progression update 7


Upload: anishaalice

Post on 23-Jan-2017




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We have now reached the point where we have collected and filmed all content we need for our documentary. We

are all pleased with the outcome and excited to start editing and putting together our footage to create the

actual documentary. In today’s lesson our teacher explained what we were going to do in the lesson and with the help of Richard

(our technician) they showed us ways to edit our footage on the MACS using a software called Premiere.

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On the software Premiere, we were first shown how to upload different filming shots onto the timeline. Once we had inserted a

scene from our footage we then had the chance to edit it in different ways. We learnt how to use different effects on our filming, like

changing the brightness and colour of a scene, we wanted to use this in some parts of our documentary as some locations appeared quite

dull on the screen. We found out how to add text onto shots, which will come in handy

when we come to edit our interview scenes as we will want to include the interviewee names and status. The fade in and out effect was also

learnt in our lesson which liked and chose to use as it made the transition of scenes a lot more smoother.

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Once Richard had demonstrated the different parts of using Premiere, we then started to create the actual introduction to our documentary.

We chose a text at the start to introduce the documentary title and then, using our storyboard we started inserted the clips we needed for our first scene-

voxpops of students defining gender equality. We used the fade in and out effect to change from the start text to the voxpops.

A scene was then inserted of me, Niamh and Anneliese talking to the camera, stating what gender equality actually is. We had trouble with this scene as the

volume was really quiet, however we managed to find a solution to this in effects and the volume was made louder to match the previous scene.

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At the end of the lesson we all started focusing on different points as we realised we could be using our time more wisely as not all of needed to be

working on editing the introduction. Anneliese carried on using Premiere to edit the

intro. I went on our blog to make sure everything was up to date and all the times and dates were correct. I also checked each blogpost had the correct title

e.g. research or planning, as this helped in organising our blog posts. There were a few blog posts that needed editing and finishing so I also

made sure to finish these. Niamh was on video log sheets, she logged down

shots we had filmed from the previous lesson, writing the lengths of each shots, the type of shot

and any extra information needed.