project human resource management

Project Human Resource Management Mudassar Saleem 10-SE-138 Syed Haris 10-SE-74 Jahangir Shams 10-SE-144 Muhammad Yousuf 10-SE-18 Muhammad Danial 10-SE-114

Post on 19-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Project human resource management

Project Human Resource Management

Mudassar Saleem 10-SE-138Syed Haris 10-SE-74Jahangir Shams 10-SE-144Muhammad Yousuf 10-SE-18Muhammad Danial 10-SE-114

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Human Resource and Human Resource Management

• Human Resources (HR) is the set of individuals (people) who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy.– "Human Capital" is sometimes used synonymously with

human resources, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization.

• Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

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Project Human Resource Management

• Include the process that organize, manage, and lead the project team.

• Making the most effective use of the people involved with a project.

• Early involvement and participation of team members benefits:– add their expertise during the planning process – strengthens their commitment

• Tips: Understand clearly the role and responsibilities of Project Sponsor/Initiator, the team, stakeholders, functional manager, PM, portfolio manager, program manager

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Project Human Resource Management:Processes

Knowledge Area


Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Contol Closing


Develop Human Resource Plan

Acquire Project TeamDevelop Project TeamManage Project Team

Enter phase/Start project

Exit phase/End project





Monitoring &Controlling Processes

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Project Human Resource Management:Processes

• Processes include:– Human Resource Planning: Identifying and documenting

project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships.– Acquiring The Project Team: Getting the needed personnel

assigned to and working on the project.– Developing The Project Team: Building individual and group

skills to enhance project performance.– Managing The Project Team: Tracking team member

performance, motivating team members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, and coordinating changes to help enhance project performance.

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Keys to Managing People

• Psychologists and management theorists have devoted much research and thought to the field of managing people at work.

• Important areas related to project management include:

– Motivation theories

– Influence and power

– Effectiveness

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• Intrinsic motivation causes people to participate in an activity for their own enjoyment.

• Extrinsic motivation causes people to do something for a reward or to avoid a penalty.

• For example, some children take piano lessons for intrinsic motivation (they enjoy it) while others take them for extrinsic motivation (to get a reward or avoid punishment).

Motivation Theory: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

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• Abraham Maslow argued that human beings possess unique qualities that enable them to make independent choices, thus giving them control of their destiny.

• Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs, which states that people’s behaviors are guided or motivated by a sequence of needs.

Motivation Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Motivation Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Image source:

Basic Needs

Higher Level of Needs

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• Frederick Herzberg wrote several famous books and articles about worker motivation. He distinguished between:– Motivational factors: Achievement, recognition, the work

itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. These factors produce job satisfaction.

– Hygiene factors: Larger salaries, more supervision, and a more attractive work environment. These factors cause dissatisfaction if not present, but do not motivate workers to do more.

Motivation Theory: Herzberg’s Motivational and Hygiene Factors

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Motivation Theory: Two Factors Theory

• Herzberg’s Theory– Job dissatisfaction due to lack of hygiene factors– Job satisfaction due to motivation factors

Hygiene Factors

- Working condition- Salary- Personal life- Relationship at work- Security- Status

Motivation Factors

- Responsibility- Self actualization- Professional growth- Recognition

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Motivation Theory: Acquired Needs Theory

• David McClelland’s Theory People are motivated by one of the three needs

Needs Behavioral Style

Achievement (N-Ach)

These people should be given projects that are challenging but are reachable

They like recognition

Affiliation (N-Affil)

These people work best when cooperating with others

They seek approval rather than recognition

Power (N-Pow)

People whose need for power is socially oriented, should be allowed to manager others

These people like to organize and influence others

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Motivation Theory: McGregor’s X & Y Theory

• Theory X– People tends to be negative, passive e.g.

incapable, avoid responsibility, need to be watched

– Extrinsic Motivation

• Theory Y– People tends to be positive e.g. want to achieve, willing to

work without supervision, can direct their own effort– Intrinsic Motivation

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• Power is the potential ability to influence behavior to get people to do things they would not otherwise do.

• Types of power include:

– Coercive power

– Legitimate power

– Expert power

– Reward power

– Referent power


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• Project managers can apply Covey’s seven habits to improve effectiveness on projects.– Be proactive.– Begin with the end in mind.– Put first things first.– Think win/win.– Seek first to understand, then to be understood.– Synergize.– Sharpen the saw.

Improving Effectiveness: Covey’s Seven Habits

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1. Develop Human Resource Plan• The process of identifying and documenting project roles,

responsibilities, and required skills, reporting relationships and creating a staffing management plan.


