to look, simplified he wanted it to be colourful.

I decided to compromise by keeping it in the

same type family and half tone image style

with a more colourful background on the inner


How a client can ask for two very different

things on the same project and how as a

designer you have to find a suitable solution to

this, keeping both you and the client happy.

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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

YCN 2013 - Bacardi


The brief looked interesting and also like quite

a challenge. It also was to do with something

(alcohol) that I’ve worked with for a long time,

as well as being a rum drinker myself and in the

target audience.

It also gave you a lot of creative freedom and

allowed you to answer the brief in any means

and method you saw fit.

It was a frustrating process to be honest. I

came up with a pretty strong concept and

failed to deliver on it because of poor time

management and lack of commitment to the

brief. I took from it though a good sense of

failure, and how to avoid this in future. The only

shame was a waste of a potentially winning

concept if I had of executed it properly. I had

some interesting ambient ideas and sound

installation pieces which I’d like to use as a

medium for another brief if suitable.

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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

Taitech Logistics - Logo


Quick turnaround competition brief for a

computer logistics company. Decided to do it

in half an hour to push myself into swift logo


It’s refreshing doing for one a logo, because I

never generally opt to do one, and two doing

something so quick without any real prior

research. Simply taking a brief, analysing

it quickly, and going with your gut instinct


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Joel Burden

Level 05 BAGD

503 Project Report

Reason for Choice_ Experience Gained_

D&AD 2013 - Ted Baker

Collaborative - Competition

In the end I believe me and Ross chose the Ted

Baker brief as we both found it compelling,

with plenty of scope and it allowed us to be

extremely concept heavy.

We also liked the feel of the brand itself and it

gave us a chance to really push ourselves.

One of the best briefs I’ve ever done. We both

really dedicated ourselves to this project and

I think it shows from the level of quality in the


As a collaborative I think we worked extremely

well together and played at each others

strengths and shared ideals.

In terms of the brief itself we payed extra care

in order to fully answer it’s set problem. We

constantly refered back to it during all stages

of the project to ensure we were not losing

sight of it.

Process wise we really pushed ourselves, in

the end working the idea across photography,

installation, 4D advertising, 3D craft, model

making among other things, with both of

us taking on the roles of art director and

copywriters. Though we had specified who

would do which in the contract, it became an

real joint effort with both parties contributing

and building on an initial concept and range.

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What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?_

What approaches to/methods of design pro-duction have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?_

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?_

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?_


It’s been one of the best modules of the course

so far as it gave me a real sense of working

towards a real brief and the way to break

them down correctly so you don’t end up

chasing the wrong idea. Really deciphering the

clients wants has been crucial to this module

and something I hadn’t truly understood

before hand. Collaboration has been another

important skill improved on this brief for me,

but it’s one of the only ones where we’ve

chosen partners on a mutual respect and it

meant we worked together professionally,

allowing each other to contribute without

shutting either party out.

Certain projects I have approached in a

completely different way then I would of

previously. I am coming much more concerned

with the idea and how new processes can

propel that. The Ted Baker brief used so many

different methods in order to achieve its goal.

It involved photography, models (both human

and miniature), crafting etc. For Bacardi I

carved a logo out of wax and built a case, I

also had plans to print with UV ink and create

a sound installation. Concept driven work is

slowly becoming my focus over things that use

aesthetic qualities to mask something that is

perhaps not saying as much as it should. Again

proper brief breakdown is what helps generate

a fully extensive project and I’ve found myself

producing better and more poignant work is I

keep myself constantly anchored to the brief,

the moment you lose that the moment the

project loses its footing.

I feel that I’ve progressed in parts of this

module and not in others. On the positives I

think in terms of thought process and concept

I am starting to realise things that I wouldn’t of

previously thought of. This I believe has been a

concern in many previous evaluations so I feel I

am making steps in the right direction…finally.

I am also developing a much more professional

working method by using presentation boards

and project reports which help me better

understand and showcase work. The Ted Baker

brief for this module is one of the best I have

ever done in most respects and I think there are

many strengths to been seen throughout that

project, such as collaboration, art direction,

project management etc.

Personally I think there are many weaknesses

again through this project as I suffered from

personal problems near the beginning of it

and found myself playing a constant game of

catch up. Bacardi was a personal low for me

as I didn’t get anywhere near done, which

is bad time management on my part. It was

frustrating because I had big ideas for that

project which mean nothing if you can’t

produce them for the deadline.

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Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?_

How would you grade yourself on the following areas? 1 being poor, 5 being excellent_

- Manage projects better in order to fully realise


- Create more original imagery for layouts to

make my work more unique (something I used

to do but didn’t this time around)

- Blog! I fell really behind with it this time and it

affected my stress levels and progress

- Spend more time on boards to give a more

professional presentation of my work.

- Experiment more! Be more unique in my

approach to push myself further.

Attendance - 3

Punctuality - 4

Motivation - 3

Commitment - 3

Quantity of work produced - 3

Quality of work produced - 4

Contribution to the group - 4

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