1. Activity resource requirements

2. Enterprise environmental factors

3. Organizational process assets

Tools & Techniques

1. Organization charts and position descriptions

2. Networking3. Organizational theory


1. Human resource plan


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• Teams are used throughout software production– Especially during implementation

• Two extreme approaches to team organization– Democratic teams (Weinberg, 1971)– Chief programmer teams (Brooks, 1971; Baker, 1972)

Team Organization

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Democratic Team Approach

• Basic underlying concept—egoless programming• Egoless programming

– Restructure the social environment– Restructure programmers’ values– Encourage team members to find faults in code– A fault must be considered a normal and accepted event– The team as whole will develop an ethos, group identity– Modules will “belong” to the team as whole– A group of up to 10 egoless programmers constitutes a

democratic team

Team Organization

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Democratic Team Approach

Team Organization

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Chief Programmer Teams

• Problem with democratic teams is communication.• Consider a 6-person team

– Fifteen 2-person communication channels– The total number of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-person groups is 57– The team cannot do 6 person-months of work in 1 month

Team Organization

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Chief Programmer Teams

Team Organization

• Six programmers, but now only 5 lines of communication

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Chief Programmer Teams

• Two key aspects– Specialization– Hierarchy

• Chief programmer is personally responsible for every line of code. – He/she must therefore be present at reviews

• Chief programmer is also team manager, – He/she must therefore not be present at reviews!

Team Organization

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Democratic Centralized Team

Team Organization

• Solution– Reduce the managerial role of the chief programmer

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Democratic Centralized Team

• It is easier to find a team leader than a chief programmer• Each employee is responsible to exactly one manager—lines

of responsibility are clearly delineated• Team leader is responsible for only technical management• Budgetary and legal issues, and performance appraisal are not

handled by the team leader• Team leader participates in reviews—the team manager is not

permitted to do so• Team manager participates at regular team meetings to

appraise the technical skills of the team members

Team Organization

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Democratic Centralized Team for Large Project

Team Organization

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Democratic Centralized Team for Large Project

Team Organization

• Decentralize the decision-making process where appropriate

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Organization Chart & Position Desc. (Tools & Techniques)

• Ensure that each work package has an unambiguous owner.• All team members have a clear understanding of their roles and

responsibility.• Types of R&R:

– Hierarchical e.g. Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)– Matrix e.g. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) e.g. RACI (responsible,

accountable, consult, inform)– Text-oriented

Activity Role-1 Role-2 Role-3 Role-4

Aaaaaa R R C I

Bbbbb R A I

Ccccc R A C I

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Sample Organizational Chart for a Large IT Project

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Work Definition and Assignment Process

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• A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a matrix that maps the work of the project, as described in the WBS, to the people responsible for performing the work, as described in the OBS.

• Can be created in different ways to meet unique project needs.

Responsibility Assignment Matrixes

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Sample: Responsibility Assignment Matrixes (RAM)

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RAM Showing Stakeholder Roles

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Sample RACI Chart

R = Responsibility, only one R per taskA = AccountabilityC = ConsultationI = Informed

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Staffing Management Plans and Resource Histograms

• A Staffing Management Plan describes when and how people will be added to and taken off the project team.

• A Resource Histogram is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time.

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Sample Resource Histogram

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Human Resource Plan (Output)

HR plan includes(but not limited to)1. Roles and responsibilities

• Role• Authority• Responsibility• Competency

2. Project Organization Chart3. Staffing Management Plan

• Staff Acquisition• Resource calendars• Staff release plan • Training needs• Recognition and rewards• Compliance, Safety.

• Resource HistogramBar chart shows number of resource used per time period

This is an output of Acquire Project Team process

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2. Acquire Project Team• The process of confirming human resource availability and

obtain the team necessary to complete project assignments.


1. Project management plan

2. Enterprise environmental factors

3. Organizational process assets

Tools & Techniques

1. Pre-assignment2. Negotiation3. Acquisition4. Virtual teams


1. Project staff assignment2. Resource calendars3. Project management

plan updates

Read as “Acquire final project team.”

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• Acquiring qualified people for teams is crucial.• The project manager who is the smartest person on the team

has done a poor job of recruiting!• Staffing plans and good hiring procedures are important, as

are incentives for recruiting and retention.– Some companies give their employees one dollar for every

hour that a new person who they helped hire works.– Some organizations allow people to work from home as an


2. Acquire Project Team

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• They feel they do not make a difference.

• They do not get proper recognition.

• They are not learning anything new or growing as a person.

• They do not like their coworkers.

• They want to earn more money.

Why People Leave Their Jobs

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Resource Assignment

• Pre-Assignment– Resources who are assigned in advance

• Negotiation– For gaining resources within the organization or external

vendors, suppliers, contractors, etc (in contract situation)• Acquisition

– Acquiring/hiring from outside resources (outsource)• Virtual teams

– Think the possibilities of having group of people even little or no time spent to meet face to face.

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1) Subtract the smallest number in each row from every number in that row• subtract the smallest number in each column from every

number in that column2) Draw the minimum number of vertical and horizontal straight

lines necessary to cover zeros in the table• if the number of lines equals the number of rows or

columns, then one can make an optimal assignment (step 4)

Resource Assignment

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3) If the number of lines does not equal the number of rows or columns• subtract the smallest number not covered by a line from

every other uncovered number• add the same number to any number lying at the

intersection of any two lines• return to step 2

4) Make optimal assignments at locations of zeros within the table

Resource Assignment

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Resource Assignment Case

Person Activity Group


สุ�ชาติ� 18 10 15 12

ประวั�ติ� 15 13 10 11

กิ�ติติ� 16 8 16 13


14 11 12 9

LetA, E, H Activity Group IB, C Activity Group IID, F, G Activity Group IIII, J Activity Group IV

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Resource Assignment Case: Step 1Person Activity Group


สุ�ชาติ� 18 10 15 12

ประวั�ติ� 15 13 10 11

กิ�ติติ� 16 8 16 13

สุ�วัรรณี� 14 11 12 9


Activity Group



8 0 5 2


5 3 0 1

กิ�ติติ� 8 0 8 5


5 2 3 0


Activity Group



3 0 5 2


0 3 0 1

กิ�ติติ� 3 0 8 5


0 2 3 0

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Resource Assignment Case: Step 2

Person Activity Group


สุ�ชาติ� 3 0 5

ประวั�ติ� 0 3 0 1

กิ�ติติ� 3 0 8 5


0 2 3 0

2 rows and 3 columns => go to step 3

smallest uncovered number

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Resource Assignment Case: Step 3

Person Activity Group


สุ�ชาติ� 1 0 3 0

ประวั�ติ� 0 5 0 1

กิ�ติติ� 1 0 6 3


0 4 3 0

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Resource Assignment Case: Step 4

Person Activity GroupI II III IV

สุ�ชาติ� 18 10 15 12

ประวั�ติ� 15 13 10 11

กิ�ติติ� 16 8 16 13


14 11 12 9

Activity Group


1 0 3 0

ประวั�ติ� 0 5 0 1

1 0 6 3

0 4 3 0




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Final Assignment

กิ�ติติ� Activity Group II 8สุ�ชาติ� Activity Group IV 12สุ�วัรรณี� Activity Group I 14ประวั�ติ� Activity Group III 10


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3. Develop Project Team• The process of improving the competencies, team interaction,

and the overall team environment to enhance project performance.


1. Project staff assignment2. Project management

plan3. Resource calendar

Tools & Techniques

1. Interpersonal skills2. Training3. Team-building activities4. Ground rules5. Co-location6. Recognition and



1. Team performance assessments

2. Enterprise environmental factors updates


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• The main goal of team development is to help people work together more effectively to improve project performance.

• It takes teamwork to successfully complete most projects.

3. Develop Project Team

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Team Building Activities (Tools & Techniques)

Tuckman’s stage of team formation and development:1. FORMING

– The team meets and learns about the project and what their roles and responsibilities.2. STORMING

– Address the project work, technical decisions and the project management approach. Conflict/disagreement may occurs.

3. NORMING– Work together and adjust work habits and behavior that support the team.

4. PERFORMING– Being a well-organized unit

5. ADJOURNING– Team completes the work and move on from the project.

Ground Rules..will establish clear expectation regarding acceptable behavior by project team


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Tuckman Model of Team Development

• Forming involves the introduction of team members.• Storming occurs as team members have different opinions as

to how the team should operate. People test each other, and there is often conflict within the team.

• Norming is achieved when team members have developed a common working method, and cooperation and collaboration replace the conflict and mistrust of the previous phase.

• Performing occurs when the emphasis is on reaching the team goals, rather than working on team process. Relationships are settled, and team members are likely to build loyalty towards each other. The team is able to manage tasks that are more complex and cope with greater change.

• Adjourning involves the break-up of the team after they successfully reach their goals and complete the work.

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• Training can help people understand themselves and each other, and understand how to work better in teams.

• Team building activities include:

– Physical challenges

– Psychological preference indicator tools

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

• MBTI is a popular tool for determining personality preferences and helping teammates understand each other.

• Four dimensions include:– Extrovert/Introvert (E/I)– Sensation/Intuition (S/N)– Thinking/Feeling (T/F)– Judgment/Perception (J/P)

• NTs, or rationals, are attracted to technology fields.• IT people vary most from the general population in their

tendency to not be extroverted or sensing.

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Wideman and Shenhar’s Views on MBTI& Project Management*

• Most suited for project leadership:– 100 percent: INTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ– 50 percent: INTP, ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ

• Best suited as followers:– 100 percent: INFJ, ISFJ– 50 percent: INTP, ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ, ESFJ

• Not suited for project work:– 100 percent: INFP, ISFP, ESFP, ISTP– 50 percent: ENFP, ESTP

*Wideman, R. Max and Aaron J. Shenhar, “Professional and Personal Development: A Practical Approach to Education and Training,” Project Management for Business Professionals, edited by Joan Knutson, 2001, p. 375.

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MBTI and Suitability to Project Work*

*Wideman, R. Max. “Project Teamwork, Personality Profiles and the Population at Large: Do wehave enough of the right kind of people?” ( ).

What do you think about these views?

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Social Styles Profile

• People are perceived as behaving primarily in one of four zones, based on their assertiveness and responsiveness:– Drivers– Expressives– Analyticals– Amiables

• People on opposite corners (drivers and amiables, analyticals and expressives) may have difficulty getting along.

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Social Styles

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Reward and Recognition Systems

• Team-based reward and recognition systems can promote teamwork.

• Focus on rewarding teams for achieving specific goals.

• Allow time for team members to mentor and help each other to meet project goals and develop human resources.

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Reward and Recognition Systems

• Team-based reward and recognition systems can promote teamwork.

• Focus on rewarding teams for achieving specific goals.

• Allow time for team members to mentor and help each other to meet project goals and develop human resources.

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Develop Project Team (Tools & Techniques)

• Interpersonal skills (soft skills)• Training

– Can be formal (classroom, online) or non-formal (on-job training, mentoring, coaching)

• Ground rules – Guidelines that establish clear expectation regarding acceptable behavior by

teams– Discussion to create it by all team members

• Co-location– Placing many or all the most active team members in the same physical

location– Can be temporary for strategy to enhance communication & build sense of

community• Recognition & reward

– It will only be effective if it is satisfies/valued by individual.– Plans concerning how to do it are developed during Develop Human

Resource Plan.

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4. Manage Project Team• The process of tracking team member performance, providing

feedback, resolving issues, and managing changes to optimize project performance.


1. Project staff assignments

2. Project management plan

3. Team performance assessments

4. Performance reports5. Organizational process


Tools & Techniques

1. Observation and conversation

2. Project performance appraisals

3. Conflict management4. Issue log5. Interpersonal skills


1. Enterprise environmental factors updates

2. Organizational process assets updates

3. Change requests4. Project management

plan updates


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• Project managers must lead their teams in performing various project activities.

• After assessing team performance and related information, the project manager must decide:

– If changes should be requested to the project.

– If corrective or preventive actions should be recommended.

– If updates are needed to the project management plan or organizational process assets.

4. Manage Project Team

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• Observation and conversation

• Project performance appraisals

• Conflict management

• Issue logs

Tools and Techniques for Managing Project Teams

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• Be patient and kind with your team.

• Fix the problem instead of blaming people.

• Establish regular, effective meetings.

• Allow time for teams to go through the basic team-building stages.

• Limit the size of work teams to three to seven members.

General Advice on Teams

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• Plan some social activities to help project team members and other stakeholders get to know each other better.

• Stress team identity.

• Nurture team members and encourage them to help each other.

• Take additional actions to work with virtual team members.

General Advice on Teams

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• Software can help produce RAMS and resource histograms.

• By using project management software for human resource management, you can:

– Assign resources.

– Identify potential resource shortages or underutilization.

– Level resources.

Using Software to Assist in Human Resource Management

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• Project managers must:

– Treat people with consideration and respect.

– Understand what motivates people.

– Communicate carefully with people.

• Focus on your goal of enabling project team members to deliver their best work.

Project Resource Management Involves Much More Than Using Software

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• Project human resource management includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with a project.

• Main processes include:

– Human resource planning

– Acquiring the project team

– Developing the project team

– Managing the project team


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